Syllabus Fall 2023
Syllabus Fall 2023
Syllabus Fall 2023
Department of Economics
Mathematics for Economists (MA)
ECON-GA 1001 005
Fall 2023 (ERDEN)
Last updated on Friday, September 01, 2023 at 6:14:36 PM
Fridays 2:45 – 4:45pm, classroom: 6 Washington Place (Meyer Hall) Room 122
Fridays 1:10 – 2:40pm at TBA
Fridays 4:50 – 6:20pm at TBA
Recommended Textbooks:
- J.M. Henderson and R.E. Quant, Microeconomic Theory, A Mathematical
Approach, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill, 1971
- Foundations of Mathematical and Computational Economics, by Kamran
Dadkhah, Thomson South Western, 2007
- Further Mathematics for Economic Analysis: by Sydsaeter, Hammond,
Seierstad and Strom, Prentice Hall, 2005
- J. Johnston, Econometric Methods, 3rd ed., McGraw-Hill, 1984
- R.G.D. Allen, Mathematical Analysis for Economists, MacMillan, 1938
- C. Simon and L. Blume, Mathematics for Economists, W.W. Norton, 1994.
- K. Sydsaeter and P. Hammond, Mathematics for Economic Analysis,
Prentice Hall, 1995.
- Peter Hess, Using Mathematics in Economic Analysis, Prentice Hall, 2002
- Hands, D. Wade, Introductory Mathematical Economics, Oxford University
Press, 2004
- R. Barro and X. Sala-i-Martin, Economic Growth, 2nd Edition, MIT Press,
- A. Chiang, Elements of Dynamic Optimization, Waveland Press, 1992.
Course Description:
This course is designed to render a systematic exposition of certain basic
mathematical methods and to relate these mathematical techniques to the
various type of economic analysis. The course provides a working knowledge of
the concepts of sets, set operations, functions, matrix algebra, differentiation of a
function containing one or more variables, techniques for unconstrained and
constrained optimization, first order differential equations and an introduction to
optimal control theory. To integrate these mathematical subjects with economic
analysis, they are organized along the following distinct types of economic study:
static equilibrium analysis, comparative static analysis, maximization/
minimization problems and economic growth problems. The various analyses
focus on both micro and macroeconomic theories.
Course Requirements:
There will be a homework assignment each week. Homework will make up
30% of your final grade. Also, a midterm and a final exam will be administered,
former exam’s weight will be 30% and the latter’s weight will be 40% of your final
grade. Both exams are cumulative covering all materials up to the time of the
exam. Those who want to be excused from an exam should make a written
request with supporting documents such as a physician’s statement.
Week Date Topic Homework / Reading Assignments
No hw is due the first week, each
assignment is due the following
week in class unless noted
1 Sep 8th Static Analysis: Read Chapter 3 and 4 of Chiang
Equilibrium Analysis in and Wainwright
economics. Linear Hw: due next week
model; Matrix algebra. page 34 questions : 2, 4
Chapter 3 and 4 page 40 questions: 2, 6, 7
(Chiang and Wainwright) page 45 question : 2
Chapter 2 and 4 page 47 question : 2
(Dadkhah) page 51 questions: 2, 3, 4, 5
page 58 questions: 2
page 65 questions : 2, 4, 6
page 78 question : 6
Chapter 5 (Dadkhah) page 98 question :8
page 102 questions:2,4b,4d
page 107 questions:1b,
2 for 1b only, 3b,4
page 111 questions: 2, 3
6 Oct 13th The case of More Than Read Chapter 9.6 to 10.7 of
One Choice Variable. Chiang and Wainwright
Profit maximization; Hw: due next week
multi-product firm; price page 260 question: 2, 3b
discrimination page 267 questions:4b,4c,5
Chapter 9.6 - 10.7 page 276 questions: 3, 5b,
(Chiang and Wainwright) 6d, 7
Chapter 8 (Hess) page 282 questions: 1h,1g,
Chapters 14, 17 and 18 2, 3f, 3g,4c,4e, 7b
(Allen) page 286 questions: 4
page 290 questions : 1d, 2
5, 6, 8, 10, 11
10 Nov 17th Dynamic Analysis: Read Chapter 14 of Chiang and
Integration, Domar Wainwright
Growth Model. Hw: due next week
Chapter 14 (Chiang and
Wainwright) page 453 questions: 1b, 1e,
1f, 2b, 2e, 2f, 3b, 3d, 4b
page 460 question: 1d, 1c,
1f, 2b, 2d, 5
page 464 question: 3
page 470 questions: 2, 3b,
4, 5b
page 474 questions: 4