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Applied Physics A (2023) 129:761


Biological synthesis and characterization of silver nanoparticles using

Corchorus aestuans leaf extract and their photocatalytic, antimicrobial
and anticancer activity against MCF‑7 cell lines
Saravana Kumar Deivanathan1 · J. Thomas Joseph Prakash1

Received: 24 June 2023 / Accepted: 24 September 2023

© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH, DE part of Springer Nature 2023

The researchers are working hard to discover eco-friendly alternatives to chemically synthesized metal nanoparticles. The
current study used Corchorus aestuans to evaluate bio-synthesis, physiochemical characterization and antimicrobial activi-
ties against human pathogenic bacteria and also the anticancer activity. The bio-synthesized Corchorus aestuans silver
nanoparticles (CA-AgNPs) were characterized by UV, FT-IR, powder XRD, FE-SEM, EDAX, HR-TEM, DLS and Zeta
potential. The MTT assay also demonstrated improved cytotoxicity against bosom malignant breast cancer (MCF-7) cell
lines with I­ C50 value of 56.47 μg/mL. The CA-AgNPs were also found to be antimicrobial effective against Gram-positive
and Gram-negative bacteria and fungi. Furthermore, after 48 h of interaction, the bio-synthesized CA-AgNPs successfully
degraded the Methylene Blue (MB) dye by nearly 91.19%.

Keywords Corchorus aestuans · Silver nanoparticles · Antimicrobial properties · MB dye degradation · MCF-7 cells

1 Introduction by natural agents, resulting in expedited manufacturing.

This technique notable characterized by its uniform shapes,
Nanotechnology is a rapidly expanding study field, with augmented yields, swifter production and environmentally
applications ranging from electronics to healthcare, the friendly footprint, signifying a noteworthy stride in the
environment, food, textiles, and pharmaceuticals [1]. Metal- realm of nanoparticles synthesis [6]. Metal nanoparticles’
lic nanoparticles are a significant and vital component of outstanding feature is attributable to a specific size ratio
nanotechnology. Metal nanoparticles are intriguing in nano- and enhanced surface area to volume, making them appro-
technology due to their high surface area [2], low melting priate for various biological applications [7, 8], including
temperature [3], optical [4] and magnetic capabilities [5], theranostics [9]. As a result, nanoparticles are regarded as
to name a few. Nanotechnology combined with metal nano- the foundation for the upcoming generations of photonics,
particles has been employed successfully in a variety of sec- semiconductors, and numerous bio- and chemical detectors
tors, including biomedical sciences. Nanoparticles are used [10, 11]. Whereas both chemical and physical approaches
in therapy and diagnostics because of their form, size, and are employed to create nanoparticles, the perdurability and
distinct thermal and optical properties. The primary distinct utilization of harmful substances is a significant problem.
emerges in the uniform nanoparticle morphology achieved The use of hazardous compounds on the surface of nano-
via bio-synthesis in contrast to conventional approaches. particles in the synthesis technique restricts their usage in
Bio-synthesis holds the promise of evaluated nanoparti- biotechnological and clinical applications. As a result, the
cle production owing to the effective reduction catalyzed development of eco-friendly, biocompatible, non-toxic and
environmentally acceptable technologies for nanoparticle
* J. Thomas Joseph Prakash production is commendable [12, 13].
armyjpr1@yahoo.co.in According to Indian Council of Medical Research
(IMCR), it is estimated that approximately 162,468 new
PG and Research Department of Physics, Government cases (87,090 deaths) of bosom malignant are diagnosed in
Arts College (Affiliated to Bharathidasan University,
Tiruchirappalli–620 024, Tamil Nadu), Tiruchirappalli, India every year [14]. The bosom malignant development is
Tamil Nadu 620 022, India a kind of disease that beginnings in the cells of the bosom.

