F(96,81,17) P: F(3,17)
BatchNorm 1D
Reconstructed 3D Pose
Reconstruct 3D Pose Sequence Strided Learning Individual Connected Layer
2D Pose Sequence
Global Representation Local 3D Pose Joint Estimation
Figure 1. Learning architecture of our GLA-GCN. AGCN (Cin , Cout , S) represents AGCN blocks with the specific values of the input
channel, output channel, and stride length. F (C ′ , T ′ , N ′ ) represents the size of a feature map. The individual connected layer shows the
prediction process of four pose joint examples that use separate 1D CNN layers.
Following ST-GCN, advanced GCN models have been pro- lize the structured features of different pose joints to locally
posed to advance 3D HPE [18, 80, 17, 62]. predict their corresponding 3D pose locations.
Regarding GCN-based models for 3D HPE, Ci et al. [18]
proposed Locally Connected Network (LCN) that takes the 3. Method
advantages of FCN [45] and GCN [20]. LCN has the sim-
ilar design for the convolutional filters to ST-GCN [70], Given the temporal information of a 2D human pose se-
which defines a neighbor set for a node based on the dis- quence estimated from a video P = {pt,i ∈ R2 | t =
tance to perform convolutional operation. Zhao et al. [80] 1, ..., T ; i = 1, ..., N }, where T is the number of pose
proposed an architecture called SemGCN that stacks GCN frames and N is the number of pose joints, we aim to uti-
layers by flatten output to a fully connected layer. The op- lize this 2D pose sequence P to reconstruct 3D coordinates
timization of SemGCN is based on both joint positions and of pose joints P̄ = {p̄i ∈ R3 |i = 1, ..., N }. Figure 1
bone vectors. Choi et al. [17] also proposed to use GCN to shows the learning architecture of our GLA-GCN, which
recover 3D human pose and mesh from a 2D human pose. uses AGCN layers to globally represent the 2D pose se-
Liu et al. [41] investigated how weight sharing schemes quence and locally estimate the 3D pose via an individual
in GCNs affect the pose lifting task, which shows the pre- connected layer. In the following of this section, we intro-
aggregation method leads to relatively better performance. duce the detailed design of our GLA-GCN.
The architecture in [41] is similar with that of SemGCN.
The above mentioned GCN-based methods achieved good 3.1. Global Representation
performance via a single pose frame input but they did not Adaptive Graph Convolutional Network. An AGCN
take the advantage of temporal information in a 2D pose block [36, 57] is based on the GCN with an adaptive de-
sequence. sign that improves the flexibility of a typical ST-GCN block
Taking multiple 2D pose frames as input, U-shaped [70]. Let us represent the 2D pose sequence P as a spatial-
Graph Convolution Networks (UGCN) [62, 29] further im- temporal graph G = {υt , εt |t = 1, ..., T }, where υt =
proves the performance of GCN-based methods by paying {υt,i |i = 1, ..., N } represents the pose joints and εt repre-
attention to the temporal characteristics of a pose motion. sents the corresponding pose bones. To implement a basic
Specifically, UGCN utilizes spatial temporal GCN [70] to ST-GCN block, a neighbor set Bi is first defined to indi-
predict a 3D pose sequence from a 2D pose sequence for cate the spatial graph convolutional filter for a specific pose
the reconstruction of a single 3D pose frame. A motion joint υt,i . Specifically, for the graph convolutional filter of a
loss term that regulates the temporal trajectory of pose joints vertex node, we apply three distance neighbor subsets: the
based on the prediction of a 3D pose sequence and its cor- vertex itself, centripetal subset, and centrifugal subset. The
responding ground truth 3D pose sequence. Despite the im- definitions of centripetal and centrifugal subsets are based
provements grained with novel loss terms in works such as on the pose frame’s gravity center (i.e., the average coordi-
SemGCN and UGCN, we aim to contribute the literature nate of all pose joints). Centripetal and centrifugal subsets
of 2D-3D lifting by using the consistent loss term used in represent nodes that are closer and farther to the average
[51, 42]. In our model design, we propose to incorporate distance from the gravity center, respectively. Empirically,
the strided convolutions to a GCN-based model that rep- similar with 2D convolution, we set the kernel size K to 3,
resents global information of a 2D pose sequence. Based which will lead to 3 subsets in Bi . To implement the sub-
