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Design of Pile Cap Reinforcement

Node 1
Footing No. F1
Grid No A6
Factored Reactions from Staad Pro
Load Case 2003 0.6 1.2 1.2
1.187DL+1.2EQPT+0.4LL+1.2PIPE+1.2EI-1.6WIND X+1.2DL-SELFWT.
Fx 173.6 kN
Fy 3757 kN
Fz 50.6 kN 3 . 4
Mx 7.384 kNm 3.6 1.2 X
Mz -340.1 kNm 1.2
2 . 1 Mx
L = 3.6 m
B = 3.6 m
Depth of Pile cap = 1.5 m A D .
Clear Cover = 100 mm 3.6
Dia of bar = 25 mm Mz
Depth of soil above pile
cap = 1m Z
Effective depth of pile cap = 1387.5 mm
Side cover = 50 mm
Density of soil = 17.658 kN/m3
Density of concrete = 24.525 kN/m3
Column size (axb) = 1m X 1 m
No of Piles = 4 piles
Pile dia = 0.8 m
fc' = 35 N/mm2
fy = 415 N/mm2
Self weight of pile cap and
soil = 651.17 kN

Strength reduction factor Flexure φf = 0.90 (Cl

Shear φs = 0.75 (Cl
Pile Group Characteristics
Ix Group = 5.76 Rz extreme = 1.2
Iz Group = 5.76 Rx extreme = 1.2

Gross Reactions

P per pile = P/n ± Mx*Rz/Ix ± Mz*Rx/Iz Note: P = Axial Load + self wt of pile cap and soil
PA = 1171.36 kN
PB = 1174.44 kN
PC = 1032.73 kN
PD = 1029.65 kN

Along X. Dir.

0.7 0.7

Pile Cap

PA + P B PC + P D
2345.8 2062.38
Upward Moment Mz max = 1642.06 kNm
Factored weight of footing & soil above it w = 196 kN/m
Overhang of footing l = 1.3 m
Downward Moment due to footing and soil weight above it wl2/2 = 165.62 kNm
Net upward Moment = 1476.44 kNm
Mn = Mz/φf = 1640.49 kNm
Mn=As.fy.(d-0.59Asfy/(fc' b)) (ACI - 340R -Flexure 2 pg 430)
a1 = 1 = 1
b1 = -fc'bd/(0.59*fy) = -714008.5767
c1 = Mufc'b/(0.59*fy^2) = 2034210667

Area of steel As = 2860.4599 mm2

Minimum Reinforcement = 0.0018bh Cl

= 8991 mm2

Provided bottom bar D 25 @ 100 C/C along X dir

No of bars = 36
Area of steel provided= 17671.46 mm2

Reinforcement ratio for balanced section ρb = 0.85fc'β1/fy x (600/(600+fy))

β1 = 0.85 Cl
ρb = 0.0360
Allowable tension reinforcement ratio (0.75ρb) ρmax = 0.0270

Actual Reinforcement ratio ρ = As/bd ρ = 0.0035378296 < 0.0270

Hence Safe

Along Z. Dir.

0.7 0.7

Pile Cap

PC + P B PA + P D
2207.17 2201.01
Upward Moment Mx max = 1545.02 kNm
Factored weight of footing & soil above it w = 196 kN/m
Overhang of footing l = 1.3 m
Downward Moment due to footing and soil weight above it wl2/2 = 165.62 kNm
Net upward Moment = 1379.4 kNm
Mn = Mx/φf = 1532.67 kNm

Mn=As.fy.(d-0.59Asfy/(fc' b)) (ACI - 340R -Flexure 2 pg 430)

a1 = 1 = 1
b1 = -fc'bd/(0.59*fy) = -714008.5767
c1 = Mufc'b/(0.59*fy^2) = 1900513666
Area of steel As = 2671.75 mm2

Minimum Reinforcement = 0.0018bh Cl

= 8991 mm2

Provided bottom bar D 25 @ 100 C/C along Z dir

No of bars = 36
Area of steel provided= 17671.46 mm2

Reinforcement ratio for balanced section ρb = 0.85fc'β1/fy x (600/(600+fy))

β1 = 0.85 Cl
ρb = 0.0360
Allowable tension reinforcement ratio (0.75ρb) ρmax = 0.0270

Actual Reinforcement ratio ρ = As/bd ρ = 0.0035378296 < 0.0270

Hence Safe
Check for One Way shear
The critical section is at distance "d" from the face of column.

Effective depth d = 1387.5 mm = 1.3875 m

i.e., Critical section is at 1.3875m away from edge of column
Distance from face of column to the Centre of pile = 0.7 m
Distance between critical section and centre of pile = 0.69 m > 0.4

Critical section lies beyond the pile, so chk for one way shear is not required.

Check for Two Way shear (Punching Shear)

Column Punching
The critical section is at distance "d/2" from the face of pedestal.

Shear force from column = 3757 KN

Effective depth d = 1387.5 mm = 1.3875 m

perimeter bo = 9550 mm [2*(a+d)+2*(b+d)]
Ratio of long side to short side of the column βc = 1

Allowable shear in the section

Vc = 1/6 (1+2(4)/βc)√fc'.bod = 117587.63 KN (Cl.
Vc shall not exceed 1/3 √fc' bo d = 9850.27 KN

Shear strength of section φsVc = 7387.7025 KN > 3757

Hence safe

Corner Pile Punching shear

Max Vertical Load on corner pile = 1174.44 KN

Radius R = 1.09 m
Perimeter bo = (2pR * 90/360) + Edge Distance *2
Perimeter bo = 2.91 m = 2910 mm
Ratio of long side to short side of the column βc = 1

Allowable shear in the section

Vc = 1/6 (1+2(4)/βc)√fc'.bod = 35830.37 KN (Cl.
Vc shall not exceed 1/3 √fc' bo d = 7962.3 KN

Shear strength of section φsVc = 5971.73 KN > 1174.44

Hence safe
Design of Pile Cap Reinforcement

Node 2
Footing No. F2
Grid No A5
Factored Reactions from Staad Pro
Load Case 2015

Fx 31.38 kN 1.7 1.7

Fy 4761.1 kN
Fz 319 kN 0.6
Mx 356 kNm
Mz -26 kNm
L = 4.6 m 1.7
B = 4.6 m E 1 X
Depth of Pile cap = 1.5 m 4.6 1.7
A C Mx
Bottom Clear Cover = 100 mm
Dia of bar = 25 mm
Side cover = 50 mm
Depth of soil above Mz
pile cap = 1 m
Effective depth of pile cap = 1387.5 mm
Density of soil = 17.658 kN/m3 Z
Density of concrete = 24.525 kN/m3
Column size (axb) = 1 m X 1 m
No of Piles = 5 piles
Pile dia = 0.8 m
fc' = 35 N/mm2
fy = 415 N/mm2
Self weight of pile cap and
soil = 1097.62 kN

Strength reduction factor Flexure φf = 0.90 (Cl

Shear φs = 0.75 (Cl
Pile Group Characteristics
Ix Group = 11.56 Rz extreme= 1.7
Iz Group = 11.56 Rx extreme= 1.7

Gross Reactions

P per pile = P/n ± Mx*Rz/Ix ± Mz*Rx/Iz Note: P = Axial Load + self wt of pile cap and soil

PA = 1123 kN
PB = 1228 kN
PC = 1116 kN
PD = 1220 kN
PE = 1172 kN
Along X. Dir.

1.2 1.2

Pile Cap

Pile PE
PA + P B PC + P D
2351.13 2335.84

Upward Moment Mz max = 2821.356 kNm

Factored weight of footing & soil above it w = 250.45 kN/m
Overhang of footing l = 1.8 m
Downward Moment due to footing and soil weight abov
wl2/2 = 405.729 kNm
Net upward Moment = 2415.627 kNm
Mn = Mz/φf = 2684 kNm

Mn=As.fy.(d-0.59Asfy/(fc' b))

a1 = 1 = 1
b1 = -fc'bd/(0.59*fy) = -912344.2924
c1 = Mufc'b/(0.59*fy^2) = 4252702835
Area of steel As = 4685.35 mm2

Minimum Reinforcement = 0.0018bh Cl

= 11488.5 mm2

Provided bottom bar D 25 @ 100 C/C along X dir

No of bars = 46
Area of steel provided= 22580 mm2

Reinforcement ratio for balanced section ρb = 0.85fc'β1/fy x (600/(600+fy))

β1 = 0.85 Cl
ρb = 0.0360
Allowable tension reinforcement ratio (0.75ρb) ρmax = 0.0270

Actual Reinforcement ratio ρ = As/bd ρ = 0.003538 < 0.0270

Hence Safe
Along Z. Dir.

1.2 1.2
Pile Cap

Pile PE PA + P C
PD + P B 2448.19 2238.78
Upward Moment Mx max = 2937.83 kNm
Factored weight of footing & soil above it w = 250.45 kN/m
Overhang of footing l = 1.8 m
Downward Moment wl2/2 = 405.73 kNm
Net upward Moment = 2532.1 kNm
Mn = Mx/φf = = 2813.44 kNm

Mn=As.fy.(d-0.59Asfy/(fc' b))

a1 = 1 = 1
b1 = -fc'bd/(0.59*fy) = -912344.2924
c1 = Mufc'b/(0.59*fy^2) = 4457746100

Area of steel As = 4912.49 mm2

Minimum Reinforcement = 0.0018bh Cl

= 11488.5 mm2

Provided bottom bar D 25 @ 100 C/C along Z dir

No of bars = 46
Area of steel provided= 22580 mm2

Reinforcement ratio for balanced section ρb = 0.85fc'β1/fy x (600/(600+fy))

β1 = 0.85 Cl
ρb = 0.0360
Allowable tension reinforcement ratio (0.75ρb) ρmax = 0.0270

Actual Reinforcement ratio ρ = As/bd ρ = 0.003538 < 0.0270

Hence Safe
Check for One Way shear

The critical section is at distance "d" from the face of column.

Effective depth d = 1387.5 mm = 1.3875 m

i.e., Critical section is at 1.3875m away from edge of column
Distance from face of column to the Centre of pile 1.2 m
Distance between critical section and centre of pile 0.19 m < 0.4

Effective piles falls beyond critical section. So, chk for one way shear should be done.

Shear Force in X Dir. = 2351.13 kN

Shear Force in Z Dir. = 2448.19 kN

Allowable shear in the section

Vc = 1/7 bwd(√fc' + 120ρwVud/Mu) = 5861.56 kN (Cl.
(Vud/Mu < =1)
and shall not be greater than
0.3√fc' bwd = 11327.814 kN

Shear strength of section φsVc = 4396.17 kN > 2448.19

Hence safe
Check for Two Way shear (Punching Shear)

Column Punching
The critical section is at distance "d/2" from the face of pedestal.

Shear force from column 4761.1 KN

Effective depth d = 1387.5 mm = 1.3875 m

perimeter bo = 9550 mm [2*(a+d)+2*(b+d)]

Ratio of long side to short side of the column βc = 1

Allowable shear in the section

Vc = 1/6 (1+2(4)/βc)√fc'.bod = 117587.6 KN (Cl.
Vc shall not exceed 1/3 √fc' bo d 12586.46 KN

Shear strength of section φsVc = 9439.845 KN > 4761.1

Hence safe

Corner Pile Punching shear

Max Vertical Load on corner pile = 1227.92 KN

Radius R = 1.09 m
Perimeter bo = (2pR * 90/360) + Edge Distance *2
Perimeter bo = 2.91 m = 2910 mm

Ratio of long side to short side of the column βc = 1

Allowable shear in the section

Vc = 1/6 (1+2(4)/βc)√fc'.bod = 35830.37 KN (Cl.
Vc shall not exceed 1/3 √fc' bo d 7962.3 KN

Shear strength of section φsVc = 5971.73 KN > 1227.92

Hence safe
Design of Pile Cap Reinforcement

Node 3
Footing No. F2
Grid No A4
Factored Reactions from Staad Pro
Load Case 2015

Fx 20 kN 1.7 1.7
Fy 4940 kN
Fz 250 kN 0.6
Mx 405.2 kNm
Mz -25 kNm
L = 4.6 m 1.7
B = 4.6 m E 1 X
Depth of Pile cap = 1.5 m 4.6 1.7
A C Mx
Bottom Clear Cover = 100 mm
Dia of bar = 25 mm
Side cover = 50 mm
Depth of soil above Mz
pile cap = 1 m
Effective depth of pile cap = 1387.5 mm
Density of soil = 17.658 kN/m3 Z
Density of concrete = 24.525 kN/m3
Column size (axb) = 1 m X 1 m
No of Piles = 5 piles
Pile dia = 0.8 m
fc' = 35 N/mm2
fy = 415 N/mm2
Self weight of pile cap and
soil = 1097.62 kN

Strength reduction factor Flexure φf = 0.90 (Cl

Shear φs = 0.75 (Cl
Pile Group Characteristics
Ix Group = 11.56 Rz extreme= 1.7
Iz Group = 11.56 Rx extreme= 1.7

Gross Reactions

P per pile = P/n ± Mx*Rz/Ix ± Mz*Rx/Iz Note: P = Axial Load + self wt of pile cap and soil

PA = 1152 kN
PB = 1271 kN
PC = 1144 kN
PD = 1263 kN
PE = 1208 kN
Along X. Dir.

1.2 1.2

Pile Cap

Pile PE
PA + P B PC + P D
2422.4 2407.7

Upward Moment Mz max = 2906.88 kNm

Factored weight of footing & soil above it w = 250.45 kN/m
Overhang of footing l = 1.8 m
Downward Moment due to footing and soil weight abov
wl2/2 = 405.729 kNm
Net upward Moment = 2501.151 kNm
Mn = Mz/φf = 2779 kNm

Mn=As.fy.(d-0.59Asfy/(fc' b))

a1 = 1 = 1
b1 = -fc'bd/(0.59*fy) = -912344.2924
c1 = Mufc'b/(0.59*fy^2) = 4403272818
Area of steel As = 4852.13 mm2

Minimum Reinforcement = 0.0018bh Cl

= 11488.5 mm2

Provided bottom bar D 25 @ 100 C/C along X dir

No of bars = 46
Area of steel provided= 22580 mm2

Reinforcement ratio for balanced section ρb = 0.85fc'β1/fy x (600/(600+fy))

β1 = 0.85 Cl
ρb = 0.0360
Allowable tension reinforcement ratio (0.75ρb) ρmax = 0.0270

Actual Reinforcement ratio ρ = As/bd ρ = 0.003538 < 0.0270

Hence Safe
Along Z. Dir.

