Edited by
Massimo Filippi
Neuroimaging Research Unit, and Department of Neurology, Institute of
Experimental Neurology, Division of Neuroscience, San Raffaele Scientific Institute,
Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Milan, Italy
Series Editor
Christopher Kennard
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Computed tomography
Qinghua Hou, Elizabeth Tong,
Cong Gao, and Max Wintermark
Introduction and limit the ionizing radiation harm. Unlike conventional X-ray
imaging, CT images are not developed directly from the attenu-
Since its first introduction in 1971, computed tomography (CT) has ation of projection X-rays. Instead, slices of specific areas of the
evolved rapidly. With the evolution from fan beam to cone beam, body are imaged and divided into a matrix of voxels, the intensity
and from axial to helical mode, the increase in the number of detec- of which is calculated from multiple projections from an X-ray
tors (from a single detector array to 256/320 detector arrays), and source to a panel of detectors, both rotating in the CT gantry.
the advent of dual energy technology, CT now offers very short The attenuation value of an individual voxel depends upon its
scan time (even for extensive anatomical coverage), improved spa- contents and can be quantitatively scored in Hu (Hu; called after
tial and temporal resolution, and reduced patient dose, both in the inventor of CT), which ranges from –1000 Hu to +1000 Hu,
terms of radiation and contrast agent. CT is the imaging modal- with water in the middle (Hu = 0), and air (–1000 Hu) and bone
ity of choice in the emergency setting. It is fast, its requirements (+1000 Hu) at the extremities of the scale. Modern CT scan-
are low, and it is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Modern ners can reconstruct axial, sagittal, coronal, oblique, 3D, or even
CT scanners offer volumetric acquisitions, which improve the 4-dimensional (4D) images.
capability to evaluate intracranial and spinal structures in recon-
structed three-dimensional (3D) views. With the development
of post-progressing software, CT has expanded its applications Single-slice versus multislice computed
beyond the evaluation of structural anatomy to include functional tomography scanners
analyses such as perfusion-CT (PCT) to assess cerebral blood sup- In very early single-slice CT scanners, a single row of detectors
ply (Table 1.1). were arrayed in a line opposite to the X-ray tube inside the CT gan-
Despite these technological advances, the basic imaging principle try. These scanners used a narrow beam of X-rays (pencil width),
of CT has not been changed and relies on X-ray physics. The radia- which was collimated and developed very little scatter when it
tion dose concerns associated with CT remains, although it has passed through the human body. With such scanners, one gantry
been alleviated by a number of dose-reduction techniques imple- rotation could only sample one slice.
mented by the imaging manufacturers. Nowadays, the radiation In multislice CT scanners, detectors are arrayed linearly in multi-
dose of a non-contrast head computed tomography (NCT) ranges ple rows, so that the machine can cover multiple slices in one rota-
from 1.7 to 2.5 mSv [1,2], lower than the background radiation for tion (up to 320 slices with the most advanced CT technology). Also,
a person living in Boston for a year (approximately 3 mSv) [3]. The a fan beam X-ray is used. The benefits of this geometry are not only
estimated lifetime risk of death from cancer that is attributable to limited to obtaining a larger coverage with one single rotation, but
a single NCT is 0.01–0.02% [4]. With the advent of dual-energy can also shorten the scanning time. With multislice CT scanners,
CT, the radiation dose associated with CT may be reduced further the spatial and temporal resolution, and the contrast resolution are
when contrast-enhanced examination is applied [5]. also greatly improved.
