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DAV Centenary Public School, Haldwani

Half Yearly Examination(2024-25)

Class: X, Subject: Artificial Intelligence
Time Allowed: 2 Hours Max. Marks: 50
General Instructions:
 This Question Paper consists of 18 questions in two sections: Section A & Section B
 All Questions are Compulsory
Q1. Answer the following questions on Employability Skills (1 x 4 = 4 marks)
(i) When you bring the mouse over a file in File Explorer, it will show the details of 1
that file.
This is known as
(a) Drag and drop (b) Double click (c) Hover (d) Single click
(ii) Pranjali gets up at 5 am and goes to her badminton classes. Then she comes home 1
and finishes her homework before going to school. She does this all by herself. No
one tells her to do it. This is an example of
(a) Self-motivation (b) External motivation
(c) Both self and external motivation (d) Not any specific type of motivation
(iii) Which of the following can cause stress? 1
(a) Yoga and meditation (b) Driving during rush hour
(c) Organized academic life (d) Enjoying holidays with family
(iv) Ravi learnt that if a laptop gets overheated, the internal parts get damaged. What 1
happens if he leaves his device plugged in even after it is charged 100%?
(a) It can break
(b) It can stop functioning
(c) It can overheat
(d) Data can get corrupt
Q2. Answer the following questions (1 x 5 = 5)
(i) Which of the following is not an AI domain? 1
(a)Deep Learning (b)Machine Learning (c)Computer Vision
(d)Computer Aided Design
(ii) “This type of intelligence measure’s one’s awareness of the natural world around 1
them and their sensitivities to any changes that occur. It allows us to identify the
variation among two different species and understand how they are related”.
Identify the type of intelligence described in the above sentence.
(iii) Search engines not only predict what popular searches may apply to your query as 1
you start typing, but it looks at the whole picture and recognizes what you’re trying
to say rather than the exact search words. This is an example of
(a) Computer Vision (b) Data Sciences
(c) Natural Language Processing (d) Natural Language Understanding
(iv) When a user installs an app in the smartphone, it asks for access to gallery, contacts, 1
etc. After accepting this, it gives the user agreement which most users accept
without realizing the implications. What is the concern here?
(a) Data Privacy (b) Unemployment (c) AI bias (d) No concern
(v) Which of the following contribute to the intelligence?
(a)Past experience (b)Data/Information (c)Intuition (d)All of these
Q3 Answer the following questions (1 x 5 = 5 marks)
(i) Divya was learning neural networks. She understood that there were three layers in 1
a neural network. Help her identify the layer that does processing in the neural
(a) Output layer (b) Hidden layer (c) Input layer (d) Data layer
(ii) The _______Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were launched at the United 1
Nations Sustainable Development Summit in New York in the year 2015, forming
the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
(a) 17 (b) 15 (c) 13 (d) 19
(iii) Which form of supervised learning does the following diagram indicate? 1

(i)Classification (ii)Regression (iii)Clustering (iv)None of these

(iv) Read the examples given belowi. Using Chat GPT to write an email 1
ii. Face unlock technology of mobile phones using camera
iii. Turning off lights with IoT device
iv. Hand sanitizer dispenser having sensor
Choose the options that are not AI
(a) i and ii (b) iii and i (c) iii and iv (d) i, iii and iv
(v) Choose the five stages of AI project cycle in correct order 1
a) Evaluation -> Problem Scoping -> Data Exploration -> Data Acquisition ->
b) Problem Scoping -> Data Exploration -> Data Acquisition -> Evaluation ->
c) Data Acquisition -> Problem Scoping -> Data Exploration -> Modelling ->
d) Problem Scoping -> Data Acquisition -> Data Exploration -> Modelling ->
Q4. Answer the following questions. (1 x 5 = 5)
(i) The branch of AI that works with understanding language based audio inputs and 1
producing language based audio output, is called________
(a)Audio input output processing (b)Natural language processing
(c)Audio language processing (d)Natural language input output
(ii) Your health insurance company has asked all its customers to regularly deposit bi- 1
yearly reports of health tests. After sometime, it is able to recommend to your
doctors by predicting your possible ailment in future. This is an example of
________________ technology of AI.
(a)Data Science (b)Computer Vision (c)Big Data (d)All of these
(iii) Deep learning is a subset of Machine Learning. True/False
(iv) Name the key technology behind driver-less cars, that enables them to recognize 1
and distinguish between signs and people.
(a)Machine Learning (b)NLP (c)Flat Learning (d)Computer Vision
(v) Which of these domains and technologies play an important role in creating human 1
like robots?
(a)Computer Vision (b)NLP (c)Data (d)All of these
Q5. Answer the following questions: (1 X 5 = 5)
(i) A college student created a fake picture of his fellow student using AI’s deepfake 1
technology and registered for a competition. Which AI ethical issue is related to
(a)Transparency (b)Bias and Fairness
(c)Trust, privacy and control (d)Automation and impact over jobs
(ii) An automobile company laid off many factory workers ever since it started using 1
robots in factory, heavily affecting the employment and livelihood of these workers.
Which AI ethical issue is related to it?
(a)Transparency (b)Bias and Fairness (c)Trust, privacy and control
(d)Automation and impact over jobs
(iii) The 4Ws Problem Canvas helps in identifying the key elements related to the 1
problem. 4Ws problem canvas is a part of :
(a)Problem Scoping (b)Data Acquisition (c)Modeling (d)Evaluation
(iv) _________ help you gather data directly from the mouth of people who reply to 1
some open ended questions.
(a)Interview (b)Web Scrapping (c)Surveys (d)Sensors
(v) The ____________data is collected by the users themselves and not sourced from
other sources like, the Internet.
(a)Primary (b)Secondary (c)Structured (d)Unstructured
Q6. What is the importance of feedback in communication? 1
Q7 What are the principles of effective communication? 1
Q8 Enlist any two methods to protect our data on the computer. 1
Q9 How do you understand whether a machine/application is AI based or not? Explain 2
with the help of an example.
Q10 Differentiate between Classification and Regression. 2
Q11 Sirisha and Divisha want to make a model which will organize the unlabeled input 2
data into groups based on features. Which learning model should they use and why?
Q12 What is confusion matrix? 2
Q13 What is the purpose of Modeling phase in AI project cycle. 2
Q14 Ajay wants to access data from various sources. Suggest him any two points that he 2
needs to keep in mind while accessing data from any data source.
Q15 Differentiate between structured and unstructured data. 2
Q16 What is the difference between the rule based and learning based AI model? 3
Q17 Categorize the following under Data Sciences, Machine Learning, Computer 3
Vision and NLP:
The latest technological advancements have made our lives convenient. Google
Home, Alexa and Siri have been a huge help to non-tech savvy people. Features
like Facial recognition and Facelock have added additional security to our gadgets.
These advancements have also contributed in making our needs more approachable
and convenient. Now you can even check the prices with Price comparison
websites and order groceries online with chatbots. Did you know that you can even
find how you are going to look when you grow old? Faceapps and Snapchat filters
have made this possible!
Q18 What are Neural Networks? Briefly explain all layers of neural network. 3

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