OCU Graduate Catalog 2024 2025

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Oklahoma City University prepares all learners
to Create, Lead, and Serve. We provide a diverse,
inclusive culture committed to producing graduates
who think critically and innovatively, communicate
effectively, and use their knowledge and talents to
make a local and global impact.

Oklahoma City University is committed to an education that:

• Provides students with the skills and confidence to adapt to
and excel in a complex and dynamic world
• Invests continually in its students, staff, faculty, alumni, and
programming to enrich academic and co-curricular offerings
• Fosters partnerships within and beyond the university to enrich
lifelong learning
• Develops informed global citizens ready to engage with their
communities and contribute to the world
• Develops graduates who are ethical, highly employable
• Honors our United Methodist history and tradition of
scholarship and service
Table of Contents
General Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Petree College of Arts and Sciences . . . . . 47
The University . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 School of Liberal Arts and Sciences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Accreditation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Wimberly School of Religion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Meinders School of Business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Oklahoma City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
Oklahoma City Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
Campus Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 School of Law. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Graduate Degree Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Wanda L. Bass School of Music . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Graduate Admission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
General Admission Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 College of Health Professions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Transfer Credit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Non-Degree-Seeking Student Admission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Kramer School of Nursing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
International Graduate Admission Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Physician Assistant Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Physical Therapy Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
Expenses and Financial Aid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
School of Theatre. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .110
General Financial Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Rules Governing Payment of Tuition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Past Due Accounts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Graduate Course Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . .116
Special Service Fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Course Offering Key. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Veterans Benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Tuition Adjustments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Adding and Dropping Courses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Trustees & Personnel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .149
Withdrawals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Email . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .161
Identification Cards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Book Charge Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Financial Assistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Financial Aid Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Endowed Chairs and Professorships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Student Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
On-Campus Housing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Religious Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Campus Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Extracurricular Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Cultural Enrichment Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Academic Regulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
General Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Thesis, Dissertation, and Capstone Project
Enrollment and Grading Policy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Academic Honesty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Academic Probation and Dismissal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Graduation Procedures and Commencement . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

University Services and Programs . . . . . . . . 44

Study Abroad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Dulaney-Browne Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Learning Enhancement Center (LEC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Disability and Access Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Computer and Information Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
General Information
The University. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Accreditation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Oklahoma City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Oklahoma City Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Directions to Oklahoma City University . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Oklahoma City University Campus Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Graduate Degree Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

General Information /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

The University
Oklahoma City University creates an environment that brings
together outstanding faculty, exceptional students, excellent
Oklahoma City University is a nationally and internationally teaching facilities, and the most advanced and innovative ideas
renowned educational institution. A private, United Methodist- in curriculum and teaching methods. Because of the personal
affiliated university, Oklahoma City University offers a unique involvement possible on campus, Oklahoma City University stu-
blend of tradition, quality, community, and innovation. U.S. News dents are known by fellow students and professors, and benefit
& World Report consistently ranks Oklahoma City University from the personalized education offered by the university’s low
among the best master’s level institutions in the National student-faculty ratio of 9:1.
University category. With a 119-year tradition of church-related service and aca-
The university traces its roots to Epworth University, chartered demic excellence, Oklahoma City University today is a vital
in 1904 as a joint venture of the Methodist Episcopal Church, the institution with a growing reputation as a center of quality,
Methodist Episcopal Church, South (now the combined United values-conscious higher education. Oklahoma City University
Methodist Church), and the Oklahoma City Trade Club (now the holds memberships in Oklahoma Independent Colleges and
Greater Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce). From 1911 to Universities, the National Association of Independent Colleges
1922, the university was located in Guthrie, Oklahoma, and was and Universities, the National Association of Schools and Colleges
known as the Methodist University of Oklahoma. In September of the United Methodist Church, the National Association of
1919, Oklahoma City College opened in two remodeled apart- Intercollegiate Athletics, and the Council on Undergraduate
ments at 12th and Walnut. Oklahoma City University has been at Research.
its present location at NW 23rd Street and Blackwelder Avenue in The Kramer School of Nursing is a member of the Council
Oklahoma City since 1922, when what is now the Clara E. Jones of Baccalaureate and Higher Degree Programs of the National
Administration Building was completed. League for Nursing. The School of Law is a member of the
Located in the state’s capital city, Oklahoma City University’s Association of American Law Schools. Oklahoma City University
beautiful campus occupies 104 acres in a diverse and vibrant met- is an equal educational opportunity institution.
ropolitan area. The architecture on campus is a pleasing blend of
American collegiate, Gothic, and functional contemporary. The
OCU School of Law’s campus is located downtown in the historic
Accreditation and Affiliations
Central High School building at 800 N. Harvey. Oklahoma City University is approved by the University
A broad spectrum of courses is offered through the Petree Senate of the United Methodist Church. Oklahoma City
College of Arts and Sciences, which comprises the School of University and many of its academic programs are accredited by
Liberal Arts and Sciences, School of Visual and Media Arts, nationally recognized organizations. Programmatic and special-
and Wimberly School of Religion; the Meinders School of ized accreditation applies to the evaluation of programs, depart-
Business; the Margaret E. Petree College of Performing Arts ments, or schools which usually are parts of the total institution.
which comprises the Ann Lacy School of American Dance and Programmatic accreditors are generally classified as those that
Entertainment, Bass School of Music, and School of Theatre; the are recognized by the Department of Education or the Council
School of Law; and the Kramer School of Nursing which is part of for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) and those that are
the College of Health Professions. not recognized and are considered affiliations by HLC.
Saint Paul School of Theology at Oklahoma City University Institutional Accreditation and Affiliations
(SPST at OCU) is a United Methodist-affiliated seminary accred- The Higher Learning Commission
ited by the Association of Theological Schools, the Higher 230 South LaSalle St., Suite 7-500
Learning Commission, and the University Senate of the United Chicago, IL 60604
(312) 263-0456 or (800) 621-7440
Methodist Church. SPST at OCU offers the Master of Divinity
degree. The School’s mission, rooted in the Wesleyan tradition, Accredited since 1951
is to inspire passion for ministry in diverse Christian bodies and
to educate leaders to make disciples for Jesus Christ, renew the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements
church, and transform the world. For more information about (NC-SARA) State Portal Agency
SPST at OCU, see www.spst.edu. Assistant Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education
Oklahoma City University takes pride in its dual role as
655 Research Parkway, Ste. 200
Oklahoma City’s university and the United Methodist university PO Box 108850
of Oklahoma. Its students come from 48 states in the United States Oklahoma City, OK 73101-8850
and from more than 60 countries throughout the world. (405) 225-9142

General Information /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

www.nc-sara.org Wanda L. Bass School of Music
Affiliated since 2016 National Association of Schools of Music
11250 Roger Bacon Drive, Suite 21
Programmatic and Specialized Accreditations Reston, VA 20190
and Affiliations (703) 437-0700
Petree College of Arts & Sciences
Accredited since 1944
American Psychological Association, Commission on
Accreditation Kramer School of Nursing
750 First Street, NE Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing, Inc.
Washington, D.C. 20002-4242 3390 Peachtree Road, N.E., Suite 1400
www.accreditation.apa.org Atlanta, GA 30326
(202) 336-5979 (404) 975-5000
Accredited, on contigency 2023 www.acenursing.org
B.S.N. Accredited since 1985
Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation M.S.N. Accredited since 2007
1140 19th St., Suite 400 D.N.P. Accredited since 2012
Washington, DC 20036
www.caepnet.org Oklahoma Board of Nursing
(202) 223-0077 2501 N. Classen Blvd., Suite 207
Accredited since 2012 Oklahoma City, OK 73105
(405) 962-1800
Oklahoma Office of Educational Quality and Accountability www.nursing.ok.gov
840 Research Parkway, Ste 455 Affiliated since 1981
Oklahoma City, OK 73104
www.ok.gov/oeqa Physician Assistant Program
(405) 522-5399 Accreditation Review Commission on Education
Affiliated since 1997 for the Physician Assistant, Inc.
3325 Paddocks Parkway, Suite 345
Meinders School of Business Suwanee, GA 30024
The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (770) 476-1224
777 South Harbour Island Blvd., Suite 750 www.arc-pa.org/
Tampa, FL 33602 Accredited since 2020
(813) 769-6500
www.aacsb.edu Physical Therapy Program
Accredited since 2014 Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education
1111 North Fairfax Street
American Association of Professional Landmen
Alexandria, VA 22313
800 Fournier St
(703) 706-3246
Fort Worth, TX 76102
(817) 847-7700
Accredited since 2022
Affiliated since 2013

School of Law Assessment

American Bar Association Section of Legal Education
and Admissions to the Bar
Oklahoma City University is committed to creating an
321 N Clark St, 21st Floor environment in which faculty and staff work in collaboration
Chicago, IL 60654 with students to enhance learning. We believe that effective
(312) 988-5000 assessment practices are central to understanding the impact
www.americanbar.org/groups/legal_education of this work. Our assessment team develops meaningful part-
Accredited since 1960
nerships with faculty, students, and staff as they collect infor-
Association of American Law Schools mation about learning. Assessment is an integral part of the
1614 20th Street, NW strategic planning and budgeting process for Oklahoma City
Washington, DC 20009 University. Ultimately, the purpose of assessment is to use
(202) 296-8851
results to inform program and system improvement.
Affiliated since 2003

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

General Information /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025
OCU celebrates diversity and practices inclusion in all its
forms—from human qualities of gender, race, sexual orien-
tation, and disability, to diversity of ideas regarding religious
beliefs, cultural identities, and political and social convictions.
It is understood that the intersections of varied social identities,
lived experiences, and ideas enrich lives. The enrichment occurs
all while developing personal values based on expansive inter-
actions with those with whom common experiences are shared
and those with whom few common experiences are shared.
Diversity of thought, inclusion, access, equitable practices, and
belonging enrich academic, professional, and personal oppor-
tunities, and is a source of strength and empowerment for all
and allows OCU to prioritize inclusion, access, and equity as we
consider and embrace all who are a part of our community.

General Information /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

Oklahoma City
A Modern Metropolitan Setting
Home to more than 1.2 million Oklahomans and an average of 300 days of sunshine per year, “Oklahoma City offers
the Oklahoma City metro offers an abundance of the arts, quality healthcare, excellence in so much more than I
education, and more. And it does so without high costs, energy shortages, or traffic congestion. initially expected when
It is a distinctly liveable city where you can chase your dreams and still enjoy a rich quality
I came here from out
of life.
Oklahoma City’s hip, spirited environment blends with its deep Western heritage to create a of state. It has all the
place where culture and commerce thrive. With renowned festivals, national sporting events, conveniences of a big
treasure-filled museums, and a variety of districts highlighting arts and entertainment, the pos- city while at the same
sibilities for adventure and fun in Oklahoma City are endless. Situated on vibrant 23rd Street,
time retaining small
our campus sits in the heart of OKC in the historic Uptown District, which has been experi-
town comfort. It is a
encing an exciting time of revitalization. A variety of historic ethnic neighborhoods, as well as
a wide range of educational, civic, religious, entertainment, sporting, shopping, and dining unique hybrid of those
options, surround Oklahoma City University. two different cultures.”
On any given night you may find yourself dining at one of the local hot spots in Automobile
Alley or Deep Deuce, enjoying a festival in the Plaza District or Midtown, appreciating one of —Ken,
the many art galleries in the Paseo Arts District, taking in a Thunder basketball game down- Junior, Mathematics
town, playing laser tag in the Bricktown Entertainment District, or taking a stroll by beautiful & Chemistry Education
Lake Hefner. There is always an adventure waiting for you in Oklahoma City!

Did you know that Oklahoma City is one of the

top river sports destinations in the world?
Located just south of downtown, the Boathouse District, along the Oklahoma River, is one of

Oklahoma City’s top attractions for adventure seekers. Oklahoma City University Rowing is in

the heart of the action based out of the university’s Devon Boathouse.

General Information /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

Oklahoma City Map
Hefner Rd.
MacArthur Blvd.

May Ave.

Pennsylvania Ave.

Western Ave.

Kelley Ave.

Eastern Ave.

Bryant Ave.
35 N
Lake Hefner
Britton Rd.

Wilshire Blvd.
fner Dr. Gra
3 He
74 63rd St.
Meridian Ave.

Portland Ave.

t Expr
50th St.
Classen Blvd.

Lincoln Blvd.

Coltrane Rd.
36th St.
Walker Ave.

23rd St. OCU State Capitol


10th St.

Reno Ave.


15th St. 35

29th St. 44

Grand Blvd.

152 44th St.

54th St.

Will Rogers
World Airport

Oklahoma City
OCU: 2501 N. Blackwelder Avenue., Oklahoma City, OK 73106

Directions to Oklahoma City University

From I-35 (North or South): Take I-35 to I-40. Follow I-40 west to Classen Boulevard (Western Avenue exit). Take Classen north
to NW 23rd Street. Turn west and take NW 23rd to Blackwelder Avenue. The campus is on the north side of NW 23rd and Blackwelder.
From I-40: Coming from the east, take the Western exit to Classen Blvd. Go north on Classen to NW 23rd and take NW 23rd west
to Blackwelder. Coming from the west, take I-40 to Pennsylvania. Take Pennsylvania north to NW 23rd. Turn east on NW 23rd to
Blackwelder. The campus is on the north side of NW 23rd between Pennsylvania and Blackwelder avenues.

General Information /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

Campus Map


Parking (requires permit) P




Emergency Phones








A1 450




220 332 451

330 33 335 452

331 3





336 440













320 430















420 431 541





































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General Parking

C )









Oklahoma United Methodist Hall Residents




Cokesbury Court Apartment Residents


Value Commuter

Visitor/Admissions Guest

120 Lambda Chi Alpha 410 Bishop W. Angie Smith Chapel 530 Walker Center for Arts
210 Kappa Sigma (Saint Paul School of Theology) and Sciences
220 Harris Hall 411 Edith Kinney Gaylord Center 531 Norick Art Center
221 Draper Hall (Ann Lacy School of American 540 Campus Health Center
225 Cokesbury Court Apartments Dance and Entertainment) 541 Kramer School of Nursing (East)
240 Theatre Storage 420 Tom and Brenda McDaniel 551 Stars Soccer Ticket Booth
310 Sarkeys Center University Center 552 Jim Wade Press Box
311 Walker Hall 421 Dulaney-Browne Library A4 Brian Harvey Field
312 Gold Star Memorial Building (Center for Excellence 610 Exercise & Sports Science
(Wimberly School of Religion) in Teaching and Learning) 611 Police Department
320 Smith Hall 430 Facilities Department 612 Dance and Entertainment
321 Banning Hall 431 Facilities Department (Shops) Costume Storage
322 Oklahoma United Methodist Hall 440 Henry J. Freede Wellness 613 Lacy Admissions and
323 Aduddell Center (Fitness Center) and Activity Center Visitor Center
330 Gamma Phi Beta 450 Ann Lacy Stadium (West Building) 614 Dance and Entertainment
331 Phi Mu 451 Ann Lacy Stadium (Press Box) Costume Storage
332 Alpha Phi 452 Ann Lacy Stadium (East Building) 620 Wilson House
333 Alpha Chi Omega A2 Ann Lacy Stadium 621 Children’s Center for the Arts
334 J.R. Homsey Press Box A3 Kerr-McGee Centennial Plaza (Oklahoma Children’s Theatre)
335 C.R. Sutton Baseball Complex 510 Clara E. Jones Administration 622 Oklahoma United Methodist
336 Dawson-Loeffler Center Building Conference Center
A1 Jim Wade Stadium 520 Kirkpatrick Fine Arts Center 630 Meinders School of Business
351 Facilities Department 521 Margaret E. Petree Recital Hall
(Housekeeping) 522 Wanda L. Bass Music Center

General Information /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

Graduate Degree Programs
Music Theater
Opera Performance
Most of Oklahoma City University’s graduate degrees have
Vocal Coaching
an “area of emphasis.” This helps students to choose the field
of study for which they are best suited within a degree pro- Master of Physician Assistant Studies (M.P.A.S)
gram. This focused area of study will develop and comple-
Master of Science in Accounting (M.S.A.)
ment students’ interests, abilities, and goals and will ulti- Accounting
mately give them the best possible preparation for careers in Accounting with STEM track
their respective fields.
Master of Science (M.S.)
The university offers the following degrees:
Computer Science
Doctor of Nursing Practice (D.N.P.) Data Science
Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner Mobile Development
Clinical Web Development
Community-based Public Health Data Analytics
Executive Leadership Financial Analytics
Family Nurse Practitioner
Nursing Education Master of Science in Nursing (M.S.N.)
Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Community-based Public Health
Nursing Education
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Nursing Nursing Leadership

Doctor of Physical Therapy (D.P.T.) Master’s Certificate in Business Leadership

Doctor of Psychology (PsyD) Master’s Certificate in Educational Technology
Juris Doctor (J.D.) Master’s Certificate in Financial Fraud
and Forensic Accounting
Juris Doctor (J.D.)/Master of Arts
in Nonprofit Leadership (M.A.) Master’s Certificate in Healthcare Simulation Educator
Juris Doctor (J.D.)/Master of Business Administration Master’s Certificate in Healthcare Practice Management
Master’s Certificate in Instructional Design
Master of Arts (M.A.)
Arts Administration Master’s Certificate in Nonprofit Fundraising
Nonprofit Leadership
Nonprofit Leadership Fundraising Master’s Certificate in Nonprofit Leadership

Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) Master’s Certificate in Reaching and Teaching All
Corporate Accounting Learners
Data Analytics
Post Master’s Certificate
Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner
Financial Analytics
Family Nurse Practitioner
Nursing Education
Nursing Leadership
Master of Education (M.Ed.) Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner
Clinical Mental Health Counseling
Post Doctor of Nursing Practice Certificate
Instructional Design and Education Technology
Clinical Research Methods
Master of Fine Arts (M.F.A.)
Screen Acting

Master of Music (M.M.)

Multiple Woodwinds
Music Composition

General Information /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

Graduate Admission
General Admission Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Admission Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Admission Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Candidacy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Readmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Transfer Credit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Non-Degree-Seeking Student Admission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Undergraduate/Graduate Concurrent Enrollment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Admission Inquiries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

International Graduate Admission Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Admission of International Students. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
English Proficiency Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Financial Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Transcript Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Graduate Admission /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

General Admission Policy Admission Procedure
All application material must be sent directly to the
Oklahoma City University is interested in graduate stu-
dents who want to learn. Careful consideration is given to
each application. Important factors to be considered include Office of Admissions, Oklahoma City University
undergraduate records and recommendations from academic 2501 North Blackwelder
Oklahoma City, OK 73106
counselors, desirable traits of character and personality, and
the interests and goals of the applicant in relation to the grad- Application
uate programs of study offered by the university.
The application process and admissions requirements
In the quest for academic excellence, preference will be
vary for each program. Please review the relevant pro-
given to those applicants whose evidence of academic fitness
gram information found in this catalog and contact the
and professional promise indicates that they are particularly
Office of Graduate Admissions at (405) 208-5351 or gadmis-
qualified to study in the graduate programs at Oklahoma City
sions@okcu.edu to determine the complete application

Admission Requirements Application Fee

Admission to Oklahoma City University’s graduate pro- Attach a nonrefundable fee of $60.
grams is open to all domestic students holding, at minimum,
bachelor’s degrees from national or regionally accredited
colleges or universities and all international students whose Official transcripts must be received by the Office of
credentials have been approved by their country’s ministry of Admissions from all colleges and universities attended.
education. All students must meet the criteria indicating high Preferred method of delivery is by mail directly from the insti-
potential to succeed in graduate-level work. The academic tution or an electronic transcript sent by one of the approved
unit holds final authority over admission decisions regard- secure transmission systems. The complete list of acceptable
ing entry into its programs. All graduate programs require a systems can be found on the Office of the Registrar website
minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00 for admission, based on the (www.okcu.edu/current/academic-affairs/registrars-office/
undergraduate or most recent degree. Some programs require transcripts). An official transcript is delivered in a sealed
a qualifying GMAT or GRE score. envelope which should not be opened by anyone except the
The university reserves the right to deny admission or Office of Admissions or the Office of the Registrar. Faxed or
continued enrollment. The university does not discrimi- emailed transcripts are not considered official. Unofficial
nate against any individual because of race, color, religion, transcripts or photocopies from all colleges or universities
national origin, gender, age, handicap or disability, sexual attended may be included with the application for review
orientation, or veteran status. Meeting minimum require- purposes.
ments to apply does not guarantee admission into a graduate
Letters of Recommendation
Letters of recommendation are required for admission
Admission on Probation from persons able to comment on professional and academic
Admission may be granted on a case-by-case basis to ability. Please verify the number of letters needed for the pre-
applicants who do not meet the minimum GPA requirement ferred program.
or other academic standards. No applicant will be admitted All transcripts, test scores, correspondence, or other mate-
on probation with a cumulative GPA below 2.75 except by rials submitted for the purpose of applying for admissions
permission of the dean. become the property of the university and will not be returned.
A student admitted on probation will remain on probation
until 9 hours of graduate course work are completed with a Candidacy
GPA of 3.000 or greater. You must also earn a GPA of 3.000 or
Admission means only that the student will be permit-
greater in the first 9 hours of graduate work in order to con-
ted to enroll for courses in the various programs. It does not
tinue in the program.
imply that the graduate student will be accepted for candi-
dacy. See Acceptance to Candidacy for selected graduate
programs of study.

Graduate Admission /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

Degree requirements may be fulfilled by courses trans-
ferred from a completed Oklahoma City University degree,
Former students who have not attended Oklahoma City and the student may be awarded the credit hours associ-
University for two consecutive semesters (excluding sum- ated with those courses up to one-third of the total required
mer) must be readmitted before enrollment. An application courses/credits but not to exceed 12 credit hours for the
for readmission and official transcript of all work completed Oklahoma City University master’s degree.
since leaving OCU must be submitted to be considered for


Transfer Credit Student Admission

Transfer credit is approved by the dean of the student’s A student who does not wish to work toward an advanced
school only after the student has been admitted to Oklahoma degree, but who seeks to earn graduate credits for appro-
City University. Petitions for transfer of graduate credit must priate courses may enter graduate school as a nondegree-
be submitted to the dean of the student’s school. No course seeking student. In the event the student is subsequently
credit may be transferred unless the grade received was at admitted to a graduate program for an advanced degree, a
least a B (3.00 on a 4.00 scale) from a national or regionally maximum of 12 credits taken as a nondegree-seeking student
accredited institution or appropriately accredited institu- may be used retroactively in meeting the student’s credit
tion located outside the U.S. Correspondence courses are not requirement for a degree.
accepted toward a graduate degree.
Transfer credit for institutions outside of the U.S. must be Undergraduate/Graduate
fully recognized by the appropriate accrediting body (such as Concurrent Enrollment
the Ministry of Education) in the country of origin. The Office
of International Admissions will determine the accreditation Undergraduate students who have fewer than nine credit
of institutions outside the U.S. International students may hours remaining to complete a bachelor’s degree and wish to
not receive credit for English as a Second Language courses enroll concurrently in graduate courses may seek conditional
taken at U.S. colleges, and students may not receive credit admission to a graduate program. Once admitted, the stu-
for English language courses taught in countries where the dent is limited to six graduate-level credit hours in that pro-
medium of instruction is a language other than English. gram. The student must complete their undergraduate degree
Transfer credit will not be granted until official transcripts prior to enrolling in a second semester of graduate study.
of all graduate work completed at national or regionally
accredited U.S. institutions have been received by the Office Admission Inquiries
of the Registrar and official transcripts for graduate work For information concerning graduate programs at Oklahoma
completed at institutions outside the U.S. have been received City University, contact the Office of Admissions at (405) 208-
by the Office of International Admissions. The dean or direc- 5351, visit our website at www.okcu.edu/graduate, or contact
tor of the graduate program is responsible for granting trans- us by email at gadmissions@okcu.edu.
fer credit. See additional school- or program-specific require-

International Graduate
ments related to acceptance of graduate transfer credit.
Degree requirements may be fulfilled by courses transferred
from a completed degree conferred by another national or
regionally accredited university. However, the student will not
Admission Procedure
be awarded credit hours associated with those courses. Oklahoma City University has students from over sixty
Degree requirements may be fulfilled by courses trans- countries studying in its undergraduate and graduate pro-
ferred from an uncompleted degree begun at another national grams. The university is authorized under federal law to
or regionally accredited university, and the student may be enroll nonimmigrant alien students.
awarded the credit hours associated with those courses up
to one-third of the total required courses/credit but not to Admission of International Students
exceed 12 credit hours for the Oklahoma City University mas-
All international student applications, graduate and
ter’s degree.
undergraduate, are processed by the Office of International
Admissions. Applications and information may be obtained

Graduate Admission /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

online at www.okcu.edu/admissions/international or by • PTE Academic 48-52
emailing ia@okcu.edu or by writing to: Provisionally admitted students must complete 12 credit
hours of regularly graded course work with a GPA of 2.50 or
Office of International Admissions higher. Prior to matriculation, provisionally admitted students
Oklahoma City University are strongly encouraged to enroll in an university approved
2501 N. Blackwelder Ave English language center program to further advance their
Oklahoma City, OK 73106 U.S.A. skillset. A student who fails to maintain a GPA of 2.50 in their
Oklahoma City University does not have application first 12 credit hours of academic course work will be asked
deadlines, but recommends that applications be submitted to attend a university approved English language center and
no later than one month before the semester begins. provide evidence of successful completion of the highest “pro-
ficiency” level. The student may also submit a new TOEFL,

English Proficiency Policy

IELTS, or PTE score that meets the requirements for regular
admission. A student who is unable to successfully complete
All international applicants whose native language (lan- one of the above mentioned options has the right to appeal
guage first learned and spoken at home) is not English, or academic dismissal. Please see the catalog section on the
who did not complete a degree from an institution where appeal of academic dismissal for more details. The Office of
English was the language of instruction, are required to take International Admissions will maintain the equivalency chart
an English proficiency test. Applicants may still be required to of appropriate English proficiency assessments.
take an English exam if deemed by the school or International
Admissions Office. * M.B.A., M.S.A., M.S.N., D.N.P., PsyD, M.S. in Data Analytics,
M.S. in Financial Analytics and the M.Ed. in Clinical Mental
Regular Admission Health Counseling do not accept students under the provi-
sional admission standard.
Regular admission to most undergraduate programs*
requires one of the following:

• Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) internet- Financial Support

based test (iBT) score of 79+ International students are required to show evidence that
they, their parents, or a sponsor have the financial ability to
• Nursing programs: TOEFL 83 with Speaking section
pay for tuition and living expenses during the time that they
score of 26
study in the United States.
• International English Language Testing System (IELTS) Financial ability is normally demonstrated by submit-
overall score of 6.5 with at least 6.0 on each sub-band. ting a bank statement accompanied by a letter of support or
Nursing programs: IELTS overall 7.0 with minimum of 7.0 Sponsor can use Financial Statement of Support form from
& Speaking Section and at least 6.5 in other sub-bands the International Student Office. This statement must show
enough funds to cover all expenses for the first year of study.
• Pearson PTE score of 53+

• Duolingo English Test score of 95+. All business graduate Transcript Evaluation
programs need a Duolingo English Test score of 105+. Any applicant, whether international or domestic, who
holds a degree from a college or university outside the United
• Completion of ELS level 112 or completion of the highest
States, must have transcripts from that institution evalu-
proficiency level at an university approved English lan-
ated by Oklahoma City University’s Office of International
guage institute
Provisional Admission*
Students who do not meet the English proficiency required
for regular admission may be considered for provisional
admission by meeting the following score:

• TOEFL internet-based (iBT) score of 60-78

• IELTS overall score of 6.0 with no sub-band below 5.5

Graduate Admission /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

Expenses and Financial Aid

General Financial Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Rules Governing Payment of Tuition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Past Due Accounts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Special Service Fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Veterans Benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Tuition Adjustments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Adding and Dropping Courses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Tuition Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Withdrawals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Email . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Identification Cards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Book Charge Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Financial Assistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Types of Assistance Available . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Eligibility for Financial Assistance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Financial Aid Application Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Return of Unearned Federal Title IV Funds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy for Financially Aided Students . . . . . . . 20
Renewals and Annual Awarding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Award Notifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Financial Aid Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Federal Aid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Oklahoma City University Assistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Corporate Education Benefits Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Endowed Chairs and Professorships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Expenses & Financial Aid /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025
General Financial Information
student account. Work-study payments will reduce the stu-
dent’s installment plan.
The graduate tuition rate varies by program, but is the same If tuition charges and fees are to be paid by a third party
for all students within each program regardless of their state other than the student’s family or financial aid, a written
of permanent residence. authorization from the third party must be presented at the
A music student will be charged the current tuition per time of enrollment; otherwise, the student will be required
hour rate that is associated with their matriculation term. to meet the financial requirements listed above. Veterans
Typically a music student’s enrollment may include up to two attending the university under the GI Bill® are required to
half-hour lessons each semester; however, for any additional comply with the same rules and payment tables govern-
lessons that increase the student’s enrollment for the semes- ing non-veteran obligations. VA beneficiaries are not penal-
ter the student will be charged the current per hour tuition ized in any way as a result of delayed VA payments. GI Bill®
rate associated with their matriculation date, plus any gen- is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans
eral university or music specific fees. Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits
offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government web-

Rules Governing
site at http://www.benefits.va.gov/gibill.
No student will be allowed to enroll in any semester or

Payment of Tuition term if their account is past due. No student will be given a
letter of good standing, transcript, or diploma until all finan-
All tuition charges and fees are due on the first day of class cial obligations to the university are paid.
for each semester or term according to the official Oklahoma All tuition, fees, and charges made by the university are
City University academic calendar. All students must make payable at the Student Accounts Office. Students may also
arrangements for their account balances either by paying submit payment for Oklahoma City University charges online
their balance in full (Option 1) or enrolling in a monthly pay- via their Oklahoma City University BlueLink Account.
ment plan (Option 2). Payments to student accounts are applied first to tuition
and fees and then to other charges. The only exception to
Option 1: Payment in Full this application of payment is donor restriction on a gift or
Any remaining balance due after loans, grants, or scholar- endowed scholarship.
ships, etc. will be due in full on the first day of class for each By enrolling at Oklahoma City University, students agree to
semester that the student is enrolled. the following:

Option 2: Installment Plan (Fee) • That to the extent their educational expenses are not paid
Students may sign up for the installment plan; a $50 fee is by parents, scholarships, employers, or other sources,
assessed to allow students to make four interest-free pay- they are responsible for such payments plus interest.
ments over the course of the semester. • That by enrolling, they are subject to applicable charges
A “No Enrolled Payment Plan” fee of $100 will be assessed and/or fees and that these charges and/or fees constitute
to any student who has either not signed up for the install- a legal debt until paid or otherwise settled.
ment plan, not paid account in full by the first day of class, • That any additional cost or legal fees, including but
nor made appropriate payment arrangements. Failure to not limited to reasonable attorney’s fees, incurred by
enroll in an installment plan can lead to cancellation for Oklahoma City University, its successors and/or assigns,
non-payment. If a payment is not made by the payment due in collecting the amounts due shall be added to the
date each month, accounts are subject to a late payment fee amount the student owes and will bear the same rate of
of $30 per month. Any account with an unpaid balance at interest as the principle amount.
the end of the term will be subject to a $50 default fee as well • That if they drop or withdraw from some or all of the
as a finance fee of 2.67%. classes for which they register, they will be responsible
Students awarded financial aid in the form of work-study for paying all of the tuition and fees in accordance with
should be aware that this form of aid is not considered in the published tuition refund schedule at Oklahoma City
determining the balance due in room and board, fees, and University.
tuition for the semester. If a student chooses, they may They also specifically acknowledge the following:
request their work-study earnings be applied directly to their • I have read the terms and conditions of the published
tuition refund schedule and understand those terms are

Expenses & Financial Aid /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025
incorporated herein by reference. I further understand City University, they may begin the sign-up process by vis-
that my failure to attend class or receive a bill does not iting https://www.okcu.edu/students/health/insurance,
absolve me of my financial responsibility, as described or call (918) 949-6709 for more information.
above. • An international student fee and international student
• I authorize Oklahoma City University and/or its agents, insurance fee are charged each semester. All fees are
including attorneys and/or collection agencies, to con- mandatory for international students.
tact me via cellular telephone and/or electronic tech- • Charges for tests given to persons not enrolled in the uni-
nology to collect any outstanding debt, unless I notify versity vary depending upon the test taken.
the university or its agents in writing to cease such • All students pay a one-time comprehensive records fee
communication. per degree sought that allows students and alumni to
request copies of their official transcripts at no addi-

Past Due Accounts tional charge. The registrar reserves the right to limit the
number of official transcripts an individual may receive
Any student who has a past due account, a financial hold within a particular time period.
on their grades and transcripts, or is experiencing financial
difficulties should immediately contact the Student Accounts
office for assistance and guidance. The office can be reached Veterans Benefits
by calling 405 208-5146 or via email at studentaccounts@ A Veterans Service Office is operated by Oklahoma City
okcu.edu during normal office hours. University as a service to veteran students. It neither sets
The University will maintain compliance with all appli- policy nor administers Veterans Affairs programs. University
cable laws and regulations regarding collections of past due personnel assigned to the office process the forms as a ser-
accounts in a higher education setting. Any changes to the vice to the student who is claiming VA educational benefits
applicable laws or regulations will supersede any information and act as liaison between the student and the Veterans
contained in this catalog. Affairs Regional Office. Students who wish to receive ben-
efits must report to the Oklahoma City University certify-

Special Service Fees ing official in the Registrar’s Office each semester to fill out a
Request for Certification. VA regulations require the sub-
Fees are published annually in a separate tuition and fees mission and review of transcripts from all previous institu-
announcement. The following is a list of typical fees. All fees tions including military transcripts as appropriate. For fur-
are subject to change annually. ther information, please contact Angela Do at the Veterans
Service Office at (405) 208-5352 or ado@okcu.edu.
• All students pay a general university fee. This fee pro-
vides general budget funding for a variety of services
including campus technology, academic enrichment Tuition Adjustments
and assessment, athletics and facilities, safety and crisis
Each term has a published first day of class as outlined in
preparedness, career services, health services, personal
the academic calendar. A 100% tuition adjustment is made
counseling, intramurals, student government asso-
at varying time periods beginning with the published first
ciation, student traditions, religious life, and student
day of class. After these periods, there will be no further
• Laboratory fees, as well as fees required for some courses Fall and spring semesters
are charged on a flat-fee basis in addition to tuition. • Eight to sixteen week courses: Two weeks
• An annual parking permit is required of all students for ending on the Friday of the second week of
on-campus parking. school at 11:59 p.m. CST
• OCU requires all full-time students to maintain stu- • Four to seven week courses: One week
dent health insurance as a condition of enrollment. If a ending on the Friday of the first week of
student already has health insurance coverage, they are school at 11:59 p.m. CST
encouraged to complete the Student Health Insurance • Three week courses: Two days from beginning
Plan (SHIP) waiver form online at https://studentcen- of class ending at 11:59 p.m. CST of the second day
ter.uhcsr.com/okcu.edu. If a student would like to use the • Less than three week courses: 11:59 p.m. CST
health insurance offered in partnership with Oklahoma of the first day of class

Expenses & Financial Aid /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025
Summer and accelerated cycles browser and most email applications. It will never expire for
• Please refer to the academic calendar for specific current students or those who graduate from the university.
100% refund dates. The student email account is the official correspondence for
Approximately the third week of class each semester, if the the following:
student’s account is paid in full, any excess personal, state,
• Office of Financial Aid
private, or federal financial aid awarded will be refunded to
• Billing notices
the student. The charges to be paid include, but are not lim-
• Student activities
ited to, tuition, fees, room and board, and traffic fines. If aid
• Academic communication with the university
includes proceeds from Parent PLUS loans, any excess funds
and professors
MUST be returned to the parent unless otherwise indicated
• Important dates, times, deadlines, and emergency
on the application. Only then can the refund go to the stu-
university notifications
dent. Oklahoma City University processes refunds by direct
deposit. Contact the Student Accounts Office for details. Email is the sole method of correspondence used by most
university departments.

Adding and Dropping Courses All students are expected to check their email accounts reg-
ularly. A student’s failure to check and maintain their account
Procedures and deadlines for adding and dropping classes on a regular basis will not be accepted as an excuse for miss-
are described in this catalog under Academic Regulations. ing information, dates, and/or deadlines.
International students will receive all updates on immigra-

Tuition Insurance tion regulations and newsletters through their Oklahoma City
University email accounts.
Oklahoma City University offers tuition insurance through

Identification Cards
GradGuard. This insurance is optional and can be purchased
during the first two weeks of a semester. Tuition insurance
can offer reimbursement when a student cannot complete Identification cards issued to all students are valid for as
an academic term due to an unforeseen, covered accident, long as the student is enrolled in the university. Students
injury, or any other covered reason. If a student/parent must be enrolled and a government-issued picture ID is
chooses not to purchase this optional insurance, they will required at the Student Accounts Office when requesting an
remain responsible for any outstanding charges on their Oklahoma City University ID card. A valid driver’s license
student account until balance is paid in full. For more infor- or passport is acceptable. The card identifies the student
mation, please see www.gradguard.com/tuition. and allows participation in student activities and elections.
It admits the student to all home athletic events and vari-

Withdrawals ous student activities. A student identification card grants

access to printing and copying services and serves as a meal
Students unable to remain at the university to complete ticket for students who are on a board plan. Oklahoma City
their courses for the term must process a full withdrawal. University IDs are $25. If an Oklahoma City University ID
Procedures for all classes are in this catalog under Academic is lost or stolen, a student may purchase a new one for a
Regulations. Full withdrawals from the university are replacement fee of $10. Price subject to change.
not complete until the student has been counseled by a

Book Charge Program

financial aid representative and validated by the Student
Accounts Office. Tuition adjustments, if any, are based on
the date of Student Accounts Office validation. (See also Oklahoma City University’s bookstore is managed by
“Return of Unearned Federal Title IV Funds” under Financial Slingshot. Slingshot offers a charge program. Charges, result-
Assistance.) ing from class required items, such as utilizing the book
charge program, will be added to the student’s account. The

Email charges will be included in the monthly invoice and will

be due upon receipt or can be paid monthly as part of the
All students receive an Oklahoma City University email approved payment plan. Students who have a hold as a result
account that they are responsible for activating and main- of a past due balance will not be permitted to participate in
taining. Access to this account is available through a web the book charge program.

Expenses & Financial Aid /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025
Financial Assistance
which financial aid has already been received may not be eli-
gible for additional financial aid for those repeated classes.

Types of Assistance Available

All students are encouraged to apply for federal student aid.
The student should file a Free Application for Federal Student
The Office of Financial Aid assists admitted students in Aid (FAFSA) online at www.studentaid.gov and designate
developing a financial aid package to help meet their basic Oklahoma City University (code 003166) on the application
educational expenses. Financial aid includes the university in order for the Office of Financial Aid to receive a copy of
scholarships, student loans, and federal and institutional the results. The student will receive an electronic link to their
work study. FAFSA Submission Summary from the Federal Student Aid
Processing Center in response to the FAFSA.
Eligibility for Financial Assistance The deadline for priority processing is March 1 annually.
FAFSAs received after the deadline will be considered in
The Office of Financial Aid considers the official Cost of
the order received for as long as aid resources are available.
Attendance at Oklahoma City University, the family’s Student
Funding restrictions may alter eligibility for some programs.
Aid Index (SAI) as determined by the Free Application for
In addition to the FAFSA, other forms may be required
Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), and the student’s incoming
based on the student’s individual circumstances. Students
academic achievements to determine eligibility for financial
should monitor their Oklahoma City University email and
aid. Oklahoma City University scholarships may be applied to
Bluelink for additional requested items.
tuition charges only and are not refundable to the student.
To be eligible for federal financial aid a student must be
enrolled and attending at least half-time each semester. Return of Unearned Federal Title IV Funds
What constitutes as half-time varies by degree program and is Title IV funds are awarded to a student under the assump-
listed below. tion that the student will attend school for the entire period
Graduate students for which the assistance is awarded. When a student with-
• Full-time—minimum of 9 credit hours draws, the student may no longer be eligible for the full
• Half-time—minimum of 6 credit hours amount of Title IV funds the student was originally scheduled
• Less than half-time—5 credit hours or less to receive.
Law students If a recipient of Title IV grant or loan funds withdraws from
• Full-time—minimum of 10 credit hours a school after beginning attendance, the amount of Title IV
• Half-time—minimum of 5 credit hours grant or loan assistance earned by the student must be deter-
PA students mined. If the amount disbursed to the student is greater than
• Due to program, full-time enrollment is the amount the student earned, unearned funds must be
mandatory—minimum of 9 credit hours returned.
Doctoral students The Office of Financial Aid will calculate the amount of
• Full-time—minimum of 6 credit hours Title IV funds the student has earned in accordance with
• Half-time—minimum of 2 credit hours federally prescribed procedures as detailed in the Federal
Financial aid may be available to help fund OCU-approved Compliance and Student Consumer Information found at
study abroad programs. More information is available from https://www.okcu.edu/heoa.
the Study Abroad Coordinator in the Provost Office at
studyabroad@okcu.edu. Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)
Policy for Financially Aided Students
Financial Aid Application Procedures
In accordance with federal, state, and university aid and
To be evaluated for financial assistance, a student must first
scholarship program guidelines, academic progress toward
be admitted to the university. Most federal and state pro-
a degree must be made in order for students to continue
grams require at least half-time enrollment. Transfer students
receiving funds.
must provide official transcripts from all institutions previ-
The Office of Financial aid will monitor the quantitative
ously attended. Audited courses and courses not applicable
and qualitative progress of each student receiving financial
to the student’s degree program will not be considered in the
assistance in accordance with the current guidelines and
financial aid package. Students who repeat course work for
procedures as detailed in the Satisfactory Academic Progress

Expenses & Financial Aid /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025
Endowed Chairs and
Policy found at: www.okcu.edu/uploads/financial-aid/docs/

Renewals and Annual Awarding

Students are evaluated annually for continued financial Endowed Chairs
aid eligibility. Federal renewal applications must be submit- The American Floral Services Endowed Chair in
ted annually and are available after October 1 of each year at Marketing was established in 1987 by Herman and LaDonna
www.studentaid.gov. Scholarship renewal is based on SAP Meinders. Dr. Michael Williams serves as the American Floral
and is reviewed annually after the posting of spring semester Services Chair in Marketing.
grades. Scholarships generally require maintaining full-time The Wanda L. Bass Chair in Choral Music Education/
enrollment and other criteria set forth at the time of the ini- Canterbury Youth Chorus was established in 2004 by Wanda
tial award. Bass to support both the choral music education program at
Oklahoma City University and the Canterbury Youth Chorus.
Award Notifications Professor Julie Yu-Oppenheim serves as the current chair of
this program.
More specific information about financial aid opportuni-
The Wanda L. Bass Chair in Organ was established
ties at Oklahoma City University may be obtained from the
in 2004 by Wanda Bass to support the study of organ at
Office of Financial Aid.
Oklahoma City University. Dr. Melissa Plamann holds the
Wanda L. Bass Chair in Organ.
Financial Aid Programs The C.R. Anthony Endowed Chair in Competitive
Enterprise was established in 1980 by members of the C.R.
Available at Oklahoma City Anthony family, the C.R. Anthony Company, and business

University for Graduate Students associates in memory of Mr. C.R. Anthony of Oklahoma City.
Dr. Robert A. Greve holds the chair for the C.R. Anthony
Federal Aid Chair in Competitive Enterprise.
The James Burwell Endowed Chair was established in
Bureau of Indian Affairs Grants
Federal Unsubsidized Stafford Student Loan 1962 through the estate of James Burwell of Oklahoma City.
Federal Work-Study Program Dr. James Ma holds the James Burwell Chair in Finance.
Fulbright Scholarship The Eleanor Lou Carrithers Chair of Writing and
Composition was established by OCU graduate and long-
Oklahoma City University Assistance time trustee Eleanor Lou Carrithers. Prof. Mark Stewart is the
current chair.
Departmental Graduate Scholarships
Music Talent Scholarship The B.C. Clark, Jr. Chair in the Meinders School of
Institutional Work-Study Program Business was established in 2009 through a bequest from Mr.
Miss Oklahoma City University Scholarship Clark’s late wife, Jeroldine Zachritz Clark. The chair recog-
Oklahoma City University Employee/Dependent Tuition Remission nizes members of the Meinders School of Business faculty
Study Abroad Scholarship who have demonstrated excellence in teaching and research
United Methodist Minister Tuition Remission
and who have attained a recognized level of accomplishment
within their academic discipline. Meredith Wegener, J.D.,
Corporate Education Benefits Program serves as the B.C. Clark Jr. Chair in Legal Studies.
Oklahoma City University partners with local employers to The Katherine and Mary Clary Chair of Creative Writing
assist their employees in obtaining a graduate degree from was established in 2015 to honor these alumnae. Robert
the university. Benefits include deferred billing and fee dis- Roensch currently holds the chair.
counts. For information about whether your company partic- The Darbeth-Whitten Endowed Chair in History was
ipates in the corporate education benefits program, contact established in 1971 by Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Wells of Hunter,
your employer’s human resources department or Graduate Oklahoma. Dr. Mohamed Daadaoui holds the Darbeth-
Admissions at (405) 208-5351. Whitten Chair.
The Endowed Chair in Hebrew Bible was established in
1985 by a friend of the university to lift up the study of the

Expenses & Financial Aid /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025
Endowed Professorships
Hebrew Scriptures. Dr. Lisa Wolfe serves as the Hebrew Bible
Endowed Chair.
The Henry J. Freede, M.D., Endowed Chair in Teaching The J. Bart Aldridge Professorship was established
Excellence in Business Administration was established in 1980 to honor a prominent Wewokan attorney, J. Bart
in 1999 to memorialize the belief in the value of education Aldridge. Mr. Aldridge was a member of the First United
expressed by the late Dr. Freede and to insure his vision of Methodist Church in Wewoka and served in the 10th and
commitment to the highest ideals and teaching standards 11th Oklahoma legislatures. Dr. Leslie Long holds the current
are promoted in the Meinders School of Business. Dr. Jacob J. Bart Aldridge Professorship.
T. Dearmon holds the Dr. Henry J. Freede Chair in Teaching The Claude and Ollie Bell Professorship in Church
Excellence. History was established in 1982 by Mrs. Ollie Bell. Dr. Leslie
The V.V. Harris Endowed Chair in Christian Education Long holds the the Claude and Ollie Bell Professorship.
was established in 1980 by The Harris Foundation of The Florence Birdwell Professorship in Voice was estab-
Oklahoma City in memory of Mr. Harris. Dr. Leslie Long lished in 2007 by friends and former students of Florence
serves as the V.V. Harris Endowed Chair. Birdwell.
The T.K. Hendrick Endowed Chair in Marketing and The Webster Lance Benham Endowed Professorship
Management was established in 1987 as a gift from T.K. in Mathematics was established in 1973 by Dr. David B.
Hendrick and the Hadson Petroleum Corporation to attract Benham of Oklahoma City in memory of his father, a former
and retain superior faculty members in the Meinders School professor of civil engineering at Oklahoma City University.
of Business. Dr. Ashley Berger holds the the Webster Lance Benham
The Ann Hundley Hoover Chair for the Dean of the Professorship.
School of Music was established in 2009 by friends of the The Dr. Johnny Blue Professorship in History was estab-
school of music in the memory of Ann Hundley Hoover. lished in 1975 to honor Dr. Johnny A. Blue, a 1930 Arts and
Dean Mark Parker holds the Ann Hundley Hoover Chair. Sciences graduate in the subject of History. Dr. Mohamed
The Islamic Studies Endowed Chair was established in Daadaoui is the current recipient of the Dr. Johnny A. Blue
2011 by multiple friends of the university, to support the Professorship.
development of quality education, community outreach, and The Bishop Paul W. Milhouse Endowed Professorship
religious understanding of Islam; and to honor the strong tra- in Religion was established by his friends and colleagues in
dition of Islam and Islamic culture in the state of Oklahoma. the Oklahoma Annual Conference of the United Methodist
Dr. Imad Enchassi currently holds the Islamic Studies Chair. Church upon the occasion of his retirement as bishop in
The Norick Brother’s Distinguished Professor of 1980. Dr. Mark Y.A. Davies currently serves as the Bishop Paul
Marketing Chair honors both the Norick family, with its rich W. Milhouse Professor of Religion.
tradition of service and philanthropy to the Oklahoma City The Don E. Schooler Endowed Professorship in Religion
community, and the firm which bears its name. was established in 1979 in memory of Dr. Don E. Schooler,
The Margaret K. Replogle Endowed Chair in Religion United Methodist minister and university trustee. Dr. Lisa
was established in 1979 by the late Mrs. Margaret Replogle Wolfe is the Don E. Schooler Professor.
of Oklahoma City in memory of her husband, Dee Replogle. The Owen and Vivian Wimberly Professorship in
Dr. Leslie Long serves as the Margaret K. Replogle Endowed Christian Thought was established in 1982 to support fac-
Chair in Religion. ulty in the School of Religion. Dr. Mark Y.A. Davies holds
The Francis Marion Riley and Martha Washington Riley the Owen and Vivian Wimberly Professorship in Christian
Religion Chair was established in 1927 upon the death of Thought.
Mr. Riley, a member of First Methodist Episcopal Church.
Prominent in real estate, cattle, banking, and railroads in
Oklahoma City Mr. Riley was a contemporary of Anton
Classen and Henry Overholser. The current Riley Religion
chair is Dr. Lisa Wolfe.

Expenses & Financial Aid /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025
Student Services
On-Campus Housing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Residence Halls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Apartment Living . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Rates for Residence Halls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Food Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Religious Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Religious Organizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Worship and Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Clergy Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Interfaith Prayer Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Campus Life. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Career Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Office of Student Engagement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
University Counseling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Student Government Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Honor Societies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Student Organizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Extracurricular Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Varsity Athletics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Fitness Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Intramural Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Open Recreation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Artistic Performance Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Student Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Speech and Debate Team . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Cultural Enrichment Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

The Martha Jean Lemon Distinguished Speaker Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
The Harbour Winn OCU Film Institute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
The Neustadt Lectures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
The Willson Lectures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Jeanne Hoffman Smith Center for Film and Literature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Student Services /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

On-Campus Housing
after June 30 to the first day of classes will result in a
$500 cancellation fee.
Residence Halls Housing assignments will automatically be cancelled if
a student has not checked into their room by 8:00 a.m. on
The university believes that a valuable part of a student’s the first day of scheduled classes for each semester or term,
learning experience occurs within each residential com- unless the Housing and Resident Life Department is notified
munity. The student lives and learns with other students of late arrival. The fall housing assignment will be canceled if
from different cultures and lifestyles. Numerous social and a student’s advance registration is canceled, and the process-
academic activities occur in on-campus housing during ing fee will be forfeited in full.
the academic year. There are three residence halls on the

Food Service
Oklahoma City University campus: Methodist, Walker, and
Banning Halls. Walker and Banning Halls house our first-year
students while Methodist Hall is for upper-class, graduate, There are several meal plans available to Oklahoma City
and professional students. Each residence hall is directed by University students, including a variety of residence hall
a Residence Life Coordinator and Resident Assistants, who board plans and convenience plans. Students residing in
develop community living and are resources to help students on-campus housing are required to purchase a meal plan.
succeed. Weekly meals can be used in the campus cafeteria or as
All single, full-time undergraduate students under the meal trades at Kitchen 1904. Points can be used in Alvin’s
age of 21 are required to live in university housing unless Market and at Kitchen 1904, located in the Tom and Brenda
they are living with their parent or legal guardian. Students McDaniel University Center. Food services are provided by
may apply for an exemption of the residency requirement Chartwells.
in the housing portal. Falsification of residence address may
result in termination of enrollment. If a student cancels their
housing contract after June 30 there will be a $500 cancella-
Religious Life
tion fee applied to their account. For more information The goal of Religious Life at Oklahoma City University is to
concerning university housing, call (405) 208-6363 or email promote spiritual enrichment and to minister to the spiritual
residencelife@okcu.edu. needs of the campus community. The Director of University
Church Relations and Religious Life can help students with
Apartment Living all faith backgrounds connect with varied student groups that
address spiritual needs and religious traditions. There is also
The Cokesbury Court apartment complex is a great alterna- programming to encourage interfaith understanding and
tive to the traditional residence-hall style living. Cokesbury engagement.
Court offers the security of a gated apartment complex.

Apartment options include furnished efficiencies and two-
and four-bedroom apartment layouts. The complex offers an
outdoor swimming pool and on-site parking and laundry. The Oklahoma City University Wesley Center is the on-
Students classified as sophomore and above are eligible to campus Christian student ministry which is housed in
apply for housing in Cokesbury Court. For more information, the lower level of the Chapel. Affiliated with the United
call (405) 208-6363. Methodist Church, The Wesley Center radiates with the
transformative power of God’s grace, community, and the
Rates for Residence Halls boundless love of Jesus. No matter a student’s background or
beliefs, they are warmly welcomed into our inclusive fam-
Housing rates for each academic year are published ily of students from diverse Christian denominations. The
separately in a tuition and fees schedule. A one-time, non- Wesley Center directs the weekly Wesley Worship service and
refundable $250 housing processing fee is required along small group ministry called HomeGroups. There are various
with a completed housing application and contract to live opportunities offered for spiritual enrichment and authentic
on campus. Scholarship students and athletes are NOT community throughout the year.
exempt from submitting a housing processing fee and Oklahoma City University’s International Ministry serves as
application. Cancellation of a completed housing contract a welcoming community for international students, provid-
must be emailed to residencelife@okcu.edu. Cancellations ing support and guidance as they adjust to life at the univer-
sity. It fosters a collaborative environment where students

Student Services /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

can find encouragement, build trust with peers, and advocate classroom. Students are encouraged to participate in activities
for their needs. While rooted in Christian values, the minis- both on and off campus. Activities sponsored by the Division
try ensures that all students, regardless of background, feel of Student Affairs are for all Oklahoma City University stu-
included and cared for. The International Ministry mission dents and are well publicized around campus.
extends beyond religious boundaries to share love and sup- Students at Oklahoma City University play a large role in
port throughout the OCU campus determining and regulating their own activities. Good stu-
dent-faculty-administration relations are maintained through
Worship and Activities cooperative, responsible student leadership.
There are numerous social and academic organizations
Every week during the academic year, Oklahoma City
available to students on campus. When the school year
University offers two vibrant worship experiences on campus.
begins, information is made available to all students about
University Worship, a liturgical service featuring dynamic
dates and meeting times for many organizations.
guest preachers and musicians, takes place on Thursdays at
1 pm in the Bishop W. Angie Smith Chapel. For those seek-
ing a contemporary worship setting, Wesley Worship awaits Career Services
on Mondays at 7 pm in Watson Lounge, located in the lower The Martha Burger Career Services Center assists all under-
level of the Chapel. Led by our talented student worship graduate and graduate students to blend their talents, inter-
band, Wesley Worship offers a compelling message and a ests, and academic achievement with the career development
meaningful celebration of Holy Communion. It concludes skills that will lead to success in internships, post-graduate
with fellowship and a free dinner. Additionally, occasional employment, or continued education programs. Career plan-
community building events, monthly mission and service ning and decision-making is a process that helps the unde-
opportunities are available to all who wish to participate, fur- cided student choose a major, while providing a ‘plan of action’
ther enriching the spiritual journey of our community. for those who are ready for the next step. The career center
combines traditional career development elements such as
Clergy Support resume development and interview skills with career and per-
sonal education tools, so that graduates are empowered with
The Director of Religious Life is available to provide stu-
the practical knowledge needed to transition from college to
dents of all faith affiliations pastoral care and spiritual
‘real-world’. Career Services wants every student to be confi-
encouragement. The Director of Religious Life works closely
dent in their ability to market key skills and experiences, and to
with our Muslim chaplain, and together can assist students
shine with a polished professional image. Students are encour-
in finding area houses of worship to connect with local faith
aged to schedule an individual appointment to begin planning
communities. For more information, visit www.okcu.edu/
their success and to join our online employment program:
Career advisors are available to help students each step of
Interfaith Prayer Center the way.
Students, staff, and faculty of all faiths are invited to visit
• Self-Assessment and Career Exploration
the breathtaking sanctuary located in the upper level of the
• Individual Career Counseling
Bishop W. Angie Smith Chapel; the peaceful prayer room
• Resume and Cover Letter Development
located in the lower level of the Chapel; the prayer labyrinth
• Internship and Job Search Strategies
located near the Kramer School of Nursing building; the
• Interview Techniques
prayer garden located lower level of the Chapel; and the Dr.
• Professional Etiquette
Raniyah Ramadan Interfaith Prayer Center located on the
• Graduate School Planning
west end of the Kramer School of Nursing building. Members
• Career Development Events and Workshops
of the campus may swipe their ID cards for 24-hour access to
• Summer Internship Funding
the prayer center.
• Alumni Mentor Connections
• On-Campus Interviews and Interactive Online Job Board
Campus Life (Handshake)

Oklahoma City University recognizes that learning takes The Martha Burger Career Services Center is located in
place in many forms and places and not exclusively in the the Meinders School of Business, Suite 200. Office hours:

Student Services /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

Monday–Friday, 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. (405) 208-5171 or services are triage based, meaning the basic symptoms are
careerservices@okcu.edu. Sign up for Handshake at identified and treated as needed based on individual terms. If
okcu.joinhandshake.com. you could benefit from a more specialized level of care, your
counselor can assist with referrals. The Office of University
Office of Student Engagement Counseling is located in Walker Hall, on the northwest side
and the hours are Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Call (405)
The Office of Student Engagement provides support to
208-7901 or email counseling@okcu.edu to make an appoint-
students, faculty/staff, and campus organizations regard-
ment. For more information and resources, visit www.okcu.
ing events, campus involvement, space reservation, Engage
software basics, maintaining/starting a new student organi-
zation, flyer approval, and much more. The Office of Student
Engagement also produces many of the large scale campus Student Government Association
events and programs. The Office of Student Engagement Student Government Association (SGA) is the governing
is located in Room 114 of the Tom and Brenda McDaniel body for all Oklahoma City University students. SGA con-
University Center across from the Student Leadership Center. sists of four branches: Executive, Legislative, Judicial and
Hours of operation are 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m., Monday–Friday the Student Activities Council. This organization plans and
during the school year, and 8:00 a.m.–5:30 p.m., Monday– implements a variety of activities for the campus commu-
Thursday during summer hours. nity, appropriates money for student organizations, drafts and
approves resolutions concerning issues facing students, and
Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion serves as the voice for students in university governance. The
president of SGA serves as a voting member of the university’s
The Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion plans and
board of trustees. Elections for High Officer and Senate posi-
supports programs and initiatives designed to expand aware-
tions (sophomores, juniors, and seniors) are held late in the
ness, understanding, appreciation, and respect for OCU’s
spring semester. Elections for the freshman senator positions
culturally, ethnically, socially, and spiritually diverse campus
are held early in the fall semester.
community (to name a few). In collaboration with students,
student organizations, and campus partners, the staff hosts
events celebrating cultural heritages from across the globe, Honor Societies
facilitates 2SLGBTQIA+ and advocate activities, leads disabil- The following honor societies and professional organiza-
ity and access needs, and promotes religious, spiritual, and tions are open to graduate students and are active on the
interfaith activities. These are just some of the ways the team Oklahoma City University campus. Partial membership
works collaboratively to support a sense of belonging for our requirements are listed.
campus community. Students are invited to share the ways
Alpha Chi
they’d like to see various life experiences honored and cel-
Full-time student, junior standing or above, cumulative
ebrated on our campus. Visit our website at www.okcu.edu/
GPA of at least 3.80 and/or in the upper 5% of the junior and
dei to learn more.
senior classes.

University Counseling Alpha Mu Gamma

The national collegiate foreign language honor society is for
Counseling is a confidential process designed to help you
intermediate- and advanced-level students with minimum
address concerns, come to a greater understanding of your-
GPA of 3.66 in the study of a single modern language.
self, and learn effective personal and interpersonal coping
strategies. University counseling services are available for all Alpha Sigma Lambda
currently enrolled, full- and part-time students. Our goal is to The national honor society for continuing education and
provide short-term mental health services that will assist OCU lifelong learning. Open to students in adult degree programs
students with emotional development, problem solving skills who have completed at least 24 hours at Oklahoma City
and decision making capabilities. University Counseling pri- University with a minimum GPA of 3.75.
oritizes cultural humility and continuing education for coun-
Alpha Phi Sigma Lambda
selors and staff.
The national criminal justice society is open to justice stud-
Counseling sessions are confidential, typically 45 to 50 min-
ies majors who have completed one-third of their course
utes long, and are free of charge. OCU University Counseling
work and are in the top 35% of the class.

Student Services /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

Alpha Psi Omega Sigma Tau Delta
Theatre student honor society. International English honor society.

Beta Beta Beta National Biological Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Honor Society
Honor Society, Alpha Chapter Open to undergraduate nursing students who have com-
Completion of three semesters in biology with 3.00 GPA in pleted one-half of the nursing curriculum, have a GPA of
biology and overall is required. at least 3.00, are ranked in the upper 35% of the graduat-
Beta Gamma Sigma ing class, and meet the expectations of academic integrity.
Business student international honor society. Membership Graduate nursing students who have completed one-quarter
is offered to undergraduate business students who are at the of the nursing curriculum, have a GPA of at least 3.50, and
end of either their junior or senior year and in the top 10% meet the expectations of academic integrity are also eligible
of their applicable junior or senior class. Graduate business for membership.
students in the top 20% of their graduating class qualify for Theta Alpha Kappa
membership. Religion student honor society. Completion of 12 hours of
religion courses at Oklahoma City University, GPA of 3.50 in
Blue Key National Honor Fraternity
religion, 3.00 overall and in the upper 35% of their class in
Membership by election, second-semester sophomore
general scholarship.
standing or above, cumulative GPA of 3.40 or above are
required. Upsilon Pi Epsilon
The mission of Upsilon Pi Epsilon is to recognize academic
International Education Honor Society
excellence in the computing and information disciplines.
Undergraduates must have first-term sophomore stand-
Undergraduate computer science majors must rank in the top
ing (30 semester hours), a GPA of 3.00 or higher, and at least
35% of their class and have a minimum GPA of 3.0 in not less
12 semester hours in education courses programmed, in
than 45 graded credit hours, including 15 credit hours in com-
progress, or completed. Graduate students must have regu-
puter science courses. Graduate students must rank in the top
lar admission status, 6 or more semester hours earned at
35% of their class and have completed at least 18 credit hours
Oklahoma City University, at least 12 semester hours of edu-
in graduate computer science course work with a cumulative
cation courses, and a graduate GPA of 3.25 or higher.
GPA of 3.5 or higher.
Order of Omega
Greek scholastic honor society. Initiates the top 3% of
Student Organizations
Greek students.
The following student organizations are active at Oklahoma
Phi Alpha Delta National Legal Fraternity City University:
Membership is by election.