761 Page 2 of 12 S. K. Deivanathan, J. T. J. Prakash

It can influence all kind of people, despite that the fact it is purification. All the experiment was carried out through
more considered normal in women. The specific reason for ultrapure de-ionized water.
bosom disease is obscure, yet there are few gamble factors
such as age, orientation, family ancestry and openness to 2.2 Preparation of CALE
estrogen [15]. Early identification and therapy are significant
for the best result and choices are incorporated a medical The C. aestuans leaves were collected from Puliyancholai,
procedure, radiation treatment, chemotherapy and chemi- Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, washed thoroughly with
cal treatment [16, 17]. There are few issues related with the fresh water to remove unwanted dirt and finally rinsed
drugs in bosom malignant growth treatment. These issues with ultrapure de-ionized water for many times; further,
contrast across individuals and between prescriptions. These the washed C. aestuans leaves are dried in shadow and
types of treatment methods give side effects in the future, so finally grinded into powdered form. A 2 g of C. aestuans
if we go for a treatment method without side effects natural leaves powder was taken into 200 mL beaker with 100 mL
medicine methods is better. In recent years, the remarkable ultrapure de-ionized water. The CA leaves allowed to soak-
efficiency and safety of nanoparticles have garnered signifi- ing for 20 min. Then the solution was kept in a heating man-
cant attention among researchers for their potential in tack- tle at 60 °C until get the pungent smell. The boiled solution
ing cancer-related issues [18, 19]. of Corchorus aestuans leaf extract (CALE) was allowed to
The Corchorus aestuans (C. aestuans) is a shrub plant cool and filtered with Whatman No.1 filter paper, refriger-
belongs to Tilliaceae family and it is growing almost near ated at 4 °C for future use.
farming lands wet lands and bank of rivers. C. aestuans, a
medicinal plant indigenous to Tamil Nadu, India, has been 2.3 Synthesis of AgNPs by CALE
harnessed for its various medicinal attributes including
diuretic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antimicrobial In a 200 mL of beaker, 90 mL of ­AgNO3 solution (1 mM)
properties. In addition, the plant’s extracts are utilized in the and the CALE solution of 10 mL are added together and the
production of skin repair creams. Some parts of the plants mixture was stirred for an hour. The bio-synthesized AgNPs
were used medicinally. It is especially used for urinary tract were centrifuged at 10,000 rpm for 20 min for using Remi
infections, bacterial and fungal infections. 12 C machine. Finally, the reduced the AgNPs solution was
In the realm of synthesizing silver nanoparticles, a new dried and powdered to further characterizations studies.
and innovative approach has emerged under the banner of
green synthesis. This methodology leverages natural and 2.4 Characterization studies of bio‑synthesized
eco-friendly resources to create silver nanoparticles, mark- AgNPs
ing a departure from conventional techniques. This novel
method not only offers a sustainable alternative but also After the synthesis process take place, the AgNPs were
showcases the potential for reduced environmental impact, undergone to various physiochemical characterization stud-
making it a significant advancement in the field. ies. The spectral analysis of the bio-synthesized AgNPs is
In this research work, we successfully synthesized eco- studied with UV–visible spectrometer (model: Perkin Elmer
friendly, cost effective and non-toxic, non-hazardous, envi- lambda 35). The functional group present in the synthe-
ronmentally safe AgNPs using Corchorus aestuans leaf sized AgNPs was carried out by FT-IR Spectrometer with
extract (CALE) as a reducing agent and the products were range 4000–400 ­cm−1. The synthesized AgNPs size was
examined by UV–visible spectra, XRD, FT-IR, HR-SEM, assessed using HR-TEM (JEOL-2100 model) with resolution
EDX, HR-TEM, DLS and Zeta potential. By disc diffusion 0.194 nm. The surface morphological studies and EDAX
method, antimicrobial properties of bio-synthesized AgNPs were found out by utilizing HR-SEM (Quanta FEG 250).
were determined. Furthermore, antioxidant, cytotoxicity and The hydrodynamic size and the stability of the synthesized
photocatalytic properties were examined. AgNPs solution are investigated by DLS-Zeta potential (ZS-
90, Malvern UK 2012 model). The crystallite size of the
AgNPs was examined by Powder X-Ray Crystallography
2 Materials and methods (Bruker Model).

