SAP FICO Tutorial
SAP FICO Tutorial
SAP FICO Tutorial
SAP FICO tutorial – Free SAP FI & SAP CO training tutorials, learn how to
implement and configure SAP FI (Financial Accounting) and SAP CO
(Controlling) module step by step with real time project scenarios and issues.
This SAP FICO training tutorials are designed for all beginning and
professionals learners that helps to boost your knowledge on SAP FICO
FICO training
SAP FICO stand for Financial Accounting and Controlling, it is one of the
important module of SAP R/3 system that handles all the financial activities
of an organization. SAP FI module maintains the day to day financial
transactions on real time basis and generates the reports for external
purpose. SAP CO module is used for organizational internal reporting purpose
and provides the information for the management for effective decision
SAP FICO module can be integrated with other SAP modules such as sales &
distribution module, Human resource management, Production
planning, Material Management, Project systems, etc. Posting that are made
in these SAP modules with financials implications that replicates the data in
FICO module on real time basis.
Real time FI & CO module issues and scenarios with examples &
Certification guide
Refer SAP FI & CO tutorials step by step as per syllabus wise, so it helps you
to learn SAP FICO module in an easy method.
Step 1 : Enter Transaction code “OX15” in the SAP commend field as shown
below image and enter to continue.
Detailed Information
Country: – Here you need to updated country key. e.g. for India – IN,
For United State – US, etc.
Note:- You can choose keys from the list for City, Language and Currency by
pressing F4 key from your keyboard.
Step 4: After updating all the required details, click on save button to save
the company details. Now you are prompted for customizing request, click on
new entries button to create new customizing request.
Now update description of customizing request and press enter to continue.
Here we have updated description as SAP FICO configuration.
In this SAP tutorials we will learn what is company code in SAP and how to
define company code “TK01″(TK Software limited) step by step using
recommended configuration settings.
Step 1) Enter transaction code “OX02” in the SAP commend field and enter
to continue.
Step 3) On new entries company code screen, update the following details.
Country: – Enter the name of country. Press F4 for possible entries and
you can select the code from the list.
Now the system prompts the another screen to update the full address of
company. Update all the required address details of company and press enter
to save the data.
Step 5) Now you get the transport request number, save the request. slot
garansi kekalahan
Successfully company code “TK01” is created in SAP system. Continue to
learn how to assign company code to company in SAP.
In this SAP tutorial you will learn procedure to assign company code to
company in SAP. After successfully creation of company code and company
in SAP, you need to assign company code company in SAP system.
Why Assignment
The link between company and company code in SAP is established through
a assignment of company code to company.
Configuration steps
You can assign by using one of the navigation method or transaction code.
Step 1) Enter Transaction code “OX16” in the SAP command field and press
enter to continue.
To post items in business area, you need to enter business area when
you enter the business transactions.
Step 1) Enter transaction code “OX03” in the SAP command field and enter
to continue.
Business Area: – Give the four digits key that identifies that business
area in SAP.
Bangalore Business
Hyderabad Business
Mumbai Business
Vijayawada Business
Step 4) After updating the details, click on save button to save the
configured business areas data.
Now you are prompted for customizing request number, choose request and
save the details.
Successfully we have created new business areas in SAP.
o G/L account
o Cost element
o Cost center
o Orders
TK11 Production
TK12 Administration
TK13 Sales
You can define functional area in SAP by using any one of navigation method
or transaction code.
Step 2) From process functional area screen, enter the four digits key that
identities functional area in SAP and click on create functional area button to
define the functional areas as per the organizational requirements.
In this SAP tutorials you will learn what is credit control area and how to
define credit control area in SAP FICO step by step with real time scenario.
A credit control area can consists one or more company codes, but you can
not assign company code to more than one credit control area in SAP.
Credit Control Area for TK
Step 1) Enter T-Code “OB45” in the SAP command field and enter.
Step 3) On new entries credit control area screen, update the following
Credit Limit: – Under this field, you need to maintain credit limits for
After updating the required details, click on save button to save the
configured detail.
Step 4) Now go back to main credit control area screen, click on position
button and give credit control key. So your credit control area key display at
the top of window screen.
Step 5) Update the descriptive text of credit control area and click on save
button to save the details.
Successfully we have defined credit control area in SAP. Next configuration
step is assignment of credit control area to company code in SAP.
In this SAP tutorial you will learn how to assign credit control area to
company code in SAP step by step. In our previous SAP tutorials we have
configured how to define credit control area in SAP.