The latest generation of CT scanners (e.g. 320-dector row CT)
uses a cone beam of X-rays with a flat panel detector for captur-
Computed tomography technology ing the images. Cone-beam CT scanners can produce 3D images
CT is an imaging technique based on X-rays, a form of elec- with a single rotation of the gantry [6], and also time-resolved
tromagnetic radiation with a wavelength range of 0.01–10 nm. CT-angiogram (4D CTA) showing the dynamic progression of the
X-ray beams can traverse the human body and be used to create contrast through arteries and veins [7].
an image (they can penetrate, but do no harm), while at the same
time the photon energy it carries makes it an ionizing radia-
tion, which can cause harm to living tissue (in proportion to the Image reconstruction algorithms
absorption). CT imaging uses a specific range of wavelengths of For a considerable time, filtered back-projection has dominated
X-rays (wavelength below 0.2–0.1 nm) to obtain good penetration the field of CT image reconstruction. Filtered back-projection runs
4 Section 1 fundamentals of neuroimaging techniques
Table 1.1 Comparison of CT, MRI, and single photon emission tomography (SPECT)/positron emission tomography (PET) imaging
Spatial resolution 0.5 mm 1 mm 4–6 mm
Scan time seconds 20–40 minutes 10–15 minutes [22]
Availability 24/7 24/7 Business hours
Contrast Iodinated-based Gadolinium-based Radionuclide tracer
Vascular imaging CTA and CT-venogram MRA, contrast-enhanced (CE)-MRA, MRV Not applicable
Functional imaging Perfusion and blood–brain Perfusion and diffusion, O2 consumption, and Blood supply and metabolic rates
barrier permeability evaluation metabolism spectrum analysis, connectivity evaluation, blood–brain barrier imaging.
analysis, etc.
Artefacts Streak artefact (Fig. 1.1), Geometric distortion caused by susceptibility Photon scatter and attenuation
beam-hardening. artefacts, chemical-shift artefacts, Gibbs’ artefacts
Major limitations Ionizing radiation, low sensitive Longest scan time, metal implant and pace maker Ionizing radiation, limited availability in
to posterior fossa lesions contra-indication the emergency setting
the projection images back through the image to obtain a rough Computed tomography imaging modalities
approximation of the original object (back-projection), and uses
a high-pass filter to eliminate the image blurring caused by such NCT
‘back-projection’. Routine NCT is performed in the axial plane, parallel to the orbit-
More recently, iterative reconstruction algorithms have been omeatal line, with 2.5-mm thick slices. For cervical spine imaging,
developed, originally to reduce the noise of images. These algo- 0.625-mm thick slices are obtained, while 1.5-mm thick slices are
rithms consist of a series of sequential reconstructions and the standard for imaging the thoracic and lumbar spine.
corrections—forward- and back-projection reconstruction steps, NCT is used for the initial evaluation of many intracranial and
and comparison of the projection data with the real measured raw spinal lesions, especially in the acute setting. NCT is the first-line
data and correction of deviation in projection between each step. examination for acute traumatic brain injury (TBI) and stroke,
The correction is based on the statistical counting of the detected since it is especially suited for detecting ischaemia, haemorrhage,
photons in the reconstruction process. The iterative process can be and skull fracture.
performed in the raw data domain, in the image domain alone, or NCT is less sensitive than magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
in both [8,9]. for the assessment of posterior fossa and brainstem lesions, due to
Iterative reconstruction can reduce the radiation dose associated hard-beam artefacts (Fig. 1.1), and for the diagnosis of conditions
with CT studies by 20–40% without compromising image quality such as haemorrhagic or non-haemorrhagic diffuse axonal injury,
[10–13]. One of the downsides of iterative reconstruction lies in the contusion, early infarction, encephalitis, and brain tumour.
longer image reconstruction time.
Contrast-enhanced computed tomography
Enhancement after injection of iodinated contrast indicates intra-
Single-source versus dual-source computed vascular enhancement due to an increased permeability of the
blood–brain barrier, which leads to a leakage of the contrast mate-
tomography rial into the interstitium. By analysing the enhancement patterns
Dual-energy CT is an emerging CT modality. There are currently associated with contrast agent injection, contrast-enhanced com-
two ways used for dual-energy scanning: puted tomography (CECT) can help differentiate lesions such as
1. Two X-ray tubes and two detectors (mounted on a CT gantry vascular malformations, neoplasms, and active inflammation
with a mechanical offset of 90°) with the two X-ray tubes being (infectious and non-infectious) [16].
operated at different voltages.
