less than Not up-to-date for age3 Advise contact with local Public /First Nations Health on the
7 years. No next business-day.2
1Effective January 1, 2021 dTap replaced Td in all routine adult immunizations.
2Public /First Nations Health Centre will review the need for additional tetanus toxoid and other vaccines.
3The routine tetanus toxoid vaccine schedule is 6 doses, given at 2, 4, 6, 18 mo.; 4-6 yrs.; and 14-16 yrs. The 5th dose is not required if
the 4th dose was given after the 4th birthday.
4For those known to have an immune compromising condition, especially a with humoral immune deficiency (e.g. HIV,
agammaglobulinemia, or hypogammaglobulinemia): TIG, as well as tetanus toxoid-containing vaccine (regardless of the number
of doses previously received or time since a previous dose), should both be given.
5Use mother’s history of immunization at the time of delivery. If mother received less than 3 doses or an unknown number of doses of
tetanus toxoid-containing vaccines, give TIG in emergency department.
Note: Acute care sites without stocked TIG may enquire about availability at a community health centre (see reverse Providing TIG).