on the structure of GCN representation, we explicitly uti- sets, a mapping ht,i → {0, ..., K − 1} is used to index each
subset with a numeric label, where centripetal and centrifu- Sequence]). Here, each AGCN block has three key parame-
gal subsets are respectively labeled as 1 and 2. Subsets that ters: the number of input channels Cin , the number of out-
have the average distance to gravity center is indexed to 0. put channels Cout , and the stride S of the temporal convolu-
This graph convolutional operation can be written as tion, while the other parameters are kept consistent (e.g., the
temporal convolution kernel size is three). Given an input
X 1 Cin -dim pose representation F (Cin , Tin , N ), the AGCN
fout (υt,i ) = fin (υt,j ) W (ht,i (υt,j )) (1)
υt,j ∈Bi Zt,j block derives the output Cout -dim pose F (Cout , Tout , N )
via convolution on the pose structure sequence, where Tout
where fin : vt,j → R2 is a mapping that gets the attribute depends on Nin and S. To reconstruct the 3D pose se-
features of joint node vt,j and Zt,j is a normalization term quence, we first use AGCN (2, 96, 1) to convert the 2D
that equals to the subset’s cardinality. W (ht,i (vt,j )) is a pose sequence F (2, T, N ) into a 96D pose representation
weight function W (υt,i , υt,j ) : Bi → R2 implemented F (96, T, N ). Following the settings of related work, we
by indexing a (2, K) tensor. For a pose frame, the deter- set T to 243 and N to 17 for the Human3.6M dataset. That
mined graph convolution of a sampling strategy (e.g., cen- is, the input 2D pose sequence of F (2, 243, 17) is converted
tripetal and centrifugal subsets) can be implemented by an into a 96D pose sequence of F (96, 243, 17). Then, we stack
N × N adjacency Pmatrix. Specifically, with K spatial sam- iterative layers of AGCN (96, 96, 1) to construct the deep
pling strategies k=1 Ak and the adaptive design, Equa- spatiotemporal structural representation of the 96D pose se-
tion 1 can be transformed into quence. The output of the last AGCN block is fed into an
XK AGCN (96, 3, 1) to estimate the 3D pose sequence based
fout (υt ) = (Ak + Bk + Ck )fin Wk (2) on the 96D joint representation and derive F (3, 243, 17).
k=1 ...
Then, we let p t,i ∈ R3 be the 3D position of the i-th joint
−1 −1 at time t, and minimize the difference between the estimated
where Λk 2 Āk Λk 2 is a normalized adjacency matrix of
3D pose sequence and the ground truth 3D pose sequence:
Āk with its elements indicating whether a vertex υt,j is in-
cluded in the neighbor set. Λii
k = j (Āk ) + α is a di- T N
1 1 X X ...
agonal matrix with α set to 0.001 to prevent empty rows. Lglobal = p t,i − pt,i 2
Wk denotes the weighting function of Equation 1, which is T N t=1 i=1
a weight tensor of the 1 × 1 convolutional operation. Unlike
Ak that represents the physical structure of a human pose, Strided Learning Architecture. Inspired by the TCN-
Bk represents learnable parameters that indicate the con- based approaches [51, 42], we further adapt the strided
nection strength between pose joints,which is implemented learning architecture to the AGCN model, using strided
with an N × N adjacency matrix initialized to 0. Ck per- convolution to reduce long time sequences and aggregate
forms the similar function of Bk , which is implemented by temporal information near time t for pose estimation. The
the dot product of two feature maps calculated by embed- gray module in Figure 1(Strided Learning) illustrates the
ding functions (i.e., θ and ϕ) to calculate the similarity be- design of the strided AGCN modules. Each strided AGCN
tween pose joints. Calculation of Ck can be represented module has two consecutive AGCN blocks, which are sur-
as rounded by residual connections [26]. We perform strided
T T convolutions at the second AGCN block of each strided
Ck = Sof tM ax(fin Wθk Wϕk fin ) (3)
AGCN module to gradually shrink the feature size at the
where Wθ and Wϕ are learnable parameter of the two em- temporal dimension. The input of the first strided AGCN
bedding functions, which are initialized as 0.0. Then an module is the intermediate output in 3D pose sequence
AGCN block is realized with a 1 × Γ classical 2D con- reconstruction, i.e., the extracted F (96, 243, 17). After
volutional layer (Γ is the temporal kernel size that we set the propagation through the first strided AGAN module,
to 9) and the defined adaptive graph convolution fout (υt ), the 96D pose sequence will be shrunken to F (96, 81, 17).
