Blocks of Time Numeracy
Blocks of Time Numeracy
Blocks of Time Numeracy
BLOCKS OF Region VII, Central Visayas
TIME Sudlon, Lahug, Cebu City
Competency: Literacy: Demonstrate respectful attitude towards parents and other members of the family.
Numeracy: Describe objects based on attributes/properties (shapes) using sense and body parts.
School Malbago Elementary School Integration CSE: Describe the healthy relationship with family, friends, peers
HG: Value others
The teacher greets each learner as they arrive in the classroom. The teacher may say hello and welcome the learners. Learners
who come early may be given time for free play while waiting.
Good day.
How are you?
You may do your assigned task and when done you can play.
10 minutes
Please fall in line once you hear the bell rings.
Daily routine:
1. National Anthem
Let’s fall in line and prepare for the flag ceremony.
2. Opening Prayer (When all the children are in the classroom, prayer is done automatically.)
MEETING TIME 1 Thank you, God, for this new day.
In my school to learn and play.
15 minutes Guide and be with us all day long,
In every story, game, and song.
May all the happy things we do.
Make You, Dear God, happy too.
3. Exercise (The teacher directs the child to watch the video exercise on TV and join the children in dancing)
Go out from your tables and do the dance moves you view on screen.
4. Attendance Check
The teacher leads in singing the song and encourages the learners to sing with her.
Song: Where is Thumb man
Where is (name of the learner) 2x
(The learner will answer) Here I am 2x
All: Do you know I love you)2x very much 2x
(Repeat until all are called)
Teacher: How many are boys?
How many are girls?
How many boys and girls in all?
5. Weather Check (Weather Song) (Validate learners answer by asking them to look outside.)
Teacher: What is the weather for today
Learners: Today is _________________ day.
6. Checking of Calendar (Song: Lubi-lubi)
January, February, Ma…ch, April, May
June, July, August, September, October
November, December
Today, we will play and learn more. These are the things that each group will be doing..
(The teacher gives clear instructions to the learners as a group on how to do the different independent activitie. (IAs)
SAY: All of you will have activity to work on.
Activity 1 – Picture Puzzle
Instructions: Complete the 2 puzzles within the group and say something about the completed one, one at a time.
Activity 2 – Love The Pic
Instructions: Choose 2 pictures that showed respectful attitude from the given pictures then glue the pictures on 1 sheet bond paper
and free-talk about the pictures they pasted
Activity 3 – Color It Red or Black
Instructions: Pick 1 drawing from the tray, if it showed respectful attitude color it Red. Color it Black if it showed disrespectful
Activity 4 – Everybody Do This
Instructions: Choose 1 drawing from the tray and color the drawing properly and beautifully.
SAY: While you are working on your task I will hop and sit in each group for 8 minutes.
DO: Work on the teacher supervised activity of the day with the 6 learners in the group in a playful manner, within 8 minutes. Moved
to the 2nd group in the next
8th minutes, then to the 3rd and 4th group, completing all the groups in 32 minutes.
● glue or paste
1. The teacher will show a picture one at a time.
2. Ask the learners what action is being shown in each picture.
3. Ask: What attitude being shown in each picture?
4. Place all the pictures inside the box.
5. Let the learners do the following:
● pick 1 picture
● paste the picture to the appropriate column (Red heart column for respectful attitudes, Black heart column for disrespectful)
4.The next learner will do the same.
Process Questions:
1. What are the different ways of showing respect to parents?
2. What are ways of showing respect to the other family members?
Activity 1.
Objective: Recognize respectful attitude towards parents and other members of the family.
Activity Title: Picture Puzzle
Materials: 2 sets of 6-piece picture puzzles that show respect (Kissing of hands, Obeying commands)
1.The teacher will do the following:
● Distributes 1 set of puzzles to group 1 and the other set to group 2.
● Instruct the learners to connect pieces of the puzzle following its curve until a picture will be shown.
2.The learners will do the following:
● Connect pieces of puzzle until complete.
● Say something about the completed puzzle to the groupmates.
● Exchange puzzles if there is still time and do the same steps.
Activity 2
Objective: Identify respectful attitude towards parents and other members of the family.
Activity Title: Love the Pic
Materials: pictures (3 per action) (kissing of hands, obeying commands, receiving gifts from parents, talking back, impolite way of
receiving visitors), bond paper,
1. The teacher will provide pictures (3 per action) (kissing of hands, obeying commands, receiving gifts from parents, talking back,
impolite way of receiving visitors)
2. The learners will do the following:
● Choose 2 pictures that showed respectful attitude from the given pictures.
● Glue the pictures on 1 sheet bond paper.
Free-talk about the pictures they pasted.
Activity 3
Objective: Pick out respectful attitude towards parents and other members of the family.
Activity Title: Color It Red or Black
Materials: drawing for coloring 3 per action) (kissing of hands, obeying commands, receiving gifts from parents, talking back, impolite
way of receiving visitors) and red and black coloring materials
Let the learners do the following:
Each of them would pick 1 drawing from the tray, if it showed respectful attitude color it Red. Color it black if it showed disrespectful
Activity 4
Objective: Point out respectful attitude towards parents and other members of the family.
Activity Title: Everybody Do This
Materials: drawing for coloring 3 per action) (kissing of hands, obeying commands, receiving gifts from parents, talking back, impolite
way of receiving visitors) and coloring materials
1.The learners will do the following:
● Choose 1 drawing that showed respectful attitude (from the tray).
