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Foreword iii
About the Textbook v
Unit 1: Digital Documentation (Advanced) using 1
LibreOffice Writer
Chapter 1. Introduction to Styles 3
Chapter 2. Working with Images 22
Chapter 3. Advanced Features of Writer 47
Unit 2: Electronic Spreadsheet (Advanced) 84
using LibreOffice Calc
Chapter 4. Analyse Data using Scenarios and Goal Seek 86
Chapter 5. Using Macros in Spreadsheet 104
Chapter 6. Linking Spreadsheet Data 116
Chapter 7. Share and Review a Spreadsheet 130
Unit 3: Database Management System using 142
LibreOffice Base
Chapter 8. Introduction to Database Management System 144
Chapter 9. Starting with LibreOffice Base 157
Chapter 10. Working with Multiple Tables 173
Chapter 11. Queries in Base 186
Chapter 12. Forms and Reports 199
Unit 4: Maintain Healthy, Safe and Secure Working 222
Chapter 13. Health, Safety and Security at Workplace 223
Chapter 14. Workplace Quality Measures 235
Chapter 15. Prevent Accidents and Emergencies 247
Answer Key 260

notes (f) For heading(s) and sub heading(s) use Heading 2 and
Heading 4, in the newsletter.
(g) On the first leaf, while displaying information about
school, use character styling of your choice to make it
(h) Use table to style Board Results, using grid rows and
(i) Each row of the table should have a number – in
Roman, prefixed to content.
(j) Organise school achievements in frames, where
individual frame is to be styled using Frames of
Paragraph category.
(k) Using selection method, save the style in respective
category, so that the same can be used to publish
future newsletters to maintain consistency.

Check Your Progress

A. Multiple choice questions
1. Which of the following features in LibreOffice Writer is/are
used to create the given document?
(a) Page borders
(b) Envelope
(c) Picture from
(d) Indexes and
2. Styles menu (from
sidebar) in Writer provide options to
work on
(a) Paragraph Styles
(b) Frame Styles
(c) Page Styles
(d) All of the above
3. What is style template in LibreOffice Writer?
(a) Pre-determined form and mode of document file
(b) One kind of model style
(c) One type of document
(d) Cluster of documents in Writer
4. Which of the following gives the status of your document
like page numbers, number of pages?
(a) Status bar (b) Standard toolbar
(c) Formatting (d) Title bar
5. Which of the following can be used to access a style menu?
(a) F11 function key (b) Sidebar Menu
(c) Formatting toolbar (d) All of these
B. Fill in the blanks
1. A __________ is a collection of different formats
2. Styles are especially handy in __________.

20 Domestic Data entry operator – class X

3. Proper use of styles improves __________ in a document notes
4. The first five buttons at the top of the Styles window select
the category of __________.
5. Using predefined __________ creates Bookmark in the
6. On opening a new file _________ Style is used for formatting
the document.
7. In page layout documents, you can arrange __________ like
text boxes and graphics.
8. Character styles are often integrated in __________ Style.
9. __________ allows to apply style at different places in the
10. Predefined Style __________ be updated by Drag and Drop

C. Short answer questions

1. What do you understand by styles in LibreOffice writer

2. Write advantages of using Style over manual formatting,
for designing a document.
3. What are the different categories of style in LibreOffice
writer document?
4. Write down the steps to update a style.
5. What do you understand by custom styles in LibreOffice writer?
6. In a document Introduction paragraph is to be designed
extensively by setting its font (face, size, weight, colour),
space above it and giving number to heading. Given below
are the steps used to do so.
(i) Select the Introduction (paragraph)
(ii) Open Font list from Toolbar
(iii) Select the font
(iv) Open Font size from Toolbar
(v) Select the desired font size
(vi) Select Font weight (Bold) from the toolbar
(vii) Open Font color from Toolbar
(viii) Select desired color
(ix) Using Format menu option, select Spacing > Paragraph
> Indent and Spacing
(x) Edit space above paragraph
(xi) Add number by Selecting Numbered list from Toolbar.
7. Give two examples, where instead of Style, using manual
formatting will be beneficial.
8. Give one situation, in which you will prefer to use Fill
Format for styling your document.
9. Write steps to load style(s) from a template.

Digital Documentation (aDvanceD) using libreoffice Writer 21

Check Your Progress notes

A. Multiple choice questions

1. The text or image which appears faintly in the background

of a page is called _________________.
(a) Water mark (b) Trade mark
(c) Copyright (d) Embossing
2. JPG or JPEG in image format stands for _________________.
(a) Joint Photographic Experts Group
(b) Joint Picture Experts Group
(c) Joint Photographic Experts Graph
(d) Joint Photographic Experts General
3. In Drawing Object Properties toolbar, Grouping options
provided are _________________.
(a) Exit Group (b) Ungroup
(c) Enter Group (d) All of these
4. Which of the following is not the correct file extension for
an image file?
(a) GIF (b) JPEG
(c) Odt (d) PNG
5. Image toolbar does not provide a tool for _________________.
(a) filtering (b) cropping
(c) copying (d) flipping
B. Fill in the blanks

1. _________ tool cuts off non-desirable part of the image.

2. To change both brightness and contrast of the image
________________ tool can be used.
3. To simulate the effect of time on picture _____________
tool is used.
4. _________ place image at the bottom of all objects.
5. An image can be deleted by ____________ it and pressing
6. In drawing tools, basic shapes list provide ____________
7. Anchor act as _____________ point for a drawing.
8. There are ________________ options for aligning an image
9. The ___________ handles of image are used for rotating it.
10. Changing properties of an object _____________ creation,
retain them throughout the session
C. Short answer type questions

1. What is a digital image? How can you create one?

2. Write steps to insert an image from the gallery using
Drag and Drop method.

Digital Documentation (aDvanceD) using libreoffice Writer 45

notes 3. How is resizing of image different from cropping it?
4. What are the tools available in drawing toolbar? Describe
any five tools.
5. How is linking of an image different from embedding?
Give a situation in which you would prefer to link
an image.
6. Write steps to change properties for drawing objects.
7. What are the benefits and drawbacks of grouping drawing
8. Describe any two tools from Drawing Object Properties
9. Write steps to insert an image in a basic drawing shape.
10. Write factors controlling positioning of an image in
a document.

46 Domestic Data entry operator – class X

notes 2. After the ToC was inserted, Rajnikant made some changes
in the report but the changes were not reflected in the
ToC. Will he have to again insert a new ToC? Suggest him
a better way to update the ToC.
3. Rukhsat has just downloaded a template from
libreoffice.org. Now she wants to import it in My templates
category of the Templates folder. How can she complete
her task?
4. Rimit loves to create cards on his computer. This time he
decided to make his own Christmas cards and send them
to his friends. He wants to do the task using the templates
feature of Writer. He has already saved and imported the
desired template(card.ott). Help him to create cards for at
least five of his friends.
5. Teena is a member of the editorial team of her school.
She wants to set the newspaper template as her default
template. Write the steps to help Teena complete
the task.
6. Venkat has created a document on India’s Trade Review.
He wants two of his friends, Rinky and Sujoy to review
his document and if required, add comments to it. But
none of them know how to use the Track Changes feature
of Writer. Help them to complete the task.
7. Venkat has received the reviewed file with modifications
and comments. What steps will he follow now to accept
or reject the changes done by his friends.
8. Write steps to compare the original document created
by Venkat and the edited document sent by Rinky and

Check Your Progress

A. Multiple choice questions

1. Which of the following is NOT true about Table of Contents,

Index or Bibliography dialog box?
(a) It has four tabs
(b) On the Type tab, by default, the checkbox for Protected
against Manual Changes option will be selected.
(c) The Styles tab contains options to change the
background colour.
(d) None of the above
2. Which of the following tabs is by default active when the
Table of Contents, Entries or Bibliography dialog box is
(a) Entries (b) Background
(c) Styles (d) Type