which are both followed by a batch normalization layer and Then, we repetitively perform subsequence AGCN layers
a ReLU layer and a dropout layer in between them. Mean- until the feature size is shrunken to the size of 96 × 1 × 17.
while, a residual connection [26] is added to the AGCN In this way, the pattern of the temporal neighbor in the
block. pose sequence will be aggregated for subsequent local 3D
Reconstruct 3D Pose Sequence. Taking the inspiration of pose joint estimation to estimate the 3D pose of the centric
recent works [62, 29, 39, 38], the introduced AGCN block timestep.
is then used to extract the spatiotemporal structural infor-
3.2. Local 3D Pose Joint Estimation
mation in the global graph representation, which is super-
vised by estimating the 3D pose sequence from the corre- Based on the above-mentioned strided AGCN modules,
sponding 2D sequence (see Figure 1 [Reconstruct 3D Pose the input 2D pose sequence represented as F (96, 243, 17)
can be transformed into a feature map F (96, 1, 17). The Finally, we wish to minimize the difference between the es-
next step is to estimate the 3D position of joint nodes based timated joint pose p̄i and the ground truth joint pose pi via
on the feature map. Llocal :
Individually Connected Layers. Existing TCN- and N
1 X
GCN-based methods [51, 42, 80, 62] usually flatten the de- Llocal = ∥p̄i − pi ∥2 (8)
N i=1
rived feature maps and use a global skeleton representa-
tion consisting of all joint nodes to estimate every single During the training process, we optimize Lglobal and
joint, neglecting the matching information between joints Llocal in two stages. In the first stage, we minimize
and corresponding vectors in feature maps. Unlike existing Lglobal + Llocal to optimize the model using globally su-
works, we believe the global knowledge of the temporal and pervised signal guidance. In the second stage, we minimize
spatial neighborhoods has been aggregated via the proposed Llocal to improve the 3D pose estimation performance.
global representation. Thus, it is crucial to scope at the spa-
tial information of the corresponding joint node to infer its 4. Experiments
3D position. Based on this idea, this paper first proposes
an individual connected layer to estimate the 3D position 4.1. Datasets and Evaluation
of every single joint based on the corresponding joint node Our experiments are based on three public datasets:
feature F (96, 1, 1), instead of the pooled representation of Human3.6M [30], HumanEva-I [58], and MPI-INF-3DHP
all joint nodes F (96, 1, 17). Mathematically, the individual [46]. With respect to Human3.6M, the data of subjects
connected layer can be denoted as: S1, S5, S6, S7, and S8 are applied for training, while that
(unshared) of S9 and S11 are used for testing, which is consistent
ṗi = vi Wi + bi (5) with the training and validation settings of existing works
[51, 42, 80, 62]. In terms of HumanEva-I, following [45]
where the estimated 3D position of joint i is denoted by ṗi
and [42], data for actions “walk” and “jog” from subjects
and vi represents the flattened features of F (96, 1, i) joint
S1, S2, and S3 are used for training and testing. For MPI-
node i. The weight parameters of the individual connected
INF-3DHP, we follow the experimental setting of the recent
layer is represented by Wi and Wi ∈ R96×3 , whose bias
state-of-the-art [55] for a fair comparison.
parameter is bi and bi ∈ R1×3 .
Standard evaluation protocols: Mean Per-Joint Position
Due to the weight Wi and bias bi are not shared between
Error (MPJPE) and Pose-aligned MPJPE (P-MPJPE), re-
joints, we name the above individually connected layers as
spectively known as P rotocol#1 and P rotocol#2, are
unshared individually connected layers. On top of that, we
used for both datasets. The calculation of MPJPE is based
find that individually connected layers in the unshared fash-
on the mean Euclidean distance between the predicted 3D
ion may ignore the shared rules between joints in 2D to 3D
pose joints aligned to root joints (i.e., pelvis) and the ground
pose lifting, resulting in overfitting joint-specific distribu-
truth 3D pose joints collected via motion capture, which fol-
tion. Therefore, we further designed shared individually
lows [84, 60, 50]. Comparing with MPJPE, P-MPJPE is
connected layers:
also based on the mean Euclidean distance but has an extra
(shared) post-processing step with rigid alignments (e.g., scale, ro-
ṗi = vi Ws + bs (6)
tation, and translation) to the predicted 3D pose. P-MPJPE
leads to smaller differences with the ground truth and it fol-
The weight parameters of the shared individual connected
lows [45, 28, 22].
layer is represented by Ws and Ws ∈ R96×3 , whose bias
parameter is bs and bs ∈ R1×3 . Then, the 3D pose estima- 4.2. Implementation Details
tion of each joint can be formulated as the weighted average
of the estimated results from the shared and unshared indi- We introduce the implementation detail of our GLA-
vidually connected layers: GCN from three main perspectives: 2D pose detections,
model setting, and hyperparameters for the training process.