1.2 1.2
Pile Cap

Pile PE PA + P C
PD + P B 2534.23 2295.87
Upward Moment Mx max = 3041.08 kNm
Factored weight of footing & soil above it w = 250.45 kN/m
Overhang of footing l = 1.8 m
Downward Moment wl2/2 = 405.73 kNm
Net upward Moment = 2635.35 kNm
Mn = Mx/φf = = 2928.17 kNm

Mn=As.fy.(d-0.59Asfy/(fc' b))

a1 = 1 = 1
b1 = -fc'bd/(0.59*fy) = -912344.2924
c1 = Mufc'b/(0.59*fy^2) = 4639529685

Area of steel As = 5113.95 mm2

Minimum Reinforcement = 0.0018bh Cl

= 11488.5 mm2

Provided bottom bar D 25 @ 100 C/C along Z dir

No of bars = 46
Area of steel provided= 22580 mm2

Reinforcement ratio for balanced section ρb = 0.85fc'β1/fy x (600/(600+fy))

β1 = 0.85 Cl
ρb = 0.0360
Allowable tension reinforcement ratio (0.75ρb) ρmax = 0.0270

Actual Reinforcement ratio ρ = As/bd ρ = 0.003538 < 0.0270

Hence Safe
Check for One Way shear

The critical section is at distance "d" from the face of column.

Effective depth d = 1387.5 mm = 1.3875 m

i.e., Critical section is at 1.3875m away from edge of column
Distance from face of column to the Centre of pile 1.2 m
Distance between critical section and centre of pile 0.19 m < 0.4

Effective piles falls beyond critical section. So, chk for one way shear should be done.

Shear Force in X Dir. = 2422.4 kN

Shear Force in Z Dir. = 2534.23 kN

Allowable shear in the section

Vc = 1/7 bwd(√fc' + 120ρwVud/Mu) = 5859.03 kN (Cl.
(Vud/Mu < =1)
and shall not be greater than
0.3√fc' bwd = 11327.814 kN

Shear strength of section φsVc = 4394.27 kN > 2534.23

Hence safe
Check for Two Way shear (Punching Shear)

Column Punching
The critical section is at distance "d/2" from the face of pedestal.

Shear force from column 4940 KN

Effective depth d = 1387.5 mm = 1.3875 m

perimeter bo = 9550 mm [2*(a+d)+2*(b+d)]

Ratio of long side to short side of the column βc = 1

Allowable shear in the section

Vc = 1/6 (1+2(4)/βc)√fc'.bod = 117587.6 KN (Cl.
Vc shall not exceed 1/3 √fc' bo d 12586.46 KN

Shear strength of section φsVc = 9439.845 KN > 4940

Hence safe

Corner Pile Punching shear

Max Vertical Load on corner pile = 1270.79 KN

Radius R = 1.09 m
Perimeter bo = (2pR * 90/360) + Edge Distance *2
Perimeter bo = 2.91 m = 2910 mm

Ratio of long side to short side of the column βc = 1

Allowable shear in the section

Vc = 1/6 (1+2(4)/βc)√fc'.bod = 35830.37 KN (Cl.
Vc shall not exceed 1/3 √fc' bo d 7962.3 KN

Shear strength of section φsVc = 5971.73 KN > 1270.79

Hence safe
Design of Pile Cap Reinforcement

Node 4
Footing No. F2
Grid No A3
Factored Reactions from Staad Pro
Load Case 2015

Fx 24.1 kN 1.7 1.7

Fy 5198 kN
Fz 286.4 kN 0.6
Mx 484 kNm
Mz -23.1 kNm
L = 4.6 m 1.7
B = 4.6 m E 1 X
Depth of Pile cap = 1.5 m 4.6 1.7
A C Mx
Bottom Clear Cover = 100 mm
Dia of bar = 25 mm
Side cover = 50 mm
Depth of soil above Mz
pile cap = 1 m
Effective depth of pile cap = 1387.5 mm
Density of soil = 17.658 kN/m3 Z
Density of concrete = 24.525 kN/m3
Column size (axb) = 1 m X 1 m
No of Piles = 5 piles
Pile dia = 0.8 m
fc' = 35 N/mm2
fy = 415 N/mm2
Self weight of pile cap and
soil = 1097.62 kN

Strength reduction factor Flexure φf = 0.90 (Cl

Shear φs = 0.75 (Cl
Pile Group Characteristics
Ix Group = 11.56 Rz extreme= 1.7
Iz Group = 11.56 Rx extreme= 1.7

Gross Reactions

P per pile = P/n ± Mx*Rz/Ix ± Mz*Rx/Iz Note: P = Axial Load + self wt of pile cap and soil

PA = 1191 kN
PB = 1333.7 kN
PC = 1185 kN
PD = 1326.9 kN
PE = 1259 kN
Along X. Dir.

1.2 1.2

Pile Cap

Pile PE
PA + P B PC + P D
2525.04 2511.45

Upward Moment Mz max = 3030.048 kNm

Factored weight of footing & soil above it w = 250.45 kN/m
Overhang of footing l = 1.8 m
Downward Moment due to footing and soil weight abov
wl2/2 = 405.729 kNm
Net upward Moment = 2624.319 kNm
Mn = Mz/φf = 2916 kNm

Mn=As.fy.(d-0.59Asfy/(fc' b))

a1 = 1 = 1
b1 = -fc'bd/(0.59*fy) = -912344.2924
c1 = Mufc'b/(0.59*fy^2) = 4620104367
Area of steel As = 5092.42 mm2

Minimum Reinforcement = 0.0018bh Cl

= 11488.5 mm2

Provided bottom bar D 25 @ 100 C/C along X dir

No of bars = 46
Area of steel provided= 22580 mm2

Reinforcement ratio for balanced section ρb = 0.85fc'β1/fy x (600/(600+fy))

β1 = 0.85 Cl
ρb = 0.0360
Allowable tension reinforcement ratio (0.75ρb) ρmax = 0.0270

Actual Reinforcement ratio ρ = As/bd ρ = 0.003538 < 0.0270

Hence Safe
Along Z. Dir.

1.2 1.2
Pile Cap

Pile PE PA + P C
PD + P B 2660.6 2375.89
Upward Moment Mx max = 3192.72 kNm
Factored weight of footing & soil above it w = 250.45 kN/m
Overhang of footing l = 1.8 m
Downward Moment wl2/2 = 405.73 kNm
Net upward Moment = 2786.99 kNm
Mn = Mx/φf = = 3096.66 kNm

Mn=As.fy.(d-0.59Asfy/(fc' b))

a1 = 1 = 1
b1 = -fc'bd/(0.59*fy) = -912344.2924
c1 = Mufc'b/(0.59*fy^2) = 4906493132

Area of steel As = 5409.98 mm2

Minimum Reinforcement = 0.0018bh Cl

= 11488.5 mm2

Provided bottom bar D 25 @ 100 C/C along Z dir

No of bars = 46
Area of steel provided= 22580 mm2

Reinforcement ratio for balanced section ρb = 0.85fc'β1/fy x (600/(600+fy))

β1 = 0.85 Cl
ρb = 0.0360
Allowable tension reinforcement ratio (0.75ρb) ρmax = 0.0270

Actual Reinforcement ratio ρ = As/bd ρ = 0.003538 < 0.0270

Hence Safe
Check for One Way shear

The critical section is at distance "d" from the face of column.

Effective depth d = 1387.5 mm = 1.3875 m

i.e., Critical section is at 1.3875m away from edge of column
Distance from face of column to the Centre of pile 1.2 m
Distance between critical section and centre of pile 0.19 m < 0.4

Effective piles falls beyond critical section. So, chk for one way shear should be done.

Shear Force in X Dir. = 2525.04 kN

Shear Force in Z Dir. = 2660.6 kN

Allowable shear in the section

Vc = 1/7 bwd(√fc' + 120ρwVud/Mu) = 5855.65 kN (Cl.
(Vud/Mu < =1)
and shall not be greater than
0.3√fc' bwd = 11327.814 kN

Shear strength of section φsVc = 4391.74 kN > 2660.6

Hence safe
Check for Two Way shear (Punching Shear)

Column Punching
The critical section is at distance "d/2" from the face of pedestal.

Shear force from column 5198 KN

Effective depth d = 1387.5 mm = 1.3875 m

perimeter bo = 9550 mm [2*(a+d)+2*(b+d)]

Ratio of long side to short side of the column βc = 1

Allowable shear in the section

Vc = 1/6 (1+2(4)/βc)√fc'.bod = 117587.6 KN (Cl.
Vc shall not exceed 1/3 √fc' bo d 12586.46 KN

Shear strength of section φsVc = 9439.845 KN > 5198

Hence safe

Corner Pile Punching shear

Max Vertical Load on corner pile = 1333.7 KN

Radius R = 1.09 m
Perimeter bo = (2pR * 90/360) + Edge Distance *2
Perimeter bo = 2.91 m = 2910 mm

Ratio of long side to short side of the column βc = 1

Allowable shear in the section

Vc = 1/6 (1+2(4)/βc)√fc'.bod = 35830.37 KN (Cl.
Vc shall not exceed 1/3 √fc' bo d 7962.3 KN

Shear strength of section φsVc = 5971.73 KN > 1333.7

Hence safe
Design of Pile Cap Reinforcement

Node 5
Footing No. F3
Grid No A2
Factored Reactions from Staad Pro
Load Case 2015
1.2 1.2
Fx 55 kN
Fy 6674 kN 0.6
Fz 144.1 kN
Mx 632.1 kNm
Mz -24 kNm C D

L = 3.6 m 2.4
B = 6 m 6 Mx
Depth of Pile cap = 1.5 m B E
Bottom Clear Cover = 100 mm X
Dia of bar = 25 mm 2.4
Side cover = 50 mm
Depth of soil above
pile cap = 1 m
Effective depth of pile cap = 1387.5 mm 3.6
Density of soil = 17.658 kN/m3
Z Mz
Density of concrete = 24.525 kN/m3
Column size (axb) = 1 m X 1 m
No of Piles = 6 piles
Pile dia = 0.8 m
fc' = 35 N/mm2
fy = 415 N/mm2
Self weight of pile cap and
soil = 1121.58 kN

Strength reduction factor Flexure φf = 0.90 (Cl

Shear φs = 0.75 (Cl
Pile Group Characteristics
Ix Group = 23.04 Rz extreme= 2.4
Iz Group = 8.64 Rx extreme= 1.2

Rz (in m.) 2.4 0 2.4 2.4 0 2.4
Rx (in m.) 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
Gross Reactions
P per pile = P/n ± Mx*Rz/Ix ± Mz*Rx/Iz Note: P = Axial Load + self wt of pile cap and soil

PA = 1237 kN PD = 1361.77 kN
PB = 1302.6 kN PE = 1295.93 kN
PC = 1368 kN PF = 1230.09 kN
Along X. Dir.

0.7 0.7

Pile Cap

PA + P B + P C PC + P D + P E
3907.79 3887.79

Upward Moment Mz max = 2735.5 kNm

Factored weight of footing & soil above it w = 326.67 kN/m
Overhang of footing l = 1.3 m
Downward Moment due to footing and soil weight above it wl2/2 = 276.04 kNm
Net upward Moment = 2459.4 kNm
Mn = Mz/φf = = 2733 kNm

Mn=As.fy.(d-0.59Asfy/(fc' b))

a1 = 1 = 1
b1 = -fc'bd/(0.59*fy) = -1190014.294
c1 = Mufc'b/(0.59*fy^2) = 5647547183
Area of steel As = 4764.86 mm2

Minimum Reinforcement = 0.0018bh Cl

= 8991 mm2

Provided bottom bar D 25 @ 100 C/C along X dir

No of bars = 60
Area of steel provided= 29452 mm2

Reinforcement ratio for balanced section ρb = 0.85fc'β1/fy x (600/(600+fy))

β1 = 0.85 Cl
ρb = 0.0360
Allowable tension reinforcement ratio (0.75ρb) ρmax = 0.0270

Actual Reinforcement ratio ρ = As/bd ρ = 0.005896 < 0.0270

Hence Safe

Along Z. Dir.


1.9 1.9
Pile Cap

Pile PE + P B
PC + P D 2599 PA + P F
2730.21 2466.84
Upward Moment Mz max = 5187.4 kNm
Factored weight of footing & soil above it w = 196 kN/m
Overhang of footing l = 2.5 m
Downward Moment due to footing and soil weight above it wl2/2 = 612.51 kNm
Net upward Moment = 4574.9 kNm
Mn = Mz/φ = 5083 kNm

Mn=As.fy.(d-0.59Asfy/(fc' b))

a1 = 1 = 1
b1 = -fc'bd/(0.59*fy) = -1190014.294
c1 = Mufc'b/(0.59*fy^2) = 10505316508
Area of steel As = 8894.37 mm2

Minimum Reinforcement = 0.0018bh Cl

= 14985 mm2

Provided bottom bar D 25 @ 100 C/C along Z dir

No of bars = 35
Area of steel provided= 17181 mm2

Reinforcement ratio for balanced section ρb = 0.85fc'β1/fy x (600/(600+fy))

β1 = 0.85 Cl
ρb = 0.0360
Allowable tension reinforcement ratio (0.75ρb) ρmax = 0.0270

Actual Reinforcement ratio ρ = As/bd ρ = 0.002064 < 0.0270

Hence Safe
Check for One Way shear

Along X Dir.

The critical section is at "d" from the face of column.

Effective depth d = 1387.5 mm = 1.3875 m
i.e., Critical section is at 1.3875m away from edge of column
Distance from face of column to the Centre of pile = 0.7 m
Distance between critical section and centre of pile = 0.69 m > 0.4

Critical section lies beyond the pile, so no one way shear load is considered

Along Z Dir.
The critical section is at distance '"d" from the face of column.

Effective depth d = 1387.5 mm = 1.3875 m

i.e., Critical section is at 1.3875m away from edge of column

Distance from face of column to the Centre of pile = 1.9 m

Distance between critical section and centre of pile = -0.51 m < 0.4
Effective piles falls beyond critical section. So, chk for one way shear should be done.

Shear Force in Z Dir. = 2730.21 kN

Allowable shear in the section

Vc = 1/7 bwd(√fc' + 120ρwVud/Mu) = 4335.17 kN (Cl.
(Vud/Mu < =1)
and shall not be greater than
0.3√fc' bwd = 8865.246 kN

Shear strength of section φsVc = 3251.38 kN > 2730.2

Hence safe

Check for Two Way shear (Punching Shear)

Column Punching
The critical section is at distance "d/2" from the face of pedestal.