Computed tomography angiography
2. A single X-ray tube that can rapidly switch its peak voltage and Computed tomography angiography (CTA) with multiplanar refor-
one detector. matted images, maximum intensity projection images (MIP), and
Through the simultaneous acquisition of two image series with 3D reconstructions of axial source images provide images compa-
different kVp (e.g. 40 and 140 kVp), dual-energy CT facilitates rable with, or even superior to, those obtained with digital subtrac-
material separation. For example, it can be used to generate vir- tion angiography (DSA) [17,18]. Unlike time-of-flight magnetic
tual non-contrast images of the brain from a contrast-enhanced resonance angiography (MRA), CTA is less susceptible to turbulent
CT; this also allows the removal of bone and calcium from a CTA or slow-flow artefacts. Spatial resolution of CTA is approximately
[14,15]. twice that of gadolinium-enhanced MRA [19]. CTA has become
chapter 1 neuroimaging: computed tomography 5
CT hyperdensity
Acute intracranial haemorrhages
Acute haemorrhage always appears as a hyperdense area in any
region of the brain parenchyma, ventricles, subarachnoid space, or
extra-axial space. Over time, intracranial haemorrhages become
isodense (in the subacute phase) [23] and hypodense (in the
chronic phase) [24]. Of note, low attenuation within an acute hae-
matoma may indicate hyperacute, ongoing bleeding [25].
Vascular clot
An acute thrombus can be detected on NCT as an area of hyperden-
sity, featuring the ‘dense artery sign’ in the setting of a M1 occlusion
of the middle cerebral artery (MCA) (Fig. 1.2), and the ‘dot sign’ in
the setting of a M2 or M3 occlusion. Venous sinus thrombosis also
appears hyperdense on NCT, while featuring a delta sign or trian-
gular lack of contrast filling on post-contrast CT.
Calcifications are very hyperdense. Some calcifications in the brain
are within normal limits, e.g. pineal gland calcifications, choroid
plexus calcifications, falx calcifications, and basal ganglia calcifi-
Fig. 1.1 Streak artefact on non-contrast CT caused by intravascular stent (arrow). cations/mineralization. Basal ganglia calcifications (and cerebel-
lar dentate nuclei calcifications) are particularly pronounced in
the modality of choice to non-invasively assess cervical and intrac- patients with Fahr’s disease [26]. Calcifications are also seen in a
ranial vessels. Dynamic CTA provides dynamic, real-time infor- variety of pathological conditions, e.g. vascular malformations,
mation, similar to that offered by DSA, which is rarely used for chronic haematomas, brain infections, brain tumours, and congen-
diagnostic purposes. ital malformations, such as Sturge–Weber syndrome and tuberous
PCT evaluates capillary, tissue-level circulation, which is beyond the
Highly cellular neoplasms, such as lymphomas, can appear as
resolution of traditional anatomic imaging. PCT is most commonly
carried out using dynamic sequential scanning of a pre-selected
slab of the brain (modern CT scanners offer whole-brain cover- CT hypodensity
age), during the injection of a bolus of iodinated contrast material Oedema
as it travels through the vasculature. By recording the wash-in and Subacute infarcts, infections, and brain tumours alter the permea-
wash-out of the contrast bolus through the cerebral vasculature, bility of the blood–brain barrier, resulting in vascular leakiness and
several parameters describing the cerebral perfusion, i.e. cerebral water extravasation into the interstitial space, or vasogenic oedema.
blood flow (CBF), cerebral blood volume (CBV), mean transit The accumulation of interstitial water decreases the attenuation of
time (MTT), time to peak (TTP), and blood–brain barrier perme- brain tissue and features a hypodensity. Likewise, chronic ischae-
ability (BBBP), can be quantitatively evaluated on reconstructed mia causes encephalomalacia and gliosis, which also present as
colour maps. hypodensity on CT.