(unshared) (shared) For fair comparison, we follow the 2D pose detections of
p̄i = λṗi + (1 − λ)ṗi (7)
Human3.6M [30] and HumanEva-I [58] used in [51, 42],
Here, λ is the parameter that weighs the shared individ- which are detected by CPN [15] and MRCNN [25], respec-
ual connected layer and the unshared individual connected tively. The CPN’s 2D pose detection has 17 joints while
layer. When λ is 0.0, the model uses only the shared in- the MRCNN’s 2D pose detection has 15 joints. Besides, we
dividual connected layer for estimation, and when λ is 1.0, also conduct experiments for the ground truth (GT) 2D pose
the model uses only the unshared individual connected layer detections of the two datasets.
for prediction. Especially, for convenience, the connected Based on the specific structure of 2D pose, we imple-
layers are implemented via a 1D CNN layer in this paper. ment the graph convolutional operation filters of AGCN
Method Dir. Disc. Eat. Greet Phone Photo Pose Purch. Sit SitD. Smoke Wait WalkD. Walk WalkT. Avg.
Martinez et al. [45] (ICCV’17) 51.8 56.2 58.1 59.0 69.5 78.4 55.2 58.1 74.0 94.6 62.3 59.1 65.1 49.5 52.4 62.9
Fang et al. [21] (AAAI’18) 50.1 54.3 57.0 57.1 66.6 73.3 53.4 55.7 72.8 88.6 60.3 57.7 62.7 47.5 50.6 60.4
Pavlakos et al. [49] (CVPR’18) 48.5 54.4 54.4 52.0 59.4 65.3 49.9 52.9 65.8 71.1 56.6 52.9 60.9 44.7 47.8 56.2
Lee et al. [35] (ECCV’18) † 40.2 49.2 47.8 52.6 50.1 75.0 50.2 43.0 55.8 73.9 54.1 55.6 58.2 43.3 43.3 52.8
Zhao et al. [80] (CVPR’19) 47.3 60.7 51.4 60.5 61.1 49.9 47.3 68.1 86.2 55.0 67.8 61.0 42.1 60.6 45.3 57.6
Ci et al. [18] (ICCV’19) 46.8 52.3 44.7 50.4 52.9 68.9 49.6 46.4 60.2 78.9 51.2 50.0 54.8 40.4 43.3 52.7
Pavllo et al. [51] (CVPR’19) † 45.2 46.7 43.3 45.6 48.1 55.1 44.6 44.3 57.3 65.8 47.1 44.0 49.0 32.8 33.9 46.8
Cai et al. [9] (ICCV’19) † 44.6 47.4 45.6 48.8 50.8 59.0 47.2 43.9 57.9 61.9 49.7 46.6 51.3 37.1 39.4 48.8
Pavllo et al. [51] (CVPR’19) † 45.2 46.7 43.3 45.6 48.1 55.1 44.6 44.3 57.3 65.8 47.1 44.0 49.0 32.8 33.9 46.8
Xu et al. [68] (CVPR’20) † 37.4 43.5 42.7 42.7 46.6 59.7 41.3 45.1 52.7 60.2 45.8 43.1 47.7 33.7 37.1 45.6
Liu et al. [42] (CVPR’20) † 41.8 44.8 41.1 44.9 47.4 54.1 43.4 42.2 56.2 63.6 45.3 43.5 45.3 31.3 32.2 45.1
Zeng et al. [75] (ECCV’20) † 46.6 47.1 43.9 41.6 45.8 49.6 46.5 40.0 53.4 61.1 46.1 42.6 43.1 31.5 32.6 44.8
Xu and Takano [69] (CVPR’21) 45.2 49.9 47.5 50.9 54.9 66.1 48.5 46.3 59.7 71.5 51.4 48.6 53.9 39.9 44.1 51.9