Note: – After you define credit control area in SAP, it is mandatory to assign
to company code. Ensure that appropriate credit limit is specified in credit
control area, so you can determine credit limits via Accounts Receivable.
The link between credit control area and company code in SAP system is
established through the assignment of credit control area to company code.
You can assign credit control area to company code in SAP by using
navigation method or transaction code.
Step 1) Enter T-code “OB38” in the SAP command field and enter.
Step 2) On change view “Assign company code –>Credit control area“:
overview, click on position button and update your company code in the
given filed and press enter.
Step 3) Now your company code “TK01” display at the top of window
screen. Now update the credit control area key against your company code.
In this tutorial you will learn how to maintain financial management area in
SAP Fico step by step. We are going to implement the following FM areas in
FM FM area
FM area text
Area Currency
You can assign one or more company codes to a FM area in SAP. The financial
management area is taken from the company when assign company code to
an FM area in SAP.
Implementation process
You can maintain FM area in SAP by using navigation method or transaction
Step 1) Enter transaction code “OF01” in the SAP command field and enter
to continue.
FM Area: – Give the four alphanumeric key that identifies the Financial
Management Area in SAP.
Step 4) Now you are prompted for customise request number to save the
FM area in SAP, choose request number and save the details.
In this SAP tutorials, you will learn how to assign company code to financial
management area in SAP. After configuration of FM area in SAP, you need to
assign company code to FM area. The link between company
code and financial management area is established through the assignment.
Configuration steps
You can assign company code to FM area by using the following navigation
path method.
Transaction code: – SPRO
Step 1) Enter Transaction code “SPRO” in the sap command field and enter
to continue.
Step 3) On display IMG screen, follow the path and click on “Assign company
code to financial management area”
Step 6) After updating the details, click on save button and save the
configured details.
Successfully we have assigned company code to financial management area
In this SAP tutorials, you will lean how to implement segment in SAP FICO
module step by step with scenarios.
What is Segment?
TK Corporation
All the company codes can use same set of accounts, that means
account coding is same for all company codes. For e.g. Salary account
number. we can easily compare and consolidate.
3. Maintenance Language
You can create chart of accounts in SAP FICO by using one of the following
Step 1) Enter T Code “OB13” in the SAP command field and enter.
In this SAP tutorials, you will learn how to assign company code to chart of
accounts in SAP FICO step by step. In our previous SAP training we have
learned what is chart of accounts and how to create COA in SAP. After
creation of chart of accounts, it is mandatory to assign company code. The
link between company code and chart of accounts is established through the
assignment of company code to chart of accounts in SAP.
Configuration steps
You can assign company code to chart of accounts in SAP by using one of the
following method.
Menu Path: – SPRO –> IMG –> Financial Accounting –> G/L Accounting
–> GL Accounts –> Master Data –> Preparations –> Assign company
code to chart of accounts.
Step 1) Enter T- Code “OB62” in the SAP command field and enter.
Step 2) On change view “Assign company code –> chart of accounts”
overivew screen, select position option and now enter company code in the
given field. Now your company code displays on the top of screen.
In SAP, Fiscal year variant (FYV) is a variant that controls parameters for a
financial year, such as managing financial accounting year and posting
period variants to open and close posting periods. Fiscal year is also known
as accounting year, for example accounting period April 2017 to March 2018
we call as year 2017-18. In SAP we call as Fiscal year 2017.
–> Financial accounting period is also called as “fiscal year” which consists of
12 periods (1 month = 1 period).
–> When you post the transactions in SAP R/3 system, than the transactions
are assigned and updated to a particular posting period.
Step 1) Enter T Code “OB29” in the SAP command field and enter.
Step 2) Select position button and update V3 fiscal year variant. Press enter
to continue.
Step 3) Select V3 fiscal variant key and double click on periods folder.
Step 4) Now check calendar month, calendar day, period and year shift. You
can use this FYV in SAP or you can create new variant as per your
How to create new fiscal year variant in SAP
FV: – Enter the 2 digits alphanumeric key that identifies the fiscal year
variant in SAP.
Now select your request number, press enter to save in your request.
Step 3) Select fiscal variant key T3 and double click on periods folder.
1 31 10 -1
2 28 11 -1
3 31 12 -1
4 30 1 0
5 31 2 0
6 30 3 0
7 31 4 0
8 31 5 0
9 30 6 0
10 31 7 0
11 30 8 0
12 31 9 0
Note: For 4th month i.e. April we have updated period as 1, for 5th month as
2, so that SAP system take fiscal year as April – March.