PCT limitations and pitfalls include the following:
1. Complex post-processing and long-lasting experience in inter- Hydrocephalus relates to enlarged ventricles. In obstructive hydro-
pretation of the images. cephalus, ventricles upstream of an obstructive lesion are selectively
2. Due to arterial input function (AIF) delay, vascular stenosis dilated (Fig. 1.3). In communicating hydrocephalus, all ventricles
may result in an overestimation of the area of cerebral perfusion are dilated.
abnormality [20]. It is therefore of importance that PCT should Mass effect
be performed and interpreted with concurrent CTA. Mass effect refers to the deviation or distortion of normal structures
3. Although higher than MR perfusion-weighted imaging [21] and by an abnormal structure or mass, and the swelling accompanying
SPECT/PET, the resolution of PCT maps is still relatively low. it. Mass effect is typically observed in the case of large intracra-
Small infarcts may be missed, and white matter changes can be nial haematomas and brain tumours, as well as in the setting of
misdiagnosed. malignant infarct. Early mass effect is seen as local effacement of
sulci. Progressive mass effect results in midline shift, ventricular
Common CT features entrapment, and herniation (Fig. 1.4). Ventricular entrapment typi-
CT findings are categorized into hyperdense, isodense, and cally occurs when there is significant midline shift, the foramen of
hypodense, depending on their density compared with that of nor- Monroe is compressed, and the drainage of the lateral ventricles
mal brain tissue (approximately 40 Hu). Normal cerebrospinal fluid is impaired. There are different types of herniation—subfalcine,
(CSF) has a density of around 5 Hu. Bone density is greater than uncal, downward transtentorial, upward transtentorial, and tonsil-
350 Hu, fat density is –100 Hu, and that of air is –1,000 Hu. lar and transcalvarial herniation types. Severe herniation can cause
6 Section 1 fundamentals of neuroimaging techniques
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Fig. 1.2 Hyperdense MCA sign caused by an acute intravascular clot. This finding on non-contrast CT (a, arrow) corresponds to a segmental filling defect on
CT-angiography (b,c, arrows) and on digital subtraction angiography (d, arrow).
secondary ischaemic lesions, by compression of neighbouring to acute ischaemia can be improved by setting the window centre
arteries (anterior cerebral artery by subfalcine herniation, posterior level around 30 Hu and narrowing the window width to 8–10 Hu
cerebral artery by uncal and downward transtentorial herniation), [28]. The role of NCT in the setting of an acute stroke is mainly to
and is lethal without prompt surgical decompression. rule out the presence of haemorrhage [29] and mimics of stroke,
such as infection, inflammation, and neoplasm. Early signs of
CT clinical applications ischaemic stroke on NCT include sulcal effacement, blurring of
Ischaemic stroke cortical gray–white matter differentiation, and in 50% of patients
NCT is the imaging modality of choice to initially assess patients [30] a dense artery sign, as described previously. The Alberta Stroke
suspected of acute stroke, despite its limited sensitivity to ischae- Program Early CT Score (ASPECTS) quantifies the extent of the
mia in the first few hours following symptom onset [27]. Sensitivity ischaemic changes visible on CT and helps to determine whether
(a) (b)
Fig. 1.3 Obstructive hydrocephalus caused by colloid cyst in the foramen of Monroe (arrow). The obstruction led to sequential enlargement of bilateral ventricles
(a, arrowhead) and interstitial oedema in periventricular tissues (b, star).
chapter 1 neuroimaging: computed tomography 7
(a) (b)
Fig. 1.4 Midline shift and uncal herniation caused by a right insular/temporal abscess. Non-contrast CT clearly demonstrates the mass effect caused by this abscess
(a, star) with shift of the midline to the left (a, arrow), entrapment of the temporal horn of the right lateral ventricle, and right uncal herniation (b, arrowhead)
compressing the midbrain.
an acute stroke involves more than one-third of the MCA territory. The safety of the combined use of CTA and PCT in stroke patients
The latter represents a contraindication to the administration of IV has been well documented [40]. Iodinated contrast administration
tissue plasminogen activator (tPA), together with the presence of for CTA/PCT does not cause significant renal injury nor does it
haemorrhage on the admission NCT [29]. In the subacute phase of interfere with the safety and efficacy of the tPA treatment [41].