Effective depth d = 1387.5 mm = 1.3875 m

perimeter bo = 9550 mm [2*(a+d)+2*(b+d)]

Shear force from column = 6674 KN

Ratio of long side to short side of the column βc = 1

Allowable shear in the section

Vc = 1/6 (1+2(4)/βc)√fc'.bod = 117587.6 KN (Cl.
Vc shall not exceed 1/3 √fc' bo d = 16417.12 KN

Shear strength of section φsVc = 12312.84 KN > 6674

Hence safe

Corner Pile Punching shear

Max Vertical Load on corner pile = 1368.44 KN

Radius R = 1.09 m
Perimeter bo = (2pR * 90/360) + Edge Distance *2
Perimeter bo = 2.91 m = 2910 mm

Ratio of long side to short side of the column βc = 1

Allowable shear in the section

Vc = 1/6 (1+2(4)/βc)√fc'.bod = 35830.37 KN (Cl.
Vc shall not exceed 1/3 √fc' bo d 7962.3 KN

Shear strength of section φsVc = 5971.73 KN > 1368.4

Hence safe
Mid Pile Punching shear

Max Vertical Load on corner pile = 1302.6 KN

Radius R = 1.09 m
Perimeter bo = (2pR * 180/360) + Edge Distance *2
Perimeter bo = 4.62 m = 4620 mm

Ratio of long side to short side of the column βc = 1

Allowable shear in the section

Vc = 1/6 (1+2(4)/βc)√fc'.bod = 56885.33 KN (Cl.
Vc shall not exceed 1/3 √fc' bo d 12641.18 KN

Shear strength of section φsVc = 9480.89 KN > 1302.6

Hence safe
Design of Pile Cap Reinforcement

Node 6
Footing No. F2
Grid No A1
Factored Reactions from Staad Pro
Load Case 2015

Fx -51.6 kN 1.7 1.7

Fy 5459 kN
Fz 124 kN 0.6
Mx 628 kNm
Mz -35 kNm
L = 4.6 m 1.7
B = 4.6 m E 1 X
Depth of Pile cap = 1.5 m 4.6 1.7
A C Mx
Bottom Clear Cover = 100 mm
Dia of bar = 25 mm
Side cover = 50 mm
Depth of soil above Mz
pile cap = 1 m
Effective depth of pile cap = 1387.5 mm
Density of soil = 17.658 kN/m3 Z
Density of concrete = 24.525 kN/m3
Column size (axb) = 1 m X 1 m
No of Piles = 5 piles
Pile dia = 0.8 m
fc' = 35 N/mm2
fy = 415 N/mm2
Self weight of pile cap and
soil = 1097.62 kN

Strength reduction factor Flexure φf = 0.90 (Cl

Shear φs = 0.75 (Cl
Pile Group Characteristics
Ix Group = 11.56 Rz extreme= 1.7
Iz Group = 11.56 Rx extreme= 1.7

Gross Reactions

P per pile = P/n ± Mx*Rz/Ix ± Mz*Rx/Iz Note: P = Axial Load + self wt of pile cap and soil

PA = 1224 kN
PB = 1409 kN
PC = 1214 kN
PD = 1399 kN
PE = 1311 kN
Along X. Dir.

1.2 1.2

Pile Cap

Pile PE
PA + P B PC + P D
2632.94 2612.35

Upward Moment Mz max = 3159.528 kNm

Factored weight of footing & soil above it w = 250.45 kN/m
Overhang of footing l = 1.8 m
Downward Moment due to footing and soil weight abov
wl2/2 = 405.729 kNm
Net upward Moment = 2753.799 kNm
Mn = Mz/φf = 3060 kNm

Mn=As.fy.(d-0.59Asfy/(fc' b))

a1 = 1 = 1
b1 = -fc'bd/(0.59*fy) = -912344.2924
c1 = Mufc'b/(0.59*fy^2) = 4848058733
Area of steel As = 5345.16 mm2

Minimum Reinforcement = 0.0018bh Cl

= 11488.5 mm2

Provided bottom bar D 25 @ 100 C/C along X dir

No of bars = 46
Area of steel provided= 22580 mm2

Reinforcement ratio for balanced section ρb = 0.85fc'β1/fy x (600/(600+fy))

β1 = 0.85 Cl
ρb = 0.0360
Allowable tension reinforcement ratio (0.75ρb) ρmax = 0.0270

Actual Reinforcement ratio ρ = As/bd ρ = 0.003538 < 0.0270

Hence Safe
Along Z. Dir.

1.2 1.2
Pile Cap

Pile PE PA + P C
PD + P B 2807.35 2437.94
Upward Moment Mx max = 3368.82 kNm
Factored weight of footing & soil above it w = 250.45 kN/m
Overhang of footing l = 1.8 m
Downward Moment wl2/2 = 405.73 kNm
Net upward Moment = 2963.09 kNm
Mn = Mx/φf = = 3292.32 kNm

Mn=As.fy.(d-0.59Asfy/(fc' b))

a1 = 1 = 1
b1 = -fc'bd/(0.59*fy) = -912344.2924
c1 = Mufc'b/(0.59*fy^2) = 5216505999

Area of steel As = 5753.98 mm2

Minimum Reinforcement = 0.0018bh Cl

= 11488.5 mm2

Provided bottom bar D 25 @ 100 C/C along Z dir

No of bars = 46
Area of steel provided= 22580 mm2

Reinforcement ratio for balanced section ρb = 0.85fc'β1/fy x (600/(600+fy))

β1 = 0.85 Cl
ρb = 0.0360
Allowable tension reinforcement ratio (0.75ρb) ρmax = 0.0270

Actual Reinforcement ratio ρ = As/bd ρ = 0.003538 < 0.0270

Hence Safe
Check for One Way shear

The critical section is at distance "d" from the face of column.

Effective depth d = 1387.5 mm = 1.3875 m

i.e., Critical section is at 1.3875m away from edge of column
Distance from face of column to the Centre of pile 1.2 m
Distance between critical section and centre of pile 0.19 m < 0.4

Effective piles falls beyond critical section. So, chk for one way shear should be done.

Shear Force in X Dir. = 2632.94 kN

Shear Force in Z Dir. = 2807.35 kN

Allowable shear in the section

Vc = 1/7 bwd(√fc' + 120ρwVud/Mu) = 5852.17 kN (Cl.
(Vud/Mu < =1)
and shall not be greater than
0.3√fc' bwd = 11327.814 kN

Shear strength of section φsVc = 4389.13 kN > 2807.35

Hence safe
Check for Two Way shear (Punching Shear)

Column Punching
The critical section is at distance "d/2" from the face of pedestal.

Shear force from column 5459 KN

Effective depth d = 1387.5 mm = 1.3875 m

perimeter bo = 9550 mm [2*(a+d)+2*(b+d)]

Ratio of long side to short side of the column βc = 1

Allowable shear in the section

Vc = 1/6 (1+2(4)/βc)√fc'.bod = 117587.6 KN (Cl.
Vc shall not exceed 1/3 √fc' bo d 12586.46 KN

Shear strength of section φsVc = 9439.845 KN > 5459

Hence safe

Corner Pile Punching shear

Max Vertical Load on corner pile = 1408.82 KN

Radius R = 1.09 m
Perimeter bo = (2pR * 90/360) + Edge Distance *2
Perimeter bo = 2.91 m = 2910 mm

Ratio of long side to short side of the column βc = 1

Allowable shear in the section

Vc = 1/6 (1+2(4)/βc)√fc'.bod = 35830.37 KN (Cl.
Vc shall not exceed 1/3 √fc' bo d 7962.3 KN

Shear strength of section φsVc = 5971.73 KN > 1408.82

Hence safe
Design of Pile Cap Reinforcement

Node 7,13
Footing No. F4
Grid No B6-C6
Factored Reactions from Staad Pro
Load Case 2013
Node 7 Node 13
Fx 179.2 kN Fx 188 kN
Fy 4323.3 kN Fy 4423 kN
Fz -37.1 kN Fz -13.5 kN
Mx -8 kNm Mx -15 kNm
Mz -355 kNm Mz -367 kNm

P 10597.45 kN
CGz 3.01 m CGx 2.9319 m
ez 0.01 m ex 0.0681 m
Mx 105.97 kNm Mz 721.69 kNm
2.4 2.4

Fy 8746.3 kN

Mx 105.97 kNm 1.25 C D E

Mz 721.69 kNm
6 7 2.4
L = 6 m 3.5 Mx
B = 6 m B I F
Depth of Pile cap = 1.5 m X
Clear Cover = 100 mm 13 2.4
Dia of bar = 25 mm
Effective depth 1.25 A H G
of pile cap = 1387.5 mm
Density of soil = 17.658 kN/m3
Density of concrete = 24.525 kN/m3 6
Column size (axb) = 1 m X 1 m Mz
No of Piles = 9 piles Z
Pile dia = 0.8 m
Side cover = 50 mm
fc' = 35 N/mm2
fy = 415 N/mm2
Depth of soil above
pile cap = 1 m
Self weight of pile cap and
soil = 1851.15 kN

Strength reduction factor Flexure φf = 0.90 (Cl

Shear φs = 0.75 (Cl

Ix Group = 34.56 Rz extreme= 2.4

Iz Group = 34.56 Rx extreme= 2.4

Rz (in m.) 2.4 0 2.4 2.4 2.4 0 2.4 2.4 0
Rx (in m.) 2.4 2.4 2.4 0 2.4 2.4 2.4 0 0
Gross Reactions( in KN)
P per pile = P/n ± Mx*Rz/Ix ± Mz*Rx/Iz Note: P = Axial Load + self wt of pile cap and soil

PA = 1120 PH = 1170.14 PG = 1220

PB = 1127 PI = 1177.49 PF = 1228
PC = 1135 PD = 1184.85 PE = 1235

Along X. Dir.

1.9 1.9

Pile Cap

3382.14 3532.48 3682.83

Upward Moment Mz max = 6997 kNm

Factored weight of footing & soil above it w = 326.67 kN/m
Overhang of footing l = 2.5 m
Downward Moment due to footing and soil weight above it wl2/2 = 1021 kNm
Net upward Moment = 5977 kNm
Mn = Mz/φf = = 6640.6 kNm

Mn=As.fy.(d-0.59Asfy/(fc' b))

a1 = 1 = 1
b1 = -fc'bd/(0.59*fy) = -1190014.294
c1 = Mufc'b/(0.59*fy^2) = 13723927361

Area of steel As = 11646.56 mm2

Minimum Reinforcement = 0.0018bh Cl

= 14985 mm2

Provided bottom bar D 25 @ 100 C/C along X dir

No of bars = 60
Area of steel provided= 29452 mm2

Reinforcement ratio for balanced section ρb = 0.85fc'β1/fy x (600/(600+fy))

β1 = 0.85 Cl
ρb = 0.0360
Allowable tension reinforcement ratio (0.75ρb) ρmax = 0.0270

Actual Reinforcement ratio ρ = As/bd ρ = 0.003538 < 0.0270

Hence Safe
Along Z. Dir.


1.9 1.9

Pile Cap

3554.56 2347.63
Upward Moment Mz max = 4460 kNm
Factored weight of footing & soil above it w = 326.67 kN/m
Overhang of footing l = 0.75 m
Downward Moment due to footing and soil weight above it wl2/2 = 91.877 kNm
Net upward Moment = 4369 kNm
Mn = Mz/φ = 4854 kNm

Mn=As.fy.(d-0.59Asfy/(fc' b))

a1 = 1 = 1
b1 = -fc'bd/(0.59*fy) = -1190014.294
c1 = Mufc'b/(0.59*fy^2) = 10031656460
Area of steel As = 8490.44 mm2

Minimum Reinforcement = 0.0018bh Cl

= 14985 mm2

Provided bottom bar D 25 @ 100 C/C along Z dir

No of bars = 60
Area of steel provided= 29452 mm2

Reinforcement ratio for balanced section ρb = 0.85fc'β1/fy x (600/(600+fy))

β1 = 0.85 Cl
ρb = 0.0360
Allowable tension reinforcement ratio (0.75ρb) ρmax = 0.0270

Actual Reinforcement ratio ρ = As/bd ρ = 0.003538 < 0.0270

Hence Safe

Check for One Way shear

Along X Dir.
The critical section is at distance "d" from the face of column.
Effective depth d = 1387.5 mm = 1.3875 m
i.e., Critical section is at 1.3875m away from edge of column

Distance from face of column to the Centre of pile = 1.9 m

Distance between critical section and centre of pile = -0.51 m < 0.4
Effective piles falls beyond critical section. So, chk for one way shear should be done.

Shear Force in X Dir. = 3682.83 kN

Allowable shear in the section
Vc = 1/7 bwd(√fc' + 120ρwVud/Mu) = 7424.43 kN (Cl.
(Vud/Mu < =1)
and shall not be greater than
0.3√fc' bwd = 14775.41 kN
Shear strength of section φsVc = 5568.32 kN > 3683
Hence safe
Along Z Dir.
The critical section is at distance "d" from the face of column.

Effective depth d = 1387.5 mm = 1.3875 m

i.e., Critical section is at 1.3875m away from edge of column

Distance from face of column to the Centre of pile = 1.9 m

Distance between critical section and centre of pile = -0.51 m < 0.4
Effective piles falls beyond critical section. So, chk for one way shear should be done.

Shear Force in Z Dir. = 2362.35 kN

Allowable shear in the section

Vc = 1/7 bwd(√fc' + 120ρwVud/Mu) = 7134.19 kN (Cl.

(Vud/Mu < =1)
and shall not be greater than
0.3√fc' bwd = 14775.409 kN

Shear strength of section φsVc = 5350.64 kN > 2362

Hence safe

Check for Two Way shear (Punching Shear)

Column Punching

The critical section is at distance "d/2" from the face of pedestal.

Effective depth d = 1387.5 mm = 1.3875 m

perimeter bo = 9550 mm [2*(a+d)+2*(b+d)]

Shear force from column = 8746.3 KN

Ratio of long side to short side of the column βc = 1

Allowable shear in the section

Vc = 1/6 (1+2(4)/βc)√fc'.bod = 117587.6 KN (Cl.
Vc shall not exceed 1/3 √fc' bo d = 16417.12 KN

Shear strength of section φsVc = 12312.84 KN > 8746.3

Hence safe

Corner Pile Punching shear

Max Vertical Load on corner pile = 1227.61 KN

Radius R = 1.09 m
Perimeter bo = (2pR * 90/360) + Edge Distance *2
Perimeter bo = 1.71 m = 1710 mm
Ratio of long side to short side of the column βc = 1

Allowable shear in the section

Vc = 1/6 (1+2(4)/βc)√fc'.bod = 21054.96 KN (Cl.
Vc shall not exceed 1/3 √fc' bo d 4678.88 KN

Shear strength of section φsVc = 3509.16 KN > 1228

Hence safe

Mid Pile Punching shear

Max Vertical Load on corner pile = 1234.97 KN

Radius R = 1.09 m
Perimeter bo = (2pR * 180/360) + Edge Distance *2
Perimeter bo = 4.62 m = 4620 mm

Ratio of long side to short side of the column βc = 1

Allowable shear in the section

Vc = 1/6 (1+2(4)/βc)√fc'.bod = 56885.33 KN (Cl.
Vc shall not exceed 1/3 √fc' bo d 12641.18 KN

Shear strength of section φsVc = 9480.89 KN > 1235

Hence safe
Design of Pile Cap Reinforcement

Node 8,14
Footing No F5
Grid No B5-C5
Factored Reactions from Staad Pro
Load Case 2014
Node 8 Node 14
Fx -16 kN Fx 14 kN
Fy 3755 kN Fy 5705 kN
Fz -341 kN Fz -326 kN
Mx -352.4 kNm Mx -355 kNm
Mz 12 kNm Mz -4 kNm

P= 12095.16 kN
CGz= 4.54 m CGx= 3.0007 m
e z= -0.34 m e x= 0.0007 m
Mx= -4112.35 kNm Mz= 8.467 kNm

0.6 2.4 2.4

L = 6m
B = 8.4 m
Depth of Pile cap = 1.5 m

2.45 D H L
Edge distance = 0.6 m 2.4
Bottom 8
Cover = 100 mm K 3.6
C G Mx
Dia of bar = 25 mm 1.2
3.5 1.2
14 2.4
Depth of soil above 2.45
pile cap A E I
= 1m
Effective depth of pile cap = 1387.5 mm
Side cover = 50 mm 6
Density of soil = 17.658 kN/m3
Density of concrete = 24.525 kN/m3 Mz
Column size (axb) = 1 m X 1 m (both are of same size) Z
No of Piles = 12 piles
Pile dia = 0.8 m
fc' = 35 N/mm2
fy = 415 N/mm2
Self weight of pile cap and
soil = 2635.16 kN

Strength reduction factor Flexure φf = 0.90 (Cl

Shear φs = 0.75 (Cl
Pile Group Characteristics
Ix Group = 86.4 Rz extreme = 3.6
Iz Group = 46.08 Rx extreme = 2.4
Rz (in m.) 3.6 1.2 1.2 3.6 3.6 1.2
Rx (in m.) 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 0 0

Rz (in m.) 1.2 3.6 3.6 1.2 1.2 3.6
Rx (in m.) 0 0 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4
Gross Reactions

P per pile = P/n ± Mx*Rz/Ix ± Mz*Rx/Iz Note: P = Axial Load + self wt of pile cap and soil
PA = 1178.84 kN PG = 950.81 kN
PB = 1064.6 kN PH = 836.58 kN
PC = 950.37 kN PI = 1179.72 kN
PD = 836.14 kN PJ = 1065.49 kN
PE = 1179.28 kN PK = 951.26 kN
PF = 1065.05 kN PL = 837.02 kN

Along X. Dir.