80 Domestic Data entry operator – class X

3. Which of the following tabs contains options to set styles notes
for various entries in the ToC?
(a) Entries (b) Background
(c) Styles (d) Type
4. Which of the following can be added in the background of
Table of Contents in LibreOffice Writer?
(a) Color (b) Graphic
(c) Both a and b (d) Neither a nor b
5. Which of the following is NOT true about templates?
(a) The styles and formatting features can be reused.
(b) LibreOffice provides online templates
(c) We cannot create our own templates.
(d) None of the above.
6. Which of the following is the shortcut key to open the
Templates dialog box?
(a) Ctrl+Alt+N (b) Shift+Ctrl+N
(c) Ctrl+Alt+T (d) Shift+Alt+T
7. Which of the following buttons, in the Templates dialog
box, will be clicked to save a template displayed in the list
of templates?
(a) Export (b) Import
(c) Move (d) None of the above
8. Which of the following is the shortcut key to select he
entire document?
(a) Ctrl+S (b) Ctrl+A
(c) Ctrl+D (d) Ctrl+B
9. Which of the following is the correct sequence of options to
open the Templates dialog box?
(a) File > Manage Templates > Templates
(b) File > Templates > Manage Templates
(c) Insert > Templates >Manage Templates
(d) Insert > Manage Templates > Templates
10. Which of the following is true about Track Changes feature
of Writer?
(a) You cannot record a change made in the document.
(b) A comment of a particular author only can be deleted
(c) Any change made to the document is permanent.
(d) None of the above
11. Which of the following menus contains the Track Changes
(a) File (b) Edit
(c) View (d) Insert
12. Which of the following is the shortcut key to start recording
the changes being made in the document?
(a) Ctrl+Shift+C. (b) Alt+Shift+C
(c) Ctrl+Alt+C (d) Shift+C+F2

Digital Documentation (aDvanceD) using libreoffice Writer 81

notes B. Fill in the blanks

1. To navigate to the topic from the ToC, press ___________

key while clicking the mouse button on that topic.
2. To remove the applied paragraph styling in the ToC, select
the outline level in the Levels list box, and then click the
_______ button.
3. If the checkbox for___________________ option is selected,
the ToC is protected from any accidental change.
4. To update the ToC manually, right click and select
___________ option from the pop up menu.
5. The ___________ tab contains options to set the number of
columns that we want to have in our ToC.
6. A ________________________ is a preset layout that helps us
to create professional and formal documents easily.
7. The default template in Writer is ____________________.
8. To find the template that is being used in the current
document, select ___________ option from the File menu.
9. The ____________________ button is clicked in Templates
dialog box to view online templates.
10. The __________________ feature of Writer offers us an
alternative method to keep a record of all the changes
made in the original document.
11. The shortcut key to start recording the changes is
12. After the Track Changes feature is ON, the added
characters are shown as ____________ text.

C. State whether the given statements are True or False

1. The topics in Table of Contents are hyperlinked.

2. The Table of Contents in LibreOffice Writer can be updated
3. TABLE of Contents can be inserted even if the section
headings are not styled.
4. Once a ToC is created, it cannot be edited.
5. We cannot add a graphic as a background of ToC.
6. A single template can be used for multiple documents.
7. A template cannot contain graphics.
8. All documents in Writer are based upon templates.
9. The online templates cannot be added to the list of
templates in the templates dialog box.
10. A template once created can be edited again and again.
11. The changes recorded have to be accepted by the original
12. We can delete the comments added in a document by the

82 Domestic Data entry operator – class X

D. Answer the following questions notes
1. What is the need of table of contents?
2. What will happen if the ‘Protected Against Manual
Changes’ option is not selected in the Type tab of Table of
Contents, Index or Bibliography dialog box?
3. Name the five tabs present in the Table of Contents, Index
or Bibliography dialog box.
4. What do you mean by customization of ToC?
5. How headings and sub-headings of a document
differentiated in ToC?
6. Define a template.
7. Give any one advantage of using a template for your
8. What is the difference between importing and exporting a
9. Name any two categories of templates.
10. When is exporting of templates useful? Give any one
11. What is the difference between Accept Track Change and
Accept All Tracked Changes buttons?
12. How do we prepare a document for review?
13. Identify and label the Record button, Insert Comments
button, Accept All Tracked Changes, Reject Track Change
buttons in the following figures of Track Changes toolbar
(shown in Fig 3.41).
14. Identify and label “Browse Online Templates button,
Export button, Import button” in the following Templates
dialog box.

Fig. 3.41: Track Changes Toolbar

Digital Documentation (aDvanceD) using libreoffice Writer 83

Practical Activity 4.10
Create the following spreadsheet (Fig. 4.33) to find out the quantity
to be sold for the item Talc so as to get the total amount of 50000.

Fig. 4.33: Practical Exercise

Check Your Progress

A. Multiple choice questions

1. Which of the following feature is not used for data analysis

in spreadsheet?
(b) Consolidating data
(c) Goal Seek
(d) Subtotal
(e) Page layout
2. Which of the following office tool is known for data
(a) Writer
(b) Calc
(c) Impress
(d) Draw
3. Which of the following operations cannot be performed
using LibreOffice Calc?
(a) Store and manipulate data
(b) Create graphical representation of data
(c) Analysis of data
(d) Mail merge
4. What is the extension of spreadsheet file in Calc?
(a) .odb
(b) .odt
(c) .odg
(d) .ods
5. The default function while using Consolidate is
(a) Average
(b) Sum
(c) Max
(d) Count
6. Group by is used in _____________ tool to apply summary
functions on columns.
(a) Consolidate function
(b) Group and Outline
(c) What-if scenario
(d) Subtotal tool

ElEctronic SprEadShEEt (advancEd) uSing librEofficE calc 101

notes 7. Which tool is used to predict the output while changing
the input?
(a) Consolidate function
(b) What-if scenario
(c) Goal seek
(d) Fine and Replace
5. Which of the following is an example for absolute cell
(a) C5
(b) $C$5
(c) $C
(d) #C
5. _____________ analysis tool works in reverse order, finding
input based on the output.
(a) Consolidate function
(b) Goal seek
(c) What-if analysis
(d) Scenario

B. State whether the following statements are True or False

1. Consolidate function is used to combine information from

two or more sheets into one.
2. Consolidate function cannot be used to view and compare
3. Link to source data is checked updates the target sheet if
any changes made in the source data.
4. Using subtotal in Calc needs to use filter data for sorting.
5. Subtotal tool can use only one type of summary function
for all columns.
6. Only one scenario can be created for one sheet.
7. What-if analysis tool uses one array of cells.
8. Goal seek analysis tool is used while calculating the output
depending on the input.
9. The output of What-if tool is displayed in the same cell

C. Fill in the blanks

1. Consolidate function is used to combine information from

multiple sheets to _______________________ the information.
2. Data can be viewed and compared in a single sheet for
identifying trends and relationships using ______________
3. ________________ under Data menu can be used to
combine information from multiple sheets into one sheet
to compare data.
4. The _________________ tool in Calc creates the group
automatically and applies functions on the grouped data.

102 Domestic Data entry operator – class X

5. _______________ scenario is used to explore and compare notes
various alternatives depending on changing conditions.
6. ______________ is a planning tool for what-if questions.
7. What-if analysis tool uses ____________ array of cells,
one array contains input values and the second uses the
8. _____________ helps in finding out the input for the specific

D. Answer the following questions

1. Define the terms

(a) Consolidate function
(b) What-if analysis
(c) Goal seek
2. Give one point of difference between
(a) Subtotal and What-if
(b) What-if scenario and What-if tool
3. Give any two advantages of data analysis tools.
4. Name any two tools for data analysis.
5. What are the criteria for consolidating sheets?
6. Which tool is used to create an outline for the selected

Lab Exercise

1. Mr Gurdeep has to take a loan of Rs. 10 lakhs to buy a

house. After assessing his situation, he has realized that
he can pay the loan in 15 years by paying out an EMI
of 20,000.
(a) Use Goal seek to find out the interest rate at which he
can borrow the loan.
(b) Use What If Scenario to depict payment of loan in 25
years by paying out an EMI of 10,000.
(c) Use Scenario manager to find the best case.
2. Power Motors has 3 branches all over Bhopal. Each
branch maintains monthly sales of different models of
electric scooter and at the end of month mails it to the
State Head. Prepare a consolidated sheet that shows
total and average sales made for each model of the
electric scooter with respect to the spreadsheet sent
by the branches to the head office. You are required to
identify the column headings for the various branches,
enter data in three different spreadsheets indicating
different branches and consolidate data to find total
sales and average sales for each model.