Click on save button and save the configured fiscal year details.
If you select year dependent check box than the SAP system will ask
for which calendar year the conversion is applicable. If you specify
2015, than conversion is applicable for only that particular year and we
need to define conversion for every ever. By deselecting this year-
dependent check box the conversion is applicable for all years.
If you select calendar check box, than the SAP system takes January as
period 1, February as period 2 and so on. Here our requirements is
April should be period 1, May should be period 2 and so on. So we need
to deselect the calendar check box.
The account number rage interval from which the account number is
selected when you are creating general ledger master record.
With in account group you can prepare accounts with in number range. For
example you can prepare cash accounts with any account number for current
assets number range 200000 -200099.
Why we need to follow accounts within series – When the user posting to
salaries account, which is an expenditure account. At the time of posting
when he give *4, only expenditure accounts appears in the list.
TKCA ACBL 100200 100299
Increase / Decrease
TKCA INCR 300200 300299
in Stock
Raw Material
TKCA RMCN 400000 400099
You can define account groups in SAP by using one of the following
navigation method
Step 1) Enter T Code “OBD4” in the SAP command field and enter.
Step 2) On change view “G/L Account Groups” overview screen, click on new
entries to maintain the accounts.
Step 3) On new entries account group screen, update the following details.
Chrt/Accts: – Give the chart of accounts key for which you are creating
account group in SAP.
Acct Group: – Enter the account group key, you are allowed up to 4
Now select your customizing request number and press enter to save the
configured details in your request.
Successfully we have defined account group in SAP.
In this SAP tutorials, you will learn what is retained earnings accounts and
how to create retained earnings account in SAP FICO step by step with real
time scenarios.
In the year end, retained earnings account enables to transfer all the profit &
loss account balances to surplus in profit and loss account. Same way all the
balance sheet account balances are carry forwarded to next fiscal year as
opening balance.
You can define retained earnings account by using one of the following
navigation method.
Menu Path: – SPRO > SAP IMG > Financial Accounting > General ledger
accounting >G/L Accounts > Master data >Preparations > Define
retained earnings account.
Step 1) Enter SAP T-Code “OB53” in the command field and enter.
Step 2) Now a pop of window display for entering your chart of accounts.
Enter chart of accounts key “TKCA” and press enter to continue.
Step 3) On configuration accounting maintain : Automatic Posts – Accounts
screen, update the following details.
P&L statement acct type: – Update the P&L statement account type as
Step 4) Click on save button, now you get a message as “Account 100100
not created in chart of accounts TKCA”
Ignore the warning message, press enter to continue. Now you are prompted
for customizing request number, select your request and press enter to save
in your request.
Posting period variant (PPV) is an variant that controls to open and close
the posting periods for entries.
During fiscal year 2016, Company TK01 has declared the profitability to its
managements and public up to first quarter i.e 3oth June, 2016. After
declaration of profitability, the profit figures should not be changed.
If we open open periods April 2016 to March 2017, if users posts any
transactions with April date then the profitability figures declared will be
changes. So the SAP consultant close the posting periods from 1st April,
2016 to 30th June, 2016 and open posting periods from 1st July, 2016 to 31st
March, 2017.
So the users can post entries from July 16 to March 17, this is called as
open and close posting periods.
You can define posting period variant in SAP by using one of the following
navigation method.
Menu Path: – SPRO > IMG > Financial Accounting > Financial
Accounting Global Settings > Document > Posting periods > Define
variants for open posting periods.
Step 1) Enter transaction code “OBBO” in the SAP command field and enter.
Step 2) On change view “posting periods: define variants”: overview screen,
click on new entries button to create variants for open posting periods in SAP.
Variant: – Enter the 4 digits key that identifies the posting period
variant in SAP.
Step 4) After updating the details, click on save button and save the
configured variant details.
In this SAP tutorials, you will learn what is field status group and how to
define field status variants in SAP.
During document entry, field status group controls which fields are
required for entry and which fields are set to optional and suppress. The field
status groups are available under field status variant and it will be assigned
to company codes in SAP.
At the time of posting on the SAP screen, we get 70 fields approximately like
quantity, Text, Cost Center, profit center, value, date, etc.
For any postings we will have a debit entries and credit entries, so we will
have 75 debit fields and 75 credit fields. It is not easy to update all the 150
fields and post a document. In order to overcome this issue, SAP has
provided the option to make the fields as required, optional and suppress.
