Reproductive Health _ Short Notes
Reproductive Health _ Short Notes
Reproductive Health _ Short Notes
2 Reproductive Health
Birth Control/Contraception
Features of an ideal contraceptive:
Easily available
No/least side-effects
No interference with libido or act of coitus
Two principle methods of birth control:
Natural methods
Artificial methods
Natural/Traditional Methods
Based on the principle of avoiding physical meeting of the
egg and sperms.
Population Stabilisation Chances of failure are high.
According to 2001 census, our population growth rate was around
1.7 per cent – 17/1000/year. Method Mode of Action
Year Periodic abstinence Couples abstain from coitus from
1900 1947 2000 2011 day 10 to 17 of the menstrual cycle
i.e., fertile period.
World 2 billion 6 billion 7.2 billion
India approx: close to crossed Withdrawal method/ Insemination is avoided as the male
350 million 1 billion 1.2 billion Coitus interruptus partner withdraws his penis from
the vagina just prior to ejaculation.
Reasons for Increase in Population Size:
Decline in death rate
Lactational amenorrhea Absence of menstruation upto 6
months during period of intense
Rapid decline in maternal mortality rate (MMR)
lactation following parturition.
Decrease in infant mortality rate (IMR)
Artificial Methods Used by female only.
Barrier methods
II. Spermicidal Jellies, Foams and Creams
Spermicidal jellies
IUDs Kill the sperms by acidic pH.
Oral pills Used along with barrier methods to increase their efficiency.
Injections and implants
Emergency contraceptives III. Intra-uterine devices (IUDs)
Surgical methods Inserted by doctors or expert nurses in the uterus.
I. Barrier Methods IUDs are one of the most widely accepted methods of
Prevent ovum and sperm from physically meeting. contraception in India.
(a) Condoms and its Types: Made up of rubber and latex
sheath. Self-inserted and offer privacy to the user. Intrauterine devices
V. Implants Characteristics
Placed under skin Effective within 72 hrs of coitus.
Effective periods are much longer Used to prevent conception resulting from rape or unprotected
Composition: Progestogens alone/Combination of intercourse.
Progestogens and Estrogens
VII. Surgical/Sterilization Methods
Mode of Action
Poor reversibility but highly effective
Inhibit ovulation and implantation.
Mode of action – Blocks gamete transport
lter the quality of cervical mucus to retard entry of
sperms. Types
tract infections (RTIs). Infertility as a problem could be with either the male or
female partner.
High vulnerability/risk group: 15-24 years.
In India, female is blamed often than male for the couple
Mode of transmission: Sexual intercourse. being childless.
Example of techniques ZIFT, IUT, ICSI GIFT, AI, IUI Low sperm count or inability of male
to inseminate the female
IUI: Intra uterine insemination