Zhou et al. [83] (PAMI’21) † 38.5 45.8 40.3 54.9 39.5 45.9 39.2 43.1 49.2 71.1 41.0 53.6 44.5 33.2 34.1 45.1
Li et al. [39] (CVPR’22) † 39.2 43.1 40.1 40.9 44.9 51.2 40.6 41.3 53.5 60.3 43.7 41.1 43.8 29.8 30.6 43.0
Shan et al. [55] (ECCV’22) † 38.9 42.7 40.4 41.1 45.6 49.7 40.9 39.9 55.5 59.4 44.9 42.2 42.7 29.4 29.4 42.8
Our GLA-GCN (T=243, CPN) † 41.3 44.3 40.8 41.8 45.9 54.1 42.1 41.5 57.8 62.9 45.0 42.8 45.9 29.4 29.9 44.4
Martinez et al. [45] (ICCV’17) 37.7 44.4 40.3 42.1 48.2 54.9 44.4 42.1 54.6 58.0 45.1 46.4 47.6 36.4 40.4 45.5
Lee et al. [35] (ECCV’18) † 32.1 36.6 34.3 37.8 44.5 49.9 40.9 36.2 44.1 45.6 35.3 35.9 30.3 37.6 35.5 38.4
Zhao et al. [80] (CVPR’19) 37.8 49.4 37.6 40.9 45.1 41.4 40.1 48.3 50.1 42.2 53.5 44.3 40.5 47.3 39.0 43.8
Ci et al. [18] (ICCV’19) 36.3 38.8 29.7 37.8 34.6 42.5 39.8 32.5 36.2 39.5 34.4 38.4 38.2 31.3 34.2 36.3
Liu et al. [42] (CVPR’20) † 34.5 37.1 33.6 34.2 32.9 37.1 39.6 35.8 40.7 41.4 33.0 33.8 33.0 26.6 26.9 34.7
Xu and Takano [69] (CVPR’21) 35.8 38.1 31.0 35.3 35.8 43.2 37.3 31.7 38.4 45.5 35.4 36.7 36.8 27.9 30.7 35.8
Zheng et al. [81] (ICCV’21) † 30.0 33.6 29.9 31.0 30.2 33.3 34.8 31.4 37.8 38.6 31.7 31.5 29.0 23.3 23.1 31.3
Li et al. [39] (CVPR’22) † 27.7 32.1 29.1 28.9 30.0 33.9 33.0 31.2 37.0 39.3 30.0 31.0 29.4 22.2 23.0 30.5
Shan et al. [55] (ECCV’22) † 28.5 30.1 28.6 27.9 29.8 33.2 31.3 27.8 36.0 37.4 29.7 29.5 28.1 21.0 21.0 29.3
Our GLA-GCN (T=243, GT) † 26.5 27.2 29.2 25.4 28.2 31.7 29.5 26.9 37.8 39.9 29.9 27.0 27.3 20.5 20.8 28.5
Wang et al. [62] (ECCV’20) †* 23.0 25.7 22.8 22.6 24.1 30.6 24.9 24.5 31.1 35.0 25.6 24.3 25.1 19.8 18.4 25.6
Li et al. [38] (TMM’22) †* 27.1 29.4 26.5 27.1 28.6 33.0 30.7 26.8 38.2 34.7 29.1 29.8 26.8 19.1 19.8 28.5
Hu et al. [29] (MM’22) †* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 22.7
Zhang et al. [78] (CVPR’22) †* 21.6 22.0 20.4 21.0 20.8 24.3 24.7 21.9 26.9 24.9 21.2 21.5 20.8 14.7 15.7 21.6
Our method (T=243, GT) † * 20.1 21.2 20.0 19.6 21.5 26.7 23.3 19.8 27.0 29.4 20.8 20.1 19.2 12.8 13.8 21.0
Table 1. P rotocol#1: Reconstruction error with MPJPE (mm) on Human3.6M. Top-table: input 2D pose sequences are detected by (CPN)
- cascaded pyramid network. Bottom-table: input 2D pose sequences with ground truth (GT). Best in bold, second best underlined, the
lower the better. † indicates using temporal information. * indicates reconstructing an intermediate 3D pose sequence.
