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Abstract. Technological developments in the current era provide many conveniences and benefits for various agencies, including
educational institutions. Teachers as one part of educational institutions really need to take advantage of technological
developments as a means or media in teaching so that learning does not seem boring. In fact there are many teachers who often
focus on books oriented. This causes the students’ learning process to be not optimal, especially in learning foreign languages
such as English. Of course, if learning only focuses on books, it will make students feel bored and lazy to learn English.
Vocabulary as one of the important aspects in English cannot be taught with books alone, because in learning it requires
interesting media to be able to make students more enjoy and interested in learning vocabulary. Based on this, this study aims to
determine whether using pictures as learning can improve the vocabulary of students. This study used a pre-experimental design
with one group pre-test and post-test. The research subject is class VII with the research instrument is a test. In analyzing the
data, in this study the mean score formula was implemented. The results showed that picture as a learning medium greatly affects
student learning outcomes in terms of vocabulary. Where, there was a significant increase in students' vocabulary after using
pictures as treatment. Picture itself makes students more enthusiastic in learning because the pictures used attract students'
attention. Finally, this research also explains the potentials that can be used or developed in the future.
Nihta Vera Frelly Liando et al., Pictures as a Learning Media in Teaching Vocabulary
Olii, (2021) stated that there is a need for more thanks to the help of a microscope the results are printed
innovative learning media that are tailored to the needs in the form of images.
of both the characteristics of the subjects and also the
characteristics of students. The difficulties experienced Vocabulary as part of English Skill
by students in increasing English vocabulary may be Vocabulary learning must be enculturation.
overcome by using learning media. According to Syafrizal & Haerudin, (2018) enculturation
Moreover, English teachers always need is a process by which someone learns about something
learning media or additional teaching materials to help required by the surrounding culture of the students’ life.
students imagine their ideas. In addition, these additional This can make it easier for students to remember the
teaching materials can give students ideas to more easily vocabulary taught to them. In essence, Ristyani &
remember and stimulate students' right brain stimulation. Nurhayati, (2020) said that the main purpose of
Zulkifli, (2019) says that visualization is the best way to vocabulary teaching is for develop students’ interest in
teach new words for all subjects. This means that words. Student skills in learning vocabulary the way
teachers in the teaching and learning process can use they "read" pictures, consider words and think critically.
visual things as media, namely: videos, songs, stick Without realizing it, every teacher is actually involved in
pictures, pictures, flash cards, etc. So, students can the process of mastering students' vocabulary (Hamer &
receive learning materials very well. However, in this Rohimajaya, 2018). Every time the teacher talks to the
study, the researchers chose pictures as learning media students, the teacher is indirectly teaching the children
that can be used to improve students’ English new vocabulary. The vocabulary mastered by children is
vocabulary. basically in the form of basic vocabulary (Lengkoan et
al., 2019).
Review of Literature
Learning Media METHOD
Classified learning media based on several The research design used was a pre-
types. It is useful to find out which media is suitable for experimental one group pre-test-posttest design.
use in learning will be served. Media classification Sulaiman, (2019) mentioned that, pre-experimental
useful for determining which media selected at the time design is defined as a method with a systematic form
of study (Ristyani & Nurhayati, 2020). Because on with the aim of finding the influence of one variable
actually, not all learning media can help the learning with another variable by providing special treatment and
process. This matter must be adapted to the needs of strict control in a condition. This design involves one
field. For example, in students’ learning at an early age, group being given a pre-test (O1), given treatment (X)
the media selected must be appropriate with the age and and given a post-test (O1). The success of the treatment
characteristics of the child, and indicators, themes and was determined by comparing the pre-test and post-test
sub-themes of learning (Mozes & Liando, 2020). In scores.