Phi Eta Sigma Academic

Members are required to be full-time students with fresh- Alpha Chi Honors Society, Alpha Mu Gamma, Beta Beta
man standing who are in the top 20% of their class and who Beta Biology Honors Society, Blue Key Honors Society,
have a GPA of at least 3.50. Honors Student Council, Phi Alpha Delta Pre-Law, Phi Eta
Sigma, OCU Mobile Device Developers Club, Philosophy
Phi Kappa Phi Club, Psi Chi Chapter at OCU, Sigma Tau Delta, Student
An all-discipline national honor society with election by Accounting Society, TESOL Club
invitation only. Those elected must be ranked in the upper
7.5% of last-term juniors and upper 10% of seniors and grad- Faith-Based
uate students. Better Together, Catholic Student Association, Generation
Blessed Gospel Choir, Fellowship of Christian Athletes,
Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Jewish Stars, Muslim Student Organization, Nurses Christian
National professional music fraternity.
Psi Chi National Honor Society
Psychology student honor society. Alpha Chi Omega; Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.; Alpha
Sigma Alpha Iota National Professional Music Fraternity Phi; Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.; Gamma Phi Beta,
Membership is by election.

Student Services /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

Interfraternity Council; Kappa Sigma; Lambda Chi Alpha, tradition of intercollegiate athletics excellence illustrated by
Panhellenic Council; Phi Mu 76 team national championships and 31 consecutive years of
winning at least one team national championship each year.
Asian American Student Association, Black Student
Association, Chinese Scholars and Students Association, Fitness Center
Hispanic Students Association, Indian Student Association, The Aduddell Fitness Center provides full service to a large
Iraqi Student Organization, Native American Society, Saudi selection of fitness equipment including state-of-the-art
Student Association, Taiwanese Student Association treadmills, ellipticals, stationary bikes, and cross-training
equipment. The center also offers a wide range of free weights,
Performing Arts
stationary weight machines, and other aerobic equipment
Alpha Psi Omega, Collegiate Oklahoma Music Educators
(jump ropes, steppers, etc.). Showers, day lockers, and towels
Association, OCUpella, Out of the Box, Project 21, Shadow
are also available at the Aduddell Center.
Collective Project
The front desk provides a fully trained staff to answer any
Political questions or assist students during their workouts. The staff
Student Government Association, Young Democratic also offers an orientation twice a week. For more informa-
Socialists tion, contact (405) 208-5378.

American Choral Directors Association, Black Student Intramural Sports
Nurses Association, Business Professionals of America Oklahoma City University features an intramural sports
and DECA, Delta Epsilon Iota, Kramer Student Nursing program designed to encourage interaction between stu-
Association, KSN Men in Nursing, Marketing & Management dents, faculty, and staff. The department provides a variety
Club, Student Oklahoma Education Association, Students of league and tournament events. The Intramural Sports pro-
of Arts Management, United States Institute of Theatre gram strives to meet the competitive and recreational needs
Technology of the campus community. The department offers opportuni-
ties to maintain physical fitness while interacting with friends
and classmates.
Miracle Marathon, Student Civic Engagement Committee,
Sports offered include 3-on-3 basketball, 5-on-5 basketball,
and Circle K International
dodge ball, flag football, soccer, softball, table tennis (ping
Sports pong), volleyball (indoor and outdoor), and kickball. For
Exercise and Sport Science Club, Intramural Sports, OCU more information about Intramurals or how to register, call
Weightlifting Club (405) 208-5378.
Meinders School of Business Toastmasters, OCU Art Club, Open Recreation
OCU Student Ethics Consortium, SPECTRUM, The National The Henry J. Freede Wellness Center and its Abe Lemons
Society of Leadership and Success Arena provide the home court to many Oklahoma City
University sports. The recreation department offers open

Extracurricular Activities recreation nights at Freede. Open recreation takes place in

the fall and spring semesters. Each Sunday, Monday, and
Varsity Athletics Wednesday, Freede is open from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. for use by
anyone who carries an OCU ID. For more information, con-
Oklahoma City University sponsors a variety of varsity
tact (405) 208-5378.
sports programs including men’s and women’s basketball,
baseball, competitive cheer and competitive dance, STUNT,
men’s and women’s cross country/track and field, men’s Dance
and women’s golf, men’s and women’s rowing, men’s and All full-time students are eligible to audition for the
women’s soccer, men’s and women’s wrestling, softball, and American Spirit Dance Company, the Student Choreography
women’s volleyball. Oklahoma City University is a member of Show, the Oklahoma City University Spirit of Grace Liturgical
the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics and the Dancers, and the Oklahoma City University Pep Dancers.
Sooner Athletic Conference. Oklahoma City University has a Contact the American Spirit Dance Company manager in the

Student Services /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

Ann Lacy School of American Dance and Entertainment for team south of the Mason-Dixon line. Today OCU Speech
further information. Noncredit dance classes are available and Debate continues its vision of inclusivity. Students can
through the Community Dance Academy. compete in a broad range of areas, including Parliamentary
Debate, Platform Speech Public Speaking, Limited Prep
Music Speaking, and Individual Events. Scholarships are available
for team members. To apply, students should complete the
University students are encouraged to participate in music
online application for the Speech and Debate team: www.
activities, including performing in ensembles, taking pri-
vate music lessons, and auditioning for productions. All
qualified students are eligible to participate in Bass School of
Music performing ensembles (Symphony Orchestra, Wind Cultural Enrichment Events
Philharmonic, Ad Astra Women’s Chorus, University Chorale,
An array of music, drama, music theater, art, literature, cin-
University Singers, Chamber Choir, Jazz Ensemble, Pep Band,
ema, and lecture events occur annually on the Oklahoma City
and various small ensembles). Auditions for Oklahoma Opera
University campus. Among the cultural enrichment oppor-
and Music Theater Company productions are open to all stu-
tunities available and easily accessible in the Oklahoma
dents. For further information, see the director of the organi-
City area are the Oklahoma City Philharmonic concerts, the
zation in which you are interested, or call the music office at
Oklahoma City Museum of Art, Science Museum Oklahoma,
(405) 208-5474.
and several theaters.

Theatre The Martha Jean Lemon

All students, regardless of their majors, may audition for
Distinguished Speaker Series
parts in TheatreOCU productions presented each year by
the School of Theatre. Contact the School of Theatre at This series features annual events that enrich the aca-
ocutheatreauditions@okcu.edu for detailed audition demic environment for the University and the surrounding
information. community. Programs may relate to the arts and sciences,
business, dance and entertainment, law, music, nursing,

Student Publications
theatre, or religious topics. The series was created through
an endowment gift from Lynette Lemon Wert and Larry H.
All students, regardless of their major fields of study, are Lemon in 2010 on behalf of the Lemon family of Oklahoma
invited to apply to work for the Student Publications staff. City, in honor of Martha Jean Lemon, who graduated from
The staff publishes The Campus (the student newspaper) OCU in 1968 with a degree in history and worked as an inde-
and MediaOCU (the student media website at www.media- pendent comparative religion scholar. This series contin-
ocu.com). Contact stupub@my.okcu.edu for application ues OCU’s tradition of the Distinguished Speakers Series,
information. which has included Nobel Laureates Wangari Maathai,
Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Elie Wiesel, and Jody Williams,
Publication of Student Work as well as influential figures Reza Aslan, David Brooks, Fabien
Cousteau, Matthew Desmond, Marian Wright Edelman,
All students can submit poetry, fiction, nonfiction, and
Henry Louis Gates, Jane Goodall, David Grann, Robert F.
art to The Scarab, Oklahoma City University’s literary
Kennedy Jr., Piper Kerman, Jonathan Kozol, Rabbi Harold
journal, sponsored by the English honor society Sigma
Kushner, N. Scott Momaday, Bill Moyers, Sister Helen
Tau Delta. The undergraduate research journal Stellar
Prejean, Clive Thompson, Kurt Vonnegut, and Andrew Weil.
accepts submissions of research papers written for under-
graduate courses. Both annual publications can be viewed
at www.okcu.edu/artsci/departments/english/publications. The Harbour Winn OCU Film Institute
For over 40 years the Oklahoma City University Film
Speech and Debate Team Institute has offered the university and the greater Oklahoma
City community the opportunity to view classic and con-
All OCU students are eligible to participate on the OCU
temporary international and art house films. Each year the
Speech and Debate team. We have a rich history that goes
series focuses on a theme, and information on the theme and
back to our historic debate in 1931 with Wiley College, the
series films is available at the screenings. A discussion ses-
first debate between an all white team and an all black
sion follows each screening. The films are also available for

Student Services /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

The Jeanne Hoffman Smith Center
university courses. The film series is supported by Oklahoma
City University, the Oklahoma City University Film Institute
Endowment, the designated endowment in the Community for Film & Literature
Foundation of the Kirkpatrick Family Fund, and the Thatcher Begun in 1999, the Center’s mission is to develop creative
Hoffman Smith Endowment for the Center for Film & programs that engage individuals on the intuitive and expe-
Literature. riential levels to understand themselves and others through
film and literature. The Thatcher Hoffman Smith Spring
The Neustadt Lectures Poetry Series brings distinguished creative writers to cam-
pus each year. Featured award-winning writers have included
Walter and Delores Neustadt of Ardmore, Oklahoma,
Chris Abani, Jimmy Santiago Baca, Ellen Bass, Richard
established the lecture series in 1983 for the purpose of
Blanco, Jericho Brown, Lucille Clifton, Nikky Finny, Carolyn
strengthening understanding of the great contributions of the
Forché, Mark Doty, Claudia Emerson, Andrea Gibson,
Judaic religious tradition to Western civilization and thought.
Kimiko Hahn, Terrance Hayes, Marie Howe, Jane Hirshfield,
Scholars are invited to the campus to speak on informative
Li-Young Lee, Naomi Shihab Nye, Pádraig Ó Tuama, Michael
themes in the areas of Hebrew Scriptures, Judaic thought,
Ondaatje, and Alberto Ríos, as well as Poets Laureate Simon
and Jewish ethics and art.
Armitage, Billy Collins, Joy Harjo, Ted Kooser, Robert Pinsky,
Charles Simic, Tracy K. Smith, and Natasha Tretheway. Each
The Willson Lectures semester the Center also facilitates and promotes community
This lectureship is provided by an endowment from James engagement through the Oklahoma Humanities Let’s Talk
M. and Mavis Willson of Floydada, Texas. The lectures are About It book club program and the annual Film Institute;
directed to the interest of students in the area of religion hosts high school students and teachers on campus for work-
and society. The Willsons were outstanding members of the shops and conferences; sponsors select OCU students in
United Methodist Church. Their Christian vision was truly special creative opportunities; and collaborates with other
ecumenical in its outreach. Since 1953, their gift to Oklahoma campus and metropolitan organizations on a variety of cre-
City University has brought to campus speakers of interna- ative projects in relation to the Center’s mission. The Center’s
tional stature from the areas of religion, science, Christian Director teaches university courses related to the mission,
theology and ethics, church history, biblical studies, and and the work and development of the Center are supported
liturgical studies. by an advisory committee and the Thatcher Hoffman Smith
Endowment Fund. All of the Center’s programs are free and
open to all members of the university and OKC community.
More programming details may be found at https://www.

Student Services /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

Academic Regulations
General Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Residency Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Student Discipline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Attendance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Time Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Academic Advisement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Adding, Dropping, and Withdrawing from Courses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Leave of Absence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Incomplete Courses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Credit Hour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Grade Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Grade Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Auditing Courses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Repetition of Courses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Course Numbering Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Course Cancellation Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Final Examinations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Records and Transcripts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Official Transcripts From Other Institutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

Thesis, Dissertation, and Capstone Project

Enrollment and Grading Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Academic Honesty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Grievance Procedure for Grade Appeal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

Academic Probation and Dismissal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

Readmission Policy for Students Dismissed for Poor Academic Performance . . . . . . 41
Appeal Procedure for University Academic Dismissal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

Graduation Procedures and Commencement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

Graduation Honors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
University Honors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Academic Regulations /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

General Requirements
disciplinary suspension will be persona non grata on campus
except for official business.
Degree requirements for students are listed in the cata- The entire judicial structure of the university is set forth in
log in effect at the time of their first semester at Oklahoma the Student Code of Conduct and in the Student Handbook,
City University. Students who are not in attendance for two which is available on the university website. Students are
consecutive semesters, excluding summer, will be required responsible for all information contained in this catalog, the
to complete the degree requirements listed in the catalog in Student Code of Conduct, Student Handbook, and all class
effect at the time of their re-entry. schedules. Copies of class schedules can be obtained in the
The final authority in determining the fulfillment of gradu- Office of the Registrar.
ation requirements for each graduate program lies with the Concerns regarding student behavior and wellbeing
academic dean from each respective school. Graduate stu- should be reported to the Campus Assessment Response and
dents are expected to read and to comply with published Education Team (CARE). Resources and contact information
regulations. are found here: http://www.okcu.edu/campus/resources/
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the care.
information presented in this catalog. However, all courses,
course descriptions, materials, schedules, sequences of Attendance
courses in programs, instructor designations, curricular Oklahoma City University’s goal is to provide a robust
degree requirements, methods of instruction, locations of experiential learning environment to develop the knowl-
instruction, and fees described herein are subject to change edge, skills, and behaviors for each academic discipline and
or elimination without notice. This information is provided prepare individuals to meet the expectations of the profes-
solely for the convenience of the reader and does not consti- sional work environment. The university recognizes the
tute or create a contract between prospective or current stu- relationship between regular class attendance to the appli-
dents and Oklahoma City University. Students should consult cation of knowledge, the contributions within the learning
the appropriate department, school, college, or graduate experience, and the successful learning process. As such,
division for current information, as well as for any special every student is expected to attend scheduled synchronous
or temporary rules or requirements imposed by the depart- classes and actively participate in the asynchronous fully-
ment, school, college, or graduate division. online environment. Written requirements for attendance,
active participation, and tardiness can be found within the
Residency Requirements course syllabi. It is the student’s responsibility to be informed
The minimum number of hours to be taken in residence for of the attendance, active participation, and tardiness policies
any master’s degree offered may be noted under the individ- in each course in which they are enrolled. If required by the
ual degree programs. instructor, students unable to attend or actively participate
in a class are expected to notify the instructor in advance of

Student Discipline
their absence or potential tardiness according to each aca-
demic discipline’s policies. The student is responsible for all
Every student is expected to observe the highest standards material, content, and assignments missed as a result of the
of conduct, both on and off the campus. The university can- absence, as provided by the instructor’s policy. Failure to
not accept the responsibility for the education of any student attend classes as outlined in the course syllabus may result in
who is not in sympathy with the purposes and the regulations the loss of credit, exclusion from assignments, exclusion from
of the university. NOTE: In the case of Law School students, examinations, or reduction of course grade. (See the Law
the Law School Student Conduct Code Article 2.01 governs, School catalog for attendance policy in that degree program.)
and such students are subject to the Law School Disciplinary
Tribunal. Last Date of Attendance Policy (Asynchronous,
Oklahoma City University reserves the right to exclude any Fully-Online Courses)
student whose conduct or academic standing it regards as In a distance education context, logging into an online
undesirable, without assigning any further reason. In such class is not sufficient, by itself, to demonstrate academic
cases the fees due or which may have been paid in advance to attendance. The last date of attendance will be determined
the university will not be remitted or refunded in whole or in by active participation in one of the following academically
part. Neither the university nor any of its officers will be under related activities in a distance education program:
any liability whatsoever for such exclusion. Any student under • submission of an academic assignment,

Academic Regulations /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

• submission of an exam, and Sciences or their designee. The provost is the ultimate
• participation in an interactive tutorial or computer- authority on interpretation of requirements for graduation.
assisted instruction,
• a posting in an online study group that is assigned by GradStar Degree Audit
the institution GradStar by Degree Works is a Web-based tool to help stu-
• a posting in a discussion forum showing participation dents and advisors monitor a student’s academic progress
in an online discussion about academic matters, or toward degree completion using their specific major and cat-
• an email to the instructor of record to ask a question alog. A GradStar degree audit is a review of past, current, and
about the academic subject studied in the course. planned course work. It provides information of completed
and outstanding catalog requirements necessary to complete
Time Limits a degree/major/minor/concentration. GradStar is divided
into requirement blocks such as a degree block, a general
Students are expected to complete requirements for a
education block, and a major block. Check boxes exist within
graduate degree within a set period of time—usually five to
each block to easily outline which courses and requirements
six years after being admitted into a program. See the dean or
are complete. Students can access GradStar through the
department chair for the time limits established for a specific
Student tab in their Bluelink account.
degree program.
A GradStar degree audit can be a useful tool in the advise-
Course work that is five to 10 years old, whether taken prior
ment process. The student’s academic advisor should be
to or after admission, may, upon approval by the dean or
contacted for assistance in interpreting the degree audit. The
director, be applied to a degree in accordance with the policy
audit is not an academic transcript, and it is not official noti-
of the school, division, or department. Any course work that is
fication of degree or certificate completion. Students must
more than 10 years old, whether taken prior to, or after admis-
contact their advisors regarding degree audit and official
sion to a graduate program, cannot be applied to a degree.
degree/certificate status.

Academic Advisement Adding Courses

Academic advising is a collaborative effort between the
For the fall and spring semesters, courses may be added
student and academic advisor aimed at maximizing the stu-
through the first Friday after four class days of the semes-
dent’s educational and life goals. By using different styles of
ter without instructor approval. Courses added after the first
advising, such as prescriptive and developmental, advisors
Friday after four class days and through the second Friday
may be able to assist students in recognizing their own indi-
after nine class days may be added only with instructor
vidual, educational learning styles.
approval. Courses may not be added after this date. For the
In academic advising, the role of an advisor may include
summer terms, courses may be added through the first two
being the facilitator of learning, whereby the advisor works
class days of the term. Courses added after the first two class
with the student to develop decision-making and prob-
days and through the Thursday after three class days may
lem-solving skills. Advisors can be an information source
be added only with instructor approval. Courses may not be
on school policies and procedures, programs, and other
added after this date.
resources to further help students achieve their academic
and life-learning objectives. Advisors, while working with stu-
dents, may play a role in making sure the students proactively Dropping Courses
participate in choosing and enrolling in the required courses The final date to drop a course is listed in the academic cal-
necessary for graduation and obtaining a degree in their cho- endar. Students dropping courses before the final drop date
sen field. It is understood the academic advisor works in an will receive a W (withdrawal). After the final drop date the
advisory capacity and is not responsible for the failure of the student will be graded solely on academic performance at the
student to follow the requirements for graduation set forth in end of the term.
the catalog. Courses dropped through the 100% refund date will not
Every student at Oklahoma City University is assigned an appear on the student’s permanent record. Changes in class
academic advisor in their major area of interest, with unde- schedule become effective on the day the form is processed
cided students, who are classified as university studies stu- by the Office of the Registrar.
dents, being advised by the dean of the Petree College of Arts A 100% tuition adjustment is made for varying time peri-
ods beginning with the published first day of class. After this

Academic Regulations /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

period, there will be no further adjustments. The time periods At the time that the incomplete is issued, the instructor will
vary. See Tuition Adjustments for more information. Student submit information which specifies what work must be done
attendance in a course does not affect the tuition reduction. to remove the “I” and the grade to be assigned if the work is
The date the completed form is processed by the Student not completed. This information is made available through the
Accounts Office is the determining factor. online system. The student is responsible for submitting the
work by the deadline assigned by the instructor, not to exceed
Withdrawal one year. If the “I” is not completed by the specified deadline,
the grade will convert to the grade assigned by the professor.
A student who is completely withdrawing from the uni-
In the event that a faculty member is no longer available,
versity must obtain a withdrawal form from the Office of
appropriate faculty shall be assigned by the dean or depart-
the Registrar, International Student Office, Financial Aid
ment chair to determine the grade.
Office, or their dean’s office. Once this form is properly com-
pleted and processed through the Office of the Registrar and
Student Accounts, the withdrawal becomes effective on the Credit Hour
date it is validated by Student Accounts. A “W” (withdrawal) The credit hour or semester hour, terms used interchange-
will be assigned for each course. Nonattendance of classes ably, is the unit of instruction. One credit hour is constituted
does not constitute official withdrawal. Withdrawal will be by a minimum of one hour of classroom or direct instruc-
permitted up to and including the final regular day of classes tion and a minimum of two hours of out of class student work
for all semesters or terms. No withdrawals are permitted dur- each week for a semester (or its equivalent). An equivalent
ing finals week. amount of work (minimum three hours per week for a semes-
ter or its equivalent of combined direct instruction and out-
Leave of Absence side of class student work) must be represented for a credit
hour in other academic activities such as laboratory work,
Students who are pursuing a degree at Oklahoma City
internships, practica, studio work, and other academic work.
University and must interrupt their education for a period
Semester is defined as not less than 16 weeks. Courses
of time will be considered on a leave of absence. It is rec-
offered in shorter timeframes must have an equivalent num-
ommended students taking a leave of absence discuss their
ber of hours dedicated to instruction and student work as
situation with different departments such as advisor/dean
that spent in a semester-based class.
of their school, Financial Aid, Student Accounts, and/or the
The following guidance indicates how this policy is applied
International Student Office. Students who are not in atten-
to credit situations that are not taught in the standard
dance for two consecutive semesters, excluding summer, will
16-week format or are not classroom-based learning experi-
require readmission to the university and must complete the
ences. The credit hour guidelines represent a minimum base-
degree requirements listed in the catalog in effect at the time
line. It is acceptable to exceed these levels.
of their re-entry.
Oklahoma City University maintains a policy to ensure that Courses Meeting Fewer than 16 Weeks and
service members are readmitted to programs if they must Online or other Distance Learning Guidance
interrupt or suspend training due to military service and that
The credit hours awarded for a given course or academic
accommodations are otherwise made for short absences
experience must be reasonably equivalent to the standard of
resulting from service obligations.
3 hours combined direct instruction and student work per
credit hour for a 16-week semester.
Incomplete Courses If a course is offered both on-ground and online, and each
When a course is not completed by the end of the semes- of the following conditions is met, then the online course is
ter or summer session, a professor may assign an incom- considered to have equivalent classroom and out-of-class
plete (I) at their discretion. The student must be performing time as the on-ground course.
at a passing level and have a legitimate reason to receive an • Term length is the same
“I.” Students cannot be assigned an “I” because they have • Syllabus (including course activities) is the same
excessive unexcused absences or because they are failing the • Stated student learning outcomes are the same
course. Academic units and faculty members may establish • Online students are required to regularly engage with
their own policies in determination of legitimate reasons to the instructor and with other students in the course.
assign the “I” grade. Regular engagement between the instructor and the
student is initiated by the instructor.

Academic Regulations /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

Grade Reports
If each of the above conditions are not met then additional
information will be used to calculate in-class and out-of-class
time equivalencies for the online course. Final grade reports are posted only through BlueLink
unless the student has requested in writing to the Office of
Independent Study and Internship Guidance the Registrar that grades be mailed to a specific address.
Credit hours applicable for a given course or academic
experience must be reasonably equivalent to the standard of Auditing Courses
3 hours combined direct instruction and student work per
An Oklahoma City University student may audit a course
week, per credit hour for a 16-week semester.
(excluding courses offered by the School of Law) by attend-
A 3-credit independent study or internship should require
ing class sessions and completing classroom assignments. No
the equivalent of 9 hours of combined direct instruction
examinations are taken, and no credit is given. The student
and student work per week for the equivalent of a 16-week
transcript carries the designation AU. The AU designation,
once recorded on the transcript, may not be changed to a
Travel Seminar Credit Hour Guidance letter grade. Audited courses do not satisfy degree require-
ments. If a student determines that a course that has been
The Oklahoma City University definition of a credit hour
audited is needed to fulfill a major requirement, the student
indicates that the calculation of credit hours applicable for
must repeat the course and earn a letter grade.
a given course or academic experience must be reason-
A student may audit only if permitted by the appropriate
ably equivalent to the standard of 3 hours combined direct
school or department policy and on a space-available basis.
instruction and student work per week, per credit hour for a
Students may not audit individualized academic experiences
semester (or equivalent).
such as internships, directed study, independent study, music
Contact the Office of Academic Affairs for the complete
lessons, dance instruction, etc. Audited courses will not be
credit hour policy with equivalency details. The com-
considered in a student’s normal semester load.
plete credit hour policy is posted on the Academic Affairs’
SharePoint site. Procedure
The audit option can only be selected through the sec-
Grade Points ond Friday of the regular semester and through the first
Grade point totals are calculated by multiplying the num- Thursday after three class days of a summer session. Once
ber of credit hours of a course by the number of points for the time period is over, the option to audit a course is for-
the corresponding grade received. The grades of W (with- feited. Students must obtain permission and the signature of
drawal), WH (withdrawal health), CR (credit), NC (no credit), the instructor whose course they choose to audit. An instruc-
I (incomplete), or NR (not reported) are omitted in counting tor has the right to refuse to permit students to audit a course.
grade points. A student’s GPA will be determined by divid- Students registered to audit a class are not guaranteed a
ing the total number of grade points earned at Oklahoma space until after the time period. A separate audit form is
City University by the total number of hours attempted at available from the Office of the Registrar.
Oklahoma City University with the exception of courses in
which marks of CR, W, WH, NC, I, and NR are received. At
Oklahoma City University, the official GPA will be rounded to Students are assessed a nonrefundable audit fee.
the third decimal place. Fee schedules are available from the Student Accounts
While faculty at OCU have academic freedom to set their own Office. Audit fees are not part of the structure for block
grading scales, the following system of points is used for com- tuition charges and will be assessed in addition to regular
puting GPA: tuition charges.
The Physical Therapy Program and Physician Assistant
A 4.00 C 2.00 Program are excluded from the aforementioned policies. The
A- 3.75 C- 1.75 Remediation and Probation Policy of Master of Physician
Assistant Studies Program is listed within the Physician
B+ 3.25 D+ 1.25
Assistant Program Academic Standards. The Academic
B 3.00 D 1.00
Standards for the Doctor of Physical Therapy Program are
B- 2.75 D- 0.75
included in the D.P.T. Program Student Handbook.
C+ 2.25 F 0.00

Academic Regulations /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

Repetition of Courses Course Cancellation Policy
Graduate students may repeat a maximum of two separate The decision to cancel a course due to insufficient enroll-
courses, but cannot repeat any one course more than once. ment, faculty overload, or other circumstances will be made
The repeated course number must be the same as that of by the dean of the school offering the course in consultation
the original course. The last grade received in a course is the with the instructor of the course. After notifying the Office of
one that will be calculated into the student’s GPA. This grade the Registrar of a course cancellation, the dean will inform
will be posted in the semester earned. The first grade will students enrolled in the course of the cancellation.
be recorded on the transcript as an R (repeat) and excluded
from the student’s GPA. Final Examinations
The Doctor of Physical Therapy and the Physician Assistant
Final examinations are held in all courses upon the com-
Studies programs are excluded from the aforementioned
pletion of each semester’s or term’s work. No one is to be
policies. The Remediation and Probation Policy of the Master
excused from the final examinations. All classes will meet
of Physician Assistant Studies Program is listed within the
during the time stipulated by the Office of the Registrar for
Physician Assistant Program Academic Standards. The aca-
final examinations. Students who have three final examina-
demic standards for the Doctor of Physical Therapy Program
tions scheduled on the same day may seek permission from
are included in the D.P.T. Program Student Handbook.
either their professors or their academic dean to have one
exam rescheduled for another day within final examination
Course Numbering Systems week.
The first digit in each course number indicates the aca-
demic level at which the department places the course Records and Transcripts
(1—freshman level, 2—sophomore level, 3—junior level,
If you have access to Oklahoma City University’s Student
4—senior level, and 5–9—graduate level). The second digit,
Information System BlueLink (bluelink.okcu.edu), you
in combination with the third, gives the course a unique
may submit your transcript request electronically by using
number within its department and academic level. The
BlueLink. If you do not have access, you may submit your
second digit may be used to indicate sequence where two
transcript request by mail, email attachment, or fax. You can
or more courses dealing with the same subject matter are
submit a Transcript Request Form from our website or provide
sequential in arrangement. The third digit indicates the type
as much of the following information as possible in a written
of course. The type indicated by specific numbers varies from
letter (missing information may delay the processing of your
school to school. The fourth digit indicates the number of
semester hours credit assigned to the course. The fourth digit
of an ‘A’ indicates credit hours of 10 or more. • Full name (as it is now and as it was when enrolled
Courses numbered 1000–4999 are for undergraduate stu- at Oklahoma City University, if different)
dents; 1000–2999 courses are freshman and sophomore • Student ID number (if available). Please DO NOT
level courses; 3000–4999 courses are junior and senior level include a Social Security number for security reasons.
(upper-division) courses. Graduate students who are satisfy- • Date of birth
ing program prerequisites or otherwise remedying deficien- • Current address and phone number
cies may, with approval, enroll in undergraduate courses, • Full address(es) where transcript(s) are to be sent
but will not receive graduate credit for such undergraduate • Dates of attendance
course work. • Year of graduation and degree (if applicable)
Courses numbered 5000–9999 are for graduate credit in • Student signature (a requirement of the Federal
graduate degree programs; 5000–5999 courses are gradu- Educational Rights and Privacy Act). Electronic
ate courses that may be dual-listed with upper-division signatures are not a valid signature.
undergraduate courses; 6000–6999 courses are not open to
undergraduate students. Courses numbered 7000–9999 are Send transcript requests to: Oklahoma City University
restricted to doctoral students; 9000–9999 courses are for Office of the Registrar, Attn: Transcripts, 2501 N. Blackwelder
independent study (such as research, thesis, or dissertation) Ave., Oklahoma City, OK 73106. Requests may be faxed to
and are restricted to doctoral students. The School of Law (405) 208-6047 or emailed to registrar@okcu.edu. Students
establishes its own course numbering policies. should sign each faxed request and call the office at (405)

Academic Regulations /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

Thesis, Dissertation, and
208-5298 to verify that the fax was received. We do not fax or
email transcripts.
We do not charge for individual, printed transcripts; how-
ever, there will be a limit of five transcripts per day issued to Capstone Project Enrollment
a student. An exception may be made when the student pro-
vides individual addresses for transcripts to be sent directly
and Grading Policy
to other institutions. If a student requests more than twenty The student must have an initial enrollment for the mas-
transcripts per month to be sent to a person and/or institu- ter’s thesis, doctoral dissertation, or other graduate-level
tion, there will be a $6.00 charge for each additional tran- capstone project (all hereafter termed “thesis”). Following
script. Any special handling, such as a U.P.S. charge, will have the initial enrollment in the thesis course, the student must
to be prepaid. Transcripts are not processed if the student maintain continuous enrollment or obtain an approved leave
has an outstanding financial obligation to the university. of absence during each regular semester until all degree
Students should call the Student Account Services office at requirements are completed, or the candidacy is discontin-
(405) 208-5146 or go to the Student Account Services win- ued. Upon successful completion of the thesis, a grade of
dow on the third floor of the Clara E. Jones Administration CR will be recorded for the final semester of enrollment. The
Building to check on their financial status. Students are graduation date awarded will be the first graduation date
required to show photo identification when picking up their after the final term of enrollment.
transcript. If a transcript is to be released to a third party, The student’s initial enrollment for the thesis will be
written authorization from the student is required. Parents charged the current rate per credit hour for the course and
may obtain their student’s transcript with written authoriza- will be subject to all standard fees. Subsequent enrollments
tion including the student’s signature, or a signed affidavit will use a different number that will be of equal credit hours
stating that the student is their financial dependent accord- for the thesis, but only one credit hour will be charged and no
ing to IRS regulations. Any questions regarding transcripts or fees will be charged.
student log-in should be addressed to registrar@okcu.edu. Students are not required to enroll in the thesis during the
Electronic transcripts are offered as a service to the student summer session unless one of the following applies:
through the National Student Clearinghouse (www.student-
• the student is actively working on the thesis
clearinghouse.org/transcriptservices). There is a charge for
• the student is seeking committee advice on the thesis
this third-party service.
• the student is otherwise using university facilities
• the degree is to be conferred in the summer session
Official Transcripts From Other Institutions
Subsequent to the initial enrollment for the thesis, if a stu-
Oklahoma City University requires all students to
dent wishes to remain in the program without continuous
submit official transcripts, such as high school transcripts,
enrollment, the student must request a leave of absence. Such
undergraduate transcripts with or without a degree, or
requests must be submitted in writing to the dean of the stu-
graduate transcripts. These transcripts must be official.
dent’s program and must specify the reason for the request
Preferred method of delivery is by mail directly from the
and the expected duration of the leave. The granting of such
institution or an electronic transcript sent by one of the
requests will be at the dean’s discretion. Requests based on
approved secured transmission systems. The complete list
financial circumstances will generally not be granted. Failure
of acceptable systems can be found on the Office of the
to obtain an approved leave of absence will result in the stu-
Registrar website (www.okcu.edu/admin/academic-affairs/
dent having to apply for readmission.
registrar). An official transcript is delivered in a sealed
If a student does not comply, or has not complied, with
envelope which should not be opened by anyone except the
the above procedures, then the student must reapply to the
Office of Admissions or the Office of the Registrar. Faxed or
program of study and, if readmitted, enroll in sufficient hours
emailed transcripts are not considered official. Unofficial
of thesis to make the total hours thereof at least equal to
transcripts or photocopies from all colleges or universities
the total thereof had he or she completed with continuous
attended may be included with the application for review
enrollment. Retroactive tuition will be assessed at the current
semester rates. Readmission of the student to the program
of study will be at the discretion of the dean of the student’s
school. Determination of the number of hours of thesis in
which the student must enroll, along with the collection of

Academic Regulations /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

Thesis Submission Form
the appropriate fees, will be the responsibility of the dean of
the student’s school and the Student Accounts Office.
The student is responsible for completing the Thesis
Thesis, Dissertation and Project Grades Submission Form, uploading the required documents, and
verifying that all approvals required in the form process are
X Indicates that satisfactory ongoing progress was made complete. Failure to complete the form and upload the docu-
during the semester, however subsequent enrollment ments will delay the posting of the degree and the release of the
must occur in the next semester as components neces- diploma.
sary to satisfactorily complete the thesis are required. It
is a neutral grade to be used only for thesis grades. This
grade will remain a permanent grade on the student’s Academic Honesty
transcript. Academic honesty is required in all aspects of a student’s
NC No credit. Indicates that unsatisfactory progress was relationship with the university. Academic dishonesty may
made during the semester. not be course-specific and includes falsification or misrepre-
CR Credit. Indicates that the thesis was satisfactorily com- sentation of a student’s academic progress, status, or abil-
pleted during the semester. ity, including, but not limited to, false or altered transcripts,
letters of recommendation, registration or advising forms, or
Guidelines for the Graduate Thesis, other documents related to the student’s academic career at
Dissertation, or Other Capstone Oklahoma City University or other colleges or universities.

Product (“Thesis”) Students are personally responsible for the correctness

and accuracy of information supplied to the university. Any
• All theses necessary for partial fulfillment of gradu- student who knowingly gives incorrect information to the
ate degrees must be approved by the graduate student’s university is subject to disciplinary action which may lead
committee and be submitted to the person designated to suspension.
by the graduate program three weeks before commence- Students are advised that cheating and plagiarism are not
ment. Exceptions must have prior approval of the pro- tolerated. The university expects all students to maintain a
gram director and dean. high standard of ethics in their academic activities. In this
• The title page and abstract will follow a standard form context, forms of academic dishonesty include, but are not
that may be obtained from the graduate program limited to, cheating on tests, examinations or other class/lab-
directors. oratory work; involvement in plagiarism (the appropriation
• Style sheets are determined by each graduate program. of another’s work and/or the unacknowledged incorpora-
Endnotes or footnotes are acceptable, but each program tion of that work in one’s own, including works produced by
will use only one form of citation. artificial intelligence); collusion (the unauthorized collabora-
• In the case of serious, documented violation of the tion with another person); misrepresentation of actions; and
Academic Honesty policy in thesis work, a student will falsifying information.
be dismissed from the university, subject to normal aca- Grievance procedures found elsewhere in the catalog do
demic appeals processes. not apply to the academic honesty policy procedures listed
below. Law students are subject to the code of conduct
Library Deposit published in the Oklahoma City University School of Law
Student Handbook. Students enrolled in nursing courses
• Electronic copies of all theses necessary for partial ful-
at the Kramer School of Nursing are subject to additional
fillment of graduate degrees must be deposited in the
profession-related standards. For more specific policies and
library and are made available through the library’s cata-
procedures applicable to nursing school students, see the
log to all students, faculty, and staff.
Oklahoma City University Kramer School of Nursing Student
• Acceptable electronic formats include PDF/A and MP4.
Other formats may be submitted only after approval of
the library. Course-Based Procedures
Each faculty member will include in their syllabus either
the university’s academic honesty policy or a reference to the
appropriate Oklahoma City University website regarding the

Academic Regulations /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

academic honesty policy. The faculty member will include in
School/College-Based Procedures
the syllabus a description of the course-based consequences
if a student fails to adhere to the academic honesty policy. If the student chooses to appeal and the appeal is not upheld
If, in the judgment of the faculty member, a student fails to or the student chooses not to appeal the faculty member’s
conform to the academic honesty policy, the faculty member actions, the student’s dean has the option of adding sanc-
shall inform, in writing, the student’s academic dean, the pro- tions. Consequences may include loss of school/college-based
vost/VPAA, and the student. Sanctions for a student’s breach scholarship funds, community service, or dismissal from the
of the academic honesty policy vary according to the nature school/college. The dean can not change the student’s grade.
and the seriousness of the offense. Sanctions are at the dis- The dean must notify the student within 10 university busi-
cretion of the faculty member involved within the constraints ness days of the decision to impose additional sanctions. The
of the course in which the offense occurred. Sanctions by the appeal process is increased to 21 calendar days when the
faculty member may include, but are not limited to, requiring dean’s letter must be mailed to a student then residing out-
a student to redo a class/laboratory assignment; recording side the United States. If the 10th day (or 21st day, in the case
an F (failure) for a particular test, examination, class/labora- of a student then residing outside the United States) falls on a
tory assignment which involved dishonesty; or recording an F weekend or university holiday, the appeal is due on the next
(failure) for a final course grade. university business day.

Appeal Appeal
A student’s appeal of the charge or the faculty-imposed The student, within 10 university business days after the
sanction must be made in writing and delivered to the faculty date of the written notification of sanctions, imposed by the
member’s dean within 10 university business days after the dean of the student’s college/school, may appeal, in writing,
date of the faculty member’s letter outlining the infraction of to the provost/VPAA or assistant provost. The provost/VPAA
the academic honesty policy. The appeal period is increased or assistant provost’s decision is final, and there will be no
to 21 calendar days when the faculty member’s letter must be further appeal.
mailed to a student residing outside the United States. If the
Loss of Privilege to Withdraw From a Course
10th day (or 21st day, in the case of a student residing outside
the United States) falls on a weekend or university holiday, A student who has violated the academic honesty policy
the appeal is due on the next university business day. shall lose the privilege of withdrawing from the course in
The faculty member’s school/college will elect or appoint which the violation occurred in order to avoid the collateral
faculty members to serve on a committee to hear all school/ consequences of sanctions which may be imposed by the fac-
college appeals for that academic year. If a faculty member ulty member teaching the course.
who taught the course in question is on the committee, he or
Provost/VPAA-based Procedures
she will not serve on the school/college committee for this
appeal. The dean will appoint a replacement member for this The Office of the Provost will keep a file of all student viola-
appeal. If the dean taught the course in question, the appeal tions of the academic honesty policy across the university.
will go directly to the assistant provost. The provost/VPAA or assistant provost may, at their discre-
There is a presumption that the faculty member’s deci- tion, convene the Academic Appeals Committee to con-
sion is correct and, in the absence of extraordinary circum- sider dismissal of the student from the university for griev-
stances, shall not be changed. The faculty committee will ous or repeated violations of the academic honesty policy.
render a decision, in writing, regarding the student’s appeal The provost/VPAA or assistant provost must inform the
within fifteen university business days of receiving the student at least 10 university business days prior to the time
appeal. (Committee deadlines may be suspended during the Academic Appeals Committee meets. The student has
summer.) The committee may lessen the sanctions but may the right to appear before the Academic Appeals Committee.
not increase the course-based sanctions. The faculty appeals The Academic Appeals Committee will convene and render
committee’s decision will be final, and there will be no fur- a decision regarding dismissal of a student from the univer-
ther appeal of the faculty member’s decision. If the student is sity or other actions. The decision of the Academic Appeals
exonerated, no further action will occur. Committee is final and can not be appealed. Students dis-
missed from the university for academic honesty violations
will not be eligible for readmission.

Academic Regulations /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

Grievance Procedure for Grade Appeal
specified time limits will terminate the appeal.
1. The student will first present their appeal to the
A grade awarded by the course instructor is presumptively
dean of the college or school. The appeal will be
correct, and the instructor’s determination is generally final.
in writing, in as much detail as possible, stating
Other than for mathematical or data entry errors, no final
all aspects of the issue that the student believes
grade can be changed except on proof of exceptionally egre-
pertinent. Grounds for review are limited to viola-
gious circumstances as defined below.
tion of established university policies, procedures,
If a student has reasonable grounds to believe that a final
or regulations, substantial error, bias, or miscar-
grade received or final academic judgment made with respect
riage of justice. Copies of pertinent material in the
to him or her in any course or program of study was based
student’s possession or access will be included as
on violation of established university policies, procedures, or
regulations, substantial error, bias, or miscarriage of justice,
2. Upon receipt of the material provided in section I,
the student may, within 10 school days of the receipt of the
the dean will determine, within five school days,
final grade, initiate a grievance. School days are defined as
if the student has a prima facie case. If the dean
Monday through Friday when classes are in session, exclud-
determines that insufficient evidence has been
ing breaks, final exam periods, and holidays. Grievance pro-
presented by the student, he or she will dismiss
cedures for students attending programs outside the United
the appeal. If the dean determines that there is evi-
States must be facsimiled or emailed within 28 calendar days
dence that, if believed, would constitute a prima
in order to meet the remainder of the deadlines. The process
facie case, the dean will provide, within 10 school
is composed of both informal and formal procedures.
days of this determination, a copy of the written
I. Informal Grievance Procedure material to the faculty member in question. The
dean will request a written response that details
1. The student should communicate with the instructor in as completely as possible the position/opinion of
an attempt to resolve the issue. the faculty member on all issues raised. Copies of
exams, assignments, grade books, or other relevant
2. If, after communicating with the instructor (or if, information will be submitted with this response.
after reasonable effort on the part of the student to The instructor will have 10 school days in which to
contact the instructor, she or he remains unavailable), prepare their response.
the student still believes that the grade is based on 3. The student will be given the opportunity to review
violation of established university policies, procedures, the instructor’s response and to provide additional
or regulations, substantial error, bias, or miscarriage of written comments to the dean. This response will
justice, the student may take the grievance to the chair be given within five school days of the receipt of
of the department in question. The chair will attempt the faculty member’s response to the dean. The
to mediate the dispute. If there is no chair or the chair dean will then render a decision on the appeal
taught the course in question, the student should within five school days. The dean or their desig-
proceed to section II. nee has the right to request, from any party, any
additional information he or she believes is per-
II. Formal Grievance Procedure tinent and appropriate. However, the request for
information will not extend the five-day response
A. Only if the issue is still unresolved after meeting with period above. Unless the dean determines that
the chair of the department, as outlined in section sufficient evidence exists to support the student’s
I, the student may initiate the formal grievance allegation, the dean will deny the appeal. The dean
process with the dean. NOTE: If the dean taught the has the authority to deny the appeal or forward the
course, the assistant provost will undertake the dean’s appeal to the assistant provost, who will convene
responsibilities in the grievance procedure. The levels of the Academic Appeals Committee. The dean does
action are clearly defined and include strict time limits not have the authority to change the grade, but
designed to effect speedy resolution. No formal appeals may make a recommendation to the committee.
procedure will be enacted if six months or more have
elapsed since the incident. It is the responsibility of the B. Either the student or the faculty member may appeal the
student to initiate the process and follow it through. dean’s adverse decision within five school days of the
Failure of the student to move the appeal forward in the
Academic Regulations /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025
receipt of the dean’s decision by giving written notice of Individual schools, colleges, and graduate programs may
intent to do so. Upon such written notice to the dean, the establish academic standards more stringent than those
dean will forward copies of all material to the assistant stated here. In such cases, the student’s appeal is heard by the
provost, who will convene the Academic Appeals Academic Appeals Committee. The committee will consider
Committee, which must meet within 10 school days of the appeal based on the program’s standards. If the appeal is
receipt of the appeal. NOTE: If the faculty member who not granted and the student wants to move to another gradu-
taught the class involved in the appeal is a member of ate program, they must apply for admission to that program
the Academic Appeals Committee, the faculty member and be accepted by the school or program to which they
must be recused from the committee during the appeal. apply.
The committee will review all documentation and will Only students who are in good academic standing may
reach a decision. The committee may request additional participate in extracurricular activities. Extracurricular activi-
documentation if it believes it is appropriate to do so and ties are defined as activities such as athletic competitions,
may adjourn until the documentation is available. Both artistic performances, and academic competitions that are
parties have the right to appear before the committee; not required by the student’s course work or major program.
however, to the fullest extent possible, the decision will Students who are not in good academic standing will be pro-
be based on the written documentation provided. The hibited from representing the university in the participation
committee will uphold the originally issued grade unless in intercollegiate athletic events, artistic performances except
it finds substantial evidence of violation of established as required for their course work or degree requirements,
university policies, procedure, or regulations, substantial and intercollegiate academic contests. Traveling with athletic
error, bias, or miscarriage of justice. The committee’s teams, performance groups, or academic teams also will be
decision will be rendered as soon as practical after prohibited.
receipt of the documentation, but must be rendered The Law School, Physical Therapy Program, and
within 30 days. Physician Assistant Program are excluded from the afore-
mentioned policies. The Remediation and Probation
C. If the committee determines that the above described Policy of Master of Physician Assistant Studies Program is
process has not been followed correctly, the committee listed within the Physician Assistant Program Academic
will order a rehearing of the case following the correct Standards. The Academic Standards for the Doctor of
process. Physical Therapy Program are included in the D.P.T.
Program Student Handbook. The Law School Academic
D. The decision of the committee is final. Standards and Regulations are available at http://law.okcu.

Academic Probation Readmission Policy for Students Dismissed

and Dismissal for Poor Academic Performance
Graduate students whose cumulative GPAs fall below 3.00 A student who is dismissed from the university for academic
will be placed on academic probation. A graduate student on reasons must wait one full academic year before applying for
probation is limited to 9 hours per term. Any exceptions to that readmission. The latest date by which readmission requests
limit must be approved by petition submitted through their must reach the Office of the Registrar in order to be considered
advisor and dean and received in the Office of the Registrar. for earliest possible readmission will be indicated in the let-
Students on academic probation must raise their cumula- ter of dismissal. The Academic Appeals Committee will review
tive GPA to 3.00 or higher within the next nine credit hours any request for readmission. Requests for readmission will be
attempted or will be dismissed from the degree program. reviewed prior to the semester in which the student is eligible
Students who may need more than nine credit hours to be to re-enroll.
removed from academic probation may submit an appeal
for an extension to the Academic Appeals Committee and, if Appeal Procedure for University Academic
granted, are to maintain a 3.00 or higher GPA for courses taken
in the interim. No student may graduate on academic proba-
tion, i.e., with a cumulative GPA below 3.00. A student has the right to appeal a university academic
dismissal due to substandard academic performance. The

Academic Regulations /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

student may, within 14 calendar days (excluding university Academic Standards and Regulations are available on the
holidays) of the receipt of the written notice of dismissal, ini- Law School’s website under Academic Policies (www.law.
tiate an appeal in the following manner: okcu.edu/academicpolicies).

1 The student must submit a written appeal to the Office

of the Registrar. The appeal should have as much detail Graduation Procedures
and Commencement
as possible, stating all aspects of the issue that the
student thinks pertinent. It is the responsibility of the
student to initiate the process and follow it through. Graduate degree candidates should check with their pro-
Failure of the student to move the appeal forward in gram directors on their progress toward satisfying gradu-
the specified time limit will terminate the appeal. ation requirements during the semester preceding final
2 After making a determination that the appeal is filed enrollment.
in a timely manner, the Office of the Registrar will A student cannot graduate with more than 6 credit hours
convene the Academic Appeals Committee to con- below B- in that graduate program. Degree candidates must
sider the student’s appeal within 10 school days of its meet their program’s graduation requirements upon com-
receipt. School days are defined as Monday through pletion of their program. Grades below a C cannot count for
Friday, when classes are in session, excluding breaks, graduation. Degree candidates must have a cumulative GPA
final exam periods, and official university holidays. The of not less than 3.000 in hours attempted for the graduate
Academic Appeals Committee will review all docu- program in which the degree will be conferred. Only courses
mentation and reach a decision on the appeal. The taken at Oklahoma City University are used in calculating the
committee may request additional documentation and GPA.
may postpone the hearing until that documentation There are four graduation dates (May, July, August and
is available. The student has the right to appear before December) and one commencement ceremony (May).
the committee; however, to the fullest extent possible, Students completing degree requirements in the fall par-
the decision will be based on written documentation ticipate in the following May commencement ceremony.
provided. Students completing degree requirements in the spring term
3 The committee may affirm the decision to dismiss, of an academic year participate in the May commencement
overturn the decision to dismiss, or qualify the deci- ceremony following the end of that term. Students complet-
sion to dismiss. ing degree requirements in the summer terms participate in
4 If the committee affirms the decision to dismiss, the the May commencement ceremony of that same academic
provost may review the documentation to determine year. Students should complete the application for gradua-
that these procedures were followed. The provost’s tion by the appropriate deadline.
review will only address procedural matters. Before filing the application for graduation, each candi-
5 The assistant provost will notify the student within date should contact their academic advisor to initiate a final
three school days of the decision of the committee. degree review. A final degree certification must be submitted
6 A student who is matriculated in a graduate degree pro- to the Office of the Registrar by the appropriate dean. Consult
gram at Oklahoma City University (except in the School the appropriate pages under education for the requirements
of Law) is granted only one opportunity to appeal any pertinent to certification.
dismissal for substandard academic performance. If the Before filing the application for graduation, each candidate
outcome of that appeal is reinstatement, any subsequent should contact their dean to initiate a final degree check. A
dismissal for substandard academic performance is final final degree certification must be submitted to the Office of
and may not be appealed. the Registrar by the appropriate dean. Consult the appropri-
ate pages under Education for the requirements pertinent
NOTE: The Law School, the Doctor of Physical Therapy
to certification. The commencement ceremony is ceremo-
Program and the Physician Assistant Studies Program are
nial only. Degree conferral is dependent upon completion of
excluded from the aforementioned policies. The Remediation
degree requirements. Responsibility for meeting graduation
and Probation Policy of the Master of Physician Assistant
requirements lies with the student.
Studies Program is listed within the Physician Assistant
The date recorded on a diploma will be the conferral date
Program Academic Standards. The academic standards
(fall, spring, or summer) following the semester or summer
for the Doctor of Physical Therapy Program are included
term in which the student completes all requirements for
in the D.P.T. Program Student Handbook. The Law School

Academic Regulations /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

University Honors
the degree based on the last day of the course(s). The date
recorded on a diploma for a degree with a required compre-
hensive exam will be the next conferral date after all require- Phi Kappa Phi
ments, including any comprehensive exams, have been suc- Phi Kappa Phi is an all-discipline national honor society.
cessfully completed. Undergraduates, graduate students, faculty, professional
The Office of the Provost coordinates the commencement staff, and alumni are eligible for membership. The organi-
ceremonies for the university. Graduates are required to wear zation is more than 100 years old, and election is by invita-
the appropriate regalia to participate in the ceremony. tion only. The mission of Phi Kappa Phi is “to recognize and
promote academic excellence in all fields of higher educa-

Graduation Honors tion, and to engage the community of scholars in service to

The university recognizes the academic achievements of its
candidates for degrees by the following honor awards:
High Honors a cumulative GPA of 3.900 or higher
Honors a cumulative GPA of 3.750–3.899
Courses that are nongraded or graded as credit/no-credit
may not be included in the minimum hour requirements.
To determine honors candidates for the commencement
ceremony, the GPA and the hours accumulated through the
semester prior to commencement will be calculated. For the
official honors designation which is placed on the transcript
and the diploma, the final semester’s hours and grade points
are included. Only the GPA of hours completed at Oklahoma
City University will be used in the calculation of graduation
honors eligibility.

Academic Regulations /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

University Services and Programs

Study Abroad. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

Dulaney-Browne Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

Learning Enhancement Center (LEC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

Disability and Access Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

Computer and Information Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

Academic Enrichment Programs /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

Study Abroad
The Dulaney-Browne Library cooperates with other librar-
ies in Oklahoma and around the world to provide students,
While most study abroad programs are designed for under- faculty, and staff with access to their collections through
graduate students, graduate students are encouraged to OK-Share (a cooperative library card for Oklahoma academic
explore available opportunities such as language immer- libraries) and interlibrary loan (delivery to the library user of
sion programs and internships abroad. Some Oklahoma articles and books from other libraries).
City University faculty-led study abroad programs are open Please contact the library at (405) 208-5068, (405) 445-3636
to graduate students. Global opportunities at Oklahoma (text), or AskALibrarian@okcu.edu; or visit during regular
City University expand each year. For details about all study library hours (Monday–Thursday 7:30 a.m.–midnight, Friday
abroad programs, see the Study Abroad website: www.okcu. 7:30 a.m.–7 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m.–7 p.m., and Sunday noon–
edu/academics/global/studyabroad or contact the office at midnight) for more information.
Law students may select from several programs offered
through the law school each summer. For more informa-
Learning Enhancement
tion, see the law school’s study abroad website or contact the Center (LEC)
director of international programs at (405) 208-5125.
The LEC offers help in three areas: writing consultations,
subject-specific tutoring, and academic coaching. Peer
Dulaney-Browne Library Educators specializing in writing will be available to help
you with many of your writing woes—from narrowing down
The Dulaney-Browne Library is the main source for
a topic, citing references in APA or MLA, as well as outlin-
library collections and services for all non-law students, fac-
ing, paragraph development, basic grammar, and many other
ulty, and staff.
steps of the writing process which will have you on your way
Library resources and services are available in the five-
to a top-notch paper.
story Dulaney-Browne Library building in the center of the
Subject-specific experts provide tutoring services in the fol-
main campus, on the library’s web page at www.okcu.edu/
lowing subjects: math, science, statistics, music theory, eco-
library, and in the Leichter Listening Library. Resources
nomics, and English conversation. These Peer Educators can
include books, journals, video recordings, audio books,
break down complex ideas and processes and will work one-
musical recordings, and musical scores in traditional and
on-one to help you feel more confident before your next test.
electronic formats. Librarians provide assistance in find-
Academic coaching Peer Educators help students with
ing information in the library, through video-conferencing,
skills such as organization, time management, study habits,
over the telephone, via email, and by chat or text mes-
prioritizing, and navigating campus resources. This resource
sage. Librarians also offer formal instruction to individu-
can help students who may not be struggling with a specific
als and groups in the use and evaluation of information
subject, but need guidance with the challenges that college
resources. Other services include study spaces and basic
can present.
computer and printing assistance. The library’s special col-
Students may schedule 50 minute appointments for all the
lections include the University Archives, the Oklahoma
above areas by going to the LEC website at http://libguides.
United Methodist Archives, the Shirk Oklahoma History
okcu.edu/lec. The LEC is open Monday through Thursday,
Collection, and the Jeanne Hoffman Smith Center for Film
10 a.m.-7 p.m., and Friday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. and is located on
and Literature Film Collection
the first floor of the Dulaney-Browne Library.
The Dulaney-Browne Library building is also the home of
the Learning Enhancement Center, the Center for Excellence
in Teaching and Learning, test proctoring services, and the Disability and Access Services
Disability Services office.
Disability and Access Services (DAS) are integral to a stu-
The Leichter Listening Library, located in the Wanda Bass
dent’s transition to higher education, particularly for those
Music Center, houses physical music recordings and scores,
who need academic or housing accommodations. DAS at
and the office of the music librarian.
Oklahoma City University (OCU) provides a variety of accom-
The Chickasaw Nation Law Library, located in the down-
modations to students with documented disabilities on an
town campus (8th and Harvey), focuses on resources for law
individualized case-by-case basis. OCU’s responsibility is to
students and faculty, but is open to all students, faculty, and
provide reasonable accommodations on a case-by-case basis
staff during regular business hours.

Academic Enrichment Programs /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

and to assist the University in providing an equal and equi- Finding a computer to use on campus is easy with many
table opportunity for students with disabilities to participate computer labs and public computers in locations spread con-
in the institution’s programs, activities, and services. DAS is veniently across campus. Hours vary by location. Microsoft
the official contact for students with documented disabilities Office and other productivity tools are available in these
who wish to request accommodations to mitigate the impact locations. Printing and copying services can be found in the
of certain educational barriers. It is the responsibility of stu- library and throughout campus. Each semester students
dents to complete an application and provide appropriate receive an allotment for printing via their OCU ID cards.
documentation to be considered for reasonable accommoda- All students are issued a user ID and password, which are
tions. The DAS staff also serve as a conduit between the fac- required to log into the campus network to use the labs and
ulty and staff of the University and the students in the event access printing services.
any questions or concerns arise. Email accounts are provided to all students and can be
Students who would like to begin the process for reason- accessed through a web browser and most email applications.
able accommodations for academics or housing need to Additionally, all students are provided cloud storage space to
complete the DAS application and provide documentation easily store and access their important files from anywhere on
from a provider who has diagnosed the disability or treated the Internet.
the student’s disability long enough to be familiar with the Most residence hall rooms have wired network connec-
substantial and functional limitations and how the requested tions. Wireless network connectivity is available throughout
accommodations will remove a barrier for the student. The the campus, including dorm rooms. Personal wireless access
application can be accessed at this link: https://www.okcu. points, routers, and switches affect the accessibility and
edu/campus-life/support-services-for-students/disability- strength of the campus wireless network and are therefore
access-services or you can direct any questions to the DAS prohibited in order to maintain the integrity of the campus
email at: das@okcu.edu. wireless network.
To learn more about technology resources, find answers

Computer and Information to common questions, request IT services, or seek out sup-
port with an issue you are having with technology, visit the
Resources Campus Technology Services support portal at https://help-
desk.okcu.edu. If you cannot find what you are looking for
Campus Technology Services maintains a centrally-located at the support portal, you can either submit a support ticket
area dedicated to assist students with technology-related through the portal or call the 24x7 support line at (405) 208-
questions and issues. The Help Desk is located on the lower 5555 to speak with a technician.
level of the McDaniel University Center, Room 136, and is
staffed by trained technicians familiar with both Microsoft
and Apple operating systems. The center offers a variety of
student support services including:

• Walk-in and telephone support

• Technology-related consultation
• Virus and malware removal
• Installation of campus-licensed software applications
such as Microsoft Office
• Assisted hardware upgrades
• Training
• A web-based issue and support tracking system

Academic Enrichment Programs /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

Petree College
of Arts and Sciences
Dr. Amy E. Cataldi, Dean | Dr. Karen E. Schiler, Associate Dean

General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Academic Policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Transcript Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Maximum Number of Transfer Credits Accepted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Age of Transfer Credit Accepted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Minimum Residency Requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Maximum Number of Below B- Grades Allowed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Maximum Number of Repeat Courses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Academic Probation Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Academic Appeals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Applying for Readmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Maximum Course Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Independent Study/Directed Readings Hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Incomplete Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Time to Finish a Degree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

School of Liberal Arts and Sciences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

Clinical Mental Health Counseling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Computer Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Nonprofit Leadership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Psychology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

Wimberly School of Religion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

Certification Studies in the United Methodist Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Petree College of
has begun a graduate program except with approval of the
program director and dean.

Arts and Sciences Maximum Number of Below B-

Grades Allowed
Academic Policies A maximum of six credit hours below B- are allowed. No
grades below C- will be accepted.
The following academic policies apply only to the graduate
programs in the Petree College of Arts and Sciences—Master
of Arts in nonprofit leadership, Master of Science in com- Maximum Number of Repeat Courses
puter science, and Master of Education. Please see specific A course may be repeated only once. Students may have
program descriptions for more details on policies in each only two repeats in a graduate program. If, after repeating a
program. course, a student fails to receive at least a C-, the student will
be automatically dismissed from the university.
Transcript Requirements
No student will be admitted to a graduate program in Academic Probation Policy
the Petree College of Arts and Sciences without submitting Programs in the Petree College of Arts and Sciences follow
complete, official transcripts from all institutions attended the university’s academic probation policy. See the Academic
with evidence of an undergraduate degree or equivalent to a Regulations section of this catalog.
United States bachelor’s degree. Failure to submit all tran-
scripts will result in immediate dismissal. Academic Appeals
The university academic appeals process will be followed
Maximum Number by the graduate programs of the Petree College of Arts and
of Transfer Credits Accepted Sciences, with one notable exception. A Graduate Programs
Six credits may be accepted for transfer from other region- Committee composed of the graduate program directors,
ally accredited institutions. In exceptional cases, more credits the associate dean, and the dean will hear all grievances.
may be transferred with the approval of the program director An appeal to this committee will take the place of an appeal
and dean. to the dean in the academic appeals process. The dean will
Master’s degree programs in the School of Liberal Arts chair the Graduate Programs Committee.
and Sciences will accept a maximum of six credit hours of
approved courses from other graduate degree programs at Applying for Readmission
Oklahoma City University. A student who has been dismissed from the univer-
sity must wait a full academic year before applying for
Age of Transfer Credit Accepted readmission.
Generally, only course work completed within five years of
admissions to Oklahoma City University will be accepted for Maximum Course Load
transfer credit. In exceptional cases, course work completed Students may enroll in a maximum of 12 hours in each of
within 10 years of admission may be transferred with the the fall and spring semesters, and six hours in each of the
approval of the program director and dean. summer terms. In exceptional cases, a student may enroll in
more hours if approved by the program director and dean.
Minimum Residency Requirements
The minimum number of hours in residence for each pro- Independent Study/Directed Reading Hours
gram may be calculated by subtracting the number of trans- The maximum number of combined independent study
fer credits allowed from the total number of hours needed and directed readings hours allowed during graduate stud-
to graduate. Transfer credits are not accepted after a student ies is six hours. In exceptional cases students may take more

Petree College of Arts and Sciences /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025
than six hours of independent study/directed readings with
approval of the program director and dean.

Incomplete Policy
Petree College of Arts and Sciences follows the universi-
ty’s incomplete policy. In addition to the normal university
requirements, all students must sign a contract with their
professors regarding assignments to be completed and dead-
lines for course completion. If course requirements are not
completed in the agreed-upon period of time, the I (incom-
plete) will be removed and converted to a grade indicated in
the contract.

Time to Finish a Degree

Graduate degrees must be completed within six years.

Petree College of Arts and Sciences /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025
School of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Dr. Amy E. Cataldi, Dean | Dr. Karen E. Schiler, Associate Dean

Clinical Mental Health Counseling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

Computer Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

Nonprofit Leadership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Arts Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Nonprofit Leadership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Fundraising . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Fast-Track Bachelors to Masters Degree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Master of Arts in Nonprofit Leadership/Juris Doctorate in Law Joint Degree. . . . . . . . 57

Psychology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
School of Liberal
Internship require online, synchronous meetings to complete
clinical group supervision requirements.
This16 course, 60 credit program allows full-time students

Arts and Sciences

to complete the program in two years (and part-time students
in about four years; a plan of study is also available for those
starting full-time, then changing to part-time). Practicum is

Master of Education in Clinical offered in the traditional 16-week semester and Internship is
offered across two, 16-week semesters. Some summer course
Mental Health Counseling work is required.