ElEctronic SprEadShEEt (advancEd) uSing librEofficE calc 103

Step 6. Use fill handle to drag the function for other cells. The notes
final sheet is shown in Fig. 5.18.

Fig. 5.18: Displaying Number of tiles using Macro as a function

Check Your Progress

A. Multiple choice questions

1. Macro Recordings can be enabled from the ________ option

in the menu bar.
(a) Sheet
(b) Data
(c) Tools
(d) Window.
2. Which of the following is an invalid Macro Name?
(a) 1formatword
(b) format word
(c) format*word
(d) Format_word.
3. Which of the following Libraries contains modules with
prerecorded macros and should not be changed?
(a) My Macros
(b) LibreOfficeMacros
(c) Untitled1
(d) Test.
4. Identify which of the following is a programming Language?
(a) Calc
(c) Writer
(d) Macro.
5. The Module can be executed from the IDE by pressing
(a) F3
(b) F4
(c) F5
(d) F6
5. Which of the following is the default name of the Macro
(a) Default
(b) Main
(c) Macro1
(d) Main_Macro

ElEctronic SprEadShEEt (advancEd) uSing librEofficE calc 113

notes B. Fill in the blanks

1. ________ library is automatically loaded when the document

is opened.
2. IDE stands for _______________________________.
3. Macro as a function is capable of accepting ___________
and returning a ____________.
4. Macro ________________ allows us to add, delete a module.
5. The code of macro begins with __________ followed by the
name of the macro and ends with __________.
6. By default a macro is saved in the _____________ .

C. State whether the following statements are True or False

1. Macro is a group of instructions executing a single

2. Once created, Macro can be used any number of times.
3. By default, the Macro recording feature is turned on.
4. It is not possible to stop recording of a Macro.
5. Every Macro should be given a unique name.
6. A macro once created can be edited later.

D. Answer the following questions

1. What is a Macro? List any two real life situations where

they can be used.
2. List the actions that are not recorded by a macro.
3. How is LibreOffice Macros Library different from my
4. Differentiate between predefined function in Calc and
Macros as a function
5. List the rules that should be kept in mind while naming
a macro.
6. Give any one advantage of macros.

Lab Exercises

1. Record a Macro that performs Bold, Underline on the

Heading in Cell A1. Give macro the name BoldunderlineA1
and save it in a New Module named Basic Formatting which
is created in a New Library named DocumenHeadingA1.
2. Record a Macro that creates a bar chart for data stored in
cells A2 – A9 and K2 to K9.
3. Run the macro recorded in (i) and display a barchart
for the following data showing Minimum and Maximum
temperature from 2010-2017.

114 Domestic Data entry operator – class X


Source: https://data.gov.in/resources/seasonal-and-annual-minmax-
Collect information about the population of the South
Asian countries form the Internet and store it in a Calc
sheet. Run the Macro created in (i) to display a chart for the
data stored.
Create Macro as a function to calculate Amount to be
paid after a 5% discount. A sample sheet for the same is
given below.

Fig. 5.19: Lab Exercise 5

4. Anuja has to create a Marks list for every term. The format
is as follows :

Fig. 5.20: Sample Sheet for Marks Entry

(a) Record two macros to create the format given in

Fig. 5.20.
(b) To enter names of students in the list so that she
doesn’t need to retype or copy the names
Run the above created macros for a new sheet.
5. Use Macro as a function to calculate Mileage of a vehicle.
Mileage (in km/L) is calculated as Distance Travelled
(in km)/ Fuel filled (in Litre). Create a sheet with three
columns Distance Travelled (in Km), Fuel filled (in L) and
Mileage (in km/L).

ElEctronic SprEadShEEt (advancEd) uSing librEofficE calc 115

notes Step 3. Enter the location of the database file, or click
Browse to open a file browser and select the
database file.
Step 4. Type a name to use as the registered name for
the database and click OK. The database is
added to the list of registered databases.
Note – The OK button is enabled only when both fields
are filled in.

Check Your Progress

A. Multiple choice questions

1. Insert Sheet dialog can be invoked from _______________.

(a) sheet
(b) insert
(c) tools
(d) Windows
2. ______________ refers to cell G5 of sheet named My Sheet.
(a) $My Sheet.’G5’
(b) $My Sheet_’G5’
(c) $ ‘MySheet’.G5
(d) $ ‘MySheet’_G5
3. The path of a file has ____________ forward slashes.
(a) four
(b) three
(c) two
(d) one
4. Which of the following feature is used to jump to a different
spreadsheet from the current spreadsheet in LibreOffice
(a) Macro
(b) Hyperlink
(c) connect
(d) Copy

B. Fill in the blanks

1. A relative hyperlink stores the location with respect to the

___________ location.
2. While inserting tables from a webpage _____________
selects the entire HTML document.
3. The extension of LibreOffice base is ______________.
4. __________ are used to enclose sheet names as there might
be a space within sheet names.
5. The From file option of ___________ Dialog box allows to
insert sheet from another file.

128 Domestic Data entry operator – class X

C. State whether the following statements are True or False notes
1. A sheet can only be added before the current sheet.
2. If ‘sales’ sheet has a reference to ‘cost’ sheet then any
changes made to ‘cost’ sheet will be reflected in the sales
sheet as well.
3. It is not possible to link a sheet as a reference in another
4. We can insert data from a table created on a web page into
a spreadsheet.
5. A hyperlink once created on a sheet cannot be deleted.

D. Answer the following questions

1. Name the two ways to link the sheets in a LibreOffice Calc.

2. Differentiate between Relative and Absolute Hyperlink.
3. Write steps to extract a table from a web page in a
4. Write steps to register a data source that is in *.odb format.
5. State advantages of extracting data from a web page into

Lab Exercises

1. Create three sheets named Jan, Feb and March. In each

sheet store the attendance of employees for a month. Apply
count function to count the number of days the employees
were present by counting P.
2. Add another sheet named ‘Consolidated Attendance’ that
stores total attendance of three months and calculates the
3. Create a spreadsheet containing the list of Prime ministers
of India with their tenure from the website https://
of-india.php. Perform steps to extract the table from the
website into a Calc Sheet and display the count of Prime
Ministers of India till date.

ElEctronic SprEadShEEt (advancEd) uSing librEofficE calc 129

notes Check Your Progress
A. Multiple choice questions

1. Sharing allows to edit the spredshheet by

(a) single user
(b) different users simultaneously
(c) one by one users
(d) one after other users
2. Sharing spredsheet feature allows to save the changes in
(a) multiple sheets
(b) user’s sheet
(c) in a same sheet
(d) in different sheet
3. The Recording Changes feature of LibreOffice Calc provides
different ways to record the changes made by ____________
in the spreadsheet.
(a) one user
(b) other user
(c) the user
(d) one or other users
4. In Calc, the comments are added
(a) automatically
(b) by author
(c) by reviewer
(d) all of above
5. The changes by team members in the spreadsheet can be
accepted or rejected by
(a) the team members
(b) any of the user
(c) owner
(d) other users

B. State whether the following statements are True or False

1. Spreadsheet cannot be shared to work with more than one

2. Some of the features becomes unavailable when the
spreadsheet is in shared mode.
3. You can record changes in the spreadsheet when the
spreadsheet is opened in shared mode.
4. File menu is used to Record changes for the spreadsheet.
5. You can add a note or suggestion in the spreadsheet using
Insert Comment.
6. Formatting comment can be used to change the font
colour of the comment.