1.9 1.9

Pile Cap



4029.95 4031.72 4033.49

Upward Moment Mz max = 7663.63 kNm

Factored weight of footing & soil above it w = 457.34 kN/m
Overhang of footing l = 2.5 m
Downward Moment due to footing and soil weight above it wl2/2 = 1429.19 kNm
Downward Moment wl2/2 = 1429.19 kNm
Net upward Moment = 6234.44 kNm
Mn = Mz/φf = 6927.16 kNm

Mn=As.fy.(d-0.59Asfy/(fc' b)) (ACI - 340R -Flexure 2 pg 430)

a1 = 1 = 1
b1 = -fc'bd/(0.59*fy) = -1666020.012
c1 = Mufc'b/(0.59*fy^2) = 20042613156

Area of steel As = 12118.383 mm2

Minimum Reinforcement = 0.0018bh (Cl

= 20979 mm2

Provided bottom bar D 25 @ 100 C/C along X dir

No of bars = 84
Area of steel provided= 41233.404 mm2

Reinforcement ratio for balanced section ρb = 0.85fc'β1/fy x (600/(600+fy))

β1 = 0.85
ρb = 0.0360
Allowable tension reinforcement ratio (0.75ρb) ρmax = 0.0270

Actual Reinforcement ratio ρ = As/bd ρ = 0.0035378296 < 0.0270

Hence Safe
Check for One Way shear X
The critical section is at distance "d" from the face of column.

Effective depth d = 1387.5 mm = 1.3875 m

i.e., Critical section is at 1.3875m away from edge of column
Distance from face of column to the Centre of pile = 1.9 m
Distance between critical section and centre of pile = -0.51 m < 0.4
Chk for one way shear
Shear Force in X Dir. = 4033.49 kN

Allowable shear in the section

Vc = 1/7 bwd(√fc' + 120ρwVud/Mu) = 10421.35 kN (Cl.

(Vud/Mu < =1)
and shall not be greater than
0.3√fc' bwd = 20685.573 kN

Shear strength of section φsVc = 7816.01 kN > 4033.49

Hence safe
Check for One Way shear Z
The critical section is at distance "d" from the face of column.

Effective depth d = 1387.5 mm = 1.3875 m

i.e., Critical section is at 1.3875m away from edge of column
Distance from face of column to the Centre of pile = 1.35 m
Distance between critical section and centre of pile = 0.04 m < 0.4

Chk for one way shear

Shear Force in Z Dir. = 3537.84 kN

Allowable shear in the section

Vc = 1/7 bwd(√fc' + 120ρwVud/Mu) = 7572.75 kN (Cl.

(Vud/Mu < =1)
and shall not be greater than
0.3√fc' bwd = 14775.409 kN

Shear strength of section φsVc = 5679.56 kN > 3537.84

Hence safe

Check for Two Way shear (Punching Shear)

Column Punching
The critical section is at distance "d/2" from the face of pedestal.

Shear force from column = 5705 KN

Effective depth d = 1387.5 mm = 1.3875 m

perimeter bo = 9550 mm [2*(a+d)+2*(b+d)]
Ratio of long side to short side of the column βc = 1

Allowable shear in the section

Vc = 1/6 (1+2(4)/βc)√fc'.bod = 117587.63 KN (Cl.
Vc shall not exceed 1/3 √fc' bo d = 26130.58 KN

Shear strength of section φsVc = 19597.935 KN > 5705

Hence safe

Corner Pile Punching shear

Max Vertical Load on corner pile = 1179.72 KN

Radius R = 1.09 m
Perimeter bo = (2pR * 90/360)+ Edge Distance *2
Perimeter bo = 2.91 m = 2910 mm
Ratio of long side to short side of the column βc = 1

Allowable shear in the section

Vc = 1/6 (1+2(4)/βc)√fc'.bod = 35830.37 KN (Cl.
Vc shall not exceed 1/3 √fc' bo d = 7962.3 KN

Shear strength of section φsVc = 5971.73 KN > 1179.72

Hence safe
Mid Pile Punching shear

Max Vertical Load on corner pile = 1179.28 KN

Radius R = 1.09 m
Perimeter bo = (2pR * 180/360)+ Edge Distance *2
Perimeter bo = 4.62 m = 4620 mm
Ratio of long side to short side of the column βc = 1

Allowable shear in the section

Vc = 1/6 (1+2(4)/βc)√fc'.bod = 56885.33 KN (Cl.
Vc shall not exceed 1/3 √fc' bo d = 12641.18 KN

Shear strength of section φsVc = 9480.89 KN > 1179.28

Hence safe
Design of Pile Cap Reinforcement

Node 9,15
Footing No. F5A
Grid No B4-C4
Factored Reactions from Staad Pro
Load Case 2014

Node 9 Node 15
Fx 33.28 kN Fx 8 kN
Fy 3494 kN Fy 6287 kN
Fz -357 kN Fz -310 kN
Mx -381 kNm Mx -373 kNm
Mz 23 kNm Mz -2.24 kNm

P= 12928.95 kN
CGz= 4.64 m CGx= 3.0016 m
e z= -0.44 m e x= 0.0016 m
Mx= -5688.74 kNm Mz= 20.686 kNm

0.6 2.4 2.4

L = 6m
B = 8.4 m
Depth of Pile cap = 1.5 m

2.45 D H L
Edge distance = 0.6 m 2.4
Bottom 9
Clear Cover = 100 mm
Dia of bar = 25 mm C G K 1.2 Mx

3.5 1.2
15 2.4
Depth of soil above pile A E I
cap = 1.6 m
Effective depth of pile cap = 1387.5 mm
Side cover = 50 mm 6
Density of soil = 17.658 kN/m3
Density of concrete = 24.525 kN/m3 Mz
Column size (axb) = 1m X 1 m (both are of same size) Z
No of Piles = 12 piles
Pile dia = 0.8 m
fc' = 35 N/mm2
fy = 415 N/mm2
Self weight of pile cap and
soil = 3147.95 kN

Strength reduction factor Flexure φf = 0.90 (Cl

Shear φs = 0.75 (Cl
Pile Group Characteristics
Ix Group = 86.4 Rz extreme = 3.6
Iz Group = 46.08 Rx extreme = 2.4
Rz (in m.) 3.6 1.2 1.2 3.6 3.6 1.2
Rx (in m.) 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 0 0

Rz (in m.) 1.2 3.6 3.6 1.2 1.2 3.6
Rx (in m.) 0 0 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4
Gross Reactions

P per pile = P/n ± Mx*Rz/Ix ± Mz*Rx/Iz Note: P = Axial Load + self wt of pile cap and soil
PA = 1313.37 kN PG = 998.4 kN
PB = 1155.35 kN PH = 840.38 kN
PC = 997.32 kN PI = 1315.52 kN
PD = 839.3 kN PJ = 1157.5 kN
PE = 1314.44 kN PK = 999.48 kN
PF = 1156.42 kN PL = 841.46 kN

Along X. Dir.

1.9 1.9

Pile Cap



4305.34 4309.64 4313.96


Upward Moment Mz max = 8196.52 kNm

Factored weight of footing & soil above it w = 546.34
Overhang of footing l = 2.5
Downward Moment due to footing and soil weight above it wl2/2 = 1707.31 kNm
Net upward Moment = 6489.21 kNm
Mn = Mz/φf = 7210.23 kNm

Mn=As.fy.(d-0.59Asfy/(fc' b)) (ACI - 340R -Flexure 2 pg 430)

a1 = 1 = 1
b1 = -fc'bd/(0.59*fy) = -1666020.012
c1 = Mufc'b/(0.59*fy^2) = 20861630258

Area of steel As = 12617.393 mm2

Minimum Reinforcement = 0.0018bh (Cl

= 20979 mm 2

Provided bottom bar D 25 @ 100 C/C along X dir

No of bars = 84
Area of steel provided= 41233.4 mm2

Reinforcement ratio for balanced section ρb = 0.85fc'β1/fy x (600/(600+fy))

β1 = 0.85 (Cl
ρb = 0.0360
Allowable tension reinforcement ratio (0.75ρb) ρmax = 0.0270

Actual Reinforcement ratio ρ = As/bd ρ = 0.0035378 < 0.0270

Hence Safe
Check for One Way shear X
The critical section is at distance "d" from the face of column.

Effective depth d = 1387.5 mm = 1.3875 m

i.e., Critical section is at 1.3875m away from edge of column
Distance from face of column to the Centre of pile = 1.9 m
Distance between critical section and centre of pile = -0.51 m < 0.4
Chk for one way shear
Shear Force in X Dir. = 4313.96 kN

Allowable shear in the section

Vc = 1/7 bwd(√fc' + 120ρwVud/Mu) = 10269.42 kN (Cl.

(Vud/Mu < =1)
and shall not be greater than
0.3√fc' bwd = 20685.573 kN

Shear strength of section φsVc = 7702.07 kN > 4313.96

Hence safe
Check for One Way shear Z
The critical section is at distance "d" from the face of column.

Effective depth d = 1387.5 mm = 1.3875 m

i.e., Critical section is at 1.3875m away from edge of column
Distance from face of column to the Centre of pile = 1.35 m
Distance between critical section and centre of pile = 0.04 m < 0.4

Chk for one way shear

Shear Force in Z Dir. = 3943.33 kN

Allowable shear in the section

Vc = 1/7 bwd(√fc' + 120ρwVud/Mu) = 7578.57 kN (Cl.

(Vud/Mu < =1)
and shall not be greater than
0.3√fc' bwd = 14775.409 kN

Shear strength of section φsVc = 5683.93 kN > 3943.33

Hence safe

Check for Two Way shear (Punching Shear)

Column Punching
The critical section is at distance "d/2" from the face of pedestal.

Shear force from column = 6287 KN

Effective depth d = 1387.5 mm = 1.3875 m

perimeter bo = 9550 mm [2*(a+d)+2*(b+d)]
Ratio of long side to short side of the column βc = 1

Allowable shear in the section

Vc = 1/6 (1+2(4)/βc)√fc'.bod = 117587.63 KN (Cl.
Vc shall not exceed 1/3 √fc' bo d = 26130.58 KN

Shear strength of section φsVc = 19597.935 KN > 6287

Hence safe

Corner Pile Punching shear

Max Vertical Load on corner pile = 1315.52 KN

Radius R = 1.09 m
Perimeter bo = (2pR * 90/360)+ Edge Distance *2
Perimeter bo = 2.91 m = 2910 mm
Ratio of long side to short side of the column βc = 1

Allowable shear in the section

Vc = 1/6 (1+2(4)/βc)√fc'.bod = 35830.37 KN (Cl.
Vc shall not exceed 1/3 √fc' bo d = 7962.3 KN

Shear strength of section φsVc = 5971.73 KN > 1315.52

Hence safe
Mid Pile Punching shear

Max Vertical Load on corner pile = 1314.44 KN

Radius R = 1.09 m
Perimeter bo = (2pR * 90/360)+ Edge Distance *2
Perimeter bo = 4.62 m = 4620 mm
Ratio of long side to short side of the column βc = 1

Allowable shear in the section

Vc = 1/6 (1+2(4)/βc)√fc'.bod = 56885.33 KN (Cl.
Vc shall not exceed 1/3 √fc' bo d = 12641.18 KN

Shear strength of section φsVc = 9480.89 KN > 1314.44

Hence safe
Design of Pile Cap Reinforcement

Node 10,16
Footing No. F5A
Grid No B3-C3
Factored Reactions from Staad Pro
Load Case 2014

Node 10 Node 16
Fx -36 kN Fx 2 kN
Fy 3111 kN Fy 6844 kN
Fz -414 kN Fz -372 kN
Mx -448 kNm Mx -440 kNm
Mz 1.1 kNm Mz -0.54 kNm

P= 13102.95 kN
CGz= 4.77 m CGx= 3.0000 m
e z= -0.57 m e x= 0.0000 m
Mx= -7468.68 kNm Mz= 0 kNm

0.6 2.4 2.4

L = 6m
B = 8.4 m
Depth of Pile cap = 1.5 m

2.45 D H L
Edge distance = 0.6 m 2.4
Bottom 10
Clear Cover = 100 mm 3.6
Dia of bar = 25 mm C G K 1.2 Mx

3.5 1.2
16 2.4
Depth of soil above pile A E I
cap = 1.6 m
Effective depth of pile cap = 1387.5 mm
Side cover = 50 mm 6
Density of soil = 17.658 kN/m3
Density of concrete = 24.525 kN/m3 Mz
Column size (axb) = 1 m X 1 m (both are of same size) Z
No of Piles = 12 piles
Pile dia = 0.8 m
fc' = 35 N/mm2
fy = 415 N/mm2
Self weight of pile cap and
soil = 3147.95 kN

Strength reduction factor Flexure φf = 0.90 (Cl

Shear φs = 0.75 (Cl
Pile Group Characteristics
Ix Group = 86.4 Rz extreme = 3.6
Iz Group = 46.08 Rx extreme = 2.4
Rz (in m.) 3.6 1.2 1.2 3.6 3.6 1.2
Rx (in m.) 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 0 0

Rz (in m.) 1.2 3.6 3.6 1.2 1.2 3.6
Rx (in m.) 0 0 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4
Gross Reactions

P per pile = P/n ± Mx*Rz/Ix ± Mz*Rx/Iz Note: P = Axial Load + self wt of pile cap and soil
PA = 1403.11 kN PG = 988.18 kN
PB = 1195.64 kN PH = 780.72 kN
PC = 988.18 kN PI = 1403.11 kN
PD = 780.72 kN PJ = 1195.64 kN
PE = 1403.11 kN PK = 988.18 kN
PF = 1195.64 kN PL = 780.72 kN

Along X. Dir.