2.1 Chemicals 2.5 Photocatalytic activities—MB dye degradation

Silver Nitrate ­(AgNO3) with 99.9% (Merck Life Science To make a stock solution, dissolve 5 mg of MB (Methylene
Pvt Ltd, Mumbai, India) purity and Methylene Blue (MB) Blue) in 500 ml of de-ionized water. That MB stock solution
were purchased from Merck specialities Pvt Ltd, Mumbai, contains about 5 mg of bio-synthesized AgNPs. A few mil-
India and the purchased chemicals are used without any liliters of control solution are preserved without the addition

Biological synthesis and characterization of silver nanoparticles using Corchorus aestuans… Page 3 of 12 761

of MB. The solution was mixed for an hour using Remi of ethanol. After 5 min of standing at 540 nm, the absorp-
2MLH magnetic stirrer to ensure that the working solution tion was determined spectrophotometrically. Using ethanol,
was clearly balanced. Furthermore, the produced solution absorbance was set to zero. A blank sample contains the
was exposed to sunlight and the changes were observed from same amount of ethanol and DPPH was prepared. All these
sunrise to sunset. A 3 ml sample of the mixture was obtained were performed in triplicate. The free radical activity of the
and centrifuged at regular intervals to analyze the photo- tested samples expressed as a percentage of inhibition was
catalytic dye degradation. The residual absorption spectra calculated:
were then analyzed using UV–Vis spectroscopy at various
wavelengths. The absorbance value at 660 nm was used to DPPH activity inhibition % = × 100.
estimate dye concentration throughout disintegration.
The percentage of dye degradation is calculated using where A and B represent the absorbance readings of the
the formula: baseline and sample correspondingly.
C0 - C
Dye degradation % = × 100.
2.8 Cytotoxicity analysis
Here, ­C0 is the initial concentration of the dye solution and
C is the concentration the dye solution after photocatalytic Using MCF cells, the CA-AgNPs sample was evaluated
degradation. for in-vitro cytotoxicity using the 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-
2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay. In
2.6 Antimicrobial activities brief, trypsinization was used to extract MCF- cells, which
were then combined in a 15 mL container. The cells were
The objective of this research has been to look at the antibac- then plated into 96-well tissue culture plates at a density
terial and antifungal activities of bio-synthesized CA-AgNPs 1 × ­105 cells/mL cells/well (200 µL) into 96-well tissue cul-
against various pathogens utilizing the disc diffusion meth- ture plate in DMEM medium containing 10% FBS and 1%
ods. The antibacterial activities antifungal activities of CA- antibiotic solution for 24–48 h at 37 °C. The wells were
AgNPs sample were exposed to two Gram-positive bacterial washed with sterile PBS before being treated in a serum-
strains, Staphylococcus aureus (MTCC 25923) and Bacil- free DMEM medium with various concentration of the CA-
lus subtilis (MTCC 2451) and two Gram-negative bacterial AgNPs sample.
strains, Escherichia coli (MTCC 25922) and Streptococcus
aureus (MTCC 2451). The Microbial Type Culture and Col-
lection (MTCC) in Chandigarh, India, provided all of the 2.9 Statistical analysis
bacterial strains. The Kirby–Bauer disc diffusion technique
was used to assess the antimicrobial effects of CA-AgNPs. All results were provided as mean standard deviations, with
Mueller–Hinton agar was used to produce the petri dishes significance set at P ≤ 0.05 for statistical analysis of vari-
diameter about 60 mm which were then injected with tested ance (ANOVA). SPSS 20.0 was employed and followed by
microorganisms. Sterile discs of 6 mm width were treated Tukey’s range test.
with 10 μL of each sample. The prepared discs were put on
the outermost surface of the agar plates and kept at ambient
temperature for half an hour to permit compound diffusion.
The positive control was made using 10 μL of amoxicillin as 3 Results and discussion
the typical antibiotic disc. The plates are incubated at 37 °C
for 24 h and the zone of inhibition was measured in mm. The 3.1 UV–Vis spectra analysis of bio‑synthesized
experiment was done twice. CA‑AgNPs

2.7 Antioxidant activities After thorough mixing in the precursor solution, a significant

visual shift of color from light brown to dark brown was
The stable DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) free radi- seen, confirming the existence of AgNPs. The UV–visible
cal activity was used to assess the antioxidant activity of absorption spectrum shows the absorption peak at 440 nm
the bio-synthesized CA-AgNPs sample. A 300 μL ethanolic (Fig. 1) confirms the silver in the nanoscale range and the
solution of DPPH (0.05 mM) was introduced to 1000 μL of surface plasmon resonance (SPR) band corresponds to
bio-synthesized AgNPs at various quantities (100–500 μL). ­ g+ ions into A
spherical in nature [20]. The reduction of A ­ g0
The newly prepared DPPH solution was stored at 4 °C in metal by the bio-products is present in the leaf extract [21,
the dark. The mixture was then shaken with 96% (2.7 mL) 22].