Director: Wilson Philosophy

Faculty: Lofties Emphasizing a practitioner-wellness model, counseling at
Adjunct Faculty: Florentin, Guitierrez, Hodge, Murunga, Oklahoma City University is viewed as an integration of art
Welch and science. As such, the counselor’s effectiveness becomes
a product, in part, of personal awareness and creativity. The

M.Ed. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling

“experiential” philosophy of the program reflects this belief
by emphasizing students’ personal growth and develop-
The Petree College of Arts & Sciences at Oklahoma City ment as critical in the training of counselors. It is therefore
University offers the Master of Education (M.Ed.) in Clinical assumed that students not only desire, but also intend to
Mental Health Counseling. It is designed to train students pursue the inspection of their personal identity, growth, and
to become professional counselors in Oklahoma and render development—both inside and outside the classroom—as
services to individuals, groups, and families experiencing an integral part of their graduate studies in counseling at
normal adjustment difficulties of a personal, social, or career Oklahoma City University.
nature in settings such as community counseling centers,
mental health clinics, guidance centers, human service agen-
Academic Honesty
cies, drug and alcohol treatment facilities, university coun-
seling centers, abuse shelters, religious counseling centers, Graduate students in the clinical mental health counseling
and private practice (once licensure is attained). Students are program are expected to conduct themselves in an ethical
encouraged to secure internships in settings consistent with and professional manner at all times. When submitting aca-
their specific areas of professional interest. demic work, students must abide by the academic honesty
policy stated in this catalog. Any act that violates the aca-
Structure demic honesty policy will incur a penalty up to and including
To attain the degree, the student must accrue at least 60 expulsion from the graduate program and the university.
credit semester hours, including field experience. Because
space is limited, not all qualified applicants are admitted. Clinical Mental Health Counseling
The sequenced, mental health program of study is designed Degree Requirements Credit Hours: 60
COUN 5303 Biological Bases of Behavior and Health 3
to meet the Oklahoma academic requirements to become
COUN 5314 Assessment I 4
a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) as set forth and COUN 5563 Family/Group Interventions 3
granted by the State Board of Behavioral Health. COUN 5603 Social and Community Behavior 3
Portability Statement: It is the responsibility of the COUN 5703 Behavior Pathology 3
prospective student/applicant/student to determine degree COUN 5714 Evidence-Based Counseling Theories 4
COUN 5813 Career Development 3
portability to another state.
COUN 6313 Assessment II 3
Courses are offered online but flexible day time sched-
COUN 6513 Multiculturalism and Diversity 3
ules are necessary for Field Experience (Practicum and COUN 6713 Advanced Evidence-Based Techniques 3
Internship). The program is designed for fall, spring, and COUN 6776 Practicum 6
summer admission and is “fast-track” in that most of the COUN 6813 Personality and Human Development 3
courses are offered in an asynchronous, eight-week ses- COUN 6903 Research Methods 3
COUN 6913 Clinical Supervision 3
sion. Some courses, like counseling skills labs require sev-
COUN 6974 Professional Identity and Ethics 4
eral synchronous meetings during the term. Practicum and
COUN 6979 Internship 9

Petree College of Arts and Sciences /// School of Liberal Arts and Sciences /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025
Continuation and Candidacy
Department of Education (or its foreign equivalent rec-
ognized by the country in which the degree is granted).
At any point during the program, if the academic unit has 2 Minimum undergraduate GPA of 3.00. Students may
reason to believe the student has demonstrated impairment be admitted on probation, at the discretion of the pro-
or “fitness” for clinical studies is questioned, the unit reserves gram director, with a cumulative GPA of 2.75 to 2.99.
the right to suspend, terminate, or impose remedial work. 3 Two electronically completed recommendation letters
Near completion of 33 hour M.Ed. in Clinical Mental from college instructors. If bachelor’s degree is more
Health Counseling, students will be evaluated and must than three years old, a significant sample of former
“advance to candidacy” in order to continue study. This scholarship can be submitted in lieu of one instructor’s
requires grades of at least 3.00 in each course as well as a letter. In this case, the other letter may be from a super-
pleasant personality and demeanor and demonstration of a visory person from applicant’s employment.
high degree of professionalism, judgement, ethical behavior, 4 Official transcripts from all academic institutions
and a noncombative, nonabrasive attitude on campus with attended.
faculty and students as well as off-campus with supervisors. 5 Ability to effectively communicate in English (both
An oral candidacy interview may also be requested. written and oral).
6 A personality/disposition deemed suitable for the
Ineligiblity for Violent Crime
helping and crisis intervention disciplines.
and Other Criminal Convictions
7 Students whose native language is other than English
Persons convicted of violent crimes, as defined in Title must demonstrate proof of English language profi-
57, Section 571, of the Oklahoma Statutes, (or comparable ciency. Required: TOEFL internet-based test (iBT)
crimes as defined by the laws of any jurisdiction) are ineli- score of 79 or higher, an overall IELTS score of 6.5 with,
gible for candidacy. Persons convicted of other felony crimes at least, a 6.0 on each sub-band.
and some misdemeanor crimes, may also be ineligible for 8 Individuals may be asked to supplement their appli-
candidacy. cation. Supplemental materials may include, but are
not limited to, interviews, writing samples, and course
Probation Policy work.
9 Applicants who are admitted can only start in the first
If a student’s GPA falls below a 3.00 before or after can-
eight-week term of the fall semester. The deadline to
didacy, he or she will be placed on academic probation
submit completed applications for fall admission will
with one semester to raise the GPA to 3.00 or higher. A stu-
be exactly three weeks prior to the beginning of the
dent placed on probation twice may be disqualified from
semester. For those who could qualify for admission
on academic probation (due to GPA), the deadline is
exactly one month prior to the beginning of the semes-
Drug Policy ter. Be advised that because the ABS admissions com-
Please refer to the “Alcohol and Other Drug Policies” in the mittee has to convene, realistically, application should
Student Handbook. be submitted well before the deadline.

Graduation Requirements Admission on Probation

Students must earn at least a 3.00 cumulative GPA and be Students admitted on probation to the program must
in good standing in order to graduate. Only one course grade achieve a cumulative GPA of 3.00 or higher in the first 9 credit
below B- is acceptable. Under no circumstances is a grade hours taken and earn a “B” or better in each course in order
below C acceptable. to continue in the program. Students admitted on probation
must enroll on a part-time basis until these conditions have
Admission Criteria for Clinical Mental been met.

Health Counseling
1 An earned bachelor’s degree from a regionally accred-
ited college or university recognized by the U.S.

Petree College of Arts and Sciences /// School of Liberal Arts and Sciences /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025
Master of Science in
Web Development Track 12
CSCI 6313 HTML/CSS/JavaScript 3

Computer Science
CSCI 6323 Server Web Development 3
CSCI 6333 Frontend Web Development 3
CSCI 6343 Cloud Development 3
Director: Maxwell
Mobile Development Track 12
Faculty: Anga, Kantumuchu, Khandaker, Reed, Tashfeen, CSCI 6413 iOS Development 3
CSCI 6423 Android Development 3
The Master of Science in computer science degree offers CSCI 6433 Hybrid Development 3
professional development and enhancement of skills, in- CSCI 6443 Mobile Game Development 3
depth study of computers, and a balance of abstract knowl-
edge and practical understanding. The program is designed Students with Four-Year Degrees
to aid and encourage professional development for persons
in computer or computer-related fields. It is designed for
in Fields Other than Computer Science
students who desire to enhance their computer skills, extend All students with four-year degrees in disciplines other
their expertise into computer science as a new field, enhance than computer science will be required to complete a mini-
their credentials, enter the job market as a computing pro- mum of 18 hours of undergraduate courses from the courses
fessional, or pursue a Ph.D. in computer science. The cur- listed below. Some students may be required to take all of the
riculum is structured to permit students to strengthen their courses listed below.
understanding of the complexities of computers and com- Prerequisite Courses
puter applications. MATH 2004 Calculus and Analytic Geometry I 4
CSCI 1514 Algorithm Design and Programming I 4
Undergraduate Prerequisites CSCI 1614
CSCI 3114
Algorithm Design and Programming II
Data Structures
All graduate students, depending on their undergradu- CSCI 3503 Discrete Mathematics 3
ate background, may be required to complete undergradu- CSCI 4313 Operating Systems 3
ate courses as prerequisites, specifically Operating Systems,
Discrete Mathematics, and Data Structures. Transcripts will Students with Three-Year Undergraduate
be evaluated on an individual basis by the graduate advisor.
Degrees in Computer Science
Master of Science in Computer Science Before students with three-year undergraduate degrees
are admitted to the graduate program, they must complete
Degree Requirements Credit Hours: 33
Core Requirements 21 32 hours of undergraduate course work. These courses may
CSCI 5003 Object-Oriented Programming Design and Patterns 3 include no more than nine hours from any one discipline
CSCI 5403 Software Engineering 3 other than computer science in order to ensure a broad aca-
CSCI 5413 Algorithm Design and Analysis 3 demic background. Students may enroll in a limited number
CSCI 5603 Database Design 3 of graduate courses during this time with the permission of
CSCI 6583 Internship or
their advisor.
CSCI 6883-6 M.S. Degree Project or
CSCI 6983-6 M.S. Degree Research 3–6
Students with three-year undergraduate degrees may wish
CSCI CSCI Elective outside of chosen track 3 to select undergraduate courses such that they also earn an
CSCI CSCI Elective outside of chosen track 3 undergraduate degree from Oklahoma City University. They
must complete the courses necessary to complete the general
Choose one of the following tracks:
Cybersecurity Track 12 education requirements, the minimum hours for the degree,
CSCI 6113 Cryptography 3 and all computer science major requirements. Completion of
CSCI 6123 Cloud Security 3 an undergraduate degree from Oklahoma City University is
CSCI 6133 Offensive Coding 3 not necessary to gain admission to the graduate program.
CSCI 6143 Defensive Coding 3

Data Science Track 12

CSCI 6213 Data Science Fundamentals 3
CSCI 6223 Practical Data Science 3
CSCI 6233 Machine Learning 3
CSCI 6243 Artificial Intelligence 3

Petree College of Arts and Sciences /// School of Liberal Arts and Sciences /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025
Students with Three-Year Admission Requirements
Undergraduate Degrees in Fields • Bachelor’s degree with cumulative GPA of 3.00

Other than Computer Science • Personal statement regarding interest in the program
• Two letters of recommendation
Prior to beginning graduate course work, 32 hours of undergraduate
class work are required. These courses are taken from the following, as Master of Arts in Teaching:
needed: Elementary Education (M.A.)
Credit Hours: 32
Math 2004 Calculus and Analytic Geometry I 4 Degree Requirements Credit Hours: 36
CSCI 1514 Algorithm Design and Programming I 4 MATE 6013 Theories of Learning and Development 3
CSCI 1614 Algorithm Design and Programming II 4 MATE 6113 Literature and the Arts 3
CSCI 3114 Data Structures 4 MATE 6213 Literacy Development and Instruction 3
CSCI 3503 Discrete Mathematics 3 GRED 6323 Teaching Methods Across the Curriculum 3
CSCI 4313 Operating Systems 3 MATE 6423 The Assessment/Instruction Loop 3
CSCI 3613 Database Design and Management 3 GRED 6523 Classroom Management and Collaboration 3
Other upper-division computer science courses 7+ MATE 6623 Teaching the Whole Curriculum 3
MATE 6733 Internship I 3
MATE 6833 Internship II 3
Education MATE 6963 Capstone Seminar 3
GRED 6903 Research Methods 3
Chair: Sparks MATE 6083 Master’s Research Project 3

Curriculum for Certification Only Credit Hours: 30

Master of Arts in Teaching: MATE 6013 Theories of Learning and Development 3
Elementary Education MATE 6113 Literature and the Arts 3
MATE 6213 Literacy Development and Instruction 3
GRED 6323 Teaching Methods Across the Curriculum 3
Program Description MATE 6423 The Assessment/Instruction Loop 3
NOTE: The Master of Arts in Teaching: Elementary GRED 6523 Classroom Management and Collaboration 3
Education program is currently suspended. For more MATE 6623 Teaching the Whole Curriculum 3
MATE 6733 Internship I 3
information, please contact the department chair at
MATE 6833 Internship II 3
hesparks@okcu.edu. MATE 6963 Capstone Seminar 3
The Master of Arts in Teaching Elementary program at
Requirements for Certification
Oklahoma City University is designed for adults who have
completed a bachelor’s degree in any subject and are seeking Students may have already taken these courses in their
to become certified teachers in elementary schools. There are bachelor’s programs. Additional courses may be taken at the
two portions of the program, the certification portion and the undergraduate or graduate levels.
master’s portion.
• Twelve credit hours each in English Language Arts,
The certification portion consists of 30 hours of coursework
Social Studies, Science, and Mathematics
and field experiences during the summer, fall, and spring
• Six credit hours in a single foreign language
sessions of the first academic year. Upon successful comple-
tion of the state certification exams, a program portfolio, and
the coursework/field experiences, teacher candidates are Master of Education in Instructional Design
prepared to teach elementary children across the curriculum and Edcuational Technology
and are eligible for state certification/licensure.
The master’s portion of the program is designed to be taken Program Description
the second academic year when candidates are teaching in
elementary schools. It consists of two courses in which can- The Master of Education in Instructional Design and
didates will learn research methodology and conduct action Educational Technology at Oklahoma City University is
research projects in their own classrooms. designed for K-12 teachers who have completed a bachelor’s
degree and desire to extend their pedagogical skills.

Petree College of Arts and Sciences /// School of Liberal Arts and Sciences /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025
Admission Requirements educational technology in meaningful ways to meet the
needs of all learners.
• Bachelor’s degree with cumulative GPA of 3.00
• Personal statement regarding interest in the program Certificate in Educational Technology
Please contact the Office of Graduate Admissions to facili- Requirements Credit Hours: 9
tate your application to this program. Call (405) 208-5351 or GRED 6133 Survey of Instructional Technology 3
email gadmissions@okcu.edu. GRED 6103 Educational Technology in Practice 3
GRED 6623 Innovative Leadership 3
Master of Education in Instructional Design and
Educational Technology (M.Ed.) Certificate in Instructional Design
Requirements Credit Hours: 9
Degree Requirements Credit Hours: 30 GRED 6423 The Assessment/Instruction Loop 3
Core Requirements 21 GRED 6323 Teaching Methods Across the Curriculum 3
GRED 6113 Survey of Instructional Technology 3 GRED 6533 Creating Accessible Learning Environments 3
GRED 6283 Research Methods in Educational Design 3
GRED 6313 Principles of Curriculum and Instructional Design 3
GRED 6423 The Assessment/Instruction Loop 3
Certificate in Reaching and Teaching All Learners
GRED 6533 Creating Accessible Learning Environments 3
Requirements Credit Hours: 9
GRED 5113 Teaching Diverse Learners 3
GRED 6623 Innovative Leadership 3
GRED 6323 Teaching Methods Across the Curriculum 3
GRED 6963 Instructional Design and Educational
GRED 6523 Classroom Management and Collaboration 3
Technology Capstone 3

Core Electives - Choose 9 hours 9

GRED 5013 Theories of Learning and Development 3 Master of Arts in
GRED 6323 Teaching Methods Across the Curriculum 3
GRED 6523 Classroom Management and Collaboration 3 Nonprofit Leadership
GRED 6103 Edcuational Technology in Practice 3
GRED 6683 Learning and Development Internship 3 Director: Adele
Adjunct Faculty: Buck, Gebb, Hardiman, Hilger, Holmes,
Sauer, Schoeb, Spinks, Thompson, Wilson
Certificate Studies in Educational
Technology and Instructional Design Program Description
The Education Department currently offers two certificate Nonprofit organizations are a powerful third sector,
programs that lead to micro-credentials from the Oklahoma standing alongside the for-profit businesses and govern-
State Regents for Higher Education (OSRHE) for adults mental entities that drive our economy and contribute to the
who have completed a bachelor’s degree and are seeking quality of life we all enjoy. In today’s complex world, non-
the opportunity to expand their expertise. The Educational profit organizations play an integral role in almost every facet
Technology Certificate is designed to assist practicing edu- of our society, and those working and volunteering in this
cators in enhancing their knowledge and use of educational sector demonstrate servant leadership in its purest form.
technology to promote learning within their classroom and Oklahoma City University is proud to offer several innovative
school community. This nine-hour certificate includes a sur- options for those interested in enhancing their skills as lead-
vey course of current educational technology, an innovative ers, either as paid employees or volunteers, in the nonprofit
leadership course, and an educational technology in practice and arts sectors.
course that provides three hours of credit granted for evi- For those interested in a 36-credit hour Master of Arts
dence-based practical knowledge and experience. degree, we are pleased to offer a customizable approach
The Instructional Design Certificate prepares practicing that allows each student to select from two different degree
educators to create and implement highly effective learning programs. For those wanting a smaller commitment, our
experiences that integrate appropriate assessments and uti- 15-credit hour certificate option is designed to boost your
lize relevant technology. This nine-hour certificate includes understanding of specific facets of nonprofit leadership.
courses in the basic principles of instructional design, the Oklahoma City University offers a Master of Arts degree in
assessment/instruction loop, and the creation of innova- Nonprofit Leadership designed to develop the moral, ethical,
tive and engaging learning environments that leverage professional, and scholarly knowledge, skills, and abilities
of future servant leaders in the nonprofit sector. Nonprofit

Petree College of Arts and Sciences /// School of Liberal Arts and Sciences /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025
leadership has become a profession that demands prepared NONP 5303 Program Evaluation 3
leaders with finely honed skills that are unique to the work. NONP 5403 Grant Writing 3
This program is designed for those interested in working NONP 5413 Nonprofit Financial Oversight 3
in, and ultimately leading, causes related to animals, edu- NONP 5503 Marketing for Nonprofits 3
NONP 5603 Strategic Planning and Program Development 3
cation, the environment, health, human services, interna-
NONP 5703 Resource Development and Mobilization 3
tional affairs, public society benefit, religion, and more. This NONP 5803 Law and Nonprofits 3
program is synchronously delivered both in-person and via NONP 5903 Advocacy for Social Change 3
live-streaming in the evenings to fit a working professional’s NONP 6903 Capstone 3
We also offer a Master of Arts degree in Arts Administration Master of Arts in Nonprofit Leadership: Fundraising
that builds on the nonprofit leadership training and expands Degree Requirements Credit Hours: 36
it to include the nuances and needs of organizations spe- NONP 5003 Leadership 3
NONP 5303 Program Evaluation 3
cific to arts, culture, and humanities. The program is offered
NONP 5313 Introduction to Fundraising and Donor Behavior 3
entirely online. NONP 5403 Grant Writing 3
Oklahoma City University currently offers a certificate NONP 5413 Nonprofit Financial Oversight 3
option as an alternative to a full degree. The Nonprofit NONP 5503 Marketing for Nonprofits 3
Leadership Certificate program is designed so students learn NONP 5513 Fundraising in Practice 3
best practices in the respective areas by completing a series NONP 5613 Planned Giving 3
NONP 5713 Fundraising Management and Accountability 3
of carefully curated classes. This is a perfect complement to
NONP 5803 Law and Nonprofits 3
an existing degree. NONP 5903 Advocacy for Social Change 3
NONP 6903 Capstone 3
Admission Requirements
Admission to the Nonprofit Leadership program requires Certificate in Nonprofit Leadership
completion of a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accred- Requirements Credit Hours: 15
ited college or university with a minimum GPA of 3.000 on NONP 5403 Grant Writing 3
a 4.000 scale. Probationary admission is considered, on a NONP 5413 Nonprofit Financial Oversight 3
case-by-case basis, for applicants whose GPA is between NONP 5503 Marketing for Nonprofits 3
NONP 5603 Strategic Planning and Program Development 3
2.750 and 2.999. Please contact the Office of Graduate
NONP 5703 Resource Development and Mobilization 3
Admissions for further details and to start the application
process. New students are admitted each fall and spring
Certificate in Nonprofit Fundraising
semester. Requirements Credit Hours: 15
NONP 5313 Introduction to Fundraising and Donor Behavior 3
Master of Arts in Arts Administration NONP 5403 Grant Writing 3
Degree Requirements Credit Hours: 36 NONP 5513 Fundraising in Practice 3
NONP 5003 Leadership 3 NONP 5613 Planned Giving 3
NONP 5013 Advocacy for the Arts 3 NONP 5713 Fundraising Management and Accountability 3
NONP 5113 Leadership and Management in the Arts 3
NONP 5203 Research and Data 3
Accelerated Format and Time
NONP 5213 Marketing for the Arts 3
NONP 5303 Program Evaluation 3
to Complete the Program
NONP 5403 Grant Writing 3 Oklahoma City University’s Master of Arts in Nonprofit
NONP 5413 Nonprofit Financial Oversight 3 Leadership and Master of Arts in Arts Administration pro-
NONP 5603 Strategic Planning and Program Development 3
grams may be completed in either one or two years, depend-
NONP 5803 Law and Nonprofits 3
NONP 5813 Resource Development and Mobilization for the Arts 3
ing on each student’s goals. Classes are offered in 8-week
NONP 6903 Capstone 3 blocks allowing students to complete as many as four classes
per semester while never juggling more than two classes
Master of Arts in Nonprofit Leadership at any given time. Sample schedules and our suggested
Degree Requirements Credit Hours: 36 course sequence is available at okcu.edu/nonprofit. Offered
NONP 5003 Leadership 3 both in-person and via live-streaming, the M.A. Nonprofit
NONP 5103 Leadership and Management 3 Leadership classes are held in the evenings. The M.A. Arts
NONP 5203 Research and Data 3

Petree College of Arts and Sciences /// School of Liberal Arts and Sciences /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025
Administration classes are offered online to meet the sched- • NONP 5303 Program Evaluation*
uling needs of artists around the world. • NONP 6903 Capstone
Fast-track Bachelor of Arts in Religious Studies to *Students are advised to register for the “Arts” section of
Master of Arts in Nonprofit Leadership these courses.
Six courses (18 credit hours) may be considered for dual
This 4+1 track gives undergraduate juniors and seniors pur- undergraduate and graduate credit to fulfill the M.A. course
suing the Bachelor of Arts in the School of Religion a jump- and learning objective requirements.
start on a full Master of Arts degree in Nonprofit Leadership. Please see your graduate program advisor for full details of
This program allows two undergraduate courses to count the program.
towards coursework for the M.A. in Nonprofit Leadership.
Students in this program must take REL 4603 Leadership Joint J.D./M.A. in Law and
in Christian Education which can be petitioned to count
Nonprofit Organizations and Leadership
for NONP 5113 Leadership and Management in the Arts.
Students may also take one of the following courses at the The School of Law, in conjunction with Oklahoma City
undergraduate level. Only one course below will count University’s Petree College of Arts and Sciences (PCAS),
towards the M.A. required classes. Please see the program offers a J.D./M.A. joint degree program designed to provide a
advisor for full details of the program. meaningful combined experience for students with an inter-
• NONP 4223 Resource Mobilization and Development est in law and nonprofit organizations. The program culmi-
in the Arts nates in the award of both the Juris Doctor and the Master
• NONP 4413 Nonprofit Financial Oversight of Arts in Nonprofit Leadership. The joint degree program
• NONP 4923 Marketing for the Arts allows candidates to earn the J.D. and M.A. in less time than
would be required if the degrees were earned concurrently,
Fast-track Bachelor of Fine Arts/Bachelor of Arts but separately.
in Theatre to Master of Arts in Arts Administration To participate in the program, students must be admitted
The B.F.A. Theatre Design/Production or B.A. Theatre to both schools. All of the usual entrance requirements apply.
Innovation and Entrepreneurship PLUS M.A. Arts There is no required sequence for admission: students may
Administration allows OCU students to accelerate their path apply and matriculate at either school first.
of arts organization leadership in as little as 4 years. Students admitted to the School of Law who would like
The undergraduate student should begin taking the follow- to be considered for the joint degree program should notify
ing advised courses their junior year and apply for graduate the law school’s admissions office. Their law school applica-
admission the second semester of their junior year. All appli- tion file will then be forwarded to the university’s Office of
cants must meet the admission requirements of the M.A. to Graduate Admissions for possible admission to the PCAS’
be accepted. Their senior year would include all final under- Master of Arts in Nonprofit Leadership.
graduate courses required for the bachelor’s degree along Current law students may apply to the PCAS at any time
with the following advised graduate courses. during the first two years of law school. Full-time law stu-
dents must complete the first three semesters of law school
Junior Year:
without interruption and may not begin their M.A. course-
• NONP 4103 Leadership and Entrepreneurship*
work before the fourth semester of law school. Part-time law
• NONP 4223 Resource Development and Mobilization in the Arts students must complete their first six semesters of law school
• NONP 4923 Marketing for the Arts without interruption but may begin their M.A. course work
• NONP 4413 Nonprofit Financial Oversight* during the sixth semester of law school.
• NONP 4213 Grant Writing A PCAS student must begin law school in the first August
• NONP 4113 Advocacy for the Arts following their admission to the J.D. program and com-
plete the first three semesters of the J.D. program without
Senior Year:
• NONP 5603 Strategic Planning and Program Development* Students who have been admitted to both the university’s
• NONP 5113 Leadership and Management in the Arts J.D. program and the university’s M.A. program in Nonprofit
• NONP 5803 Law and Nonprofits* Leadership should notify the School of Law’s registrar in
• NONP 5203 Research and Data order to receive the benefit of the joint program’s reduced
number of credit hours for the J.D. degree. Students may do

Petree College of Arts and Sciences /// School of Liberal Arts and Sciences /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025
this by checking the appropriate box on their work state- In addition to the fixed courses above, students
ments during an enrollment period. must complete at some time in the Law School all
Joint degree candidates must complete 84 credit hours of the following (a-g):
in the School of Law and 30 credit hours in the PCAS. This
a) LAW 8433 Corporations 3
compares with 90 hours required in the School of Law and
36 hours required in the PCAS if the degrees were pursued
b) LAW 9293 Legislation and Regulation 3
In the School of Law, joint degree candidates must com- c) The four Core Courses listed below, subject to the GPA exception
plete Nonprofit Organizations, Taxation of Charities and explained below:
Nonprofit Organizations, and the Corporate Counsel LAW 7013 Agency and Unincorp Business Associations 3
LAW 7323 Criminal Procedure 3
Externship program (with a placement in a nonprofit setting).
LAW 8203 Secured Transactions 3
Candidates are encouraged (but not required) to complete
LAW 2044 Wills, Trusts and Estates 4
Agency and Unincorporated Business Associations, Contract Students with a GPA at or above 2.900 after both their second and third
Drafting, and Client Representation in Negotiation and are semester are exempt from this core course requirement.
also encouraged (but not required) to complete their upper-
class writing requirement through a seminar paper deal- d) Upper-class writing requirement, which students must satisfy before
their last semester in law school
ing with nonprofit organizations. In the PCAS, joint degree
candidates are exempt from taking Law and Nonprofits and
e) Either a clinic or an externship for academic credit
Professional Project (Capstone).
f) At least six credit hours of courses identified as experiential courses
Master of Arts and Juris Doctorate on the course schedules of the School of Law
in Nonprofit Organizations and Leadership
g) Advanced Bar Studies I and II, unless the student has a GPA at or
Petree College of Arts and Sciences above 3.250 at the time of registration for Advanced Bar Studies I
Degree Requirements Credit Hours: 30
NONP 5403 Grant Writing 3
Participants who are enrolled as full-time students in the School of
NONP 5003 Leadership 3
Law must complete their first three semesters of law school without
NONP 5103 Leadership and Management 3
NONP 5703 Resource Development and Mobilization 3
NONP 5803 Law and Nonprofits 3
In the School of Law, participants must complete Nonprofit Organizations,
NONP 5603 Strategic Planning and Program Development 3
Taxation of Charities and Non-Profit Organizations, and the Corporate
NONP 5203 Research and Data 3
Counsel Externship program (with a placement in a nonprofit setting).
NONP 5303 Program Evaluation 3
NONP 5903 Advocacy for Social Change 3
Participants are encouraged (but not required) to complete Agency and
NONP 5503 Marketing for Nonprofits 3
Unincorporated Business Associations, Contract Drafting, and Client
Representation in Negotiation and are also encouraged (but not required)
School of Law to complete their upper-class writing requirement through a seminar
Degree Requirements Credit Hours: 84 paper dealing with nonprofit organizations.
Required Courses 41
LAW 7071 Legal Analysis 1
LAW 8303
LAW 7103
Civil Practice and Procedure I
Contracts I
Doctor of Psychology
LAW 5223 Legal Research and Writing I 3 Director: Hakman
LAW 7504 Torts 4
LAW 8403 Civil Practice and Procedure II 3 Program Description
LAW 7223 Contracts II 3
LAW 7023 Criminal Law 3 The Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D.) in Clinical Psychology
LAW 5232 Legal Research and Writing II 2 provides advanced training in the scientific practice of pro-
LAW 7404 Property 4 fessional psychology with commitment to evidence-based
LAW 7080 Legal Analysis II 0 practice. This 120 hour degree program prepares students to
LAW 7123 Constitutional Law 3
provide evidence-based psychological services in a variety
LAW 8133 Evidence 3
of settings to address a range of client mental health needs.
LAW 8143 Legal Profession 3
LAW 7090 Legal Analysis III 0 A Master of Science degree is conferred after a student has
LAW 7233 Constitutional Law II 3 completed their first two years of coursework (51 hours) in

Petree College of Arts and Sciences /// School of Liberal Arts and Sciences /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025
the program, including successful completion of a master’s other felony or misdemeanor crimes, may also be subject to
research project. The conferral of this degree serves as an dismissal from the program.
indicator of progress toward the PsyD. While the PsyD pro- Professional, ethical behavior is expected at all times
gram is designed to lead to licensure as a psychologist upon throughout the program. It is student’s responsibility to
completion of required postdoctoral hours, it is the responsi- comply with the policies and procedures of the university,
bility of prospective or current students to determine degree the program, and practicum sites. Students are expected
portability to another state. to adhere to ethical guidelines set forth by the American
Psychological Association. Students must also adhere to
General Degree Requirements the academic honesty policy as stated in this catalog which
To graduate with the PsyD degree, students must com- pertains to all academic work, including research projects.
plete 120 hours of coursework that is comprised of required Violation of academic policy or ethical guidelines will be
courses in three areas (clinical core, general psychology core, penalized including possible expulsion from the program.
and research core), elective courses, and applied experiences
(practicum hours/yearlong predoctoral internship). Students Admission Requirements
also have to successfully complete two research capstone To be considered for admission, students must:
projects (master’s research project and doctoral research 1 Possess a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accred-
project), pass both portions of the comprehensive examina- ited university with a minimum of 18 hours of com-
tion, and meet the minimal level of achievement (MLA) in pleted psychology courses with six of those hours
the areas of discipline specific knowledge (DSK) and profes- being courses in research methods and statistics, three
sion wide competencies (PWC) as required by APA. hours in abnormal psychology or personality, and
Students in the Psy.D. program must maintain an over- three hours in developmental, social, or cognitive psy-
all grade point average of 3.0 for all graduate coursework. chology. Students lacking some prerequisite courses
Students are required to make a grade of B- or higher in but presenting with an exceptional undergraduate
courses. Should students not meet this requirement, they record may be admitted, but they will be expected to
will have to retake the course to demonstrate competency remove all undergraduate deficiencies during their
by making a B- or higher. Should students not make B- or first academic year. Students must possess an over-
higher on the second attempt, meaning that the student has all undergraduate minimum GPA of 3.000 or graduate
now made two grades (‘C-’ or below), the student will be dis- GPA of 3.250 or higher. However, it should be noted
missed from the program. In addition to the course grade, that a GPA of 3.500 or higher places a student in a more
MLAs for those content areas that are not fully described for competitive position for admission.
the course grade also have to be met. For students who possess a master’s degree in a
Student progress in the program is evaluated annually. related field and who earned a B- or better in their
The purpose of these evaluations is to provide feedback to graduate courses, they can request that their courses
the student and to assess student proficiency in academic be reviewed for transferability. To be considered eli-
coursework, clinical skills, and progress on capstone projects. gible for possible transfer, courses must have been
Student professional and ethical behaviors, interpersonal completed no longer than seven years prior to program
dispositions, and overall fitness to provide clinical services admission. For courses to transfer, it must be demon-
are also evaluated. Progress toward meeting the MLA is also strated that the courses had similar coverage in course
evaluated. content (depth and breadth) as the graduate courses
At any point in the program, should program officials in the Psy.D. program. Students may transfer in no
deem that a student is not meeting program expectations, more than 24 hours of approved courses. No practi-
has violated program policies, is experiencing impairment cum or internship courses will be allowed to trans-
in current functioning or fitness for clinical practice (current fer. Classes which fulfill a DSK or PWC are eligible to
or future), program officials have the right to take action that transfer except for courses in which the MLA is based
can include completion of remedial work, suspension, or ter- on specific elements of a class and not the overall
mination from the program. Individuals convicted of violent grade. Students may be asked to take a competency
crimes, as defined in Title 57, Section 571, of the Oklahoma based exam in that area where it is expected that a B-
Statutes, (or comparable as defined by the laws of any juris- or higher will be made. Students will be requested to
diction) are ineligible for the program. Persons convicted of

Petree College of Arts and Sciences /// School of Liberal Arts and Sciences /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025
provide copies of syllabi and course descriptions to Applied Experiences—Master’s Level 6-9
help determine whether courses will transfer. PSYC 6173 Clinical Psychology Practicum
2 Take the Graduate Record Examination (GRE). and Seminar I (minimum 6 hours) 6-9

3 Submit the following application materials: PsyCas Capstone Projects—Master’s Level

application, official college transcripts, three letters of (min 3 hours required) 3-6
recommendations, personal statement (500 to 1000 PSYC 6183 Master’s Research Project 3
words), and vita. Elective hours to meet the 51 Master’s level hours 3–10
4 On-campus interviews will be required prior to accep- PSYC 5471 Psychological Testing Practicum 1
tance being granted. If on-campus interviews are not PSYC 6213 Psychological Interventions and Health 3
PSYC 6513 Clinical Intervention with Families 3
possible due to extreme circumstances, then inter-
PSYC 6713 Models Psychotherapy 3
views will be conducted via Microsoft Teams or Zoom.
5 Consistent with Oklahoma City University’s gradu- Clinical Core—Doctoral Level 6
ate admissions requirement for international students PSYC 7213 Psychological Consultation and Supervision 3
PSYC 8313 Mental Healthcare Administration 3
from non-English speaking countries, candidates will
demonstrate English proficiency. Please see the gradu- General Psychology Core—Doctoral Level 12
ate admissions section of the OCU graduate catalog for PSYC 7313 Applied Social Psychology 3
more information. PSYC 7413 Biological Basis of Behavior and
Clinical Psychopharmacology 3
PSYC 8513 Cognitive and Affective Basis of Behavior 3
Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D.)
PSYC 8613 History and Systems of Psychology 3
To complete the Doctor of Psychology, a student must
Research Core—Doctoral Level 3
complete a total of 120 credit hours beyond the bachelor’s
PSYC 7113 Clinical Research Design 3
degree. Of these hours, 51 hours are completed at a master’s
level (5000 and 6000) and 69 hours are completed at the doc- Applied Experiences—Doctoral Level 27–33
toral level (7000 and 8000). PSYC 8173 Clinical Psychology Practicum
and Seminar II (minimum 12 hours) 12–15
PSYC 8273 Clinical Psychology Internship 15
Degree Requirements Credit Hours: 120
Clinical Core—Master’s Level 24 Capstone Projects—Doctoral Level 3–6
PSYC 5213 Introduction to Evidence Based Interventions 3 (minimum 3 hours required)
PSYC 5313 Adult Psychopathology 3 PSYC 8183 Doctoral Research Project 3
PSYC 5413 Intellectual Assessment: Theory and Practice 3
PSYC 5513 Ethics and Professional Issues in Clinical Practice 3 Elective hours to meet the 120 hours total 12–24
PSYC 5613 Diversity in Clinical Practice 3 PSYC 7513 Introduction to Rural Mental Health 3
PSYC 5713 Personality Assessment: Theory and Practice 3 PSYC 7613 Applied Gerontology:
PSYC 5813 Advanced Evidence Based Interventions 3 Assessment and Intervention 3
PSYC 5913 Child and Adolescent Psychopathology 3 PSYC 7813 Trauma: Assessment and Treatment 3
PSYC 7913 Clinical Perspectives on Trauma 3
General Psychology Core—Master’s Level 3 PSYC 8113 Addictions: Theory and Research 3
PSYC 6313 Advanced Lifespan Development 3 PSYC 8213 Addictions: Assessment and Intervention 3
PSYC 8233 Teaching Practicum 3
Research Core—Master’s Level 6
PSYC 8413 Advanced Psychological Assessment 3
PSYC 5113 Advanced Research Design 3
PSYC 6413 Statistical Methods 3

Petree College of Arts and Sciences /// School of Liberal Arts and Sciences /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025
Wimberly School
of Religion
Dr. Leslie Long, Director

Certification Studies in the United Methodist Church. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

Wimberly School Certification Studies in the
United Methodist Church
of Religion Certification is the church’s recognition that a person has
met the required personal and church qualifications and
Faculty: Davies, Enchassi, Long, Wolfe gained the academic qualifications and work experience
The mission of the Wimberly School of Religion is to offer necessary to achieve and maintain professional excellence.
religious and theological studies in the United Methodist tra- Certification is available in the United Methodist Church in a
dition that unite knowledge and vital piety, explore questions variety of areas of specialization. The School of Religion has
of ultimate concern for the lives of all human beings, and to been approved by the General Board of Higher Education
prepare persons seeking to enter a variety of Christian voca- and Ministry of the United Methodist Church to provide the
tions in service to the church and community. academic programs related to certification in the areas of
The purpose of graduate study in religion is to involve Christian education and youth ministry.
students in serious philosophical and theological consider- A person can fulfill the academic requirements of certi-
ation of the questions of humanity’s origin, destiny, meaning, fication studies at Oklahoma City University by earning a
and purpose. This demands highly motivated and qualified bachelor’s degree plus five graduate certification courses
students who are interested in exploring critically the ways in the area of specialization, including the course in United
in which questions of ultimate concern relate to the lives of Methodist Doctrine and Polity. These courses are Nature
human beings. and Work in Christian Education, The Bible in Christian
The Wimberly School of Religion is committed to the Education/Youth Ministry, Relating Theology to Christian
development of dedicated and competent leaders of Christ’s Education/Youth Ministry, Administration and Leadership,
church as the people of God with ministries in God’s world. and United Methodist Doctrine and Polity.
The school seeks to provide the church with educational The following are ways a person can fulfill the academic
opportunities for study in all of the disciplines related to the requirements for associate certification studies at Oklahoma
ministry of the church, such as biblical, theological, ethical, City University:
educational, and practical ministry studies.
1 Complete a minimum of 24 semester hours in gen-
eral undergraduate course work and complete five
graduate certification studies courses in the area of
specialization, including the course United Methodist
Doctrine and Polity.
2 Complete a minimum of 24 semester hours in the area
of specialization (such as the Program for Associate
Certification in Youth Ministry or Program for
Associate Certification in Christian Education) in the
School of Religion.

For additional information on requirements for certifica-

tion, contact the registrar of the Annual Conference Board
of Ordained Ministry, Section of Deacons and Diaconal

Petree College of Arts and Sciences /// Wimberly School of Religion /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025
Meinders School
of Business
Dr. Sri Beldona, Dean | Dr. Robert Greve, Associate Dean

General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
A Broad View of Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
An Educational Environment That Serves the Student . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Outstanding Facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Busey Institute for Enterprise and Leadership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Continuing Professional Education Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Steven C. Agee Economic Research and Policy Institute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

Degrees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Master of Business Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Master of Science in Accounting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Master of Science in Data Analytics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Master of Science in Financial Analytics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Master Certificates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73

Academic Regulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Graduation Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Degree Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
General Policies for Earning a Graduate Degree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Probation Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Dismissal Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Academic Appeal Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Attendance Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Academic Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Eligibility for Graduation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Busey Institute for Enterprise
Meinders School and Leadership

of Business The Busey Institute for Enterprise and Leadership brings

an exclusive blend of leadership programming to Meinders
School of Business and the Oklahoma City metroplex.
A Broad View of Management Programing includes leadership assessments, coaching, pro-
Accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate fessional development, and educational opportunities, as
Schools of Business, placing it in the top 4.5% internation- well as conferences and speaker forums offered for the ben-
ally, the Meinders School of Business is committed to pro- efit of students as well as regional businesses. These unique
viding quality business education at the undergraduate and programs incorporate specially developed curriculum, highly
graduate levels. Curricula are designed to provide students interactive workshops, leading-edge materials, and activities
a broad-based view of business and management: a view all committed to the personal growth, professional develop-
that emphasizes leadership ethics, entrepreneurship, critical ment, and career success of our students and business man-
thinking, and creativity in the workplace, and a view of man- agers across the Oklahoma City metro.
agement that will enable students to work effectively in the
challenging global business environment. Course work fea- Continuing Professional Education Program
tures practice as well as theory and helps to provide students
The Continuing Professional Education Program offers
with the knowledge and skills necessary for effective leader-
students and working professionals certification courses in
ship. Theoretical foundations are balanced by practical appli-
many demanding fields including Authentic Leadership,
cations and real-world experiential learning opportunities.
Executive Coaching, Project Management Professional
(PMP®), Petroleum Land Management (PLM), Government
An Educational Environment Contract Management Certificate Program, Professional in
That Serves the Student Human Resources (PHR), Senior Professional in Human
Resources (SPHR), and Tribal Law. The Meinders School of
The Meinders School of Business offers students a wide
Business also meets the dynamic needs of regional busi-
variety of learning opportunities outside of the classroom.
nesses by providing customized on-site programs for groups.
These enrichment activities provide valuable insights into
The Meinders School of Business specializes in program
the business world and augment traditional classroom
development, handling everything from entire program
study. These learning opportunities, such as industry visits,
assessment and delivery to all administrative functions.
internships, and career coaching, focus on helping students
Meinders School of Business continuing education courses
develop strategies to reach their personal career goals.
and programs are open-enrollmen, providing you an effi-
cient, individualized, and hassle-free application and enroll-
Outstanding Facilities ment. Classes offer numerous start dates throughout the year
The business school is located in the Meinders School of and are offered in a variety of formats including live on-cam-
Business building, a $20 million facility. The three-story, pus and online to maximize your scheduling flexibility.
80,000 square-foot building includes features that focus on
student success and add value to students’ academic experi- Steven C. Agee Economic Research
ences. The facility includes classrooms with state-of-the-art
technology, breakout study rooms for small groups, and a
and Policy Institute
student/faculty lounge. The building houses faculty offices, The Steven C. Agee Economic Research and Policy Institute
the FactSet Computer Lab, the Meinders Accounting Center is recognized as the principal source of unbiased, data-
of Student Collaboration and Research, and a 230-seat tiered driven, applied economic research and consulting expertise
auditorium capable of hosting videoconferences, guest for a diverse constituency including local, statewide, and
speakers, and seminars. regional multi-state business communities, governments,
and regulatory agencies. The institute is comprised of two
individual, highly integrated centers: 1) Center for Regional
Economic Forecasting, Development, and Policy Analysis
and 2) Center for Native American and Urban Studies.

Meinders School of Business /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

Institute staff bring the benefits of extensive experience to professional and personal life. It is this balance of leadership,
their roles and are each recognized as leaders in their areas management, analysis, and people skills that will give you a
of knowledge and expertise. As a contributing unit within career advantage in any industry or job function.
the Meinders School of Business, the institute also provides
undergraduate and graduate students opportunities to be You can get an M.B.A. anywhere…
directly involved in applied economic research through the
Institute Scholars Program. To learn more about the institute,
but only here can you get the
see www.okcu.edu/business or contact Kyle Dean, Executive Meinders Experience
Director, at kddean@okcu.edu.
What is the Meinders Experience?
Meinders School of Business
offers graduate degree programs: • High quality program accredited by the Association to
Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB)
• Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) - with six • Hands-on, active learning experiences connected to and
concentration options engaged with the real-world
• Master of Science in Accounting (M.S.A.) • Exclusive integration of the Authentic Leadership
• Master of Science in Accounting with STEM track Program with leadership assessments, coaching, and
(M.S.A.) continuing development
• Master of Science in Data Analytics (M.S.) • Small class sizes that enable networking and collaborat-
• Master of Science in Financial Analytics (M.S.) ing with faculty and student peers
• Field-based learning opportunities—the chance to work
Master of Business on real projects and solve actual problems
• Knowledgeable faculty who work with you and care
Administration (M.B.A.) about your success—both today and in the future
• Experience and self-insight through personalized
Accelerate your career by developing your leadership assessment, feedback, and coaching
leadership and business capabilities • Less rote memorization and busy work… MORE
Accelerate your career by joining the Meinders M.B.A.— opportunities for creative and critical thinking
an internationally top-ranked program carefully designed • More chances for both excitement and frustration which
to support and enhance your professional goals. Only the facilitate your mastery learning
Meinders M.B.A. provides you the unique blend of courses • Events where you can interact with business profession-
emphasizing your individual leadership development and als & receive advice to help advance your career
creativity integrated with theory-based business knowledge,
analytical skills, and decision-making competencies required The M.B.A. is available on campus or online:
for success in today’s dynamic and competitive business
1-Year M.B.A.
The full-time 1-year M.B.A. is a cohort-based, on-campus
This M.B.A. combines face-to-face classroom or online
program for recent college graduates and for career chang-
experiences, a motivated and knowledgeable faculty, real-
ers. While students typically complete the program within 12
world learning experiences, and an engaged community of
months, they have up to five years to complete the program
students from a variety of fields and backgrounds. Graduate
if needed. Cohorts begin each August. No work experience is
with the skills, confidence, global perspectives, and profes-
sional network to accelerate your career and take on leader-
ship roles within your organization and community. Professional M.B.A.
At the Meinders School of Business, you’ll develop and A part-time, cohort-based, on-campus, evening M.B.A.
build on these skills throughout your M.B.A. program. program provides the flexibility to earn your degree while
The Meinders M.B.A. enables students to master theory working and is designed for students having a wide range
and then apply that theory to the opportunities and prob- of educational and professional experience. Students con-
lems that drive businesses in today’s global competitive tinue working and can apply their new skills while earning
environment. Gain the skills you need and the skills employ- their degree. Cohorts start in January and August. While the
ers want: lifelong skills you need to succeed throughout your program is designed to be completed in 24 months, students

Meinders School of Business /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

have up to five years to complete the program if needed. Master of Business Administration in Leadership
Applicants should have two or more years of relevant work
Degree Requirements Credit Hours: 36
experience. MBA 5123 Effective Leadership and Communication 3
Most M.B.A. classes meet one night each week utilizing ACCT 5213 Accounting for Business Decision Making 3
the business school’s state-of-the-art executive classrooms. MGMT 5213 Business Strategy for Creating Value 3
Students interact with peers and instructors in real-time, cre- ECON 5313 Data Analysis for Business Decisions 3
ating a rich and engaging learning experience. ECON 5413 Managing at the Crossroads:
The Global Economic Environment 3
Online M.B.A. MKTG 5103 Strategic Marketing Decisions for Creating Value 3
Designed for busy professionals, this 100% Online M.B.A. FIN 5303 Financial Strategy and Decision Making 3
IT 5603 Advanced Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence 3
provides the flexibility to fit seamlessly into your individ-
MGMT 5703 Ethical, Societal, and Legal Environment
ual and dynamic work and personal schedules. The Online
of Business 3
M.B.A. offers the valuable networking benefits of a cohort- MGMT 5713 Strategic Leadership of the Organization 3
based program and incorporates active, experiential learning MGMT 6643 Capstone Experience: Integrating
within the classes to provide the theoretical understanding and Applying Business Knowledge 3
while building mastery of applying the business concepts. Elective 3
The program can be completed in as little as two years and
can help prepare you to make an immediate impact on Master of Business Administration
in Corporate Accounting
important business opportunities and challenges faced by
your organization today. Degree Requirements Credit Hours: 36
MBA 5123 Effective Leadership and Communication 3
ACCT 5213 Accounting for Business Decision Making 3
The M.B.A. Curriculum - MGMT 5213
ECON 5313
Business Strategy for Creating Value
Data Analysis for Business Decisions
On-Campus or Online ECON 5413 Managing at the Crossroads:
The Global Economic Environment 3
Classes in the M.B.A. emphasize the practical application MKTG 5103 Strategic Marketing Decisions for Creating Value 3
of business theory for making decisions and solving prob- FIN 5303 Financial Strategy and Decision Making 3
lems. Guided by highly experienced and knowledgeable fac- MGMT 5703 Ethical, Societal, and Legal Environment
ulty, you will master the course concepts and then master the of Business 3
application of these concepts through real-world decision- ACCT 5913 Special Topics in Accounting* 6
ACCT 5133 Financial Statement Analysis 3
making scenarios and projects.
ACCT 5323 Principles of Fraud Examination 3
No Prerequisite Courses *Must take a course in Cost Accounting and Accounting Systems & Data
While applicants are not required to have undergraduate Analytics to complete this requirement
business degrees nor previous study in the field of business,
they must demonstrate the likelihood of success in a rigorous Master of Business Administration in Data Analytics
graduate program. Applicants are expected to have a basic Degree Requirements Credit Hours: 36
understanding of statistics and analytical techniques and MBA 5123 Effective Leadership and Communication 3
ACCT 5213 Accounting for Business Decision Making 3
the ability to express and communicate ideas precisely and
MGMT 5213 Business Strategy for Creating Value 3
ECON 5313 Data Analysis for Business Decisions 3
ECON 5413 Managing at the Crossroads:
Concentrations within the M.B.A.
The Global Economic Environment 3
The M.B.A. offers additional opportunites to focus on MKTG 5103 Strategic Marketing Decisions for Creating Value 3
particluar areas of study. Areas of concentration include FIN 5303 Financial Strategy and Decision Making 3
Leadership, Corporate Accounting, Data Analytics, Financial MGMT 5703 Ethical, Societal, and Legal Environment
of Business 3
Analytics, Energy, and Healthcare.
IT 5603 Advanced Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence 3
IT 5113 Computer Programming for Data Scientists 3
IT 5213 Data Engineering 3
IT 5313 Data Visualization 3

Meinders School of Business /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

Master of Business Administration
in Financial Analytics Accelerated M.B.A. Curriculum
Degree Requirements
MBA 5123
Credit Hours: 36
Effective Leadership and Communication 3
Online Only
ACCT 5213 Accounting for Business Decision Making 3 Master of Business Administration in Leadership
MGMT 5213 Business Strategy for Creating Value 3 (Accelerated)
ECON 5313 Data Analysis for Business Decisions 3 Degree Requirements Credit Hours: 30
ECON 5413 Managing at the Crossroads: MBA 5123 Effective Leadership and Communication 3
The Global Economic Environment 3 ACCT 5213 Accounting for Business Decision Making 3
MKTG 5103 Strategic Marketing Decisions for Creating Value 3 MGMT 5213 Business Strategy for Creating Value 3
FIN 5303 Financial Strategy and Decision Making 3 ECON 5313 Data Analysis for Business Decisions 3
MGMT 5703 Ethical, Societal, and Legal Environment ECON 5413 Managing at the Crossroads:
of Business 3 The Global Economic Environment 3
IT 5603 Advanced Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence 3 MKTG 5103 Strategic Marketing Decisions for Creating Value 3
IT 5113 Computer Programming for Data Scientists 3 FIN 5303 Financial Strategy and Decision Making 3
FIN 5113 Computational Finance and Financial Modeling 3 MGMT 5703 Ethical, Societal, and Legal Environment
FIN 5213 Portfolio and Risk Management 3 of Business 3
MGMT 5713 Strategic Leadership of the Organization 3
Master of Business Administration in Energy MGMT 6643 Capstone Experience: Integrating
Degree Requirements Credit Hours: 36 and Applying Business Knowledge 3
MBA 5123 Effective Leadership and Communication 3
ACCT 5213 Accounting for Business Decision Making 3 Master of Business Administration
MGMT 5213 Business Strategy for Creating Value 3 in Corporate Accounting (Accelerated)
ECON 5313 Data Analysis for Business Decisions 3 Degree Requirements Credit Hours: 30
ECON 5413 Managing at the Crossroads: ACCT 5213 Accounting for Business Decision Making 3
The Global Economic Environment 3 MGMT 5213 Business Strategy for Creating Value 3
MKTG 5103 Strategic Marketing Decisions for Creating Value 3 ECON 5313 Data Analysis for Business Decisions 3
FIN 5303 Financial Strategy and Decision Making 3 ECON 5413 Managing at the Crossroads:
MGMT 5723 Leadership and Management in the The Global Economic Environment 3
Energy Industry 3 MKTG 5103 Strategic Marketing Decisions for Creating Value 3
ELAW 5703 Legal and Ethical Environment of the FIN 5303 Financial Strategy and Decision Making 3
Energy Industry or MGMT 5703 Ethical, Societal, and Legal Environment
MGMT 6753 Emerging Energy and the Law 3 of Business 3
MGMT 6743 Internal and External Communication in ACCT 5913 Special Topics in Accounting* 6
the Energy Industry 3 ACCT 5133 Financial Statement Analysis 3
MGMT 6643 Capstone Experience: Integrating and Applying
*Must take a course in Cost Accounting and Accounting Systems and Data
Business Knowledge 3
Analytics to complete this requirement
Elective course from MBA courses 3

Master of Business Administration in Data Analytics

Master of Business Administration
in Healthcare Administration
Degree Requirements Credit Hours: 30
Degree Requirements Credit Hours: 36 ACCT 5213 Accounting for Business Decision Making 3
MBA 5123 Effective Leadership and Communication 3
MGMT 5213 Business Strategy for Creating Value 3
ACCT 5213 Accounting for Business Decision Making 3
ECON 5313 Data Analysis for Business Decisions 3
ECON 5313 Data Analysis for Business Decisions 3
ECON 5413 Managing at the Crossroads:
ECON 5413 Managing at the Crossroads: The Global
The Global Economic Environment 3
Economic Environment 3
MKTG 5103 Strategic Marketing Decisions for Creating Value 3
MGMT 5713 Strategic Leadership of the Organization 3
FIN 5303 Financial Strategy and Decision Making 3
MGMT 6643 Capstone Experience: Integrating and Applying
MGMT 5703 Ethical, Societal, and Legal Environment
Business Knowledge 3
of Business 3
IT 5603 Advanced Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence 3
IT 5113 Computer Programming for Data Scientists 3
MKTG 6143 Healthcare Marketing and Client Satisfaction 3
IT 5213 Data Engineering 3
FIN 6333 Healthcare Financial Strategies & Decision Making 3
IT 5313 Data Visualization 3
MGMT 6723 Medical Law and Regulation 3
MGMT 6703 Strategic Management of Healthcare Organizations 3
Elective 3

Meinders School of Business /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

Master of Business Administration GMAT, earning a competitive score, and completed a Free
in Financial Analytics (Accelerated) Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Students must
also submit a two paragraph scholarship statement explain-
Degree Requirements Credit Hours: 30
ACCT 5213 Accounting for Business Decision Making 3 ing what qualities make them a chosen candidate for the
MGMT 5213 Business Strategy for Creating Value 3 scholarship and address their financial need. Scholarship
ECON 5313 Data Analysis for Business Decisions 3 statements may be sent via email to gadmissions@okcu.edu.
ECON 5413 Managing at the Crossroads: The priority deadline for scholarship consideration is July 1
The Global Economic Environment 3
for fall admission and November 1 for spring admission.
MKTG 5103 Strategic Marketing Decisions for Creating Value 3
FIN 5303 Financial Strategy and Decision Making 3
MGMT 5703 Ethical, Societal, and Legal Environment
of Business 3
J.D./M.B.A.—OCU School
IT 5113
FIN 5113
Computer Programming for Data Scientists
Computational Finance and Financial Modeling
of Law and Meinders
FIN 5213 Portfolio and Risk Management 3 School of Business
Students and faculty affiliated with the OCU School of Law
Master of Business Administration in Energy
(Accelerated) and the Meinders School of Business collaborate on a variety
of issues at the intersection of law and business. Those stu-
Degree Requirements Credit Hours: 30
ACCT 5213 Accounting for Business Decision Making 3 dents who are particularly interested in this intersection, and
MGMT 5213 Business Strategy for Creating Value 3 ambitious with regard to their academic track, may apply to
ECON 5313 Data Analysis for Business Decisions 3 both the J.D. and the M.B.A. programs. The applications will
ECON 5413 Managing at the Crossroads: be reviewed by each school separately for decisions involv-
The Global Economic Environment 3 ing admission to their respective programs. Typically, stu-
MKTG 5103 Strategic Marketing Decisions for Creating Value 3
dents accepted by both schools earn both (separate) degrees
FIN 5303 Financial Strategy and Decision Making 3
MGMT 5703 Ethical, Societal, and Legal Environment within a three to four-year time period. For more information
of Business 3 on applying to the Meinders School of Business, contact OCU
MGMT 5723 Leadership and Management in the Graduate Admissions at gadmissions@okcu.edu. For more
Energy Industry 3 information on applying to the OCU School of Law, contact
ELAW 5703 Legal and Ethical Environment of the lawadmit@okcu.edu.
Energy Industry 3
To earn the M.B.A. degree of the paired M.B.A./J.D. pro-
MGMT 6743 Internal and External Communication in
the Energy Industry 3 gram, students must complete 30 credits of the M.B.A.
requirements. Students will not be required to complete
Master of Business Administration MGMT 5703 Ethical, Societal, and Legal Environment of
in Healthcare Administration (Accelerated) Business and an M.B.A. elective. Requirements for the J.D. will
Degree Requirements Credit Hours: 30 be designated by the School
ACCT 5213 Accounting for Business Decision Making 3 of Law.
MGMT 5213 Business Strategy for Creating Value 3
ECON 5313 Data Analysis for Business Decisions 3 Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.)
ECON 5413 Managing at the Crossroads: Degree Requirements Credit Hours: 30
The Global Economic Environment 3 MBA 5123 Effective Leadership and Communication 3
MKTG 5103 Strategic Marketing Decisions for Creating Value 3 ACCT 5213 Accounting for Business Decision Making 3
FIN 5303 Financial Strategy and Decision Making 3 MGMT 5213 Business Strategy for Creating Value 3
MGMT 5703 Ethical, Societal, and Legal Environment ECON 5313 Data Analysis for Business Decisions 3
of Business 3 ECON 5413 Managing at the Crossroads:
MKTG 6143 Healthcare Marketing and Client Satisfaction 3 The Global Economic Environment 3
FIN 6333 Healthcare Financial Strategies & Decision Making 3 MKTG 5103 Strategic Marketing Decisions for Creating Value 3
MGMT 6703 Strategic Management of Healthcare Organizations 3 FIN 5303 Financial Strategy and Decision Making 3
IT 5603 Advanced Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence 3
MGMT 5713 Strategic Leadership of the Organization 3
M.B.A. Scholarships MGMT 6643 Capstone Experience: Integrating and Applying
Limited, competitive scholarships are available for M.B.A. Business Knowledge 3
students. To be considered the student must have taken the

Meinders School of Business /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

For information on applying to the OCU School of Law, con- • Completed undergraduate studies at an approved insti-
tact lawadmit@okcu.edu. tution where English was the language of instruction
To earn the M.B.A. degree of the paired M.B.A./J.D. pro- • Demonstrated a score of at least 83 iBT on the Test of
gram, students must complete 30 credits of the M.B.A. English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)
requirements. Students will not be required to complete • Scored at least 6.5 overall with a minimum 6.0 on each
MGMT 5703 Ethical, Societal, and Legal Environment band score on the IELTS
of Business and MBA 5113 Special Topics in Business. • Achieved level 112 in the ELS program
Requirements for the J.D. will be designated by the School • Earned, at least, 105 on the Duolingo English Test
of Law.
Domestic and International
Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.)
Degree Requirements Credit Hours: 30 Special Considerations
MBA 5123 Effective Leadership and Communication 3 Those who do not meet the above admissions criteria may
ACCT 5213 Accounting for Business Decision Making 3
be considered on an individual basis for conditional admis-
MGMT 5213 Business Strategy for Creating Value 3
ECON 5313 Data Analysis for Business Decisions 3
sion by the Graduate Studies Committee.
ECON 5413 Managing at the Crossroads:
The Global Economic Environment 3 Pre-M.B.A. Program Admission
MKTG 5103 Strategic Marketing Decisions for Creating Value 3
FIN 5303 Financial Strategy and Decision Making 3 Applicants holding academic diplomas recognized by the
IT 5603 Advanced Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence 3 country in which the diploma is granted as equivalent to a
MGMT 5713 Strategic Leadership of the Organization 3 baccalaureate degree (a three-year 90-hour program) may be
MGMT 6643 Capstone Experience: Integrating and Applying conditionally admitted to the M.B.A. program upon success-
Business Knowledge 3
ful completion of the following 30 hours of undergraduate
M.B.A. Admissions Pre-Master of Business Administration
M.B.A. students must demonstrate the likelihood of suc- Degree Requirements Credit Hours: 30
cess in a rigorous graduate program to be considered for ACCT 2113 Financial Accounting 3
ACCT 2213 Managerial Accounting 3
admission. Several factors may be considered when review-
ECON 2013 Principles of Macroeconomics 3
ing an application, including the undergraduate GPA, GMAT ECON 2113 Principles of Microeconomics 3
and GRE exam scores, letters of recommendation, academic ECON 2123 Business Statistics 3
and professional accomplishments, professional work expe- IT 1003 Introduction to Information Technology 3
rience, and TOEFL/IELTS scores (international students). MGMT 2023 Business Communication and Technical Writing 3
Other accepted graduate admissions tests may also be MGMT 3123 Principles of Management and Organization 3
FIN 3023 Business Finance 3
MKTG 3013 Marketing Principles 3
Official transcripts of all previous college or university
studies are required and should be sent directly to the gradu-
Pre-M.B.A. students are not permitted to waive any of
ate admissions office. Applicants to the Meinders School
the 30 hours of required classes. Students who can dem-
of Business graduate programs must have, at a minimum,
onstrate prior completion of one or more of the required
a bachelor’s degree in any field of study from a regionally
pre-M.B.A. courses at a regionally accredited university may
accredited college or university, or be eligible for admission
elect to complete a higher level undergraduate course in
to graduate programs under the United Kingdom system.
the appropriate area(s) of study. Students may not enroll in
Students must meet the admissions standards for the catalog
M.B.A. courses until they have successfully completed the
year in which they are admitted to the university. See the sec-
pre-M.B.A. program, and have been officially admitted to
tion on admission procedure in this catalog.
the M.B.A. program. Upon successful completion of the pre-
International Students M.B.A. program, the student will be awarded a certificate but
not a B.B.A.
English language proficiency is required in all courses. An
applicant who meets one of the following conditions prior to
admission will be considered to have sufficient reading and
writing English language proficiency:

Meinders School of Business /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

M.B.A. Educational Partnership
American Enterprise Management (three credit
hours) and M.B.A. 5123 – Effective Leadership and

with the Chickasaw Nation Communication (three credit hours).