1.9 1.9

Pile Cap



4367.65 4367.65 4367.65

Upward Moment Mz max = 8298.54 kNm

Factored weight of footing & soil above it w = 546.34
Overhang of footing l = 2.5
Downward Moment due to footing and soil weight above it wl2/2 = 1707.31
Net upward Moment = 6591.23 kNm
Mn = Mz/φf = 7323.59 kNm

Mn=As.fy.(d-0.59Asfy/(fc' b)) (ACI - 340R -Flexure 2 pg 430)

a1 = 1 = 1
b1 = -fc'bd/(0.59*fy) = -1666020.012
c1 = Mufc'b/(0.59*fy^2) = 21189619019

Area of steel As = 12817.315 mm2

Minimum Reinforcement = 0.0018bh (Cl

= 20979 mm2

Provided bottom bar D 25 @ 100 C/C along X dir

No of bars = 84
Area of steel provided= 41233.4 mm2

Reinforcement ratio for balanced section ρb = 0.85fc'β1/fy x (600/(600+fy))

β1 = 0.85 (Cl
ρb = 0.0360
Allowable tension reinforcement ratio (0.75ρb) ρmax = 0.0270

Actual Reinforcement ratio ρ = As/bd ρ = 0.0035378 < 0.0270

Hence Safe
Check for One Way shear X
The critical section is at distance "d" from the face of column.

Effective depth d = 1387.5 mm = 1.3875 m

i.e., Critical section is at 1.3875m away from edge of column
Distance from face of column to the Centre of pile = 1.9 m
Distance between critical section and centre of pile = -0.51 m < 0.4

Chk for one way shear

Shear Force in X Dir. = 4367.65 kN

Allowable shear in the section

Vc = 1/7 bwd(√fc' + 120ρwVud/Mu) = 10435.18 kN (Cl.

(Vud/Mu < =1)
and shall not be greater than
0.3√fc' bwd = 20685.573 kN

Shear strength of section φsVc = 7826.39 kN > 4367.65

Hence safe
Check for One Way shear Z
The critical section is at distance "d" from the face of column.

Effective depth d = 1387.5 mm = 1.3875 m

i.e., Critical section is at 1.3875m away from edge of column
Distance from face of column to the Centre of pile = 1.35 m
Distance between critical section and centre of pile = 0.04 m < 0.4

Chk for one way shear

Shear Force in Z Dir. = 4209.33 kN

Allowable shear in the section

Vc = 1/7 bwd(√fc' + 120ρwVud/Mu) = 7573.08 kN (Cl.

(Vud/Mu < =1)
and shall not be greater than
0.3√fc' bwd = 14775.409 kN

Shear strength of section φsVc = 5679.81 kN > 4209.33

Hence safe

Check for Two Way shear (Punching Shear)

Column Punching
The critical section is at distance "d/2" from the face of pedestal.

Shear force from column = 6844 KN

Effective depth d = 1387.5 mm = 1.3875 m

perimeter bo = 9550 mm [2*(a+d)+2*(b+d)]
Ratio of long side to short side of the column βc = 1

Allowable shear in the section

Vc = 1/6 (1+2(4)/βc)√fc'.bod = 117587.63 KN (Cl.
Vc shall not exceed 1/3 √fc' bo d = 26130.58 KN

Shear strength of section φsVc = 19597.935 KN > 6844

Hence safe

Corner Pile Punching shear

Max Vertical Load on corner pile = 1403.11 KN

Radius R = 1.09 m
Perimeter bo = (2pR * 90/360)+ Edge Distance *2
Perimeter bo = 2.91 m = 2910 mm
Ratio of long side to short side of the column βc = 1

Allowable shear in the section

Vc = 1/6 (1+2(4)/βc)√fc'.bod = 35830.37 KN (Cl.
Vc shall not exceed 1/3 √fc' bo d = 7962.3 KN
Shear strength of section φsVc = 5971.73 KN > 1403.11
Hence safe
Mid Pile Punching shear

Max Vertical Load on corner pile = 1403.11 KN

Radius R = 1.09 m
Perimeter bo = (2pR * 180/360)+ Edge Distance *2
Perimeter bo = 4.62 m = 4620 mm
Ratio of long side to short side of the column βc = 1

Allowable shear in the section

Vc = 1/6 (1+2(4)/βc)√fc'.bod = 56885.33 KN (Cl.
Vc shall not exceed 1/3 √fc' bo d = 12641.18 KN

Shear strength of section φsVc = 9480.89 KN > 1403.11

Hence safe
Design of Pile Cap Reinforcement

Node 11,17
Footing No. F6
Grid No B2-C2
Factored Reactions from Staad Pro
Load Case 2014

Node 11 Node 17
Fx 18.5 kN Fx 13 kN
Fy 4153 kN Fy 7558 kN
Fz -340 kN Fz -361 kN
Mx -423 kNm Mx -434 kNm
Mz 9 kNm Mz 7 kNm

P= 14395.816 kN
CGz= 5.55 m CGx= 3.0011 m
ez= -0.47 m ex= 0.0011 m
Mx= -6766.03 kNm Mz= 15.835 kNm

0.6 2.4 2.4

1.2 1.2 1.2


L = 6m
B = 10.16 m 3.33
Depth of Pile cap = 1.5 m 2.08
Edge distance = 0.6 m 2.4
11 Mx
Clear Cover = 100 mm
Dia of bar = 25 mm 3.5
17 4.48

2.08 2.68
Depth of soil above pile J K
cap = 1m 0.6
Effective depth of pile cap = 1387.5 mm
Side cover = 50 mm 6 1.8
Density of soil = 17.658 kN/m3
Density of concrete = 24.525 kN/m3 Mz
Column size (axb) = 1m X 1 m (both are of same size) Z
No of Piles = 13 piles
Pile dia = 0.8 m
fc' = 35 N/mm2
fy = 415 N/mm2
Surface area of the pilecap = 51.312 m2
Self weight of pile cap and
soil = 2684.816 kN
Strength reduction factor Flexure φf = 0.90 (Cl
Shear φs = 0.75 (Cl
Pile Group Characteristics
Ix Group = 114.8416 Rz extreme = 4.48
Iz Group = 40.32 Rx extreme = 2.4
Rz (in m.) 2.4 0 2.4 2.4 0 2.4
Rx (in m.) 2.4 2.4 2.4 0 0 0

Rz (in m.) 2.4 0 2.4 4.48 4.48 4.48 4.48
Rx (in m.) 2.4 2.4 2.4 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
Gross Reactions

P per pile = P/n ± Mx*Rz/Ix ± Mz*Rx/Iz Note: P = Axial Load + self wt of pile cap and soil
PA = 1247.83 kN PG = 1249.71 kN
PB = 1106.43 kN PH = 1108.31 kN
PC = 965.03 kN PI = 966.91 kN
PD = 1248.77 kN PJ = 1370.84 kN
PE = 1107.37 kN PK = 1371.79 kN
PF = 965.97 kN PL = 842.95 kN
PM = 843.9 kN
Along X. Dir.

1.9 1.9
0.7 0.7

Pile Cap



3319.29 2213.79 3322.11 2215.69 3324.93

Upward Moment Mz max = 7868.35 kNm

Downward Moment wl2/2 = 1308.41 kNm
Net upward Moment = 6559.94 kNm
Mn = Mz/φf = 7288.82 kNm

Mn=As.fy.(d-0.59Asfy/(fc' b)) (ACI - 340R -Flexure 2 pg 430)

a1 = 1 = 1
b1 = -fc'bd/(0.59*fy) = -2015090.872
c1 = Mufc'b/(0.59*fy^2) = 25507668988

Area of steel As = 12738.853 mm2

Minimum Reinforcement = 0.0018bh (Cl

= 25374.6 mm2

Provided bottom bar D 25 @ 100 C/C along X dir

No of bars = 102
Area of steel provided= 50069.13 mm2

Reinforcement ratio for balanced section ρb = 0.85fc'β1/fy x (600/(600+fy))

β1 = 0.85
ρb = 0.0360
Allowable tension reinforcement ratio (0.75ρb) ρmax = 0.0270

Reinforcement ratio ρ = As/bd ρ = 0.0035518 < 0.0270

Hence Safe
Check for One Way shear X
The critical section is at distance "d" from the face of column.

Effective depth d = 1387.5 mm = 1.3875 m

i.e., Critical section is at 1.3875m away from edge of column
Distance from face of column to the Centre of pile = 1.9 m
Distance between critical section and centre of pile = -0.51 m < 0.4

Chk for one way shear

Shear Force in X Dir. = 3324.93 kN

Allowable shear in the section

Vc = 1/7 bwd(√fc' + 120ρwVud/Mu) = 12457.4 kN (Cl.

(Vud/Mu < =1)
and shall not be greater than
0.3√fc' bwd = 25019.693 kN

Shear strength of section φsVc = 9343.05 kN > 3324.93

Hence safe
Check for One Way shear Z
The critical section is at distance "d" from the face of column.

Effective depth d = 1387.5 mm = 1.3875 m

i.e., Critical section is at 1.3875m away from edge of column
Distance from face of column to the Centre of pile = 2.23 m
Distance between critical section and centre of pile = -0.84 m < 0.4

Chk for one way shear

Shear Force in Z Dir. = 2742.63 kN

Allowable shear in the section

Vc = 1/7 bwd(√fc' + 120ρwVud/Mu) = 7368.5 kN (Cl.

(Vud/Mu < =1)
and shall not be greater than
0.3√fc' bwd = 14775.409 kN

Shear strength of section φsVc = 5526.38 kN > 2742.63

Hence safe

Check for Two Way shear (Punching Shear)

Column Punching
The critical section is at distance "d/2" from the face of pedestal.

Shear force from column = 7558 KN

Effective depth d = 1387.5 mm = 1.3875 m

perimeter bo = 9550 mm [2*(a+d)+2*(b+d)]
Ratio of long side to short side of the column βc = 1

Allowable shear in the section

Vc = 1/6 (1+2(4)/βc)√fc'.bod = 117587.63 KN (Cl.
Vc shall not exceed 1/3 √fc' bo d = 26130.58 KN

Shear strength of section φsVc = 19597.935 KN > 7558

Hence safe

Corner Pile Punching shear

Max Vertical Load on corner pile = 1371.79 KN

Radius R = 1.09 m
Perimeter bo = (2pR * 90/360)+ Edge Distance *2
Perimeter bo = 2.91 m = 2910 mm
Ratio of long side to short side of the column βc = 1

Allowable shear in the section

Vc = 1/6 (1+2(4)/βc)√fc'.bod = 35830.37 KN (Cl.
Vc shall not exceed 1/3 √fc' bo d = 7962.3 KN

Shear strength of section φsVc = 5971.73 KN > 1371.79

Hence safe
Mid Pile Punching shear

Max Vertical Load on corner pile = 1249.71 KN

Radius R = 1.09 m
Perimeter bo = (2pR * 180/360)+ Edge Distance
Perimeter bo = 4.02 m = 4020 mm
Ratio of long side to short side of the column βc = 1

Allowable shear in the section

Vc = 1/6 (1+2(4)/βc)√fc'.bod = 49497.62 KN (Cl.
Vc shall not exceed 1/3 √fc' bo d = 10999.47 KN

Shear strength of section φsVc = 8249.6 KN > 1249.71

Hence safe
Design of Pile Cap Reinforcement

Node 12, 18
Footing No. F7
Grid No B1-C1
Factored Reactions from Staad Pro
Load Case 2012
Node 12 Node 18
Fx -189 kN Fx -202 kN
Fy 5494 kN Fy 5763 kN
Fz 100 kN Fz 67 kN
Mx 61 kNm Mx 40 kNm
Mz 370 kNm Mz 383 kNm

P 14022.83 kN
CGz 6.64 m CGx 2.0537 m
ez 0.04 m ex -0.0537 m
Mx 560.91 kNm Mz -753.03 kNm

0.6 1.2 1.2

Fy 11257 kN
Mx 560.91 kNm 4.85 F L
Mz -753.03 kNm
13.2 2.4
L = 4 m
B = 13.2 m E K
Depth of Pile cap = 1.5 m
Clear Cover = 100 mm 12 2.4
Dia of bar = 29 mm
Effective depth D J Mx
of pile cap = 1385.5 mm 1.2
Density of soil = 17.658 kN/m3 3.5
Density of concrete = 24.525 kN/m3 C 4 I 1.2
Column size (a) = 1 m
Column size (b) = 1 m 18 2.4
No of Piles = 12 piles B H
Pile dia = 0.8 m
Side cover = 50 mm 2.4
fc' = 35 N/mm2 4.85
fy = 415 N/mm2 A G
Depth of soil above 0.6
pile cap = 1 m
Self weight of pile cap and Mz
soil = 2765.83 kN 4000
Strength reduction factor Flexure φf = 0.90 (Cl
Shear φs = 0.75 (Cl
Ix Group = 201.6 Rz extreme= 6
Iz Group = 17.28 Rx extreme= 1.2
Rz (in m.) 6 3.6 1.2 1.2 3.6 6
Rx (in m.) 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
Rz (in m.) 6 3.6 1.2 1.2 3.6 6
Rx (in m.) 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2

Gross Reactions (in KN)

P per pile = P/n ± Mx*Rz/Ix ± Mz*Rx/Iz Note: P = Axial Load + self wt of pile cap and soil

PA = 1204 PG = 1099.58
PB = 1211 PH = 1106.26
PC = 1218 PI = 1112.94
PD = 1224.2 PJ = 1119.61
PE = 1231 PK = 1126.29
PF = 1238 PL = 1132.97

Along X. Dir.

0.7 0.7

Pile Cap

7325.18 4000 6697.65

Upward Moment Mz max = 5128 kNm

Factored weight of footing & soil above it w = 718.68 kN/m
Overhang of footing l = 1.5 m
Downward Moment due to footing and soil weight above it wl2/2 = 808.52 kNm
Net upward Moment = 4319 kNm
Mn = Mz/φf = = 4799 kNm

Mn=As.fy.(d-0.59Asfy/(fc' b))

a1 = 1 = 1
b1 = -fc'bd/(0.59*fy) = -2614257.709
c1 = Mufc'b/(0.59*fy^2) = 21819577169
Area of steel As = 8373.19 mm2

Minimum Reinforcement = 0.0018bh Cl

= 9975.6 mm2

Provided bottom bar D 25 @ 100 C/C along X dir

No of bars = 132
Area of steel provided= 64795 mm2

Reinforcement ratio for balanced section ρb = 0.85fc'β1/fy x (600/(600+fy))

β1 = 0.85 Cl
ρb = 0.0360
Allowable tension reinforcement ratio (0.75ρb) ρmax = 0.0270

Actual Reinforcement ratio ρ = As/bd ρ = 0.011692 < 0.0270

Hence Safe

Along Z. Dir.

