Wolves Calling Script

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‘Samuel French Acting Edition THE WOLVES by Sarah DeLappe #8 #2. (yay! picture!) (don’t have one) #3. #7. (in my backpack) (seriously?) Hu, #2. what? m not allowed) #3. #7. (takes out orange slice) (um why?) in my backpack #2. the tie dye one (nodding) on the bench (radiation) #4, #7. cool (what) #1, jogs off to the bench #2. #25, (radiation?) girls we should feally nis # STANDBY [x oa (what?) #8 (you know (come on youwant #2. for the picture) to) (takes out slice) #25 putsinaslice radiation cat #3. #8. NO THE OTHER TIE DYE ONE (vay! ‘THE TURQUOISE-Y ONE guys! let's all pose! #00 jogs on and clocks the situation let's pose like Charlie's Angels) she putsina slice (takes out slice) #3. LET'S POSE LIKE CHARLIE'S ANGEL IT'S IN THE BIG POCKET NO THE OTHER BIG #7, YEAH NEXT TO MY INHALER? (um, no [x24] PICTURE BINGO BANGO MYFRIEND let's just like do whatever) #1 jogs back on with iPhone #8. (disappointed) uy, ok kay everybody um do something crazy they all pose in awesome ways accept #46 #25, (takes out orange slice) hey wanna get in the picture? 54 #46. (on verge of tears) don’t get it #25, what? #46. why do they have orange peels in their mouths? they all stare at her in shock with orange peels in their mouths #25, wow uh just doit ok? #46 puts an orange in and gets in the picture Hy, right STANDBY [KX um look fierce #14 takes the photo with an iPhone. ery coollyou quys [xq6} PICTURE OVER STANDBY{F4 ee PX a9] they spit them out and crowd around the iPhone #7. #13, cate can see? did you use the filter oranges are so good you guys #8. wait we should do a goofy one #2 cleans off her tongue guys can we doa goofy one #33. ooking at it) very nice want me totake one with you fn it?] -—F-REF WHISTLE [xag]- RETURN whistle #25, alright that's game let’s get out there ladies! hustle! someone grabthe slices! #2 Fil get ‘em 55 #13. #25, Fusion is going downnnntownnn let's golet’s go #7 timeto climb The Wall #3, more like (monster voice) DESTROY IT Hy, (to #00) hey my ACL's acting up can use your wrap #00 nods #25, how'sit feeling Hay, wn you know can have some too? #25 jogs off with #00, #14, and #12 #8 iey|do you think they play soccer? STANDBY Fq #3, who? #8 all the immigrant kids doyou think someone gives them like mini soccer balls? #7 Jesus christ #8 what? inat?| Fd-sir> #13. muy muy muy racista #6, #7, #23 J09 off +#2 picks up the orange slices and looks at #46, who looks up #2. hey um 56 #48. the tufted titmouse is still there #2, oh cool #48. but nowI'mthinking it’s more of a bushtit #2 oh that’s good um #2 |just wanted to wanted to say. it’s sonice you're trying anew sport #46. ‘thanks #2. | mean it must be hard STANDBY [X 49-69 ‘to move somewhere? ‘SOUND Fas-F20] and not know anyone? I guess what | mean is I'm I'm sorry | said you lived in a yogurt #46. right #2 I think it’s neat a yurt sounds pretty ne: _-— [Xag]- orance Fa]- TRANSITION #46 stares at her fora sec and jogs off iy #2 devours the entire bag of orange slices whistle TRANSITION X54]- TRANSITIONS PART 2 (WHEN #2 CROSSES THE LED TAPE) a |__ag=TRANSITION PART 2 X56]- SACHA ENTERS [— EX] TRAINING (LINE IN THE LIGHT) |__Fad]- DEATH suRGE 7

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