Oklahoma City University, the Meinders School of Chickasaw Nation MBA Course
Business, and the Chickasaw Nation have partnered together Continuing Education Programs
to provide a unique graduate, business management edu-
Native American Enterprise MBA 5113 Special Topics:
cational experience for Chickasaw Nation citizens and/or Management Certificate Native American Enterprise
employees admitted to the Meinders School of Business Program (NAEM) Management
Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) program. This (a Meinders School of Business Program) (3 credit hours)
exclusive program allows select Chickasaw Nation citi- Chickasaw Leadership
zens and/or employees who have successfully completed Academy (CLA) MBA 5123 Effective
the Native American Enterprise Management Certificate • Bronze Level Leadership and
Program (NAEM) and/or the Chickasaw Leadership • Silver Level Communication
Academy (CLA) to utilize one, or both, of those completed • Gold Level (3 credit hours)
• Authentic Leadership Program
certificate programs as transfer credits fully completing one
(a Meinders School of Business Program)
or two of the 12 courses comprising the M.B.A. in Leadership.

Native American Enterprise Concurrent Enrollment

Management Concentration While not encouraged due to the increased workload of
simultaneous full-time work and family responsibilities along
The curriculums and learning experiences of the NAEM
with the demands of managing the NAEM or CLA and M.B.A.
and CLA certificate programs are specifically focused on
coursework, concurrent enrollment is permitted. Participants
the Chickasaw Nation and Native American managerial,
may concurrently enroll in and complete the NAEM and/or
operational, and regulatory knowledge and competencies.
CLA programs for transfer credit along with M.B.A. courses.
Through this educational partnership, their inclusion as
equivalent courses within the Leadership M.B.A. effectively
provides participants with a concentration in Native
Documentation of Chickasaw Nation
American Enterprise Management within the M.B.A. While Program Curriculum and Participant
the transcript will include the individual course notations, Completion
including the specifics of the transfer credits, the official
degree title conferred and detailed on the transcript and For the CLA Certificate Program:
diploma will be “Master of Business Administration.” The Chickasaw Nation will provide OCU official documen-
As illustrated below: tation detailing CLA program curriculum satisfactorily com-
pleted by the student.
• Participants documenting successful completion of
the NAEM can receive equivalency transfer credit for For the NAEM Certificate Program:
the M.B.A. course, MBA 5113 – Special Topics: Native As the NAEM is taught and managed by Meinders School of
American Enterprise Management (three credit hours). Business with participants’ record of completion transcripted
by OCU, the needed documentation for NAEM will be pro-
• Participants documenting successful completion of the
vided internally by OCU and MSB.
CLA (including the Authentic Leadership Program) can

Applicable Timeframe for NAEM and CLA

receive equivalency credit for the M.B.A. course, MBA
5123 – Effective Leadership and Communication (three
credit hours). Completion for Transfer Credit
To be considered for transfer credit satisfying either or both
• Participants documenting successful completion of
M.B.A. courses, the NAEM and CLA programs must have
both the NAEM and the CLA (including the Authentic
been completed within five years of enrolling in the M.B.A.
Leadership Program) can receive credit for both the
Previously completed NAEM and CLA programs must have
M.B.A. courses, MBA 5113 – Special Topics: Native
documented equivalency to those detailed and evaluated in

Meinders School of Business /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

this OCU – Chickasaw Nation Agreement to be considered for ACCT 5143 Government and Not-for-Profit Accounting 3
transfer credit. ACCT 5163 Energy Accounting 3
ACCT 5223 Forensic Accounting 3
ACCT 5323 Principles of Fraud Examination 3
Master of Science ACCT 5443 Estate and Gift Taxation 3
ACCT 5453 Digital Forensics 3
in Accounting (M.S.A.) ACCT 5613 Accounting Ethics 3
ACCT 5713 CPA Exam Review Part I 3
Faculty: Day, Fisher, Walker ACCT 5723 CPA Exam Review Part II 3
ACCT 5911-3 Special Topics in Accounting 1–3
Upon successful completion of the M.S.A. program, most
ACCT 5921-3 Applied Research or Internship in Accounting 3
students will have met the educational requirements to sit for
FIN 5303 Financial Strategy and Decision Making 3
the Certified Public Accountant exam in most states. Students MGMT 5703 Ethical, Societal, and Legal Environment of Business 3
who have fulfilled all prerequisites before matriculating may MBA 5123 Effective Leadership and Communication 3
complete the degree in 30 credit hours of study. ECON 5253 Forensic Economics 3
FIN 5353 Current Issues in Financial Fraud 3
ECON 5313 Data Analysis for Business Decisions 3
Prerequisite Requirements for Master of IT 5113 Computer Programming for Data Scientists 3
Science in Accounting IT 5313 Data Visualization 3

The following prerequisite courses must appear on the stu-

dent’s undergraduate transcript with a minimum grade of C- Prerequisite Requirements for Master of
and may be taken at Oklahoma City University: Science in Accounting with STEM track
Master of Science in Accounting Credit Hours: 21 The following prerequisite courses must appear on the stu-
ACCT 2113 Financial Accounting 3 dent’s undergraduate transcript with a minimum grade of C-
ACCT 2213 Managerial Accounting 3 and may be taken at Oklahoma City University:
ACCT 3113 Intermediate Accounting I* 3
ACCT 3123 Intermediate Accounting II* 3 Master of Science in Accounting Credit Hours: 6
ACCT 3413 Introduction to Taxation* 3 ACCT 4513 Foundations of GAAP Accounting* 3
ACCT 4313 Auditing* 3 ACCT 4313 Auditing** 3
MGMT 2213 Business Law* or
MGMT 5703 Ethical, Societal and Legal Environment * Alternative: Intermediate Accounting I and II from a regionally accred-
of Business 3 ited U.S. institution.

* Must be taken at an accredited U.S. school. ** Alternative: Auditing course from a regionally accredited U.S. institu-
tionor documented successful completion of Coursera course, Auditing I:
All waivers and agreements are subject to compliance with Conceptual Foundations of Auditing.
the appropriate graduate catalog or approval of the dean.
None of the undergraduate prerequisite courses are applied Degree Requirements for Master of Science
to the master’s degree. in Accounting with STEM track
Master of Science in Accounting with STEM track
Degree Requirements for Master of Science Degree Requirements Credit Hours: 30
in Accounting ACCT 5123 Accounting Theory and Research 3
ACCT 5133 Financial Statement Analysis 3
Master of Science in Accounting ACCT 5223 Forensic Accounting 3
Degree Requirements Credit Hours: 30 ACCT 5253 Forensic and Business Valuation and Litigation 3
ACCT 5123 Accounting Theory and Research 3 ACCT 5313 Advanced Auditing and Assurance Services 3
ACCT 5313 Advanced Auditing and Assurance Services 3 IT 5313 Data Visualization 3
ACCT 5413 Income Taxation of Entities 3 ACCT 5323 Principles of Fraud Examination 3
Seven elective courses* 21 ACCT 5453 Digital Forensics 3
*At least three must be in accounting other than CPA Exam Review IT 5603 Advanced Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence 3
(see list of approved electives below); remainder with approval of ACCT 5813 Accounting Analytics 3
Accounting Chair.

Approved Accounting Electives for M.S.A.

ACCT 5133 Financial Statement Analysis 3

Meinders School of Business /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

M.S.A. Admission Master of Science in Data Analytics
Requirements Credit Hours: 30
M.S.A. students must demonstrate the likelihood of success
Core Requirements 21
in a rigorous graduate program to be considered for admis-
IT 5113 Computer Programming for Data Scientists 3
sion. Several factors may be considered when reviewing an ECON 5313 Data Analysis for Business Decisions 3
application, including the undergraduate GPA, GMAT and IT 5313 Data Visualization 3
GRE exam scores, letters of recommendation, academic and IT 5213 Data Engineering 3
professional accomplishments, professional work experi- IT 5413 Forecasting 3
ence, and TOEFL/IELTS scores (international students). IT 5513 Predictive Analytics 3
IT 5613 Big Data and Cloud Computing 3
Other accepted graduate admissions tests may also be
considered. Area of Concentration (Choose one) 9
Official transcripts of all previous college or university Healthcare Concentration:
studies are required and should be sent directly to the gradu- FIN 6333 Healthcare Financial Strategies
and Decision Making 3
ate admissions office. Applicants to the Meinders School
MGMT 6723 Medical Law and Regulation 3
of Business graduate programs must have, at a minimum, MGMT 6713 Energy Operations Management 3
a bachelor’s degree in any field of study from a regionally
accredited college or university, or be eligible for admission Leadership Concentration:
to graduate programs under the United Kingdom system. MBA 5123 Effective Leadership and Communication 3
MGMT 5713 Strategic Leadership of the Organization 3
Students must meet the admissions standards for the catalog
MGMT 5213 Business Strategy for Creating Value 3
year in which they are admitted to the university. See the sec-
tion on admission procedure in this catalog. Marketing Concentration:
MKTG 5103 Strategic Marketing Decisions for Creating Value 3
International Students MKTG 5113 Digital Marketing 3
MKTG 6133 Marketing Research and Analysis 3
English language proficiency is required in all courses. An

Master of Science
applicant who meets one of the following conditions prior to
admission will be considered to have sufficient reading and
writing English language proficiency:
in Financial Analytics
• Completed undergraduate studies at an approved insti- The Master of Science in Financial Analytics is a 30 credit
tution where English was the language of instruction hour program (10 courses) delivered online and designed for
• Demonstrated a score of at least 83 iBT on the Test of busy working professionals who wish to enhance knowledge
English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) and skills at the intersection of finance and technology.
• Scored at least 6.5 overall with a minimum 6.0 on each
band score on the IELTS Master of Science in Financial Analytics
• Achieved level 112 in the ELS program Requirements Credit Hours: 30
• Earned, at least, 105 on the Duolingo English Test. FIN 5303 Financial Strategy and Decision Making 3
FIN 5113 Computational Finance and Financial Modeling 3

Master of Science FIN 5213

FIN 5313
Portfolio and Risk Management
Fixed Income Analytics

in Data Analytics FIN 5413

ECON 5313
Application in FinTech
Data Analysis for Business Decisions
Data and the use of data in business decision making is IT 5113 Computer Programming for Data Scientists 3
IT 5313 Data Visualization 3
ubiquitous. The need for data analytics is an ever-growing,
IT 5213 Data Engineering 3
increasingly important, skill set for both the current and the
IT 5413 Forecasting 3
future workforce. The M.S. in Data Analytics is a 30 credit
hour program (10 courses) that is delivered face-to-face and/
or online and is designed for busy working professionals.

Meinders School of Business /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

Master Certificate in
• Two years or more of relevant, professional work experi-
ence preferred but not required

Business Leadership • Completion and submittal of the application for OCU

Graduate Admission
• Students admitted to the Meinders School of Business
Master Certificate in Business Leadership
Certificate Requirements Credit Hours: 12 program get preferential treatment in admission to
Core Requirement 3 the Master Certificate in Financial Fraud and Forensic
MBA 5123 Effective Leadership and Communication 3 Accounting
Core Electives (Choose three) 9
MGMT 5213
MGMT 5713
Business Strategy for Creating Value
Strategic Leadership of the Organization
3 Master Certificate in Healthcare
ACCT 5213 Accounting for Business Decision Making 3
ECON 5313
ECON 5413
Data Analysis for Business Decisions
Managing at the Crossroads:
3 Practice Management
The Global Economic Environment 3 Designed in extensive collaboration with leading medical
MKTG 5103 Strategic Marketing Decisions for Creating Value 3
practitioners, the Master Certificate in Healthcare Practice
FIN 5303 Financial Strategy and Decision Making 3
IT 5603 Advanced Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence 3 Management is designed to prepare today’s healthcare pro-
MGMT 5703 Ethical, Societal, and Legal Environment of Business 3 fessionals to become high-level leaders through its specific
MBA 5113 Special Topics in Business 3
healthcare administration focus on business and leadership
competencies applicable across heathcare-related fields. The
Master Certificate in Financial curriculum is aligned with the outcome competency models

Fraud and Forensic Accounting

from the National Center of Healthcare Leadership (NCHL)
and Healthcare Leadership Alliance (HLA).
This option requires five graduate courses (15 credit hours) The certificate program consists of five, three credit hour
focused on participants’ development of competencies in master’s-level courses delivered in an online format. Courses
white-collar crime prevention and detection and includes may be completed over a one-year period. Each course
forensic and investigative principles/practices in account- qualifies for three CME credits. The graduate-level academic
ing, finance, and digital devices. Courses may also be used credit earned through the satisfactory completion of the fif-
toward preparation for internationally recognized profes- teen credit hour certificate can be transferred as credit hours
sional certification testing such as: Certified Fraud Examiner toward the thirty-six credit hour M.B.A. degree—participants
(CFE); Certified in Financial Forensics (CFF); and Certified satisfactorily completing the certificate program can com-
Valuation Analyst (CVA). plete the M.B.A. in Healthcare Administration degree with
only seven additional courses.
Master Certificate in Financial Fraud
and Forensic Accounting Master Certificate in Healthcare
Requirements Credit Hours: 15 Practice Management
ACCT 5323 Principles of Fraud Examination 3
Requirements Credit Hours: 15
ACCT 5223 Forensic Accounting 3
ACCT 5453 Digital Forensics 3 MBA 5123 Effective Leadership and Communication 3
ECON 5253 Forensic Economics 3 MKTG 6143 Healthcare Marketing and Client Satisfaction 3
FIN 5353 Current Issues in Financial Fraud 3 FIN 6333 Healthcare Financial Strategies
& Decision Making 3
MGMT 6723 Medical Law and Regulation 3
Master Certificate in Financial Fraud MGMT 6703 Strategic Management
and Forensic Accounting Admission: of Healthcare Organizations 3

• Has, at a minimum, a bachelor’s degree from a regionally

accredited college or university with a cumulative GPA ≥ Master Certificate in Healthcare
3.00 or a 3.00 in business courses Practice Admission:
• Basic principle knowledge in accounting and finance is
• Has, at a minimum, a bachelor’s degree from a regionally
required or additional classes may be taken to satisfy the
accredited college or university with cumulative
requirement after admission
GPA ≥ 3.00

Meinders School of Business /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

• Two years or more of relevant, professional work as part of the minimum number of semester credit hours
experience required for the degree. No more than two grades below B-
• Completion and submittal of the application for OCU (2.75) are acceptable on course work.
Graduate Admission
Degree Requirements
Meinders School of Business Students are required to obtain approval of a course of

Academic Regulations
study from a graduate faculty advisor. Each student must
complete graduate course work with a minimum graduate
GPA of 3.00, and no more than two grades of C or C+ (2.00 or
1 To graduate, each student must meet the following 2.25).

• complete any assigned undergraduate General Policies for Earning a Graduate

prerequisites satisfactorily Degree from the Meinders School of
• complete the course work required with
a minimum 3.00 GPA
Academic Advising
2 A student is admitted to degree candidacy when the
Upon receiving a letter of admission, a student should con-
student has completed all undergraduate prerequi-
tact the Student Services Office at the Meinders School of
sites. While enrolled in undergraduate prerequisites
Business. A student services specialist will assist the student
and not yet admitted to candidacy, a student may
with enrollment. Contact information for the student services
enroll in other undergraduate courses and, with per-
specialists is available in the Admissions Office.
mission, graduate courses.
3 All undergraduate or preparatory courses must be
completed with a grade of C or better. Transfer Policy
4 All graduate courses must be completed with a grade The Meinders School of Business may accept transfer
of C (2.00) or better. Students must maintain a mini- credit at entrance only. A maximum of six credit hours of
mum GPA of 3.00 in all graduate courses. No more graduate-level business courses may be eligible for transfer
than two graduate courses may have a grade of less if completed at a regionally accredited university within the
than B-. five years prior to the student’s entry date into the Meinders
5 Upon entry, the student may transfer no more than School of Business, provided they have not been credited
two graduate courses totaling no more than 6 semes- toward a previous degree. Any course accepted for transfer
ter credit hours from other colleges or universities. credit must have been completed with a grade of B or better.
Transfer credit may be granted for courses completed Requests for transfer credit hours will be considered and
at a regionally accredited college or university for grad- processed only if a written petition form accompanied by a
uate credit with a grade of B or better. Such courses course description, list of texts used, and official transcript
must not have been used to fulfill requirements of the final grade assignment are submitted. This informa-
for a degree from the previous institution. Transfer tion must be submitted to the dean at or prior to initial reg-
credit will be granted only for courses on a student’s istration. If approval is granted, credit for the hours will be
approved course of study and only with the approval of reflected on the official Oklahoma City University transcript.
their academic Dean. Grades earned for transferred work do not count toward the
6 Any graduate courses completed more than five years graduate degree cumulative GPA.
prior to the awarding of an M.B.A. or an M.S. degree
may not be used to satisfy departmental requirements
Candidate for Degree
for that degree. A student accorded candidate for degree status is expected
to complete the MSB graduate degree. While still subject to
Graduation Requirements probation, if warranted, a degree candidate will be allowed to
complete all course work (except in cases of gross violation of
Students must earn at least a 3.00 cumulative GPA to grad- the university’s rules and regulations), subject to the follow-
uate. Any course with a grade below C (2.00) cannot be used ing conditions:

Meinders School of Business /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

• Completion of 12 hours of graduate study the student will have six hours to return to good academic
with a cumulative GPA of 3.00 standing or will be dismissed from the university. The dis-
• Satisfaction of all prerequisites missal decision may be appealed with the Academic Appeals
• No other impediments Committee.

Probation Policy Academic Appeal Process

A student may be placed on probation at admission; when- A student may appeal decisions affecting their academic
ever their cumulative GPA falls below 3.00; whenever student progress as follows:
receives more than two grades below B-; whenever student
1 The student initiates an appeal by filing a written
receives a grade below C; or for violation of other academic
petition with the school’s academic dean.
norms, standards, or behavior as determined by the univer-
2 The academic dean reviews the petition and deter-
sity or the school. All probationary students will have nine
credit hours to remedy the deficiencies. A cumulative 3.00 mines if a meeting with the student petitioner is
GPA is required by the end of nine credit hours. Failure to necessary.
3 The student petitioner will be informed in writing
receive a grade of C or higher in any class in any enrollment
term while on probation and/or failure to achieve a cumula- of the decision on the merits of their petition.
4 If the student does not agree with the decision,
tive 3.00 GPA by the end of the nine credit hours will result in
dismissal from the university. the student may continue the appeal process with
All students placed on probation must make an appoint- the assistant provost.
ment within the first two weeks of the next course session with
their academic advisor. Students failing to meet this criterion Attendance Policy
may be subject to enrollment cancellation. Students are expected to attend classes and arrive no later
Any student receiving probationary status due to more than the designated starting time for all classes. Absenteeism
than two grades of C (NOTE: A grade of C includes C+ and and tardiness may lead to a grade reduction, at the profes-
C.), or any grade of C- or below must retake that course sor’s discretion.
within their next enrollment term or as soon as it is offered
again within the program of study.
Traditional on-campus probationary students may not take
Academic Load
more than nine credit hours in each of the fall and spring Students may not take more than 12 credit hours during
semesters and three credit hours in each summer session. fall and spring semesters and six credit hours during sum-
Professional program probationary students may not take mer terms. Professional program students may not take more
more than three credit hours per cycle. than six credit hours per cycle. Students on probation may
not take more than nine credit hours in the fall or spring

Dismissal Policy semesters and three credit hours in each summer term. Any
exceptions to this policy must be approved by the dean of the
The student who is on probation must earn a grade of C Meinders School of Business.
or higher in any other MSB graduate course completed and
maintain a cumulative 3.00 GPA or better by the end of the
Eligibility for Graduation
probationary nine credit hour period. At the end of this pro-
bationary period, the student must be in good academic A student is eligible for graduation when the following con-
standing or will be dismissed from the university. A student ditions are satisfied:
is in good standing when the cumulative GPA is at or above
1 All required graduate course work has been completed
a 3.000 without having more than two grades below a B- and
with a minimum graduate GPA of 3.00
no grades below a C (2.00).
2 The student has no grade below C (2.00)
Following the nine credit hour probation and a period of
3 The student does not have more than two grades lower
good standing, whenever the student has more than two
than B-
grades below B-, whenever the student receives a grade
4 The student is not on academic probation
below C, or for violation of other academic norms, standards,
5 There are no other impediments
or behavior as determined by the university or the school,

Meinders School of Business /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

6 M.B.A. students must take and pass the M.B.A. Multi-
Field Assessment Test (MFAT) by achieving a total
score greater than or equal to 75% of the maximum of
300 points. This equates to a minimum threshold score
of 225 points. A student who fails to pass or take the
MFAT at the required time must do the following:

• Take or retake the test at their own expense. There

is no limit to the number of retakes allowed, and
only the highest score will be recorded.
• Engage with faculty members for review and
preparation to retake the MFAT.

Meinders School of Business /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

School of
David Holt, Dean

Admissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

School of Law Catalog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

Admission to the Juris Doctor
School of Law Program of the School of Law
Admission to the School of Law is a competitive and selec-

Juris Doctor
tive process. To be considered for admission, an applicant
must take the Law School Admission Test (LSAT) prepared
The School of Law is located at 800 N. Harvey Avenue, in and administered by the Law School Admission Council,
downtown Oklahoma City. An Oklahoma City University hold an undergraduate degree or be scheduled to complete
School of Law education is built upon a curriculum based on one prior to matriculation at the School of Law, and have the
the values of the liberal arts tradition, blending theory with potential for academic success and leadership.
practical experience to prepare graduates for a wide variety of A student in good standing at another law school approved
careers. by the American Bar Association, or a graduate of an accred-
The School of Law prepares students to become respon- ited law school outside the United States, may be admitted to
sible professionals through a rigorous program of instruc- the J.D. program with advanced standing by approval of the
tion that focuses on students’ intellectual and professional faculty’s Admissions Committee at its discretion.
development and enables them to become leaders in law,
business, government, and civic life. The School of Law also School of Law Catalog
contributes to the improvement of law and legal institutions
The catalog for the School of Law is published separately.
through research and scholarship. Our curriculum focuses
Interested persons should visit the website at law.okcu.edu
on national issues, and our graduates practice in all 50 states,
or email, write, or call the Admissions Office: Oklahoma City
the District of Columbia, and several foreign countries.
University School of Law Admissions Office, 800 N. Harvey,
The School of Law is fully approved by the American Bar
Oklahoma City, OK 73102, lawadmit@okcu.edu, (405) 208-
Association and is a member of the Association of American
5354 or (800) 230-3012. Applications for admission to the
Law Schools. The academic year consists of two semesters
School of Law and pertinent financial and other information
and an optional summer term. A minimum of 90 credit hours
are available at law.okcu.edu.
is required for completion of the J.D. degree. The school offers
both full-time and part-time options. Successful completion
of the course of study leads to the degree of Juris Doctor.

Ann Lacy School of American Dance and Entertainment /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025
Wanda L. Bass
School of Music
Mark Edward Parker, Dean | Dr. Mark Belcik, Associate Dean

Mission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80

Core Beliefs & Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80

Admission Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Procedure for Admission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Advisory Examination and Audition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80

Seniors and Graduate Courses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81

Acceptance to Candidacy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81

Graduate Committee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81

Comprehensive Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81

Recital/Comprehensive Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81

Applied Music Attainment Level. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81

Academic Regulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82

Electives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

Enrollment Restriction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

Degrees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Master of Music in Music Composition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Master of Music in Music Theater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Master of Music in Opera Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Master of Music in Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Master of Music in Conducting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Master of Music in Vocal Coaching. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Master of Music in Multiple Woodwind Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Wanda L. Bass
responsibility of service to the community now and in the

Commitment to the Future of Music

School of Music We believe that the process of music making is organic. We
prepare versatile students who can succeed in an ever-chang-
The Wanda L. Bass School of Music offers programs of pri- ing marketplace.
vate study, courses, and research leading to the Master of
Music (M.M.). Concentrations are offered in music composi-
Admission Requirements
tion, instrumental and vocal performance, multiple wood-
wind performance, opera performance, conducting, vocal For regular admission, the applicant must have a mini-
coaching, and music theater. The administration of these mum undergraduate GPA of 3.00 and hold an appropriate
programs is under the supervision of the dean, the coordina- Bachelor of Music from an NASM-accredited institution with
tor of graduate studies, and the graduate commission of the undergraduate preparation related to the graduate music
school. curriculum. Adequacy of this preparation will be determined
through transcript evaluation and advisory examinations in
Mission music theory, history, keyboard (for conductors and com-
The School of Music provides a professional education posers), foreign language diction (for singers, vocal coaches,
within the liberal arts curriculum and develops musicians and choral conductors), and in the proposed field of perfor-
equipped to make significant artistic contributions to society. mance. Exams are given at the beginning of each semester. In
Critical thinking, open inquiry, and artistic expression are addition, composition students must submit a composition
fostered through the study of traditional intellectual disci- portfolio and schedule an interview with the faculty of the
plines and applied skills. composition area.

Procedure for Admission

Core Beliefs & Values An application for admission to the M.M. program may
be secured from the Office of Graduate Admissions. The
Student Success and Excellence
completed form, together with an official transcript of col-
We believe in an education that is student-driven. We lege credits and two letters of recommendation, should be
believe that priorities and resource allocation should reflect returned to the Office of Graduate Admissions prior to the
what is best for the student. We believe that effective student scheduled audition. Students applying should also supply
learning includes ongoing feedback and the demonstration 150 to 200 words describing reasons for pursuing a graduate
of learned skills. Our success is demonstrated by the profes- degree and academic and professional goals. In addition to
sional achievements of our students and alumni. the statement, please attach a separate document indicating
recitals, programs, and all performance experience. Graduate
Faculty Excellence
credits from other institutions will be accepted only by spe-
We believe that our discipline requires lifelong learning cial permission (normally not exceeding eight hours). All
and that this concept must be—and is—demonstrated to students must complete a successful audition and satisfy all
students through public performances, scholarship, and university admission requirements before they will be admit-
professional development. While our faculty is performance- ted to the school. See www.okcu.edu/music/admissions/
oriented, we believe all faculty must be teachers first and auditions for current audition requirements.
foremost. We believe faculty should be caring and involved Admission means only that the student will be permitted to
in the educational and professional development of their enroll for courses in the graduate program. It does not imply
students. acceptance to candidacy. Admission is in concert with the
university’s graduate program admission policy.
Service to the Community
We believe in service to a global community. We believe Advisory Examination and Audition
that serving the community through music helps students The advisory examination and leveling audition are sched-
become sensitive to and have respect for changing and uled at the beginning of each semester during the regular
diverse communities. We strive to educate students in their academic year. Students are urged to review music history,

Wanda L. Bass School of Music /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025
literature, theory, and keyboard skills before taking this 5 Reached performance level of G7 (see Applied Music
examination. Diction examinations are required for students Attainment Level section). Conducting majors must
in vocal performance, opera performance, music theater, have reached G5 in their major instrument.
choral conducting, and vocal coaching.
Students receiving less than satisfactory evaluation in the
Graduate Committee
music theory examination are required to enroll in MUS 5163
Analytical Techniques, a graduate level theory review course, Following acceptance to candidacy, students work under
during the first semester of graduate study. Students receiv- the guidance of their graduate committee. The committee
ing less than satisfactory evaluation in music history must includes three faculty members assigned by the coordinator
complete an online review as assigned by the musicology fac- of graduate studies.
ulty. Each student is required to give a 10-minute prepared
performance as part of the advisory exam the first semester at Comprehensive Review
Oklahoma City University. At this time an entrance perfor- The comprehensive review is administered by the student’s
mance level is determined. The coordinator of graduate stud- committee prior to the required recital and takes the form of
ies can provide detailed information. a preview recital and oral examination on the recital paper or
written exam. The comprehensive review for the composition
Seniors and Graduate Courses major includes submission of recordings of recital rehearsals
Senior students who are graduating at the end of a semes- as well as an oral examination of the thesis composition. This
ter or summer session may take courses for graduate credit examination takes place at least 15 days prior to the sched-
under the following conditions: The credits must not be uled recital. Any proposed change to the recital program after
required or needed for the bachelor’s degree; the total reg- the comprehensive review must have committee approval.
istration must not exceed 16 hours for a semester or six
hours for a summer session; the student must complete the Recital/Comprehensive Project
requirements for the bachelor’s degree either at the end of Students with a performance concentration (instrumental,
the semester or session or be within 12 semester credit hours vocal, multiple woodwind, opera, music theater) present a
of completing the requirements for the bachelor’s degree at full recital (48-53 minutes of performing time) and complete
the beginning of the semester or summer session in which a graduate comprehensive exam. Students with a conducting
graduate credit is requested; admission to courses taken for concentration present a 30-minute conducting recital and
graduate credit must have the approval of the dean of the complete a comprehensive graduate exam. Students with
Bass School of Music; and not more than nine semester hours a composition concentration present a full recital (50 min-
taken while a senior may be approved for graduate credit. utes) of their works and submit a thesis composition as the
graduate comprehensive project. Note that it is not a require-
Acceptance to Candidacy ment that the thesis composition be performed in the recital.
A student will be admitted to degree candidacy when they However, a separate reading or performance of the thesis
have met the following criteria: composition is encouraged.
Regardless of the number of applied hours earned toward
1 Removed deficiencies. the degree, a student must be studying for a minimum of one
2 Successfully completed 12 hours with an average of credit hour during the semester or summer term in which the
B (3.00) or above toward the degree and not less than graduate recital is presented.
three hours in the major subject. One semester of The acceptability of the recital and the comprehensive
major applied study must be included. exam or thesis will be determined by the student’s graduate
3 Given satisfactory evidence of ability to complete all committee.
degree requirements.
4 Filed the application for candidacy form with the coor- Applied Music Attainment Level
dinator of graduate studies and received approval. This
application should be filed following completion of 12
hours of graduate study and no later than November Master of Music in Performance
1 for May graduation or April 1 for December G3 Minimum performance requirement for graduate credit
graduation. G4 Normal graduate entering level

Wanda L. Bass School of Music /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025
G7 Level needed to submit applications for candidacy and recital 7 The student must comply with the established thesis or
G8 Level needed for recital performance and graduation project submission policy and the master’s thesis and
capstone project enrollment and grading policy. These
Master of Music in Conducting policies are stated in the Academic Regulations section
G2 Piano level for graduation of this graduate catalog.
G5 Level needed on applied major to submit application 8 All new entering graduate students in performance,
for candidacy music theater, opera performance, and conducting
G6 Applied major level needed for graduation
are required to perform an audition for level in their
instrument or voice. This audition is separate from
Master of Music in Composition the audition or submission of portfolio for admission
G2 Piano level for graduation to the university. Students should have a 10-minute
recital prepared, along with typewritten copies of rep-
Master of Music in Multiple Woodwind Performance ertoire for each member of the jury. Composition and
G3 Level needed for recital performance and graduation in third conducting students will also be leveled in piano. A
secondary instrument new level will be determined at each subsequent jury.
G4 Level needed for recital performance and graduation in second 9 Students must present proof of completing and pass-
secondary instrument
ing all remedial online coursework as determined by
G5 Level needed for recital performance and graduation in first
secondary instrument
the advisory exam. Evidence of satisfactory comple-
G7 Level needed for recital performance and graduation in primary tion must be submitted to the coordinator of graduate
instrument studies prior to commencing the second semester of
Academic Regulations 10 All voice students are required to audition for all opera
and music theater productions and perform in them
The degree of Master of Music is conferred upon fulfillment if cast. Performing in productions is by audition and
of the following requirements: therefore performance is not guaranteed to any student.
1 All work following candidacy must be taken at 11 Students enrolled for credit in applied music must take

Oklahoma City University. a final exam (“jury”).

2 Students must maintain a minimum GPA of 3.00 in Approved execptions:
order to remain in good standing. A student must be in 1. At the discretion of the applied teacher, students
good standing to graduate. who have achieved the required performance level
3 No grades below C (2.00) are acceptable toward degree for graduation may be exempt from a jury during the
requirements. A maximum of 3 credits below B- are semester in which the graduate recital is performed.
acceptable toward degree requirements. Students may 2. At the discretion of the applied teacher, music
not graduate with a grade of D or F on the transcript. composition majors taking a secondary instrument may
4 A course may be repeated only once. Students may be exempt from a jury.
have only two course repeats in graduate degree 12 Music students must receive permission from their
requirements. If, after repeating a course, a student applied music teachers and the dean prior to accept-
fails to receive at least a C (2.00), the student will be ing musical engagements outside of the university.
automatically dismissed. Permission to Perform Off-Campus forms are available
5 Graduate music students whose cumulative GPA drops on SharePoint.
below 3.00 at the end of the semester will receive writ- 13 In addition to the policies and procedures outlined
ten notification from the registrar that they have been in this catalog, Bass School of Music students are
placed on academic probation for the next semester. expected to be familiar with and adhere to the poli-
Should the student fail to raise the cumulative GPA cies and procedures in the graduate Music Students
above 3.000 during the next semester, the student will Handbook found on myokcuedu.sharepoint.com
be dismissed from the university. under the Wanda L. Bass School of Music’s Student
6 All courses and requirements must be completed Services section.
within six years of the initial enrollment in the master’s

Wanda L. Bass School of Music /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025
Electives AMV 5372-5472
MUS 5583
Applied Voice
Music Theater Literature Seminar
Electives must fall within approved guidelines and must OMT 5482 Graduate OMT Acting 2
carry a graduate course number. THRE 5503 Acting V: Shakespeare 3

One of the following courses is required 3(4)

Enrollment Restriction MUS 5133 Nineteenth-Century Analysis or
MUS 5213 Twentieth Century Music, Style, and Structure or
Enrollment in excess of the normal nine hours per semes- MUS 5163 Analytical Techniques or
ter is not encouraged. Enrollment in excess of 12 hours will be MUS 5323 Opera History I (1600–1850) or
sanctioned only by action of the graduate commission. MUS 5023 Opera History II (1850–present)

OR two of the following courses are required

Master of Music in MUS 5422
MUS 5532
Vocal Literature Seminar I: German Leider
Vocal Literature Seminar II: French Mélodies
Music Composition MUS 5632
MUS 5732
Vocal Literature Seminar III: Italian and Spanish Song
Vocal Literature Seminar IV: Songs in English
Faculty: Knight
Other Requirements 13
Adjunct Faculty: Williams OMT 5661 Music Theater Workshop 2
AMGT 5742 Contracts and Management for Performers 2
Program of Study Credit Hours: (33)35 MUS 5102 Musicological Methods 2
Core Curriculum (8)10 MUS 6071 Recital 1
AMA 5371-2 Piano (G2 level) (2)
MUS 6072 Graduate Comprehensive Review Project 2
MUS 5102 Musicological Methods 2
DANC Electives approved for graduate credit 4
MUS 5153 The Performing Teacher-Scholar 3
MUS 5523 Wind Literature Seminar or 3
Students must attend dance leveling sessions at the beginning of each
MUS 5623 Orchestral Literature Seminar or
semester to enroll in any dance course other than a basic dance course.
MUS 5723 Organ Literature Seminar or
MUS 5823 Keyboard Literature Seminar
Music theater students must demonstrate competency in English diction
Two of the following courses 6 and must demonstrate competency in basic acting skills prior to enrolling
MUS 5113 Theory in Perspective 3 in the graduate acting sequence. Students with advanced acting skills will
MUS 5133 Nineteenth-Century Analysis 3 be allowed to level into advanced acting courses.
MUS 5213 Twentieth-Century Music, Style, and Structure 3
MUS 5163 Analytical Techniques 3
Master of Music in
Specialized Courses in Major Field 15
MUS 6071 Recital 1 Opera Performance
MUS 6072 Graduate Comprehensive Project 2
MUS Composition I (MUS 5011 + 5012 or 5013) 3 Faculty: Christensen, Crouse, Herendeen, Holst, Keller,
MUS Composition II (MUS 5071 + 5072 or 5073) 3 McDaniel, Miller, Picon, West, Wilson
MUS Composition III (MUS 5611 + 5612 or 5613) 3
MUS Composition IV (MUS 5811 + 5812 or 5813) 3 Program of Study Credit Hours: 36
Basic Opera Studies/Development 18
Electives 4 MUS 5033 Advanced Vocal Pedagogy 3
Electives are selected with the counsel of the composition faculty and DICT 5352 Advanced German Diction or
typically include courses in theory, literature, orchestration, conducting, DICT 5652 Advanced French Diction 2
applied music, and instrumental methods courses. AMV 5372-5472 Applied Voice 8
OMT 5482 Graduate OMT Acting 2
THRE 6503 Acting IV: Intermediate Acting, Chekhov 3
Master of Music in Integration of Elements of Opera Performance 4
Music Theater OMT 5262
AMGT 5742
Opera Studio
Contracts and Management for Performers
Faculty: Christensen, Crouse, Herendeen, Holst, Keller,
McDaniel, Miller, Picon, West, Wilson History and Theory 9
MUS 5323 Opera History I (1600–1850) 3
Program of Study Credit Hours: 35(36) MUS 5023 Opera History II (1850–present) 3
Required Courses 19
OMT 5223 Music Theater Analysis 3

Wanda L. Bass School of Music /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025
One of the following courses 3 Vocal Performance
MUS 5113 Theory in Perspective 3 Program Requirements Credit Hours: 32
MUS 5133 Nineteenth-Century Analysis 3 Required Courses 17
MUS 5213 Twentieth-Century Music, Style, and Structure 3 MUS 5113 Theory in Perspective or
MUS 5163 Analytical Techniques 3 MUS 5133 Nineteenth-Century Analysis 3
MUS 5153 The Performing Teacher-Scholar 3
Other Requirements 5
MUS 5213 Twentieth-Century Music, Style, and Structure 3
MUS 5102 Musicological Methods 2
AMV 5372-5472 Applied Music: Major Performance Medium 8
MUS 6071 Recital 1
MUS 6072 Graduate Comprehensive Review Project 2 Two of the following courses are required 4
MUS 5422 Vocal Literature Seminar I: German Leider
Opera performance students must demonstrate competencies in
MUS 5532 Vocal Literature Seminar II: French Mélodies
English, French, German, and Italian diction.
MUS 5632 Vocal Literature Seminar III: Italian and Spanish Song
* Opera performance students must demonstrate competency in basic
MUS 5732 Vocal Literature Seminar IV: Songs in English
acting skills prior to enrolling in the graduate acting sequence. Students
with advanced acting skills will be allowed to level into advanced acting Other Requirements 11
courses. MUS 5102 Musicological Methods 2
MUS 6071 Recital 1

Master of Music in Performance

MUS 6072 Graduate Comprehensive Review Project 2
Electives selected with advisor 6

Faculty: Anderson, Christensen, Clarkson, Crouse, Denman, Vocal performance students must demonstrate competencies in English,
Dobbs, Hatt, Holst, Kachouee, Keller, Maczko, McDaniel, French, German, and Italian diction.
Monteiro, Picon, Plamann, Pritchett, Song, West, Wilson,
Adjunct Faculty: Andrews, Barnard, Brozina-Wierick, Master of Music in Conducting
Carroll, DeYong, Duncan, Gaub, Graham, Heaney, Resnick,
Small, Smittle, Stonecipher, Stoops, Whitmarsh Faculty: Belcik, Grogan, Mailman, Yu
Adjunct Faculty:
Instrumental Performance
Program Requirements Credit Hours: 32 Program of Study Credit Hours: 34-38
Required Courses 11 Required Courses 19 (20)
MUS 5153 The Performing Teacher-Scholar 3 MUS 5153 The Performing Teacher-Scholar 3
AM@ 5372-5472 Applied Music: Major Performance Medium 8 MUS 5142 Conducting Seminar I 2
MUS 5242 Conducting Seminar II 2
Two of the following courses 6 MUS 5342 Conducting Seminar III 2
MUS 5113 Theory in Perspective 3 MUS 5542 Conducting Seminar IV 2
MUS 5133 Nineteenth-Century Analysis 3 AMA 5371-5472 Piano (G2 Level) 2 (1)
MUS 5213 Twentieth-Century Music, Style, and Structure 3 MUS 5143 Score Reading and Analysis 3
MUS 5163 Analytical Techniques 3 MUEN Major Ensemble 1
MUS 5033 Advanced Vocal Pedagogy (choral track only) 3
One of the following courses* 3
MUS 5523 Wind Literature Seminar Two of the following courses 6
MUS 5623 Orchestral Literature Seminar MUS 5113 Theory in Perspective 3
MUS 5723 Organ Literature Seminar MUS 5133 Nineteenth-Century Analysis 3
MUS 5823 Keyboard Literature Seminar MUS 5213 Twentieth-Century Music, Style, and Structure 3
* Guitar Performance majors are required to take MUS 5822 Guitar MUS 5163 Analytical Techniques 3
Literature Seminar I and MUS 5922 Guitar Literature Seminar II.
One of the following courses 3
Other Requirements 12 MUS 5223 Choral Literature Seminar or
MUS 5102 Musicological Methods 2 MUS 5623 Orchestral Literature Seminar or
MUS 6071 Recital 1 MUS 5523 Wind Literature Seminar
MUS 6072 Graduate Comprehensive Review Project 2
Other Requirements 6–9
Electives selected with advisor 7
MUS 5102 Musicological Methods 2
MUS 6071 Recital 1
MUS 6072 Graduate Comprehensive Review Project 2
Electives selected with advisor 1–4

Wanda L. Bass School of Music /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025
Conducting students must complete a piano proficiency. Master of Music in Multiple
Choral conducting students must demonstrate competencies in English,
French, German, Italian and Latin diction. Woodwind Performance
Faculty: Kachouee, Maczko, Song
Master of Music Adjunct: Heaney, Resnick

in Vocal Coaching Program of Study

Required Courses
Credit Hours: 37
Faculty: McDaniel, Koslowske MUS 5153 The Performing Teacher/Scholar 3
Adjunct Faculty: Fitzgerald, Hutchinson
Two of the following courses 6
MUS 5113 Theory in Perspective 3
Program of Study Credit Hours: 35
MUS 5133 Nineteenth-Century Analysis 3
Vocal Coaching Development 8
MUS 5213 Twentieth-Century Music, Style, and Structure 3
MUS 5422 Vocal Literature Seminar I: German Lieder 2
MUS 5163 Analytical Techniques 3
MUS 5532 Vocal Literature Seminar II: French Mélodies 2
MUS 5632 Vocal Literature Seminar III: Italian Choose from the following Applied Music courses 12
and Spanish Song 2 AMF 5371/5372 Applied Flute
MUS 5732 Vocal Literature Seminar IV: Songs in English 2 AMO 5371/5372 Applied Oboe
AMC 5371/5372 Applied Clarinet
In consultation with the advisor,
AMX 5371/5372 Applied Saxophone
select 4 hours from the following 4
AMB 5371/5372 Applied Bassoon
DICT 5352 Advanced German Diction
DICT 5652 Advanced French Diction Other Requirements 12
DICT 5452 Advanced Italian and Spanish Diction MUS 5102 Musicological Methods 2
DICT 5252 Advanced English Diction MUS 5222 Jazz Improvisation or
AMJ 5371/5372 Graduate Applied Jazz 2
Applied Music 12
MUEN 5261 Graduate Jazz Arts Ensemble 1
AMA 5372-5472 Piano (8 credit hours) 8
MUS 6071 Graduate Recital 1
MUS 5572 Keyboard Skills 2
MUS 6072 Graduate Comprehensive Project 2
OMT 5882 Opera/Musical Theater Coaching Project 2
MUEN Music Ensemble 4
Select 6 credit hours from the following
with a minimum of 3 hours from the theory area 6
MUS 5113 Theory in Perspective
MUS 5133 Nineteenth-Century Analysis
MUS 5163 Analytical Techniques
MUS 5213 Twentieth-Century Music, Style, and Structure
MUS 5153 The Performing Teacher-Scholar
MUS 5323 Opera History I (1600–1800)
MUS 5023 Opera History II (1800–present)
MUS 5583 Musical Theater Literature Seminar

Other Requirements 5
MUS 5102 Musicological Methods 2
MUS 6071 Recital 1
MUS 6072 Graduate Comprehensive Review Project 2

Language Proficiency: Demonstrated proficiency in pronunciation and

translation of English, French, German, and Italian, and thorough knowl-
edge of the International Phonetic Alphabet are required before the stu-
dent may enroll in MUS 6072 Graduate Comprehensive Review Project.
Demonstrated fluency in English and a knowledge of Italian, French, or
German equivalent to two years of undergraduate-level study are required
before applying for graduation.

Wanda L. Bass School of Music /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025
College of Health
Dr. Gina Crawford, Dean

Master of Science in Nursing (M.S.N.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89

Doctor of Nursing Practice (D.N.P.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92

Post Master’s Certificate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Nursing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97

Master of Physician Assistant Studies (M.P.A.S.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99

Doctor of Physical Therapy (D.P.T.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103

Schools and Majors

Kramer School of Nursing Physician Assistant Studies

Master of Science in Nursing (M.S.N.) Master of Physician Assistant Studies (M.P.A.S)
Community-based Public Health
Nursing Education
Nursing Leadership Physical Therapy
Doctor of Nursing Practice (D.N.P.) Doctor of Physical Therapy (D.P.T.)
Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner
Community-based Public Health
Executive Leadership
Family Nurse Practitioner
Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Nursing

Post Master’s Certificate

Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner
Family Nurse Practitioner
Nursing Education
Nursing Leadership
Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner
College of Health
Kramer School of Nursing
Dr. Gina Crawford, Dean

Master of Science in Nursing (M.S.N.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89

Doctor of Nursing Practice (D.N.P.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92

Post Master’s Certificate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97

Kramer School
for licensure or certification from the Oklahoma Board of
Nursing for a fee. The determination of eligibility for licensure
petition can be accessed at https://oklahoma.gov/content/

of Nursing

Language Proficiency Requirement for all

Nursing Graduate Programs
Role and Responsibility of the All international applicants whose native language (lan-
Oklahoma Board of Nursing guage first learned and spoken at home) is not English, or
who did not complete a degree from an institution where
The Oklahoma City University Kramer School of Nursing
English was the language of instruction are required to dem-
is approved by the Oklahoma Board of Nursing. Graduates
onstrate English proficiency in one of the following ways:
of this state-approved program are eligible to apply to write
1. A test score on any of the following examinations of at
the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) for
(registered or practical) nurses. Applicants for Oklahoma
a. TOEFL internet-based test (iBT)
licensure must meet all state and federal requirements to
i. Total 84, Speaking sections 26
hold an Oklahoma license to practice nursing. In addition
b. International English Language Testing System
to completing a state-approved nursing education program
that meets educational requirements and successfully pass-
i. 6.5 overall IELTS band score with a mini
ing the licensure examination, requirements include sub-
mum of 6.0 in an y one IELTS module
mission of an application for licensure, a criminal history
c. Pearson PTE
records search, and evidence of citizenship or qualified alien
i. 55 overall score with no sub scores lower
status [59 O.S. §§567.5 & 567.6]. To be granted a license, an
than 50
applicant must have the legal right to be in the United States
d. Michigan English Language Assessment Battery
(United States Code Chapter 8, Section 1621). In addition,
Oklahoma law only allows a license to be issued to U.S. citi-
i. 81 overall score with speaking score of 3
zens, U.S. nationals, and legal permanent resident aliens.
2. Successful completion of the highest “proficiency”
Other qualified aliens may be issued a temporary license that
level at a university approved English language learn-
is valid until the expiration of their visa status, or if there is
ing institute.
no expiration date, for one year. Applicants who are qualified
3. Two semesters at a US regionally accredited higher
aliens must present to the Board office, in person, valid docu-
education institution with a minimum of 24 transfer-
mentary evidence of:
able credits including 12 credits that are equivalent to
1. A valid, unexpired immigrant or nonimmigrant visa
the OCU general education courses and good aca-
status for admission into the United States;
demic standing.
2. A pending or approved application for asylum in the
4. Two years attendance and graduation from high school
United States;
where English was the means of instruction with the
3. Admission into the United States in refugee status;
minimum GPA required for admission to OCU.
4. A pending or approved application for temporary pro-
5. This requirement is waived for students who have
tected status in the United States;
already passed the NCLEX-RN.
The Board has the authority to deny a license, recognition,
or certificate; issue a license, recognition, or certificate with
*Test scores minimums are determined by the National
conditions and/or an administrative penalty; or to issue and
Council State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) recommendations
otherwise discipline a license, recognition, or certificate to
for entry-level nursing practice.
an individual with a history of criminal background, disci-
plinary action on any professional or occupational license or
certification, or judicial declaration of mental incompetence Master of Science in Nursing
[59 O.S. §567.8]. These cases are considered on an individual
The Master of Science in Nursing (M.S.N.) extends and
basis at the time application for licensure is made. Potential
expands the fulfillment of the missions of the university
applicants to state-approved education programs, with a
and Kramer School of Nursing (KSN) already begun by the
criminal history, may obtain a determination of eligibility

College of Health Professions /// Kramer School of Nursing /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025
undergraduate nursing programs by preparing nurses to • Completion of a course in statistics before NURS 6323
become effective leaders in service to their communities. • Two letters from professional references, such as those
Three functional tracks are available for the M.S.N.: from employers, co-workers, or nusing school faculty
members who had the applicant as a student
• Nursing education: Designed to prepare the nurse to
teach in postsecondary nursing programs, including R.N.-to-M.S.N. Option
schools of practical nursing, associate degree programs, Registered nurses, who have a completed bachelor’s degree
and baccalaureate and higher degree programs; and to in a non-nursing field from an accredited institution recog-
provide comprehensive patient and/or staff education nized by Oklahoma City University and meet the Master of
within the healthcare system. Science in Nursing requirements, may bypass the Bachelor
• Nursing leadership: Designed to prepare the nurse to of Science in Nursing and progress directly to the Master of
serve in middle- and upper-management roles, including Science in Nursing courses by first taking the following B.S.N.
executive leadership, within healthcare organizations. level courses and earning grades of, at least, a “C” (2.0).
• Community-based Public Health: Designed to prepare
nurses to assume leadership roles in assessing commu- NURS 4403 RN-BSN Health Assessment
NURS 4605 RN-BSN Community Health Nursing
nities and populations, identifying high risk groups, and
NURS 4805 RN-BSN Nursing Leadership
in partnership with communities, consumers, and stake-
holders, developing culturally-sensitive, evidence-based, MSN Post-Master’s Certificate Tracks
and population appropriate nursing interventions to • Successful completion of a prior Master’s degree in
positively impact the determinants of health. Nursing from a nationally accredited nursing program
• Graduate cumulative GPA of 3.00 or better
The M.S.N. tracks provide a core of knowledge essential
• Current, active, unencumbered licensure as a Registered
for advanced nursing related to nursing theory, research,
and role preparation. Courses in the functional special-
ties complete the degree and prepare the graduate nurse for
advanced practice as a nursing leader or educator.
Eligibility Statement
All nursing courses are taught by doctorally prepared
nurses or nursing leaders with post-master’s education who Due to the strenuous nature of nursing and practice ori-
are advanced specialists in their fields. The program also entation of Oklahoma City University’s Kramer School of
makes use of practicing professionals from within key areas Nursing program, the school reserves the right to deter-
as adjunct professors who possess doctoral degrees or other mine the eligibility of any student to enroll or continue in the
special qualifications. In this way, the program achieves the nursing program. This decision is based on considerations
highest level of instruction and mentoring possible to assure including, but not limited to, characteristics required of a
an educational experience for students that leaves no doubt professional nurse. Eligibility is determined by the faculty’s
of their readiness to assume the role of nurse educator or evaluation of a student’s ability to perform the skills neces-
leader. sary to complete the course objectives, and includes attitudi-
nal and behavioral components. These elements are re-eval-

Admission Requirements and Prerequisites

uated each semester.
Although not required for admission, the following require-
In order to be admitted to the M.S.N. program, the appli- ments must be met as specified once the M.S.N. student is
cant must meet the following qualifications: admitted to the program: health requirements specified by
each agency where clinical and practical experiences will
• Admission to the university, including resume and per-
occur, including immunizations, background check, drug
sonal statement
screening, and health tests.
• B.S.N. from a nationally accredited nursing program (or a
bachelor’s degree in any field for the R.N.-M.S.N. track)
• Undergraduate cumulative GPA of 3.00 or better or prior Academic Probation
completion of a master’s degree in another field Kramer School of Nursing graduate students are subject to
• Current, active, unencumbered licensure as a Registered the Oklahoma City University graduate probation policy.
• Completion of a course in health assessment

College of Health Professions /// Kramer School of Nursing /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025
Nursing Tracks Community-Based Public Health Track
Program Requirements Credit Hours: 33
Nursing Education Track Graduate Nursing Core Credit Hours: 12
NURS 5103 Theoretical Foundations
Program Requirements Credit Hours: 33–38 of Advanced Nursing Practice 3
Graduate Nursing Core Credit Hours: 12 NURS 6323 Research Integration in Nursing Practice 3
NURS 5103 Theoretical Foundations NURS 6503 M.S.N. Professional Practicum 3
of Advanced Nursing Practice 3 NURS 6603 Master’s Project 3
NURS 6323 Research Integration in Nursing Practice 3
NURS 6503 M.S.N. Professional Practicum 3 Role Preparation 21
NURS 6603 Master’s Project 3 NURS 6303 Contemporary Healthcare Organizations 3
NURS 6314 Healthcare Economics and Financial Management 4
Role Preparation 15 NURS 6803 Advanced Health Promotion and Risk Reduction 3
NURS 5203 Curriculum Development in Nursing Education 3 NURS 6813 Foundations of Community-based Public
NURS 5222 Technology Strategies in Digital and Health Nursing 3
Online Courses 2 NURS 6814 Introduction to Epidemiology and Data Management 4
NURS 5232 Teaching Strategies for Simulation in NURS 6824 Ethics, Law, and Healthcare Policy in
Nursing Education 2 Community-based Public Health 4
NURS 5402 Teaching Strategies for Nursing Education 2
NURS 5703 Educational Ethics and Healthcare Policy 3
NURS 6153 Nursing Education Evaluation Strategies 3 Master’s Certificates
Certificate in Healthcare Simulation Educator
One of the following selections 4(6)
NURS 6203 Advanced Pathophysiology and 3 Certificate Requirements Credit Hours: 10
NURS 6213 Pharmacology for Advanced Practice 3 HP 5002 Foundations of Simulation in Healthcare Education 2
or HP 5004 Advanced Simulation Teaching Strategies 4
NURS 6414 Advanced Pathophysiology and Pharmacology HP 5014 Management of Simulation Environments 4
for Nurse Educators 4
Certificate in Nursing Education
One of the following selections 2(5) Certificate Requirements Credit Hours: 18–23
NURS 6215 Advanced Health Assessment and 5 NURS 5203 Curriculum Development in Nursing Education 3
Diagnostic Reasoning or NURS 5222 Technology Strategies in Digital and
NURS 6412 Advanced Health Assessment for Nurse Educators 2 Online Courses 2
NURS 5232 Teaching Strategies for Simulation in
Nursing Education 2
Nursing Leadership Track NURS 5402 Teaching Strategies for Nursing Education 2
NURS 6153 Nursing Education Evaluation Strategies 3
Program Requirements Credit Hours: 33
Prerequisites One of the following selections 4(6)
Graduate Nursing Core Credit Hours: 12 NURS 6203 Advanced Pathophysiology and 3
NURS 5103 Theoretical Foundations NURS 6213 Pharmacology for Advanced Practice or 3
of Advanced Nursing Practice 3 NURS 6414 Advanced Pathophysiology and Pharmacology
NURS 6323 Research Integration in Nursing Practice 3 for Nurse Educators 4
NURS 6503 M.S.N. Professional Practicum 3
One of the following selections 2(5)
NURS 6603 Master’s Project 3
NURS 6215 Advanced Health Assessment and 5
Role Preparation 21 Diagnostic Reasoning or
NURS 5202 Technology Management in Nursing Leadership 2 NURS 6412 Advanced Health Assessment for Nurse Educators 2
NURS 5302 Quality Improvement and Safety in Nursing
Healthcare Leadership 2 Certificate in Nursing Leadership Credit Hours: 15
NURS 5804 Leadership Ethics, Law, and Healthcare Policy 4 Certificate Requirements
NURS 6303 Contemporary Healthcare Organizations 3 NURS 5202 Technology Management in Nursing Leadership 2
NURS 6403 Evolving Healthcare Systems 3 NURS 5302 Quality Improvement and Safety in Nursing
NURS 6314 Healthcare Economics and Financial Management 4 Healthcare Leadership 2
NURS 6413 Transformative Leadership in Complex NURS 6303 Contemporary Healthcare Organizations 3
Healthcare Systems 3 NURS 6314 Healthcare Economics and Financial Management 4
NURS 6403 Evolving Healthcare Systems 3
NURS 6413 Leadership in Complex Healthcare Systems 3

College of Health Professions /// Kramer School of Nursing /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025
Master’s Capstone Project
• Graduate of an accredited baccalaureate nursing
program with a cumulative grade point average
All M.S.N. students in the Education, Leadership, and of at least 3.00
Community-Based Public Health tracks are required to com- • Current, active, unencumbered licensure as a Registered
plete a project related to the role of the function track. Nurse
• Three letters from professional references, such as
Academic Regulations an employer, a coworker, or a nursing school faculty
member who had the applicant as a student
M.S.N. students must maintain a 3.00 cumulative GPA to
• B.S.N.-level health assessment course
progress without going on KSN probation. M.S.N. students
• B.S.N.-level statistics course
must earn at least a B- (2.75) in courses with a NURS pre-
• A personally written essay of 750 words or less
fix; grades of C+ (2.25) or below are considered failing. This
describing the role of the nurse practitioner and
includes independent study nursing courses taken to meet
how the D.N.P. degree will help the applicant
a graduation requirement. In any other required course, the
achieve life and career goals
student must have a C (2.00) or higher. The student may have
• A current curriculum vitae/resume
a grade of C (2.00) or C+ (2.25) in only two non-NURS courses
• Interview with admission committee
required for the degree. Students may repeat only one nurs-
ing course. If the student earns a grade of C+ (2.25) or below B.S.N.-to-D.N.P. Admission Criteria
on the repeated required course or on the first attempt of any for the Adult-Gerontology Acute Care
other required nursing course, the student will be dismissed Nurse Practitioner Track (Four-Year Track)
from the nursing program. It is strongly recommended that
• Admission to the university
students repeat any failed course at the next available offer-
• Graduate of an accredited baccalaureate nursing
ing. Nonattendance of classes does not constitute official
program with a cumulative grade point average
of at least 3.00
• Current, active, unencumbered licensure as a Registered
Doctor of Nursing Practice Nurse

• ACLS certified, prior to acceptance in program
• Two years of adult acute care work experience; preferably
The D.N.P. program facilitates achievement of the univer- in an intensive care or emergency department setting
sity mission by creating expert clinicians with the abilities • Three letters from professional references, such as
to affect healthcare of clients positively, provide leadership an employer, a coworker, or a nursing school faculty
in health policy, and translate research into evidence-based member who had the applicant as a student
practice. Students are provided the opportunity to expand • B.S.N.-level health assessment course
and refine clinical skills by designing advanced practicum • B.S.N.-level statistics course
experiences that meet their goals. • A personally written essay of 750 words or less
describing the role of the nurse practitioner and

Admission Requirements and Prerequisites how the D.N.P. degree will help the applicant
achieve life and career goals
The Graduate Record Examination (GRE) is not required • A current curriculum vitae/resume
for admission to a D.N.P. program. Applicants must demon- • Interview with admission committee
strate competency in word processing, basic spreadsheet use,
presentation software, and internet skills.
D.N.P.-Completion Track Admission Criteria
B.S.N.-to-D.N.P. Admission Criteria for the for Post-Master’s Students
Family Nurse Practitioner Track and the In addition to the 30-32 course credits, each student
Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner must complete 1,000 hours of post B.S.N. supervised pract-
Track (Four-Year Tracks) icum. Accumulated practicum hours from M.S.N. pro-
• Admission to the university grams are accepted towards the 1,000 D.N.P. practice hours.
Opportunities to earn clinical hours are integrated in the
post-M.S.N.–D.N.P. curriculum. Additional credits may be

College of Health Professions /// Kramer School of Nursing /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025
required if you have less than 500 practicum hours in your • Graduate GPA of 3.250 or higher
former M.S.N. program. • A personally written essay of 750 words or less
describing how the D.N.P. will help the applicant
Clinical Track Credit Hours: 30 achieve life and career goals
• A current curriculum vitae/resume
• Admission to the university
• Interview with admission committee
• Current, active, unencumbered licensure as a Registered
Nurse Educator Track Credit Hours: 31-34
• A master’s degree in nursing
• Graduate GPA of 3.250 or higher • Admission to the university
• A personally written essay of 750 words or less describing • Current, active, unencumbered licensure as a Registered
how the D.N.P. will help the applicant achieve life and Nurse
career goals • A master’s degree with a major in nursing (general) or
• A current curriculum vitae/resume with a nursing education focus from a program accred-
• Verification of the number of supervised clinical hours ited by CCNE or ACEN. Applicant without a master’s
from the director of the M.S.N. program degree in nursing education will be required to com-
• Interview with admission committee plete a three-credit hour introductory course. Programs
with general nursing education focus will be consid-
Leadership Track Credit Hours: 30 ered on a case-by-case basis. Note: Applicants without
an M.S.N. in education or a general M.S.N. without a
• Admission to the university
nursing education focus who hold current NLN certifica-
• Current, active, unencumbered licensure as a Registered
tion as Academic Nurse Educator are exempt from the
three-credit hour NURS 7203 Introduction to Nursing
• A master’s degree with a major in nursing in a nursing
Education course. Applicants without an M.S.N. in edu-
administration/management program accredited by
cation or general M.S.N. without a nursing education
CCNE or ACEN, OR a master’s degree in a related field
focus who hold current NLN certification as an Academic
tied to an administrative or leadership focus
Novice Educator or Academic Clinical Nurse Educator
• ANCC (NEA-BC) certification or eligibility for
are required to take the three-credit hour NURS 7203
Introduction to Nursing Education course.
• Verification of the number of supervised leadership
• Current, active, unencumbered licensure as a Registered
practicum hours from the director of the M.S.N. program
• Graduate GPA of 3.250 or higher
• Graduate GPA of 3.250 or higher
• A personally written essay of 750 words or less
• A personally written essay of 750 words or less describing
describing how the D.N.P. will help the applicant
how the D.N.P. will help the applicant achieve life and
achieve life and career goals
career goals
• A current curriculum vitae/resume
• A current curriculum vitae/resume
• Interview with admission committee
• Verification of the number of supervised clinical hours
Community-Based Public from the director of the M.S.N. program
• Interview with admission committee
Health Track Credit Hours: 32
• Admission to the university
• Current, active, unencumbered licensure as a Registered Advanced Practice Certificate Admission
Criteria for Post-Master’s Students
• A bachelor’s degree in nursing from an accredited
nursing program Family Nurse Practitioner Certificate
• A master’s degree with a major in nursing in a nurs- and the Psychiatric Mental Health
ing program accredited by CCNE, ACEN, OR a master’s Nurse Practitioner Certificate Credit Hours: 21/23
degree in a related field tied to a public health focus
• Admission to the university
• Verification of the number of supervised practicum
• Current, active, unencumbered licensure with an
hours from the director of the M.S.N. program
Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) in