3.75 3.75
1.35 1.35

Pile Cap

2370.53 2357.17 2343.81 2330.46 PB+PH PA+PG
13200 2317.11 2303.75
Upward Moment Mz max = 8889 kNm
Factored weight of footing & soil above it w = 217.78 kN/m
Overhang of footing l = 4.35 m
Downward Moment due to footing and soil weight above it wl2/2 = 2060 kNm
Net upward Moment = 6829 kNm
Mn = Mz/φ = 7588 kNm

Mn=As.fy.(d-0.59Asfy/(fc' b))

a1 = 1 = 1
b1 = -fc'bd/(0.59*fy) = -2614257.709
c1 = Mufc'b/(0.59*fy^2) = 34499158423
Area of steel As = 13263.84 mm2

Minimum Reinforcement = 0.0018bh Cl

= 32919.48 mm2

Provided bottom bar D 29 @ 100 C/C along Z dir

No of bars = 40
Area of steel provided= 26421 mm2

Reinforcement ratio for balanced section ρb = 0.85fc'β1/fy x (600/(600+fy))

β1 = 0.85 Cl
ρb = 0.0360
Allowable tension reinforcement ratio (0.75ρb) ρmax = 0.0270

Actual Reinforcement ratio ρ = As/bd ρ = 0.001445 < 0.0270

Hence Safe

Check for One Way shear

Along Z Dir.
The critical section is at distance "d" from the face of column.
Effective depth d = 1385.5 mm = 1.3855 m
i.e., Critical section is at 1.3855m away from edge of column
Distance from face of column to the Centre of pile = 1.35 m
Distance between critical section and centre of pile = 0.035 m < 0.4
Effective piles falls beyond critical section. So, chk for one way shear should be done.

Shear Force in Z Dir. = 3549.12 kN

Shear Force due to selfweight of pile cap and soil
above it = 645.61 kN
Net shear force = 2903.51 kN

Allowable shear in the section

Vc = 1/7 bwd(√fc' + 120ρwVud/Mu) = 4977.37 kN (Cl.
(Vud/Mu < =1)
and shall not be greater than
0.3√fc' bwd = 9836.074 kN
Shear strength of section φsVc = 3733.03 kN > 2904
Hence safe
Allowable shear strength is less than actual shear strength by -22.22%

Check for Two Way shear (Punching Shear)

Column Punching
The critical section is at distance "d/2" from the face of pedestal.

Effective depth d = 1385.5 mm = 1.3855 m

perimeter bo = 9542 mm [2*(a+d)+2*(b+d)]

Shear force from column = 11257 KN

Ratio of long side to short side of the column βc = 1

Allowable shear in the section

Vc = 1/6 (1+2(4)/βc)√fc'.bod = 117319.8 KN (Cl.
Vc shall not exceed 1/3 √fc' bo d = 36065.61 KN

Shear strength of section φsVc = 27049.21 KN > 11257

Hence safe

Corner Pile Punching shear

Max Vertical Load on corner pile = 1217.52 KN

Radius R = 1.09 m
Perimeter bo = (2pR * 90/360) + Edge Distance *2
Perimeter bo = 1.71 m = 1710 mm

Ratio of long side to short side of the column βc = 1

Allowable shear in the section

Vc = 1/6 (1+2(4)/βc)√fc'.bod = 21024.61 KN (Cl.
Vc shall not exceed 1/3 √fc' bo d 4672.14 KN

Shear strength of section φsVc = 3504.11 KN > 1218

Hence safe

Mid Pile Punching shear

Max Vertical Load on corner pile = 1210.85 KN

Radius R = 1.09 m
Perimeter bo = (2pR * 180/360) + Edge Distance *2
Perimeter bo = 4.62 m = 4620 mm

Ratio of long side to short side of the column βc = 1

Allowable shear in the section

Vc = 1/6 (1+2(4)/βc)√fc'.bod = 56803.33 KN (Cl.
Vc shall not exceed 1/3 √fc' bo d 12622.96 KN

Shear strength of section φsVc = 9467.22 KN > 1211

Hence safe
Design of Pile Cap Reinforcement

Node 19
Footing No. F1
Grid No D6
Factored Reactions from Staad Pro
Load Case 2013 0.6 1.2 1.2
Fx 205 kN
Fy 4675 kN
Fz 28 kN 3 . 4
Mx -67 kNm 3.6 1.2
Mz -361 kNm 1.2
2 . 1 Mx
L = 3.6 m
B = 3.6 m
Depth of Pile cap = 1.5 m A D .
Clear Cover = 100 mm 3.6
Dia of bar = 25 mm Mz
Depth of soil above pile
cap = 1m Z
Effective depth of pile cap = 1387.5 mm
Side cover = 50 mm
Density of soil = 17.658 kN/m3
Density of concrete = 24.525 kN/m3
Column size (axb) = 1m X 1 m
No of Piles = 4 piles
Pile dia = 0.8 m
fc' = 35 N/mm2
fy = 415 N/mm2
Self weight of pile cap and
soil = 651.17 kN

Strength reduction factor Flexure φf = 0.90 (Cl

Shear φs = 0.75 (Cl
Pile Group Characteristics
Ix Group = 5.76 Rz extreme = 1.2
Iz Group = 5.76 Rx extreme = 1.2

Gross Reactions

P per pile = P/n ± Mx*Rz/Ix ± Mz*Rx/Iz Note: P = Axial Load + self wt of pile cap and soil
PA = 1420.71 kN
PB = 1392.79 kN
PC = 1242.38 kN
PD = 1270.29 kN

Along X. Dir.

0.7 0.7

Pile Cap

PA + P B PC + P D
2813.5 2512.67
Upward Moment Mz max = 1969.45 kNm
Factored weight of footing & soil above it w = 196 kN/m
Overhang of footing l = 1.3 m
Downward Moment due to footing and soil weight above it wl2/2 = 165.62 kNm
Net upward Moment = 1803.83 kNm
Mn = Mz/φf = 2004.26 kNm
Mn=As.fy.(d-0.59Asfy/(fc' b)) (ACI - 340R -Flexure 2 pg 430)
a1 = 1 = 1
b1 = -fc'bd/(0.59*fy) = -714008.5767
c1 = Mufc'b/(0.59*fy^2) = 2485286148

Area of steel As = 3497.8871 mm2

Minimum Reinforcement = 0.0018bh Cl

= 8991 mm2

Provided bottom bar D 25 @ 100 C/C along X dir

No of bars = 36
Area of steel provided= 17671.46 mm2

Reinforcement ratio for balanced section ρb = 0.85fc'β1/fy x (600/(600+fy))

β1 = 0.85 Cl
ρb = 0.0360
Allowable tension reinforcement ratio (0.75ρb) ρmax = 0.0270

Actual Reinforcement ratio ρ = As/bd ρ = 0.0035378296 < 0.0270

Hence Safe

Along Z. Dir.

0.7 0.7

Pile Cap

PC + P B PA + P D
2635.17 2691
Upward Moment Mx max = 1883.7 kNm
Factored weight of footing & soil above it w = 196 kN/m
Overhang of footing l = 1.3 m
Downward Moment due to footing and soil weight above it wl2/2 = 165.62 kNm
Net upward Moment = 1718.08 kNm
Mn = Mx/φf = 1908.98 kNm

Mn=As.fy.(d-0.59Asfy/(fc' b)) (ACI - 340R -Flexure 2 pg 430)

a1 = 1 = 1
b1 = -fc'bd/(0.59*fy) = -714008.5767
c1 = Mufc'b/(0.59*fy^2) = 2367138769
Area of steel As = 3330.82 mm2

Minimum Reinforcement = 0.0018bh Cl

= 8991 mm2

Provided bottom bar D 25 @ 100 C/C along Z dir

No of bars = 36
Area of steel provided= 17671.46 mm2

Reinforcement ratio for balanced section ρb = 0.85fc'β1/fy x (600/(600+fy))

β1 = 0.85 Cl
ρb = 0.0360
Allowable tension reinforcement ratio (0.75ρb) ρmax = 0.0270

Actual Reinforcement ratio ρ = As/bd ρ = 0.0035378296 < 0.0270

Hence Safe
Check for One Way shear
The critical section is at distance "d" from the face of column.

Effective depth d = 1387.5 mm = 1.3875 m

i.e., Critical section is at 1.3875m away from edge of column
Distance from face of column to the Centre of pile = 0.7 m
Distance between critical section and centre of pile = 0.69 m > 0.4

Critical section lies beyond the pile, so chk for one way shear is not required.

Check for Two Way shear (Punching Shear)

Column Punching
The critical section is at distance "d/2" from the face of pedestal.

Shear force from column = 4675 KN

Effective depth d = 1387.5 mm = 1.3875 m

perimeter bo = 9550 mm [2*(a+d)+2*(b+d)]
Ratio of long side to short side of the column βc = 1

Allowable shear in the section

Vc = 1/6 (1+2(4)/βc)√fc'.bod = 117587.63 KN (Cl.
Vc shall not exceed 1/3 √fc' bo d = 9850.27 KN

Shear strength of section φsVc = 7387.7025 KN > 4675

Hence safe

Corner Pile Punching shear

Max Vertical Load on corner pile = 1420.71 KN

Radius R = 1.09 m
Perimeter bo = (2pR * 90/360) + Edge Distance *2
Perimeter bo = 2.91 m = 2910 mm
Ratio of long side to short side of the column βc = 1

Allowable shear in the section

Vc = 1/6 (1+2(4)/βc)√fc'.bod = 35830.37 KN (Cl.
Vc shall not exceed 1/3 √fc' bo d = 7962.3 KN

Shear strength of section φsVc = 5971.73 KN > 1420.71

Hence safe
Design of Pile Cap Reinforcement

Node 20
Footing No. F3
Grid No D5
Factored Reactions from Staad Pro
Load Case 2014
1.2 1.2
Fx 13 kN
Fy 5588 kN 0.6
Fz -155 kN
Mx -419 kNm
Mz -19 kNm C D

L = 3.6 m 2.4
B = 6 m 6 Mx
Depth of Pile cap = 1.5 m B E
Bottom Clear Cover = 100 mm X
Dia of bar = 25 mm 2.4
Side cover = 50 mm
Depth of soil above
pile cap = 1 m
Effective depth of pile cap = 1387.5 mm 3.6
Density of soil = 17.658 kN/m3
Z Mz
Density of concrete = 24.525 kN/m3
Column size (axb) = 1 m X 1 m
No of Piles = 6 piles
Pile dia = 0.8 m
fc' = 35 N/mm2
fy = 415 N/mm2
Self weight of pile cap and
soil = 1121.58 kN

Strength reduction factor Flexure φf = 0.90 (Cl

Shear φs = 0.75 (Cl
Pile Group Characteristics
Ix Group = 23.04 Rz extreme= 2.4
Iz Group = 8.64 Rx extreme= 1.2

Rz (in m.) 2.4 0 2.4 2.4 0 2.4
Rx (in m.) 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
Gross Reactions
P per pile = P/n ± Mx*Rz/Ix ± Mz*Rx/Iz Note: P = Axial Load + self wt of pile cap and soil

PA = 1165 kN PD = 1071.98 kN
PB = 1120.9 kN PE = 1115.62 kN
PC = 1077 kN PF = 1159.27 kN
Along X. Dir.

0.7 0.7

Pile Cap

PA + P B + P C PC + P D + P E
3362.71 3346.87

Upward Moment Mz max = 2353.9 kNm

Factored weight of footing & soil above it w = 326.67 kN/m
Overhang of footing l = 1.3 m
Downward Moment due to footing and soil weight above it wl2/2 = 276.04 kNm
Net upward Moment = 2077.9 kNm
Mn = Mz/φf = = 2309 kNm

Mn=As.fy.(d-0.59Asfy/(fc' b))

a1 = 1 = 1
b1 = -fc'bd/(0.59*fy) = -1190014.294
c1 = Mufc'b/(0.59*fy^2) = 4771403195
Area of steel As = 4023.14 mm2

Minimum Reinforcement = 0.0018bh Cl

= 8991 mm2

Provided bottom bar D 25 @ 100 C/C along X dir

No of bars = 60
Area of steel provided= 29452 mm2

Reinforcement ratio for balanced section ρb = 0.85fc'β1/fy x (600/(600+fy))

β1 = 0.85 Cl
ρb = 0.0360
Allowable tension reinforcement ratio (0.75ρb) ρmax = 0.0270

Actual Reinforcement ratio ρ = As/bd ρ = 0.005896 < 0.0270

Hence Safe

Along Z. Dir.


1.9 1.9
Pile Cap

Pile PE + P B
PC + P D 2237 PA + P F
2149.24 2323.82
Upward Moment Mz max = 4415.3 kNm
Factored weight of footing & soil above it w = 196 kN/m
Overhang of footing l = 2.5 m
Downward Moment due to footing and soil weight above it wl2/2 = 612.51 kNm
Net upward Moment = 3802.7 kNm
Mn = Mz/φ = 4225 kNm

Mn=As.fy.(d-0.59Asfy/(fc' b))

a1 = 1 = 1
b1 = -fc'bd/(0.59*fy) = -1190014.294
c1 = Mufc'b/(0.59*fy^2) = 8732258501
Area of steel As = 7383.76 mm2

Minimum Reinforcement = 0.0018bh Cl

= 14985 mm2

Provided bottom bar D 25 @ 100 C/C along Z dir

No of bars = 35
Area of steel provided= 17181 mm2

Reinforcement ratio for balanced section ρb = 0.85fc'β1/fy x (600/(600+fy))

β1 = 0.85 Cl
ρb = 0.0360
Allowable tension reinforcement ratio (0.75ρb) ρmax = 0.0270

Actual Reinforcement ratio ρ = As/bd ρ = 0.002064 < 0.0270

Hence Safe

Check for One Way shear

Along X Dir.
The critical section is at "d" from the face of column.
Effective depth d = 1387.5 mm = 1.3875 m
i.e., Critical section is at 1.3875m away from edge of column
Distance from face of column to the Centre of pile = 0.7 m
Distance between critical section and centre of pile = 0.69 m > 0.4

Critical section lies beyond the pile, so no one way shear load is considered

Along Z Dir.
The critical section is at distance '"d" from the face of column.

Effective depth d = 1387.5 mm = 1.3875 m

i.e., Critical section is at 1.3875m away from edge of column

Distance from face of column to the Centre of pile = 1.9 m

Distance between critical section and centre of pile = -0.51 m < 0.4
Effective piles falls beyond critical section. So, chk for one way shear should be done.

Shear Force in Z Dir. = 2323.82 kN

Allowable shear in the section

Vc = 1/7 bwd(√fc' + 120ρwVud/Mu) = 4318.14 kN (Cl.
(Vud/Mu < =1)
and shall not be greater than
0.3√fc' bwd = 8865.246 kN

Shear strength of section φsVc = 3238.61 kN > 2323.8

Hence safe

Check for Two Way shear (Punching Shear)

Column Punching
The critical section is at distance "d/2" from the face of pedestal.