140 Domestic Data entry operator – class X

C. Fill in the blanks notes
1. The title bar of the document shows __________________
along with the filename for the shared mode of the
2. The shared mode spreadsheet allows __________ users to
access and edit the spreadsheet at the same time.
3. Recording changes automatically ____________ the shared
mode of a spreadsheet.
4. Click on Edit menu, Track Changes and then select
____________ to record the changes in the spreadsheet.
5. The border color of the changed cell will be ______________.
6. ____________ is used to add notes or suggestions to a cell
in a spreadsheet.
7. The comment box can be formatted just like formatting
the __________ (cell contents).

D. Answer the following questions

1. Define the terms
(a) Sharing Spreadsheet
(b) Record changes
2. Write the commands to perform
(a) Sharing Spreadsheet
(b) Record changes
3. Which menu is used to perform the functions
(a) Track Changes
(b) Saving Spreadsheet
4. What do you understand by reviewing the changes in the
5. Differentiate between Merging and Comparing Spreadsheet.

Lab Exercise
Anushka and Niyaz have been made the class representative.
Anushka has been asked to collect the class assignments for the
various subjects. Create a spreadsheet to store the roll number,
name of the students and subject names. Perform the following
operations so that Niyaz can access the file:
1. Enable Track changes
2. Add comment to show the date on which the assignment
has been submitted.
3. Share the document with the class teacher.

ElEctronic SprEadShEEt (advancEd) uSing librEofficE calc 141

notes • Out of the candidate keys, one or two are made as
primary keys. The others are the alternate keys.
• An object in a database is a structure or a feature
that is used to store, represent or retrieve data.
The various objects in a database are tables,
forms, reports and queries.
• A form is a feature of a database using which
we can enter data in a table in an easy and user
friendly manner.
• A query is used to retrieve the desired information
from the database.
• The output of a query may be displayed in the
form of reports.

Check Your Progress

A. Multiple choice questions

1. Which of the following can be considered as an example

of a database?
(a) Dictionary
(b) Telephone directory
(c) Marks Register
(d) Newspaper
2. Which of the following is NOT a DBMS?
(a) MS Access
(b) Open Office Base
(c) MS Excel
(d) MySQL
3. DBMS stands for ______________________.
(a) Data and Books Management System
(b) Database Management System
(c) Duplicate Books Management System
(d) Data Management Multi System
4. Which of the following data models sets a relation between
the two or more tables?
(a) Relational Data Model
(b) Network Data Model
(c) Hierarchical Data Model
(d) Connection Data Model
5. The details associated with an entity are called
(a) Table
(b) Attributes
(c) Records
(d) Primary key

154 Domestic Data entry operator – class X

6. A __________ is represented as rows in a table. notes
(a) field
(b) attribute
(c) record
(d) candidate key
7. In which of the following forms can a data value be
(a) Numeric
(b) Character
(c) Alphanumeric
(d) All of the above
8. Which of the following uniquely identifies a row in a table?
(a) Primary key
(b) Alternate key
(c) Foreign key
(d) Candidate key
9. A ___________is a feature of a database using which we can
enter data in a table in an easy and user friendly manner.
(a) query
(b) report
(c) form
(d) field
10. A _____________ is a question asked from a database.
(a) query
(b) report
(c) form
(d) field

B. State whether the following statements are True or False

1. A database cannot be organised.

2. Data is the collection of raw facts.
3. A table can be created without a primary key.
4. Two tables can be related in a network data model.
5. MS Access is an example of a database.

C. Fill in the blanks

1. The raw facts constitutes _____________.

2. An _____________ is a real world object about which
information is to be stored in a database
3. The output of a query may be displayed in the form of
4. The data values for all the fields related to a person or
object is called a _________.
5. All the field values that are eligible to be the primary key
are the ___________ keys for that table

Database ManageMent systeM Using LibreOffice Writer 155

notes D. Answer the following questions

1. Define the terms

(a) Database
(b) Data redundancy
(c) Report
2. Give one point of difference between
(a) Data and Information,
(b) Form and Query,
(c) Network and hierarchical data model
3. Give any four advantages of a DBMS.
4. Consider the table given below and answer the questions
that follow
Table: Library
Book_Id Book Name Author Name Price Publisher
F001 Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen 550 ABC
S004 Amazing Astronomy E. Shane 1050 ABC
C005 IT and Mankind MHA Diwaan 2500 HYM
(a) Name the fields in the given table.
(b) Which field should be made the primary key?
(c) Is there any alternate key in the table?
(d) How is primary key different from foreign key? Explain
with example.

156 Domestic Data entry operator – class X

notes • Various in Base can be categorized into Text ,
Numeric, Currency and Date.
• LibreOffice Base is the collection of related data
objects known as Tables, Forms, Queries, Reports
and application modules.
• Depending on the object that is selected, the
respective Task Pane and Object Area displaying
the created object appears on the User Interface
• A table in LibreOffice Base can be created using a
wizard or using the Design view.

Practical Exercise
Ananthu wants to create a directory containing data – Serial
No, Name, Mobile Number, Email id, Date of birth of his friends.
Create a table using LibreOffice Base. Make Serial No as primary
key. Enter minimum 5 records in the table. Sort the table in
alphabetical order of name.

Check Your Progress

A. Multiple choice questions

1. Which of the following is NOT a type of text data type?

(a) Memo
(b) Varchar
(c) Float
(d) Char
2. A currency data type can only store monetary data that is
in dollars.
(a) True
(b) False
(c) Neither a nor b
(d) Both a and b
3. Which of the following data can a date data type store?
(a) Date
(b) Time
(c) Both date and time
(d) Neither date nor time
4. Which of the following is true about LibreOffice Base?
(a) It is a spreadsheet software
(b) It is free and open source software
(c) It can store only character data
(d) It is a licensed software.

170 Domestic Data entry operator – class X

5. Which of the following methods can be used to create a notes
table in Base?
(a) Using a table wizard
(b) Design View
(c) Both a and b
(d) Neither a nor b
6. The related objects of a database can be seen in ____________
pane of the Base Database window.
(a) Database
(b) Task
(c) Title Bar
(d) Menu Bar
7. Which is the shortcut key to open an existing database?
(a) Ctrl+ D
(b) Ctrl+O
(c) Ctrl+E
(d) Ctrl+F
8. The Design view of Table Creation window in LibreOffice
Base is divided into ______ sections or panes.
(a) 2
(b) 3
(c) 4
(d) 5
9. While entering records in a table, we can move to the next
field by pressing the _________ key.
(a) Tab
(b) Ctrl
(c) Enter
(d) Shift
10. Which of the following is true about primary key of a table?
(a) Every table must have a primary key
(b) The data values in primary key field cannot be
(c) A primary key field cannot be left blank
(d) All of the above

B. State whether the following statements are True or False

1. The text data can contain special characters.

2. Memo data type can be used to store descriptive data.
3. A Boolean data type can have two or more than two values.
4. We cannot store audio data in LibreOffice Base.
5. The properties of a field change according to the data
type selected.
6. Field description may or may not be entered while
designing a table.
7. is pressed to move to the last record.
8. appears when the record is being edited.

Database ManageMent systeM Using LibreOffice Writer 171

notes 9. A table once created in a database cannot be edited.
10. Sort dialog box can only help to sort data in
ascending order.

C. Fill in the blanks

1. A data type refers to the type of data that will be stored in

that particular field.
2. The _____________ data is a combination of letters, numbers
or special characters.
3. ________ data type can be used to store Aadhar number.
4. The __________ data type used to store digitized images.
5. The shortcut key to save a table is _______________.
6. ______________ on the Base Interface Window displays
information about the type of view of the object in the
7. A __________ icon appears before the field name indicating
that it is a primary key.
8. The data can be entered in a table only in __________ view.
9. The black pointing arrow just before the field name in a
table is called ____________.
10. The process of arranging the records in particular order
on any filed is called _______________.