Example : – Quantity
The field selection is not common for all accounts, it varies from account to
account. For example for sales account quantity is required and for salaries
account quantity is not required.
At the time of postings, the users gives G/L account number. The fields
appears on the screen based on field status groups assigned to G/L.
In system, SAP has already provided pre configured field status groups. As
per organizational requirements, we can copy and change the name of
Transaction code: – OBC4
Step 1) Enter transaction code “OBC4” in the SAP command field and enter
to continue.
Step 2) On change view “field status variants” overview screen, select the
FSTV 0001 and than select the copy as button.
Step 3) Now change the variant name to TKFV and name to Field status for
TKFV. Press enter to continue
Step 4) Now the system asks you to copy all or only copy entry, select copy
all option.
Step 5) We get a message number of dependent entries copied: 41, press
enter to continue.
Step 6) Click on save button and than select the request number, save the
configured field status variants details.
Go back to main screen, select field status variant and double click on “Field
status groups”.
Double click on field status group “G001” i.e. General (with text allocation).
In this SAP tutorials, you will lean how to assign field status variant to
company Code in SAP fico. In our previous training we have learned how
to define field status variants and field status groups in SAP. The link
between company code and field status variant is established through the
Also Read:
Configuration steps
You can assign field status variants to company code by using the following
Menu Path: – SPRO –> IMG –> Financial Accounting (New) –> Financial
Accounting Global Settings (New) –> Ledgers –> Fields –> Assign
company code to field status variants.
Step 1) Enter SAP T code “OBC5” in the SAP command field and press enter
to continue.
Step 2) On change view “Assign company codes –> Field status variant”
overview screen, click on position button and enter your company code in
the given field. So your company code display on top of the screen and it will
be easy to assign your company code.
Step 3) For company code “TK01” assign field status variant “TKFV”.
Step 4) Click on save button and save the configured assignment details.
In this SAP FICO tutorials, you will learn how to define open and close posting
periods variant in SAP.
In SAP, Open and close posting periods variant enables to open the
current posting periods and other posting periods remains in closed. It
controls what are the posting periods to open and close for
entries. Through posting period variant, you can determine which company
codes are open for posting period.
Fr Fr Fr
To To To
o o Y Y o Y Y A
V Ac P P
m m e e m e e u
ar A co er er
A p a a p a a G
. un io io
c er r r er r r r
t d d
ct .1 .2
T 2 2 2 2
K 0 0 1 0 0
+ 4 12 16
P 1 1 3 1 1
V 6 6 6 6
This is one of the important job in real time and only authorised persons are
allowed to control open and close posting periods in SAP. This is a manager
level job and only authorised consultant allowed to perform open and close
You can define variants for open and close posting period by using one of the
following navigation method.
Menu Path: –SPRO –> IMG –> Financial Accounting (New) –> Financial
Accounting Global Settings (New) –> Ledgers -> Fiscal year and
posting periods –> Posting Periods –> open and close posting periods.
Step 1) Enter SAP Transaction Code “OB52” in the sap command field and
Step 2) On change view “Posting periods: specify time intervals” overview
screen, click on new entries to define new open and close posting periods
variant as per company requirements.
A: – A stands for account type, you need to choose accounting type from the
A = Assets
D = Customers
K = Vendors
M = Materials
S = G/L Accounts
To Account: – For + account type, keep field as blank and other account
types you need to update account.
To Period: – This is optional field. To open in SAP from July 2016 to April,
2017 we can represent as 2016.
Year: -This field is for special period, update the year.
AuGr: – In this field, you can assign authorized person id to handle this job.
When June 2016 profitability is released, we have to open posting periods
from July 16 to March 17. Similarly when July 2016 profitability is released we
need to open posting periods from Aug 16 to Mar 17. So every month you
need to perform this job task. To avoid misuse, sap has given authorised
group. So authorised person can open and close posting periods.
After updating all the details, click on save button and save the configured
Note: – If you want to open posting periods from August 2016 to April 2017,
you can edit from period 1 to 5. So posting periods from April 16 to July 16
are closed and posting periods from Aug 16 to April 17 are opened.
Successfully we have defined open and close posting periods variant in SAP.
In this SAP tutorials, you will learn how to define tolerance groups for G/L
accounts in SAP. In our previous training tutorial you have learned how to
define field status variants and field status groups in SAP.
In real time business scenario, tolerance groups allows the SAP system to
process and post the transactions beyond the tolerance groups limits.