Color the drawing properly and beautifully.
The children are once again gathered by the teacher as a whole group, also a time to prepare for washing hands before eating
Well done kids. Prepare now for snack time. (Give time for the learners to wash their hands. The kids may sing an action song while
falling in line to wash their hands)
15 minutes
God is So Good
God is so good
God is so good
He gives our food
Our food everyday
The teacher assists, and guides the children as they eat their snacks.
1. Instruct the children to fall in line, go to the washing area, show to them how to wash their hands, and then go back to their seats.
2. Let the learners get their snacks.
3. Shows the proper way of cutting the wrappers/unwrapping food, and drinking.
4. Eats with the learners.
5. After eating, guide and show the children the proper way of disposing garbage.
6. After disposing the garbage, shows the proper way of tooth brushing.
QUIET/ NAP TIME During this time, children can rest or engage in any relaxing activities.
Teacher may play a music and let the learners close their eyes.
10 minutes
The teacher gives clear instructions to the learners as a group on how to do the different independent activitie. (IAs)
CIRCLE TIME 2 SAY: All of you will have activity to work on.
Group 1 - Things I See
40 minutes Instructions: Draw at least 5 things you see inside the classroom and color it according to the actual color of the things you
Group 2 – Booklet of Things
Instructions: Draw things you see inside the classroom according to the shape drawn as model in each page. Color them
Group 3 – Shape Match
Instructions: Each of you will pick 1 shape card. Do it again, if you picked same shape keep it. if not return the card to the table.
The one with more cards on hand will win.
Group 4 – Shape Connect
Instructions: With the cards face down on the table, pick up 7 domino cards. Observe the shapes of the cards you picked. A player
with cards that have double, or the same shape begins to play. You in turn say the shape’s names and describe the shape, then
plays as in a regular domino game.
Name objects observe inside the classroom using sense and body parts.
Activity Title: Name It
● strips of paper with names of the things in the classroom
● pictures of the things found inside the classroom
● masking tape
● marker
1. The teacher brings the TS group to the different areas of the classroom and do the following:
1. 1. Ask: What are the things you see/observe inside the classroom?
2. 2. Show the word and paste it to the thing as you say the name.
3. 3. Give the box with pictures of the things found inside the classroom.
● 4. Let the learners
pick one picture and name it.
4. 5. Another learner will do the same.
Process questions:
1. What are the things
you see inside the
1. What other things are found inside the classroom you have not mentioned?
2. What can you say about them?
Children work in small groups, in pairs, or individually on either teacher-assigned or child-initiated activities. (Round robin) The child
must be able to accomplish 1 independent activity and 1 teacher-supervised activity. These activities help the learners master the
previously learned skills, or advance to the next skills to be mastered. The child is given 25 minutes to work on the supervised
Activity 1
Objective: Name objects they observe inside the classroom using sense and body parts.
Activity Title: Things I See
Individual Output
● paper,
● pencil
● crayons
1. The learners will:
● draw at least 5 things they see inside the classroom.
color it according to the color of the object you observed inside the classroom
Activity 2
Objective: Identify the shape of the objects they observed inside the classroom using sense and body parts.
Activity Title: Booklet of Things
(Group Output)
● booklet (with drawing of different shapes) for each learner in the group, bond paper (the teacher shall prepare this in
● pencil
● crayons
1.The learners will do the following:
● draw things you see in the classroom according to the shape drawn in each page
color them properly
Activity 3
Objective: Match the shape of the objects they observe inside the classroom using sense and body parts.
Activity Title: Shape Match
● 12 cards with different shapes
The learners will do the following:
● place all the shape cards on the table face down.
● each player will pick one card then pick another one for the second time. If the second picked is different of the shape she
picked first she will return it and turn now of the other learner. If she picked the same as the first keep now the cards which
she has now two.
● The player who can get the greatest number of pairs wins the game.
Activity 4
Objective: Identify the shape of the object using sense and body parts.
Activity Title: Shape Connect
Group Activity
● set of 28 shape dominoes (made by the teacher in advance)
(The card is a rectangular shape with two (2) different shapes like (circle and square, square and triangle, triangle, and
rectangle, etc.)
● cut the cardboard paper into rectangle strips
● draw the shapes
● trace the outline of the shape using glue or glue gun, then let it dry
● dried glue will create a raised outline of the shapes that other children can identify, especially those with visual impairment
can trace when playing
● see to it that the domino cards with shapes shall connect one another.
● make one card with the same shapes as two circles, or 2 squares or any two shapes you like for the player that will first to
play or begin the game
The learners will do the following:
● (Each learner) gets one card from the table. Whoever gets a card with two the same shapes will start the game. (Double
circles or double triangles and soon) He then will place his card at the center of the table.
● The next learner will get another card, if his card bears the same shape on the table he will connect to it, if not he will keep it
to himself.
● Another player will do the same. When the game is finished, (no more cards to get) the one who has many cards left, loses
the game.
The teacher tells the learners to help pack away the materials they used in the Indoor/ Outdoor Games time and get ready to do the
wrap up activities in Meeting Time 3. A transition song be used.
(Tune: Rocking the boat)
Goodbye, goodbye will see You again
Goodbye, goodbye will see You again
Goodbye, goodbye will see You again.
Goodbye, goodbye will see You again
Closing Prayer
Angel of God, my guardian dear
To whom God’s love, commits me here
Ever this day be at my side
To light and guard, to rule and guide.