College of Health Professions /// Kramer School of Nursing /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025
Oklahoma as an Adult APRN, Pediatric APRN, Acute which may include immunizations, background check, drug
Care APRN, or other advanced practice role with current screening, and health tests.
national certification; evaluation on a case-by-case basis
• A master’s degree in nursing with graduate level course- Academic Probation
work in Advanced Pathophysiology, Pharmacology and
Kramer School of Nursing doctoral students are subject to
Advanced Assessment from a ACEN or CCNE accredited
the Oklahoma City University graduate probation policy.
Nursing program
• Graduate GPA of 3.250 or higher
• A personally written essay of 750 words or less B.S.N.—D.N.P.
describing how the post-master’s FNP certificate will (Family Nurse Practitioner) Courses
help the applicant achieve life and career goals Degree Requirements Credit Hours: 66
• A current curriculum vitae/resume NURS 5004 Health Communication and
• Interview with admission committee Informatics in Advanced Practice 4
NURS 5113 Theoretical Foundations for
Advanced Practice Nursing (DNP) 3
Adult-Gerontology Acute Care
NURS 6203 Advanced Pathophysiology 3
Nurse Practitioner Certificate Credit Hours: 22 NURS 6213 Pharmacology for Advanced Practice 3
• Admission to the university NURS 6215 Advanced Health Assessment
• Current, active, unencumbered licensure with an and Diagnostic Reasoning 5
NURS 6223 Health Promotion and Primary Care of Adults 3
Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) in
NURS 6233 Adult and Geriatric Primary Care I 3
Oklahoma as an Adult APRN, Pediatric APRN, Family NURS 6242 Health Promotion and Primary Care of Women
APRN, or other advanced practice role with current NURS 6333 Research Integration for Adv. Practice Nursing 3
national certification; evaluation on a case-by-case basis NURS 6342 Women’s Primary Care 2
• A master’s degree in nursing with graduate level course- NURS 6253 Health Promotion and Primary Care of Children 3
work in Advanced Pathophysiology, Pharmacology and NURS 6254 Primary Healthcare in Advanced Practice Settings 4
NURS 6352 Children’s Primary Care 2
Advanced Assessment from a ACNE or CCNE accredited
NURS 6362 Adult and Geriatric Primary Care II 2
nursing program NURS 6711 Procedural Skills for Advanced Practice Providers 1
• Graduate GPA of 3.250 or higher NURS 7113 Advanced Healthcare Policy 3
• A personally written essay of 750 words or less describing NURS 7213 Transcultural and Global Healthcare 3
how the post-master’s AGACNP certificate will help the NURS 7253 Translational Research and Evidence-Based Practice 3
applicant achieve life and career goals NURS 7603 Introduction to Translational Research and Evidence-
Based Practice 3
• A current curriculum vitae/resume
NURS 8413 Population Health 3
• Interview with admission committee NURS 8423 Clinical Practice Management & Information Systems 3
NURS 9103 DNP Project I 3
Eligibility Statement NURS 9102 DNP Project II 2

Due to the strenuous nature of nursing and practice ori-

entation of Oklahoma City University’s Kramer School of B.S.N.—D.N.P. (Adult-Gerontology Acute
Nursing programs, the school reserves the right to deter- Care Nurse Practitioner) Courses
mine the eligibility of any student to enroll or continue in the Degree Requirements Credit Hours: 67
nursing program. This decision is based on considerations NURS 5004 Health Communication and
including, but not limited to, characteristics required of a Informatics in Advanced Practice 4
professional nurse. Eligibility is determined by the faculty’s NURS 5113 Theoretical Foundations for
Advanced Practice Nursing (DNP) 3
evaluation of a student’s ability to complete the course objec-
NURS 6203 Advanced Pathophysiology 3
tives, and includes attitudinal and behavioral components. NURS 6213 Pharmacology for Advanced Practice 3
These elements are re-evaluated each semester. NURS 6215 Advanced Health Assessment
Although not required for admission, the following require- and Diagnostic Reasoning 5
ments must be met as specified once the D.N.P. student has NURS 6333 Research Integration for Adv. Practice Nursing 3
been admitted to the program: health requirements speci- NURS 6513 Management of Adult-Gerontological
Health Problems I 3
fied by each agency where practicum experiences will occur,

College of Health Professions /// Kramer School of Nursing /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025
NURS 6523 Management of Adult-Gerontological
Health Problems II 3
D.N.P. Completion Clinical Track
NURS 6533 Management of Adult-Gerontological Degree Requirements Credit Hours: 30
Health Problems III 3 NURS 7113 Advanced Healthcare Policy 3
NURS 6613 Adult-Gerontological Advanced Practice I 3 NURS 7124 Philosophy and Theory for Advanced Practice 4
NURS 6643 Adult-Gerontological Advanced Practice II 3 NURS 7213 Transcultural and Global Healthcare 3
NURS 6653 Adult-Gerontological Advanced Practice III 3 NURS 7253 Translational Research and
NURS 6704 Adult-Gerontological Advanced Practicum 4 Evidence-Based Practice 3
NURS 6711 Procedural Skills for Advanced Practice Providers 1 NURS 7453 Healthcare Information Management or
NURS 7113 Advanced Healthcare Policy 3 NURS 8603 Applied Epidemiology and Biostatistics 3
NURS 7213 Transcultural and Global Healthcare 3 NURS 8343 Advanced Resource Management in
NURS 7253 Translational Research and Evidence-Based Practice 3 Complex Systems or
NURS 7603 Introduction to Translational Research and Evidence- NURS 8423 Clinical Practice Management
Based Practice 3 and Information Systems 3
NURS 8413 Population Health 3 NURS 8413 Population Health 3
NURS 8423 Clinical Practice Management & Information Systems 3 NURS 8443 Advanced Clinical Practicum I 3
NURS 9103 DNP Project I 3 NURS 9103 DNP Project 3
NURS 9102 DNP Project II 2 NURS 9102 DNP Project II 2

B.S.N.—D.N.P. (Psychiatric Mental Health D.N.P. Completion

Nurse Practitioner) Courses Executive Leadership Track
Degree Requirements Credit Hours: 30–34
Degree Requirements Credit Hours: 68
Required Core Courses Credit Hours: 18 (21)
NURS 5004 Health Communication and
NURS 7124 Philosophy and Theory for Advanced
Informatics in Advanced Practice 4
Practice Nursing 4
NURS 5113 Theoretical Foundations for
NURS 7253 Translational Research
Advanced Practice Nursing (DNP) 3
and Evidence-Based Practice 3
NURS 6203 Advanced Pathophysiology 3
NURS 8343 Advanced Resource Management
NURS 6213 Pharmacology for Advanced Practice 3
in Complex Systems 3
NURS 6215 Advanced Health Assessment
NURS 8443 Advanced Clinical Practicum I 3
and Diagnostic Reasoning 5
NURS 8453* Advanced Clinical Practicum II (3)
NURS 6333 Research Integration for Adv. Practice Nursing 3
NURS 9103 DNP Project 3
NURS 6853 Foundations of Psychiatric Mental Health
NURS 9102 DNP Project II 2
for Advanced Practice 3
NURS 6903 Advanced Psychopharmacology 3 Choose one track below: 12-13
NURS 6913 Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing for
Advanced Practice I 3 Organizational Leadership Track 12
NURS 6914 Psychiatric Mental Health for Advanced NURS 7113 Advanced Healthcare Policy 3
Practice Practicum I 4 NURS 7243 Organizational and Leadership Theory 3
NURS 6923 Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing for Advanced NURS 7453 Healthcare Information Management 3
Practice II 3 NURS 8413 Population Health 3
NURS 6924 Psychiatric Mental Health for Advanced Educational Leadership Track 13
Practice Practicum II 4 NURS 7114 Policy, Organizations, and Leadership Theory 4
NURS 6934 Psychiatric Mental Health for Advanced NURS 7503 Higher Education Issues and Trends 3
Practice Practicum III 4 NURS 7543 Assessment and Evaluation of
NURS 7113 Advanced Healthcare Policy 3 Educational Effectiveness 3
NURS 7213 Transcultural and Global Healthcare 3 NURS 8543 Nursing Education Administration 3
NURS 7253 Translational Research and * If needed
Evidence-Based Practice 3
NURS 7603 Introduction to Translational Research and Evidence-
Based Practice 3 D.N.P. Completion
NURS 8413 Population Health 3 Community-Based Public Health Track
NURS 8423 Clinical Practice Management
and Information Systems 3 Degree Requirements Credit Hours: 32
NURS 9103 DNP Project I 3 NURS 7113 Advanced Healthcare Policy 3
NURS 9102 DNP Project II 2 NURS 7124 Philosophy and Theory for Advanced
Practice Nursing 4

College of Health Professions /// Kramer School of Nursing /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025
NURS 7213 Transcultural and Global Healthcare 3
NURS 7253 Translational Research Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse
and Evidence-Based Practice 3 Practitioner Track Courses Credit Hours: 24
NURS 8343 Advanced Resource Management in NURS 6853 Foundations of Psychiatric Mental Health
Complex Systems 3 for Advanced Practice 3
NURS 8413 Population Health 3 NURS 6903 Advanced Psychopharmacology 3
NURS 8443 Advanced Clinical Practicum I 3 NURS 6913 Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing for
NURS 8603 Applied Epidemiology and Biostatistics 3 Advanced Practice I 3
NURS 8612 Community Dimensions and Systems Development 2 NURS 6914 Psychiatric Mental Health for Advanced
NURS 9103 DNP Project 3 Practice Practicum I 4
NURS 9102 DNP Project II 2 NURS 6923 Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing for
Advanced Practice II 3
NURS 6924 Psychiatric Mental Health for Advanced
D.N.P. Completion Nurse Educator Track Practice Practicum II 4
Degree Requirements Credit Hours: 31-34 NURS 6934 Psychiatric Mental Health for Advanced
NURS 7203 Introduction to Nursing Education* 3 Practice Practicum III 4
NURS 7113 Advanced Healthcare Policy 3
NURS 7124 Philosophy and Theory for
Advanced Practice Nursing 4 Post-DNP Certificate
NURS 7213 Transcultural and Global Healthcare 3 Clinical Research Method Credit Hours: 15
NURS 7253 Translational Research and NURS 8103 Qualitative Research 3
Evidence-Based Practice 3 NURS 8203 Quantitative Research 3
NURS 7544 Assessment and Evaluation of NURS 7403 Statistical Analysis I 3
Nursing Education 4 NURS 8403 Statistical Analysis II 3
NURS 8513 Technology in Instructional Design 3 NURS 9203 DNP Clinical Research Practicum 3
NURS 8533 Nursing Education Administration for the D.N.P. 3
NURS 8443 Advanced Clinical Practicum I 3
NURS 9103 DNP Project I 3 Residency Requirements
NURS 9102 DNP Project II 2 for D.N.P.-Completion Students
* Required for students without a master’s degree in nursing education or a
general M.S.N. with appropriate nursing courses embedded in the content. The D.N.P.-completion program is designed for individu-
als who work full-time and who may or may not be geo-

Post-Master’s Certificate Courses graphically located within driving distance of Oklahoma City
University. Therefore, the residency requirement will be met
Family Nurse Practitioner Track
by maintaining year-round (including summers) continuous
Courses Credit Hours: 21
NURS 6223 Health Promotion and Primary Care of Adults 3
enrollment (unless on an approved leave of absence) and by
NURS 6233 Adult and Geriatric Primary Care I 3 coming to campus for all the following:
NURS 6242 Health Promotion and Primary Care of Women 2 • Oral defense of D.N.P. project
NURS 6253 Health Promotion and Primary Care of Children 3 • Other visits to campus required by faculty that are
NURS 6254 Primary Healthcare in Advanced approved by the program chair
Practice Settings 4
NURS 6342 Women’s Primary Care 2
NURS 6352 Children’s Primary Care 2 D.N.P. Project
NURS 6362 Adult and Geriatric Primary Care II 2
D.N.P. students are to complete a clinical project based
Adult-Gerontology Acute Care on translational research and evidence-based practice.
Nurse Practitioner Track Courses Credit Hours: 22 Complete guidelines and requirements are found in the
NURS 6513 Management of Adult-Gerontological Kramer School of Nursing Student Graduate Clinical/
Health Problems I 3 Practicum Handbook.
NURS 6523 Management of Adult-Gerontological
Health Problems II 3
NURS 6533 Management of Adult-Gerontological Academic Regulations
Health Problems III 3
D.N.P. students must maintain a 3.00 cumulative GPA to
NURS 6613 Adult-Gerontological Advanced Practice I 3
NURS 6643 Adult-Gerontological Advanced Practice II 3 progress without going on KSN probation. D.N.P. students
NURS 6653 Adult-Gerontological Advanced Practice III 3 must earn at least a B- (2.75) in all required courses; grades
NURS 6704 Adult-Gerontological Advanced Practicum 4 of C+ (2.25) or below are considered failing. This includes

College of Health Professions /// Kramer School of Nursing /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025
independent study nursing courses taken to meet a gradu- hold a bachelor’s degree in nursing may have a master’s
ation requirement. Students may repeat only one nursing degree in a field related to nursing.
course. If the student earns a grade of C+ (2.25) or below on • Graduate GPA at or above 3.50 on a 4.00 scale if post-
the repeated required course or on the first attempt of any master’s. For B.S.N.-to-Ph.D., a cumulative undergradu-
other required course, the student will be dismissed from ate GPA of 3.50 or better or completion of a master’s
the nursing program. It is strongly recommended that stu- degree in another field.
dents repeat any failed course at the next available offering. • One of the following three options: 1) the Graduate
Withdrawal from a nursing course after two-thirds of the Record of Examination (GRE); 2) an approved scholarly
semester or session has transpired will be counted as one paper; or 3) an approved article/paper published in a
enrollment toward the course failure requirements described refereed journal. The GRE score or quality of the paper
above. Nonattendance of classes does not constitute an offi- option selected will be taken into consideration.
cial withdrawal. • A personally written essay describing how the Ph.D. will
D.N.P. practicum hours are calculated on a ratio of 60 clock help the applicant achieve life and career goals
hours per credit hour. The D.N.P. must be completed in five • A current curriculum vitae/resume
years. • Conditional admission may be extended to interna-
tional applicants contingent upon meeting the language

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) requirement prior to enrollment in nursing courses.

The Ph.D. facilitates achievement of the university mis- Eligibility Statement

sion by preparing expert nurses in the roles of education and
Due to the strenuous nature of nursing and practice ori-
research to serve the community, state, and nation in the for-
entation of Oklahoma City University’s Kramer School of
mation of future nurses and in the advancement of nursing
Nursing programs, the school reserves the right to deter-
knowledge. While the primary focus of the Ph.D. at Kramer
mine the eligibility of any student to enroll or continue in the
School of Nursing is nursing education, students may opt for
nursing program. This decision is based on considerations
a different specialty cognate.
including, but not limited to, characteristics required of a
The Ph.D. is 90 credits post-baccalaureate. Students may
professional nurse. Eligibility is determined by the faculty’s
enter post-B.S.N. or post-master’s. Up to 33 credits from a
evaluation of a student’s ability to complete the course objec-
master’s degree may be applied to the 90 credit total, subject
tives, and includes attitudinal and behavioral components.
to approval. The Ph.D. program is designed for the working
These elements are re-evaluated each semester.
professional. A student taking the recommended six credit
Although not required for admission, the following require-
hours per semester, including summers, will typically com-
ments must be met as specified once the Ph.D. student has
plete the program in 10-12 semesters post-master’s. Students
been admitted to the program: health requirements speci-
must complete the Ph.D. within 10 years.
fied by each agency where any clinical practicum experiences
All courses in the doctoral programs are taught by doctor-
may occur, which may include immunizations, background
ally prepared nurses or terminally degreed professionals in
check, drug screening, and health tests.
their respective fields. The highest standards in doctoral edu-
cation are maintained.
Academic Probation
Admission Requirements and Prerequisites Kramer School of Nursing doctoral students are subject to
the Oklahoma City University graduate probation policy.
In order to be admitted to the Ph.D. program, the graduate
must meet the following requirements:
Ph.D. Courses
• Admission to the university
Degree Requirements Credit Hours: 57
• Registered nurse licensure or the international Required Doctoral Courses Credit Hours: 16
equivalent NURS 7103 Philosophy of Science 3
• For the B.S.N.-to-Ph.D., a B.S.N. degree from a nation- NURS 7114 Policy, Organizations, and Leadership Theory 4
ally accredited (“recognized”) nursing program. For the NURS 7123 Advanced Theory Development 3
post-master’s Ph.D., a bachelor’s degree and a master’s NURS 7213 Transcultural and Global Healthcare 3
NURS 7303 Advanced Bioethics 3
degree, one of which must be in nursing. Applicants who

College of Health Professions /// Kramer School of Nursing /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025
Required Research Courses 12 • On-campus class meetings
NURS 7403 Statistical Analysis I 3 • Oral defense of candidacy exam
NURS 8103 Qualitative Research Methods 3 • Oral defense of dissertation proposal
NURS 8203 Quantitative Research Methods 3 • Oral defense of dissertation
NURS 8403 Statistical Analysis II 3
• Other visits to campus required by faculty that are
Choose from the following Education, Research, approved by the program chair
Leadership, or Elective courses below: 17

Education Courses: Candidacy

NURS 7503 Higher Education Issues and Trends The purpose of the Candidacy Exam is to demonstrate the
NURS 7543 Assessment and Evaluation of Educational Effectiveness
student’s ability to synthesize information learned in the doc-
NURS 8503 Testing and Measurement
NURS 8513 Technology in Instructional Design toral courses taken to that point and readiness for the disser-
NURS 8543 Nursing Education Administration tation. Ph.D. students are to take their candidacy exams after
completing all course work, but before taking NURS 9903
Research Courses: Dissertation Seminar and subsequent NURS 9900 level dis-
NURS 7253 Translational Research and Evidence-Based Practice
sertation hours. Complete guidelines and requirements are
NURS 8102 Advanced Application of Qualitative Research
NURS 8302 Mixed Methods Research found in the Kramer School of Nursing Student Handbook.
NURS 8502 Survey Methodology

Leadership Courses: Dissertation

NURS 7453 Healthcare Information Management All students in the Ph.D. program are required to complete
NURS 7503 Higher Education Issues and Trends a dissertation. Complete guidelines and requirements are
NURS 8343 Advanced Resource Management in Complex Systems
found in the Kramer School of Nursing Student Handbook.
NURS 8543 Nursing Education Administration

Elective Courses: Academic Regulations

NURS 7002 Knowledge Synthesis in Nursing Science
NURS 7232 Grant Writing Ph.D. students must maintain a 3.00 cumulative GPA to
NURS 8413 Population Health progress without going on KSN probation. Ph.D. students
must earn at least a B- (2.75) in all required courses; grades
Required Dissertation Courses 12
NURS 9903 Dissertation Seminar 3 of C+ (2.25) or below are considered failing. This includes
NURS 9913 Dissertation I 3 independent study nursing courses taken to meet a gradu-
NURS 9923 Dissertation II 3 ation requirement. Students may repeat only one nursing
NURS 9933 Dissertation III 3 course. If the student earns a grade of C+ (2.25) or below on
NURS 9943 Dissertation IV* 3 the repeated required course or on the first attempt of any
* If needed other required course, the student will be dismissed from
the nursing program. It is strongly recommended that stu-
B.S.N.-to-Ph.D. students must also complete master’s level
dents repeat any failed course at the next available offering.
courses leading to the M.S.N. in Nursing Education to satisfy
Withdrawal from a nursing course after two-thirds of the
the 90 post-baccalaureate credit hours required to complete
semester or session has transpired will be counted as one
the Ph.D. program.
enrollment toward the course failure requirements described
above. Nonattendance of classes does not constitute official
Residency Requirements withdrawal.
The post-master’s Ph.D. program is designed for individu-
als who work full-time and who may or may not be geo-
graphically located within driving distance of Oklahoma City
University. The B.S.N.-to-Ph.D. and post-master’s Ph.D. resi-
dency requirement will be met by maintaining year-round
(including summers) continuous enrollment (unless on an
approved leave of absence) and by coming to campus for all
the following:

College of Health Professions /// Kramer School of Nursing /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025
College of Health
Master of Physician Assistant Studies
Robert Bosse, Director

General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100

Admissions Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101

Required Courses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102

Mission Statement
Master of Physician To prepare physician assistants who are competent in the

Assistant Studies
art and science of medicine so that they may improve lives in
the communities they serve.

In 2015 Oklahoma City University (OCU) embarked
on a major initiative to impact the delivery of healthcare
1 To graduate PAs possessing a thorough understand-
in Oklahoma through the establishment of a Master of
ing of disease mechanisms.
Physician Assistant (M.P.A.S.) program. Physician Assistants
The program provides a comprehensive curriculum
(PA) have repeatedly demonstrated their value as competent,
of basic and clinical sciences delivered in a systems-
flexible, and economically prudent medical practitioners
based format. During the initial didactic phase, the
in today’s society. With Oklahoma ranking near the bottom
transition from acquiring medical knowledge to put-
of states in access to primary care and in metrics of health
ting it into practice is facilitated by frequent use of sim-
status, a more robust PA workforce is a vital need for our
ulated patients and an early introduction to patients.
Confirmation of knowledge is assessed through objec-
The M.P.A.S. program received initial accreditation in
tive testing, performance on procedural skills, evalua-
September 2015 and was awarded accreditation-continued
tions from early patient interactions, and a summative
in March 2020 with the next full program review expected
examination process.
in 2030. The PA program graduated its first class of physi-
2 To graduate PAs proficient in the application of
cian assistants in 2018. OCU enlisted the assistance of many
critical thought to medical decision making.
PAs, physicians, and community leaders to develop a pro-
More than simply memorizing facts, the art of medi-
gram that will produce graduates with a mission to improve
cine requires the practitioner to apply logic and rea-
the lives of citizens in the communities they serve through a
soning to achieve healing. These principles are taught
thorough understanding of disease mechanisms, application
and practiced in the didactic curriculum in small
of critical thought, community service, servant leadership,
group discussions, through interactions with simulated
and life-long learning.
patients and through a commitment to the teachings
The OCU curriculum provides 28 months of educational
of humanism in medicine. Confirmation that criti-
training starting with classroom learning presented in an
cal thought is developing appropriately is assessed by
integrated systems-based format. By using this unique
evaluations on objective written examinations, objec-
approach, students are able to focus their intellectual ener-
tive structured clinical examinations and by observa-
gies on cardiology, then pulmonology, and so on until all the
tions of preceptors in the clinical year.
body’s systems have been covered. In addition to the basic
3 To graduate PAs with an exemplary sense of
and medical sciences, the program has a specific interest in
community service through a team-based model
developing student passion in the medical humanities by
of healthcare delivery.
integrating artistic and literary works to provide additional
Graduate PAs are in a unique position to have a tre-
perspective to the medical sciences.
mendous impact on the communities in which they
The classroom phase is followed immediately by multiple
live and work. Paramount is their ability to provide
supervised clinical practice experiences in various medi-
compassionate care to marginalized citizens with
cal settings and specialties. A unique aspect of the OCU pro-
the breadth of care multiplied through a team-based
gram involves providing a parallel course of study in business
approach. During their tenure with the PA program,
aspects of medicine. This added component provides the
students will participate in such collaborative envi-
OCU PA student a greater understanding of medical practice
ronments in charitable clinics throughout Oklahoma
management which is critical to contributing to a successful
City. Confirmation that students attain this goal will be
practice. The final month of the M.P.A.S. program is a time for
accomplished through analysis of survey data from fre-
students to demonstrate competence in the art and science
quent experiences serving the healthcare needs of the
of medicine and readiness to enter the PA profession.
uninsured and working poor alongside physician and
PA role models.

College of Health Professions /// Master of Physician Assistant Studies /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025
4 To graduate PAs who are servant leaders in patient- the applicant’s academic record (overall GPA, science GPA,
centered practices. last 60 hours GPA, level of difficulty) as well as individual
Servant leadership is a philosophy based on putting qualities that include interpersonal skills, maturity, life
the needs of others first and helping people develop experiences, knowledge of the profession, community
and perform to the best of their abilities. This philoso- service, and leadership skills.
phy is consistent with patient-centered care, which
Admission Requirements & Prerequisites
strives to improve outcomes by strengthening the
provider-patient relationship, by providing care in con- • A baccalaureate degree from an institution accredited
sultation with patients and by replacing the provider- by a national or regional accrediting agency as recog-
centered system with one from the patient’s viewpoint. nized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation
Students will become familiar with this type of practice (CHEA) and the Secretary of the United States
in the didactic phase and will gain hands-on experi- Department of Education (USDE). Applicants must earn
ence working directly with PA program faculty who a bachelor’s degree prior to matriculation.
function as servant leaders in charitable clinics in the • All prerequisite courses must be completed at a national
metro area. Indeed, servant leadership is a strategic or regionally accredited college or university in the
initiative of the University and one embodied by the PA United States. For candidates holding foreign degrees,
program. Confirmation that students attain this goal a total of 60 semester credits (approximately two years)
will be accomplished through analysis of survey data at a national or regionally accredited U.S. college or uni-
from frequent experiences in patient-centered care versity must be completed as well, prerequisite credit
practices. included. No exceptions.
5 To graduate PAs committed to life-long learning. • A minimum undergraduate or graduate degree GPA of
Our understanding of medical science increases 3.00 on a 4.00 scale is required.
each day. To keep up, practitioners must commit • A minimum of five biological science courses of three
themselves to constant study throughout their careers. semester credits is required. The PA program recom-
The discipline to maintain this effort begins with mends courses in anatomy, physiology, cell biology,
matriculation into the program. Students will learn the molecular biology, embryology, immunology, and
value of, and how to practice, evidenced-based medi- microbiology. Courses with labs are preferred, but not
cine. Being at ease with how to access and interpret required. While any one biological science course is not
the literature will provide the foundation for this way specifically required, completing several upper-level sci-
of life for the benefit of the graduate’s future patients. ence courses provides a good foundation for the study of
Confirmation that students strive for this goal will be medicine and high achievement in the sciences con-
assessed by evaluation of their ability to access and tributes to success in PA education. Note the following
discuss the medical literature during the didactic and courses or areas of study will not count towards the bio-
clinical phases of the program. logical sciences prerequisite: kinesiology, nutrition, exer-
cise science, and nursing.

Admissions Information • At least three chemistry courses are required; one of the
three must be biochemistry.
Note that the OCU Physician Assistant program does not • Two courses in Psychology are required.
require the GRE or other standardized tests. The program • All prerequisites must be completed by August 15.
also does not require clinical experience prior to the applica- If you receive an interview, verification of completion
tion process. of the prerequisites must be shown at the time of the
The M.P.A.S. program does not accept advanced standing/ interview in the form of an official transcript containing
placement. Students enrolled in the program will be required the course work.
to complete all courses.
The M.P.A.S. Program follows the OCU Graduate Applying for Admission
Admissions Policy. Please refer to their website for more Admissions decisions are based on evidence of academic
information: www.okcu.edu/admissions/graduate. In addi- preparation, letters of recommendation, resume, and if
tion to the Graduate Admissions Policy, the M.P.A.S. Program selected for final consideration, an on-campus interview.
considers the following criteria in the selection of students
for the PA program. The Admissions Committee will evaluate

College of Health Professions /// Master of Physician Assistant Studies /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025
All applicants to the OCU Physician Assistant program concentration, or the clinical course PA 6094 Preceptorship
must apply through the online application system CASPA and Summative Process or who fail to achieve a score of at
(Central Application Service for Physician Assistants). least Credit (CR) on all other clinical courses will be evalu-
Applications for each annual admission cycle will be ated and managed by the program’s Academic Advancement
available through CASPA beginning April (check CASPA or Committee according to the policies and procedures outlined
the OCU M.P.A.S. program website for exact dates). To be in the program’s Academic Standards. All didactic courses
considered for OCU admission, an applicant must submit and concentrations must be successfully remediated before
their application and all supporting materials including entering the clinical phase of the program.
transcripts, letter of recommendation, personal statement
of purpose, and resume to CASPA on or before the August 1 Master of Physician Assistant Studies (M.P.A.S.)
deadline. There are no exceptions to the posted deadline. Required Courses Credit Hours: 115
PA 5118 Introduction to Human Form 8
Interview Selection Factors and Process PA 5123 Head, Eyes, Ears, Nose, Oral Cavity, and Throat 3
PA 5132 Hematology 2
Qualified applicants will be invited for a personal interview PA 5143 Pulmonology 3
conducted at Oklahoma City University. Maintaining a high PA 5154 Cardiology 4
standard of academic excellence, knowledge of the health- PA 5161 Geriatrics 1
care system, personal maturity, self-assurance, good inter- PA 5213 Urinary System 3
personal skills, volunteering in the community, shadowing a PA 5223 Women’s Health 3
PA 5234 Endocrinology 4
PA, and work experience will weigh strongly in the admission
PA 5243 Neurology 3
decision. PA 5252 Behavioral Health 2
The PA program has a list of essential applicant qualities on PA 5313 Musculoskeletal System 3
their website: www.okcu.edu/physician-assistant/prospec- PA 5322 Dermatology 2
tive-students/interview. Please refer to this page for more PA 5334 Gastroenterology 4
specific information. PA 5342 Infectious Diseases 2
PA 5355 Acute Care 5
Technical Standards for Physician Assistant PA 5361 Nutrition 1
Program Admissions PA 5372 Pediatrics 2
PA 5383 Capstone 3
A candidate for the M.P.A.S. degree as a Physician Assistant PA 6014 Family Medicine 4
shall have abilities and skills in the areas of observation, PA 6024 Internal Medicine 4
communication, motor function, conceptual and analyti- PA 6034 Medicine 20
PA 6044 Surgery 4
cal thinking, and normative behavioral and social attributes.
PA 6054 Pediatrics 4
Technological accommodations can be made for some
PA 6064 Women’s Health 4
disabilities in certain areas, but the role of the Physician PA 6074 Behavioral Health 4
Assistant in the delivery of healthcare necessitates that they PA 6084 Emergency Medicine 4
shall be able to perform in an independent manner. Please PA 6094 Preceptor and Summative Process 4
see the department website for more specific information PA 6111 Operationalizing a Medical Practice 1
PA 6121 Finances of a Medical Practice 1
on each of these areas: www.okcu.edu/physician-assistant/
PA 6211 Accessing the Community 1
PA 6311 Reimbursement, Documentation of Care,
Coding, and Billing 1
Grading Policies PA 6321 Contracts and Medical Law 1

The program will require students in the didactic phase

to perform at or above C in all courses and in each concen-
tration averaged over the didactic phase with the exception
that students must earn a C or above in the clinical medicine
concentrations when averaged over each semester. Clinical
courses are graded as Credit (CR), Credit with Honors (CRH),
or No Credit (NC); the clinical course PA 6094 Preceptorship
and Summative Process receives a letter grade. Students
who fail to attain a C or better in any didactic course,

College of Health Professions /// Master of Physician Assistant Studies /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025
College of Health
Doctor of Physical Therapy
Dr. Maria Jones, Director

General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104

Mission Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Program Goals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104

Admission Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104

Applying for Admission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105

Essential Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105

Academic Policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106

Progression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Program Probation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Dismissal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Graduation Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106

Required Courses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106

Doctor of
• Minimum science GPA of 2.75 on a 4.00 scale
• Completion of eight out of the 10 prerequisite courses by
the fall semester before program matriculation. Students

Physical Therapy
who complete any prerequisites during the spring
semester MUST show proof of enrollment at the time of
program interviews.
The Doctor of Physical Therapy program includes a com- • Chemistry: Two chemistry courses (for science
bination of didactic and clinical education experiences. majors) with labs
Courses cover basic/foundational sciences, clinical sciences, • Physics: Two physics courses (for science majors)
leadership, research, and clinical education. The degree pro- with labs
gram prepares students as entry-level generalists who are • Statistics OR biostatistics: One course
capable of working in a variety of settings and pursuing a spe- • Biological courses: Three courses
cialty area within the physical therapy profession. • Human Anatomy (with lab)
The Doctor of Physical Therapy Program at Oklahoma • Human Physiology (with lab)
City University is accredited by the Commission on OR
Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE), • Two combined anatomy and physiology courses
3030 Potomac Ave., Suite 100, Alexandria, VA, 22305-3085; with labs
phone: (703) 706-3245; email: accreditation@apta.org. If • Any additional biology course with or without lab
needing to contact the program/institution directly, please • Psychology: One psychology course with an
call (405) 208-6260 or email ptprogram@okcu.edu. emphasis on individual behavior (i.e., general,
abnormal, or developmental)
Mission Statement • Behavioral science: One course with an
emphasis on group behavior (i.e., sociology,
The Doctor of Physical Therapy Program at Oklahoma City
cultural anthropology)
University prepares graduates who make a positive impact
• Graduate Record Examination (GRE) scores
on the health and wellbeing of individuals and communities
(Quantitative, Verbal, and Analytical Writing)
through service, leadership, and scholarship.
• Must be taken within the last five years at the time
of application
Program Goals • If multiple GRE exams are taken, the best scores
• To graduate autonomous practitioners who are lead- from each section will be considered. If you have
ers in the profession and community capable of treat- multiple GRE scores, please notify the Office of
ing diverse populations as members of interprofessional Graduate Admissions.
teams • Recommendations: One each from the following:
• To support faculty excellence in service, leadership, and • Licensed physical therapist whom the applicant
scholarship has observed working with patients in a PT setting
• To collaborate with stakeholders to improve health- and who holds a current U.S. PT license
care by promoting health and well-being and address- • Science professor/instructor
ing health disparities through service, leadership, and • Additional professor, health professional, or
scholarship. recent/current employer or supervisor
• International students and domestic students with
Admission Requirements and Prerequisites credentials from institutions outside of the U.S. must:
• Complete all prerequisite courses from a region-
Admission to the Doctor of Physical Therapy Program is
ally accredited U.S. university
a competitive and selective process. To be considered for
• Have evaluation of credentials by WES or ECE
admission, an applicant must meet the following:
• Report English Language proficiency: TOEFL OR
• Completion of an undergraduate (bachelor’s) degree
from a regionally accredited college or university in the
• Observation/volunteer hours
United States.
• A minimum of 48 hours total, divided among four
• Minimum cumulative undergraduate GPA of 3.00 on a
settings of at least 12 hours in each of the following
4.00 scale

College of Health Professions /// Doctor of Physical Therapy /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025
settings (24 hours must be completed prior to academic requirements for admission, candidates for the
application): D.P.T. degree must exhibit mastery of essential functions for
In-Patient Settings: Minimum of 12 hours in a this field in each of the following categories: observation,
hospital, rehabilitation facility, or skilled nurs- communication, sensory/motor, intellectual, behavioral/
ing facility; social, and ethical.
Out-Patient Settings: Minimum of 12 hours in The abilities that a physical therapist must have to practice
a setting such as orthopedics, sports medicine, safely are those described in accreditation standards for the
hospital clinic, or PT clinic; physical therapy program. Candidates for the degree must
Additional Setting: Minimum of 12 hours in meet these minimum standards for successful completion of
an additional setting such as long-term care degree requirements. Similarly, failure to meet these mini-
facility, school, home health, or specialty care mum standards may result in the D.P.T. Program not admit-
PT clinic; ting a student to the program or dismissing enrolled students
Service/Community Project: Minimum of from the program.
12 hours as an active participant in a service
or community based project. Examples Standards
include after-school programs, food banks, Observation: Observation requires the functional use of
women’s shelters, or engaging in community vision, hearing, and somatic sensations. A student must be
improvement projects. able to participate in lecture and laboratory demonstrations,
• Recommended: Applicants are encouraged to com- and must be able to observe a patient accurately and observe
plete coursework, or have experience, in professional digital and waveform readings and other graphic images to
writing and oral communication. Examples include determine a patient’s condition.
writing intensive courses, grant-writing, professional
publication(s), public speaking, Toastmasters, etc. Communication: Communication includes speech, lan-
guage, reading, writing, and computer literacy. Students
Applying for Admission must be able to communicate effectively and sensitively with
patients to elicit information regarding mood and activities,
Admission decisions are based on evidence of academic
as well as perceive non-verbal communications. Students
preparation, letters of recommendation, CV/resume, and, if
must also be able to communicate effectively and efficiently
selected for final consideration, an interview.
with other members of the healthcare community to convey
All Doctor of Physical Therapy (D.P.T.) applicants must
information essential for safe and effective care. These skills
apply through the Physical Therapy Central Application
include hearing, reading, computer literacy, and the appro-
Service (PTCAS). Application instructions for PTCAS are
priate use of oral and written English.
found at ptcas.org.
Applications for each annual admissions cycle will be avail-
Sensory and motor function: Students are required to pos-
able through PTCAS. The admission cycle will be available
sess sufficient motor skills to directly perform palpation,
from July 1 through November 1 each year. All application
auscultation, muscle testing, range of motion, and other
documents must be submitted no later than November 1.
examination procedures. Students must be able to execute
motor movements required to provide general and therapeu-
Interview Selection Factors and Process tic care, such as positioning heavy and/or immobile patients,
Approximately 100 of the most qualified applicants will be gait training using therapeutic aids and orthotics, positioning
invited for a personal interview. Maintaining a high standard and performing manual mobilization techniques, performing
of academic excellence, knowledge of the profession and non-surgical wound debridement, and placing electromy-
healthcare system, interpersonal skills, PT observation hours ography electrodes. These skills require coordination of both
and community service, and work experience will be consid- gross and fine muscular movement, equilibrium, the inte-
ered in the admission decision. grated use of touch and vision.

Essential Functions Intellectual abilities: To effectively solve problems, students

must be able to measure, calculate, reason, analyze, inte-
Physical therapy is an intellectually, physically, and psy- grate, and synthesize information in a timely fashion. The
chologically demanding profession. In addition to the student must be able to synthesize knowledge and integrate

College of Health Professions /// Doctor of Physical Therapy /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025
the relevant aspects of a patient’s history and examination to resolve concerns through verbal discussions and early
findings to develop an effective treatment program. consultation have been unsuccessful or in situations where
Behavioral and Social Attributes: A student must possess actions are egregious and require more deliberate and deci-
the psychological ability required for the full utilization of sive action.
their intellectual abilities, for the exercise of good judgment,
for the prompt completion of all responsibilities inherent to Dismissal
diagnosis and care of patients, and for the development of Upon the recommendation of the D.P.T. Advancement
mature, sensitive, and effective relationships with patients. and Progression Subcommittee, the D.P.T. Program Director
Students must be able to tolerate physically and mentally in collaboration with the Dean of the College of Health
taxing workloads and function effectively under stress. They Professions may recommend student dismissal from the
must be able to adapt to a changing environment, display D.P.T. Program.
flexibility and function in the face of uncertainties inherent in
the clinical problems of patients. Students must demonstrate Graduation Requirements
ethical behavior both in the classroom and during clinical
To qualify for the degree of Doctor of Physical Therapy from
the Oklahoma City University D.P.T. Program, the following
degree requirements must be accomplished:
Academic Policies 1 Successful fulfillment of all graduate requirements
The D.P.T. Program’s grading system is as follows: of Oklahoma City University
2 Successful completion of the minimum number of the
Grade Grade Point Score prescribed graduate credits and all required courses
A 4.00 90-100 3 Successful completion of all clinical education experi-
B 3.00 80-89 ences with a grade of Credit
C 2.00 70-79 4 Achievement of a cumulative GPA of 2.000 or better
D 1.00 60-69 within four years of the student’s initial admission into
F 0 Below 60 the program. No student will graduate with an incom-
plete grade in a course.
All academic and clinical coursework has to be successfully Doctor of Physical Therapy (D.P.T.)
completed in sequence. Demonstrated competence in both Required Courses Credit Hours: 113
academic and clinical components of the curriculum will be DPT 7012 Health Promotion Across the Lifespan 2
DPT 7014 Neuroscience 4
required to progress to the next semester. Academic compe-
DPT 7112 Leadership I: Foundations of
tence will be demonstrated through satisfactory performance Leadership Development 2
in coursework, assignments, professional behaviors, and DPT 7114 Clinical Anatomy 4
practical exams. DPT 7123 Clinical Examination and Interventions I 3
Students will be required to pass all safety criteria defined DPT 7124 Management of and Interventions for Individuals
on practical exams by 100%. This assures faculty and clini- with Neuromuscular Conditions I 4
DPT 7131 Service Learning I 1
cal sites that students are safe to continue into clinical
DPT 7144 Applied Anatomy and Systems Pathophysiology 4
experiences. DPT 7162 Research I: Research Methods 2
To continue in good standing, students must receive no DPT 7171 Clinical Experience: Part-Time I 1
grades lower than a C in any course. DPT 7224 Clinical Examination and Interventions II 4
DPT 7231 Service Learning II 1
D.P.T. Program Probation DPT 7262 Research II: Evidence-Based Practice 2
DPT 7312 Pharmacology 2
The D.P.T. Program defines probation as a designated
DPT 7413 Foundational Musculoskeletal Sciences 3
period of time during which a D.P.T. student must show satis- DPT 7513 Gait and Motor Learning 3
factory improvement in academic performance, clinical per- DPT 7613 Management of Individuals with Cardiovascular
formance, and/or professional behavior. and Pulmonary Conditions 3
Probationary actions will be processed through the DPT 7712 Psychosocial Considerations in Clinical Reasoning 2
Academic Advancement and Progression committee. DPT 8022 Management of the Individuals with
Integumentary Conditions 2
Probation will be recommended when previous attempts

College of Health Professions /// Doctor of Physical Therapy /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025
DPT 8061 Interprofessional Seminar 1
DPT 8122 Assistive Technology/Orthotics and Prosthetics 2
DPT 8123 Geriatric Considerations in Clinical Reasoning 3
DPT 8125 Management and Interventions—Individuals with
Musculoskeletal Conditions I 5
DPT 817A Clinical Experience: Full-Time I 10
DPT 8212 Leadership Development II: Health Policy 2
DPT 8214 Management and Interventions for Individuals with
Neuromuscular Conditions II 4
DPT 8225 Management and Interventions—Individuals with
Musculoskeletal Conditions II 5
DPT 8271 Clinical Experience: Part-Time II 1
DPT 8312 Leadership Development III: Practice Management 2
DPT 8323 Pediatric Considerations in Clinical Reasoning 3
DPT 8331 Service Learning III 1
DPT 8362 Research III: Critical Inquiry and Appraisal 2
DPT 927A Clinical Experience: Full-Time II 10
DPT 937A Clinical Experience: Full-Time III 10
DPT 9412 Leadership Development IV: Life-Long Leadership 2
DPT 9461 Research V: Knowledge Translation 1

College of Health Professions /// Doctor of Physical Therapy /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025
of Theatre
Mark Edward Parker, Dean | Jerome Stevenson, Associate Dean

General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109

Admission Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109

Academic Regulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110

Required Courses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111

Master of Fine Arts
will work on “historically distanced” content and a variety
of material and acting styles outside of contemporary real-
ism, requiring physical, vocal, and cultural transformation.

in Screen Acting Professionalization and connection with industry will con-

tinue to be a priority during students’ time in London.

The School of Theatre offers a Master of Fine Arts in Screen Goldsmiths College, University of London
Acting in partnership with Goldsmiths College in London. 8 Lewisham Way
This terminal degree is an intensive two-year program, with London
one year delivered in Los Angeles and one year in London. SE14 6NW
The degree requires completion of 60 hours of coursework, United Kingdom
equivalent to 240 credits in the UK educational system.

Admission Requirements
M.F.A. in Screen Acting is designed to prepare graduates to
work professionally in film, television, and related recorded
media. Students will gain invaluable experience work- For regular admission, the applicant must have a minimum
ing alongside, and networking with, industry professionals, undergraduate GPA of 3.00 and hold an appropriate bach-
including actors, directors, casting directors, writers, agents, elor’s degree, preferably in theatre, but other degrees will be
and producers, in both LA and London. Students will also considered, from an accredited institution with undergradu-
learn how to concept, develop, pitch, and produce their own ate preparation related to graduate study in screen acting.
original content. The program culminates in the develop- Adequacy of this preparation will be determined through
ment, production, and presentation of a thesis production transcript evaluation, audition, and interview.
Procedure for Admissions
OCU Los Angeles Campus Students will spend one An application for admission to the M.F.A. program may be
year in Culver City, the heart of the film industry in Los secured from the Office of Graduate Admissions. The com-
Angeles. Courses will be delivered by OCU faculty and pleted form, along with an official transcript of college cred-
guest industry professionals. During this year they will be its and two letters of recommendation, should be returned
introduced to a systematic and holistic approach to preparing to the Office of Graduate Admissions prior to submitting
a role for the screen. Alongside this foundational study of an audition video. Graduate credits from other institutions
acting technique, students will engage in the creation and will only be accepted by special permission (normally not
development of multiple digital media projects; a range of exceeding eight credit hours). All students must complete
workshops and events with industry professionals; and a a successful audition, callback, and interview and satisfy
research project on an aspect of screen history or film/TV all university criteria before they will be admitted to the
theory. program.

Oklahoma City University—LA Campus Audition Requirements

OCU School of Theatre—Los Angeles Please refer to the M.F.A. in Screen Acting Program web-
3535 Hayden Ave site (www.okcu.edu/mfa-screen-acting) for current audition
Culver City, CA 90232 procedures, requirements, and deadlines.
OCU Main Campus: (405) 208-5000
School of Theatre: (405) 208-5700 Articulation and Transfer Agreements
Culver City Campus: (424) 226-0857
OCU has not entered into any articulation or transfer
agreements with other institutions to accept prior course-
Goldsmiths College, University of London work, achievement tests, challenge examinations, or any
One year of the M.F.A. in Screen Acting program is deliv- form of unearned credit. Due to the specialized nature of this
ered by OCU and Goldsmiths College faculty and staff in program, transfer credit will not be accepted
London. The primary function of this year is the acquisition
and application of a range of specific technical skills in voice,
movement, stage combat, and character work. Students

School of Theatre /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

Academic Regulations TERMS ADD/ LOAN REFUND
• Students must maintain a minimum GPA of 3.000 in DROP DATE DISBURSEMENT DATE
order to remain in good standing. A student must be in RATE
good standing to graduate.
FALL 10/4/2024 10/7/2024 10/11/2024
• No grades below C (2.000) are acceptable toward degree
requirements. A maximum of three credits below B- are
SPRING 1/13/2025 1/27/2025 1/31/2025
acceptable towards degree requirements. A student may
not graduate with a D or F on the transcript. With the JANUARY – APRIL 2025
exception of the Thesis Project, students may not elect
credit/no credit grading. If you have received federal student financial aid, you are
• A course may be repeated only once. entitled to a refund of moneys not paid from the federal
• M.F.A. students whose cumulative GPA drops below financial aid funds.
3.000 at the end of a semester will receive written notifi- Student attendance in a course does not affect the tuition
cation from the registrar that they have been placed on reduction. The date the completed form is processed by the
academic probation for the next semester. Should the Registrar’s Office is the determining factor.
student fail to raise the cumulative GPA above 3.000 Courses dropped through the 100% refund date will not
during the next semester, they will be dismissed from appear on the student’s permanent record. Changes in class
the university. schedule become effective on the day the form is processed
• Students must comply with the established thesis or by the Registrar’s Office.
project submission policy and the master’s and capstone The final date to drop a course is listed in the academic
project enrollment and grading policy. These policies are calendar. Students dropping courses before the final drop
stated in the Academic Regulations section of the gradu- date will receive a W (withdrawal). After the final drop date,
ate catalog. a student must receive approval from their instructor. The
student then must receive approval from their advisor, aca-

Cancellation, Withdrawal and demic dean, and the provost/VPAA before the change in class
schedule can be processed. No course may be dropped after
Refund Policies the last day of classes.
The student has a right to cancel this enrollment agree- A student who is completely withdrawing from the uni-
ment or withdraw enrollment from Oklahoma City University versity must obtain a withdrawal form from the Office of
and obtain an applicable refund. M.F.A. Screen Acting stu- the Registrar, International Student Office, Financial Aid
dents may cancel this enrollment agreement or withdraw Office, or their dean’s office. Once this form is properly com-
from Oklahoma City University and receive the applicable pleted and processed through the Office of the Registrar and
refund by contacting Oklahoma City University, Attn: Student Student Accounts, the withdrawal becomes effective on the
Accounts, 2501 N. Blackwelder Ave., Oklahoma City, OK date it is validated by Student Accounts. A W (withdrawal)
73106 or by e-mail at: studentaccounts@okcu.edu. will be assigned for each course. Nonattendance of classes
Approximately the third week of class each semester, if the does not constitute official withdrawal. Withdrawal will be
student’s account is paid in full, any excess personal, state, permitted up to and including the final regular day of classes
private, or federal financial aid awarded will be refunded to for all semesters or terms. No withdrawals are permitted dur-
the student. The charges to be paid include, but are not lim- ing finals week.
ited to, tuition, fees, room and board, and traffic fines. If aid
includes proceeds from Parent PLUS loans, any excess funds Resources for Students
MUST be returned to the parent unless otherwise indicated
on the application. Only then can the refund go to the stu- Dulaney-Browne Library
dent. Oklahoma City University processes refunds by direct Students in this program will have access to library
deposit. Contact the Student Accounts Office for details. resources. Students can communicate directly with librarians
Additional information related to specific questions can be via e-mail, phone, online chat, or Zoom web conferencing.
obtained from the Registrar’s Office. They can also access online research databases that include
full-text documents and request items through Interlibrary

College of Health Professions /// Master of Physician Assistant Studies /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025
Loan (ILL). For further information, please visit the library Questions: Any questions or problems concerning this
website at https://www.okcu.edu/students/libraries. school which have not been satisfactorily answered or
While in London, students will have access to Goldsmiths resolved by the school should be directed to the Bureau
library in 8 Lewisham Way, London. More info can be found for Private Postsecondary Education at:
at: https://www.gold.ac.uk/library/using. P.O. Box 980818, West Sacramento, CA 95798-0818
Website: www.bppe.ca.gov
Master of Fine Arts in Screen Acting (M.F.A.) Telephone: (888) 370-7589 or (916) 574-8900
Required Courses Credit Hours: 60 Fax: (916) 263-1897
THRE 5331 Critical Approaches to Film and Television 1 Complaints: A student or any member of the public may
THRE 5516 Actor’s Core I 6
file a complaint about this institution with the Bureau for
THRE 5526 Actor’s Core II 6
THRE 5614 Independent Project I 4 Private Postsecondary Education by calling (888) 370-7589
THRE 5625 Independent Project II 5 or by completing a complaint form, which can be obtained
THRE 5712 Bridges to Industry I 2 on the bureau’s website: www.bppe.ca.gov/enforcement/
THRE 5722 Bridges to Industry II 2 complaint.shtml.
THRE 5752 Acting for Commercials 2 Locations: The class sessions will be held at 3535 Hayden
THRE 5773 Actor Industry Lab 3
Avenue, Culver City, CA 90232 and 8 Lewisham Way, London,
THRE 6517 Styles and Techniques I 7
THRE 6527 Styles and Techniques II 7 SE14 6NW, United Kingdom.
THRE 6617 Production Project 7 Tuition and Fees: Tuition and fees for this program are
THRE 6628 Thesis 8 $1,011 per credit hour with special program fees of $225 per
credit hour. The total estimated cost for the 60-credit hour
Additional information required by the Bureau M.F.A. is $74,160. The year of study in London will require
for Postsecondary Education of California a passport and a visa which can cost $900 or more and take
https://www.bppe.ca.gov/lawsregs/ppe_act.pdf three months to obtain.

As a prospective student, you are encouraged to review Itemized Costs

this catalog prior to signing an enrollment agreement. You
Tuition $15,165 (based
are also encouraged to review the School Performance Fact
on 15 credit hours)
Sheet, which must be provided to you prior to signing an
Registration fees N/A
enrollment agreement.
Equipment N/A
Catalog Coverage Dates: May 4, 2024–May 3, 2025. The
OCU Catalog is updated annually and as changes are needed. Lab supplies N/A
Approval to Operate: Oklahoma City University is a private Textbooks or other N/A
institution that is approved to operate in California by the learning media
Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education. This approval Uniforms of other special N/A
to operate means that OCU is compliant with the state stan- protective clothing
dards set forth in the CEC and 5, CCR. In-resident housing Not offered by the
Accreditations: Oklahoma City University is accredited by institution
the Higher Learning Commission and is eligible for federal Tutoring N/A
financial aid. The M.F.A. in Screen Acting program is not indi- Assessment fees for N/A
vidually accredited and is not accredited by an agency recog- transfer of credits
nized by the Department of Education. There are no licensure Fees for transfer credit N/A
requirements with this degree program. Graduates from it Student Tuition Recovery $7.02 (based on $926 per
will not be eligible to sit for the applicable licensure exam in Fee (non-refundable) credit hour and 15 credit
California and other states or become certified or registered hour enrollment)
as required for the applicable profession, occupation, trade,
Institutional Fees (Special $3,375 ($225 per credit
or career field in California. Additionally, the program is not
Programs Fee) hour) (based on 15 credit
accredited by the state of California and is not recognized for
hours per semester)
some employment positions, including, but not limited to,
positions with the State of California.

School of Theatre /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

Charges paid to an entity N/A that institution. For this reason you should make certain that
other than the institution your attendance at this institution will meet your educational
that is specifically required goals. This may include contacting an institution to which
for participation in the you may seek to transfer after attending Oklahoma City
educational program University to determine if your credits or degree will transfer.

California Disclosures
Loans: If a student obtains a loan to pay for an educational
• No experiential learning will be applied to this program.
program, the student will have the responsibility to repay the
• Oklahoma City University will offer visas to students after
full amount of the loan plus interest, less the amount of any
the second year of enrollment.
refund. If a student defaults on a federal or state loan, both
• Instruction will only occur in English.
the following may occur:
(1) The federal or state government or a loan guarantee Occupational Classification: This program prepares its
agency may take action against the student, including apply- graduates for the following occupation codes based on the
ing any income tax refund to which the person is entitled to United States Department of Labor’s Standard Occupational
reduce the balance owed on the loan. Classification codes:
(2) The student may not be eligible for any other federal 27-2000 Entertainers and Performers, Sports and Related
student financial aid at another institution or other govern- Workers
ment financial assistance until the loan is repaid. 27-2010 Actors, Producers, and Directors
Housing: No campus housing is available. The rent in 27-2011 Actors
Culver City ranges from $1,000 a month for a studio apart- 27-2012 Producers and Directors
ment to $2,000 for a one bedroom. Shared housing in Culver Student Tuition Recovery Fund (STRF): The State of
City and the surrounding neighborhoods begins at $600. This California established the STRF to relieve or mitigate eco-
is a non-residential program and Oklahoma City University nomic loss suffered by a student in an educational program
will not be able to assist students in finding or acquir- at a qualifying institution, who is or was a California resident
ing housing at either the California or London locations. while enrolled, or was enrolled in a residency program, if the
Housing is the responsibility of the student. student enrolled in the institution, prepaid tuition, and suf-
Financial Stability: Oklahoma City University does not fered an economic loss. Unless relieved of the obligation to
have a pending petition in bankruptcy, is not operating as a do so, you must pay the state-imposed assessment for the
debtor in possession, has not filed a petition within the pre- STRF, or it must be paid on your behalf, if you are a student
ceding five years, or has not had a petition in bankruptcy filed in an educational program, who is a California resident, or
against it within the preceding five years that resulted in reor- are enrolled in a residency program, and prepay all or part of
ganization under Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy your tuition.
Code. You are not eligible for protection from the STRF and
Retention of Student Records: California State law you are not required to pay the STRF assessment, if you are
requires Oklahoma City University to maintain school and not a California resident, or are not enrolled in a residency
student records for five years. In addition, all transcripts are program.
kept indefinitely in digital form. It is important that you keep copies of your enrollment
agreement, financial aid documents, receipts, or any other
NOTICE CONCERNING TRANSFERABILITY OF information that documents the amount paid to the school.
CREDITS AND CREDENTIALS EARNED AT OUR Questions regarding the STRF may be directed to the Bureau
INSTITUTION for Private Postsecondary Education, P.O. Box 980818,
West Sacramento, CA 95798-0818, (916) 574-8900 or (888)
The transferability of credits earned at Oklahoma City
University is at the complete discretion of an institution to
To be eligible for STRF, you must be a California resident
which you may seek to transfer. Acceptance of the Master of
or enrolled in a residency program, prepaid tuition, paid or
Fine Arts you earn in Screen Acting is also at the complete
deemed to have paid the STRF assessment, and suffered an
discretion of the institution to which you may seek to transfer.
economic loss as a result of any of the following:
If the credits or degree that you earn at this institution are not
• The institution, a location of the institution, or an edu-
accepted at the institution to which you seek to transfer, you
cational program offered by the institution was closed or
may be required to repeat some or all of your coursework at

School of Theatre /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

discontinued, and you did not choose to participate in a • You sought legal counsel that resulted in the cancellation
teach-out plan approved by the Bureau or did not com- of one or more of your student loans and have an invoice
plete a chosen teach-out plan approved by the Bureau. for services rendered and evidence of the cancellation of
• You were enrolled at an institution or a location of the the student loan or loans.
institution within the 120 day period before the closure
of the institution or location of the institution, or were To qualify for STRF reimbursement, the application must
enrolled in an educational program within the 120 day be received within four years from the date of the action or
period before the program was discontinued. event that made the student eligible for recovery from STRF.
• You were enrolled at an institution or a location of the A student whose loan is revived by a loan holder or debt
institution more than 120 days before the closure of the collector after a period of non-collection may, at any time,
institution or location of the institution, in an educa- file a written application for recovery from STRF for the debt
tional program offered by the institution as to which the that would have otherwise been eligible for recovery. If it
Bureau determined there was a significant decline in has been more than four years since the action or event that
the quality or value of the program more than 120 days made the student eligible, the student must have filed a writ-
before closure. ten application for recovery within the original four year
• The institution has been ordered to pay a refund by the period, unless the period has been extended by another act
Bureau but has failed to do so. of law.
• The institution has failed to pay or reimburse loan pro- However, no claim can be paid to any student without a
ceeds under a federal student loan program as required social security number or a taxpayer identification.
by law, or has failed to pay or reimburse proceeds
received by the institution in excess of tuition and
other costs.
• You have been awarded restitution, a refund, or other
monetary award by an arbitrator or court, based on a
violation of this chapter by an institution or representa-
tive of an institution, but have been unable to collect the
award from the institution.

School of Theatre /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

Course # Course Name Credit Hours Course # Course Name Credit Hours

Graduate Course Descriptions

Degree Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Course Offering Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Religious
. . . . . . . . . Studies:
. . . . . . . . Religion
. . . . . . . . Track
. . . . . .. .115
Accounting (ACCT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .110 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .116
Arts Management (AMGT). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Religious . . . . . . . . . Studies:
. . . . . . . . Religion/Philosophy
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .117 Track .
Computer Science (CSCI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .117
Counseling (COUN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Religious
. . . . . . . . . Studies:
. . . . . . . . Pre-Seminary
. . . . . . . . . . . . . Track . .119 . . . . . .
Dance (DANC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .120
Early Childhood Education (ECED) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Religious . . . . . . . . . Education/Youth
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ministry
. . . . . . .121 .........
Economics (ECON) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .121
Elementary Education (MATE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .121
Academic Policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Finance (FIN). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .122
Graduate Education (GRED) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .122
Health Professions (HP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .123
Minors in the School of Religion . . . . . . .
Information Technology (IT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .122
Management (MGMT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .124
Marketing (MKTG) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .125
Certification Studies in the United
Master of Business Administration (MBA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .126
Music Applied Courses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Methodist. . . . . . . . . . . . .Church
. . . . . . . ... .. .. .. .. .. ..... .. .. .. .126
Music Conducting (MUS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .126
Music Diction (DICT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .126
Music Ensemble (MUEN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .126
Music Theory, Composition, and Literature (MUS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .127
Nonprofit Leadership (NONP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .128
Nursing (NURS). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .129
Opera and Music Theater (OMT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .136
Physical Therapy Program (DPT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .136
Physician Assistant Studies (PA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .139
Psychology (PSYC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .142
Religious Education (REL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .144
Theatre (THRE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .144

Graduate Courses /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

Course Offering Key
(fall) This course is offered every fall.
(fall, odd) This course is offered every other fall on the odd-numbered years.
(fall, even) This course is offered every other fall on the even-numbered years.
(spring) This course is offered every spring.
(spring, odd) This course is offered every other spring on the odd-numbered years.
(spring, even) This course is offered every other spring on the even-numbered years.
(summer) This course is offered in the summer.
(TBA) This course is not offered on a regular cycle. Students should contact their academic advisors for more information.
* Denotes cross-listed course (different departments)
+ Denotes dual-listed course (different levels)

Course offering designations are offered only as a guide for long-range planning. All course offerings are subject to change without
prior notice. Students are encouraged to contact their academic advisors or the Registrar’s Office for current information on course
The last number of each course number indicates the number of credit hours; e.g., ACCT 2113 is a three credit hour course.

