Joining in Group Prayer - Energetic Synthesis

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Joining in Group Prayer

Beloved Holy presence of God, I pray
with all of my krystal heart for all
angelic humans and all living beings
and creatures to be freed from
enslavement and harm, free to
develop naturally and enjoy the
creative life expression as God
intended for humanity, free from the
inorganic reversals, alien machinery
and the anti-life inversions of the Natural Laws of God.

I do not consent to the use of alien machines,

nanotechnology, parasites, implants or any other type of
infectious disease, infectious technology, harmful
chemicals and substances such as graphene oxide and
heavy metals used as a biological weapon and genocidal
agenda to intentionally damage angelic human DNA, in
the past, present or in the future. I pray to God in the
power of the Holy Spirit of Christos, to nullify and
neutralize any biological and spiritual weapon made
against my human physical body, mind, consciousness,
soul, spirit or avatar Christos.

I do not consent to brain-machine interfaces, cybernetics

or robotic technology and their computer applications or
devices that are intended to be used in any way to track,
alter, torment, attack, abuse infect or harm my body, my
consciousness, my mind, my astral layers, my soul, my
spirit or avatar Christos at any time or place for any
reason. I AM a Child of God, I AM the Eternal God Self,
God-Sovereign Free!

Beloved God, I join my heart with all human krystal hearts

that choose to align with the holy presence to form one
heart, one body, one species, one race, and that in one
voice our krystal heart tone is heard throughout the
omniverses by all Defender Forces of God and Christ that
serve the One, for the liberation, ascension and protection
of the sovereignty of humanity and the Earth.

We set our group intentional field, dedicated to the

Cosmic Sovereign Law of One and that which stewards the
Divine Plan of the Holy presence of God, our Holy Mother
and Holy Father which protects Human Sovereignty and
Unity throughout the omniverses. We are fusing our 
highest intentions with our own energetic integrity within
heart, soul and spirit by committing to serve others in
alignment with the divine plan and will of God’s mission
to support the healing and liberation of the planetary
consciousness fields. We are connecting with our entire
group of One Heart into an Intentional field of group
prayer that is fused with the power of the Universal
Natural Laws and the Intelligence Forces that operate on
the Earth and by interconnecting to the Cosmic
Consciousness of God that is present in our lives. Our
objective is to join together as One and become the pure
light expression of the highest God Source in Oneness and
by holding and embodying the stewardship of which we
have been called to represent for all of humanity, and
correctly align and help to direct that which holds the
future sovereign direction of our entire species and of our
planet. We ask the Divine Progenitors of our angelic
human race, and the Cosmic Intelligences of God to apply
direct divine intervention in our co-creation to lead us to
experience a higher reality system of ascension for our
own liberation and peace, and for the future freedom and
preservation of our planet and all of her kingdoms. As we
come to witness the end of time, we are intending to send
our blessings and heart based influence to the beloved
planetary field with all of our sacred heart, mind, body,
soul and spirit by using our collective consciousness
efforts as directed by our highest group expression as the
Personal Christ and in service to God-Self, One-Self. We
call upon the power of our One Source Light to utilize the
forces of nature in alignment with the Holy Father’s Book
of the Law and Holy Mother’s Book of Eternal Love to
bring forth greater harmony and peace on this beloved
body of the Earth.

As the Christos Avatar and the eternal light of God that I

AM, I choose to represent human freedom in God’s
Sovereign Power on the Earth. I ask that these words and
intentions represent all of those human beings who are
unable to speak and yet whom wish freedom and to live in
peace upon the Earth.

Beloved God, please free humanity of the artificial

timelines of Armageddon, Genocide and Enslavement as
set forth by those enemies of God and Christ. We lovingly
command dominion on this beloved Earth to return to
God’s Natural Laws, the Unity Consciousness and Oneness
that is the highest divine expression of Christos. We
intend to collapse and terminate the destructive artificial
timelines specific to the Artificial Tree of Life and those
phantom timelines enforced by the intruding races with
the purpose to manifest Armageddon, Genocide and
Enslavement of the human race and planet Earth.

For One and for All, we choose the pattern of perfection to

stand in the Eternal Light and represent the full
sovereignty, freedom and perfect peace in service to all
human beings on this planet. As I receive this Gift in God’s
highest authority and in Christ’s name, I will share this
Gift with ALL. All is One with the Light. I AM Unity.