an ischaemic stroke, a typical ‘wedge-shaped’ hypodensity can be
seen on NCT (Fig. 1.5). Intracranial haemorrhage
CTA is routinely used to detect the exact site of arterial occlusion The AHA/ASA guidelines indicate that either NCT or MRI may be
in stroke patients. Compared with DSA, CTA has a 98.4% sensitiv- used in the initial diagnostic evaluation of an intracranial haemor-
ity and 98.1% specificity for detecting proximal intracranial arterial rhage (ICH) [42].
occlusion [23], and an 85% sensitivity and 93% specificity in detect- The majority of spontaneous ICHs are related to arterial hyper-
ing significant extracranial arterial stenosis [30]. In addition to the tension. Hypertensive ICHs (Fig. 1.6) tend to involve the basal
luminal evaluation, CTA is capable of evaluating the arterial wall, ganglia, thalamus, cerebellum, and brainstem, resulting from the
detecting vasculopathies (for instance, dissection), and characteriz- rupture of micro-aneurysms of perforating vessels in these regions.
ing carotid atherosclerotic plaques [31]. Intracranially, CTA source When multiple haematomas are seen, if the haematomas have an
images have increased sensitivity for acute ischaemic changes and irregular shape, or if they occur in unusual locations, secondary
can assess the collateral circulation distal to an arterial occlusion. ICH should be considered.
Finally, when the stroke CTA scan extends below the origin of the Subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH) occurs in the setting of
aortic arch to include the left atrium or the whole heart, CTA can trauma and of aneurysmal rupture (Fig. 1.7). Sensitivity of NCT to
detect the presence of a left atrial or ventricular thrombus. SAH in the first 24 hours is close to 100%. After 48 hours NCT sen-
PCT is increasingly recognized as a diagnostic tool in patients sitivity decreases to less than 85% [43]. In the presence of a negative
with suspected stroke. Its applications in the setting of stroke NCT after 48 hours, a lumbar puncture is then required to detect
include, but are not limited to: xanthochromia.
CTA is used in patients with acute ICH for the purpose of iden-
1. Improving the sensitivity and accuracy of stroke diagnosis (in
tifying secondary causes of ICH [44]. CTA has a sensitivity and
some cases, a lesion on PCT leads to more careful scrutiny and
specificity comparable with DSA in terms of detecting intracranial
identification of a vascular occlusion that was not evident (Fig.
aneurysms [45,46]. CTA presents a number of advantages in terms
1.5), particularly in the M2 and more distal MCA branches)
of surgical planning—CTA data can easily be uploaded to neuro-
navigation systems [47], and show precisely the relationship of the
2. Excluding stroke mimics [36]. aneurysm to the skull base [48,49], calvarium, and adjacent veins
3. Better assessment of the ischaemic core [34] and collateral [50]. CTA is also useful in planning an endovascular intervention.
flow [18]. CTA and CECT can detect the ‘spot sign’, corresponding to the
acute extravasation of contrast in the haematoma (Fig. 1.6). A ‘spot
4. Prediction of haemorrhagic transformation and malignant
sign’ is indicative of haematoma expansion [51] and predictive of a
oedema [37, 38].
poor outcome.
Currently, different PCT software use different methods to process PCT has been used to detect a ‘penumbra’ surrounding haema-
the data, and extract the infarct core and penumbra information. tomas. The existence of such a penumbra surrounding haemato-
Standardization of PCT processing and interpretation is lacking. mas is still very much debated [52,53]. In a series of patients who
The use of a relative MTT threshold of 145% of the contralateral underwent surgical haematoma evacuation, PCT after surgery
values to delineate the total ischaemic area is suggested, and an demonstrated a correction of the perfusion deficit surrounding the
absolute CBV threshold of 2 mL/100 g to differentiate the infarct haematoma, suggesting that the latter represents reduced oxygen
core and the penumbra within the total ischaemic area [39]. demand of tissue damaged by pressure and clot components [52].