Graduate Courses /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

Course # Course Name Credit Hours Course # Course Name Credit Hours

Accounting (ACCT)
and testifying in court. The course will offer a survey of developing top-
ics in the field of business valuations and the field of litigation support
relevant to the aspiring practitioners. Students in the course should be
5123 Accounting Theory and Research 3 comfortable with the managerial accounting basics and basic functional-
Study and evaluation of alternative theory, practices, and generally ity of Microsoft Excel. (fall)
accepted accounting principles of financial accounting; learning to apply
financial accounting standards through research using the Accounting 5313 Advanced Auditing and Assurance Services 3
Standards Codification. Prerequisite: ACCT 3123. (fall) Application of technical auditing skills and techniques based on mastery
and interpretation of AICPA and PCAOB auditing standards and pro-
5133 Financial Statement Analysis 3 nouncements as well as fraud prevention and detection. Topics include
Survey of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and other latest methods involved in audit planning, control structure review, data
topics related to international accounting. Learning to apply financial analytics, procedures selection, procedural execution, and communica-
statement analysis for decision making using case studies of U.S. and tion of audit findings and results. Prerequisite: ACCT 4313. (fall)
International companies. Using data analytics to forecast, analyze, and
value companies based on a variety of commonly used valuation models 5323 Principles of Fraud Examination 3
and techniques. Prerequisite: ACCT 3123. (spring) Develops the main topics in fraud examination, including: the nature and
motivations for fraud; fraud prevention, detection, and investigation; vari-
5143 Government and Not-for Profit Accounting 3 ous types of fraud; and, some of the more infamous fraud cases. Utilizes
Course develops students’ understanding of the governmental, not-for an open-ended, seminar format in which students actively participate in
profit, and partnership accounting concepts. Coverage includes account- gathering materials and discussion. Prerequisite: ACCT 3113. (fall)
ing transactions for the listed entities and basic financial statement prep-
aration and information provided therein. Prerequisite: ACCT 3123. (TBA) 5413 Income Taxation of Entities 3
Introduction to income taxation issues unique to C corporations, S corpo-
5163 Energy Accounting 3 rations, partnerships, and estates/trusts, including preparation of entity
Acquaints students with accounting in the energy industry, including returns. Prerequisites: ACCT 3413 and ACCT 4413. (fall)
acquisition, production/depletion, and retirement of oil and gas proper-
ties. Topics include differences between full cost and successful efforts 5443 Estate and Gift Taxation 3
accounting methods; accounting for joint ventures; and analysis of Federal excise tax imposed on the transfer of wealth, whether in the form
financial statements and disclosures issued by oil and natural gas firms. of a lifetime gift or transfer at death. Prerequisite: ACCT 3413 and ACCT
Introduction to related tax issues. Prerequisites: ACCT 2113 and ACCT 4413. (TBA)
2213. (spring)
5453 Digital Forensics 3
5213 Accounting for Business Decision Making 3 Digital forensics (AKA digital forensic science) is a branch of forensic
Emphasis on the application of accounting information for financial science offering professionals a systematic approach to the recovery
reporting and the use of accounting information in managerial decision and investigation of material found in digital devices, often aimed at solv-
making. This course is for M.B.A. students only and cannot be credited ing computer crimes or other crimes utilizing digital devices. The need
toward the M.S.A. (fall, spring) for digital forensic experts is growing in corporations, accounting and
law firms, insurance companies, and law enforcement. Digital forensics
5223 Forensic Accounting 3 investigations have a variety of applications—most commonly to provide
Forensic accounting combines accounting, auditing and investigative supportive or refuting evidence before criminal or civil courts (as part of
skills to identify, investigate, and communicate evidence and analysis the discovery process). This work would include retrieval procedures that
that could be suitable to courts of judicature. Students will learn the rudi- follow proper investigative procedures. Forensics may also provide sup-
ments of civil/criminal procedure, rules/care of evidence, and expert wit- port for internal corporate investigations or intrusion investigations (i.e.,
nessing. Students will learn how forensic accounting provides the basis a specialist probe into the nature and extent of an unauthorized network
for negotiation, settlement, or other decision-making in business situ- intrusion). This course will cover both the pricipals and practice of digital
ations (e.g., litigation support, property/economic valuation/damages, forensics. (TBA)
etc.). Prerequisite: ACCT 4313. (TBA)
5593 Accounting for Managers in Energy Business 3
5253 Forensic and Business Accounting skills needed for the acquisition, production/depletion, and
Valuation and Litigation 3 retirement of oil and gas properties. Differences between full cost and
Introduces students to methods of business valuation and analysis most successful efforts accounting methods. Discussion of accounting for
common to litigated situations. Methods and economic rationales are joint ventures, taxation of oil and gas properties, analysis of financial
extended to introduce models of damage estimation, including harm statements and disclosures issued by oil and natural gas firms. (spring)
to individuals and property that have long-term impacts on economic
returns. Students will be introduced the standards of “expert” testimony

* Denotes cross-listed course + Denotes dual-listed course

Graduate Courses /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

Course # Course Name Credit Hours Course # Course Name Credit Hours

5613 Accounting Ethics 3 5103 Theory of Computing 3

Survey of professional ethics standards and personal ethics as applied to A course on the theoretical foundations of computation. Topics include
the practice of accounting. Prerequisite: MGMT 2213. (spring) finite-state machines, regular languages, context-free grammars, push-
down automata, Turing machines, decidability, and complexity theory.
5713 CPA Exam Review—Part I 3 Prerequisites: one language beyond Basic (C or C++ preferred) and MATH
Prepares the student to sit for the CPA Exam by systematically reviewing 3503. (fall)
topics covered on the exam. The primary goal of the course is to take the
rules and concepts studied in the accounting curriculum and incorporate 5203 Logic for Computer Science 3
them into a comprehensive understanding of the accounting framework. A survey of historical and modern logic with emphasis on applications in
(fall, spring, summer) computer science. Topics include Boolean algebra, truth tables, verifica-
tion of argument validity, development of proofs using prepositional and
5723 CPA Exam Review—Part II 3 first-order predicate logic, the correctness and completeness of first-
Prepares the student to sit for the CPA Exam by systematically reviewing order logic, normal forms, and Herbrand’s theorem. Automated proof
topics covered on the exam. The primary goal of the course is to take the techniques such as resolution and unification are covered. Additional
rules and concepts studied in the accounting curriculum and incorporate material covered may include topics such as fuzzy logic and multivalued
them into a comprehensive understanding of the accounting framework. logics. Prerequisites: CSCI 3503. (fall)
(fall, spring, summer)
5303 Embedded and Real-Time Operating Systems 3
5813 Accounting Analytics 3 A continuation of CSCI 4313. Additional topics include device I/O, inter-
Covers the growing role of analytics to answer business questions. rupts, timers, task scheduling, and hardware OS. Two hours of lecture and
Provides overview of basic programming tolls and techniques that can one hour of lab each week. Prerequisite: CSCI 4313. (TBA)
scale to larger data sets, specifically related to financial information and
reporting systems, and decision-making by both entities and individuals. 5403 Software Engineering 3
Prerequisite: ACCT 2213 (TBA) Study of the principles and techniques for methodical construction of
quality software: project plan and management, software process, soft-
5911-3 Special Topics in Accounting 1–3 ware requirements analysis, programming paradigms, module specifica-
A variable-credit course designed to meet the needs of students with spe- tion techniques, testing and validation procedures, and proof of program
cific interest in a specialized accounting topic. (TBA) correctness. Includes a team project. Prerequisite: CSCI 5003. (spring)

5921-3 Applied Research or 1–3 5413 Algorithm Design and Analysis 3

Internship in Accounting Analysis of algorithms and the application of analysis on the design of
Variable credit course. Applied research, independent study, or work efficient algorithms, both theoretical and practical: sorting, tree struc-
experience integrating knowledge and abilities gained in accounting tures, graph algorithms, NP-completeness, dynamic programming, greedy,
courses. Number of hours determined by contract. Prerequisites: Senior string-matching, encryption, and generic algorithms. (fall)
or graduate standing, six hours of upper-level accounting, and accounting
chair approval. (TBA) 5423 Blockchain 3
Cryptocurrency, distributed ledger, consensus, Smart Contracts, digital
wallets, Web3, NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens), review practical business

Arts Management (AMGT) uses of blockchain, build a custom blockchain application using Smart
Contracts, and how to protect digital currencies. (fall, spring, summer)

5742 Contracts and Management for Performers 2

5503 Computer Organization and Architecture 3
For the student planning a professional performance career, this course
A study of the structure, organization, and logical design of computers
is designed to provide basic but important information about contract law
from an advanced perspective. Topics include digital arithmetic and logic,
for performers, organizational structures in the performing arts, perform-
computer structures, machine cycles, interrupts, memory organization,
ing arts unions, artist agents and managers, unemployment insurance,
I/0 schemes, the integration of operating systems, instruction sets, and
and workers’ compensation. As required by graduate degrees. (fall)
addressing. No prior knowledge of electronics is presumed. Two hours
of lecture and two hours of lab each week. Prerequisite: At least one pro-
gramming language. (spring)
Computer Science (CSCI)
5513 Computer System Architecture 3
5003 Object-Oriented Programming 3 A study of high-performance computer architectures. Topics may include
Design and Patterns a study of instruction set architecture, instruction execution, synchroniza-
Advanced study of object-oriented programming, design concepts, and tion, micro-operations, global memory, parallel processing, overlap and
patterns as they apply to real-world problems: concepts of polymorphism, pipeline processing in a von Neumann type architecture, “RISC” architec-
dynamic bindings and creational/structural/behavioral patterns. (TBA) tures, and supercomputers. Prerequisite: CSCI 5503. (TBA)

* Denotes cross-listed course + Denotes dual-listed course

Graduate Courses /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

Course # Course Name Credit Hours Course # Course Name Credit Hours

5603 Database Design 3 6213 Data Science Fundamentals 3

Quantitative study of the tools and methodology of database design. Introduction to probability and statistical inference used in data science;
Design conceptual database, specify implementation, and predict system random variables, sampling distributions, statistical significance, analysis
performance: database structures and schemas; advanced query lan- of variance, hypothesis testing, regression, and classification. (TBA)
guages; relational, graph and document databases. (TBA)
6223 Practical Data Science 3
5803 Computer Graphics 3 Hands-on introduction to the complete data science pipeline; Python data
An integrated study of the software, data structures, mathematics, and acquisition and cleansing, data storage and exploration, missing data
algorithms of image manipulation, computer graphics, and computer- treatment, feature engineering, modeling, interpretation, and visualiza-
assisted design. Topics include raster techniques, geometric transforma- tion. (TBA)
tions of two and three dimensions, object modeling, illumination models,
shading models, basic animations, and strategies for creating represen- 6233 Machine Learning 3
tations of three dimensional objects. Two hours of lecture and two hours Machine learning including Scikit-learn techniques and algorithms; clas-
of lab each week. Prerequisite: MATH 2104 or equivalent proficiency in sification and regression modeling, cross validation, hyperparameter
calculus and analytic geometry. (TBA) tuning, overfitting and underfitting, supervised learning methods (linear
models, polynomial regression, regularization, support vector machines,
6003 Computer Science Graduate Capstone 3 decision trees and random forests) and unsupervised learning algorithms
A capstone course required of all graduate computer science students. (clustering, density estimation, and anomaly detection). (TBA)
Students are required to develop a presentation on some current topic
in computer science. The course also includes assessment and assess- 6243 Artificial Intelligence 3
ment-oriented topics. Should be taken in the student’s final semester. Covers deep learning and neural networks using TensorFlow and Keras:
(spring) neural network architectures, convolution neural networks for image
recognition, recurrent neural networks, natural language processing, auto-
6063 Current Topics in Computer Science 3 encoders, generative adversarial networks, and reinforcement learning.
Graduate-level study of emerging topics in computer science; subject and Prerequisite: CSCI 6233. (TBA)
prerequisites may vary. (TBA)
6303 Distributed Operating Systems 3
6113 Cryptography 3 A continuation of CSCI 4313. Additional topics include telecommunica-
History of cryptography and modern practices to secure systems: ciphers, tions, networking, naming, consistency and replication, fault tolerance,
encryption, hashing, RSA, public key encryption, protecting personally and security. The client/server architecture is covered in detail. Encoding,
identifiable information (PII), and best practices. (TBA) entering, and running programs comprise a significant part of the course.
Two hours of lecture and two hours of lab each week. Prerequisite: CSCI
6123 Cloud Security 3 4313. (spring)
Hands-on introduction to securing your code and cloud infrastructure in
the cloud: authentication, authorization, firewall, gateway and API secu- 6313 HTML/CSS/Java Script 3
rity. (TBA) Advanced review of HTML5, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), and
JavaScript: responsive design for web and mobile, online/offline, and
6133 Offensive Coding 3 jQuery. (TBA)
Ethical Hacking/Pen Testing; simulate cyberattacks to evaluate computer
systems: social engineering, physical security, application vulnerabilities, 6323 Server Web Development 3
and vulnerability assessments. (TBA) Build websites with server technologies: PHP, Java/C# or Node.js: server
side websites, REST APIs, and securing websites. (TBA)
6143 Defensive Coding 3
Write code to guard against the most common hacker attacks: OWASP 6333 Frontend Web Development 3
Top 10, secure authentication, storing data securely, input validation, and Client-side development; browser: JavaScript, TypeScript, Angular,
vulnerability management. (TBA) ReactJS, Vue, and Web Assembly. (TBA)

6203 Advanced Object-Oriented Programming 3 6343 Cloud Development 3

An advanced study of object-oriented programming and design con- Implement cloud solutions to enhance applications in the cloud: data-
cepts. Subjects include classes, methods, polymorphism, inheritance, base, queues, hubs, serverless, and web servers. (TBA)
and object-oriented design. C++ and Smalltalk are studied in depth.
Other object-oriented languages discussed include Java. A group proj- 6403 Advanced Algorithm Design 3
ect is required. Two hours of lecture and two hours of lab each week. A study of advanced techniques in algorithm design. This course has
Prerequisites: CSCI 5403 and proficiency in C++ or CSCI 4303. (TBA) a primary focus on the issues and techniques of parallel programming.
The lab component of the course provides for practice of the examined

* Denotes cross-listed course + Denotes dual-listed course

Graduate Courses /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

Course # Course Name Credit Hours Course # Course Name Credit Hours

techniques and algorithms. Topics include string processing, compres- C++, Matlab, and Oracle. Two hours of lecture and two hours of lab each
sion, encryption algorithms, and integral transformations. Other topics week. Prerequisite: CSCI 5203. (TBA)
may include geometric algorithms, parsing, probabilistic algorithms,
and linear programming. Two hours of lecture and two hours of lab each 6881-6 M.S. Degree Project 1–6
week. Prerequisite: CSCI 5413. (TBA) Major computer science project completed under the supervision of CSCI
graduate faculty. Project proposal must be approved by graduate faculty
6413 iOS Development 3 prior to course enrollment. Course may be repeated for a maximum of six
Build mobile applications for iOS using Swift: XCode, Constraints, semester hours of credit. Permission of CSCI director required. (TBA)
TableView, Tabs, and deploying to Apple Store. (TBA)
6981-6 M.S. Degree Research 1–6
6423 Android Development 3 Research to be completed under the supervision of a member of the
Build mobile applications for Android using Kotlin: Android Studio, graduate faculty. The research proposal must be approved by the gradu-
Constraints, RecylerView, and deploying to the Google Play Store. (TBA) ate faculty prior to enrollment in the course. The course may be repeated
for a maximum of six semester hours of credit. (TBA)
6433 Hybrid Development 3
Building application for iOS and Android using Xamarin, Flutter, and React
Native: types of hybrid applications, performance and compatibility con- Counseling (COUN)
siderations, and limitations. (TBA)
5303 Biological Bases of Behavior and Health 3
Covers the relationship between biological factors and human behavioral
6443 Mobile Game Development 3
functioning pertaining to physical and emotional health. (TBA)
Build interactive mobile games using Unity: Gyroscope, In-App Purchases,
Multiplayer, and ARKit. (TBA)
5314 Assessment I 4
Theoretical, developmental, and methodological bases of behavioral
6503 Computer Network Architecture 3
assessments, tests, and measurements. Includes introduction to selected
An advanced study of the architectural principles and specific mecha-
applications in mental health and research settings. (TBA)
nisms required for the exchange of data among computers, terminals,
and other data processing devices. Topics include architecture, access
protocols, and internetworking. Two hours of lecture and two hours of lab 5563 Family/Group Interventions 3
each week. Prerequisites: CSCI 4313 and CSCI 5503. (TBA) Overview of the major marriage, family, and group counseling theories
and interventions for use in a variety of settings. (TBA)
6583 Internship 3
Supervised experiential learning. Integrates knowledge and theory 5603 Social and Community Behavior 3
learned in the classroom with practical application and skills develop- Study of individuals’ context and how environment affects functioning.
ment in a professional setting. Includes one or more forms of structured Use of systems changes to enhance the functioning of individuals, fami-
and deliberate reflection contained within learning goals or objectives. lies, groups, organizations, and/or institutions. (TBA)
May take place on-campus or with an off-campus work supervisor. (TBA)
5703 Behavior Pathology 3
6603 Postrelational Database Systems 3 Theories of behavior pathology and human dysfunction, including but not
A study of emerging database technologies. Topics selected from object- limited to, biological and sociocultural theories. Classification systems of
oriented databases, multidatabase systems, data warehousing, Web- behavior and treatment planning. (TBA)
enabled databases, intranet databases, XML databases, and/or other new
database developments. Prerequisites: CSCI 3114 and CSCI 5603. (TBA) 5714 Evidence-Based Counseling Theories 4
Theory and practice of traditional individual and group theories, tech-
6613 Intelligent Database Systems 3 niques, and interventions in counseling. Emphasis on evidence-based
A continuation of CSCI 5603. This course presents advanced database modalities. Skills lab component required. Prerequisites: COUN 5703 and
system concepts, including current and future trends. Programming 6813. (TBA)
projects and library research are required. Two hours of lecture and two
hours of lab each week. Prerequisite: CSCI 5603. (TBA) 5813 Career Development 3
Covers lifestyle and career choice and the role of work, the decision-mak-
6703 Knowledge Discovery Techniques 3 ing process, career counseling, and vocational choice. (TBA)
This course presents the mathematical basis of a variety of knowledge
discovery techniques and their implementation on computers to model 6313 Assessment II 3
multidimensional data. In the laboratory, students analyze large matrix Appropriate assessment measures across domains of functioning,
and database data using application programs and programs they write in practice settings, and cultural groups will be covered. Extra fees may be
required. Prerequisite: COUN 5314. (TBA)

* Denotes cross-listed course + Denotes dual-listed course

Graduate Courses /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

Course # Course Name Credit Hours Course # Course Name Credit Hours

6513 Multiculturalism and Diversity 3 5111+ Basic Movement: Ballet, Jazz, Tap 1
Components include knowledge, self-awareness, and skills in working 5311+ 1
with individuals, groups, and communities who represent various cultural 5511+ 1
and personal backgrounds and characteristics. (TBA) Introductory courses to ballet, jazz, or tap technique for the beginner.
Prerequisite: Open to students with dance degree requirements only.
6713 Advanced Evidence-Based Techniques 3 Leveling and approval by Dance Department required. (fall, spring)
More detailed investigation of evidence-based theories and techniques
of counseling. Focus is on the structured and systematic techniques for 5211+ Beyond Basic Movement: Ballet, Jazz, Tap 1
therapeutic intervention. Skills lab component required. Prerequisite: 5411+ 1
COUN 5714. (TBA) 5611+ 1
Prerequisite: Basic Movement class in the same technique. Open to stu-
6776 Practicum 6 dents with dance degree requirements only. Leveling and approval by
Field experience in professional counseling whereby students will provide Dance Department required. (fall, spring)
introductory counseling services in a mental health clinic, counseling
center, or other human services agency. A minimum of 250 clock hours 5191+ Pointe 1
are required. Mandatory, regular synchronous check-ins with instructor to Pointe technique taught with specific attention to uses in American music
receive clinical supervision. (TBA) theater dance sequences. Prerequisite: Open to students with dance
degree requirements only. Leveling and approval by Dance Department
6813 Personality and Human Development 3 required. (TBA)
Students learn and understand human development, wellness, and
learned bases of behavior across the lifespan. (TBA) 5193+ Ballet A 3
Leveled technique classes concerned with ballet especially as it relates
6903* Research Methods 3 to the American musical theater stage. Classes are taught as movement
See GRED 6903. labs and include academic assignments. Prerequisite: Open to students
with dance degree requirements only. Leveling and approval by Dance
6913 Clinical Supervision 3 Department required. (fall, spring)
Overview of the conceptual and research perspectives on clinical supervi-
sion, including models, approaches, techniques, relationship and process 5293+ Ballet B 3
issues, as well as ethical and legal considerations. (TBA) Leveled technique classes concerned with ballet, especially as it relates
to the American music theatre stage. Classes are taught as movement
6974 Professional Identity and Ethics 4 labs and include academic assignments. Prerequisite: Open to students
Survey of ethical standards, principles, history, and professional activities with dance degree requirements only. Leveling and approval by Dance
with individuals, groups, and organizations. Examines students’ profes- Department required. (fall, spring)
sional values and identity with preparation for a career in clinical mental
health counseling. (TBA) 5391-2+ Jazz A 1–2
Leveled courses designed to familiarize students with the styles and
6979 Internship 9 innovations of twentieth-century American jazz dance. Prerequisite: Open
Advanced field experience in counseling whereby students will provide to students with dance degree requirements only. Leveling and approval
counseling in direct settings to consumers of counseling services under by Dance Department required. (fall, spring)
an on-site clinical supervisor. A minimum of 350 clock hours are required.
Mandatory, regular synchronous check-ins with instructor to receive clini- 5491-2+ Jazz B 1–2
cal supervision. Prerequisite: COUN 6776. (TBA) Leveled courses designed to familiarize students with the styles and
innovations of twentieth-century American jazz dance. Prerequisite: Open
to students with dance degree requirements only. Leveling and approval

Dance (DANC) by Dance Department required. (fall, spring)

5591+ Tap A 1
5091+ Partnering 1 Leveled courses using the techniques and terminology of tap steps, com-
Study of traditional male/female partnering work and non-gender specific binations, and dances as used in music theater. Prerequisite: Open to
partnering dance work. Features a variety of training methods and dance students with dance degree requirements only. Leveling and approval by
forms embracing dance for the world of entertainment. Prerequisite: Dance Department required. (fall, spring)
Approval of the Dance Department. Open to Ann Lacy School students
and students with dance degree requirements only. (TBA)
5551+ Tap B 1
Leveled courses using the techniques and terminology of tap steps, com-
binations, and dances as used in music theater. Prerequisite: Open to

* Denotes cross-listed course + Denotes dual-listed course

Graduate Courses /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

Course # Course Name Credit Hours Course # Course Name Credit Hours

students with dance degree requirements only. Leveling and approval by

Dance Department required. (fall, spring) Economics (ECON)
5691+ Men’s Technical Dance Studies 1 5313 Data Analysis for Business Decisions 3
Course based on the foundation of ballet technique while embrac- Focuses on the identification and access of information sources and
ing dance for the world of entertainment. Focus on the execution of analyzing the information to make informed decisions and solve mana-
technique, physical conditioning, dynamics, and artistry. Prerequisite: gerial problems. Among the topics included are numerical and graphic
Approval of the Dance Department. Open to Ann Lacy School students description of data, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, regression
and students with dance degree requirements only. (TBA) analysis and predictive modeling, linear allocation models and allocating
resources, forecasting, and decision analysis. The course utilizes spread-
5891+ Dance Electives 1 sheet, statistical, and simulation software. (fall, summer, spring)
Course designed to expose the dancer to various forms of dance and
performance modalities that are used within the world of entertainment. 5413 Managing at the Crossroads:
Styles and topics may vary from semester to semester. Open to Ann Lacy The Global Economic Environment 3
School students and students with dance degree requirements only. (fall, Emphasizing the perspective of managers in the private sector, this
spring) course focuses on the interactions of economic principles at work at
the inter-firm, intra-industry, and inter-industry levels (microeconomics),
5991+ Theater Dance 1 at the economy-wide level (macroeconomics), and at the global level
Course focused on dynamic style pieces used in musical theatre choreog- (international economics). Integrated framework explains the effects
raphy. Prerequisite: Approval of the Dance Department. Open to Ann Lacy that micro, macro, and international economics have on the growth and
School students and students with dance degree requirements only.. (fall, prosperity of individual business organizations and how managers make
spring) adjustments to create and capture value. (fall, spring)

6213 Energy Economics 3

Early Childhood Education Basic overview of energy economics. Short- and long- term resource
management by a firm, alternative energy sources and their economic

(ECED) management including nuclear, solar, wind, and geothermal power.

Sustainability, economics of the hydrocarbon industry, calculation of net
present value of futures reserves. (fall)
5022 Materials, Project, & Observation I 2
The goals of this course are to enable teachers to observe young chil-

Elementary Education (MATE)

dren objectively and to design materials to offer a more individualized
approach to learning for Early Childhood teachers. (fall)

5113 Sensory Motor Learning 3 6013 Theories of Learning and Development 3

This course examines the relationships among motor, intellectual, psy- History of education in America; physical, social, intellectual, and emo-
chological, and social development in children ages two and a half to six. tional development; current issues in educational psychology; develop-
Activities designed for independence and responsibility are presented ment of initial teacher’s creed. (summer)
with opportunities for teachers to structure these activities for their
classrooms. An introduction to movement exploration for young children 6083 Master’s Research Project 3
is part of the course. (summer) Develop and conduct an action research project; participate in a
research group; provide peer feedback for other action research projects.
5163 Montessori Seminar I 3 Prerequisite: MATE 6963 and GRED 6903. (spring)
Weekend seminar taken with approved Montessori internship only.
Permission of the Montessori coordinator is required. (fall) 6113 Literature and the Arts 3
Developing a love of literature in elementary students; genres of chil-
5172 Materials, Project, & Observation II 2 dren’s literature; children’s literature across the curriculum; methods for
The goals of this course are to enable teachers to observe young chil- integrating visual arts, health, and movement in elementary classrooms.
dren objectively and to design materials to offer a more individualized Prerequisite: MATE 6013. (summer)
approach to learning for early childhood teachers. This course focuses
specifically on children age two and a half to six. (spring) 6213 Literacy Development and Instruction 3
Language development; instructional methods for reading, writing,
5263 Montessori Seminar II 3 speaking, viewing, visually representing; methods to address phonemic
Weekend seminar taken with approved Montessori Internship only. awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension; supporting
Permission of the Montessori coordinator is required. (spring) English language learners; use of specialized professional association

* Denotes cross-listed course + Denotes dual-listed course

Graduate Courses /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

Course # Course Name Credit Hours Course # Course Name Credit Hours

(IRA, NCTE) standards to support all learners. Prerequisite: MATE 6013. 5313 Fixed Income Analytics 3
(summer) Introduces fixed income products and markets. Topics covered: duration/
convexity and price approximation, term structure of interest rates, asset-
6623 Teaching the Whole Curriculum 3 backed securities such as bond-backed securities, stripped products,
Developing and teaching thematic units; advanced study of methodology municipal bonds, sovereign bonds, alternative bonds, federal funds and
making informed decisions about technology use; coteaching as a meth- LIBOR products, repo and reverse repo. (TBA)
odology to support all learners; 30-hour practicum. Prerequisites: GRED
6323 and MATE 6423. (fall) 5353 Current Issues in Financial Fraud 3
Survey course discussing some of the most common and current forms
6733 Internship I 3 of fraudulent practices in the finance world (e.g., investments, banking,
An experiential apprenticeship in an early elementary classroom (grades real estate, and insurance) in an effort to raise awareness of such harm-
1 through 3) designing and delivering instruction through a coteach- ful behavior, and to arm the students with the knowledge and skills to
ing model. School placements will be made through the Department fight against them. (TBA)
of Education. Prerequisites: GRED 6523 and MATE 6623. Corequisites:
MATE 6833 and 6963. (spring) 5413 Applications in FinTech 3
Explores the ways that new technologies in AI, deep learning, blockchain,
6833 Internship II 3 and open APIs are disrupting the financial services industry. Includes pay-
An extension of the elementary school experiential apprenticeship ment, credit, trading, and risk management. (TBA)
in grades 4 through 6. School placements will be made through the
Department of Education. Prerequisite: MATE 6733. Corequisite: MATE 6333 Healthcare Financial Strategies 3
6963. (spring) & Decision Making
Establishes a mastery understanding and ability to apply basic financial
6963 Capstone Seminar 3 management principles within the emerging patient-centered care envi-
Professionalism in education; reflection and evaluation; the legal environ- ronment and in a variety of healthcare operational settings. A wide range
ment of education; completion of Teacher Work Sample. Prerequisites: of healthcare financial management topics are covered, including health-
GRED 6523 and MATE 6623. Corequisites: MATE 6733 and 6833. (spring) care accounting systems, financial analysis, revenue planning, resource
management and allocation, third-party reimbursement, regulation, legis-
lation, and contemporary healthcare finance problems. (TBA)

Finance (FIN) 6353 Special Topics in Finance 3

Involves individual or small-group research of special topics or current
5113 Computational Finance and 3
issues in finance. Prerequisite: FIN 5303. (TBA)
Financial Modeling
Introduces Excel VBA, Monte Carlo simulation, efficient frontier, portfo-
lio optimization, asset pricing models, capital budgeting decisions, yield
6363 Internship in Finance 3
The internship allows students to gain practical work experience while
curves, and bond strips. Prerequisite: FIN 5303 (TBA)
integrating knowledge and abilities gained in earlier finance courses. The
intern must work with the internship coordinator and a faculty member,
5213 Portfolio and Risk Management 3
along with the sponsor for an organization external to the university, to
Course incorporates programming and data analytics. Calculate portfolio
develop an internship proposal. A written research report is required.
performance parameters, conduct security fundamental analysis with
Prerequisites: Completion of all required finance courses, advanced
ratios, and build optimized portfolios using the Index Model. Risk mea-
standing in the M.B.A. program, and completion of an approved proposal.
sures such as Value at Risk (VaR), Conditional Tail Expectations (CTE),
and Lower Partial Standard Deviation (LPSD) discussed. Risk manage-
ment strategies through hedging also covered. Prerequisite: FIN 5303
Graduate Education (GRED)
5303 Financial Strategy and Decision Making 3
Fundamental concepts such as time value of money and risk-return rela- 5013 Theories of Learning and Development 3
tionships in finance are presented in detail. Financial decisions faced by Explores major theoretical perspectives on how people learn and deelop
modern business enterprises are analyzed in the framework of financial thoughout their lives and how to apply those theories to educational prac-
theories. These decisions include capital budgeting, long-term financ- tice. (TBA)
ing, dividend policy, short-term financial management, and performance
evaluations. (fall, spring) 5113 Teaching Diverse Learners 3
Knowledge, skills, and strategies needed to create inclusive learning envi-
ronments that foster the success of all students. (summer)

* Denotes cross-listed course + Denotes dual-listed course

Graduate Courses /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

Course # Course Name Credit Hours Course # Course Name Credit Hours

5833+ Methods of Teaching Jounalism and Media 3 6681-3 Learning and Development Internship 1-3
Techniques of instruction to create learning experiences and environ- Allows the student to gain practical experience while integrating knowl-
ments that support differences in students and promote positive inter- edge and skills gained through program coursework. The intern must
action in the classroom; communication techniques that foster inquiry work with internship coordinator and faculty to develop an internship pro-
and collaboration and encourage critical thinking and problem-solving; posal. Prerequisite: Completion of program core coursework. (TBA)
instructional planning and analysis and critique of discipline models and
methods. Microteaching during the 30 hours of required field experi- 6903* Research Methods 3
ence provides opportunities to prepare and deliver lessons. (fall, spring) Introduces the student to research methods and statistics relevant to
Crosslisted: GRED 4833 counseling. Includes some statistical analysis. Cross-listed with COUN
6903. (TBA)
6103 Educational Technology in Practice 3
Credit granted for evidence-based practical knowledge of educational 6963 Instructional Design and Educational 3
technology in the workplace. (TBA) Technology Capstone
Culminating project designed to demonstrate and measure the growth
6113 Survey of Instructional Technology 3 and competence to effectively integrate technology to support teaching
Explores current trends in educational technology that is leveraged for and learning. Capstone projects are expected to demonstrate concepts
teaching and learning. Students will evaluate emerging technologies from learned throughout the program and will be tailored to the unique inter-
the context of various learning environments. (summer) ests of each student. Must be taken in the final semester of the program.
(fall, spring)
6283 Research Methods in Educational Design 3
An introduction to research methods relevant to instructional design and
technology education. A statistical component is included. (fall)
Health Professions (HP)
6313 Principles of Curriculum and 3 5002 Foundations of Simulation in 2
Instructional Design Healthcare Education
Integrated study of the principles of curriculum and instructional Theory course focused on using adult learning theories and evidence-
design as it relates to learning. Aspects of educational pedagogy will based practice to plan and design simulation activities. Students will
be addressed including lesson planning and sequencing, instructional explore various types of simulation modalities. (fall, spring, summer)
materials and strategies, and effective assessment and evaluation
techniques. (fall)
5004 Advanced Simulation Teaching Strategies 4
Theory course focusing on the implementation of simulation activities
6323 Teaching Methods Across the Curriculum 3 that comply with regulatory requirements. Facilitation and evaluation for
Content and methodology for teaching and facilitating learning in all sub- simulation activities will be explored to modify future simulation activi-
jects; use of national and state standards to support all learners. (fall) ties. Interprofessional simulations will also be discussed. (fall, spring,
6423 The Assessment/Instruction Loop 3
Best practices in assessment; connecting assessment and instruction 5014 Management of Simulation Environments 4
across the curriculum utilizing universal design for learning; basic sta-
Theory course focusing on using evidence-based practice to explore
tistics for educational settings; developing student learning profiles for
the execution of simulation across various healthcare related environ-
academic support; 16-hour practicum. (spring)
ments. Topics of simulation in risk management, quality improvement,
and research. Role of leadership in simulation will be presented through
6523 Classroom Management and Collaboration 3 resource management, quality management, simulation program opera-
Classroom management and organization; collaboration with families, tions, and advocating for simulation education. (fall, spring, summer)
colleagues, and the community to provide students support with academ-
ics, behavior, and social/emotional development. (summer)

6533 Creating Accessible Learning Environments 3 Information Technology (IT)

Theoretical and practical foundation for the creation of innovative and
engaging learning environments that leverage educational technology. 5113 Computer Programming for Data Scientists 3
(summer) A course designed to teach the fundamentals of programming as it
relates to the development of data science and analytics solutions. May
include software platforms Python or R. (TBA)
6623 Innovative Leadership 3
Prepares educational leaders to effectively plan, evaluate, and manage
technology that supports teaching and learning in K-12 schools today and
in the future. Prerequisites: None. (fall)

* Denotes cross-listed course + Denotes dual-listed course

Graduate Courses /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

Course # Course Name Credit Hours Course # Course Name Credit Hours

5213 Data Engineering 3

An integrated study of systems for collecting, sorting, and retrieving data Management (MGMT)
with a particular emphasis on relational databases. Software may include
Snowflake, SQL SERVER, MySQL. (TBA) 5213 Business Strategy for Creating Value 3
Focuses upon organizational, competitive, and environmental issues
5313 Data Visualization 3 confronting organizations and how firms identify, seize, and defend
Course on communication of analytical and data science results using opportunities in today’s dynamic and rapidly changing global economy.
visualization software. Software may include Tableau, PowerBi, and Emphasizing the agility of strategic thinking as key to creating value,
other visualization packages. (TBA) the course integrates concepts from strategic management, market-
ing, accounting, finance, and economics to develop understanding and
5413 Forecasting 3 applied mastery of related concepts such as environmental analysis,
Addresses tools and techniques required for analyzing business data for strategy formulation, sustainable competitive advantage, value-chain
forecasting. Includes time series analysis and time series forecasting, analysis, critical success factors, and tactical implementation. (fall,
and application of these techniques to support business decision mak- spring)
ers. (TBA)
5703 Ethical, Societal and Legal 3
5513 Predictive Analytics 3 Environment of Business
Addresses practices related to predictive modeling (decision tree, regres- This course examines areas of law and ethics that relate to the contem-
sion, neural network, ensemble and boosting models, among others). porary business environment. Areas of study include contracts, torts,
Includes modifying data for better analysis results, model training and white collar crime, product liability, anti-competitive practices, consumer
testing, machine learning methods, comparing and explaining complex protection, employment practices, business organizations, and the legal
models, generating predictions, and communicating results to help make and ethical responsibilities of business managers. (summer)
better business decisions. (TBA)
5713 Strategic Leadership of the Organization 3
5603 Advanced Data Analytics 3 This course enhances the student’s ability to manage organizations and
and Artificial Intelligence their members. The primary objective is to increase understanding of
Expand students’ knowledge of the role of technology and data in the organizational behavior theory and research and practice at the individ-
decision making process and in the planning and management of organi- ual, intragroup, and intergroup levels. Topics covered in the first mod-
zations. Students gain understanding of business intelligence, analytics, ule include individual differences; values, attitudes, and the perceptual
data science, artificial intelligence (AI), decision support systems (DSS), process; motivation theories; and learning and reinforcement theories.
data mining, machine learning, predictive analytics, big data, cloud com- Module two includes interpersonal communication, group behavior, lead-
puting, robotics, group DSS, collaboration systems, and the internet of ership, decision-making, power and politics, and conflict and negotiation.
things (IoT). (fall, spring) The third module comprises organizational structure and design, orga-
nizational culture, and organizational change and development. (spring,
5613 Big Data and Cloud Computing 3
Addresses concepts, tools, and techniques for using large datasets to
address business problems. Includes understanding big data concepts, 5723 Leadership and Management 3
common architectures, and using industry-standard tools to store, query, in the Energy Industry
transform, and analyze large datasets. Techniques related to importing Provides an overview of all sources of energy throughout all generation
and working with diverse types of data across different technical environ- and delivery cycles. Explores leadership and management in the energy
ments discussed and practiced. (TBA) industry with current, high-level energy executives. Evaluates the interac-
tions between land, legal, engineering, geology, geophysics, and product
marketing departments of an energy company. Enhances the ability to
6663 Business Systems Internship 3
manage organizations and members. Organizational structure, design,
The internship allows students to gain practical work experience while
culture, change, and development are studied. Future energy sources,
integrating knowledge and abilities gained in earlier information technol-
environmental issues, social responsibility, industry ethics, and leader-
ogy courses. The intern must work with the internship coordinator and
ship issues are also examined. (fall)
a faculty member, along with the sponsor for an organization external
to the university, to develop an internship proposal. A written research
report is required. Prerequisites: Completion of all required information 5733 Essentials of Oil and Gas Legal Principles 3
technology courses, advanced standing in the M.B.A. program, and com- Covers nature of property interests in oil and gas; conveyancing of inter-
pletion of an approved proposal. (TBA) ests in oil and gas; legal interests created by oil and gas leases; validity
of leases; habendum, drilling, and rental clauses; assignment of interests
of lessor and lessee; rents and royalties; and conservation of oil and gas.
Provides managerial issues and applications perspectives in addition to
basic legal principles. (spring)

* Denotes cross-listed course + Denotes dual-listed course

Graduate Courses /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

Course # Course Name Credit Hours Course # Course Name Credit Hours

6650 Management Internship 0 6743 Internal and External Communication

Allows students to gain practical work experience while integrating in the Energy Industry 3
knowledge and abilities gained in earlier business courses. (TBA) Social interactions necessary to conduct successful activities both within
the energy firm and its external constituencies. Special focus on negotia-
6551-3 Seminar in International Business 1–3 tion methods, marketing issues, and communication methods. (spring)
Advanced topics, current problems, and results of recent research in
international business are discussed in detail. Topic areas are assigned 6753 Special Topics in Management 3
to students, each of whom acts as discussion leader. Faculty mem- Study of current topics in business and management. (TBA)
bers from other universities and leaders from business or government
are invited to speak at the seminar. The focus of the seminar may vary 6763 Emerging Energy and the Law 3
in different semesters. Topics are announced in advance. Each offer- Graduate-level course study of laws, regulations, system, legal principles,
ing is identified in the current schedule and on the student’s transcript. and technology affecting current and future energy business decisions,
Prerequisites: Permission of the instructor and advanced standing in the operations, and plans with respect to established and emerging sectors
M.B.A. program. (TBA) in energy. Insight into laws and regulations impacting present day-to-day
and long-term energy business situations across the industry. Emphasis
6563 Special Topics in International Business 3 on administrative law and environmental considerations at the local,
Involves individual or small-group research of special topics in interna- state, and federal levels and globally in emerging energy, including renew-
tional business selected by students with approval of the instructor and ables. (spring)
chair of the international business program. The objective of this course
is to allow students to develop expertise in a region of the world or a cer-
tain industry. It may also aim to develop in-depth expertise about a spe-
cific topic in a functional area. Written research report required. (TBA)
Marketing (MKTG)
5103 Strategic Marketing Decisions 3
6643 Capstone Experience: Integrating
for Creating Value
and Applying Business Knowledge 3
This course is concerned with crafting marketing strategies and making
Using a combination of simulations, cases, and live-case client projects,
marketing decisions. At the end of the course, students should be able
this course integrates principles and concepts from all earlier course
to structure and solve rather complex marketing problems. Faced with a
work. Emphasizes management of the enterprise as a process of integra-
business situation, students learn to sort through the myriad facts and
tion using strategic processes and bound by the resources, environmental
data, structure a decision framework of relevant information, and develop
constraints, and ethical considerations of the enterprise. Must be taken in
a strategy that is comprehensive, detailed, and workable. Students learn
the semester in which student is graduating. (summer, fall)
to communicate their strategies both in writing and orally. The course
relies not only on the decision tools of marketing (concepts, theories,
6703 Strategic Management 3 analytical methods, etc.), but also on decision tools from other areas
of Healthcare Organizations such as statistics, accounting, finance, economics, psychology, and com-
Emphasizing best practices related to setting up and managing the orga- munications. (fall, summer, spring)
nization, this course focuses on managerial and operational concepts
including strategic planning; quality improvement, organizational strategy
5113 Digital Marketing 3
and design; individual, interpersonal, and team/group management; along
Theory and application of marketing in the online marketplace; digital
with employment and human resource management topics including
marketing tactics; digital marketing plan analysis. (TBA)
selection, staffing, retention, discipline, motivation, productivity, and team
building. (summer)
6143 Healthcare Marketing 3
and Client Satisfaction
6713 Energy Operations Management 3
Employs leading-edge knowledge from services marketing to integrate
Operational aspects of the energy business. Management of technologi-
key aspects of strategic marketing planning and implementation with the
cal research, development, acquisition, and deployment of resources.
achievement of practice-based objectives for assuring client satisfaction.
Development and supply of technologies as a sector within the industry;
Topics include organizing for marketing; psychographic, demographic,
drilling, services, transportation, and distribution chains. (fall)
and epidemiological analysis of the market; analysis of the product,
price, place, and promotion; competitor analysis; market opportunity and
6723 Medical Law and Regulations 3 demand for forecasting; market strategy; along with understanding the
Examines medical ethics, laws, and regulations pertaining to the obliga- nature and antecedents for client satisfaction; and the assessment and
tions and liabilities of health and healthcare institutions, health agencies, assurance of client satisfaction objectives. Prerequisite: MKTG 5103.
third-party payors, and healthcare providers. Significant emphasis deals (fall)
with enhancing students’ understanding of the Affordable Care Act and
its impact on healthcare practice and management. (spring)

* Denotes cross-listed course + Denotes dual-listed course

Graduate Courses /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

Course # Course Name Credit Hours Course # Course Name Credit Hours

6153 Special Topics in Marketing 3 and tuning as they pertain to repertoire studied. Functional keyboard
Involves individual or small-group research of special topics or current skills required.
issues in marketing. Prerequisite: MKTG 5103. (TBA)

Music Conducting (MUS)

Master of Business
5142 Conducting Seminar I 2
Administration (M.B.A.) Advanced conducting and score reading techniques. Prerequisite:
Permission of the instructor. (Offered on demand.)
5113 Special Topics in Business 3
Rotating variable topics course allowing students to develop expertise in 5242 Conducting Seminar II 2
a current business topic. (fall, summer, spring) Prerequisite: 5142 or permission of the instructor. (Offered on demand.)

5123+ Effective Leadership and Communication 3 5342 Conducting Seminar III 2

Facilitates the development of interpersonal and team skills leaders Prerequisite: 5242 or permission of the instructor. (Offered on demand.)
need to function effectively. Focuses on integrated behavioral competen-
cies demanded in organizations today: self-awareness, communication, 5542 Conducting Seminar IV 2
negotiation, collaboration, and relationship building. Students will work Prerequisite: 5342 or permission of the instructor. (Offered on demand.)
through individual leadership profile assessments, evaluate effective
leadership behaviors, and explore techniques and processes to commu-
nicate and negotiate effectively within organizations. Dual-listed with
MGMT 4123. (fall, spring) Music Diction (DICT)
5252 Advanced English Diction 2

Music Applied Courses In-depth study of lyric English diction, including various theories for
approaching the singing of English in opera, art song, and musical
theater. Dialect variations are introduced. (spring, odd)
5371, 5372 Applied Music—Bass Clarinet (AMY) 1-2
5471, 5472 1-2 5352 Advanced German Diction 2
In-depth study of German diction. (fall, odd)
5371, 5372 Applied Music—Bassoon (AMB) 1-2
5471, 5472 1-2
5452 Advanced Italian and Spanish Diction 2
5371, 5372 Applied Music—Cello (AMM) 1-2 In-depth study of lyric Italian and Spanish diction, including dialects.
5471, 5472 1-2 (fall, even)

5371, 5372 Applied Music—Clarinet (AMC) 1-2

5471, 5472 1-2 5652 Advanced French Diction 2
In-depth study of French diction. (spring, even)
5371, 5372 Applied Music—English Horn (AMQ) 1-2
5471, 5472 1-2

5371, 5372 Applied Music—Euphonium (AME) 1-2 Music Ensemble (MUEN)

5471, 5472
5061 Graduate Symphony Orchestra 1
5371, 5372 Applied Music—French Horn (AMH) 1-2 By audition.
5471, 5472 1-2

5371, 5372 Applied Music—Guitar (AMI) 1-2 5161 Graduate Wind Philharmonic 1
5471, 5472 1-2 By audition.

5371, 5372 Applied Music—Harp (AMZ) 1-2 5261 Graduate Jazz Arts Ensemble 1
5471, 5472 1-2 By audition.
5371, 5372 Applied Music—Harpischord (AMHC) 1-2
5471, 5472 1-2 5761 Graduate Chamber Choir 1
Applied lessons in harpsichord, focusing on technique, historical per- By audition.
formance practice, and harpsichord repertoire, primarily that of the pre-
Baroque and Baroque eras. Study of harpsichord construction, design,

* Denotes cross-listed course + Denotes dual-listed course

Graduate Courses /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

Course # Course Name Credit Hours Course # Course Name Credit Hours

Music Theory, Composition,

5163 Analytical Techniques 3
Introduction to music theory at the graduate level; course will cover a

and Literature (MUS)

wide range of theoretical approaches regarding harmony and harmonic
progression, form and structure, and style periods. (fall)

5011 Composition I 1 5213 Twentieth-Century Music 3

5012 2 Style and Structure
5013 3 A study of twentieth-century pitch organization, rhythm, form, media,
An advanced and comprehensive study of composition in a variety of techniques, and systems. (spring)
media. Composition major or permission of instructor. (fall, spring)
5222 Jazz Improvisation 2
5023 Opera History II (1850–Present) 3 The development of basic techniques used in the art of playing a sponta-
This course is a chronological study of opera, focusing on major operatic neous melodic line against a given chord progression. Includes the study
centers of development, significant composers, their music, and great of theory and its practical application to the instrument, and the study of
singers, including recording and video excerpts. (fall, even) jazz styles and the influence on performance.

5033 Advanced Vocal Pedagogy 3 5223 Choral Literature Seminar 3

An in-depth study of the vocal instrument, including vocal anatomy, vocal Introduction to the history of choral music from the Medieval Era to the
acoustics, and vocal function. Particular attention is paid to solving vocal 21st Century. Survey of composers, literature, style, and performance
problems, correcting misuse of the voice, and communicating accurately practice; analysis of major works. (spring, odd)
and efficiently about vocal technique. Prerequisite: MUED 3431 or permis-
sion of the instructor. (spring, even) 5322 Graduate Fretboard Harmony I 2
Introduction to fingerboard fundamentals, arpeggios, chords, and scales
5071 Composition II 1 in all keys in the first seven positions, realization of figured bass, har-
5072 2 monization of given melodies, reading lead sheet notation. Graduates
5073 3 are responsible for a written summary outlining an individual approach
An advanced and comprehensive study of composition in a variety of to teaching fundamentals covered in Fretboard Harmony I. Prerequsite:
media. Composition major or permission of instructor. (fall, spring) Graduate Guitar Entrance Exam. (TBA)

5102 Musicological Methods 2 5323 Opera History I (1600–1850) 3

An introduction to current musicological and ethnomusicological issues This course is a chronological study of opera, focusing on major operatic
of research and writing, including historiography, writing styles, critical centers of development, significant composers, their music, and great
and cultural theory, and musical analysis. (fall) singers, including recording and video excerpts. (fall, odd)

5113 Theory in Perspective 3 5422 Vocal Literature Seminar I: German Lieder 2

A survey of the evolution of music through an examination of musical A survey of German solo song literature with representative
changes as they become evident, with an emphasis on styles and compo- composers and poets presented in a historical, musical, and literary
sitional techniques. (fall) context. (fall, odd)

5133 Nineteenth-Century Analysis 3 5432 Graduate Fretboard Harmony II 2

This course covers the major genres of nineteenth-century music, includ- Continuation of fingerboard fundamentals, focus on arpeggios, chords,
ing, but not limited to, symphony, art song, opera, solo concerto, solo and scales in the remaining positions, realization of figured bass, harmo-
sonata, chamber music, piano character pieces, and tone poem. Any one nization of given melodies, reading lead sheet notation, jazz and com-
genre may be privileged more than others during a given semester. (fall) mercial music harmony. Graduates are responsible for a written summary
outlining an individual approach to teaching fundamentals covered in
5143 Score Reading and Analysis 3 Fretboard Harmony II. Prerequisite: MUS 5322. (TBA)
The course is designed to explore score reading and analysis techniques
through score study, listening, lecture, and class discussion as they relate 5513 Orchestration 3
to musical interpretation. (spring, odd) The study of idiomatic writing for the instruments of the orchestra.
Arranging of short compositions for small ensembles of varying instru-
5153 The Performing Teacher-Scholar 3 mentation. (fall)
A comprehensive course exploring various challenges and opportunities
faced by performing teachers and scholars in the 21st century, prioritiz-
ing skills necessary for a variety of career paths. (fall)

* Denotes cross-listed course + Denotes dual-listed course

Graduate Courses /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

Course # Course Name Credit Hours Course # Course Name Credit Hours

5532 Vocal Literature Seminar II: 2 5823 Keyboard Literature Seminar 3

French Mélodies Introduction to piano literature from the origins of keyboard instruments
A survey of French solo song literature with representative composers during the Middle Ages and Renaissance to the 21st Century. (spring,
and poets presented in a historical, musical, and literary context. (spring, odd)
5922 Guitar Literature Seminar II 2
5572 Keyboard Skills 2 Survey of the repertoire written for the guitar from the beginning of the
Students become equipped with keyboard skills used in many Classical period to the present day, the changes the guitar underwent as
everyday situations as a keyboardist—either as an organist, it developed into present form, the major composers who have written for
pianist, or harpsichordist. (spring, even) the instrument and the musical context in which they worked, and finally
the guitar’s position in the current musical landscape. (TBA)
5583 Music Theater Literature Seminar 3
A survey of the history and literature of operetta and musical comedy, 6071 Graduate Recital 1
with emphasis on the influence of each form upon the others. (fall, Students with a performance concentration (instrumental, vocal, opera,
spring) music theater) present a full recital (48–53 minutes of performing time).
Students with a conducting concentration present a thirty-minute con-
5611 Composition III 1 ducting recital. Students with a composition concentration present a full
5612 2 recital (50 minutes) of their works. The work in this course is done with
5613 3 the major teacher and with the approval of the student’s graduate com-
An advanced and comprehensive study of composition in a variety of mittee. (TBA)
media. Composition major or permission of instructor. (fall, spring)
6072 Graduate Comprehensive Project 2
5623 Orchestral Literature Seminar 3 This course represents the culmination of the Master of Music degree.
A study of representative symphonic and chamber literature by means of The work in this course is done with the major teacher and with the
analysis and discussion of form, style, and instrumentation. (spring) approval of the student’s graduate committee. (TBA)

5632 Vocal Literature Seminar III:

Italian and Spanish Song
A survey of Italian and Spanish solo song literature with representative
2 Nonprofit Leadership (NONP)
composers and poets presented in a historical, musical, and literary con-
5003 Leadership 3
text. (fall, even)
Orientation to nonprofit leadership through the assessment of the sociol-
ogy of leadership and integration of multidisciplinary perspectives on
5723 Organ Literature Seminar 3 volunteerism, civic engagement, boards of directors, talent development,
A specialized study of music for the organ from early periods into the and self-development. (fall)
twentieth century. (Offered on demand.)
5013 Advocacy for the Arts 3
5732 Vocal Literature Seminar IV: 2 Information about the opportunities and restrictions that nonprofit lead-
Songs in English ers face when working toward social, political, and legal change. Covers
A survey of English-language solo song literature with representative rules and restrictions in advocating for and development of changes in
composers and poets presented in a historical, musical, and literary con- social policy that shape organizational philosophy, planning, and pro-
text. (spring, odd) cesses. Emphasis on advocacy required by arts nonprofit organizations
to stimulate, educate, and build support for the arts, and building strong
5811 Composition IV 1 community and corporate relationships. (spring)
5812 2
5813 3 5103 Leadership and Management 3
An advanced and comprehensive study of composition in a variety of Sociological perspectives and classical case studies in organizations
media. Composition major or permission of instructor. (fall, spring) and leadership. Fundamentals associated with human and organizational
resources. (fall)
5822 Guitar Literature Seminar I 2
Survey of the repertoire written for the guitars predecessors from the 5113 Leadership and Management in the Arts 3
medieval period to the end of the Baroque, reading the various forms of Focus on leading an arts organization and personnel management
notation used from 1500–1750, how compositional and performance (boards, staff, artists). Students develop critical and creative thinking
practices changed over the time period, and how the repertoire that is about managing the arts and guiding adaptation to changes in the indus-
commonly performed by guitarists fits into a wider musical context. try. (fall)

* Denotes cross-listed course + Denotes dual-listed course

Graduate Courses /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

Course # Course Name Credit Hours Course # Course Name Credit Hours

5203 Research and Data 3 behavioral characteristics of donors who leave charitable gifts via their
Overview of research design, methodology, data analysis, and findings personal estates. (fall)
application for nonprofit and arts organizations. (spring)
5703 Resource Development and Mobilization 3
5213+ Marketing for the Arts 3 An analysis of the development and allocation of organizational, human,
Development, implementation, and evaluations of marketing strategies and financial resources essential to the emergence, evolution, and exis-
and tactics for arts organizations to promote the organization, encourage tence of nonprofit organizations. Exploration of fundraising, event plan-
support from stakeholders, develop an audience, engage the community, ning, planned giving, and additional organizational advancement meth-
and reinforce competitive positioning. Dual-listed with NONP 4923. (sum) ods. (fall)

5303 Program Evaluation 3 5713 Fundraising Management and Accountability 3

Essentials of evaluating nonprofit organizations and developing compre- Current approaches, issues, and best practices for motivating, assessing,
hensive plans to manage successful program evaluations. Integral for and recognizing fundraising professionals, volunteers, and groups;
reporting requirements, marketing, fundraising, program design, and con- budgeting; documenting and recognizing gifts; reporting and compliance
tinuous quality improvement. (spring) requirements; effective stewardship. (fall)

5803 Law and Nonprofits 3

5313 Introduction to Fundraising 3
Examination of law for nonprofits and their leadership. Exploration of
and Donor Behavior
legal and ethical issues and how to relate to the legal community through
Introduction to modern fundraising practices, definitions, and classifica-
board counsel. (spring)
tions; heavy emphasis on the professional standards, ethics, and current
best practices; examination of donor behavior as it relates to patterns
and trends in contemporary philanthropy. (fall) 5813+ Resource Development and 3
Mobilization for the Arts
An analysis of the development and allocation of organizational, human,
5403 Grant Writing 3
and financial resources essential to the emergence, evolution, and exis-
Grant research and development, and the specific writing skills needed
tence of arts organizations. Exploration of revenue development, budget-
for successfully writing grant proposals for external funding. (sum)
ing, fundraising, event planning, planned giving, and additional organiza-
tional advancement methods. Dual-listed with NONP 4223. (fall)
5413+ Nonprofit Financial Oversight 3
Development of a thorough understanding of organization finances, vari-
5903 Advocacy for Social Change 3
ous reporting responsibilities to existing and potential donors, and com-
Information about the opportunities and restrictions that nonprofit lead-
pliance with federal reporting requirements. Dual-listed with NONP 4413.
ers face when working toward social, political, and legal change. Covers
rules and restrictions in advocating for and development of changes in
social policy that shape organizational philosophy, planning, and pro-
5503 Marketing for Nonprofits 3 cesses. (spring)
Development, implementation, and evaluation of marketing strategies and
tactics to promote the organization, encourage the support of potential
6073 Practicum in Nonprofits 3
volunteers and donors, engage the community, and reinforce competitive
This course provides students with experiential learning in nonprofit orga-
positioning. (sum)
nizations. The Practicum in Nonprofits is an elective for students inter-
ested in an internship with a local nonprofit organization. Elective. (TBA)
5513 Fundraising in Practice 3
Current approaches, issues, and best practices to secure gifts of cash,
6903 Capstone 3
gifts-in-kind, and other types of donations from individuals, corporations,
Capstone experience culminating in a final project, career portfolio devel-
trusts/foundations, and governmental grant programs; direct response
opment, reflections, guest speakers, and additional trending topics. (sum)
fundraising; major gift fundraising; capital campaigns; events-based fund-
raising; and crowd-sourcing. (fall)

5603 Strategic Planning and Program Development 3 Nursing (NURS)

Introduction of various models of strategic planning for an organization
and its programs. Application of strategic planning and program 5004 Health Communication and Informatics
development that is fundamental to organizational success. (fall) in Advanced Practice 4
Professionalism is written, electronic, and verbal communications.
5613 Planned Giving 3 Synthesis of research literature, document design, formatting styles, and
Current approaches, issues, and best practices in planned giving; moti- manuscript preparation. Issues related to copyright law and plagiarism.
vation behind legacy/memoriam/tribute gifts; stewardship; tax implica- Use of technology and media formats in professional presentations, data-
tions and barriers to bequest giving; and demographic, attitudinal, and base management, and media formats. (TBA)

* Denotes cross-listed course + Denotes dual-listed course

Graduate Courses /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

Course # Course Name Credit Hours Course # Course Name Credit Hours

5103 Theoretical Foundations 3 national, state, and local levels. The influence of ethical issues on policy
of Advanced Nursing Practice development will be considered. (TBA)
Analysis and evaluation of the philosophical and theoretical basis for pro-
fessional nursing. Emphasis placed on continued theory development and 5804 Leadership Ethics, Law 4
application to practice, administration, education, and research. (TBA) and Healthcare Policy
Nursing and healthcare policy development from agenda setting, policy
5113 Theoretical Foundations for Advanced formation, policy implementation, and policy evaluation at the national,
Practice Nursing (DNP) 3 state, and local levels. Legal, political, and regulatory aspects of health-
Analysis and evaluation of philosophical and theoretical underpinnings care organizations and providers; critical issues encountered by nursing
of professional nursing practice, paradigms, applicability of nursing theo- leadership. The influence of ethical issues on nursing leadership and
ries, theory development and testing, use of technology. (Spring) policy development are examined. (TBA)

5202 Technology Management 2 6001-3 Independent Study in Advanced Nursing 3

in Nursing Leadership Variable course content designed to meet specific student needs.
Introduction to emerging technologies within healthcare organiza- Requires permission of professor.
tions. Examines the usage, integration, and surveillance of AI and Smart
Technology in healthcare settings from the perspective of nursing lead- 6153 Nursing Education Evaluation Strategies 3
ers. (TBA) Theories and strategies for evaluation of learning in classroom and clini-
cal environments. (TBA)
5203 Curriculum Development 3
in Nursing Education 6201-3 Advanced Topics in Advanced Practice 1–3
Domains of learning and curriculum theory, design, implementation, and Variable course content designed to meet specific student needs.
evaluation of nursing education curricula. Analysis of selected curricula
using established standards. (TBA) 6203 Advanced Pathophysiology 3
Principles of biochemistry, molecular biology, genetics, and nutrition are
5222 Technology Strategies in 2 applied to disease processes. Focus on principles, theories, and current
Digital and Online Courses research related to physiological and pathophysiological system altera-
Introduction to digital learning modalities such as asynchronous, synchro- tions across the lifespan. (TBA)
nous, blended, MOOCs, etc. Coursework involves facilitation and evalua-
tion of online courses. Analysis of professional, ethical, and legal implica- 6213 Pharmacology for Advanced Practice 3
tions. (fall, spring, summer) Focus on pharmacology and therapeutics used in the treatment of
selected health conditions. Emphasis on the decision making process uti-
5232 Teaching Strategies for Simulation 2 lized to prescribe safely and effectively, and monitor pharmacotherapeu-
in Nursing Education tics appropriate to the client situation. (TBA)
Introduction to the concepts of simulation pedagogy in nursing educa-
tion. Simulation-based educational strategies are introduced, preparing 6215 Advanced Health Assessment 5
course participants to function independently in simulation environments. and Diagnostic Reasoning
Analysis of professional, ethical, and legal implications of simulation. Application of advanced health assessment principles and skills with
(TBA) focus on deviations from normal in populations across the lifespan.
Opportunities provided to perform comprehensive and problem-spe-
5302 Quality Improvement and Safety 2 cific psychosocial, developmental, cultural, and physical assessments.
in Nursing Healthcare Leadership Analysis of collected client data used to determine client health status,
Principles and tools of quality improvement processes and programs. identify health problems, and formulate diagnoses. Prerequisites: NURS
Gain knowledge, skills, and attitudes to construct a safe healthcare envi- 6203 and NURS 6213. (TBA)
ronment for clients, families, and staff. (fall, spring, summer)
6223 Health Promotion and 3
5402 Teaching Strategies for Nursing Education 2 Primary Care of Adults
Educational theories and strategies for teaching and learning are inte- Health promotion, diagnosis, and management of common illnesses in
grated to address diverse needs and learning styles. The influence of primary healthcare practice with adult and elderly clients. Prerequisites:
legal and ethical issues on education will also be addressed. (TBA) NURS 6243 and NURS 6244. Corequisite: NURS 6233. (TBA)

5703 Educational Ethics and Healthcare Policy 3 6233 Adult and Geriatric Primary Care I 3
Nursing and healthcare public policy development from agenda setting, Healthcare of adult and geriatric patients presenting with acute and
policy formation, policy implementation, and policy evaluation at the chronic primary healthcare needs. Collaborative strategies used in
the implementation and evaluation of accepted medical and nursing

* Denotes cross-listed course + Denotes dual-listed course

Graduate Courses /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

Course # Course Name Credit Hours Course # Course Name Credit Hours

interventions. Research, teaching, and consultation skills integrated into 6342 Women’s Primary Care 2
clinical practice. Prerequisites: NURS 6223, 6243 and NURS 6253. (TBA) Clinical experience in management of care of women in the childbearing
years and gynecologic care across the lifespan. (TBA)
6242 Health Promotion and 2
Primary Healthcare of Women 6352 Children’s Primary Care 2
Conceptual and theoretical foundation for advanced nursing assessment, Clinical experience in well-child care and management of common pediat-
diagnosis, and management of selected healthcare concerns. Emphasis ric problems in primary care settings. (TBA)
is on primary healthcare of women and role development in clinical prac-
tice. (TBA) 6362 Adult and Geriatric Primary Care II 2
Healthcare of adult and geriatric patients presenting with acute and
6253 Health Promotion and Primary 3 chronic primary healthcare needs. Collaborative strategies used in the
Healthcare of Children implementation and evaluation of accepted medical and nursing interven-
Conceptual and theoretical foundation for advanced nursing assessment, tions. Research, teaching, and consultation skills integrated into clinical
diagnosis, and management of selected healthcare concerns. Emphasis practice. Prerequisite: NURS 6223, NURS 6233. (TBA)
is on primary healthcare of children and role development in clinical
practice. (TBA) 6403 Evolving Healthcare Systems 3
Explore innovation, accountability, relationship building, and leading
6254 Primary Healthcare in 4 change to function effectively in a rapidly evolving healthcare environ-
Advanced Practice Settings ment. Nurse advocacy promoted by planning for the future while meeting
Management of increasing complex client care with increasing indepen- current expectations. Prerequisite: NURS 6303. (TBA)
dence. Collaborative strategies used in the implementation and evalu-
ation of accepted medical and nursing interventions. Research, teach- 6412 Advanced Health Assessment 2
ing, and consultation skills integrated into clinical practice. Theoretical for Nurse Educators
concepts of organizational systems, healthcare politics, and policy used Application of advanced health assessment principles and skills across
to identify and solve complex problems. Four credit hours of practicum. the lifespan. Opportunities provided to perform comprehensive psychoso-
Prerequisites: NURS 6223, 6233, 6242, 6342, 6252, 6352, and NURS 6362. cial, spiritual, developmental, cultural, and physical assessment. Provides
(TBA) graduate students in the nurse educator track with graduate level theo-
retical and clinical knowledge required to teach health assessment to
6303 Contemporary Healthcare Organizations 3 students enrolled in basic nursing education programs. Does not transfer
Business and human relationship skills to guide the operation of contem- to nurse practitioner tracks. (TBA)
porary healthcare organizations. Evidence-based practice management
strategies to enhance leadership effectiveness in a variety of healthcare 6413 Transformative Leadership 3
settings. (TBA) in Complex Healthcare Systems
Critical insights from complexity science underpin the application of
6314 Healthcare Economics 4 transformative leadership principles to 21st century healthcare environ-
and Financial Management ments. Current and emerging healthcare trends are explored, analyzed,
Management of financial resources in the healthcare industry, public and and synthesized across the healthcare continuum with emphasis on
private healthcare funding, applied financial management, management innovation and professional development. (TBA)
resource systems, budgeting, and nursing resource allocation are exam-
ined and applied to modern health systems. (fall, spring, summer) 6414 Advanced Pathophysiology and 4
Pharmacology for Nurse Educators
6323 Research Integration in Nursing Practice 3 Study of physiologic concepts, adaptations, and alterations that occur
Development of an evidence-based project to enhance practice, educa- in selected disease processes using a systems approach. Principles of
tion, or administration. Analysis of quantitative and qualitative research pharmacology in relation to various patient populations and disease pro-
methodologies, models of evidence-based practice, and application of cesses. Builds upon previously learned principles of physiology, patho-
problem-solving in professional practice. Prerequisites: Statistics and physiology, and pharmacology. Provides graduate students in the nurse
NURS 5103. (TBA) educator track with graduate level theoretical and clinical knowledge.
Applies this knowledge to educational delivery in undergraduate nursing
6333 Research Integration for Advanced Nursing education programs. Does not transfer to nurse practitioner tracks. (TBA)
Practice 3
Introduction to translational research, emphasizing legal and ethical 6416 Management of Adult-Gerontology 6
responsibilities, professional role development, evaluation, analysis, and Acute Care Health Problems II
synthesis of evidence, evidence-based practice, quality improvement, and Examines the advanced practice nurse’s role in client-centered acute
implementation science. Prerequisite: NURS 5113 (Spring) care of adult and geriatric populations with emergent health needs.
Emphasis is placed on advancing competency in the formation and