Li et al. [38] (TMM’22) †* 9.7 7.6 15.8 12.3 9.4 11.2 11.1 Table 3. Results of P rotocol#1 for MPI-INF-3DHP. † uses tem-
Ours (T=27, GT) † 8.7 6.8 11.5 10.1 8.2 9.9 9.2 poral information. Best in bold, second best underlined. * indi-
Table 2. Results of P rotocol#2 for HumanEva-I. † uses temporal cates reconstructing an intermediate 3D pose sequence.
information. Best in bold, second best underlined. * indicates
reconstructing an intermediate 3D pose sequence.
blocks, e.g., the sizes of Ak , Bk , Ck are set to 17 × 17, In terms of the hyperparameters, we respectively set
15 × 15, and 17 × 17 for Human3.6M, HumanEva-I, and the batch size to 512, 256, and 256 for Human3.6M,
MPI-INF-3DHP, respectively. The designed model has HumanEva-I, and MPI-INF-3DHP. Being consistent with
some key parameters that can be adjusted to get better per- [42], we adopt the ranger optimizer and train the model with
formance. For this part, we conduct ablation expariments the MPJPE loss for 80 and 1000 epochs for Human3.6M
with difference numbers of channels and 2D pose frames and HumanEva-I, respectively, using an initial learning rate
(i.e., Cout and T , respectively) on Human3.6M. To ver- of 0.01. Meanwhile, we set the dropout rate to 0.1. For both
ify the proper design of the proposed model regarding the training and testing phases, data augmentation is applied by
strided design and individual connected layer, we perform horizontally flipping the pose data. All experiments are con-
further ablation experiments on both datasets. ducted with two GeForce GTX 3090 GPUs.
Method Dir. Disc. Eat. Greet Phone Photo Pose Purch. Sit SitD. Smoke Wait WalkD. Walk WalkT. Avg.
Martinez et al. [45] (ICCV’17) 39.5 43.2 46.4 47.0 51.0 56.0 41.4 40.6 56.5 69.4 49.2 45.0 49.5 38.0 43.1 47.7
Fang et al. [21] (AAAI’18) 38.2 41.7 43.7 44.9 48.5 55.3 40.2 38.2 54.5 64.4 47.2 44.3 47.3 36.7 41.7 45.7
Pavlakos et al. [49] (CVPR’18) 34.7 39.8 41.8 38.6 42.5 47.5 38.0 36.6 50.7 56.8 42.6 39.6 43.9 32.1 36.5 41.8
Lee et al. [35] (ECCV’18) † 34.9 35.2 43.2 42.6 46.2 55.0 37.6 38.8 50.9 67.3 48.9 35.2 31.0 50.7 34.6 43.4
Cai et al. [9] (ICCV’19) † 35.7 37.8 36.9 40.7 39.6 45.2 37.4 34.5 46.9 50.1 40.5 36.1 41.0 29.6 33.2 39.0
Pavllo et al. [51] (CVPR’19) † 34.1 36.1 34.4 37.2 36.4 42.2 34.4 33.6 45.0 52.5 37.4 33.8 37.8 25.6 27.3 36.5
Xu et al. [68] (CVPR’20) † 31.0 34.8 34.7 34.4 36.2 43.9 31.6 33.5 42.3 49.0 37.1 33.0 39.1 26.9 31.9 36.2
Chen et al. [15] (ICCV’20) † 32.9 35.2 35.6 34.4 36.4 42.7 31.2 32.5 45.6 50.2 37.3 32.8 36.3 26.0 23.9 35.5
Liu et al. [42] (CVPR’20) † 32.3 35.2 33.3 35.8 35.9 41.5 33.2 32.7 44.6 50.9 37.0 32.4 37.0 25.2 27.2 35.6
Shan et al. [56] (MM’21) † 32.5 36.2 33.2 35.3 35.6 42.1 32.6 31.9 42.6 47.9 36.6 32.1 34.8 24.2 25.8 35.0
Shan et al. [55] (ECCV’22) † 31.3 35.2 32.9 33.9 35.4 39.3 32.5 31.5 44.6 48.2 36.3 32.9 34.4 23.8 23.9 34.4
Zhang et al. [78] (CVPR’22) †* 30.8 33.1 30.3 31.8 33.1 39.1 31.1 30.5 42.5 44.5 34.0 30.8 32.7 22.1 22.9 32.6
Our GLA-GCN (T=243, CPN) † 32.4 35.3 32.6 34.2 35.0 42.1 32.1 31.9 45.5 49.5 36.1 32.4 35.6 23.5 24.7 34.8
Martinez et al. [45] (ICCV’17) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 37.1
Ci et al. [18] (ICCV’19) 24.6 28.6 24.0 27.9 27.1 31.0 28.0 25.0 31.2 35.1 27.6 28.0 29.1 24.3 26.9 27.9
Our GLA-GCN (T=243, GT) † 20.2 21.9 21.7 19.9 21.6 24.7 22.5 20.8 28.6 33.1 22.7 20.6 20.3 15.9 16.2 22.0
Our GLA-GCN (T=243, GT) †* 16.6 18.1 16.2 17.0 17.0 22.2 19.0 17.1 22.4 25.9 17.5 16.4 16.3 10.8 11.6 17.6
Table 4. P rotocol#2: Reconstruction error after rigid alignment with P-MPJPE (mm) on Human3.6M. Top-table: input 2D joints are
acquired by detection (CPN) - cascaded pyramid network. Bottom-table: input 2D joints with (GT) - ground truth. † indicates using
temporal information. * indicates reconstructing an intermediate 3D pose sequence. Best in bold, second best underlined.
