Poster Anveshan Project
Poster Anveshan Project
Poster Anveshan Project
The stars are born in huge clouds of dust and intergalactic
material mainly contain hydrogen gaseous molecules and
nuclear fusion (H burning of atoms) process in the core of
the system and it provides thermal outward pressure in the
space and time. A star maintains a balance between
gravitational pull and the outward pressures from nuclear
fusion, keeping it stable in equilibrium. But once the
outward thermal pressure decreases, gravity causes the
star to contract and collapse inward. This contraction
phenomenon is known as Gravitational Collapse[1].
The gravitational collapse of a massive star under its own
gravity represents a very crucial and fascinating problem in
astrophysics and cosmology, leading to the formation of
stellar objects such as white dwarf, Neutron star, Black
holes(BH), Naked singularity(NS) etc. These end-states of
gravitational collapse, predicted within the frameworks of
general relativity (GR) and modified gravity theories, offer
profound insights into the nature of spacetime and
fundamental physics.
Recent progress in theoretical and observational
astrophysics has significantly advanced our understanding
of stellar collapse and its outcomes[2,3]. However, many
questions remain unanswered, particularly regarding the
physical viability of BH and NS, their observational
signatures, and their role in astrophysical processes. These
inquiries are essential for refining our understanding of
collapsing stars, their true end stage, testing the limits of
Objective of the the implications of modified gravity
GR, and exploring
“What happens to a massive star after it exhausts its nuclear fuel and undergoes catastrophic gravitational
collapse under its own gravity? How does this phenomenon affect our understanding of gravitational theory, and
what are its observational implications for high-energy astrophysical phenomena of stars ?”
The answer to this question has to come from the GR theory, and unfortunately this remains an unsolved
Investigating the formation of singularities in the collapsing phase of stellar systems under both homogeneous
and inhomogeneous gravitational conditions, and presenting a suitable model that integrates established
astrophysical stellar data.
The exploration of exact solutions and studies on singularity formation within the realm of GR and modified
gravity theories, and astrophysical implications.
To use the recent observations of the BH shadows by the EHT collaboration[5], and the detection of the
gravitational waves by the LIGO-VIRGO collaboration[6] in our model and discuss physical viability of solutions.
To discuss the simulation of model by employing the Markov-Chain-Monte-Carlo(MCMC) analysis