* Denotes cross-listed course + Denotes dual-listed course

Graduate Courses /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

Course # Course Name Credit Hours Course # Course Name Credit Hours

evaluation of comprehensive evidence-based plans of care for complex 6703 Master’s Project (continued enrollment) 3
and multi-system disorders in adult and geriatric clients. Applies the Implementation of the project developed in Advanced Nursing Research
advanced practice nurse’s role in client-centered care of adult and geriat- with production of a final scholarly product. Prerequisites: NURS 6323
ric populations. (TBA) and completion of at least 18 credit hours toward the M.S.N. (TBA)

6503 M.S.N. Professional Practicum 3 6704 Acute Care Adult-Gerontology Practicum 4

Seminar and practicum experiences designed and arranged by the stu- Integration of advanced adult-gerontology theoretical knowledge and
dent with faculty approval, to provide guided practice in student’s area of clinical skills in acute and critical care settings. Prerequisite: NURS 6653.
specialization. Prerequisite: Completion of at least 18 credit hours toward (TBA)
the M.S.N. (TBA)
6711 Procedural Skills for Advanced Practice
6513 Management of Adult-Gerontology 3 Providers 1
Acute Care Health Problems I Procedural skills for advanced practice provider clinical practice - Family
Development of advanced theoretical knowledge; acute and critical care Nurse Practitioner and Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner.
settings, medical/surgical interventions, adult-gerontology acute care Emphasis on clinical judgement, informed consent, ethical decision-mak-
nurse practitioner practice. (Spring) ing, procedural techniques, safety, efficacy, scope of practice, resource
management, effective use of technology, interprofessional collabora-
6523 Management of Adult-Gerontology 3 tion. Prerequisites: NURS 6203, 6213, 6215 (Spring)
Acute Care Health Problems II
Development of advanced theoretical knowledge; acute and critical care; 6803 Advanced Health Promotion 3
medical/surgical interventions, adult-gerontology acute care nurse practi- and Risk Reduction
tioner practice. (Fall) Conceptual and theoretical foundation for advanced nursing assessment
and management of selected healthcare concerns/client populations.
6533 Management of Adult-Gerontology 3 Emphasis is on development of expertise in risk anticipation for individu-
Acute Care Health Problems III als and cohorts of clients and evidence-based practice(s) for specific
Development of advanced theoretical knowledge in acute and critical client populations. (spring)
care settings necessary for the care of clients requiring critical care,
emergent, or trauma service interventions. (TBA) 6813 Foundations of Community-based 3
Public Health
6603 Master’s Project 3 Examination of the core competencies necessary for successful public
Completion of the scholarly project developed in NURS 6323 that health delivery based on community needs. Examines historical and
includes well developed recommendations. Prerequisites: NURS 6323 theoretical background of community-based public health. The impact of
and completion of at least 18 credit hours toward the M.S.N. (TBA) political, economic, social, environmental, and cultural concerns on the
health of populations is explored. (spring)
6613 Adult-Gerontology Acute Care 3
Advanced Practice I 6814 Introduction to Epidemiology 4
Development of advanced clinical skills in acute and critical care settings and Data Management
necessary for the care of clients requiring medical interventions. (TBA) Introduces the basic concepts of epidemiology and biostatistics as
applied to public health problems. Emphasis is placed on the principles
6643 Adult-Gerontology Acute Care 3 and methods of epidemiologic investigation, appropriate summaries
Advanced Practice II and displays of data, and the use of classical statistical approaches to
Development of advanced theoretical knowledge in acute and critical describe the health of populations. (fall)
care settings necessary for the care of clients requiring medical interven-
tions. (Fall) 6824 Ethics, Law, and Healthcare Policy 4
in Community-based Public Health
6653 Adult-Gerontology Acute Care 3 Nursing and healthcare ethics, law and policy advocacy at the national,
Advanced Practice III state, and local levels are the focus of this course. The influence of ethi-
Development of advanced clinical skills in acute and critical care set- cal, political, regulatory, and legal issues on nurses in community-based
tings necessary for the care of clients requiring critical care, emergent, public health settings are examined. (TBA)
or trauma service interventions. Prerequisites: NURS 6513, 6523, 6533,
6613, and 6643. (TBA) 6853 Foundations of Psychiatric Mental 3
Health for Advanced Practice
Introduction to advanced practice psychiatric mental health nursing; theo-
retical foundation, therapeutic relationship, assessment and diagnosis of
psychiatric illnesses. (Spring)

* Denotes cross-listed course + Denotes dual-listed course

Graduate Courses /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

Course # Course Name Credit Hours Course # Course Name Credit Hours

6903 Advanced Psychopharmacology 3 multiple complex influences on the regulation, funding, and delivery of
Focus on therapeutic principles of psychopharmacology, neurochemical healthcare. These influences may include economics, culture, the media,
communication circuits, and the effects of psychotropic drugs. Emphasis healthcare reform, politics and special interests, environment, ethics, and
on the indications and actions of specific psychotropic medications in the other issues. Special attention is given to political and professional strat-
management of mental illness across the lifespan. (TBA) egies for creating and enacting effective policy change. (TBA)

6913 Psychiatric Mental Health 3 7114 Policy, Organizations 4

Nursing for Advanced Practice I and Leadership Theory
Focuses on the diagnosis and management of acute and chronic Examines organizational culture and leadership in nursing academic
psychiatric disorders. Emphasis on individual and group psychotherapy environments. Uses a theoretical basis to explore behaviors displayed
across the lifespan. (TBA) by organizations, the personnel within them, and leadership strategies
for producing successful outcomes. Analyzes current healthcare policy
6914 Psychiatric Mental Health for 4 trends that impact nursing education. Considers the influence nurse
Advanced Practice Practicum I educators have on local, state, national, and international healthcare,
Emphasis on application of theories, concepts, and skills to assess, education, and practice policy. (TBA)
diagnose, and manage acute and chronic psychiatric disorders using evi-
dence-based methodologies. Prerequisite: NURS 6853 and 6903. (TBA) 7123 Advanced Theory Development 3
This course explores various approaches to theory development.
6923 Psychiatric Mental Health 3 Strategies for concept identification, specification of relationships, and
Nursing for Advanced Practice II theory clarification are discussed. Students explore theory construction,
Focus on various theories for care for vulnerable populations, across the application, evaluation, and testing, as well as the relationship between
lifespan, experiencing mental and emotional distress, including co-occur- theory development and research. The coursework involves production of
ring disorders. (TBA) a mid-range theory. Prerequisite: NURS 5103. (TBA)

6924 Psychiatric Mental Health for 4 7124 Philosophy and Theory 4

Advanced Practice Practicum II for Advanced Practice Nursing
Emphasis on application of treatment interventions including medication Focuses on understanding current methods of epistemology as inter-
management and individual and group psychotherapy for the child/ado- preted through the history of science. Explores various approaches to
lescent and elderly client with acute, chronic, and co-occurring disorders. theory development including theory construction, application, evaluation,
Prerequisites: NURS 6913 and 6914. (TBA) and testing as well as the relationships between theory development and
research. Students develop a midrange theory on a topic relevant to the
6934 Psychiatric Mental Health for 4 advanced practice nursing role. (TBA)
Advanced Practice Practicum III
Emphasis on application of concepts of advanced-practice mental health 7203 Introduction to Nursing Education 3
nursing with patients across the lifespan. Focus on continuing develop- Professional nurse educator roles and responsibilities; evaluation of cur-
ment and refinement of treatment interventions, including assessment, rent evidence - research design, statistical methods, strategies to facili-
diagnosis, and management of psychiatric disorders. Prerequisite: NURS tate translation into practice; best practices for facilitating diverse learner
6924. (TBA) engagement; methodologies for content development, delivery, and evalu-
ation. (spring)
7001-3 Knowledge Synthesis in Nursing Science 1–3
Variable course content designed to meet specific doctoral student 7213 Transcultural and Global Healthcare 3
needs. (TBA) Focuses on diverse cultural perspectives in health and illness. Health-
damaging patterns of interaction, such as stereotyping, discrimination,
7103 Philosophy of Science 3 and marginalization are examined within a theoretical framework and
This course is focused on the understanding of current methods of submitted to ethical reflection. Enhances understanding of the global
epistemology as interpreted through an understanding of the history of dimensions of health and disease, various strategic health initiatives, and
science. The role of the scientist and scholar are explored as natural out- correlating healthcare interventions. (TBA)
comes of professional development both in individuals and in the disci-
pline. An understanding of the current state of science, post-modernism, 7233 Grant Writing 3
and future trends is gained by exploring cross-disciplinary methods of This course deals with the search for and procurement of funds from
generation of knowledge. (TBA) both public and private grant funding sources. Topics include interpreta-
tion of instructions, producing a successful proposal, the proposal review
7113 Advanced Healthcare Policy 3 process, managing grants received, and writing reports. (TBA)
This course focuses on advanced healthcare policy formulation and
trends at local, state, national, and international levels. Students interpret

* Denotes cross-listed course + Denotes dual-listed course

Graduate Courses /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

Course # Course Name Credit Hours Course # Course Name Credit Hours

7243 Organizational and Leadership Theory 3 environment. Analysis of research concerning the impact of evalua-
This course examines the theoretical basis for behaviors displayed by tion processes provides a foundation for evidence-based practices.
organizations and the personnel within them. Students explore leadership Prerequisite: M.S.N. with an education focus or nurse educator certifica-
strategies for producing successful outcomes by analyzing organiza- tion. (TBA)
tional structure, change theory, reward systems, environmental psychol-
ogy and culture, and other related factors. Patterns and predictors of 7544 Assessment and Evaluation of
behaviors within and between formal organizations are analyzed and of Nursing Education 4
interpreted by the application of theory and research findings. (TBA) Assessment and evaluation in higher education; methodologies for
designing, implementing, and evaluating testing and measurement instru-
7253 Translational Research and 3 ments; efficacy of leveled methods of assessment of educational effec-
Evidence-Based Practice tiveness; interprofessional collaboration; professional, legal and ethical
This course integrates research into practice with a focus on identify- considerations. (spring)
ing, summarizing, and appraising evidence for best practices. Students
explore such issues as the identification of practice and system prob- 7603 Introduction to Translational Research and
lems, evaluation of research studies and systematic reviews, develop- Evidence-Based Practice 3
ment and implementation of evidence-based practice guidelines, and Introduction to translational research to include practice change, inno-
use of evidence-based practice to improve outcomes for clients and vation, collaboration, stakeholder assessment, safety, quality, resource
healthcare systems. (TBA) assessment and management, data collection, utilization, and evaluation,
technology, evidence-based practice. Prerequisites: NURS 5113, 6333
7303 Advanced Bioethics 3 (Summer)
This course applies philosophical approaches to the development of bio-
ethical reasoning in terms of metaethics and normative ethics. Students 8102 Advanced Application 2
consider how the interplay of abstract thinking and cognitive science in of Qualitative Research
themselves and others influences ethical practices. (TBA) Designed to familiarize doctoral students intending to conduct qualita-
tive research with the epistemological and methodological foundations of
7403 Statistical Analysis I 3 their chosen qualitative design. (TBA)
This course covers intermediate statistical analysis, including the logic of
statistical inference, probability and sampling, tests of statistical hypoth- 8103 Qualitative Research Methods 3
eses, error theory, confidence interval estimates and procedures, intro- This course examines qualitative research as an approach to the genera-
duction to analysis of variance, and selected nonparametric methods. tion of knowledge. Students will analyze philosophical foundations and
The content also addresses bivariate correlation techniques, measures of relationships between research questions and specific qualitative meth-
association, and simple linear regression. Students use selected statisti- ods. Threats to reliability and validity of qualitative research are evalu-
cal computing software for relevant data analysis. Prerequisite: An intro- ated. Integrated into all aspects of research are considerations of ethics,
ductory statistics course. (TBA) human and animal protections, and scientific integrity. Prerequisite:
NURS 6323. (TBA)
7453 Healthcare Information Management 3
Professional nursing roles and responsibilities related to health informa- 8203 Quantitative Research Methods 3
tion, healthcare information systems, healthcare quality management, This course examines research designs for description, exploration, cor-
process improvement, health information technology, information tech- relation, and causal inference. Threats to research validity are analyzed,
nology infrastructure, data analytics, healthcare consumer outcomes and as are issues of design sensitivity and power, in experimental, quasi-
engagement, and health advocacy. (Fall, Spring, Summer) experimental, and non-experimental methods. Integrated into all aspects
of research are considerations of ethics, human and animal protections,
7503 Higher Education Issues and Trends 3 and scientific integrity. Prerequisites: NURS 6323, introductory statistics,
This course focuses on issues in post-secondary education in the United and NURS 7403. (TBA)
States and abroad. Students explore the history of higher education,
trends, legal concerns, the evolution of curriculum and educational 8302 Mixed Methods Research 2
philosophies, private versus public funding, college and university This course examines research designs that incorporate the strengths
governance, tenure, academic freedom, and other topics. (TBA) of both qualitative and quantitative methods. Philosophical and practi-
cal elements of design are analyzed as are rigor and threats to valid-
7543 Assessment and Evaluation 3 ity. Integrated into all aspects of research are considerations of ethics,
of Educational Effectiveness human and animal protections, and scientific integrity. Prerequisite:
This course focuses on development and implementation of various NURS 8103, NURS 8203. (TBA)
methodologies for evaluation of educational effectiveness. Integration
of professional, ethical, and legal implications facilitates development
of methods and strategies that advance the quality of the educational

* Denotes cross-listed course + Denotes dual-listed course

Graduate Courses /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

Course # Course Name Credit Hours Course # Course Name Credit Hours

8343 Advanced Resource Management 3 measurement, and post collection processing of survey data, with a par-
in Complex Systems ticular focus on primary sources of error in survey research: measure-
Advanced techniques of resource allocation within healthcare systems ment, sampling, coverage, and response. (TBA)
including evidence-based practice and evaluation of resource develop-
ment, dispersal, and expenditures within unit-based and aggregate 8503 Testing and Measurement 3
settings. (TBA) This course examines the processes of testing and measurement in the
educational environment. Methodological and statistical analysis of
8403 Statistical Analysis II 3 instruments and evaluation results is emphasized. Professional, ethical,
This course deals with selected multivariate procedures including, but and legal implications are examined in the development and selection
not limited to, multifactor analysis of variance and covariance; com- of effective testing and measurement instruments. Analysis of research
plex hypothesis testing; multiple, partial, and curvilinear correlation concerning testing and measurement tools provides a basis for develop-
and regression; and sampling theory applied to regression analysis and ment and selection of instruments. Prerequisites: M.S.N. with an educa-
correlation coefficients. Students expand their ability to use statistical tion focus or nurse educator certification; NURS 8203; NURS 7403. (TBA)
computing software for data analysis of greater complexity. Prerequisite:
NURS 7403. (TBA) 8513 Technology in Instructional Design 3
This course explores technology that is available to enhance instructional
8413 Population Health 3 design. The theoretical aspect of instructional technology is examined.
This course examines healthcare issues related to populations. Measures Current technologic instructional methods are discussed and the influ-
of population health and global health indicators are applied to evaluate ence of instructional technology on learning outcomes is examined based
the health status of selected populations. Students explore global and on theoretical support. Each student has the opportunity to design and
lifespan healthcare issues with an emphasis on factors that create vulner- evaluate curricular materials that include technologic innovations. (TBA)
ability for specific populations. The influence of moral, ethical, economic,
and access issues on the health of populations is examined. The effects 8533 Nursing Education Administration
of emerging health threats to populations are identified. (TBA) for the D.N.P. 3
Global and national issues in post-secondary education, historical and
8423 Clinical Practice Management 3 current; curricular and educational philosophies; operation of nursing
and Information Systems education unit within university organization; regulatory and accreditation
This course provides an overview of issues relevant to managing a clini- requirements; evidence-based process improvement and policy develop-
cal practice. Topics include personnel and facilities management; busi- ment; funding, governance, tenure, and academic freedom. (spring)
ness and other permits; licensing and liability concerns; vendors and sup-
plies; hazardous waste disposal; contracts with third party payers; billings 8543 Nursing Education Administration 3
and collections; marketing and customer service; and other aspects of This course focuses on personnel, financial, regulatory, and operations
practice management. Students also learn about medical records sys- management of nursing education units in a variety of settings including
tems; data sharing with labs, hospitals, and third party payers; inventory academia, healthcare agency education departments, and client educa-
software; computerized financial systems; and other aspects of data tion agencies. Students examine the relationship of the education unit to
management. (TBA) the parent organization. (TBA)

8443 Advanced Clinical Practicum I 3 8603 Applied Epidemiology and Biostatistics 3

This course provides individualized experience that enhances clinical Application of epidemiology and biostatistices concepts; use of infor-
expertise in the selected advanced practice specialty role. The student mation technology; determinants of health and disease; personal and
selects a practice environment with approval of faculty and develops environmental risk factors; incidence and prevalence of health problems.
objectives that demonstrate integration of knowledge gained in the pro- Examination of relationship between population level data and health
gram. Prerequisite: Completion of at least 18 credit hours. (TBA) outcomes. (spring)

8453 Advanced Clinical Practicum II 3 8612 Community Dimensions 2

This course provides an opportunity for the student to continue the and Systems Development
Advanced Clinical Practicum I experience or develop a new focus. The Utilization of cross-sectorial environmental, policy, and systems level
student selects a practice environment with approval of faculty and actions; emphasis on community engagement, empowerment, and organi-
develops objectives that demonstrate synthesis of knowledge gained in zational partnering; explores relationship between healthcare economics,
the program. Prerequisite: NURS 8443. (TBA) health policy, program development, and population-based care; explores
roles and responsibilities of governmental organizations to improve
8502 Survey Methodology 2 health status. (fall)
Addresses theoretical and practical issues in survey methods, survey
development, evaluation of survey questions, survey interviewing, as
well as response rates, alternative methods of data collection, survey

* Denotes cross-listed course + Denotes dual-listed course

Graduate Courses /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

Course # Course Name Credit Hours Course # Course Name Credit Hours

9000 Candidacy Exam 0

Candidacy exams are taken by Ph.D. students after completing all Opera and Music
Theater (OMT)
required courses, but before taking NURS 9903 Dissertation Seminar
and Dissertation hours. Ph.D. students are enrolled in this course in the
semester they will take candidacy exams. It serves as the mechanism for
communicating candidacy information and electronic submission of the 5223 Music Theater Analysis 3
exam. Prerequisite: All required courses in Ph.D. program or concurrent In-depth study of literary and other source materials of musical theater
enrollment in last semester of coursework. (TBA) composition and those compositions. (spring)

9102 D.N.P. Project II 2 5362 Opera Studio 2

Continuation of NURS 9103. The student designs and implements a doc- This course addresses the particular challenges of the singing-acting
toral nursing practice project related to a selected population or practice process through group exercises and the preparation and presentation
environment. (TBA) of opera arias and scenes. Emphasis is on expanding the performers’
expressive capacity. Methods of role preparation and scene analysis are
9103 D.N.P. Project I 3 applied to arias and opera scenes. (fall, spring)
The student designs and implements a doctoral nursing practice project
related to a selected population or practice environment. Prerequisite: 5482 Graduate OMT Acting 2
Completion of all coursework except NURS 8443 and NURS 8453. (TBA) Develops acting skills with special emphasis on strategies for preparing
scenes and monologues and on Viewpoints training. The class will use a
9112 D.N.P. Project III (Continuation) 2 variety of approaches including the work of Stanislavski, Sanford Meisner,
Continuation of NURS 9102 for students needing additional semester Anne Bogart, and Tina Landau. The students will apply class exercises
for project completion. The student designs and implements a doctoral and script analysis to the rehearsal and performance of scenes and
nursing practice project related to a selected population or practice monologues. (fall)
environment. (TBA)
5661 Music Theater Workshop 1
9203 D.N.P. Clinical Research Practicum 3 This course addresses the particular challenges of the singing-acting
Conducts original research with statistical analysis of data or conducts process through group exercises and the preparation and presentation
statistical analyses of previously collected data. Application of research of musical theater songs and scenes. Emphasis is on expanding the per-
skill and knowledge. Students work with course faculty to plan and con- formers’ expressive capacity. Methods of lyric, song, and scene analysis
duct individualized research project. are applied to musical theater literature. (fall, spring)

9903 Dissertation Seminar 3 5882 Opera/Musical Theater Coaching Project 2

During this course the student engages in the writing of the dissertation This course, along with the recital/paper, represents the culmination of
proposal and prepares it for defense. Prerequisite: Satisfactory comple- the Master of Music in vocal coaching. The work in this course, which
tion of the candidacy exam. involves serving as musical director for a production of opera or musical
theater, is done with the major teacher and with the approval of the stu-
9913 Dissertation I 3 dent’s graduate committee. (TBA)

9923 Dissertation II 3

9933 Dissertation III 3 Physical Therapy (DPT)

9943 Dissertation IV 3 7012 Health Promotion Across the Lifespan 2
During this series of courses the student proceeds with data collection Prevention, wellness, fitness, and disease management services; exercise
and analysis, interpretation of results, and writing and defense of the physiology, foundational knowledge, and clinical skills to select, perform,
final dissertation. A minimum of nine credit hours (NURS 9913, 9923, and interpret selected tests and measures; design appropriate plans of
and 9933) is required for the dissertation. The student registers for care to improve health, wellness, and fitness across the lifespan; impact
each course consecutively and may enroll in not more than six credit of healthcare policy on physical therapy practice across the lifespan.
hours of dissertation in one semester. If the dissertation and defense (summer)
are not completed by the end of NURS 9933, the student must enroll
every semester thereafter in NURS 9943 until the dissertation is com- 7014 Neuroscience 4
pleted. Prerequisites: NURS 9903 and formal approval of the dissertation Human nervous system; central nervous system structure and function;
proposal. peripheral nervous system; autonomic nervous system; concepts of
neuroplasticity; basic neurologic examination. (fall)

* Denotes cross-listed course + Denotes dual-listed course

Graduate Courses /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

Course # Course Name Credit Hours Course # Course Name Credit Hours

7112 Leadership I: Foundations of 2 7171 Clinical Experience: Part-Time I 1

Leadership Development Provide opportunities for the student to apply foundational classroom
Professional practice knowledge, skills, and behaviors as an entry-level learning; potential environments include acute care, sub-acute care, long-
practitioner; foundational aspects of the profession and professional term care, home health, outpatient clinics (neurologic, orthopedic, pedi-
behaviors; history of the profession; core values; ethics and juris- atric), inpatient rehabilitation, specialty clinics, and schools. Graded as
prudence; communication skills and strategies; and documentation. Credit/No-Credit. (spring)
7224 Clinical Examination and Intervention II 4
7114 Clinical Anatomy 4 Patient management skills for examination, referral and triage, thera-
Basic and clinical human anatomy; detailed study of the upper extremi- peutic exercise and soft tissue mobilization; medical screening and dif-
ties, lower extremities, pelvis, spine, head, neck, thoracic cavity, head and ferential diagnosis; systems review; medical referral and referral to other
abdominal and pelvic cavities; relationships between osteology, arthrol- healthcare professionals; impairments, activity limitations, and partici-
ogy, myology, neurology, and vasculature of these regions. (summer) pation restrictions with musculoskeletal system dysfunction empha-
sis; electronic medical records; clinical reasoning and evidencebased
7123 Clinical Examination and Interventions I 3 practice; effective interprofessional communication; select, perform, and
Patient management skills for functional mobility and locomotion; variety interpret selected tests and measures; design appropriate plans of care
of medical conditions; positioning; posture; bed mobility; transfers; wheel- to improve range of motion, muscle performance, balance, agility, and
chair mobility; gait; history taking; systems review; demonstration of occupational and recreational function. (spring)
skills for effective prescription, fitting, and training of assistive devices;
discharge planning. (fall) 7231 Service Learning II 1
Service-learning principles of preparation, provision of community ser-
7124 Management and Intervention for 4 vice, and subsequent reflection; promote preventative health, fitness,
Individuals with Neuromuscular Conditions I and/or wellness in one of three lifespan categories (pediatric, adult, geri-
Examination, evaluation, diagnosis, prognosis and assessment of out- atric); professional behaviors and patient/client management expecta-
comes for individuals with neurologic conditions; conditions commonly tions. (spring)
encountered by physical therapists such as Parkinson’s disease, Guillain-
Barre Syndrome, spinal cord injury, Huntington’s disease, post-polio syn- 7262 Research II: Evidence-Based Practice 2
drome, and other peripheral nerve disorders; etiology, pathophysiology, Develop clinical questions; search strategies to access best available
pharmacologic, and surgical management of condition; clinical decision evidence; appraise selected literature; use evidence to facilitate clinical
making in the selection and application of examination and intervention decision making. (spring)
strategies. (spring)
7312 Pharmacology 2
7131 Service Learning I 1 Primary drug classes and physiologic basis of action; drug general
Service-learning principles of preparation, provision of community effects and type of disorders used to treat; drugs used by patients receiv-
service, and subsequent reflection; promote preventative health, fitness, ing physical therapy; pharmacological intervention interactions with
and/or wellness in one of three lifespan categories (pediatric, adult, geri- physical therapy; drugs benefits and adverse side effects that impact
atric); professional behaviors and patient/client management expecta- rehabilitation. (fall)
tions. (summer)
7413 Foundational Musculoskeletal Sciences 3
7144 Applied Anatomy and Human tissue biomechanics; response of bone, joint, muscle, and other
Systems Pathophysiology 4 soft tissue to stress, injury, and disease; normal repair process and
Systems-based physiology and pathophysiology of body systems; surface effects of rest, stress, immobilization, nutrition, aging, and exercise; func-
anatomy, bony landmarks and muscle origin, insertion, action, and inner- tional anatomy and biomechanical movement of joints within axial and
vation; system-based approach to function, screening, medical diagnosis, appendicular skeleton; relationship between musculoskeletal sciences
and co-morbidities. (fall) and clinical practice, including goniometry, muscle testing, and provoca-
tion; effects of physical agents on tissue recovery from injury. (fall)
7162 Research I: Research Methods 2
Basic concepts of research methodology; using research literature to 7513 Gait and Motor Learning 3
inform clinical practice and to conduct research in the clinical environ- Mechanics and pathomechanics of human movement through the lifes-
ment; research design; research methods; outcome measures; research pan; theories of motor control and learning; biomechanical principles
validity; statistical analysis; ethical considerations and challenges of of human posture and movement; observational analysis of functional
research. (summer) movement tasks; normal and abnormal gait; commonly seen movement
impairments. (spring)

* Denotes cross-listed course + Denotes dual-listed course

Graduate Courses /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

Course # Course Name Credit Hours Course # Course Name Credit Hours

7613 Management of Individuals with 3 of tasks to other members of the healthcare team, such as the physical
Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Conditions therapist assistant and physical therapy technician.(summer)
Anatomic and physiologic basis of cardiovascular and pulmonary condi-
tions; examination, evaluation, diagnosis, prognosis, and management 817A Clinical Experience: Full-Time I 10
strategies including therapeutic interventions of individuals with cardio- Full-time experience in setting representative of PT practice. Graded as
vascular and pulmonary pathologies; the spectrum of cardiovascular and Credit/No-Credit. (spring)
pulmonary diseases from primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention to
long-term rehabilitation. (spring) 8212 Leadership Development II: Health Policy 2
Professional practice expectations; healthcare legislation, policy, and
7712 Psychosocial Considerations 2 payment; outcomes; risk management; quality improvement; and advo-
in Clinical Reasoning cacy. (fall)
Comprehensive management of chronic illness, pain, and/or disability;
personal, family, socioeconomic, culture, environment, and activity fac- 8214 Management of and Interventions for 4
tors; psychiatric conditions and disabilities. (spring) Individuals with Neuromuscular Conditions II
Examination, evaluation, diagnosis, prognosis and assessment of out-
8022 Management of Individuals 2 comes for individuals with neurologic conditions; ALS, multiple sclerosis,
with Integumentary Conditions VA, traumatic brain injury, concussion syndromes, cerebellar dysfunction,
Prevention and management of integumentary system; physical therapy and vestibular dysfunction; etiology, pathophysiology, pharmacologic,
examination, evaluation, diagnosis, prognosis, interventions, and out- and surgical management of conditions; clinical decision making for
comes for integumentary system; wound care, hydrotherapy, and electro- selecting and applying examination and intervention strategies (stimulat-
therapeutic modalities.(summer) ing or reinforcing inherent neuroplasticity, task-oriented functional train-
ing; using technology; functional training/self-care); treatment plan; mea-
8061 Interprofessional Seminar 1 suring outcomes; monitoring and adjusting plan of care. (fall)
Core competencies of Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC);
values and ethics; roles and responsibilities; communication; teams/ 8225 Management and Interventions— 5
teamwork; interprofessional events; interprofessional collaboration to Individuals with Musculoskeletal Conditions II
improve healthcare delivery and outcomes. (spring) Examination, evaluation, diagnosis, prognosis, performance of health
and wellness services, provision of interventions, and assessment of out-
8122 Assistive Technology/Orthotics 2 comes for surgical and non-surgical musculoskeletal conditions of upper
and Prosthetics half of body; differential diagnosis and screening for medical disease;
Purpose and design of assistive technology, prosthetics, and orthotics; referral to other health care practitioners; diagnostic imaging; coding and
relationship between the use of assistive technology, prosthetics, orthot- billing for services; health promotion, wellness, and fitness models; dif-
ics, and individual’s impairments, activity, and participation; evaluate the ferentiating musculoskeletal conditions in cervical and thoracic spine, rib
need for devices; recommend an appropriate device; evaluate the fit and cage, shoulder girdle, elbow and forearm, wrist and hand; clinical reason-
function of the device; implement an appropriate plan of care. (summer) ing, clinical decision making and evidence-based practice; interventions
(biophysical agents, manual therapy, therapeutic exercise, education);
8123 Geriatric Considerations 3 measuring effectiveness of interventions; plan of care development and
in Clinical Reasoning documentation. (fall)
Physical, psychological, social, legal, and ethical considerations for an
older adult client, family, and others important to client; gains, losses, 8271 Clincial Experience: Part-Time II 1
grief, and death and dying; common age-related physiologic system Provide opportunities for the student to apply foundational classroom
changes and pathologies. (summer) learning; potential environments include acute care, sub-acute care, long-
term care, home health, outpatient clinics (neurologic, orthopedic, pedi-
8125 Management and Interventions - 5 atric), inpatient rehabilitation, specialty clinics, and schools. Graded as
Individuals with Musculoskeletal Conditions I Credit/No-Credit. (summer)
Examination, evaluation, diagnosis, prognosis, performance of health
and wellness services, provision of interventions, and assessment of 8312 Leadership Development III: 2
outcomes for surgical and non-surgical musculoskeletal conditions of the Practice Management
lower half of the body and spine; health promotion, wellness, and fitness Business operations; management across the spectrum of physical thera-
model; differentiating musculoskeletal conditions in lumbar spine and pist practice. (spring)
lower body; clinical reasoning, clinical decision making, and evidence-
based practice; interventions; measuring effectiveness of interventions; 8323 Pediatric Considerations 3
differential diagnosis and screening for medical disease; referral to other in Clinical Reasoning
health care practitioners; diagnostic imaging; documentation; delegation Examination, evaluation, diagnosis, prognosis, intervention, and assess-
ment of outcomes; discontinuation of care for children with various

* Denotes cross-listed course + Denotes dual-listed course

Graduate Courses /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

Course # Course Name Credit Hours Course # Course Name Credit Hours

conditions; human development; age-appropriate management; family- physical diagnosis; clinical diagnostics; clinical medicine; pharmacology
centered care; health promotion and safety; legislation and policy; sys- and pharmacotherapeutics; and medical humanities and professionalism.
tems of care. (fall) This course will provide students with the analytical and technical skills
necessary to manage patients in the clinical setting. (spring)
8331 Service Learning III 1
Service-learning principles of preparation, provision of community ser- 5132 Hematology 2
vice, and subsequent reflection; promote preventative health, fitness, The Hematology course covers blood, blood forming elements, and
and/or wellness in one of three lifespan categories (pediatric, adult, geri- hematologic-based diseases. Crucial to understanding hematologic clini-
atric); professional behaviors and patient/client management expecta- cal medicine is a thorough understanding of the concentrations of clinical
tions. (fall) diagnostics and pharmacotherapeutics. This section of the course will
provide students with the ability to order and interpret the appropriate
8362 Research III: Critical Inquiry and Appraisal 2 diagnostic testing to manage hematologic disease. (spring)
Critical appraisal of articles; application of appraised research to clinical
scenarios. (fall) 5143 Pulmonology 3
The Pulmonary course offers students a comprehensive understanding
927A Clinical Experience: Full-Time II 10 of pulmonary disease with lectures in clinical anatomy; pathophysiology;
Full-time experience in a setting representative of PT practice. Graded as physiology; physical diagnosis; clinical diagnostics; clinical medicine;
Credit/No-Credit. (summer) and pharmacology and pharmacotherapeutics. Students will also develop
clinical reasoning skills and perfect physical examination techniques in
937A Clinical Experience: Full-Time III 10 group sessions. At the conclusion of the course, students will have been
Full-time experience in a setting representative of PT practice. Graded as provided the clinical decision-making and technical skills necessary to
Credit/No-Credit.(fall) address diseases of the pulmonary system. (summer)

9412 Leadership Development IV: 2 5154 Cardiology 4

Life-Long Leadership The Cardiology discipline is a comprehensive course utilizing multiple
Board exam preparation; case report finalization; future personal, post- concentrations in order to provide a thorough understanding of the organ
professional, and leadership development planning.(fall) system. Through the following concentrations: clinical anatomy; patho-
physiology; physiology; physical diagnosis; clinical diagnostics; clinical
medicine; and pharmacology and pharmacotherapeutics, and and medical
9461 Research V: Knowledge Translation 1
humanities and professionalism this course will provide the students with
Board exam preparation; case report development. (summer)
the analytical and technical skills necessary to manage patients in the
clinical setting. (TBA)

Physician Assistant Studies (PA) 5161 Geriatrics 1

The Geriatrics course is designed to provide students with a thorough
Didactic Courses understanding of the special needs of the geriatric population. The
course will focus on pharmacotherapeutics, clinical medicine topics, and
5118 Introduction to Human Form 8 clinical diagnostics specific to the elderly. The course will also present
The Introduction to Human Form (IHF) course is a comprehensive course physical examination techniques utilizaed in geriatric medicine. At the
utilizing multiple concentrations to provide an understanding of human conclusion of the course, students will have an understanding of how to
anatomy and basic guiding principles of disease and healing mechanisms manage the special needs of our older population. (TBA)
of the body. The IHF course will also introduce methods of patient inter-
action and physical examination, the historical context of the profession 5213 Urinary System 3
and a primer in medical terminology. Through the following concentra- The Urinary System course provides a thorough understanding of dis-
tions: clinical anatomy; pathophysiology; physiology; physical diagnosis; eases of the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. Disease of the male
clinical diagnostics; clinical medicine; pharmacology and pharmaco- reproductive system will also be presented in this course. Basic and clini-
therapeutics; and medical humanities and professionalism. This course cal science lectures will be provided in clinical anatomy; pathophysiology;
will introduce students to the analytical and technical skills necessary to physiology; clinical diagnostics; clinical medicine; and pharmacology and
manage patients in the clinical setting. (spring) pharmacotherapeutics. Clinical reasoning, physical examination tech-
niques, and topics in humanities will also be presented. At the conclusion
5123 HEENT 3 of the course, students will have the clinical knowledge and analytical
The HEENT (head, eyes, ears, nose, oral cavity, and throat) discipline tools to care for patients with urologic disease. (TBA)
is a comprehensive course utilizing multiple concentrations in order to
provide a thorough understanding of these organ systems. Through the
following concentrations: clinical anatomy; pathophysiology; physiology;

* Denotes cross-listed course + Denotes dual-listed course

Graduate Courses /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

Course # Course Name Credit Hours Course # Course Name Credit Hours

5223 Women’s Health 3 5322 Dermatology 2

The Women’s Health course is a comprehensive course utilizing multiple The Dermatology course is designed to provide students with the ability
concentrations in order to provide a thorough understanding of the organ to recognize many dermatologic conditions and how they are most appro-
system. Through the following concentrations: clinical anatomy; patho- priately managed. Topics include pathophysiology; physiology; physical
physiology; physiology; physical diagnosis; clinical diagnostics; clinical diagnosis; clinical diagnostics; clinical medicine; and pharmacology and
medicine; pharmacology and pharmacotherapeutics; medical humanities pharmacotherapeutics will be presented. Students will also engage in
and professionalism this course will provide the students with the analyti- group exercises in clinical reasoning and intervention. At the conclusion
cal and technical skills necessary to manage patients in the clinical set- of the course, students will have the knowledge and skills necessary to
ting. (TBA) address a wide range of dermatologic conditions. (TBA)

5234 Endocrinology 4 5334 Gastroenterology 4

The Endocrinology course provides students with a thorough understand- The Gastroenterology course is designed to provide students with a
ing of the endocrine system including pancreatic, thyroid, adrenal, and comprehensive understanding of diseases of the GI tract, including the
other systems. Students will gain knowledge of numerous discipline associated viscera. In addition to group exercises in clinical reasoning
concentrations including decision-making; clinical anatomy; pathophysi- and intervention, the course will provide a wide range of lectures in clini-
ology; physiology; physical diagnosis; clinical diagnostics; clinical medi- cal anatomy; pathophysiology; physiology; physical diagnosis; clinical
cine; pharmacology and pharmacotherapeutics. At the conclusion of the diagnostics; clinical medicine; pharmacology and pharmacotherapeutics;
course, students will have acquired the medical and analytical skills to and medical humanities and professionalism. At the conclusion of the
investigate and address endocrinopathies across the lifespan. (fall) course, students will have a thorough understanding of management of
the myriad of GI pathologies. (summer)
5243 Neurology 3
The Neurology course will provide PA students with an understanding of 5342 Infectious Disease 2
developmental and acquired diseases of the central and peripheral ner- The Infectious Disease course provides students with knowledge of
vous system. Content will focus on clinical anatomy; pathophysiology; numerous disease and treatment regimen for infectious processes not
physiology; physical diagnosis; clinical diagnostics; clinical medicine; covered in the other systems-based courses. The course will rely on
and pharmacology and pharmacotherapeutics related to the central and lectures in pathophysiology; clinical diagnostics; clinical medicine; and
peripheral nervous system. Students will also engage in exercises to pharmacology and pharmacotherapeutics. Clinical reasoning, interven-
enhance clinical reasoning and improve their skill and understanding of tion, and physical examination techniques will also be presented. At the
the physical examination of the nervous system. At the conclusion of the conclusion of the course, students will have an understanding of the
course, students will have a working knowledge to provide medical care complexities of treating specific infectious disease processes in both the
to patients presenting with the myriad diseases and syndromes related to outpatient and inpatient setting. (TBA)
the nervous system. (summer)
5355 Acute Care 5
5252 Behavioral Health 2 This course covers a wide range of topics pertinent to emergency medi-
The Behavioral Health course will provide students with an understand- cine and critical care practice. It utilizes the concentrations of patho-
ing of definitions, recognition, and treatment of psychiatric conditions. physiology; physiology; physical diagnosis; clinical diagnostics; clinical
Concentrations will focus primarily on clinical medicine; physical diagno- medicine; pharmacology and pharmacotherapeutics; and medical humani-
sis; pharmacotherapeutics; and medical humanities and professionalism. ties and professionalism to provide students with the analytical and tech-
The use of small group activities will lead to a greater understanding of nical skills necessary to manage patients with acute medical conditions.
the humanities, clinical reasoning, and interventions. At the conclusion (spring)
of the course, students will have an understanding on how to approach,
diagnose, and treat a wide range of psychiatric conditions. (TBA) 5361 Nutrition 1
The Nutrition course provides students with a comprehensive understand-
5313 Musculoskeletal 3 ing of the nutritional demands of metabolism in the health individual
The Musculoskeletal discipline is a comprehensive course utilizing mul- and in those with disease. Special emphasis will be placed on parenteral
tiple concentrations in order to provide a thorough understanding of the nutrition, special diets for DM, CHF, and hepato-renal disease. In addi-
organ system. Through the following concentrations: clinical anatomy; tion to covering topics in clinical medicine, pathophysiology, physiology,
pathophysiology; physiology; physical diagnosis; clinical diagnostics; and pharmacotherapeutics students will participate in group exercises
clinical medicine; pharmacology and pharmacotherapeutics; and medical focused on clinical reasoning and intervention related to a patient’s spe-
humanities and professionalism this course will provide the students with cific nutritional needs. At the conclusion of the course, students will have
the analytical and technical skills necessary to manage patients in the an understanding of how to manage the nutritional needs of patients in
clinical setting. (fall) the inpatient and outpatient settings. (TBA)

* Denotes cross-listed course + Denotes dual-listed course

Graduate Courses /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

Course # Course Name Credit Hours Course # Course Name Credit Hours

5372 Pediatrics 2 Topics include malpractice, understanding the inter-workings of the

The Pediatrics course is designed to provide students with a thorough OSBMLS, and the initial licensure process. Enrollment in the PA program
understanding of the special needs of the pediatric population. The is required. (TBA)
course will focus on pharmacotherapeutics, clinical medicine topics, clini-
cal diagnostics, physical diagnosis, and pharmacotherapeutics specific
to the newborn, infant, child, and adolescent. The course will also pres- Clinical Courses
ent physical diagnostic techniques specific to the pediatric population,
including comprehension of developmental milestones. At the conclusion 6014 Family Medicine 4
of the course, students will have an understanding of how to manage the This is a four-week clinical experience in an out-patient setting where
special needs of the pediatric population. (TBA) students work with board-certified family medicine providers. This
supervised clinical practice experience (SCPE) is designed to provide
5383 Capstone 3 the student with an interactive, problem-based learning opportunity.
The Capstone course is offered during the final weeks of the didactic Students will acquire clinical experience through evaluation and man-
phase. The purpose of the course is to provide the student with knowl- agement of both acute and chronic diseases under direct supervision
edge of procedural skills necessary for success in the clinical phase. by their Preceptor. The focus of the SCPE is to use the “Medical Home”
Capstone also contains an assessment component to assure students philosophy of primary care. This model is described as patient-centered,
are competent in their physical examination skills. As a final component, comprehensive, team-based, coordinated, accessible, and focused on
students will participate in an online curriculum for health professionals quality and safety (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality--AHRA).
known as the Institute for Healthcare Improvement Open School (IHI). This approach to patient care is emphasized while students participate in
The IHI curriculum will develop student’s understanding of inter-profes- the work-up, diagnosis, treatment, and education of the family medicine
sional practice, methods to reduce medical errors, health systems, and patient and their family. (TBA)
patient- and family-centered care.
6024 Internal Medicine 4
6111 Operationalizing a Medical Practice 1 This is a four-week clinical experience in both in-patient and/or out-
Introduces PA students to models of medical practices, topics in human patient setting where students work with board-certified internal medicine
resources, and strategic planning. Includes evaluation of payer mix, geo- providers. This rotation is designed to provide the student with an interac-
graphical influences on practice location, and provides examples of errors tive, problem-based learning opportunity. Students will acquire clinical
in practice management. Enrollment in the PA program is required. (TBA) experience through evaluation and management of internal medicine
patients under direct supervision of their Preceptor. The team approach
6121 Finances of a Medical Practice 1 to patient care and safety is emphasized while students participate in
Introduces PA students to factors influencing earnings and expenses the work-up, diagnosis, treatment, and education of the internal medicine
related to operating a medical practice. Topics include managing costs, patient and their family. (TBA)
acquiring capital, business loans, understanding accounting principles,
and W-2 versus 1099 employment considerations. Enrollment in the PA 6034 Medicine—Elective 4
program is required. (TBA) This is a four-week clinical experience in both in-patient and/or out-
patient setting where students work with board-certified medical provid-
6211 Accessing the Community 1 ers. This rotation is designed to provide the student with an interactive,
Introduces PA students to how a practice interacts with the commu- problem-based learning opportunity. Students will acquire clinical experi-
nity. Topics include identifying market forces, demographics, healthcare ence through evaluation and management of patients under direct super-
consumer behaviors, advertising, and marketing strategies to avoid. vision of their Preceptor. The team approach to patient care and safety
Enrollment in the PA program is required. (TBA) is emphasized while students participate in the work-up, diagnosis, treat-
ment, and education of the patient and their family. (TBA)
6311 Reimbursement, Documentation 1
of Care, Coding, and Billing 6044 Surgery 4
Provides PA students with the processes involved in receiving payments This is a four-week clinical experience in the surgical, in-patient, and
for their services. Topics include procedures to optimize third-party pay- out-patient setting where students work with board-certified surgeons
ment, navigating health insurance forms, claims processing, the EOB, and their physician assistants. This rotation is designed to provide the
understanding the major coding manuals, understanding SoonerCare and student with an interactive, problem-based learning opportunity. Students
CMS reimbursement, handling denials and appeals, and what constitutes will acquire knowledge and skills in the pre-operative, intraoperative,
insurance fraud. Enrollment in the PA program is required. (TBA) and post-operative management of the surgical patient. The student will
assist in the operating room as required. (spring, summer, fall)
6321 Contracts and Medical Law 1
Provides students with ideal components of quality employment con- 6054 Pediatrics 4
tracts. Contract topics include salary, benefits, CME, and special pro- This is a four-week clinical experience in an in-patient and out-patient
visions. Course also focuses on medical law relating to PA practice. setting where students work with board-certified pediatricians and their

* Denotes cross-listed course + Denotes dual-listed course

Graduate Courses /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

Course # Course Name Credit Hours Course # Course Name Credit Hours

physician assistants. Students will acquire clinical experience in the care 5213 Introduction to Evidence-Based 3
of children from birth through adolescence. (TBA) Interventions
Introduction to evidenced-based practice with emphasis on beginning
6064 Women’s Health 4 stages of therapy. Basic helping skills, scientist-practitioner approach
This is a four-week clinical experience in an in-patient and out-patient set- to psychodiagnostic interviewing, treatment planning, and incorpora-
ting where students work with board-certified obstetricians/gynecologists tion of motivational interviewing techniques to promote initial behavioral
and their physician assistants. Students will acquire clinical experience change. Theories of clinical intervention and diversity issues covered.
through evaluation and management of women’s health issues through- Prerequisite: Admission to the PSYD graduate program. (TBA)
out the reproductive and post-menopausal years. Participation in surgery
and assisting in labor and delivery may be required on this rotation. (TBA) 5313 Adult Psychopathology 3
Covers major forms of adult psychopathology; emphasis on the differ-
6074 Behavioral Health 4 ential diagnosis and diagnostic classification system (DSM); course,
This is a four-week clinical experience in the in-patient and/or out-patient etiology, and recommended treatments of disorders from a biopsychoso-
setting where students work with board-certified psychiatrist and their cial approach; ethics and diversity considerations included. Prerequisite:
physician assistants. This rotation is designed to provide the student with Admission to the PSYD graduate program. (TBA)
an interactive, problem-based learning opportunity. Students will acquire
clinical experience through evaluation and management of psychiatric 5413 Intellectual Assessment: 3
patients under direct supervision of their Preceptor. The team approach Theory and Practice
to patient care and safety is emphasized while students participate in the Introduction to the theory and development of individually administered
work-up, diagnosis, treatment, and education of the psychiatric patient. standardized intelligence and achievement tests; administration, scoring,
(TBA) and interpretation of both verbal and nonverbal tests of cognitive func-
tioning for children, adolescents, and adults; ethic and diversity issues in
6084 Emergency Medicine 4 test use and interpretation; covers report writing and case presentation.
This is a four-week clinical experience in emergency department setting Prerequisite: Admission to the PSYD graduate program. (TBA)
where students work with board-certified emergency medicine provid-
ers. This rotation is designed to provide the student with an interactive, 5471 Psychological Testing Practicum 1
problem-based learning opportunity. Students will acquire clinical experi- Practicum in administration, scoring, and interpretation of objective
ence through evaluation and management of critically ill patients under psychological tests under faculty supervision in clinical setting. Report
direct supervision of their Preceptor. The team approach to patient care writing and feedback involved. Prerequisite: Admission to the PSYD
and safety is emphasized while students participate in the work-up, diag- graduate program. (TBA)
nosis, treatment, and education of the emergency medicine patient and
their family. (TBA) 5513 Ethics and Professional 3
Issues in Clinical Practice
6094 Preceptorship and Summative Process 4 APA ethical principles, standards, and laws regulating psychological
This is a unique course that is designed to include a supervised clini- practice; recommended practices for enhancing ethical decision-making.
cal practice experience (SCPE) component and a summative process Prerequisite: Admission to the PSYD graduate program. (TBA)
component, prior to the completion of the PA program curriculum. The
Preceptorship SCPE provides the student with an opportunity to gain 5613 Diversity in Clinical Practice 3
additional knowledge and skills in an inpatient or outpatient clinical set- Examines impact of gender, social class, race, culture, sexual orientation
ting of their choice. The 4-week SCPE is designed to provide the student on clinical practice. Examines bias and values; promotes self-awareness.
with an interactive, problem-based learning opportunity for the medi- (TBA)
cal discipline of their choosing. The summative process portion of the
course includes the program’s summative evaluation of student medical 5713 Personality Assessment: 3
knowledge, skill, and behaviors and additional preparation for national Theory and Practice
board examination prior to the completion of the PA program curriculum. Introduction to the theory and development of objective personality tests;
(TBA) test standards and construction; administration, scoring, and interpreta-
tion of personality tests for older children, adolescents, and adults; ethics
and diversity issues in test use and interpretation; covers report writing
Psychology (PSYC) and case presentation. Prerequisite: Admission to the PSYD graduate
program. (TBA)
5113 Advanced Research Design 3
Evaluation of group designs; principles and techniques of scientific 5813 Advanced Evidence-Based Interventions 3
observation, measurement, and control; addresses each phase of Detailed examination of evidence-based psychological interventions
research process from design, conduct, analysis, and written for adult, adolescent, and childhood disorders. Cognitive behavioral
reporting of research. (TBA)

* Denotes cross-listed course + Denotes dual-listed course

Graduate Courses /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

Course # Course Name Credit Hours Course # Course Name Credit Hours

interventions and other empirically supported interventions covered. 6713 Models of Psychotherapy 3
Prerequisite: Admission to the PSYD graduate program. (TBA) Graduate level exploration of traditional and current models of psycho-
therapy and associated personality theories. (TBA)
5913 Child and Adolescent Psychopathology 3
Covers psychological disorders seen in children and adolescents; 7113 Clinical Research and Design 3
emphasis on the differential diagnosis and diagnostic classification Theory and methods of behavioral assessment and the use of single
system (DSM); course, etiology from biopsychosocial approach, and subject research designs to assess and monitor treatment effective-
evidence-based treatments; ethics and diversity considerations included. ness; review of behavioral theory and learning principles. Prerequisite:
Prerequisite: Admission to the PSYD graduate program. (TBA) Admission to the PSYD graduate program. (TBA)

6173 Clinical Psychology Practicum 3 7213 Psychological Consultation 3

and Seminar I and Supervision
Applied supervised practice in clinics, specialized training centers, hospi- Examines the theories and empirical underpinnings of the process of pro-
tals, and other mental health settings while under supervision. Students viding effective psychological consultation and supervision services to
are responsible for arranging own transportation to site. Weekly clinical healthcare providers, school personnel, and other professionals who work
team meetings to cover professional development issues and case staff- in a variety of settings. Challenges in providing consultations and supervi-
ing. Prerequisite: Admission to the PSYD graduate program. (TBA) sion services addressed. Prerequisite: Admission to the PSYD graduate
program. (TBA)
6183 Master’s Research Project 3
Empirical research and writing under direction of faculty member; empiri- 7313 Applied Social Psychology 3
cal investigation of a selected topic in psychology; oral presentation of Covers research and theories in social psychology; emphasis on the
project; submission of written research findings. Prerequisite: Admission application of social principles in applied settings. (TBA)
to the PSYD graduate program.
7413 Biological Basis of Behavior 3
6213 Psychological Interventions and Health 3 and Clinical Psychopharmacy
Provides overview of the research, theory, and practice of health psy- Biological influences of behavior; covers physiological basis of behav-
chology with emphasis on the prevention, promotion, and treatment of ior, perception, emotion, and self-regulation; theoretical and biological
health related behaviors through evidence-based practice. Prerequisite: basis for psychopharmacological interventions for clinical disorders.
Admission to the PSYD graduate program. (TBA) Prerequisite: Admission to the PSYD graduate program. (TBA)

6283 Master’s Research Project (Continuation) 3 7513 Introduction to Rural Mental Health 3
Continuance of master’s research project. Prerequisite: Six hours of PSYC Introduction to rural mental health; concentration on barriers to mental
6183. healthcare in rural communities including geographic, economic, and cul-
tural. Diversity, legal, and ethical issues covered. (TBA)
6313 Advanced Lifespan Development 3
Overview of individual development across the lifespan; presents nor- 7613 Applied Gerontology: 3
mal developmental issues in the context of changing cultural demands, Assessment and Intervention
technological impacts, and innate psychological stages. Prerequisite: Recommended practices in the assessment and treatment of mental
Admission to the PSYD graduate program. (TBA) health related conditions in older adults; issues of aging, mental health,
and neurocognitive disorders in the elderly; geriatric case management
6413 Statistical Methods 3 and interdisciplinary consultation; ethical and legal issues. Prerequisite:
Overview of inferential statistics; hypothesis testing, population sam- Admission to the PSYD graduate program. (TBA)
pling, and analysis of regression and prediction. Review of nonparamet-
ric and parametric tests. Includes chi square, z-test, t-test, Analysis of 7813 Trauma: Assessment and Treatment 3
Variance, and Analysis of Covariance. Use of computerized software Covers the recommended assessment and evidenced-based interventions
in statistical analysis of data; application of statistical procedures to for victims of trauma; evidence-based approaches for addressing trauma
research design. (TBA) and crisis intervention on multiple levels; applications to case concep-
tualization and treatment planning. Prerequisite: Admission to the PSYD
6513 Clinical Intervention with Families 3 graduate program. (TBA)
Covers theories and techniques used for providing therapy with fami-
lies and couples; covers key concepts in group dynamics and processes; 7913 Clinical Perspectives on Trauma 3
assessment of group dynamics and processes; application of research Introduction to theoretical and applied issues related to trauma; introduc-
findings to assessment of family dynamics and evidence-based interven- tion to various forms of trauma; risk and protective factors within biopsy-
tions with families and couples. Prerequisite: Admission to the PSYD chosocial framework; therapeutic and self-care issues; considerations for
graduate program. (TBA)

* Denotes cross-listed course + Denotes dual-listed course

Graduate Courses /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

Course # Course Name Credit Hours Course # Course Name Credit Hours

special populations; legal and ethical issues. Prerequisite: Admission to 8413 Advanced Psychological Assessment 3
the PSYD graduate program. (TBA) Advanced course in assessment with more specialized assessment
instruments utilized in neuropsychological evaluations and forensic
8113 Addictions: Theory and Research 3 evaluations; diversity, legal, and ethical issues covered. Prerequisites:
Introduction to research; theoretical and philosophical underpinnings Admission to the PSYD graduate program, PSYC 5413 and PSYC 5713.
of addictive behavior; dual diagnosis; ethics; diversity issues related to (TBA)
addiction. Prerequisite: Admission to the PSYD graduate program. (TBA)
8513 Cognitive and Affective Basis of Behavior 3
8173 Clinical Psychology 3 Investigation of how human behavior is influenced by cognition and
Practicum and Seminar II affect. Surveys theories and core concepts in learning, memory, affect,
Advanced applied supervised practice in clinics, specialized training emotion, motivation, and executive functions. Critical evaluation, inte-
centers, hospitals, and other mental health settings while under supervi- gration, and application of theoretical findings to clinical practice.
sion. Students are responsible for arranging own transportation to site. Prerequisite: Admission to the PSYD graduate program. (TBA)
Weekly clinical team meetings to cover professional development issues
and case staffing. Prerequisite: Admission to the PSYD graduate program, 8613 History and Systems of Psychology 3
PSYC 6173. Graduate level survey of the historical roots, the development of the disci-
pline, and the processes of psychological investigation and theory. (TBA)
8183 Doctoral Research Project 3
Empirical research and writing under direction of a faculty member;
empirical investigation of selected topic in psychology; oral presenta-
tion of findings; submission of written research findings. Prerequisites:
Religious Education (REL)
Admission to the PSYD graduate program, PSYC 6183. 5733 Adolescent World 3
The personal, social, and spiritual development of the adolescent in
8213 Addiction: Assessment and Intervention 3 relationship to the Christian faith. The resources of the church directed
Recommended practices in the assessment and treatment of addic- toward the religious needs of youth. (TBA)
tive disorders; selection, administration, and interpretation of assess-
ment methods and techniques; diagnosis and treatment planning; 5763 Rites and Rituals in the Faith Pilgrimage 3
recommended interventions and treatment related issues. Prerequisite: An exploration of the nature and functions of rites of passage and rituals
Admission to the PSYD graduate program. (TBA) of the church with implications for the congregation’s educational minis-
try. (TBA)
8233 Teaching Practicum 3
Covers recommended teaching methods and problems encountered while 5881–3 Seminar in Religious Education 1–3
teaching at the college level. May concurrently teach a course in introduc- Special topics not normally covered in standard courses, e.g., attendance
tory psychology, statistics laboratory, or research methods laboratory. at the National CEF conference. (TBA)
Prerequisite: Admission to the PSYD graduate program, completion of 51
graduate hours.
5891-3 Special Topics 1–3
A variable-credit course designed to meet needs of students such as the
8273 Clinical Psychology Internship 3 Summer School on Chemical Dependency. Special topics not normally
Completion of yearlong pre-doctoral internships; advanced supervised offered in standard courses. (TBA)
practice in clinics, specialized training centers, hospitals, and other men-
tal health settings while under supervision. Prerequisites: Admission to
the PSYD graduate program, PSYC 6173, and PSYC 8173.
Theatre (THRE)
8283 Doctorial Research Project (Continuation) 3
Continuance of doctoral research project. Prerequisite: Six hours of PSYC 5331 Critical Approaches to Film and Television 1
8183. This course introduces current critical theories, debates, and discourses
surrounding film, television, and digital media production and reception.
8313 Mental Healthcare Administration 3 The course will survey major critical lenses through which to analyze and
Role of psychologist as administrator and consultant; referral processes, critique a student’s individual work and seminal screen texts. The course
billing procedures, and issues related to administrative practices; health- is delivered by lecture/seminar and culminates in a research paper and
care system, policies, business models, integration of psychologist into verbal presentation of a topic of the student’s choosing. (TBA)
primary care, and recommended administrative practices. (TBA)

* Denotes cross-listed course + Denotes dual-listed course

Graduate Courses /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

Course # Course Name Credit Hours Course # Course Name Credit Hours

5503 Acting V: Shakespeare 3 script development processes, and other industry processes and pro-
A study of the verse-speaking techniques required in the plays of William tocols. Students will undertake group and individual research projects
Shakespeare, along with an exploration of the Elizabethan culture and focused on aspects of recorded media and industry practices. (TBA)
style. (TBA)
5752 Acting for Commercials 2
5516 Actor’s Core I 6 This course introduces the technique and skills of auditioning for com-
This course consists of the independent classes Acting I, Voice and mercials. The course culminates in a series of masterclasses delivered
Speech I, and Movement I. It explores the practical, artistic, and interper- at a major Hollywood commercial casting office. You will be assessed
sonal skills needed to be able to prepare a performance for the camera through a working journal and a series of practical projects. (TBA)
to a professional standard. Students will be assessed through a working
journal, reflective statements, direct observation, and small group perfor- 5773 Actor–Industry Lab 3
mances. (TBA) In this course, small pods of 2-4 industry guests work with students on
a biweekly basis. The topic of each industry week varies, including audi-
5526 Actor’s Core II 6 tions, professional actor materials, scene work, and creative projects.
This course builds upon Actor’s Core I and includes the individual classes Each pod is unique, with guests hailing from different areas of the indus-
Acting II, Voice and Speech II, and Movement II. This course explores the try. Students will be assessed through a working journal, contribution to
practical, artistic, and interpersonal skills needed to be able to prepare a process, and the showcase presentation. (TBA)
performance for the camera to a professional standard. Included along-
side Voice and Speech II is an intensive Motion Caption module. Students 6503 Acting IV: Intermediate Acting, Chekhov 3
will be assessed through a working journal, reflective statements, direct Students are exposed to the concepts of period movement and research,
observation, and small group performances. (TBA) learn the waltz (a metaphor for historical periods’ norms of behavior),
while finishing their exploration of realistic acting techniques. (TBA)
5614 Independent Project I 4
This course explores the practical, artistic, and interpersonal skills stu- 6517 Style and Techniques I 7
dents need to be able to concept, develop, and produce (pre-production, Studio-based training in acting classical texts, voice, and movement. A
production, and post-production) original content for film, television, and range of methodologies including Stanislavski, Chekhov, Demidov, and
digital platforms. Students will complete a series of practical creative Bing/Lecoq to be employed. Exploration of Japanese and Indian methods
projects that will vary in genre, style, format, and length. Students will be of classical performance as well as radical contemporary approaches
assessed through a working journal, direct observation of process, and that re-interpret and challenge key classical texts. Voice module to
small group practical projects. include Linklater, Chekhov, and Berry techniques while movement work
will include exploration of ensemble and choral movement, intra-cultural
5625 Independent Project II 5 play, improvisation, call and response, animal, clown, and Commedia
This course continues the work of Independent Project I exploring the dell’arte. Range of methodologies used as relates to character develop-
practical, artistic, and interpersonal skills students need to be able to ment, vocal production, and movement on camera. (fall)
concept, develop, write, and produce original content, with an additional
focus on pitching/distributing content. Students will complete a series of 6527 Style and Techniques II 7
practical creative projects that will vary in genre, style, format, and length. Studio-based training in psycho-physical character acting/direction used
Students will be assessed through a working journal, direct observation for a wide spectrum of acting styles. Expands the work of the autumn
of process, and small group practical projects. term, drawing on techniques developed by Cristal Truscott’s SoulWork,
Stanislavski’s MPA and Active Analysis, and Viewpoints. Introduces
5712 Bridges to Industry I 2 students to the various modes of text/dramaturgy and related acting
This course explores the business aspects of pursuing a career as an on- systems, their critical and cultural contexts. Provides exploration of addi-
camera actor and content creator. Multiple Los Angeles based industry tional dialects and accents, fractured narrative and digital performance,
professionals will conduct workshops, panels, and masterclasses related audio work, Bogart’s Vocal Viewpoints, and singing. Movement module
to theatrical and commercial casting, agents and managers, unions and will extend to look at other movement skills including dramatic violence,
contracts, script development processes, and other industry processes performance capture, and issues of embodiment and wellbeing. (spring)
and protocols. Students will undertake group and individual research proj-
ects focused on aspects of recorded media and industry practices. (TBA) 6617 Production Project 7
Students will be introduced to script selection and adaptation tech-
5722 Bridges to Industry II 2 niques, storytelling, scriptwriting and cinematography principles, location
This course builds upon Bridges to Industry I. Students will continue to selection, editing and film aesthetics. Responding to a set series of key
explore the business aspects of pursuing a career as an on-camera actor themes, students will prepare, produce, and record a short form drama
and content creator. Multiple Los Angeles based industry professionals for the camera using commercial-level devices both in and out of studio
will conduct workshops, panels, and masterclasses related to theatrical settings. Students, working in groups, will select appropriate on-cam-
and commercial casting, agents and managers, unions and contracts, era acting methods and are required to prepare, rehearse, and perform