Effective depth d = 1387.5 mm = 1.3875 m

perimeter bo = 9550 mm [2*(a+d)+2*(b+d)]

Shear force from column = 5588 KN

Ratio of long side to short side of the column βc = 1

Allowable shear in the section

Vc = 1/6 (1+2(4)/βc)√fc'.bod = 117587.6 KN (Cl.
Vc shall not exceed 1/3 √fc' bo d = 16417.12 KN

Shear strength of section φsVc = 12312.84 KN > 5588

Hence safe

Corner Pile Punching shear

Max Vertical Load on corner pile = 1164.55 KN

Radius R = 1.09 m
Perimeter bo = (2pR * 90/360) + Edge Distance *2
Perimeter bo = 2.91 m = 2910 mm

Ratio of long side to short side of the column βc = 1

Allowable shear in the section

Vc = 1/6 (1+2(4)/βc)√fc'.bod = 35830.37 KN (Cl.
Vc shall not exceed 1/3 √fc' bo d 7962.3 KN

Shear strength of section φsVc = 5971.73 KN > 1164.6

Hence safe
Mid Pile Punching shear

Max Vertical Load on corner pile = 1120.9 KN

Radius R = 1.09 m
Perimeter bo = (2pR * 180/360) + Edge Distance *2
Perimeter bo = 4.62 m = 4620 mm

Ratio of long side to short side of the column βc = 1

Allowable shear in the section

Vc = 1/6 (1+2(4)/βc)√fc'.bod = 56885.33 KN (Cl.
Vc shall not exceed 1/3 √fc' bo d 12641.18 KN

Shear strength of section φsVc = 9480.89 KN > 1120.9

Hence safe
Design of Pile Cap Reinforcement

Node 21
Footing No. F2
Grid No D4
Factored Reactions from Staad Pro
Load Case 2014

Fx 18 kN 1.7 1.7
Fy 5850 kN
Fz -248 kN 0.6
Mx -410 kNm
Mz -18 kNm
L = 4.6 m 1.7
B = 4.6 m E 1 X
Depth of Pile cap = 1.5 m 4.6 1.7
A C Mx
Bottom Clear Cover = 100 mm
Dia of bar = 25 mm
Side cover = 50 mm
Depth of soil above Mz
pile cap = 1 m
Effective depth of pile cap = 1387.5 mm
Density of soil = 17.658 kN/m3 Z
Density of concrete = 24.525 kN/m3
Column size (axb) = 1 m X 1 m
No of Piles = 5 piles
Pile dia = 0.8 m
fc' = 35 N/mm2
fy = 415 N/mm2
Self weight of pile cap and
soil = 1097.62 kN

Strength reduction factor Flexure φf = 0.90 (Cl

Shear φs = 0.75 (Cl
Pile Group Characteristics
Ix Group = 11.56 Rz extreme= 1.7
Iz Group = 11.56 Rx extreme= 1.7

Gross Reactions

P per pile = P/n ± Mx*Rz/Ix ± Mz*Rx/Iz Note: P = Axial Load + self wt of pile cap and soil

PA = 1452 kN
PB = 1332 kN
PC = 1447 kN
PD = 1327 kN
PE = 1390 kN
Along X. Dir.

1.2 1.2

Pile Cap

Pile PE
PA + P B PC + P D
2784.35 2773.75

Upward Moment Mz max = 3341.22 kNm

Factored weight of footing & soil above it w = 250.45 kN/m
Overhang of footing l = 1.8 m
Downward Moment due to footing and soil weight abov
wl2/2 = 405.729 kNm
Net upward Moment = 2935.491 kNm
Mn = Mz/φf = 3262 kNm

Mn=As.fy.(d-0.59Asfy/(fc' b))

a1 = 1 = 1
b1 = -fc'bd/(0.59*fy) = -912344.2924
c1 = Mufc'b/(0.59*fy^2) = 5167926860
Area of steel As = 5700.06 mm2

Minimum Reinforcement = 0.0018bh Cl

= 11488.5 mm2

Provided bottom bar D 25 @ 100 C/C along X dir

No of bars = 46
Area of steel provided= 22580 mm2

Reinforcement ratio for balanced section ρb = 0.85fc'β1/fy x (600/(600+fy))

β1 = 0.85 Cl
ρb = 0.0360
Allowable tension reinforcement ratio (0.75ρb) ρmax = 0.0270

Actual Reinforcement ratio ρ = As/bd ρ = 0.003538 < 0.0270

Hence Safe
Along Z. Dir.

1.2 1.2
Pile Cap

Pile PE PA + P C
PD + P B 2658.46 2899.64
Upward Moment Mx max = 3479.57 kNm
Factored weight of footing & soil above it w = 250.45 kN/m
Overhang of footing l = 1.8 m
Downward Moment wl2/2 = 405.73 kNm
Net upward Moment = 3073.84 kNm
Mn = Mx/φf = = 3415.38 kNm

Mn=As.fy.(d-0.59Asfy/(fc' b))

a1 = 1 = 1
b1 = -fc'bd/(0.59*fy) = -912344.2924
c1 = Mufc'b/(0.59*fy^2) = 5411488027

Area of steel As = 5970.48 mm2

Minimum Reinforcement = 0.0018bh Cl

= 11488.5 mm2

Provided bottom bar D 25 @ 100 C/C along Z dir

No of bars = 46
Area of steel provided= 22580 mm2

Reinforcement ratio for balanced section ρb = 0.85fc'β1/fy x (600/(600+fy))

β1 = 0.85 Cl
ρb = 0.0360
Allowable tension reinforcement ratio (0.75ρb) ρmax = 0.0270

Actual Reinforcement ratio ρ = As/bd ρ = 0.003538 < 0.0270

Hence Safe
Check for One Way shear

The critical section is at distance "d" from the face of column.

Effective depth d = 1387.5 mm = 1.3875 m

i.e., Critical section is at 1.3875m away from edge of column
Distance from face of column to the Centre of pile 1.2 m
Distance between critical section and centre of pile 0.19 m < 0.4

Effective piles falls beyond critical section. So, chk for one way shear should be done.

Shear Force in X Dir. = 2784.35 kN

Shear Force in Z Dir. = 2899.64 kN

Allowable shear in the section

Vc = 1/7 bwd(√fc' + 120ρwVud/Mu) = 5850.18 kN (Cl.
(Vud/Mu < =1)
and shall not be greater than
0.3√fc' bwd = 11327.814 kN

Shear strength of section φsVc = 4387.64 kN > 2899.64

Hence safe
Check for Two Way shear (Punching Shear)

Column Punching
The critical section is at distance "d/2" from the face of pedestal.

Shear force from column 5850 KN

Effective depth d = 1387.5 mm = 1.3875 m

perimeter bo = 9550 mm [2*(a+d)+2*(b+d)]

Ratio of long side to short side of the column βc = 1

Allowable shear in the section

Vc = 1/6 (1+2(4)/βc)√fc'.bod = 117587.6 KN (Cl.
Vc shall not exceed 1/3 √fc' bo d 12586.46 KN

Shear strength of section φsVc = 9439.845 KN > 5850

Hence safe

Corner Pile Punching shear

Max Vertical Load on corner pile = 1452.47 KN

Radius R = 1.09 m
Perimeter bo = (2pR * 90/360) + Edge Distance *2
Perimeter bo = 2.91 m = 2910 mm

Ratio of long side to short side of the column βc = 1

Allowable shear in the section

Vc = 1/6 (1+2(4)/βc)√fc'.bod = 35830.37 KN (Cl.
Vc shall not exceed 1/3 √fc' bo d 7962.3 KN

Shear strength of section φsVc = 5971.73 KN > 1452.47

Hence safe
Design of Pile Cap Reinforcement

Node 22
Footing No. F3
Grid No D3
Factored Reactions from Staad Pro
Load Case 2014
1.2 1.2
Fx 14 kN
Fy 6244 kN 0.6
Fz -286 kN
Mx -497 kNm
Mz -15 kNm C D

L = 3.6 m 2.4
B = 6 m 6 Mx
Depth of Pile cap = 1.5 m B E
Bottom Clear Cover = 100 mm X
Dia of bar = 25 mm 2.4
Side cover = 50 mm
Depth of soil above
pile cap = 1 m
Effective depth of pile cap = 1387.5 mm 3.6
Density of soil = 17.658 kN/m3
Z Mz
Density of concrete = 24.525 kN/m3
Column size (axb) = 1 m X 1 m
No of Piles = 6 piles
Pile dia = 0.8 m
fc' = 35 N/mm2
fy = 415 N/mm2
Self weight of pile cap and
soil = 1121.58 kN

Strength reduction factor Flexure φf = 0.90 (Cl

Shear φs = 0.75 (Cl
Pile Group Characteristics
Ix Group = 23.04 Rz extreme= 2.4
Iz Group = 8.64 Rx extreme= 1.2

Rz (in m.) 2.4 0 2.4 2.4 0 2.4
Rx (in m.) 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
Gross Reactions
P per pile = P/n ± Mx*Rz/Ix ± Mz*Rx/Iz Note: P = Axial Load + self wt of pile cap and soil

PA = 1281 kN PD = 1173.74 kN
PB = 1230 kN PE = 1225.51 kN
PC = 1178 kN PF = 1277.28 kN
Along X. Dir.

0.7 0.7

Pile Cap

PA + P B + P C PC + P D + P E
3689.04 3676.53

Upward Moment Mz max = 2582.3 kNm

Factored weight of footing & soil above it w = 326.67 kN/m
Overhang of footing l = 1.3 m
Downward Moment due to footing and soil weight above it wl2/2 = 276.04 kNm
Net upward Moment = 2306.3 kNm
Mn = Mz/φf = = 2563 kNm

Mn=As.fy.(d-0.59Asfy/(fc' b))

a1 = 1 = 1
b1 = -fc'bd/(0.59*fy) = -1190014.294
c1 = Mufc'b/(0.59*fy^2) = 5295944653
Area of steel As = 4467.09 mm2

Minimum Reinforcement = 0.0018bh Cl

= 8991 mm2

Provided bottom bar D 25 @ 100 C/C along X dir

No of bars = 60
Area of steel provided= 29452 mm2

Reinforcement ratio for balanced section ρb = 0.85fc'β1/fy x (600/(600+fy))

β1 = 0.85 Cl
ρb = 0.0360
Allowable tension reinforcement ratio (0.75ρb) ρmax = 0.0270

Actual Reinforcement ratio ρ = As/bd ρ = 0.005896 < 0.0270

Hence Safe

Along Z. Dir.


1.9 1.9
Pile Cap

Pile PE + P B
PC + P D 2455 PA + P F
2351.65 2558.73
Upward Moment Mz max = 4861.6 kNm
Factored weight of footing & soil above it w = 196 kN/m
Overhang of footing l = 2.5 m
Downward Moment due to footing and soil weight above it wl2/2 = 612.51 kNm
Net upward Moment = 4249.1 kNm
Mn = Mz/φ = 4721.2 kNm

Mn=As.fy.(d-0.59Asfy/(fc' b))

a1 = 1 = 1
b1 = -fc'bd/(0.59*fy) = -1190014.294
c1 = Mufc'b/(0.59*fy^2) = 9757161380
Area of steel As = 8256.48 mm2

Minimum Reinforcement = 0.0018bh Cl

= 14985 mm2

Provided bottom bar D 25 @ 100 C/C along Z dir

No of bars = 35
Area of steel provided= 17181 mm2

Reinforcement ratio for balanced section ρb = 0.85fc'β1/fy x (600/(600+fy))

β1 = 0.85 Cl
ρb = 0.0360
Allowable tension reinforcement ratio (0.75ρb) ρmax = 0.0270

Actual Reinforcement ratio ρ = As/bd ρ = 0.002064 < 0.0270

Hence Safe

Check for One Way shear

Along X Dir.
The critical section is at "d" from the face of column.
Effective depth d = 1387.5 mm = 1.3875 m
i.e., Critical section is at 1.3875m away from edge of column
Distance from face of column to the Centre of pile = 0.7 m
Distance between critical section and centre of pile = 0.69 m > 0.4

Critical section lies beyond the pile, so no one way shear load is considered

Along Z Dir.
The critical section is at distance '"d" from the face of column.

Effective depth d = 1387.5 mm = 1.3875 m

i.e., Critical section is at 1.3875m away from edge of column

Distance from face of column to the Centre of pile = 1.9 m

Distance between critical section and centre of pile = -0.51 m < 0.4
Effective piles falls beyond critical section. So, chk for one way shear should be done.

Shear Force in Z Dir. = 2558.73 kN

Allowable shear in the section

Vc = 1/7 bwd(√fc' + 120ρwVud/Mu) = 4327.98 kN (Cl.
(Vud/Mu < =1)
and shall not be greater than
0.3√fc' bwd = 8865.246 kN

Shear strength of section φsVc = 3245.99 kN > 2558.7

Hence safe

Check for Two Way shear (Punching Shear)

Column Punching
The critical section is at distance "d/2" from the face of pedestal.

Effective depth d = 1387.5 mm = 1.3875 m

perimeter bo = 9550 mm [2*(a+d)+2*(b+d)]

Shear force from column = 6244 KN

Ratio of long side to short side of the column βc = 1

Allowable shear in the section

Vc = 1/6 (1+2(4)/βc)√fc'.bod = 117587.6 KN (Cl.
Vc shall not exceed 1/3 √fc' bo d = 16417.12 KN

Shear strength of section φsVc = 12312.84 KN > 6244

Hence safe

Corner Pile Punching shear

Max Vertical Load on corner pile = 1281.45 KN

Radius R = 1.09 m
Perimeter bo = (2pR * 90/360) + Edge Distance *2
Perimeter bo = 2.91 m = 2910 mm

Ratio of long side to short side of the column βc = 1

Allowable shear in the section

Vc = 1/6 (1+2(4)/βc)√fc'.bod = 35830.37 KN (Cl.
Vc shall not exceed 1/3 √fc' bo d 7962.3 KN

Shear strength of section φsVc = 5971.73 KN > 1281.5

Hence safe
Mid Pile Punching shear

Max Vertical Load on corner pile = 1229.68 KN

Radius R = 1.09 m
Perimeter bo = (2pR * 180/360) + Edge Distance *2
Perimeter bo = 4.62 m = 4620 mm

Ratio of long side to short side of the column βc = 1

Allowable shear in the section

Vc = 1/6 (1+2(4)/βc)√fc'.bod = 56885.33 KN (Cl.
Vc shall not exceed 1/3 √fc' bo d 12641.18 KN

Shear strength of section φsVc = 9480.89 KN > 1229.7

Hence safe
Design of Pile Cap Reinforcement

Node 23
Footing No. F3
Grid No D2
Factored Reactions from Staad Pro
Load Case 2014
1.2 1.2
Fx 25 kN
Fy 6220 kN 0.6
Fz -284 kN
Mx -490 kNm
Mz -17 kNm C D

L = 3.6 m 2.4
B = 6 m 6 Mx
Depth of Pile cap = 1.5 m B E
Bottom Clear Cover = 100 mm X
Dia of bar = 25 mm 2.4
Side cover = 50 mm
Depth of soil above
pile cap = 1 m
Effective depth of pile cap = 1387.5 mm 3.6
Density of soil = 17.658 kN/m3
Z Mz
Density of concrete = 24.525 kN/m3
Column size (axb) = 1 m X 1 m
No of Piles = 6 piles
Pile dia = 0.8 m
fc' = 35 N/mm2
fy = 415 N/mm2
Self weight of pile cap and
soil = 1121.58 kN

Strength reduction factor Flexure φf = 0.90 (Cl

Shear φs = 0.75 (Cl
Pile Group Characteristics
Ix Group = 23.04 Rz extreme= 2.4
Iz Group = 8.64 Rx extreme= 1.2

Rz (in m.) 2.4 0 2.4 2.4 0 2.4
Rx (in m.) 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
Gross Reactions
P per pile = P/n ± Mx*Rz/Ix ± Mz*Rx/Iz Note: P = Axial Load + self wt of pile cap and soil

PA = 1277 kN PD = 1170.19 kN
PB = 1226 kN PE = 1221.24 kN
PC = 1175 kN PF = 1272.28 kN
Along X. Dir.