Input Zhang et al. [71] Ours Ground Truth Input Zhang et al. [71] Ours Ground Truth
Input Zhang et al. [71] Ours Ground Truth Input Zhang et al. [71] Ours Ground Truth
Figure 2. Qualitative comparison with Zhang et al. [78] for S9 and S11 on two actions of Human3.6M. Noticeable improvements are
0.40 40
32.37 Refine perior to state-of-the-art methods by just using the MPJPE
30.71 29.16
0.30 29.10 28.33 28.20 28.25 28.30 30 loss. We also conduct a qualitative comparison with the
MPJPE (mm)
21.10 21.11 21.16 state-of-the-art method that does not have a 3D pose se-
0.20 20
quence reconstruction module [42]. Figure 2 shows the vi-
0.10 10 sualized improvements over [42]. For example, in the “S11
Training WalkT.” action, the visualizations of right-hip and right-
0.00 0
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29
hand joints estimated with our method and the ground truth
epoch 3D pose are clearly separate but those of [42] are connected
training loss test MPJPE
Figure 3. Loss on the training set and MPJPE on the test set. to each other. Moving on to the MPI-INF-3DHP dataset in
Table 3, we can see a significant decline in MPJPE with
4.3. Comparison with State-of-the-Art our model. Compared with the state-of-the-art method,
Tables 1 and 4 show the comparison on Human3.6M P-STMO[55], the MPJPE of our model decreases from
and HumanEva-I with state-of-the-art methods under 32.2mm to 27.76mm, representing an error reduction of ap-
P rotocol#1 and P rotocol#2, respectively. Based on the proximately 14%.
implementation via GT 2D pose respectively optimized Comparing the performance by using estimated 2D pose
with or without loss of reconstructing the intermediate 3D (i.e., CPN or HR-Net pose data) is also regarded as im-
pose sequence (defined in Equation 4), our GLA-GCN out- portant by most existing works. However, models such
performs the state-of-the-art method [78] in terms of aver- as [39, 55] can perform well on relatively low-quality esti-
aged results of two evaluation protocols. Figure 3 shows the mated 2D pose data but fail to well generalize the good per-
training process of our GLA-GCN on Human3.6M, which formance to high-quality 2D data (i.e., ground truth poses).
indicates our model converges quickly without observable We note that our method underperforms on relatively low-
overfitting. For the HumanEva-I dataset, the results of quality estimated 2D pose when compared with some recent
P rotocol#2 (see Table 2) also show that our method is su- methods [39, 55, 78]. In the following, we conduct an in-
Right Leg Right Arm Left Leg Left Arm Torso Arm Joints Leg Joints
Figure 4. Visualizations of inter-joint feature cosine similarity from actions: “eating” (first 3 columns) and “walking” (last three columns)
of Human3.6M. Upper row uses an individual connected layer; lower row uses a fully connected layer (please zoom in for a better view).