* Denotes cross-listed course + Denotes dual-listed course

Graduate Courses /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

Course # Course Name Credit Hours Course # Course Name Credit Hours

original and/or adapted material in front of the camera. The films will be
screened at the end of term at the Goldsmiths cinema. (fall)

6628 Thesis Project 8

A short film or coherent compilation of scene studies (up to 10 minutes in
duration) that showcase the depth of acting technique and characteriza-
tion work. Working with a writing mentor, students will gain an under-
standing of filmic storytelling and aesthetics in a format of interest to the
wider industry. Working in groups of three and four, students will explore/
select concept, structure, and acting methodologies and approaches to
character suited to their work. Thesis projects will be designed in consul-
tation with supervising staff. (spring)

* Denotes cross-listed course + Denotes dual-listed course

Graduate Courses /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

Trustees & Personnel
Board of Trustees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
Officers of the Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
Trustees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148

Officers of the University . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148

Senior Administrators. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
Leaders of Academic Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
Assistant/Associate Leaders of Academic Units. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
The Faculty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
Petree College of Arts and Sciences. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
Meinders School of Business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
Ann Lacy School of American Dance and Entertainment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
Wanda L. Bass School of Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
School of Theatre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
Kramer School of Nursing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
Physical Therapy Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
Physician Assistant Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
Dulaney-Browne Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
Emeritus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156

Trustees & Personnel /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

Board of Trustees Officers of Senior Administrators
Officers of the Board the University Christopher Day
Director of Financial Aid
Jane Jayroe Gamble, Chairman • B.S., Oklahoma City University
Kenneth R. Evans
Nicholas Harroz, III, Vice-Chairman
President and Chief Executive Officer Levi Harrell-Hallmark
Emmanuel E. Edem, Secretary
• B.S., University of California-Davis Dean of Students
Jacque Fiegel, Treasurer
• M.B.A., California State • B.A., University of Central Oklahoma
James Nunn, Resident Bishop,
University-Sacramento • M.A., Ohio State University
Oklahoma Area of the United
• Ph.D., University of Colorado • Ed.D., Maryville University
Methodist Church
William F. Shdeed, Chairman Emeritus Amy Ayres Gerry Hunt
Ronald J. Norick, Chairman Emeritus Vice President for Student Affairs Chief Information Officer
Gary B. Homsey, Chairman Emeritus • B.A., University of Oklahoma • B.S., M.B.A., Oklahoma City University
• M.Ed., University of North Texas
Trustees • Ed.D., University of North Texas
Charles Monnot
Ms. Louise Bass Blythe Benson • B.M., Oklahoma City University
Dr. Andy Benton Chief Human Resources Officer Adam K. Ryburn
Mr. Phil Busey • B.A., Smith College Assistant Provost
Dr. Mohamed Daadaoui
Talia Carroll Professor of Biology
Dr. Emmanuel E. Edem
Vice President for Diversity, 2009–
Ms. Jacque Fiegel
Equity, and Inclusion • B.S., Southwestern Oklahoma
Ms. Debbie Fleming
• B.A., M.Ed., University of Oklahoma State University
Mrs. Jane Jayroe Gamble
• Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University • Ph.D., Oklahoma State University
Mr. Nicholas Harroz, III
Mr. Joe Holt Anna Davis
Mr. Gary B. Homsey, voting emeritus Vice President for Finance and Business Leaders of
Mr. Joe R. Homsey, Jr. Operations and Chief Financial Officer
Mr. Michael Homsey • B.B.A., Oklahoma State University Academic Units
Rev. Margaret Johnson • M.S.A., Oklahoma State University
Sri Beldona
Dr. Don Kim
Thomas J. Gamble Dean, Meinders School of Business,
Ms. Cady Lewis
Provost and Vice President • B.S., Gulbarga University
Mrs. Jenee Naifeh Lister
for Academic Affairs • M.B.A., University of Poona
Rev. Robert E. Long
• B.A., Gannon University • M.S., Ph.D., Temple University
Mrs. Judy Love
• M.A., Ph.D., Syracuse University
Ms. Paula Marshall Amy E. Cataldi
Mr. Lance McDaniel Koby Harrington Dean, Petree College of Arts & Sciences;
Mr. Paul McLaughlin, voting emeritus Vice President for University Professor of Psychology
Mr. Billy Meade Advancement • B.A., Boston College
Mr. William Mee • B.A., University of Oklahoma • M.A., Oklahoma City University
Mr. Richard Parry • M.H.R., University of Oklahoma • M.S., Ph.D., University of Oklahoma
Ms. Tammy Powell Michelle Kiec Gina Crawford
Dr. Clint Purtell Provost Dean, College of Health Professions
Dr. George R. Randall • B.A., University at Buffalo 2012–
Mr. Patrick Rooney • M.M., D.M.A., Johns • A.A.S., Redlands Community College
Ms. Teresa Rose Hopkins University • B.S.N., M.S., University of Oklahoma
Mr. Shane Sanders Health Sciences Center
Casey Ross
Dr. William F. Shdeed, voting emeritus • D.N.P., Oklahoma City University
University General Counsel
Dr. Jerry B. Vannatta
• B.B.A., Oklahoma City University David Holt
Mr. John Veal
• M.B.A., Oklahoma City University Dean, School of Law
Ms. Kathy L. Williams
• J.D., Oklahoma City University • B.A., George Washington University
Kevin Windholz • J.D., Oklahoma City University
Vice President for Enrollment
Management and University
• B.A., Fort Hays State University
• M.L.S., Washburn University

Trustees & Personnel /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

Mark Edward Parker Robert A. Greve Venkata Anga
Dean, Wanda L. Bass School of Music Associate Dean, Meinders Instructor of Computer Science
Dean, School of Theatre School of Business 2023–
Associate Professor of Music Associate Professor of • B.Tech., Andhra University
• B.M.E., Eastern Michigan University Information Technology • M.S., Oklahoma City University
• M.M., University of Michigan 2004–
David L. Berney
Melanie Shelley • B.B.A., M.B.A., University Visiting Artist for English
Dean, Ann Lacy School of American of Central Oklahoma 2022–
Dance and Entertainment • Ph.D., Oklahoma State University • B.A., Loyola University
Professor of Arts Management Jobeth Moad • M.F.A., University of
1987– Assistant Dean of Music for Massachusetts, Amherst
• B.P.A., M.L.A., Oklahoma Educational Outreach, Wanda
Lindsay Salliotte Bracken
City University L. Bass School of Music
Chair of Exercise and Sport Science,
Director of Performing Arts Academy
Victoria K. Swinney Associate Professor of Exercise
Director, Dulaney-Browne Library • B.A., Oklahoma City University and Sport Science
• M.M., Rice University
• B.A., Wartburg College 2012–
• M.L.I.S., University of Oklahoma Karen E. Schiler • B.A., University of Michigan
• M.A., Middlebury College Associate Dean, Petree College • M.S., PhD., Oklahoma State University
• Ph.D., Texas Woman’s University of Arts & Sciences
Bryan Cardinale-Powell
Associate Professor of English
Chair of Moving Image Arts,
Assistant/Associate • B.A., M.A., University of
Associate Professor of Film
Leaders of Academic Southern California
• A.B., Xavier University
• Ph.D., Purdue University
Units • M.S., Boston University
Jennifer Stevenson Amy E. Cataldi
Mark Belcik Associate Dean for Advancement and Dean, Petree College of Arts & Sciences
Associate Dean, Wanda L. External Relations, School of Law Professor of Psychology
Bass School of Music • B.A., University of Central Oklahoma 1997–
Associate Professor of Music • J.D., M.L.I.S., University of Oklahoma • B.A., Boston College
• B.M., University of Michigan W. Jerome Stevenson • M.A., Oklahoma City University
• M.M., University of Oklahoma Associate Dean, School of Theatre • M.S., Ph.D., University of Oklahoma
• D.M.A., University of Texas at Austin • B.A., Langston University James Cooper
Susan Cosby Artist-in-Residence in English,
Associate Dean, Ann Lacy School of
American Dance and Entertainment The Faculty 2022–
• B.A., University of Oklahoma
Associate Professor of Petree College • M.F.A., Oklahoma State University
Arts Management of Arts & Sciences • M.F.A., Oklahoma City University
• B.P.A., M.B.A., Oklahoma Amy E. Cataldi Mohamed Daadaoui
City University Dean Chair Political Science,
History and Philosophy,
Casey Cassidy Beth Adele
Professor of Political Science
Associate Dean, Associate Professor Director Nonprofit Leadership,
of Nursing, Kramer School of Nursing Chair and Associate Professor
of Mass Communications • B.A., Cadi Ayyad University (Morocco)
• B.S.N., East Central University
2019– • M.A., University of
• M.S.N., Oklahoma Baptist University Arkansas-Fayetteville
• Ph.D., Oklahoma City University • B.M., M.B.A., University
of Central Oklahoma • Ph.D., University of Oklahoma
Paula Dalley
• Ph.D., University of Texas at Tyler Mark Y. A. Davies
Associate Dean for Academic Wimberly Professor of Social
Affairs, School of Law Sabina Amanbayeva
and Ecological Ethics, Wimberly
Professor of Law Associate Professor of English
Professor of Social Ethics
• A.B., Princeton University 2018–
• J.D., Harvard University • B.A., American University of Bulgaria
• B.A., Oklahoma City University
• LL.M., New York University • M.A., Ph.D., University of Delaware
• M.Div., Emory University
• Ph.D., Boston University

Trustees & Personnel /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

Imad Enchassi University Sacramento Stephen G. Prilliman
Associate Professor of Islamic Studies • Ph.D., California School of Chair of Chemistry and Pre-Engineering,
2012– Professional Psychology Professor of Chemistry
• B.A., Southern Nazarene University Noel Jacobs 2009–
• B.A., M.A., University Institute for Associate Professor of • B.S., Rice University
Vocation for Islamic Studies Clinical Psychology • Ph.D., University of
• M.A., University of Phoenix 2022– California-Berkeley
• Ph.D., Daawa University Institute • B.A., University of Oklahoma Robert Roensch
David Alan Engebretson • M.S., Southern Nazarene University Professor of English and
Professor of Chemistry • Ph.D., University of Kansas Modern Languages
2006– 2013–
Richard R. Johnson
• B.S., St. Cloud State University Chair and Professor of Political Science • B.A., University of
• M.S., Ph.D., University of Virginia 1997– Massachusetts at Amherst
Tracy Floreani • M.F.A., Cornell University
• B.A., M.A., Sangamon State University
Professor of English • Ph.D., Arizona State University Bonnie G. Rutel
2010– Assistant Professor of Physics
Leslie Long
• B.A., University of Texas-Austin Director Wimberley School of Religion,
• M.A., Ph.D., University of Kansas Professor of Religious Education • B.S., Ph.D., Florida State University
Mark Griffin 2004– Adam K. Ryburn
Professor of Modern Languages • B.S., Oklahoma State University Assistant Provost
1996– • M.Div,. Phillips Theological Seminary Professor of Biology
• B.S.E., Oklahoma State University • Ph.D., University of Oklahoma 2009–
• M.S., University of Missouri Jeff Maxwell • B.S., Southwestern Oklahoma
• Ph.D., Tulane University Director of Computer Science State University
Melissa A. Hakman and Math, Instructor of Math, • Ph.D., Oklahoma State University
Director of the Doctorate of Psychology Instructor of Computer Science Karen E. Schiler
Program, Chair of Psychology, 2021– Associate Dean Petree College
Professor of Psychology • B.S., Oklahoma State University of Arts & Sciences
2008– • M.S.C.S., Oklahoma Associate Professor of English
• B.A., M.S., Ph.D., Oklahoma Christian University 2012–
State University Robin Meyers • B.A., M.A., University of
Diana Haslett Professor of Public Speaking Southern California
Artist-in-Residence and 2020– • Ph.D., Purdue University
Multimedia Studio Manager • B.A., Wichita State University Yi Shao
2022– • M.Div., Phillips University Professor of Psychology
• B.A., University of Oklahoma Graduate Seminary 2011–
• M.S., Oklahoma State University • D.Min., Drew University • B.S., Peking University
Christina Hendrickson • Ph.D., University of Oklahoma • M.A., Ph.D., Cornell University
Associate Professor of Biology John Nail Bill Sharp
2023– Professor of Chemistry, Chair Coordinator of Clinical Training,
• Ph.D., Mashhad University 1999– Clinical Associate Professor
of Medical Sciences • B.S., University of Oklahoma of Psychology
Donna Pulley Hodkinson • M.S., Louisiana State University 2018–
Assistant Professor of • Ph.D., University of Texas • B.A., Ed., Southeastern
Modern Languages Oklahoma State University
William Palumbo
1976– Visiting Assosicate Professor of Film • M.Ed., Central State University
• M.A., Ph.D., Alliant
• B.A., Oklahoma City University 2017–
International University
• M.Ed., University of Central Oklahoma • B.A., M.F.A., Emerson College
• Ed.D. Oklahoma State University Brian Pribble
Justin Shaw
Chair and Assistant Professor of
Lori Holmquist-Day Visiting Assistant Professor of
Game Design and Animation
Clinical Assistant Professor Exercise and Sport and Science
of Psychology 2023–
2021– • B.A., Oklahoma Christian University
• B.S., M.S., PhD., University
• M.F.A., Academy of Art University
• B.A., University of San Francisco of Oklahoma
• M.A., University California State

Trustees & Personnel /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

Heather Sparks Meinders School of Business Aixin (James) Ma
Associate Professor of Education, Chair Associate Professor of Finance,
2020– Sri Beldona Burwell Chair in Finance
• B.S., M.Ed., Oklahoma City University Dean 2008–
• Ed.D., Univeristy of Oklahoma • B.L., Beijing University
Loknath Ambati
• M.A., University of New Orleans
Natalia Starostina Assistant Professor of Data Analytics
Professor of History • Ph.D., University of
2019– Massachusetts at Amherst
• B.T., VIT University, Chennai, India
• M.A., Michigan State University • M.S., PhD., Dakota State University Robin Overweg Walker
• Ph.D., Emory University Assistant Professor of Accounting
Sri Beldona
Ahmad Tashfeen Dean, Meinders School of Business,
Assistant Professor of • B.S., Black Hills State University
• B.S., Gulbarga University
Computer Science • M.B.A., Umiversity of South Dakota
• M.B.A., University of Poona
2023– • D.B.A., Creighton University
• M.S., Ph.D., Temple University
• B.S., Oklahoma State University Md Jabir Rahman
Kyle Dean
• M.S., University of Oklahoma Assistant Professor of Data Analytics
Director Native American and
J. Cody Weaver Urban Studies Center,
Assistant Professor of Philosophy • B.S., Shahjalal University of
Professor of Economics
2019– Science and Technology
• M.S., Ph.D., University of Memphis
• B.A., M.S., East Central University • B.B.A., University of Oklahoma
• M.A., Biola University • Ph.D., Oklahoma State University J. Alexander Smith
• Ph.D., University of Oklahoma Professor of Marketing
Jacob T. Dearmon
Gina Wilson Director Ronnie K. Irani Center for Data
Director and Assistant • B.A., M.B.A., Wayne State University
Analytics, Professor of Economics,
Professor of Counseling • Ph.D., Saint Louis University
Dr. Henry James Freede Chair
2023– in Teaching Excellence Justin Wareham
• B.S., Stephen F. Austin 2008– Associate Professor of Management
State University • B.S. Oklahoma State University 2015–
• M.A., Adams State University • Ph.D., University of Oklahoma • B.A., University of British Columbia
• Ph.D., Sam Houston State University • M.S., University College London
Robert A. Greve
Lisa Wolfe • Ph.D., University of Utah
Associate Dean, Associate Professor of
Professor of Religion Information Technology, C.R. Anthony Meredith A. Wegener
2007– Chair in Competitive Enterprise Director of Energy Programs, Associate
• B.A., University of Colorado 2004– Professor of Legal Studies,
• M.Div., United Theological Seminary • B.B.A., M.B.A., University B.C. Clark Jr. Chair in Legal Studies
• Ph.D., Garrett-Evangelical Theological of Central Oklahoma 2012–
Seminary, Northwestern University • Ph.D., Oklahoma State University • B.A., Trinity University
Chenguang ‘Shine’ Xu • J.D., University of Oklahoma
Yuri Hupka
Assistant Professor of • L.L.M., New York University
Associate Professor of Finance
Computer Science 2023– Michael Williams
2023– • B.A., M.S., St. Cloud State University Professor of Marketing, AFS
• B.S., Heilongjiang University • PhD., Oklahoma State University Chair in Marketing
• M.S., Oklahoma City University 2009–
Andy Khader
• Ph.D., University of Oklahoma • B.B.A., M.B.A., University
Visiting Assistant Professor of
of Oklahoma
Karen Youmans Information Technology
Director of the Honors Program/ • Ph.D., Oklahoma State University
Professor of English • B.S., Mu’tah University-Jordan
2014– • M.B.A., Oklahoma City University
Ann Lacy School of American
• B.A., Louisiana State University Dance and Entertainment
Vance Lewis
• Ph.D., University of North Texas
Clinical Assistant Professor Melanie Shelley
Shirley Zhang of Management Dean
Assistant Professor of Design, Chair 2023–
Erin Bond
2022– • B.B.A., M.Ed., University of Arkansas
Academic Support Specialist
• B.F.A., M.F.A., University • Ed.D., Oklahoma State University
of Texas—Arlington
• B.S., Oklahoma City University

Trustees & Personnel /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

Shadoe A. Brandt Vincent Sandoval Wanda L. Bass School of Music
Associate Professor of Dance Artist-in-Residence, Music
2019– Theatre Dance Mark Edward Parker
• B.P.A., Oklahoma City University 2017– Dean
Susan Cosby • B.P.A., Oklahoma City University
Michael P. Anderson
Associate Dean, Kari Shaw Professor of Trumpet
Associate Professor of Instructor in Dance 2004–
Arts Management 2001– • B.M., Illinois State University
2017– • B.P.A., Oklahoma City University • M.M., University of Nebraska
• B.P.A., M.B.A., Oklahoma Melanie Shelley Rachel Barnard
City University Dean, Professor of Arts Management Adjunct Faculty in Voice
Jeremy Duvall 1987– 2002–
Artist-in-Residence of Dance • B.P.A., M.L.A., Oklahoma • B.F.A., State University of
2022– City University New York at Purchase
• B.P.A., Oklahoma City University Kelli Stevens • M.M., Oklahoma City University
Jessica Fay Professor of Dance, Jazz Chair Brian Belanus
Professor of Dance, Ballet Chair 2002– Adjunct Faculty in Guitar/Jazz
2010– • B.P.A., Oklahoma City University 2016–
• B.P.A., M.F.A., Oklahoma • M.S., Oklahoma State University • B.M., University of Central Oklahoma
City University Jessica Telfer Mark Belcik
Paul Gebb Associate Professor of Associate Dean, School of Music/
Director Center for Excellence Arts Management Associate Professor of Music
in Teaching and Learning, 2013– 2002–
Associate Professor of Dance • B.F.A., University of North Carolina • B.M., University of Michigan
2009– • M.M., University of Oklahoma
Tiffany van der Merwe
• B.M., James Madison University Professor of Dance, Artistic Director • D.M.A., University of Texas at Austin
• M.F.A., University of Central Florida 2002– Mary Brozina Wierick
• Ed.D., Oklahoma State University • B.P.A., Oklahoma City University Adjunct Faculty in Voice
Tye Love • M.S., Oklahoma State University 2017–
Professor of Dance • B.A., Elon University
Cassandra van Houton
Professor of Dance Claudia Carroll-Phelps
• B.F.A., M.F.A., University of Oklahoma 2015– Adjunct Faculty in Piano
Alana Martin • B.F.A., Southeast Missouri 1993–
Instructor of Dance State University • A.A., Cottey College
2002– • M.F.A., Oklahoma City University • B.M., M.M., University of Oklahoma
• B.P.A., Oklahoma City University Tiffany Warford William N. Christensen
Mary Ann Mayer Professor of Dance, Tap Chair Professor of Voice
Assistant Professor of Dance 2005– 2004–
2022– • B.P.A., Oklahoma City University • B.A., M.A., D.M.A., University of
• B.A., University of Rhode Island Evelyn Wasson California at Santa Barbara
• M.F.A., University of Oklahoma Company Manager/Production Genevieve Clarkson
Michael McCarthy Stage Manager Associate Professor of Music
Assistant Professor of Dance 2023– 2018–
2022– • B.S., Oklahoma City University • B.M., James Madison University
• B.P.A., Oklahoma City University Kimberley Worrell • M.M., University of Cincinnati
• M.F.A., Montclair State University Adjunct Instructor of Arts Management • D.M., Indiana University
Kay Sandel 2023– Courtney Crouse
Adjunct Professor of Dance • B.S., Oklahoma City University Professor of Music
2022– 2012–
• B.A., Oklahoma City University • B.A., Texas Wesleyan
• M.M., Indiana University

Trustees & Personnel /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

Zachary Daniels David Herendeen Peter Markes
Adjunct Faculty in Music Theory Professor and Director of Associate Professor of Music Education
2023– Opera/Music Theatre 2020–
• B.A., Drury University 1997– • B.M.E., Oklahoma City University
• M.M., D.M.A., University of Oklahoma • B.M., M.M., Oberlin College • M.Ed., University of Central Oklahoma
• D.M.A., University of Arizona
Matthew Denman Catherine McDaniel
Assistant Professor of Guitar Kelly M. Holst Associate Professor of Music
2022– Professor of Music 2008–
• B.M., Oklahoma City University 2012– • B.M., M.M., Stephen F.
• M.M., University of Central Oklahoma • B.A., Luther College Austin State University
Tommy Dobbs • M.M., Indiana University • D.M.A., University of Oklahoma
Assistant Professor of Percussion • D.M.A., University of Michigan Jan McDaniel
2022– Heejin Jang Professor of Music
• B.M, University of North Florida Adjunct Faculty of Piano 1999–
• M.M., D.M., Florida State University 2014– • B.M., Midwestern State University
Emily Duncan • B.M., Ewha Women’s University • M.M., University of North Texas
Academic Specialist, Adjunct • M.M., University of Oklahoma Karen Coe Miller
Instructor of Harp Kimberly Dreisbach Jensen Professor of Music, Assistant
2022– Adjunct Faculty of Piano Director of Opera Music Theatre
• B.M., Oklahoma City University 2011– 2009–
• M.M., Cleveland Institute of Music • B.M., Huntington University • B.A., Macalester College
Dave Easley • M.M., University of Nebraska—Lincoln • M.F.A., University of Cincinnati,
Professor of Music Theory • D.M.A., University of Oklahoma College Conservatory of Music
2011– Matthew Jones Jobeth Moad
• B.A., Southern Illinois University Assistant Professor of Musicology Assistant Dean of Music for
• B.M., Southern Illinois University 2022– Educational Outreach, Wanda
• M.M., Louisiana State University • B.A., University of Georgia L. Bass School of Music
• Ph.D., Florida State University • Ph.D., University of Virginia Director of Performing Arts Academy
Joshua Gaub Lisa Kachouee • B.A., Oklahoma City University
Adjunct Faculty in Trombone Assistant Professor of Clarinet • M.M., Rice University
2023– 2018– Sergio Monteiro
• B.M.E., Oklahoma Christian University • B.M., George Mason University Professor of Piano
• M.M., Oklahoma City University • M.M., University of Arizona 2009–
Jeff Grogan • D.M., Florida State University • B.M., M.M., National School
Professor of Music, Conductor of Music—Federal University
Larry Keller
of OCU Symphony and of Rio de Janeiro
Associate Professor of Voice
Oklahoma Youth Orchestra 1990– • D.M.A., Eastman School of Music
2017– • B.M., M.M., Oklahoma City University Mark Edward Parker
• B.M., Stephen F. Austin Edward Knight
Dean, Wanda L. Bass School of Music
State University Professor of Music,
Dean, School of Theatre
• M.M., University of Michigan Composer in Residence
Associate Professor of Music
Joshua Heaney 1997– • B.M.E., Eastern Michigan University
Adjunct Faculty in Saxophone, Student • M.M., University of Michigan
• B.M.E., Eastern Michigan University
Services Recruitment Coordinator • M.M., D.M.A., University of Texas Jeffrey Picon
2023– Associate Professor of Music
Charles Koslowske
• B.M.E., Susquehanna University Associate Professor of Vocal Coaching
• M.M., Georgia State University 2008– • B.M., University of North Texas
• D.M.A., Bowling Green • M.M., Curtis Institute of Music
• B.M., M.M., University of
State University Colorado-Boulder Melissa Plamann
Erik Heine Professor of Music, Wanda
Matthew Mailman
Professor of Music L. Bass Chair of Organ
Professor of Music, Director of Bands
2005– 2010–
• B.M., Illinois Wesleyan University • B.M., B.A., Valparaiso University
• B.M., M.M., Northwestern University
• M.M., University of Arizona • M.M., Emory University
• D.M.A., University of North Texas
• Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin • D.M.A., Indiana University

Trustees & Personnel /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

Kate Pritchett Central Oklahoma Hal Kohlman
Professor of Theory and Horn • M.M., Oklahoma State University Associate Professor of Directing
2002– • D.M.A., University of North Texas 2009–
• B.M., University of Northern Colorado • B.A., Rice University
• M.M., D.M.A., University School of Theatre • M.F.A., University of Texas at Austin
of North Texas
Kristopher Kuss
Anna Resnick Mark Edward Parker Associate Professor of Movement
Adjunct Faculty in Bassoon Dean 2019–
2006– Gloria Biegler • B.A., University of Mobile
• B.M., University of North Texas Visiting Assistant Professor • M.F.A., University of
• M.M., Boston University of Voice/Acting Southern Mississippi
Joseph Ripka 2022– William Langan
Adjunct Faculty in Harpsichord • B.F.A., University of South Dakota Associate Professor of Acting
2022– • M.F.A., University of Washington 2021–
• B.M., St. Cloud State University Dayna Brown • B.S., Kings College
• M.M., University of Kansas Adjunct Theatre Professor • M.F.A., Yale University
Kate Sekula 2018– D. Lance Marsh
Assistant Professor of Music Theory • B.A., University of Central Oklahoma Professor of Theatre
2023– Jeff Cochran 2006–
• B.S., B.A., Lebanon Valley College Professor of Theatre • B.F.A., Stephens College
• M.M., George Mason University 2010– • M.F.A., University of
• PhD., University of Connecticut • B.F.A., University of Texas—Arlington Wisconsin-Madison
Campbell Shiflett • M.F.A., University of Amy Osatinski
Assistant Professor of Musicology Missouri—Kansas City Associate Professor of Theatre History
2023– Brian Coleman 2021–
• B.A., University of Virginia Visiting Assistant Professor • B.A., University of Denver
• M.A., Ph.D., Princeton University of Technical Direction • M.A., Ph.D., University of Colorado
Emily Stoops 2021– Mollie Reid
Adjunct Faculty in Cello • B.F.A., Rutgers University Adjunct Theatre Professor
2023– Rena Cook 2021–
• B.M., University of Iowa Adjunct Instructor • B.A., Oklahoma City University
• M.M., University of Michigan 2024– Zacharay Scalzo
Autumn West • M.F.A., University of Oklahoma Adjunct Instructor
Associate Professor of Music • M.A., London’s Royal Central 2024–
2017– School of Speech and Drama • B.A., M.A., Florida Atlantic University
• B.M., Northwestern University Alyssa Couturier-Herndon • M.F.A., University of Calgary
• M.M., Cincinnati College— Assistant Professor of Costume • M.A., Indiana University
Conservatory of Music Design and Technology Chaslee Schweitzer
• D.M.A., University of Cincinnati 2023– Associate Professor of Voice
Clint Williams • B.F.A., Savannah College 2022–
Adjunct Faculty in Composition of Art and Design • B.A., Rocky Mountain College
2022– • M.F.A., University of Florida • M.F.A., University of Alberta
• B.M., Cameron University Jason Foreman Jeanie Sholer
• M.M., Oklahoma City University Professor of Theatre Associate Professor of Acting
Betty Yuan Head of Design and Production • B.A., Oklahoma State University
Assistant Professor of Viola 2005– • M.A., University of
2022– • B.F.A., University of Oklahoma California—Los Angeles
• B.M., Renmin University of China • M.F.A., California State
University-Long Beach Robert C. Shryock
• D.M.A., University of Oklahoma Program Director and Assistant
Julie Yu-Oppenheim Jacob Henry Professor, Master of Fine
Director of Choral Activities, Artistic Assistant Professor of Sound Design Arts in Screen Acting
Director of Canterbury Voices 2023– 2021–
2023– • B.A., University of Texas A&M • B.S., Western Kentucky University
• B.M.E., University of • M.F.A., Texas Tech University • M.F.A., Mississippi
University for Women

Trustees & Personnel /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

W. Jerome Stevenson Megan Dernaika Wesleyan University
Associate Dean for the Clinical Assistant Professor of Nursing • M.S.N., Oklahoma Baptist University
School of Theatre 2015– Denise Ruth
• B.A., Langston University • B.S.N., M.S.N., Oklahoma Clinical Instructor of Nursing
City University
Elizabeth Townsend 2024–
Adjunct Theatre Professor • M.S.N., Samford University • B.G.S., Texas Christian University
• B.A., Columbia University Elizabeth Diener • B.S.N., M.S.N., Oklahoma
• M.F.A., Kent State University Professor of Nursing City University
Brandi Stanley
College of Health Professions • Diploma, Barnes Hospital Assistant Professor of Nursing
School of Nursing 2019–
Gina Crawford • P.N.P., Washington University
Dean • B.S.N., University of Oklahoma
• B.S.N., Lindenwood College Health Sciences Center
• M.S.N., University of
Kramer School of Nursing Missouri—Kansas City
• M.S.N., University of
Central Oklahoma
Gina Crawford • Ph.D., University of
Missouri—St. Louis Danna Weathers
Nurse Administrator
Clinical Instructor of Nursing
Kimberly Abernathy Cheryl Frutchey 2015–
Nurse Pracitioner Clinical B.S.N. Program Chair,
• B.S., Southeastern Oklahoma
Instructor of Nursing Clinical Associate Professor of Nursing
State University
2021– 2010–
• M.S.N., University of Oklahoma
• B.S.N., University of Oklahoma • B.S.N., Clarkson College Health Science Center
Health Science Center • M.S.N., Oklahoma City University • D.N.P., Oklahoma City University
• M.S.N., University of South Alabama • Ph.D., Oklahoma City University
Janice James
Physical Therapy Program
Gracy Amalraj
Clinical Assistant Professor of Nursing, Maria Jones
Clinical Assistant Professor of Nursing
Director of Meinders Simulation Lab Program Director
• B.S.N., Meenakshi College of Nursing 2018– Stephanie Burns
• M.S.N., Oklahoma City University • B.S.N., M.S.N., Oklahoma Clinical Associate Professor, Core
City University Faculty for Physical Therapy Program
Kristen T. Bomboy
Michelle Johnston 2021–
Clinical Assistant Professor of Nursing
Associate Professor of Nursing • B.S., Oklahoma State University
2018– • M.A., University of Oklahoma
• B.S.N., University of Delaware
• M.S.N., Hawaii Pacific University • Ph.D., University of Oklahoma
• M.S.N., University of Pennsylvania
• Ph.D., Oklahoma City University Health Sciences Center
• D.N.P., Wilmington University
Denise Kendall Zachary Huff
Dia Campbell-Detrixhe
BSN Clinical Assistant Clinical Associate Professor/
Professor of Nursing
Professor of Nursing Core Faculty, Physical Therapy
2024– 2020–
• B.S.N., M.S., Oklahoma University
• B.S.N., University of Texas Health • B.S., D.P.T., University of Oklahoma,
Health Science Center
• M.S.N., Vanderbilt University Health Science Center
• Ph.D., Texas Woman’s University
Cene’ Livingston Maria Jones
Janice Carr
Professor of Nursing Director of Physical Therapy
Associate Professor of Nursing
2012– Clinical Professor
• B.S.N., University of 2017–
• B.S.N., University of Oklahoma
Central Oklahoma • B.S., M.S., Ph.D., University of
• M.Ed., University of Central Oklahoma
• M.S.N., University of Phoenix Oklahoma, Health Science Center
• M.S.N., Oklahoma Baptist University
• D.N.P., Chatham University • D.N.P., Oklahoma City University Kimberly Perrella Veirs
Ashley McDoulett Clinical Assistant Professor, Core
Casey Cassidy
Clinical Instructor of Nursing Faculty, Physical Therapy Program
Associate Dean,
2023– 2021–
Associate Professor of Nursing
• B.S., University of Florida
2018– Pamela Melson
• M.P.T., University of St. Augustine
• B.S.N., East Central University Clinical Assistant Professor of Nursing
for Health Sciences
• M.S.N., Oklahoma Baptist University 2012–
• Ph.D., Oklahoma City University • B.S.N., Oklahoma

Trustees & Personnel /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

Amanda Porter Austin and University of Texas Health Victoria K. Swinney
Director of Clinical Education Sciences Center at San Antonio Director, Dulaney-Browne Library
Clinical Associate Professor • B.A., Wartburg College
Josh McWilliams
2018– • M.L.I.S., University of Oklahoma
Medical Director and Clinical
• M.P.T., D.S., University of Oklahoma, Associate Professor • M.A., Middlebury College
Health Science Center 2020– • Ph.D., Texas Woman’s University
Andrew Somers • B.S., Southern Nazarene University Lee Webb
Clinical Assistant Professor • M.D., University of Texas Health Professor of Library Science and
2024– Science Center at San Antonio Theology and Reference Librarian
• Jose A. Medina
• B.A., Oklahoma City University
Amy Thiessen Clinical Associate Professor,
Clinical Associate Professor Principal Faculty and Director of • M.Div., Duke University
2018– Assessment and Evaluation • M.L.I.S., University of Oklahoma
• B.S., University of Oklahoma, 2022– Christina Wolf
Health Science Center • B.S., University of Central Oklahoma Professor of Library Science
• M.Ed., University of Oklahoma • M.H.S., University of Oklahoma, and Archivist and Special
Health Sciences Center Collections Librarian
Christina Wright
Clinical Assistant Professor, Sara Parr
Physical Therapy Clinical Assistant Professor, Principal • B.A., B.F.A., Oklahoma
2020– Faculty, Physician Assisant Program State University
• M.L.I.S., University of Texas
• B.A., Baylor University 2024–
• Certified Archivist
• D.P.T., University of Oklahoma, •
Health Science Center
Sally Roark Emeritus
Clinical Associate Professor,
Physician Assistant Program Didactic Director Steven C. Agee
2017– Dean of the Meinders School
Robert Bosse
• B.S., Southernwestern of Business, Emeritus
Program Director
Oklahoma State University Professor of Economics
Robert Bosse • M.H.S., University of Oklahoma Ali M. Alli
Director of the Physician Health Science Center Professor of Economics
Assistant Program and Clinical
Associate Professor Amy Thiessen Dennis Arrow
2021– Clinical Assistant Professor, Professor of Law
• B.S., University of Central Oklahoma Principal Faculty
2019– Ju Chuan Arrow
• M.H.S., University of Oklahoma, Professor of Modern Language
Health Science Center • B.S., University of Oklahoma,
Health Sciences Center Susan Barber
Niki Brooks • M.Ed., Ph.D., University of Oklahoma Provost and Vice President for
Clinical Assistant Professor, Academic Affairs, Emerita
Coordinator of Professional Relations Stacey Vladovich
Clinical Assistant Professor Professor of Biology
• B.S., Oklahoma State University 2022– John Bedford
• M.H.S., University of Oklahoma, • B.S., M.P.A.S., Oklahoma Dean of the Ann Lacy School
Health Science Center City University of American Dance and
• M.Ed., Univeristy of Oklahoma Entertainment, Emerita
Becky Carlozzi Professor of Arts Management
Clinical Associate Professor Dulaney-Browne Library Phyllis Bernard
• B.S., Southern Nazarene University Victoria Swinney Professor of Law
• M.D., University of Texas Health Director Norwood Beveridge
Science Center at San Antonio Robert Dorman Professor of Law
Nancy Letassy Professor of Library Science Florence Birdwell
Clinical Professor and Monographs Librarian Professor of Music
2017– 2006–
Billie Boston
• B.S., Southeast Missouri • B.A., University of Oklahoma
Professor of Theatre
State University • M.A., Ph.D., Brown University
• B.S., University of Missouri • M.S.L.S., The Catholic John Curtis Branch
at Kansas City University of America Professor of Biology
• Pharm. D., University of Texas at

Trustees & Personnel /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

Thomas L. Brown Clifton L. Gran Virginia McCombs
Professor of Marketing Assistant Professor of Journalism Professor of History
Denise Burton Burt Harbison Dan Morgan
Associate Professor of Nursing Professor of Art Professor of Law
Ethel Decker Clifton Karlie Harmon Judith Morgan
Associate Professor of Professor of Mass Communications Professor of Law
Modern Languages Alvin Harrell Lloyd Keith Musselman
Lawrence Cobb Professor of Law Professor of History
Professor of History John D. Heisch Roberta Olson
Alice Conkling Assistant Professor of Library Science Dean of the Petree College of
Dean of Students, emerita Arts and Sciences, Emerita
Lawrence Hellman
Professor of English Professor of Psychology
Dean of the School of Law, Emeritus
Terry Conley Professor of Law Frank Payne
Associate Dean of the Petree College Marie Hooper Associate Professor of Music
of Arts and Sciences, Emeritus Professor of History Donna Castle Richardson
Professor of Biology
Jacob Doyle Hoover Professor of Education
Valerie Couch Associate Professor of Speech Klaus Rossberg
Dean of the School of Law, Emerita
Carol Howard Professor of Physics
Professor of Law
Professor of International Business Jo Rowan
Barbara Crandall
Laurie Jones Chair of the Dance Department, Emerita
Professor of Management
Associate Dean for Law Professor of Dance
Von Creel Admissions, Emerita Lois Salmeron
Professor of Law Legal Research and Writing Professor Dean of the Kramer School
Peter V. N. Denman Robert L. Jones of Nursing, Emerita
Professor of History Professor of Religion Professor of Nursing
Perry Dillon Dennis Jowaisas Frederick Schwartz
Professor of Modern Language Professor of Psychology Professor of Law
Peter Dillon Abigail Keegan Hossein Shafa
Associate Professor of Law Professor of English Professor of International Business
Marjorie Downing Marsha Keller Mohmood Shandiz
Professor of Law Associate Professor of English Professor of Management Sciences
Donna Dykes Nancy Kenderdine Ronnie Shaw
Professor of Religion Professor of Law Professor of Finance
Larry A. Eberhardt Salwa Khoddam Craig Stinson
Professor of Political Science Professor of English Professor of Law
Donald G. Emler Lois Kruschwitz Deborah Tussey
Professor of Religion Professor of Biology Professor of Law
Bryan Farha Art LeFrancois Ju-Chuan Wang-Arrow
Chair and Professor of Applied Professor of Law Professor of Modern Language
Behavioral Studies
Bruce Macella Leo Werneke
Christiane Faris Professor of Mass Communications Professor of Philosophy
Professor of Modern Languages
A.W. Martin Bart Ward
Michael Frew Professor of Religion Professor of Accounting
Professor of Management
Sandra Farris Martin Edwin Wiles
Helen Gaudin Professor of Mass Communications Associate Professor of Library Science
Professor of Biology
Vicki McDougall Elizabeth Willner
Michael T. Gibson Professor of Law Professor of Education
Professor of Law
Robin R. Meyers Jonathan Willner
Antone Godding Professor of Rhetoric Professor of Economics
Professor of Music

Trustees & Personnel /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

Harbour Winn
Professor of English
Ally Zhou
Professor of TESOL

Trustees & Personnel /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025


Transfer Credit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Meinders School of Business . . . . . . . . 75
Admission Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Auditing Courses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Bass School of Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Absence, Leave of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Kramer School of Nursing
Academic Advising . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Academic Appeals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39, 40, 41
Doctor of Nursing Practice . . . . . . 92
Doctor of Philosophy . . . . . . . . . 97
Meinders School of Business . . . . . . . . 75 Master of Science in Nursing . . . . 90 Bass School of Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Petree College of Arts and Sciences . . . . 48 Meinders School of Business Academic Regulations . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Academic Dismissal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Master of Business Administration . 69 Acceptance to Candidacy . . . . . . . . . . 81
Academic Honesty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38, 51 Master of Science in Accounting . . 72 Accreditation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Academic Load. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Petree College of Arts and Sciences Admission Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Meinders School of Business . . . . . . . . 75 Clinical Mental Health Counseling. 52 Admission Requirements . . . . . . . . . . 80
Petree College of Arts and Sciences . . . . 48 Computer Science . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Advisory Examination and Audition . . . 80
Academic Probation and Dismissal . . . . . . . 41 Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Applied Music Attainment Level . . . . . 81
Kramer School of Nursing. . . . . . 90, 94, 97 Nonprofit Leadership . . . . . . . . . 56 Audition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Meinders School of Business . . . . . . . . 75 Psychology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Comprehensive Review . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Petree College of Arts and Sciences . . 48, 51 Wimberly School of Religion . . . . 62 Core Beliefs and Values . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Physical Therapy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .106 Physical Therapy Program . . . . . . . . .104 Electives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Academic Regulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Physician Assistant Program . . . . . . . .101 Enrollment Restriction . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Bass School of Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 School of Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Faculty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80, 151
General Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 School of Theatre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .109 Graduate Committee. . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Kramer School of Nursing. . . . . . 92, 96, 97 Advising . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Graduate Degrees
Meinders School of Business . . . . . . . . 74 Meinders School of Business . . . . . . . . 74 Conducting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Petree College of Arts and Sciences . . . . 48 Alpha Psi Omega. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Multiple Woodwinds . . . . . . . . . 85
Physical Therapy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .106 American Bar Association . . . . . . . . . . . . 6, 78 Music Composition . . . . . . . . . . 83
Physician Assistant . . . . . . . . . . . . . .102 American Psychology Association Accreditation 6 Music Theater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
School of Theatre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .110 Analytics, Data Major Opera Performance . . . . . . . . . . 83
Acceptance of Candidacy . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Master of Business Administration . . . . . . 66 Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Bass School of Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Master of Science. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Vocal Coaching . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Clinical Mental Health Counseling . . . . 52 Analytics, Financial Major Mission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Kramer School of Nursing. . . . . . . . . . 97 Master of Business Administration . . . . . . 71 Recital/Comprehensive Project . . . . . . 81
Meinders School of Business . . . . . . . . 74 Master of Science. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Seniors and Graduate Courses . . . . . . . 81
Accounting (M.S.A.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Ann Lacy School of American Dance Beta Gamma Sigma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Accounting, Corporate (M.B.A.) . . . . . . . . . 66 and Entertainment Board of Trustees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .148
Accreditation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5, 6 Course descriptions . . . . . . . . . .117, 120 Book Charge Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Accreditation Commission for Education Faculty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .151 Busey Institute for Enterprise & Leadership . . 64
in Nursing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Apartment Living . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Business Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Accreditation Review Commission Appeals Business School
on Education for the Physician Academic Dismissal . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 see Meinders School of Business
Assistant, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Academic Honesty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Adding Courses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19, 33 Grievance Procedure
Administrators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .148
Admission on Probation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
for Grade Appeal . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Meinders School of Business . . . . . . . . 75
Clinical Mental Health Counseling . . . . . . 52 Petree College of Arts and Sciences . . . . 48 Campus Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Admission Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Plagiarism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Campus Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Admission Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Application Fee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Campus Technology Services . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Admission Inquiry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Application for Admission . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Cancellation of Courses Policy . . . . . . . . . . 36
Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Area Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Candidacy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Application Fee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Arts and Sciences, School of Bass School of Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Candidacy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 see Petree College of Arts and Sciences Clinical Mental Health Counseling . . . . 52
General Admission Policy. . . . . . . . . . 13 Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Kramer School of Nursing. . . . . . . . . . 97
International Graduate Admission . . . . 14 Association to Advance Collegiate Meinders School of Business . . . . . . . . 74
Letters of Recommendation . . . . . . . . 13 Schools of Business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Career Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Nondegree-Seeking Students . . . . . . . 14 Athletics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Center for Film and Literature . . . . . . . . . . 30
Readmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Attendance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Certificate in Educational Technology . . . . . 55
Transcripts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 and Financial Aid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Certificate in Healthcare Practice

Index /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Certificate in Healthcare Simulation Educator 91 General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Certificate in Instructional Design . . . . . . . . 55 Installment Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Certificate in Nonprofit Leadership . . . . . . . 56 Dance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Past Due Accounts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Certification Studies in the Data Analytics Major (MBA) . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Payment of Tuition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
United Methodist Church . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Data Analytics Major (MS). . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Renewal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Clergy Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Degree Requirements Return of Unearned Federal Funds . . . . 20
Clinical Mental Health Counseling . . . . . . . 51 see Bass School of Music; Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) . . 20
Commencement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Kramer School of Nursing; Special Service Fee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Commission on Accreditation in Physical Meinders School of Business; Tuition Adjustments . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Therapy Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Petree College of Arts and Sciences; Tuition Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Comprehensive Examinations School of Theatre Veterans Benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
and Date of Graduation . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Degree Programs, Graduate . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Withdrawals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Directions to Oklahoma City University . . . . . 9 Financial Support, International Students . . . 15
Psychology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Disability and Access Services . . . . . . . . . . 45 Fitness Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Computer and Information Resources . . . . . 46 Discipline, Student . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Food Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Computer Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Dismissal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Concurrent Undergraduate Distinguished Speakers Series . . . . . . . . . . 29
and Graduate Enrollment . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Bass School of Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion . . . . . . . . . . 6
Doctor of Nursing Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Conducting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Doctor of Philosophy, Nursing . . . . . . . . . . 97 General Admission Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Continuing Professional Education Doctor of Psychology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Grade Appeal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Dropping Courses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19, 33 Grade Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Corporate Accounting Major . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Dulaney-Browne Library. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Grade Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Corporate Education Benefits Program . . . . . 21 Faculty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .156 GradStar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Council for Accreditation Graduate Admission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

of Educator Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Graduate Degree Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Counseling, Academic see Advising Graduation Honors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Counseling, University . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Graduation Procedures
Educational Technology Certificate . . . . . . . 55 and Commencement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Course Cancellation Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Elementary Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Grievance Procedure for Grade Appeal . . . . . 40
Course Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .114
Email . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Guidelines for the Graduate Thesis, Dissertation
Accounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .116
Emeritus Faculty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .156 or Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Arts Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .117
Endowed Chairs and Professorships . . . . . . 21
Computer Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . .117
Energy Major (M.B.A.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

Counseling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .119
English Proficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Dance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .120
Kramer School of Nursing . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Early Childhood Education . . . . . . . . .121
Meinders School of Business . . . . . . . . . 73 Health Professions Course Descriptions . . . .123
Economics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .121
Expenses and Financial Aid . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Healthcare Practice Management,
Elementary Education . . . . . . . . . . . .121
Extracurricular Activities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Certificate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Finance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .122
Graduate Education . . . . . . . . . . . . .122 Healthcare Simulation Educator, Certificate . . 91

Health Professions . . . . . . . . . . . . . .123 High Honors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Information Technology. . . . . . . . . . .123 Higher Learning Commission . . . . 5, Last Page
Management. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .124 History of the University . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Faculty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .149 Honesty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Marketing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .125
Faculty Emeritus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .156 Honor Societies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Master of Business Administration . . . .126
Falsification of Records Honors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Music Applied . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .126
see Academic Honesty Housing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Music Conducting . . . . . . . . . . . . . .126
Film Institute, Habour Winn . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Housing Deposit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Music Diction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .126
Final Examinations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Music Ensemble . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .126
Financial Aid Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Music Theory, Composition & Literature 127
Financial Analytics Major (MBA). . . . . . . . . 66
Nonprofit Leadership . . . . . . . . . . . .128
Financial Analytics Major (MS) . . . . . . . . . . 72
Nursing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .129
Financial Assistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Identification Cards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Opera and Music Theatre . . . . . . . . . .136
Financial Fraud and Forensic IELTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Physical Therapy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .136
Accounting Certificate . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Incomplete Courses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Physician Assistant . . . . . . . . . . . . . .139
Financial Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Petree College of Arts and Sciences . . . . 49
Psychology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .142
Adding and Dropping Classes . . . . . . . 19 Instructional Design and Education Technology
Religious Education . . . . . . . . . . . . .144
Annual Awarding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 major . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Theatre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .144
Application Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Instructional Design Certificate . . . . . . . . . 55
Course Numbering Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Assistance Available . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Insurance, for International Students . . . . . . 18
Credit Hour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Award Notifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Insurance, tuition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Cultural Enrichment Events . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Book Charge Program . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Interfaith Prayer Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Eligibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 International Students

Index /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

Admission (Regular) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Admission Requirements Attendance Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
English Proficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 and Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . 90 Busey Institute for Enterprise
Financial Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Capstone Project . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 and Leadership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Provisional Admission . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Community-Based Public Candidate for Degree . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Transcript Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Health Track . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 Continuing Professional Education
Intramural Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Eligibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Nursing Education Track . . . . . . . 91 Degree Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Nursing Leadership Track . . . . . . 91 Dismissal Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
J Master’s Certificate
Healthcare Simulation Educator . . 91
Eligibility for Graduation . . . . . . . . . . 76
Facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
J.D./M.A.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Nursing Education . . . . . . . . . . . 91 Faculty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .151
J.D./M.B.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Nursing Leadership . . . . . . . . . . 91 Pre-M.B.A. Admission . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Graduation Requirements . . . . . . . . . 74

J.D./M.B.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
L Master Certificate
Business Leadership . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Kramer School of Nursing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Law, School of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Financial Fraud and Forensic
Accreditation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Law School Accreditation . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Accounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Course Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . .129 Learning Enhancement Center . . . . . . . . . . 45 Healthcare Practice Management . . . 73
Doctor of Nursing Practice . . . . . . . . . 92 Leave of Absence Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Master of Business Administration . . . . 65
Academic Probation . . . . . . . . . . 94 Lemon Lectures, Martha Jean. . . . . . . . . . . 29 Accelerated Degrees . . . . . . . . . . 67
Academic Regulations . . . . . . . . 97 Library, Dulaney-Browne . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Corporate Accounting . . . . . . . . 66
Admission Requirements Faculty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .156 Data Analytics . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
and Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . 92
Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
B.S.N. to D.N.P.

Financial Analytics. . . . . . . . . . . 66
Adult Gerontology Acute
Healthcare Administration. . . . . . 67
Care Nurse Practitioner Track .
Leadership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
94 Maps
Partnership with Chickasaw Nation 70
Family Nurse Practitioner Track . Campus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Master of Science in Accounting . . . . . 71
94 Oklahoma City Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
Prerequisite Requirements. . . . . . 71
Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Master Certificate in Business Leadership . . . 73
Master of Science in Data Analytics . . . . 72
Practioner Track . . . . . . . 94 Master Certificate in Financial Fraud and
Master of Science in Financial Analytics . 72
D.N.P. Completion Tracks Forensic Accounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Clinical Track . . . . . . . . . . 95 Master Certificate in Healthcare Practice
Probation Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Community-Based Public Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Steven C. Agee Economic Research
Health Track. . . . . . . . . . 96 Master of Arts in Nonprofit Leadership . . . . . 55
and Policy Institute . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Executive Leadership Track . . 95 Master of Arts in Teaching:
Transfer Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Nurisng Educator Track . . . . 96 Elementary Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Mission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inside Front Cover
D.N.P. Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 Master of Business Administration
Music Groups. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Eligibility Statement . . . . . . . . . . 94 Corporate Accounting . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
see also Bass School of Music
Post-D.N.P. Certificate Data Analytics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Music Composition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Clinical Research Methods . . . . 96 Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Music Theater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Post-Master’s Certificate Courses Financial Analytics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Adult Gerontology Acute Care Healthcare Administration . . . . . . . . . 67
Nurse Practictioner . . . . . 96
Family Nurse Practitioner . . . 96
Leadership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
M.B.A. with Chickasaw Nation
. . 66
Psychiatric Mental Health Partnership. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 National Council for State Authorization
Nurse Practitioner . . . . . . 96 J.D./M.B.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Reciprocity Agreement . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Residency Requirements . . . . . . . 96 Master of Education National Association of Schools of Music . . . .6
Doctor of Philosophy . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 Clinical Mental Health Counseling . . . . 51 Neustadt Lectures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Academic Probation . . . . . . . . . . 97 Master of Fine Arts in Screen Acting . . . . . . .111 Nondegree-Seeking Student Admission . . . . 14
Academic Regulations . . . . . . . . 97 Master of Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Nonprofit Arts Administration . . . . . . . . . . 56
Admission Requirements Master of Physician Assistant Studies . . . . . .102 Nonprofit Leadership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
and Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . 97 Master of Science in Accounting . . . . . . . . . 71 Nonprofit Fundraising . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Candidacy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 Master of Science in Computer Science . . . . 53 Nursing
Dissertation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 Master of Science in Data Analytics . . . . . . . 72 see Kramer School of Nursing
Eligibility Statement . . . . . . . . . . 97 Master of Science in Financial Analytics . . . . 72
Ph.D. Track Requirements . . . . . . 97 Master of Science in Nursing . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Residency Requirements . . . . . . . 97
Faculty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .155
Meinders School of Business . . . . . . . . .
Academic Advising . . . . . . . . . . . .
. 63
. 74
Language Requirements . . . . . . . . . . 89 Academic Appeal Process . . . . . . . . . . 75 Office of Student Engagement . . . . . . . . . . 26
Master of Science in Nursing . . . . . . . . 89 Academic Regulations . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Officers of the University . . . . . . . . . . . . . .149
Academic Probation . . . . . . . . . . 90 Academic Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Official Transcripts from Other Institutions . . 37
Academic Regulations . . . . . . . . 92 Accreditation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Oklahoma Board of Nursing. . . . . . . . . . . . .6

Index /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

Oklahoma Office for Educational Quality and Transcript Requirements . . . . . . . . . . 48 Screen Acting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .111
Accountability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Transfer Credits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Senior Administrators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .148
Oklahoma City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Wimberly School of Religion . . . . . . . . 61 Sigma Alpha Iota National Professional
Oklahoma City Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Phi Alpha Delta National Legal Fraternity . . . 27 Music Fraternity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
On-Campus Housing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Phi Kappa Phi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27, 43 Sigma Tau Delta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Open Recreation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Speech and Debate Team . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Opera Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Physical Therapy Program . . . . . . . . . . . . .103 Special Service Fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Organizations, Religious . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Physician Assistant Program . . . . . . . . . . . 99 Sports
Organizations, Student . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Accreditation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 see Athletics
Admission Requirements Steven C. Agee Economic Research
and Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . .101 and Policy Institute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
P Admissions Information . . . . . . .
Applying for Admission . . . . . . . .
Student Discipline . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Student Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Payment of Tuition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Faculty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .156 Student Government Association . . . . . . . . 26
Performance, Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Goals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .101 Student Organizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Petree College of Arts and Sciences . . . . . . . 47 Grading Policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .102 Student Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Academic Appeals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Mission Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . .100 Student Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Academic Policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Plagiarism Study Abroad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Academic Probation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 see Academic Honesty
Accreditation Probation and Dismissal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Teacher Education Program . . . . . . 6
Admission Requirements
Psychology, Doctor of . . . . . . . . . . . .
Publication of Student Work . . . . . . . .
. . . 58
. . . 29
Doctor in Psychology . . . . . . . . . 58 Theatre
Master of Arts in Nonprofit Faculty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .154
Leadership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Master of Education in Clinical Mental
R Performance Opportunities . . . . . . . . 28
Screen Acting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .111
Health Counseling . . . . . . . . . 52 Rates for Residence Halls . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Thesis, Dissertation and Capstone Project
Certificate in Educational Technology . . 55 Reaching and Teaching Enrollment and Grading Policy . . . . . . . . 37
Certificate in Instructional Design . . . . 55 All Learners Certificate . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Thesis, Dissertation and Project Guidelines . . 37
Certificate in Nonprofit Leadership . . . . 56 Readmission to the University . . . . . . 14, 41, 48 Time Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Certificate in Nonprofit Fundraising . . . 56 Records and Transcripts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Petree College of Arts and Sciences . . . . 49
Certificate in Reaching and Teaching All Records, Falsification Transcripts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13, 36, 37
Learners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 see Academic Honesty International Transcript Evaluation . . . 15
Certification Studies in the United Religion, School of Petree College of Arts and Sciences . . . . 48
Methodist Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 see Wimberly School of Religion Transfer Credit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Course Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Religious Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Petree College of Arts and Sciences . . . . 48
Faculty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .149 Religious Organizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Trustees and Personnel . . . . . . . . . . . . . .146
Grades. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Religious Worship and Activities . . . . . . . . . 25 Trustees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .148
Graduate Degrees Renewal of Financial Aid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Tuition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Doctor in Psychology . . . . . . . . . 58 Repetition of Courses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36, 48 Adjustments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
J.D./M.A. in Law and Nonprofit Residence Halls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Organizations and Leadership . . 57 Residency Requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Payments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Master of Arts in Nonprofit Kramer School of Nursing. . . . . . . . 96, 97
Arts Administration . . . . . . . . 56 Petree College of Arts and Sciences . . . . 48
Master of Arts in Nonprofit
Fundraising . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Return of Unearned Federal Title IV Funds . . 20
Rules Governing Payment of Tuition . . . . . . 17
Master of Arts in Nonprofit University, the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Leadership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 University Counseling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Master of Arts in Teaching: Elementary
Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
S University Honors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
University Mission. . . . . . . . .Inside front cover
Master of Education in Clinical Mental SAP (Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy) . 20 University Services and Programs . . . . . . . . 44
Health Counseling . . . . . . . . . 51 School of Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Computer and Information Resources . . 46
Master of Education in Accreditation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Disability and Access Services . . . . . . . 45
Instructional Design and Admissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Dulaney-Browne Library . . . . . . . . . . 45
Education Technology . . . . . . . . 54 Catalog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Learning Enhancement Center . . . . . . 45
Master of Science J.D/M.B.A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Study Abroad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
in Computer Science. . . . . . . . 53 J.D./M.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 University Trustees, Administrators,
Incomplete Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 School of Liberal Arts and Sciences . . . . . . . 50 Faculty, and Staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .147
Independent Study/Directed Reading . . 48 School of Music Upsilon Pi Epsilon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Readmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 see Bass School of Music
School of Theatre
Repeat Courses, Maximum Number . . . 48
Residency Requirement . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Course Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . .144
School of Liberal Arts and Sciences . . . . 51 Faculty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .154
Time Limit to Complete Degree . . . . . . 49 Master of Fine Arts in Screen Acting . . .108 Varsity Athletics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Index /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

Veterans Benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Vocal Coaching. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

Willson Lectures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Wimberly School of Religion . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Certification Studies
in the United Methodist Church . . . . 62
Withdrawal from a Course . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Withdrawal from the University . . . . . . . 19, 33
Worship Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Index /// OCU GRADUATE SCHOOL /// 2024-2025

Provisions of this catalog are subject to change without notice and do not constitute an irrevocable contract between any
student and the university. Oklahoma City University reserves the right to modify or change policies, courses, and program
requirements described herein.
Every student is responsible for reading and understanding the academic requirements for the degree program as outlined in
this catalog which may be changed from time to time. Academic advisors are available for counseling and advising to assist stu-
dents in this process; however, the final responsibility remains with the student to meet any and all academic requirements.
Oklahoma City University pledges to recruit, select, and promote diversity by providing equality of opportunity in higher edu-
cation for all persons, including faculty and employees with respect to hiring, continuation, promotion and tenure, applicants
for admission, enrolled students, and graduates, without discrimination or segregation on the grounds of race, color, religion,
national origin, sex, age, handicap or disability, sexual orientation, or veteran status.
The university chief human resources officer, whose office is located in the President’s Office of the Clara E. Jones
Administration Building, telephone (405) 208-5075, coordinates the university’s compliance with Titles VI and VII of the
Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with
Disabilities Act and amendments, and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act.
Oklahoma City University complies with the Student Right to Know and Equity in Athletics Disclosure Acts. This report is
compiled and made available by October 15 each year. Requests for this report can be made to the athletics director.
In accordance with requirements by The Higher Learning Commission, the university will provide information to the accred-
iting agency regarding written complaints from a student against any faculty, staff, or institutional process or procedure. The
information will contain the date the complaint was formally submitted to a university official; the nature of the complaint (e.g.
dispute about a grade, allegation of sexual harassment, etc.); steps taken to resolve the complaint; the university’s final deci-
sion regarding the complaint, including referral to outside agencies; and any other external actions initiated by the student to
resolve the complaint, if known to the university (e.g. lawsuit, EEOC investigation, etc.).
Any information provided to The Higher Learning Commission will be presented in such a way as to shield the identities of
faculty, staff, or students involved with the complaint.

Students may contact The Higher The Higher Learning Commission

Learning Commission by writing 230 North LaSalle Street, Suite 7-500
or phoning: Chicago, IL 60604

(312) 263-0456
(800) 621-7440


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