761 Page 4 of 12 S. K. Deivanathan, J. T. J. Prakash

Fig. 1  UV–Vis profile of bio-synthesized CA-AgNPs, A

­ gNO3 solu-
tion and C. aestuans leaf extract

Fig. 3  Powder XRD-profile of bio-synthesized CA-AgNPs

and CA-AuNPs solutions employed in the study [31]. The

biomolecules such as alkanes, alkynes and amides present
in the C. aestuans are the responsible for the reductions of
­AgNO3 to CA-AgNPs.

3.3 Powder XRD analysis of bio‑synthesized


The Powder XRD technique was used to analyze the crys-

talline structure of the synthesized AgNPs. Figure 3 shows
Fig. 2  FT-IR profile of A
­ gNO3 solution, C. aestuans leaf extract and the Powder XRD plot of the bio-synthesized AgNPs by C.
bio-synthesized CA-AgNPs
aestuans leaf crude extract. From the plot, it shows the four
strong peaks at different angles as 24.04°, 27.82°, 30.10°,
3.2 FT‑IR analysis of bio‑synthesized CA‑AgNPs 32.31°, 38.24°, 44.36°, 46.24, 64.53°, and 77.48° which
are corresponds to (111), (210), (200), (122), (111), (200),
Figure 2 depicts the FT-IR profile of the bio-synthesized (200), (220) and (311) planes, respectively, and it indicates
CA-AgNPs. The FT-IR spectra revealed notable peak at the face-centered cubic (FCC) nature of the crystal. In an
3444 ­cm−1 corresponds to OH– stretching due to alcoholic FCC lattice, the miller indices (hkl) of planes that gener-
group [23]. The peak at 2992 ­cm−1 corresponds to H–C–H ate prominent diffraction peaks such as (111), (200), (220)
of amines and the peak at 2884 ­cm−1 corresponds to C–H and (311) planes are characteristics of an FCC lattice. The
stretch of alkanes [24]. The peak at 2082 ­cm−1 corresponds angles and position of these peaks in the XRD pattern
to alkyne group present in the bio-products of plant leaves match well with the expected values for an FCC crystal
[25] and the peak at 1462 ­cm−1 corresponds to C–O stretch- [24, 32]. Using Scherrer’s equation D = kλ/βcosθ, where θ
ing of acetyl groups and belongs to amides [25]. The peak at is the diffraction angle of the peak, β is the FWHM value, λ
1264 ­cm−1 corresponds to C–N stretching and it belongs to is the wavelength of the incident X-rays, from these values,
aliphatic amines [27]. The peak at 1040 ­cm−1 corresponds average size of the crystallite was determined as 20.64 nm,
to S=O stretching, sulfoxide characteristics [28], and the which has the good agreement with TEM histogram result
peak at 882 ­cm−1 and 692 ­cm−1 is =C–H bending of Alk- [33–36]. Some of the undesirable peaks indicate the pres-
enes [29]. The noticeable change in peak position observed ence biomolecule compounds of C. aestuans plant leaves
in the FT-IR comparison could be ascribed to the function [37–39].
of leaf extracts. These extracts seem to serve as agents that
facilitate the reduction, stabilizing and capping of AgNPs 3.4 HR‑SEM and TEM and EDAX analysis
[30]. A pronounced and robust vibrational peak centered at bio‑synthesized CA‑AgNPs
approximately 3444 ­cm−1, accompanied by a distinct vibra-
tion of O–H bonds within the water solvent. These vibrations Figure 4 shows HR-SEM images of the bio-synthesized
can be attributed to the presence of A­ gNO3, the leaf extract CA-AgNPs at various magnifications with EDAX analysis.