D. Answer the given questions

1. Differentiate between:
(a) Memo and Varchar data type
(b) Number and Decimal data type
(c) Design View and Datasheet view of a table
2. Name the menu items present on the Base User Interface,
3. Label the components – Title Bar, Database Pane, Tasks
Pane, Status Bar of the LibreOffice Base User Interface.
4. How can we define a primary key in a table?
5. Write steps to sort the table in descending order of
primary key.
6. What is the use of navigation box with respect to tables in
a database?

172 Domestic Data entry operator – class X

Contact No_ guardian notes
Room No
Table: Room Details
Room No
Floor (data value can be first, second or third)
Category (data value can be AC / Non- AC)
Student Id
DOO (Date of occupancy)
Monthly Rent

Check Your Progress

A. Multiple choice questions

1. Which of the following actions can be performed once the

tables are created in a database?
(a) Add a field in a table
(b) Rename a table
(c) Delete a table
(d) All of the above
2. Which of the following is checked by a DBMS?
(a) Redundancy
(b) Inconsistency
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) Neither (a) nor (b)
3. Which of the following is required to set a relationship
between the two tables?
(a) Both the tables must be in different databases
(b) Both the tables must have a common field
(c) Both the tables must have the same name
(d) Both tables must be stored in documents folder only.
4. If a record is added in a master table, which of the following
is NOT true for transaction table
(a) The record in the master table is called the master
(b) The corresponding record in transaction table can only
be entered once.
(c) The record in the transaction table is called the
transaction record.
(d) It is possible to add a record in the master table
5. Which type of relationship exists between a student and
the subjects studied by him/her?
(a) One-to-one
(b) One-to-many
(c) Many-to-many
(d) All of the above

Database ManageMent systeM Using LibreOffice Writer 183

notes 6. Consider the following tables. Which type of relationship
can be established between the two tables?
(a) One-to-one
(b) One-to-many
(c) Many-to-many
(d) None of the above
Table 1: Item Table 2: Item_Category
Item_Code Category_Code
Item_Name Cat_Name
Price Item_Code
Qty Cat_Disc

7. Which of the following menus contains the Relationship

(a) Edit
(b) File
(c) Tools
(d) View
8. The list of tables to be added is displayed in the __________
dialog box in the Relationship Screen.
(a) Add Tables
(b) Add Databases
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(a) Neither (a) nor (b)
9. In the relationship design screen, the relationship between
the two tables is done using __________ operation.
(a) Click
(b) Double Click
(c) Drag and Drop
(d) Right click
10. Which of the following is NOT an option that can be used
to maintain referential integrity in a database?
(a) No Action
(b) Set NULL
(c) Set Default
(d) Set Value

B. State whether the following statements are True or False

1. Redundancy is preferred in a database.
2. In a table, a record for a particular entity should not
be repeated.
3. A single field should always have only one data value.
4. If a table is edited, the records already entered in it
are deleted.
5. The record in master table should be entered before the
corresponding record is entered in the transaction table.

184 Domestic Data entry operator – class X

6. In one-to-many relationship, one specific record of the
master table has more than one corresponding records in
the related transaction table.
7. The Relationship option is present in the Widows menu.
8. In a database, the referential integrity is maintained by
the user.
9. A relationship is always set between the tables based on a
common field.
10. If the master record is deleted, the transaction records will
always be deleted.

C. Fill in the blanks

1. A table to be edited is displayed in ___________ view.

2. The most important prerequisite for setting a relationship
between the two tables is that there must be a
________________between them.
3. In ________________relationship, one specific record of a
master table has one and only one corresponding record
in the transaction table.
4. ___________________is one of the most common types of
relationship between the tables in a database.
5. A record being entered in a _________ table must always
exist in a ________ table.
6. The principle of _______________helps prevent missing data
by keeping deleted data from getting out of synch.
7. Creating ____________ between tables restricts the user
from entering invalid data in the referenced fields.
8. Data integrity is maintained by ______________.
9. A relationship between customers and products is an
example of __________________ relationship.
10. The __________________ window is used to set relationships
between the tables.

D. Answer the following questions

1. Give any two advantages of relating a table in a database.

2. How is redundancy or inconsistency controlled in a
database? Explain with an example.
3. Define referential integrity. Who maintains referential
integrity in a database?
4. Differentiate between one to one relationship and one to
many relationship. Give suitable examples to explain your
5. Explain many to many relationship with an example.

Database ManageMent systeM Using LibreOffice Writer 185

Table: Student_Details notes
Father’s Name
Contact No_student
Contact No_ guardian
Room No
Table: Room Details
Room No
Floor (data value can be first, second or third)
Category (data value can be AC / Non- AC)
Student Id
DOO (Date of occupancy)
Monthly Rent
Create a query to display the following tabular format
Room No Student Name Category Monthly Rent
Create a query that displays total monthly rent collected for
each category.
Project Work
Use the internet to study the process of working of hostels.
See, what all tables/fields/queries should be further added to
the existing database so that it is able to fully automate the
working of the boys hostel explained in the above exercise.
Thereafter make changes in the database created by you in
LibreOffice Base.

Check Your Progress

A. Multiple choice questions

1. Which of the following is refer to asking questions from

the database?
(a) Report
(b) Table
(c) Query
(d) Database
2. Which of the following are the ways to design a query?
(a) Wizard
(b) Design View
(c) SQL
(d) All of the above
3. Which is a flexible way to create a query?
(a) Wizard
(b) Design View
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) Neither (a) nor (b)

Database ManageMent systeM Using LibreOffice Writer 195

notes 4. Into how many parts is the query design window divided?
(a) One
(b) Two
(c) Three
(d) Four
5. Which of the following is NOT true about queries?
(a) It can be created using multiple tables
(b) Multiple queries can be created in a database
(c) A query can run multiple times
(d) A query once created cannot be edited
6. Which of the following is the shortcut key to run the query?
(a) F3
(b) F4
(c) F5
(d) F6
7. Which of the following functions can be performed on
numerical data while designing a query?
(a) Sum
(b) Minimum
(c) Maximum
(d) All of the above
8. In a Query Design wizard, which of the following buttons
is clicked to move a field from ‘Available fields’ list box to
‘Fields in the query‘ list box?
(a) >
(b) < 9
(c) ∨
(d) ∧
9. Which of the following relational operators can be applied
to set the criterion while designing a query in LibreOffice
(a) >
(b) =
(c) !=
(d) Add Form
10. Which of the following dialog box is present when the
Query Design window is opened for the first time to design
a query?
(a) Add Table
(b) Add Query
(c) Add Table or Query
(d) None of the above
11. Which of the following step is not performed if there is no
numerical data to be worked upon in a query?
(a) Selection of fields
(b) Giving Aliases
(c) Summarizing
(d) Selection of tables

196 Domestic Data entry operator – class X

B. State whether the following statements are True or False notes
1. You can run a query only once
2. A query cannot be created from multiple tables
3. The shortcut key to run a query is F5.
4. LibreOffice Base provides us with two ways to create a
5. A query with numerical data cannot be saved.
6. By default the query result is not sorted.
7. A query can be used to display the average value of a
numerical field.
8. While designing a query, the criterion can be set on only
one field.
9. Alias is an alternative name for a field in a query.
10. In query Design window, the visible check box is selected
by default.
11. A query once created using a wizard can only be edited in
the Design view.