depth discussion on this issue. Medhod Frames No. of Parameters MPJPE (mm)
Pavllo et al. [51] (CVPR’19) † T = 27 8.56M 40.6
Liu et al. [42] (CVPR’20) † T = 27 5.69M 38.9
Discussion: the Effect of 2D Pose Quality. Tracing back Li et al. [39] (CVPR’22) †* T = 27 18.92M 34.3
to the first work on 3D Pose lifting, Martinez et al. [45] Our GLA-GCN † T = 27 0.84M 34.4
used the SH 2D pose detector fine-tuned on the Human3.6M Pavllo et al. [51] (CVPR’19) † T = 81 12.75M 38.7
Liu et al. [42] (CVPR’20) † T = 81 8.46M 36.2
dataset to improve the 3D HPE (significantly from 67.5mm Li et al. [39] (CVPR’22) †* T = 81 ≥ 18.92M 32.7
average MPJPE to 62.9mm), indicating that the quality of Our GLA-GCN † T = 81 1.10M 31.5
2D pose can be essential for the 3D HPE. Recent works Pavllo et al. [51] (CVPR’19) † T = 243 16.95M 37.8
Liu et al. [42] (CVPR’20) † T = 243 11.25M 34.7
[62, 39, 78] took advantage of advanced 2D pose detector Our GLA-GCN † T = 243 1.35M 28.5
HR-Net and achieved better performance (e.g., 39.8mm av-
Wang et al. [62] (ECCV’20) †* T = 96 1.69M 25.6
erage MPJPE). Zhu et al. [85] also successfully improved Our GLA-GCN (Cout=96 ) †* T = 243 1.88M 24.5
the result to 37.5mm average MPJPE by fine-tuning the SH Hu et al. [29] (MM’22) †* T = 96 3.42M 22.7
Li et al. [39] (CVPR’22) †* T = 351 ≥ 18.92M 30.5
network [48] on Human3.6M, which remains far behind the Zhang et al. [78] (CVPR’22) †* T = 243 33.70M 21.6
results implemented with GT 2D pose. Our GLA-GCN (Cout=512 ) †* T = 243 48.64M 21.0
Table 5. Comparison with state-of-the-art methods on Hu-
A similar observation is also applicable to the man3.6M implemented with different receptive fields of ground
HumanEva-I and MPI-INF-3DHP datasets. As shown in truth 2D pose. Results of P rotocol#1 are reported. * indicates
Table 2, our method yields a remarkable 40% drop in P- reconstructing an intermediate 3D pose sequence.
MPJPE on the HumanEva-I dataset. Given the GT 2D
pose, the P-MPJPE goes from 15.4mm to 9.2mm compared 4.4. Ablation Studies
with the best state-of-the-art algorithm. While on MPI-INF-
3DHP, the MPJPE goes from 32.2mm to 27.76mm. In the following, we ablate our model design gradients
(i.e., AGCN layers, strided design, and individual con-
Hence, improving the performance of the estimated pose nected layer). To validate the properness of using AGCN
purely relies on preparing quality 2D pose data, which can layers, we compare our model with the version imple-
be easily achieved by either using an advanced 2D pose de- mented with ST-GCN [70] blocks, which leads to the ab-
tector that can generate pose data similar to the GT 2D pose lation of AGCN. As shown in the row #1 of Table 6, the
or just arbitrarily fine-tuning the existing pose detectors. On results of P rotocol#2 on two datasets consistently indicate
the other hand, it remains unclear for what scenario the re- that using AGCN blocks can achieve better performances.
constructed 3D pose with advanced pose detectors can be For the ablation of strided design, we perform average
beneficial. One scenario is 3D human pose estimation in pooling on the second (i.e., temporal) dimension of the fea-
the wild, which is usually evaluated with qualitative visual- ture map. Results in row #2 of Table 6 indicates that it is
ization [38]. However, whether the 3D pose reconstructed not as effective as the strided design. Without the strided
from the estimated 2D pose can contribute to pose-based design, it will not only lead to a larger feature map represen-
tasks remains under-explored. Given that how to improve tation, i.e., increased from F (Cout , 1, N ) to F (Cout , T, N )
the performance of the estimated 2D pose is straightforward but also affects the 3D HPE.
and its usage remains lack of good applicable scenario, we To verify the design of our individual connected layer,
argue that the comparison based on the GT 2D pose can we compare it with the implementation of a fully connected
more properly reflect a model’s 3D HPE ability than com- layer that takes the expanded feature map as its input. The
parisons based on the estimated 2D pose. results in the row #3 of Table 6 indicates that our individual
Human3.6M HumanEva-I [6, 5, 4, 7, 3] and aim to improve the results of the esti-
# Method
CPN GT MRCNN GT mated 2D pose by preparing high-quality 2D pose data via
1 w/o AGCN 39.1 28.0 18.2 11.7 fine-tuned 2D pose detectors (e.g., SH detector [48], Open-
2 w/o strided design 41.2 30.6 22.6 12.9 Pose [10], and HR-Net [59]), abd investigate the effects of
3 w/o individual connected layer 39.0 27.7 17.6 12.4
4 Swap the structure of input 2D pose 38.3 28.1 16.4 12.4 other loss terms (e.g., based on bone features [12] and mo-
5 GLA-GCN (T=27) † 37.8 25.8 15.4 9.2 tion trajectory [62]).
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