Beloved Father and Mother Creator, Our Families of


We send our heartfelt prayers to our community and to all

of our human family that are feeling scared, feeling pain,
feeling sick, feeling the fear of the unknown during the
end cycle. Our Holy Mother, our true parent in Love,
please return comfort to those in our human family, those
in our spiritual community that are feeling pain or fear in
their body, in their mind, in their emotions or in their
spirit. We ask the Holy Mother to amplify and fortify the

Arc Pillar Gateway in our community as a mass transit
gate for all energies and entities that are being protected
and routed to and through the Krystal Star Guardian Host
protected platforms. We ask Holy Father to please ignite
the true and benevolent Kings of Christ to override the
malintent of the children of the dark ones and to
neutralize the alien menace that serves the False King and
Queen of Tyranny, the Luciferian and Satanic forces.

The public notice is now given and stated: Hear me now,

all Luciferian and Satanic entities and the Anti-Human
collectives - you are now served a permanent and
irrevocable notice of permanent eviction to remove and
clear any impact that is harming my sphere of influence
and consciousness body. The criminally insane self-
appointed overlords of humanity, the corrupt leaders
including the negative alien agenda and its controllers
and minions, any being, entity, Corporation, government,
cult, religion, machines or person aligned in any way with
any of these groups serving genocidal agendas, are
similarly given this permanent and irrevocable notice of
eviction and termination in access to my human
consciousness and body now.

Beloveds in the most gentle and loving way possible,

please restore human freedom and sovereignty to all
human beings on this planet.

Thank you, God.

Thank you, God.

Thank you, God.

As we seal our loving prayer and command in the light of

truth, unity and wholeness, we claim the sovereign right
of all living beings to be restored to all Universal Natural
Laws, in all grid systems, planetary networks and within
the law of structure governing all organizations we have
permission to represent, through the power and authority
of God and within the perfect balance of the masculine
and feminine Christ, united as Christos Sophia.

Through the quantum spaces, through the inner space

time and through the outer space time influence, clear all
memory and influences permanently and completely that
we have permission to represent here today, through our
Guardian project and that which is in divine alignment
with Cosmic Sovereign Law and our spiritual families,
returning the Christos Sophia.

Prayers for the Vaccinated

Beloved Holy Presence of God we intend to multiply our

Krystal prayers for those who are being injected with
harmful materials and are being injected under the guise
and deception of vaccination. We bring forth God
Sovereign Free Blessings for our friends, for family, or
blessings for certain regions and areas who are being
bullied and forced to vaccinate. Whether this is
psychological intimidation or emotional torturing,
they're still being forced to inject harmful materials
through intimidation and disinformation. We ask that our
genuine heart-based Krystal prayers be held for all people
who do not yet see the truth behind this genocidal agenda
being marketed as vaccinations. We pray with all of our
heart that those humans who receive this injectable and
the synthetic nano fibers and its harmful materials, are
protected in God's Eternal Love and Light.

In Mother's Holy Presence we pray that the biochemical

harness programs of the 666 and beast machine
technologies be removed from this injection and all 
related AI devices and structures designed for harmful
genetic modification and spreading of diseases in all
dimensional realities fully, completely, and totally. We
pray to ease the suffering in those who take this injectable
and have injuries and health complications, may these
beloveds find the healing, the spiritual resources and
guidance to become healthy and balanced while held in
their True Mother's Arms.

Beloved God, may those who take this harmful injection

or witness these issues with this agenda find the moral
courage, find the strength to speak up and join together
with others in Truth. We pray with all of our Sacred
Krystal Heart that this pestilence program and its
spiritual bondage and slavery on this planet be fully
eradicated, that all human beings can take back their
sovereign rights as a beloved child of God. May Perfect
Peace of God be with all Truth Tellers. May Perfect Peace
of God be with all Truth Seekers. For it is the time of
spiritual warfare where no outer markers give us direction
forward, only the power of our inner spiritual presence
and dedication to serve God, that which directs us and
guides us accordingly.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, God.

 Category: MyBlog

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"There is nothing more dreadful than the habit of doubt.

Doubt separates people. It is a poison that disintegrates
friendships and breaks up pleasant relations. It is a
thorn that irritates and hurts; it is a sword that
kills." ~Buddha


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