C. Fill in the blanks

1. A ____________ is a sort of question asked from a database.

2. The result of the query is displayed in ____________ form
with field names in columns
3. A query can be created in ________ways.
4. The Query Design window is divided into __________
5. The shortcut key to run the query is ______________.
6. The conditions to filter the records are set in the _________
7. When a table is selected in a Query wizard, the corresponding
fields are displayed in the__________________list box.
8. The result of the query can be displayed in __________ or
_____________ order of any particular field of the table.
9. At the most __________ search conditions can be given in
the query wizard.
10. The last step of the Query wizard displays the entire
____________ of the query.
11. The _____________ view is a more flexible method to create
a query.
12. To edit any query, right click on the ________ icon of the
query that has to be edited.
13. In the _____________ row of the Query Design grid, we can
type the column heading that will be displayed instead of
field name when we run the query.

Database ManageMent systeM Using LibreOffice Writer 197

notes D. Answer the given questions

1. Define a query? What is the need of creating a query in a

2. Rearrange the steps given below so as to create a query
using a wizard.
3. Give Alias
4. Select the fields
5. Set the criterion
6. Set the sorting order
7. Give table name
8. What all information is seen in the overview (last step) of
the Query wizard?
9. What is the use of Alias row in the Design grid of the Query
Design window?
10. Name any four mathematical functions that can be applied
to numerical data in a query.
11. Name the three ways of creating a query in LibreOffice

198 Domestic Data entry operator – class X

2. Uzair manages a boys hostel in an engineering college. To
manage the records of the people saying in his hostel, he
created a database with the following related tables.
Table : Student_Details
Father’s Name
Contact No_student
Contact No_ guardian
Room No
Table: Room Details
Room No
Floor (data value can be first, second or third)
Category (data value can be AC / Non- AC)
Student Id
DOO (Date of occupancy)
Monthly Rent
Create a query to display the following tabular format
Room No Student Name Category Monthly Rent
Create a query that displays total monthly rent collected for each
Create a form for data entry of both the tables.
Generate a report the displays information retrieved from both
the queries in a presentable manner.

Check Your Progress

A. Multiple choice questions

1. Which of the following toolbars contains the Label tool?

(a) Standard Toolbar
(b) Forms Controls Toolbar
(c) Records toolbar
(d) Formatting toolbar
2. The Record toolbar has the buttons to move to the
(a) first record
(b) second record
(c) last record
(d) all records
3. Which of the following is NOT true about forms?
(a) It is the front end for data entry
(b) It can contain only text fields
(c) Graphics can be inserted on the form
(d) It can contain only fixed number of records

Database ManageMent systeM Using LibreOffice Writer 219

notes 4. Which of the following keys is pressed to select only textbox
on the form?
(a) Alt
(b) Shift
(c) Ctrl
(d) Tab
5. Which of the following properties in the Properties: Label
Field text box is used to insert a tool-tip on the form?
(a) Tool Text
(b) Help Text
(c) Tool Tip
(d) Help Tip
6. Which of the following objects of LibreOffice Base is used
to display data retrieved from one or more tables in a
presentable manner?
(a) Query
(b) Form
(c) Report
(d) Panel
7. Which of the following values of Date Format property is
selected to view a calendar on the form?
(a) Standard (short)
(b) Standard (long)
(c) Default
(d) Standard (Medium)
8. Which of the following commands on the Forms Control
toolbar is used to toggle between Design View and Form
(a) Design Mode
(b) Toggle Mode
(c) View Mode
(d) Print mode
9. Using which of the following objects in a database, can a
report be generated?
(a) Tables
(b) Queries
(c) Both a and b
(d) Neither a nor b
10. Which of the following components open along with the
Report Wizard?
(a) Report Builder
(b) Add Fields dialog box
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) Neither (a) nor (b)

B. State whether the following statements are True or False

1. Report is an object of a database but form is not.

2. We can choose the layout of the form.

220 Domestic Data entry operator – class X

3. We have to add all fields of the table on the form. notes
4. There are two ways n which a form can be created.
5. A report is generated in a separate window.
6. Once a control is added on to the form, it cannot be re-
7. The Record toolbar has the button to add a new record.
8. We can create a report only using a table.
9. By default, the records in a report are sorted in descending
10. We can group data based on a particular field in a report.
11. A report can have data only in row and column format.
12. We can insert both date and time of generation of report.
13. A report once created cannot be edited.

C. Fill in the blanks

1. A form can be used for ____________ and _____________.

2. Each field control consists of a ____________and
3. A ________________ is a piece of text that specifies the data
that should be entered in the field value text box.
4. By default the border of the field text value is displayed in
5. A ____________ is a small piece of text that is displayed
when the mouse pointer is placed on a particular control
on the form.
6. The default orientation option for a report is _______________.
7. A ____________ is the manner in which the labels, field
values, titles etc. will be displayed in the report.
8. The option to insert date and time in the report is present
in ___________ menu.
9. A Report Wizard contains _____________ steps.
10. A _______ type of report changes automatically as the field
values in the base table or query change.

D. Answer the following questions

1. Give one difference between a form and a report.

2. What is a field control with respect to forms?
3. Which tool on the Forms Record toolbar is used to insert
text on the form?
4. Name the two ways to create a form in LibreOffice Base.
5. What is the difference between a static and a dynamic
6. Write the function of Forms Controls toolbar and Records

Database ManageMent systeM Using LibreOffice Writer 221

noteS 9. Do not operate machines or equipment until you
have been properly trained and allowed to do so
by your supervisor.
10. Repair torn wires or broken plugs before using
any electrical equipment.
11. Do not use equipment if it smokes, sparks or
looks unsafe.
12. Cover all food with a lid, plastic wrap or aluminium
13. Do not smoke in ‘No Smoking’ areas.
14. Report any unsafe condition or acts to your

Check Your Progress

A. Multiple choice questions

1. Workplace safety is essential in organisation ____________.

(a) to avoide the accident and injury
(b) to increase the productivity
(b) to improve the work environment
(d) All of the above
2. Which of the following is not mandatory to keep the good
health of an employee?
(a) Cleanliness
(b) Food court
(c) Clean and fresh air
(d) Clean washroom
3. The security department is not responsible for __________.
(a) personal safety
(b) computer system and equipment safety
(c) electrical safety
(d) personal belongings
4. The proper security procedures will increase ____________.
(a) liabilities
(b) insurance
(c) business revenue
(d) operational charges of the company
5. Which kind of hazards can occur in IT industry?
(a) Biological
(b) Chemical
(c) Physical
(d) Ergonomic

232 Domestic Data entry operator – class X

6. Which of the following can cause hazards while using
(a) Poor sitting postures or excessive duration of sitting in
one position
(b) Lifting heavy object
(c) Mishandling of tools and equipment
(d) Improper handling of office equipment
7. Which of the following statements is likely to result in an
injury to the operator?
(a) Selecting the right tool for the job
(b) Wearing safety goggles or glasses
(c) Using a tool with loose handles
(d) Keeping cutting tools sharp
8. What are the potential cause of hazards at workplace?
(a) Poor ventilation
(b) Poor lighting
(c) Poor housekeeping
(d) All of the above

B. Fill in the blanks

1. Health of an employee is the state of the physical,

_________________ and _________________ well being.
2. The work places must be cleaned in the _________________
before the people start working.
3. A proper _________________ provide clean and cool air at
the workplace.
4. A fresh food cafeteria helps to maintain the ______________
of the employee.
5. The work environment of the organisation must be
_________________ and free from _________________ and
6. The proper security procedures will increase the
____________ and will reduce the _______________ of the
7. Injuries and illness of the employees is prevented through
national policy on ____________________.
8. Physical hazards occurs due to _______________.
9. Electrical hazards mostly caused due to coming in direct
contact with _________________, or indirect contact through
a _________________.
10. Hazards while using computers occurs due to
_________________ or excessive duration of sitting in

Maintain HealtHy, Safe and Secure Working environMent 233

noteS C. State whether the following statements are True or False

1. The employer and employees are responsible for workplace

2. Any injury at work should be reported to the supervisor
3. No matter how big or small the injury; the injured person
should receive medical attention.
4. While working with machines and equipment, employees
must follow the safety guidelines set by the company.
5. Bright light sources behind the display screen can create
contrast problems.
6. Exposure to bright lights and toxic fumes and vapour
could damage the mouth and ears.
7. The use of personal protective clothing and equipment can
control the hazards at workplace.
8. Do not throw rubbish daily.
9. Proper handling of office equipment can result in injuries.
10. Stress at workplace can cause hazard in today’s

D. Short answer questions

1. Briefly explain the concept of health, safety and security

at workplace.
2. State the most important reasons for health, safety and
security programs in workplace
3. List out the various workplace safety hazards.
4. List out the potential sources of hazards in an organisation.
5. List some of the IT workplace hazards.
6. What are the examples of potential hazards?
7. Describe information technology workplace hazards.
8. What are the workplace safety rules?
9. List out different safety guidelines?
10. Describe type of emergency with example.