Tolerances are referred as payment differences, it can be a amount
tolerance, percentage tolerance, and debit & credit tolerance.
Also Read: –
Implementation steps
You can maintain tolerance groups for G/L accounts by using one of the
following navigation method.
Menu Path: – SPRO –> IMG –> Financial Accounting –> G/L Accounting
(New) –> Business Transactions –> Open Item Clearing –> Clearing
differences –> Define tolerance groups for G/L accounts.
Step 1) Enter T-Code “OBA0” in the SAP command field and enter.
In this SAP Fico tutorials you will learn how to define tolerance groups for
employees in SAP. In our previous SAP training tutorial we have learned how
to define tolerance groups for G/L accounts in SAP.
Tolerance groups for employees in SAP determines the upper limits for
postings as per
Cash discount
Payment differences.
Scenario: – If we have 10,000 users and we have create account for every
user which takes lot of time. In order to overcome this issue SAP has
developed tolerance groups. We can define as many as tolerance groups for
employees as per organizational requirements and assign with tolerance
limits. The SAP system doesn’t allow the postings beyond their limits.
For example
Group Group
Group C
-A B
Payment difference 0 0 0
Menu Path: – SPRO >> IMG >> Financial Accounting (New) >>
Financial Accounting Global Settings (New) >> Document >>
Tolerance groups >> Define tolerance groups for employees.
Step 1) Enter T-Code “OBA4” in the SAP command field and enter to
Step 2) On change view “FI Tolerance Groups For Users” screen, click on
new entries button to create tolerance groups for employees.
Step 3) On new entries screen, update the following details.
Group: – For practice purpose, let use same tolerance group for all
company codes, so it is recommended to use blank tolerance group.
Amount per open item account: – Enter maximum amount per line
Cash discount per line item: – Update the maximum cash discount
Tk02 Export Customers
Step 1) Enter T-Code “OBD2” in the SAP command and enter from keyboard
Account group: – Update the key that identifies the customers account
group in SAP. You are allowed to enter up to 4 alpha numeric digits.
Click on save button, choose customize request and save the configured
Step 4) Now double click on “General Data” option. General data is all
related to common information of the customers.
Now double click on the sub groups and set the field status of the fields as
the optional, suppressed, required and display.
Note: – Based on the fields selection, you are prompted the fields when you
are creating the customer master record.
After maintaining the field status fields for customer accounts general data,
return back to main screen by pressing function F3 key or back button.
Step 5) Now double click on company code data and double click on sub
groups of company code for maintaining the field status of the fields of
company code as optional, suppress, required and display.
Step 6) Now double click on sales data for maintaining the field status group
related to SAP SD data. Double click on sub groups of sales data and make
fields as optional, required, display as per the requirements.
Click on save button and save the configured customer account groups
The following SAP tutorials guides you an overview of how to create number
ranges for customer account groups in SAP using transaction code XDN1 or
menu path. In our previous training tutorials we have learned how to create
customer account groups in SAP.
Transaction code: – XDN1
Step 1) Enter Transaction code “XDN1” in the sap command field and press
enter to continue.
No: – Update the two digits key that defines the customer accounts
number range intervals serial number.
In this SAP tutorials, you will learn how to assign number ranges to customer
account groups step by step by using transaction code OBAR. In our previous
training tutorial, we have learned how to create customer account groups in
Configuration steps
You can assign number range intervals to customer account groups by using
one of the following navigation method.
Assignment Procedure
Step 1) Enter T-Code “OBAR” in the SAP command field and press enter.
Step 2) On change view “Assign Customer Acct Groups –> Number Range
overview screen, click on position button and enter customer account group
key in the given field. So the customer account group key displays on top of
the screen.
Step 3) Now update the customer account group number range interval “TK”
in the field number range as shown below.
Step 4) Now you are prompted for customizing request number, choose the
request and save the assigned details.
Successfully we have assigned number ranges to customer account groups
in SAP.
In this SAP tutorials, we will discuss what is risk category and how to define
risk categories in SAP step by step using transaction code OB01.
With the help of risk category, you can divide the customers in to various
categories like low risk customers, medium risk customer, high risk
customers, etc. SAP system decides the action that should be taken when
the customer reaches the credit limit. When a customer assigned to high risk
category, than the customer get blocked for further purchasing until
receivable amounts are paid. Through risk categories, system automatically
determines the high risk categories and enables in blocking customers for
further purchases.
Configuration details
You define risk categories in SAP by using one of the following navigation
method i.e. Transaction code & Menu Path.