0.7 0.7

Pile Cap

PA + P B + P C PC + P D + P E
3677.88 3663.71

Upward Moment Mz max = 2574.5 kNm

Factored weight of footing & soil above it w = 326.67 kN/m
Overhang of footing l = 1.3 m
Downward Moment due to footing and soil weight above it wl2/2 = 276.04 kNm
Net upward Moment = 2298.5 kNm
Mn = Mz/φf = = 2554 kNm

Mn=As.fy.(d-0.59Asfy/(fc' b))
a1 = 1 = 1
b1 = -fc'bd/(0.59*fy) = -1190014.294
c1 = Mufc'b/(0.59*fy^2) = 5278005959
Area of steel As = 4451.9 mm2

Minimum Reinforcement = 0.0018bh Cl

= 8991 mm2

Provided bottom bar D 25 @ 100 C/C along X dir

No of bars = 60
Area of steel provided= 29452 mm2

Reinforcement ratio for balanced section ρb = 0.85fc'β1/fy x (600/(600+fy))

β1 = 0.85 Cl
ρb = 0.0360
Allowable tension reinforcement ratio (0.75ρb) ρmax = 0.0270

Actual Reinforcement ratio ρ = As/bd ρ = 0.005896 < 0.0270

Hence Safe

Along Z. Dir.


1.9 1.9
Pile Cap

Pile PE + P B
PC + P D 2447.2 PA + P F
2345.11 2549.28
Upward Moment Mz max = 4843.6 kNm
Factored weight of footing & soil above it w = 196 kN/m
Overhang of footing l = 2.5 m
Downward Moment due to footing and soil weight above it wl2/2 = 612.51 kNm
Net upward Moment = 4231.1 kNm
Mn = Mz/φ = 4701 kNm

Mn=As.fy.(d-0.59Asfy/(fc' b))

a1 = 1 = 1
b1 = -fc'bd/(0.59*fy) = -1190014.294
c1 = Mufc'b/(0.59*fy^2) = 9715931318
Area of steel As = 8221.35 mm2

Minimum Reinforcement = 0.0018bh Cl

= 14985 mm2

Provided bottom bar D 25 @ 100 C/C along Z dir

No of bars = 35
Area of steel provided= 17181 mm2

Reinforcement ratio for balanced section ρb = 0.85fc'β1/fy x (600/(600+fy))

β1 = 0.85 Cl
ρb = 0.0360
Allowable tension reinforcement ratio (0.75ρb) ρmax = 0.0270

Actual Reinforcement ratio ρ = As/bd ρ = 0.002064 < 0.0270

Hence Safe

Check for One Way shear

Along X Dir.
The critical section is at "d" from the face of column.
Effective depth d = 1387.5 mm = 1.3875 m
i.e., Critical section is at 1.3875m away from edge of column
Distance from face of column to the Centre of pile = 0.7 m
Distance between critical section and centre of pile 0.69 m > 0.4

Critical section lies beyond the pile, so no one way shear load is considered

Along Z Dir.
The critical section is at distance '"d" from the face of column.

Effective depth d = 1387.5 mm = 1.3875 m

i.e., Critical section is at 1.3875m away from edge of column
Distance from face of column to the Centre of pile = 1.9 m
Distance between critical section and centre of pile -0.51 m < 0.4
Effective piles falls beyond critical section. So, chk for one way shear should be done.

Shear Force in Z Dir. = 2549.28 kN

Allowable shear in the section

Vc = 1/7 bwd(√fc' + 120ρwVud/Mu) = 4327.58 kN (Cl.
(Vud/Mu < =1)
and shall not be greater than
0.3√fc' bwd = 8865.246 kN

Shear strength of section φsVc = 3245.69 kN > 2549.3

Hence safe

Check for Two Way shear (Punching Shear)

Column Punching
The critical section is at distance "d/2" from the face of pedestal.

Effective depth d = 1387.5 mm = 1.3875 m

perimeter bo = 9550 mm [2*(a+d)+2*(b+d)]

Shear force from column = 6220 KN

Ratio of long side to short side of the column βc = 1

Allowable shear in the section

Vc = 1/6 (1+2(4)/βc)√fc'.bod = 117587.6 KN (Cl.
Vc shall not exceed 1/3 √fc' bo d = 16417.12 KN

Shear strength of section φsVc = 12312.84 KN > 6220

Hence safe

Corner Pile Punching shear

Max Vertical Load on corner pile = 1277 KN

Radius R = 1.09 m
Perimeter bo = (2pR * 90/360) + Edge Distance *2
Perimeter bo = 2.91 m = 2910 mm

Ratio of long side to short side of the column βc = 1

Allowable shear in the section

Vc = 1/6 (1+2(4)/βc)√fc'.bod = 35830.37 KN (Cl.
Vc shall not exceed 1/3 √fc' bo d 7962.3 KN

Shear strength of section φsVc = 5971.73 KN > 1277

Hence safe
Mid Pile Punching shear
Max Vertical Load on corner pile = 1225.96 KN

Radius R = 1.09 m
Perimeter bo = (2pR * 180/360) + Edge Distance *2
Perimeter bo = 4.62 m = 4620 mm

Ratio of long side to short side of the column βc = 1

Allowable shear in the section

Vc = 1/6 (1+2(4)/βc)√fc'.bod = 56885.33 KN (Cl.
Vc shall not exceed 1/3 √fc' bo d 12641.18 KN

Shear strength of section φsVc = 9480.89 KN > 1226

Hence safe
Design of Pile Cap Reinforcement

Node 24
Footing No. F1
Grid No D1
Factored Reactions from Staad Pro
Load Case 2014 0.6 1.2 1.2
Fx -43 kN
Fy 4780 kN
Fz -260 kN 3 . 4
Mx -434 kNm 3.6 1.2 X
Mz -23 kNm 1.2
2 . 1 Mx
L = 3.6 m
B = 3.6 m
Depth of Pile cap = 1.5 m A D .
Clear Cover = 100 mm 3.6
Dia of bar = 25 mm Mz
Depth of soil above pile
cap = 1m Z
Effective depth of pile cap = 1387.5 mm
Side cover = 50 mm
Density of soil = 17.658 kN/m3
Density of concrete = 24.525 kN/m3
Column size (axb) = 1m X 1 m
No of Piles = 4 piles
Pile dia = 0.8 m
fc' = 35 N/mm2
fy = 415 N/mm2
Self weight of pile cap and
soil = 651.17 kN

Strength reduction factor Flexure φf = 0.90 (Cl

Shear φs = 0.75 (Cl
Pile Group Characteristics
Ix Group = 5.76 Rz extreme = 1.2
Iz Group = 5.76 Rx extreme = 1.2

Gross Reactions

P per pile = P/n ± Mx*Rz/Ix ± Mz*Rx/Iz Note: P = Axial Load + self wt of pile cap and soil
PA = 1453 kN
PB = 1272.17 kN
PC = 1262.58 kN
PD = 1443.42 kN

Along X. Dir.

0.7 0.7

Pile Cap

PA + P B PC + P D
2725.17 2706
Upward Moment Mz max = 1907.62 kNm
Factored weight of footing & soil above it w = 196 kN/m
Overhang of footing l = 1.3 m
Downward Moment due to footing and soil weight above it wl2/2 = 165.62 kNm
Net upward Moment = 1742 kNm
Mn = Mz/φf = 1935.56 kNm
Mn=As.fy.(d-0.59Asfy/(fc' b)) (ACI - 340R -Flexure 2 pg 430)
a1 = 1 = 1
b1 = -fc'bd/(0.59*fy) = -714008.5767
c1 = Mufc'b/(0.59*fy^2) = 2400098019

Area of steel As = 3377.4174 mm2

Minimum Reinforcement = 0.0018bh Cl

= 8991 mm2

Provided bottom bar D 25 @ 100 C/C along X dir

No of bars = 36
Area of steel provided= 17671.46 mm2

Reinforcement ratio for balanced section ρb = 0.85fc'β1/fy x (600/(600+fy))

β1 = 0.85 Cl
ρb = 0.0360
Allowable tension reinforcement ratio (0.75ρb) ρmax = 0.0270

Actual Reinforcement ratio ρ = As/bd ρ = 0.0035378296 < 0.0270

Hence Safe

Along Z. Dir.

0.7 0.7

Pile Cap

PC + P B PA + P D
2534.75 2896.42
Upward Moment Mx max = 2027.49 kNm
Factored weight of footing & soil above it w = 196 kN/m
Overhang of footing l = 1.3 m
Downward Moment due to footing and soil weight above it wl2/2 = 165.62 kNm
Net upward Moment = 1861.87 kNm
Mn = Mx/φf = 2068.74 kNm

Mn=As.fy.(d-0.59Asfy/(fc' b)) (ACI - 340R -Flexure 2 pg 430)

a1 = 1 = 1
b1 = -fc'bd/(0.59*fy) = -714008.5767
c1 = Mufc'b/(0.59*fy^2) = 2565241468
Area of steel As = 3610.99 mm2

Minimum Reinforcement = 0.0018bh Cl

= 8991 mm2

Provided bottom bar D 25 @ 100 C/C along Z dir

No of bars = 36
Area of steel provided= 17671.46 mm2

Reinforcement ratio for balanced section ρb = 0.85fc'β1/fy x (600/(600+fy))

β1 = 0.85 Cl
ρb = 0.0360
Allowable tension reinforcement ratio (0.75ρb) ρmax = 0.0270

Actual Reinforcement ratio ρ = As/bd ρ = 0.0035378296 < 0.0270

Hence Safe
Check for One Way shear
The critical section is at distance "d" from the face of column.

Effective depth d = 1387.5 mm = 1.3875 m

i.e., Critical section is at 1.3875m away from edge of column
Distance from face of column to the Centre of pile = 0.7 m
Distance between critical section and centre of pile = 0.69 m > 0.4

Critical section lies beyond the pile, so chk for one way shear is not required.

Check for Two Way shear (Punching Shear)

Column Punching
The critical section is at distance "d/2" from the face of pedestal.

Shear force from column = 4780 KN

Effective depth d = 1387.5 mm = 1.3875 m

perimeter bo = 9550 mm [2*(a+d)+2*(b+d)]
Ratio of long side to short side of the column βc = 1

Allowable shear in the section

Vc = 1/6 (1+2(4)/βc)√fc'.bod = 117587.63 KN (Cl.
Vc shall not exceed 1/3 √fc' bo d = 9850.27 KN

Shear strength of section φsVc = 7387.7025 KN > 4780

Hence safe

Corner Pile Punching shear

Max Vertical Load on corner pile = 1453 KN

Radius R = 1.09 m
Perimeter bo = (2pR * 90/360) + Edge Distance *2
Perimeter bo = 2.91 m = 2910 mm
Ratio of long side to short side of the column βc = 1

Allowable shear in the section

Vc = 1/6 (1+2(4)/βc)√fc'.bod = 35830.37 KN (Cl.
Vc shall not exceed 1/3 √fc' bo d = 7962.3 KN

Shear strength of section φsVc = 5971.73 KN > 1453

Hence safe
2001 1.187DL+1.2EQPT+0.64LL+1.2PIPE+1.2EI+1.2DL-SELFWT.
2002 1.187DL+1.2EQPT+0.4LL+1.2PIPE+1.2EI+1.6WIND X+1.2DL-SELFWT.
2003 1.187DL+1.2EQPT+0.4LL+1.2PIPE+1.2EI-1.6WIND X+1.2DL-SELFWT.
2004 1.187DL+1.2EQPT+0.4LL+1.2PIPE+1.2EI+1.6WIND Z+1.2DL-SELFWT.
2005 1.187DL+1.2EQPT+0.4LL+1.2PIPE+1.2EI-1.6WIND Z+1.2DL-SELFWT.
2006 1.187DL+1.2EQPT+0.64LL+1.2PIPE+1.2EI+1.6SEISMIC X+1.2DL-SELFWT.
2007 1.187DL+1.2EQPT+0.64LL+1.2PIPE+1.2EI-1.6SEISMIC X+1.2DL-SELFWT.
2008 1.187DL+1.2EQPT+0.64LL+1.2PIPE+1.2EI+1.6SEISMIC Z+1.2DL-SELFWT.
2009 1.187DL+1.2EQPT+0.64LL+1.2PIPE+1.2EI-1.6SEISMIC Z+1.2DL-SELFWT.
2010 1.187DL+1.2EQPT+0.64LL+1.2PIPE+1.2EI+1.2TEMP+1.2DL-SELFWT.
2011 1.187DL+1.2EQPT+0.64LL+1.2PIPE+1.2EI-1.2TEMP+1.2DL-SELFWT.
2012 1.187DL-SLAB+1.2EQPT+0.4LL+1.2PIPE+1.2EI + 1.6WIND X (REALITY CON)+ 1.2DL-SELFWT
2013 1.187DL-SLAB+1.2EQPT+0.4LL+1.2PIPE+1.2EI - 1.6WIND X (REALITY CON)+ 1.2DL-SELFWT
2014 1.187DL-SLAB+1.2EQPT+0.4LL+1.2PIPE+1.2EI +1.6 WIND Z (REALITY CON) +1.2DL-SELFWT
2015 1.187DL-SLAB+1.2EQPT+0.4LL+1.2PIPE+1.2EI -1.6 WIND Z (REALITY CON) +1.2DL-SELFWT
2016 1.187DL-SLAB+1.2EQPT+0.4LL+1.2PIPE+1.2EI + 1.6WIND X (FULLY COV CON)+ 1.2DL-SELFWT
2017 1.187DL-SLAB+1.2EQPT+0.4LL+1.2PIPE+1.2EI - 1.6WIND X (FULLY COV CON)+ 1.2DL-SELFWT
2018 1.187DL-SLAB+1.2EQPT+0.4LL+1.2PIPE+1.2EI +1.6 WIND Z (FULLY COV CON) +1.2DL-SELFWT
2019 1.187DL-SLAB+1.2EQPT+0.4LL+1.2PIPE+1.2EI -1.6 WIND Z (FULLY COV CON) +1.2DL-SELFWT

1 1.187 2 1.2 3 0.4 4 1.2 5 1.2 20 1.6 11 1.2
1 1.187 2 1.2 3 0.4 4 1.2 5 1.2 21 1.6 11 1.2
1 1.187 2 1.2 3 0.4 4 1.2 5 1.2 22 1.6 11 1.2
1 1.187 2 1.2 3 0.4 4 1.2 5 1.2 23 1.6 11 1.2

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