234 Domestic Data entry operator – class X

Avoid water at all times when working with electricity.
Never touch or try repairing any electrical equipment
or circuits with wet hands. It increases the electrical
conductivity of the body for the flow of electric currents.

Check Your Progress

A. Multiple choice questions

Fig. 14.7: Avoid water while 1. To provide healthy and safety working environment, every
working with electricity organisation must have ___________________.
(a) Cleanliness
(b) Filtered water
(c) Clean wash-room
(d) All of the above
2. Air pollution is mostly caused by production of the ________
in the surrounding air.
(a) dust
(b) mixture of solid particles
(c) gases
(d) All of above
3. Repetitive use of muscle may feel pain in your ___________.
(a) neck
(b) shoulder
(c) wrist or fingers
(d) All of the above
4. The security department organisation is not responsible
for __________________.
(a) other safety
(b) computer system safety
(c) electrical safety
(d) transport safety
5. For an organisation, the proper security procedures will
reduce ________________.
(a) liabilities
(b) insurance
(c) business revenue
(d) operational charges of the company
6. Do not wear ________ when working with machines.
(a) jewellery
(b) safety glasses
(c) masks
(d) gloves
7. Sore lower back is caused due to _________________.
(a) reaching forward frequently
(b) no lumbar support
(c) no upper back support from chair
(d) reaching forward for long periods

244 Domestic Data entry operator – class X

8. What should you do with the problem of dry eyes? noteS
(a) Forget to blink
(b) Rest eyes periodically and do simple eye exercises
(c) Do exercise
(d) Blink the eyes
9. If light is coming directly behind or in front of you then
you may suffer from _________________.
(a) eye strain
(b) sore eyes
(c) dry eyes
(d) eye strain and sore eyes

B. Fill in the blanks

1. Air and water pollution can be analysed by using –

physical, _________ and ____________ analysis.
2. The PH value of the water can be measured through
_________ analysis.
3. The _________ indicators are used to monitor the health of
the ecosystem.
4. Ergonomics is the science concerned with _________ and
arranging things.
5. Working with wrists extended too much repetition can
cause ___________.
6. The repetition of a seemingly _________ task over a period
of time can cause an injury.
7. If a cord or wire will cross a pathway safety it should be
mark it with ___________.
8. Loose cords and wires can cause _____________.
9. Glare and __________ on the screen should be prevented.
10. The keyboard should have a matt surface to avoid
____________ glare.

C. State whether the following statements are True or False

1. The work environment of the organisation must be free

from hazards and risk.
2. Practice a no vehicle day in every week to avoid
air pollution.
3. Applying ergonomics can improve performance
and productivity.
4. Wear rings, watches and necklaces while working on
the computer.
5. Never touch or try repairing any electrical equipment or
circuits with wet hands.
6. Unplug all power sources and cables from computer while
working on computer.

Maintain HealtHy, Safe and Secure Working environMent 245

noteS 7. Occupational overuse syndrome, also known as repetition
strain injury.
8. The work chair must be stable and allow the user to
move easily.
9. Artificial lighting from computer screens can cause
sleeping problems.
10. The keyboard and mouse should not be kept at the
same level.

D. Short answer type questions

1. What causes the water pollution?

2. What is occupational overuse syndrome?
3. What are musculoskeletal problems?
4. What cautions to be taken while working on the computer?
5. Why there is no right way to use a laptop?
6. What causes eye strain and how to avoid it?
7. What type of display screen is suitable to work
on computer?
8. What type of keyboard is suitable to work on computer?

246 Domestic Data entry operator – class X

Check Your Progress noteS
A. Multiple choice questions

1. What are the steps necessary for operating a fire

(a) Identify the safety pin of the fire extinguisher which is
generally present in its handle
(b) Break the seal and pull the safety pin from the handle
(c) Use the fire extinguisher by squeezing the lever
(d) All of the above
2. Which of the following is an examples of ignition sources
of open flames?
(a) Gas ovens
(b) Lighters in smoking areas
(c) Welding torches
(d) All of the above
3. In fire classification, all liquid, grease, and gas material
comes under __________________.
(a) Class A material
(b) Class B material
(c) Class C material
(d) Class A material
4. In fire classification, material magnesium, potassium, and
sodium comes under _______________.
(a) Class A material
(b) Class B material
(c) Class C material
(d) Class D material
5. In fire classification, material wood, cloth, and paper
comes under ________________.
(a) Class A material
(b) Class B material
(c) Class C material
(d) Class D material
6. In fire classification, electrical material and equipment
comes under ____________________.
(a) Class A material
(b) Class B material
(c) Class C material
(d) Class D material
7. When do we use a fire extinguisher?
(a) In case of flood
(b) In case of electric shock
(c) In case of fire
(d) In case of burn injury
8. What is the primary fire emergency telephone number is?
(a) 011
(b) 101
(c) 108
(d) 111

Maintain HealtHy, Safe and Secure Working environMent 257

noteS 9. Which of the following contains everything you need to
know about evacuating your facility safely?
(a) Evacuation Diagram
(b) Emergency Action Plan
(c) Employee Directory
(d) Both (a) and (b)
10. The best course of action to take during a medical
emergency is to ________________.
(a) Begin first aid immediately
(b) Activate the emergency plan for reporting injuries
(c) Notify the person's family about the situation
(d) Both (a) and (b)

B. Fill in the blanks

1. Emergency is a serious or crisis situation that

needs__________attention and ________.
2. A ___________ sign will warn people to walk carefully on
freshly mopped floors.
3. ____________ signs can prevent accidents on a staircase
with a sharp bent or warn against a loose floor tile.
4. The ___________ should be responsible to handle evacuation
5. Workplace fires are commonly caused by improper storage
of ______________ material or _________ dust.
6. There should always be an _________________ plan for
scheduled electrical maintenance or work.
7. If the victim is breathing and has a heartbeat, give ________
for injuries and treat for shock.
8. A fire extinguisher is a _________________ containing an
agent which can be discharged to extinguish a fire.

C. State whether the following statements are True or False

1. The organisation’s policies and guidelines is the best guide

to handle emergency.
2. If someone is injured, act as per your impulse or gut
3. Keep water and food items away from electrical equipment.
4. Always switch off the electrical circuits.
5. Always wear protective equipment, such as gloves and
6. A fire extinguisher is a protection device used to
extinguish fires.
7. Flammable materials can be placed around an door exit.
8. You can determine possible evacuation routes from floor
plan diagrams posted in your facility.

258 Domestic Data entry operator – class X

D. Short answer questions noteS
1. What is a workplace emergency?
2. How do you protect yourself, your employees, and your
3. What is an emergency action plan?
4. What should your emergency action plan include?
5. How do you develop an evacuation policy and procedures?
6. How do you establish evacuation routes and exits?
7. What are the various types of fire extinguisher and their
extinguishing material?
8. What are the steps for operating a fire extinguisher in case
of a fire emergency.
9. Compare the different type of fire extinguisher.
10. List the different class of fire.
11. List out electrical rescue techniques.
12. What is the first aid for electrical emergencies?