R/3 Role Define risk categories
Risk Category : – Enter the new three digits key that defines as risk
category in SAP
CCAr : – Update the credit control area key in CCAr field. This
assignment enables link between risk category and credit control area
in SAP.
Tolerance group enables the users to process transaction with the payment
difference of gain or loss that defined as per tolerance group for customers
and vendors in SAP.
In this SAP tutorials, you will learn how to define tolerance group for
customers and vendors in SAP systems. In our previous training we have
learned how to assign number ranges to customer account groups in SAP.
Configuration steps
Menu Path: – SPRO > SAP Reference IMG > SAP Customizing
Implementation guide –> Financial Accounting (New) —> Accounts
Receivable & Accounts Payable —-> Business Transactions —–>
Outgoing Payments ——> Manual Outgoing Payments ——-> Define
Tolerances for customers and vendors.
Step 1) Enter T- code “OBA3” in the SAP commend field and enter.
1. Company Code: – Update the company code for which you would like
to define tolerance groups.
After maintaining all the required details of customer and vendor tolerances,
click on save button and save the implemented tolerance group details.
Step 2) On Edit G/L Account Centrally screen, update the following details.
Enter the general ledger account in the field G/L account to create the
sundry debtors a/c in SAP.
Enter the company code “TK01” under which company code that the
G/L account to be created.
1. Account Group: – Choose the account group that the G/L account
belongs to.
3. Description: – Update the G/L account short text and long description
as Sundry Debtors.
Step 6) After maintaining all the required details for sundry debtors, click on
save button.
SAP Accounts Payable Configuration steps
Continue to read free SAP tutorial that guides you how to configure SAP R/3
system step by step with real time scenarios.
In this SAP FICO tutorial you will learn how to define vendor account groups
with screen layout in SAP using transaction code OBD3.
Purpose of Configuration
In this configuration step you determine the account groups for vendors.
Configuration values
One Time
R/3 Role Define account groups with screen layout (Vendor)
Configuration Steps
Step 1 : – Enter t-code “OBD3” in the SAP commend field and enter.
Step 2 : – On change view “vendor account groups” overview screen, click on
new entries button for creation of new vendor account group in SAP as per
Account group : – Update the four digit key that identifies the vendor
account group in SAP.
In this SAP FICO tutorial, you create a number ranges for vendor accounts.
When you are creating vendor accounts using transaction code XK01, the
number is assigned to vendor accounts based on the number ranges that
you have configured. To do this, we need to define two digits alpha numeric
A number interval from which the account number for the vendor
accounts is to be selected.
N To NR Ex
From No.
o Number Status t
00000050 00000059
00 99
00000060 00000069
00 99
00000070 00000079
00 99
00000080 00000089
T4 X
00 99
Configuration steps
Step 1 : – Enter SAP T-code “XKN1” in the commend field and press enter to
Ext : – Check this option only if the number range interval is applicable
for external assignment.
After maintaining all the required details, choose save button and save the
configured details.
Select number range interval and click on delete line option or pressing
function key F7.
You are not allowed to delete the number ranges intervals of vendor if the
vendor accounts are already created under that interval. The system throws
an error as deletion only possible if status is initial.
In this SAP FICO Tutorial, you will learn how to assign number ranges to
vendor account groups in SAP. After configuration of vendor account groups
and number ranges for vendor accounts, you need to assign this number
ranges to vendor accounts.
Configuration Values
Grou Number
p Range
T001 Domestic T1
One Time
T003 T3
Purpose of configuration
You can assign one number ranges to one or more vendor account groups in
SAP as per organization requirements. Based on the number range
assignment, the unique number is assigned to a vendor account.
You can assign number ranges to vendor account groups in SAP using
transaction code OBAS or IMG menu path. Refer below procedure steps for
assignment configuration steps.
n Code
Step 1 : – Enter SAP transaction code “OBAS” in the SAP commend field and
Now assign number range key T1 for T001 (domestic vendors) as shown
below image.
You can maintain payment terms in SAP by using transaction code OBB8 or
IMG menu path.
Maintain Payment Terms in SAP
Role Menu
In this SAP FICO tutorial, you will learn how to maintain payment terms in
SAP step by step using transaction code OBB8.
Configuration Values
Step 1 : – Enter transaction code “OBB8” in the SAP commend field and
1. Payt Terms : – Update the four digits key that identifies as terms of
payment in SAP – TP06
3. Account Type : – Choose the account type that the payment term is
applicable for. If this payment term if for vendor accounts choose
vendor option or for customer accounts choose customer option.