Biological synthesis and characterization of silver nanoparticles using Corchorus aestuans… Page 5 of 12 761

Fig. 4  HR-SEM images of CA-AgNPs at various magnifications

The EDAX spectrum shows an Ag signal at 3.0 keV [40] 3.5 DLS and Zeta potential analysis
with of 70.3% of Ag. Furthermore, Oxygen, Silicon and
Chlorine were at 21.3%, 1.8% and 2.7%, respectively. Dynamic light scattering is a non-invasive technique that
Some Nitrogen-containing compounds, especially in the can be used to measure particles in a wide range of samples
context of nanoparticle synthesis, might be volatile and types, including polymers, proteins, liposomes and nanoparti-
can easily escape during the drying or preparation process. cles. DLS is particularly useful for measuring particles in the
In some cases, nitrogen species might be present but not nanometer range, wherever other techniques such as micros-
readily accessible on the surface of the bio-synthesized copy may not be suitable [26, 44]. DLS can identify the size
nanoparticles. Surface passivation or capping agents could distribution of the particles in suspension using autocorrela-
prevent the detection of Nitrogen using EDAX analysis, tion methods. The size distribution is typically presented as
some earlier reports [41, 42] recorded without the peak a single value such as the polydispersity index’s mean size
of Nitrogen. (PDI). For this bio-synthesized solution, the PDI value is
The surface morphologies of bio-synthesized CA-AgNPs 0.261 that they are polydispersed with particle size ranges
were characterized by HR-TEM. From the image (Fig. 5), from 6.8 to 116.3 nm (Fig. 6a) and the average size of the
these bio-synthesized CA-AgNPs were predominantly particles is 105.5 nm. The magnitude and sign of the Zeta
spherical in form; the SAED pattern of the bio-synthesized potential are affected by particle and fluid characteristics such
CA-AgNPs confirmed the crystallinity nature of nanoparti- as pH, ionic strength, composition and temperature. The Zeta
cles [43]. The particles histogram revealed an average diam- potential (electro-kinetic potential) value of the bio-synthe-
eter of about 12.5 nm which has close to crystallite size by sized CA-AgNPs is − 14.1 mV (Fig. 6b) which indicates that
Scherrer’s equation. the bio-synthesized CA-AgNPs has the strong stability [45].

761 Page 6 of 12 S. K. Deivanathan, J. T. J. Prakash

Fig. 5  HR-TEM images of CA-AgNPs at various magnification and histogram graph

Fig. 6  a DLS profile of CA-AgNPs and b Zeta potentials analysis of CA-AgNPs

Biological synthesis and characterization of silver nanoparticles using Corchorus aestuans… Page 7 of 12 761

at any given moment may be calculated using this graph.

The sample had the maximum degradation efficiency with
approximately 9% of dye remaining in the solution at the
end of the photocatalytic process (Fig. 8 inside pic). This
research demonstrates that CA-AgNPs have the capability
to play a role in the environmental treatment for the creation
of nanocatalysts.