Maintain HealtHy, Safe and Secure Working environMent 259

Answer Key
Unit 1. Digital Documentation (Advance) using
LibreOffice Writer

Chapter 1. Introduction to Styles-Paragraph, Page, Character

and List

A. Multiple choice questions

1. (b) 2. (d) 3. (b) 4. (a) 5. (d)
B. Fill in the blanks
1. style
2. LibreOffice
3. consistency
4. styles
5. Heading Style
6. Default
7. objects
8. Paragraph
9. Fill format
10. cannot
Chapter 2. Working with Images

A. Multiple choice questions

1. (a) 2. (a) 3. (d) 4. (c) 5. (c)
B. Fill in the blanks
1. Crop
2. gamma correction
3. ageing
4. Send Back
5. selecting
6. 25
7. reference
8. three
9. corner
10. before its
Chapter 3. Advanced Features of Writer

A. Multiple choice questions

1. (a) 2. (d) 3. (c)
4. (c) 5. (c) 6. (b)
7. (b) 8. (b) 9. (b)
10. (d) 11. (b) 12. (a)

B. Fill in the blanks notes
1. Ctrl
2. Default
3. Protected Against Manual Changes
4. Update Index
5. Columns
6. Template
7. Blank Document template
8. Properties
9. Browse Online Templates
10. Track Changes
11. Ctrl+Shift+C
12. coloured
C. State whether the following statements are True or False
1. True 2. False 3. False 4. False 5. False 6. True
7. False 8. True 9. False 10. True 11. False

Unit 2. Electronic Spreadsheet (Advance) using

LibreOffice Calc
Chapter 4. Analyse Data using Scenarios and Goal Seek

A. Multiple choice questions

1. (d) 2. (b) 3. (d) 4. (d) 5. (b)
6. (d) 7. (b) 8. (b) 9. (b)
B. State whether the following statements are True or False
1. True 2. False 3. True 4. False 5. False
6. False 7. False 8. False 9. False
C. Fill in the blanks
1. summarize
2. consolidate
3. Subtotal
4. Subtotal
5. What-if
6. What-if tool
7. two, formula and display output 8. Goal seek
Chapter 5. Use Macros in Spreadsheet

A. Multiple choice questions

1. (c) 2. (d) 3. (b) 4. (b) 5. (c) 6. (b)
B. Fill in the blanks
1. Standard
2. Integrated Development Environment
3. arguments/values, result/value

Answer Key 261

notes 4. Organizer
5. Sub, End Sub
6. Standard Library
C. State whether the following statements are True or False
1. False 2. True 3. False
4. False 5. True 6. True
Chapter 6. Link Spreadsheet data

A. Multiple choice questions

1. (a) 2. (c) 3. (b) 4. (b)
B. Fill in the blanks
1. current
2. HTML_all
3. .odb.
4. Single quotes (‘ ’)
5. Insert Sheet
C. State whether the following statements are True or False
1. False 2. True 3. False 4. True 5. False
Chapter 7. Share and Review a Spreadsheet

A. Multiple choice questions

1. (b) 2. (a) 3. (d) 4. (d) 5. (c)
B. State whether the following statements are True or False
1. False 2. True 3. False
4. False 5. False 6. True
C. Fill in the blanks
1. shared
2. many
3. turn off
4. record
5. red
6. Comment
7. cell contents

Unit 3. Database Management System using

LibreOffice Base

Chapter 8. Introduction to Database Management System

A. Multiple choice questions

1. (d) 2. (c) 3. (b) 4. (a) 5. (b)
6. (d) 7. (d) 8. (a) 9. (c) 10. (a)

262 Domestic Data entry operator – class X

B. State whether the following statements are True or False notes
1. False 2. True 3. False 4. False 5. False
C. Fill in the blanks
1. Data
2. Entity
3. Report
4. Record
5. Candidate
Chapter 9. Starting with LibreOffice Base
A. Multiple choice questions
1. (c) 2. (b) 3. (c) 4. (b) 5. (c)
6. (a) 7. (b) 8. (a) 9. (a) 10. (d)
B. State whether the following statements are True or False
1. True 2. True 3. False 4. False 5. True
6. True 7. False 8. True 9. False 10. False
C. Fill in the blanks
1. Data type
2. Text
3. Text
4. Binary
5. Ctrl+S
6. Tasks Pane
7. Key
8. Datasheet
9. Record pointer
10. Sorting
Chapter 10. Working With Multiple Tables
A. Multiple choice questions
1. (d) 2. (c) 3. (b) 4. (b) 5. (b)
6. (b) 7. (c) 8. (a) 9. (c) 10. (d)
B. State whether the following statements are True or False
1. False 2. True 3. False 4. False 5. True
6. True 7. False 8. False 9. True 10. False
C. Fill in the blanks
1. Design
2. common field
3. one-to-one
4. one-to-many
5. transaction, master

Answer Key 263

notes 6. referential integrity
7. relationship
9. Many-to-many
10. 10.
Chapter 11. Queries in Base
A. Multiple choice questions
1. (c) 2. (d) 3. (b)
4. (b) 5. (d) 6. (c)
7. (d) 8. (a) 9. (d)
10. (c) 11. (c)
B. State whether the following statements are True or False
1. False 2. False 3. True
4. False 5. False 6. True
7. True 8. False 9. True
10. True 11. True
C. Fill in the blanks
1. Query
2. Report
3. Three
4. two
5. F5
6. Criterion
7. Available fields
8. ascending, descending
9. three
10. Overview
11. Design
12. Query
13. Alias
Chapter 12. Forms and Reports

A. Multiple choice questions

1. (b) 2. (d) 3. (b) 4. (c) 5. (b)
6. (c) 7. (b) 8. (a) 9. (c) 10. (c)
B. State whether the following statements are True or False
1. False 2. True 3. False
4. True 5. True 6. False
7. True 8. False 9. False
10. True 11. False 12. True 13. False

264 Domestic Data entry operator – class X

C. Fill in the blanks notes
1. Enter, view data
2. label, field value
3. label
4. 3D
5. tool tip
6. landscape
7. Layout
8. Insert
9. Six
10. dynamic

Unit 4. Maintain Healthy, Safe and Secure Working

Chapter 13. Health, Safety and Security at Work Place

A. Multiple choice questions

1. (d) 2. (b) 3. (d) 4. (c)
5. (d) 6. (a) 7. (c) 8. (d)
B. Fill in the blanks
1. mental, social
2. morning
3. air conditioning
4. health
5. safe, hazards, risk
6. business revenue, operational charges
7. Occupational Health and Safety
8. physical work environment
9. live wires, conductor
10. poor sitting postures, one position
C. State True or False
1. True 2. True 3. True 4. True 5. True
6. False 7. True 8. True 9. False 10. True
Chapter 14. Workplace Quality Measures

A. Multiple choice questions

1. (b) 2. (d) 3. (b) 4. (c) 5. (b)
6. (c) 7. (b) 8. (a) 9. (c) 10. (c)
B. Fill in the blanks
1. chemical, biological
2. chemical
3. microbial

Answer Key 265

notes 4. designing
5. arching wrists
6. innocuous
7. hazard tape
8. electrical hazards
9. reflections
10. reflective
C. State whether the following statements are True or False
1. True 2. True 3. True 4. False 5. True
6. False 7. True 8. True 9.True 10. False
Chapter 15. Prevent Accidents and Emergencies

A. Multiple choice questions

1. (d) 2. (d) 3. (b) 4. (d) 5. (a)
6. (c) 7. (c) 8. (b) 9. (d) 10. (d)
B. Fill in the blanks
1. immediate, action
2. wet floor
3. watch your steps
4. coordinator
5. flammable, combustible
6. emergency response
7. first aid
8. cylindrical pressure vessel
C. State True or False
1. True 2. False 3. True 4. False
5. False 6. True 7. False 8. True

266 Domestic Data entry operator – class X


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