Choose both account type to use this payment terms for both customer
and vendor accounts.
4. Default for baseline data : – Choose the baseline date based on the
requirements and the possible entries are No default, posting date,
document date and entry date.
In this SAP FICO tutorial you will learn how to define accounts for cash
discount taken in SAP step by step using transaction code OBXV.
Purpose of configuration
Through this SAP configuration you define the G/L account numbers for your
cash discount received accounts. The SAP system posts the cash discount
amount to this G/L account when you are clearing the open items. Discounts
are to be adjusted to purchases where a cash discounts are to shown under
other income.
Perquisite before assigning G/L accounts to cash discount
Create G/L accounts for cash discounts using transaction code FS00
G/L Account
Account Group
Configuration steps
Define accounts for cash discount taken
Role Menu
Step 1 : – Enter SAP T-code “OBXV” in the commend field and press enter to
A window opens for entering the chart of accounts key, update the chart of
account (COA) and press enter.
Step 2 : – On configuration accounting maintain: accounting posts -rules,
click on accounts key for assignment of G/L accounts for cash discounts.
SPRO > IMG > Financial Accounting > G/L Accounting >
SAP Menu
GL Accounts > Master data > Preparations > G/L Account
creation and processing > Edit GL Account.
Configuration steps
To create vendor reconciliation account in SAP, perform the following
configurations steps.
Step 1 : – Execute t-code “FS00” in command field from SAP easy access
G/L acct long text : – Update G/L account long text as sundry creditors
After maintaining the sundry creditor type details, click on control data tab.
Recon. account for acct type : – Update the reconciliation account for
account type as “Vendor”.
In this SAP FICO tutorial, you will learn how to create vendor master record in
SAP using transaction code XK01.
2. Vendor address
3. Vendor control
You can create vendor master record in SAP by using transaction code or
menu path.
Configuration steps
You can define vendor master record in SAP by performing the following
configuration steps.
Step 1 : – Execute t-code “XK01” in command field from SAP easy access
On create vendor: Control, update the required vendor control details like
account control, Tax information, Reference data, etc.
After maintaining the required vendor control details, press next screen
Country key
Bank key
You can maintain tax calculation procedures in SAP by following one of the
navigation method.
Menu Path: – SPRO –> IMG –> Financial Accounting (New) –> Financial
Accounting Global Settings (New) –> Tax on sales/purchases –> Basic
settings –> Check calculation procedure.
Step 1) Enter transaction code “OBYZ” in the SAP command field and enter.
Procedures: – Enter the four digits key that identifies the tax procedure
in SAP.
After maintaining the details, click on save button and save in your request
Step 5) Now select TKCP procedures row and double click on control data
Step 6) Select new entries button.
Step: – Enter the number (10, 20, 30…) which specifies the sequence
of the conditions within a procedure
Condition type: – Update the condition type key that indicates the
each activity or tax.
20 Input Tax 10 VST – Input Tax
S 0
After maintaining all the required details, click on save button and save the
configured details.
In this SAP tutorials, you will learn how to assign country to calculation
procedure in SAP. In our previous tutorial we have learned how to define tax
procedures in SAP. The link between country and calculation procedure is
established thorough the assignment of country and tax calculation
Configuration Steps
You can assign country to calculation procedure by using one of the following
navigation method.
Step 1) Enter T-code “OBBG” in the SAP command filed and enter.
Step 3) Now country IN displays on top of the screen. Now assign your
calculation procedure to IN.
Step 4) After assignment, click on save button and save in your request.
In previous SAP tutorials you have learned how to define tax procedures step
by step, the next configuration step is assign tax codes for non taxable
transactions in SAP.
Non tax codes are mandatory to maintain in SAP, whenever you are posting
the non taxable transactions to the tax relevant accounts, we need to specify
0% tax codes. Here we are going to configure A0 & V0 0% tax codes and
assign to company code TK01.
Before assigning tax codes for non taxable transactions, we need to define
0% input tax and 0% output tax.
1. A0 – 0% Output Tax
2. V0 – 0% Input Tax
Path: – SPRO > SAP IMG > Financial Accounting (New) –> Financial
Accounting Global Settings (New) –> Tax on Sales/Purchases –>
Calculations –> Define Tax Codes for Sales and Purchases.
Step 3) On maintain tax code: Initial screen, enter tax code that you like to
create. Update as V0 and press enter to continue.