3.7 Antimicrobial assay

In this present research work, the antibacterial effects of

Fig. 7  UV–Vis spectra of MB dye vs bio-synthesized CA-AgNPs at bio-synthesized CA-AgNPs on two Gram-positive bacte-
different time rial strains Staphylococcus aureus (MTCC 25923), Bacil-
lus subtilis (MTCC 2451) and two Gram-negative bacte-
rial strains Escherichia coli (MTCC 25922), Streptococcus
3.6 MB dye degradation of bio‑synthesized aureus (MTCC 2451) were investigated. Figure 9 depicts
CA‑AgNPs the inhibition zone surrounding each well. The exact value
of the created zone, as well as antibiotic control Amoxi-
The dye MB was used to illustrate the photocatalytic activ- cillin, is provided. From the obtained values, Bacillus sub-
ity of AgNPs on dye degradation. MB was degraded in the tilis (MTCC 2451), Escherichia coli (MTCC 25922) and
presence of AgNPs at a different time in the visible sunlight. Streptococcus aureus (MTCC 2451) were determined to be
At various time intervals, the absorption spectra revealed 6 ± 0.8165 mm, 7 ± 1.8257 mm and 5 ± 0.8165 mm of inhi-
decreasing peaks for MB. Initially, the absorption peak at bition zone, respectively (Table 1). Comparing with other
660 nm for MB dye steadily diminished with increasing bacteria, the Staphylococcus aureus (MTCC 25923) did not
exposure duration, indicating MB photocatalytic degradation react well. When the bio-synthesized CA-AgNPs come into
[46, 47]. Following that, the blue color was turned into light contact with bacterial cells, their size allows them to pen-
bluish green (Fig. 7 inside picture). Finally, the degradation etrate the cell wall (Fig. 10). Once inside, the nanoparticles
process was finished at 72 h, as indicated by a shift in the interact with vital components of the bacterial and fungal
coloring of the dye solution to colorless. The adsorption of cells, particularly membrane and enzymes [50]. AgNPs
AgNPs in MB solution began slowly and gradually increased have a propensity to bind to sulfur-containing compounds
with increasing time and dye degradation percentage [48, present in the cell membrane and proteins. This interferes
49]. with the structural integrity of the cell membrane, causing it
The degradation efficiency was assessed using the to become permeable and lose its functionality [51]. Reac-
–ln(C0/C) curve which is depicted in Fig. 7. The Co and tive Oxygen Species (ROS) play a critical role in including
C represent the dye concentration at time t = 0 and t, bacterial cells death. ROS can act as potent agents to disrupt
respectively. The dye concentration with in the solution normal cellular functions and trigger cells death. ROS can

Fig. 8  Plot of bio-synthesized

CA-AgNPs—ln(C0/C) vs time

761 Page 8 of 12 S. K. Deivanathan, J. T. J. Prakash

Fig. 9  Antibacterial activities

of bio-synthesized CA-AgNPs
with various bacteria

Table 1  Antibacterial activities Samples Concentra- Organisms/zone of inhibition (mm)

of bio-synthesized CA-AgNPs tions (µL/
with their inhibition zone values mL)
Staphy- Bacillus subtilis Escherichia coli Streptococcus aureus

A (Amoxicillin) 10 6 ± 0.8165 8 ± 0.8165 8 ± 1.8251 7 ± 0.8165

B (silver) 10 0 ± 0.0000 0 ± 0.0000 0 ± 0.0000 0 ± 0.0000
C (Plant extract) 10 0 ± 0.0000 2 ± 1.6329 3 ± 1.8257 2 ± 0.8165
D (Nanoparticles) 10 0 ± 0.0000 6 ± 0.8165 7 ± 1.8257 5 ± 0.8165

attack and damage the vital biomolecules such as lipids, pro- excellent antifungal potential [54, 55]. Here, fluconazole
teins and DNA [52, 53]. has taken as control and Table 2 shows the zone if inhibi-
tion in mm.

3.8 Antifungal assay
3.9 Antioxidant
Figure 11 depicts antifungal test finding for bio-syn-
thesized CA-AgNPs. It is seen that the bio-synthesized The DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) assay was
CA-AgNPs are more effectively responded with Asper- used to determine the antioxidant activity of the bio-syn-
gillus flavus (4 ± 0.8165 mm) than Aspergillus niger thesized CA-AgNPs. Many studies have been conducted
(1 ± 0.8165 mm). Besides that, the pure leaves extract to explore antioxidant activities of silver nanoparticles
of C. aestuans alone was efficacious against Aspergil- and it has been discovered that they have amazing anti-
lus flavus (2 ± 0.8165 mm), whereas it was ineffective oxidant properties and the bio-products like phenolic
against Aspergillus niger. According to the earlier studies, were present in the leaf extract were responsible for the
the existence of bio-products in C. aestuans was mainly antioxidant behavior [56–58]. The antioxidant test find-
accountable for the antifungal activity. In this research ings for CA-AgNPs at 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500 μg/mL
work C. aestuans leaves extract with silver nitrate showed were 63.24 ± 0.83283, 67.23 ± 1.84409, 70.76 ± 1.64932,

Biological synthesis and characterization of silver nanoparticles using Corchorus aestuans… Page 9 of 12 761

Fig. 10  Mechanistic graphical explanation of cell damage by CA-AgNPs

Table 3  Compression of CA-AgNPs with ascorbic acid and their

inhibition zone
S. no. Concentration DPPH activity inhibition %
CA-AgNPs Ascorbic acid