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(e) (f)
Fig. 1.5 Typical CT imaging workup in a patient suspected of acute ischaemic stroke. (a) NCT shows mild effacement of the right lentiform nucleus. (b) PCT shows
the right MCA to be ischaemic, with a mixture of ischaemic core (red) and penumbra (green). (c) CT-angiography demonstrates the right MCA occlusion (arrow)
responsible for the ischaemia, later confirmed on digital subtraction angiography (d, arrow). (e,f) Follow-up NCT and PCT demonstrate that, in the absence of early
recanalization, the whole ischaemic territory infarcted.
Fig. 1.6 ‘Spot sign’ on contrast-enhanced CT. (a) NCT shows an intraparenchymal haematoma in the left thalamus with extension in the third ventricle. (b)
Contrast-enhanced CT shows a ‘spot sign’ (arrow) within the parenchymal haematoma, indicating active extravasation of contrast. (c) The size of the parenchymal
haematoma and the intraventricular extension have progressed significantly, as typically seen when the ‘spot sign’ is present.
chapter 1 neuroimaging: computed tomography 9
Fig. 1.7 Aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage. (a) NCT demonstrates subarachnoid haemorrhage in the left Sylvian fissure (arrow), the left ambient cistern, and the
interhemispheric fissure. A relative hypodensity suggests the presence of an aneurysm in the left posterior communicating artery region (arrowhead), later confirmed on
CT-angiography maximal intensity projections (b,c; arrows for suprclinoid internal carotid artery and arrowheads for posterior communicating artery).
PCT is also used to detect vasospasm, one of the complications scrutinized for traumatic injury. Thin-slice CT with multipla-
of subarachnoid haemorrhage that typically occurs 4–7 days fol- nar reformats increases the sensitivity of the technique to subtle
lowing SAH, and it adds prognostic information regarding delayed skull fractures, e.g. of the temporal bone.
cerebral ischaemia and poor outcome [54,55]. Epidural haematomas (EDHs) are associated with skull fractures,
Another complication of SAH is communicating hydrocephalus, and generally result from a traumatic injury to branches of the mid-
which can be diagnosed early on NCT. dle meningeal artery. An EDH appears on NCT as a lenticular or
biconvex blood collection. EDHs can cross dural insertions (falx,
Traumatic brain injury tentorium), but do not usually cross suture lines.
CT is the imaging modality used to screen trauma patients in the Subdural haematomas (SDHs) occur in elderly patients with
acute phase [56]. Head NCT is indicated in trauma patients with brain atrophy. They usually occur in the absence of skull frac-
loss of consciousness or post-traumatic amnesia if one or more of tures. They have a crescentic shape on NCT. SDHs can cross
the following is present—age greater than 60 years, headache, vom- sutures. They do not cross, but extend along dural attachments
iting, drug or alcohol intoxication, deficits in short-term memory, (falx, tentorium). Acute and subacute SDHs may be subtle and
physical evidence of trauma above the clavicle, Glasgow Coma difficult to detect. An appropriate, narrow CT window when
Scale score less than 15, post-traumatic seizure, focal neurological reviewing NCT can help, together with a subtle loss of normal
deficit, or coagulopathy [57]. brain sulci or the buckling of gray–white matter junction caused
Skull fractures may be linear, comminuted, or depressed (Fig. 1.8). by the SDH.
They are demonstrated as discontinuities with or without dis- Traumatic SAH is usually more localized than aneurysmal SAH,
placement on the CT bone windows, and may be associated with and generally has its epicentre at the site of the coup. As a result of
extra-intracranial air and/or haemorrhage. Whenever a bone contrecoup injury, traumatic SAH may also occur contralateral to
fracture is identified, underlying brain parenchyma should be the side of direct impact [25].
(a) (b)
Fig. 1.8 Mildly depressed left frontal and temporal bone fractures. Bone windows of thin non-contrast CT slices in coronal and axial planes demonstrate the
discontinuity and mild depression of left frontal and temporal bones (a and b, arrows).
10 Section 1 fundamentals of neuroimaging techniques
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