addition, the selection of media must also be based on its In pre-experimental one group pre-test-post-test
use in stimulate the developmental needs of students. research, the first step is to determine the sample that
Therefore, the teacher must know that learning media is will be used as the research sample and group it into one
as important as other learning components. If the research class (Tatipang, Oroh & Liando, 2021). The
selection of media is not right, then the result can be next stage is to give a pre-test to measure the condition
different from what expected (Luruk, Luruk, & Trivict, or stock of students' vocabulary before being given
2021). After being classified accordingly with the treatment using pictures as learning media (Sulaiman,
required media, then required management or 2019). The next stage, the sample is given treatment
management to the media which includes planning, using learning videos. Then, the last stage the sample
procurement, utilization, care and evaluation. was given a post-test to determine the extent to which
the influence of the learning media in the form of
Picture as a Learning Media pictures could improve students' vocabulary.Thxe
The picture is a certain form that has a striking subject of the research is class VII of Junior High
color to attract the attention and interest of children School, where the students consisted of 12 students in
(Octaberlina & Anggarini, 2020). Nurdini, (2018) all. The kind of test is multiple choice test, with the total
mentioned that picture as a learning media including the of number is 25 items. The test based on the material
type of visual media that does not move. To optimize given. In analyzing the data the researcher used mean
children's exploration power, using picture media can formula. The following formula:
present detailed images. For example, (Kurniati, =
Rukmini, Saleh, & Bharati, 2020) suggest in observing
leaves, students at a glance will only see the leaves based Where: = Students average; = Total score; n =
on the shape, color, and vertebrae in the leaf. However, Number of students
by using pictures students can see the leaf fibers clearly
Nihta Vera Frelly Liando et al., Pictures as a Learning Media in Teaching Vocabulary
FINDINGS 10 50 85 35
In this section, the results of the research on the 11 48 84 36
application of Picture Media in Vocabulary Learning for 12 58 80 22
Class VII Junior High School students are discussed. 13 55 85 30
14 47 75 28
After completing the research stage with various things
15 50 78 28
carried out in it, the researcher makes a final reflection to
N=15 = 793 = 1.223
evaluate the overall action during the research. The
researchers agree that the use of learning media in this Source: processed data
case pictures to improve the vocabulary mastery of class
VII students at the junior high school level can be From this data, it can be clearly seen that there is
implemented properly. This in findings support an increase from the students' pre-test to post-test. This
(Marianca et al., 2022), (Julaiha et al., 2022), (Luruk et indicates that the application of picture learning media is
al., 2021), (Dawamuddin, 2021) and can be include that, quite successful in improving the quality or stock of
the implementation of picture as a learning media students' vocabulary. This is because the use of image-
improving the quality of planning, implementation of based learning media really attracts students' attention, in
learning and the results of children's vocabulary mastery addition, image or photo media is the media most often
has been achieved well. used by a teacher, because this media is easy to
In addition, all the data that has been obtained understand and can be enjoyed, easy to get and found
from the research results are grouped based on the everywhere and many provide an explanation when
results of the pre-test and post-test. Where from the compared with words. Submission of subject matter
results of this grouping it can be seen that there is an using certain images is an attraction in itself for students,
increase in the results from the pre-test to the post-test, so the use of images must be in accordance with the
this increase cannot be separated from the role of subject matter being taught and the desired goals. In
treatment, namely the picture that is applied after the addition, the use of images in the learning process is
pre-test is given. In its application, picture or treatment very dependent on the creativity and initiative of the
as a learning medium is applied after the third meeting is teacher. Teaching English vocabulary to grade VII
over. During the first to third meetings, it was found that students is important because it introduces meanings or
the vocabulary stock of students in grade VII was still forms found in foreign vocabulary. In addition, teaching
very minimal. This was found when the pre-test was English vocabulary is very important to learn the basics
given to students, besides that, observations during so that students will be familiar with the vocabulary that
learning activities also showed the same thing. will grow in the future. Based on this, the findings from
After the implementation of picture as a the pre-test and post-test of this study support several
treatment in increasing students' vocabulary stock, there studies that have the same result on the application of
was an increase in students' vocabulary. The application picture as a medium for learning vocabulary.