1 100 63.24 ± 0.83283 71.73 ± 1.84409

2 200 67.23 ± 1.84409 75.45 ± 2.59493
3 300 70.76 ± 1.64932 79.84 ± 1.84400
4 400 74.58 ± 1.84400 83.46 ± 0.83283
5 500 77.64 ± 0.82466 89.63 ± 1.81485

Fig. 11  Antifungal activity of bio-synthesized CA-AgNPs with (a)

Aspergillus flavus and (b) Aspergillus niger 74.58 ± 1.844 and 77.64 ± 0.82466%, respectively
(Table 3). From these analyses when the concentration
of CA-AgNPs increased, it also increases the antioxidant
Table 2  Antifungal activities of CA-AgNPs with their inhibition zone values (Fig. 12) [59].

Samples Concen- Organisms/Zone of inhibition (mm)

3.9.1 Cytotoxicity analysis of bio‑synthesized CA‑AgNPs
(µl/ml) Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus niger
The AgNPs have been widely used in medicine, because of
A (Fluconazole) 10 8 ± 1.8257 7 ± 1.8257 their great anticancer potential. AgNPs produced by bio-syn-
B (Silver) 10 0 ± 0.0000 0 ± 0.0000 thesis has the ability to inhibit cell growth and induce cell death
C (Plant extract) 10 2 ± 0.8165 0 ± 0.0000 [60]. This study looks at the anticancer effects on CA-AgNPs
D (Nanoparticles) 10 4 ± 0.8165 1 ± 0.8165 of human breast cancer cells. The bio-synthesized CA-AgNPs

761 Page 10 of 12 S. K. Deivanathan, J. T. J. Prakash

Fig. 12  Antioxidant activity

bar diagram of bio-synthesized

Fig. 13  Cell viability percent-

age of bio-synthesized CA-

degrade the DNA and cause cell death. In this current work, of AgNPs. UV–Vis, Powder XRD, HR-TEM, DLS and
the cytotoxicity impact of CA-AgNPs was investigated against Zeta potential were used to describe the metal nanopar-
human breast carcinomas cells (MCF-7) using MTT assay. On ticles. Thus, the result shows that bio-synthesized AgNPs
the observation of 24 h, the survivability of cancer cells dimin- from Corchorus aestuans leaf extract have a significant
ished as the quantity of CA-AgNPs increased (Fig. 13). Fur- anticancer activity with apoptotic features and the cur-
thermore, a considerable change in the structure, such as deg- rent findings suggest that CA-AgNPs could contribute
radation of membrane fluidity, reduced cell size, and shrinkage to the advancement of a specific anticancer drug, paving
in cell structure (Fig. 14), showed that the bio-synthesized CA- the way for the development of novel nano-medicines for
AgNPs may have anticancer properties [61–64]. the treatment of cancer and microbial contagious disease.
The primary absorption peak at 660 nm steadily dimin-
ished with increasing exposure duration, suggesting dye
4 Conclusion degradation of Methylene Blue. The use of natural and
eco-friendly reducing for the synthesis of silver nanopar-
This profitable and eco-friendly approach might possi- ticles shows outstanding degradation activity against dye
bly be used for large-scale synthesis of AgNPs. FT-IR content and may be employed in purifying water systems
spectroscopic study of the leaf extract found the bio- and dye effluent remediation, according to the findings
products were responsible for reduction and stabilizing of this research.

Biological synthesis and characterization of silver nanoparticles using Corchorus aestuans… Page 11 of 12 761

Fig. 14  Cytotoxicity activity of bio-synthesized CA-AgNPs with various concentration with MCF-7 cells

Acknowledgements The author Saravana Kumar Deivanathan References

expresses his gratitude to Mr R. Nirmal Kumar, Research Scholar,
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Arts College, Tiruchirappalli-22.
3602 (2019)
3. K.P. Shejale, R. Krishnapriya, H. Patil, D. Laishram, P. Rawal,
Author contributions The authors confirm that the manuscript has
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sons who satisfied the criteria for authorship but are not listed. We
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in the public, commercial or not-for-profit sectors.
6. J.K. Patra, K.H. Beak, J. Nanomater. (2014). https://​doi.​org/​10.​
Availability of data and material The data that support the finding of
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upon reasonable request.
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