Random Japanese From Random Places
Random Japanese From Random Places
Random Japanese From Random Places
No Smoking; Smoking
喫煙 ー きつえん ー 1. smoking (tobacco)
川沿い - かわぞい - 1. along the river; riverside
標語 - ひょうご - 1. motto; slogan; catchword
カモ - 1. duck
環境 - かんきょう - 1. environment; surroundings; circumstances
五七五 - ごしちご - 1. five-seven-five syllable verse (haiku, senryu, etc.)
異なる - ことなる - 1. to differ; to be different; to disagree; to vary; to diverge
夜型 - よるがた - 1. nocturnal (person)
化石 - かせき - 1. fossil
展示室 - てんじしつ - 1. exhibition room (e.g. museum)
館長 - かんちょう - 1. superintendent; director; curator; chief librarian
展示品 - てんじひん - 1. goods on display; (an) exhibit; exhibition (of goods)
寄贈 - きぞう - 1. donation; presentation; gift
鑑定 - かんてい - 1. judgement; judgment; expert opinion; appraisal
大歓迎 - だいかんげい - 1. big welcome; welcoming greatly; being very welcome
入館料 - にゅうかんりょう - 1. admission fee
お気軽に - おきがるに - please feel free to; do not hesitate to
施設 - しせつ - 1. facility; facilities; institution; establishment
発展 - はってん - 1. development; growth; expansion; extension; flourishing
根性 - こんじょう - 1. willpower; guts; determination; grit; spirit
対抗 - たいこう - 1. opposition; rivalry; competition; antagonism
収納 - しゅうのう - 1. storage; putting away
快適 - かいてき - 1. pleasant; agreeable; comfortable
複数 - ふくすう - 1. plural; multiple
預かり - あずかり - 1. under custody; under supervision
貴重 - きちょう - 1. precious; valuabless
発掘 - はっくつ - 1. excavation; exhumation; digging up; unearthing
検討 - けんとう - 1. consideration; examination; investigation; study; scrutiny;
discussion; analysis; review
復元 - ふくげん - 1. restoration (to the original state or location); reconstruction;
再開 - さいかい - 1. reopening; resumption; restarting
スコップ - shovel
済ませる - すませる - 1. to finish; to make an end of; to get through with; to let end
手短くに - てみじかくに - short, brief, quick
壁掛け家具 - かべかけかぐ - decorative items which you hang in the wall
華やか - はなやか - 1. bright and beautiful; gorgeous; showy; brilliant; splendid; gay;
colorful; flowery
ますます - 1. increasingly; more and more; decreasingly (when declining); less and less
利息 - りそく - 1. interest (on a loan, deposit etc.)
床 - ゆか - floor
敷く - しく - 1. to spread out (e.g. a futon); to lay out
遥々 - はるばる - 1. from afar; over a great distance; all the way
壁紙 - かべがみ - 2. wallpaper; background image; desktop image
代金 - だいきん - 1. price; cost; charge; payment; bill; fee
懐 - ふところ - 1. inside the breast of one's clothing (esp. kimono); bosom; (breast)
引換券 - ひきかえけん - 1. exchange ticket; claim tag; coupon; voucher
若しくは - もしくは - 1. or; otherwise
故に - ゆえに - 1. therefore; consequently
釣られる - つられる - 1. to be lured; to be enticed; to be drawn in; to be caught up in
浜辺 - はまべ - 1. beach; foreshore
散策 - さんさく - 1. walking; strolling; roaming; wandering; exploring
砂浜 - すなはま - 1. sandy beach
潮吹き - しおふき - 1. spouting (of a whale); blowing (water and air)
潮干狩り - しおひがり - 1. clam digging (at low tide); clamming; shellfish gathering
応じる - おうじる - 1. to respond; to satisfy; to accept; to comply with; to apply for
身振り手振り - みぶりてぶり - 1. gestures; gesturing
要因 - よういん - 1. main cause; primary factor
台本 - だいほん - 1. script; libretto; scenario
要素 - ようそ - 1. component; factor; item (e.g. in list)
上下 - じょうげ - 1. top and bottom; high and low; above and below; upper and lower ends;
up and down
視点 - してん - 1. point of view; viewpoint; angle; perspective
気分転換 - きぶんてんかん - 1. change of pace; change of mood; (mental) break (e.g. going for
a walk); refreshment
木製 - もくせい - 1. wooden; made of wood
姿見 - すがたみ - 1. full-length mirror
新緑 - しんりょく - 1. fresh verdure; new green leaves
足こし - あしこし - 1. legs and loins; lower body
重点的 - じゅうてんてき - 1. prioritized; focused; concentrated; predominant
通信装置 - つうしんそうち - 1. communications equipment; terminal; communications device
子分 - こぶん - 1. henchman; follower
見学 - けんがく - 1. inspection; study by observation; field trip; tour; review
提供 - ていきょう - 1. offer; tender; providing; supplying; making available; donating
(blood, organs, etc.)
資材 - しざい - 1. (raw) materials
整える - ととのえる - 1. to put in order; to arrange; to tidy up; to fix; to straighten
立役者 - たってやくしゃ - 1. leading actor; star
進呈 - しんてい - 1. presentation (e.g. of a gift)
権利 - けんり - 1. right; privilege
手配 - てはい - 1. arrangement; preparations
所持金 - しょじきん - 1. money in one's possession
預金 - よきん - 1. deposit; bank account
真珠 - しんじゅ - pearl
雑貨 - ざっか - 1. miscellaneous goods; general goods; sundries
日替わり - ひがわり - 1. changing every day
営業 - えいぎょう - 1. business; trade; operations
不用品 - ふようひん - 1. disused article
所有 - しょゆう - 1. one's possessions; ownership
購入 - こうにゅう - 1. purchase; buying
履歴 - りれき - 1. personal history; background; career
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