of this picture was carried out at the fourth meeting after Talking about the findings, based on further
the pre-test was given to students. In its application, this calculations on each score that has been obtained by
picture is used as a medium for teaching vocabulary to students starting from the pre-test and post-test which
students, where the picture is a pictures about animals, shows an increase, it is necessary to compare the results
things around the school, part of the body, and also of each test. This comparison is carried out using the
combined with several things related to the type in part mean formula according to what has been previously
of speech. This makes students interested in the pictures determined. This comparison will later provide a more
that have been provided, in line with (Ristyani & detailed description of the significant differences in
Nurhayati, 2020), (Liando et al., 2021), (Mozes & student test results.
Liando, 2020), (Agama & Singaraja, 2020), (Kurniati et
Table 2
al., 2020) and (Nurdini, 2018).
Mean score of both tests
Pre-test Post-test
Table 1
Presentation of the Data (O1) 793 (O2) 1.223
Students Score (O1) Score (O2) Gain N 15 N 15
1 56 80 24 Mean score 52.87 Mean score 81.53
2 45 80 35 Source: processed data
3 57 80 23
4 54 85 31 The results of the comparison of each test
5 50 80 30 provide a very clear picture of the improvement
6 65 85 20 experienced by students after the application of the
7 58 80 22 picture as a learning medium. Where there were
8 55 86 31 approximately 15 students who took part in this research
9 45 80 35 and conducted 8 meetings, it had a positive impact on
Nihta Vera Frelly Liando et al., Pictures as a Learning Media in Teaching Vocabulary
the vocabulary of students. This of course gives the speech. With inadequate conditions and media,
teacher a new direction in terms of how to deal with children's vocabulary mastery is also still very minimal.
students who have insufficient stock of vocabulary, with Less interesting media also causes students to often feel
the application of images as a medium for teaching bored and less enthusiastic about participating in
vocabulary learning becomes increasingly attractive and learning (Zulkifli, 2019) and (Marianca et al., 2022).
enthusiastic for students. The use of appropriate learning This is shown by students just flipping through books
media by the teacher can make it easier for students to and students are playing with pencil cases or other
learn English, especially vocabulary. Because, the use of objects.
conventional methods such as books, of course, will not In line with that, the media has expanded or
attract the attention of students. The use of books which extended students' ability to feel something (hear, smell,
are mostly filled with long sentences and monotonous hear, and so on). This media is the equipment used to
verbal explanations by the teacher will make it difficult assist or facilitate the learning process (Sari & Putri,
for students to learn English, especially vocabulary. 2018). Picture is a visual media that is not projected.
Language skills are very important so that This picture is used to provide an overview of something
students can communicate well. The purpose of related to the subject matter that will be taught by
language skills is so that students are able to express students so that the teacher's explanation is more
their thoughts to other people or their own friends concrete (Luruk et al., 2021). Instead of just using
(Andries et al., 2019). Whether or not students' language words, through pictures people can translate abstract
skills are of course influenced by the quantity and ideas into a more realistic form. Pictures are teaching
quality of the vocabulary possessed by the students aids that can clarify the meaning of a word, in addition
themselves (Lengkoan et al., 2019). The better the to pictures of objects, pictures can also be in the form of
quantity and quality of the vocabulary possessed by diagrams.
students, the better the students' language skills. Pictures are very important to use in an effort to
Learning media plays an important role as a supporter in clarify understanding that students can pay more
learning activities. In accordance with the problems that attention to objects or things that they have never seen
exist in the research subject, in the process of learning related to the lesson. Pictures can help teachers in
(Zulkifli, 2019) mentioned that vocabulary requires achieving instructional goals, because pictures include
media so that the messages conveyed in learning can be media that are easy and inexpensive and have great
absorbed as much as possible. The main purpose of meaning to enhance the value of teaching (Octaberlina &
using media is that the message or information Anggarini, 2020). Pictures can also provide experiences
communicated can be absorbed as much as possible by and understanding of students to be wider, clearer, and
students (Dawamuddin, 2021). Based on the problems not easily forgotten, and more concrete in the memories
encountered, it is necessary to have a variety of media and associations of students. As for the benefits of
used. Variations of learning media are used to improve picture media in the instructional process is the delivery
children's vocabulary mastery, especially vocabulary and explanation of information, messages, ideas, and so
mastery on body parts and objects. It is necessary to on can give messages (Dawamuddin, 2021).
improve vocabulary mastery so that students can In addition, Picture media can also help teachers
communicate fluently and the language development of in achieving goals instructional, including learning to
students is not left behind. master basic vocabulary, because pictures are media that
Knowledge of vocabulary is basic and very are easy to obtain and inexpensive but very useful for
important for students to master to communicate enhancing the value of teaching. Because pictures the
(Kurniati et al., 2020). The more vocabulary a student experience and understanding of the picture becomes
has, the more likely it is that the student is skilled in distinctive, clearer, not easily forgotten, and concrete in
language or communication. In addition, communication the memory and association of students so that it is very
will also be well established and the message conveyed suitable for use in mastering vocabulary for beginners
can be well received (Liando & Tatipang, 2022). and basic (Julaiha et al., 2022). In essence, language
Therefore, vocabulary must be owned by everyone to learning is learning to communicate. Therefore, the main
communicate in order to facilitate the process of goal of learning English is directed at improving
delivering and receiving information. The process of students' ability to communicate in English, both orally
learning vocabulary mastery in schools has not yet and in writing, of course with an adequate vocabulary
utilized interesting, fun and less varied learning media. (Nurdini, 2018). The definition of communication in
The media used were limited to package books, pictures question is understanding and expressing information,
in coloring books and pictures printed by the teacher. thoughts, feelings and developing science, technology,
The activities carried out in learning also do not attract and culture by using English vocabulary. Teachers can
the attention of students where when the picture is also make cards with pictures and cards with words, for
shown then the teacher tells what the name of the object play use. It makes it easier for students to practice their
is in the picture, then students are asked to imitate his
Nihta Vera Frelly Liando et al., Pictures as a Learning Media in Teaching Vocabulary
vocabulary. This media can be done in pairs or in dependent on the creativity and initiative of the teachers
groups. themselves. Although it is almost impossible to adopt
If students have mastered vocabulary well, then the whole picture media method, the teacher can adapt to
they will be able to master language skills and other the phases of the picture media method to be used to
language elements. Learning vocabulary with picture improve understanding of the material. The use of
media is one of the answers to make it easier for students images should be taken into consideration in order to
to master vocabulary (Sari & Putri, 2018). With pictures optimize the function of the right and left brain in
as learning media, students will be more relaxed and learning English. As well as a warm classroom
active in learning. Vocabulary learning so far is still arrangement in order to arouse students' interest in
relatively limited, due to the lack of variety of learning learning and the authority of the teacher as a teacher
media used. Vocabulary mastery is very important for should begin to build harmonious teaching conditions as
students to know and add new information and insights presented in the image media method so that an active
(Agama & Singaraja, 2020). Vocabulary must also be and conducive learning climate occurs. Schools as a
continuously expanded, expanded, considering the place where the learning process takes place should play
increasingly rapid development of English both in terms an important role in the development of the student
of form and meaning. The students' vocabulary mastery learning process. Through the instructions of the
ability is relatively limited, caused by the use of media principal, the school should ideally be able to provide
that is not in accordance with students' interests. This new breakthroughs for students to be more advanced and
must be addressed immediately by improving the use of interested in English learning activities. One of them
appropriate teacher learning media by taking into involves the breakthrough of the image media method in
account the wishes and needs of students according to the learning process considering the results of research
their ability level. The use of media is still limited, this that describe significant changes to student learning
needs to be overcome by providing media to attract interests and student learning abilities, although
students' attention, so that students feel less interested technical constraints also need to be considered.
and less enthusiastic in participating in learning.
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