Step 4) In next screen, update tax code description and tax type as V (Input
tax). Press enter to continue.
Step 5) Now update input tax – tax percentage rate as 0.
Click on save and save the configured tax code.
Step 3) In next screen, enter A0 in the tax code field and enter.
Step 4) Update tax code description and tax type key as A, press enter to
Step 5) In next screen, you need to update tax percentage rate and update
it as 0.
Click on save button and save the configured tax code.
Step 2) On change view allocate company code –> Non taxable transactions
overview screen, click on position button and enter your company code in
the given field.
Step 3) Now update 0% input tax code and 0% output tax code in the given
field as shown below.
Successfully we have assigned tax Codes for non taxable transactions in SAP.
In previous SAP tutorials you have learned how to assign tax code for non
taxable transactions, the next important configuration step is define tax
codes for sales and purchases. Here we are going to create new tax codes of
You can maintain tax codes by using the following navigation methods.
IMG path: – SPRO –>SAP IMG –> Financial Accounting (New) –>
Financial Accounting Global Settings (New) –> Tax on Sales/Purchases –
> Calculations –> Define Tax Codes for Sales and Purchases.
Step 2) Enter country key in the given field, as we are creating new tax
codes for country India, show we have updated IN key.
Step 3) Now you need to enter tax code key V5 which is you like to create.
Step 4) On maintain tax code initial screen, update
Note: – Here under percentage rate, only three tax types are displaying i.e.
Base amount, Input tax and Output tax, other tax types are not displaying to
update the tax percentage rates. This is because, we have defined tax
procedure with condition types of Base amount, Input and output tax. You
need to maintain condition types under tax procedure as per the
organization requirements. Further you are allowed to update other tax rate
like excise duty, etc in tax codes.
Click on save button and save the configured Tax code V5 in SAP.
Step 1) Go back to main initial screen, enter tax code A5 in the given field
as shown below image.
Step 2) Update tax code description as 5% Output VAT Tax and tax type as
“A” (Output tax).
Step 3) Now enter tax percentage rate for output tax and press enter to
After maintaining all the required details, click on save button and save the
configured tax code.
Successfully we have created tax code for sales and purchases in SAP.
In this SAP FICO tutorial you will learn how to create bank key in SAP step by
step using transaction code FI01.
Bank key number is optional for country India and mandatory for US. In SAP,
bank key consists detailed address information of bank account with account
Purpose of Configuration
In this activity, you define bank key that consists bank account address,
account number, IFSC code, branch name, etc.
Navigation Path
Transaction FI01
Step 1 : – Enter SAP Tcode “FI01” in the SAP command field and enter.
1. Bank Country : – Update the country key where the bank is located, for
e.g. If bank is located in United States enter country key as US, for
India update as IN.
2. Bank Key: – Update the new bank key that you like to create in SAP,
you are allowed to updated up to 15 alphanumeric characters.
Address: Update the detailed address of bank, here our bank is Axis bank
which is located at electronic city, Bangalore.
Control data
After you update all the required details, click on save button and save the
configured bank key in sap system.
The bank which is used for payment transactions for the company is called
as house bank in SAP. Each house bank of a company code in SAP is
represented by a bank id. You can create bank master record separately and
use it as house bank as per requirements of projects.
Purpose of Configuration
In this activity you define house banks and account id for an organization as
per business requirements. In SAP, house bank consists detailed information
of bank account master record with bank data, communication details, edi
partner profiles, etc.
Navigation Path
You can create/ define house bank in SAP FICO by using the following SAP
menu path and transaction code FI12.
Define House Banks
Role Menu
Step 1 : – Enter SAP transaction code “FI12” in the command field and press
enter to continue.
Step 3 : – On new entries house bank screen, update the following details.
House Bank : – Enter the four digits key that identifies the house bank
Communication data
After updating all the required details, click on save button and save the
configured details.
After successfully creation of house bank in SAP, now you need to configure
account ID. To do this perform the following settings.
On change view bank accounts overview screen, click on new entries button
for creation of bank account details.
On change view bank accounts details overview screen, update the following
Account ID : – Update the key that identifies the house bank account id
in SAP
Maintaining check lots
Role Menu
SPRO > IMG > Financial Accounting > Accounts
Receivable & Accounts Payable > Business transactions >
SAP Menu Outgoing payments > Automatic outgoing payment >
Payment media > check management > define number
ranges for checks.
Configuration steps
Paying company code : – Update the paying company code key i.e.
A window open for creating the check lot number. Update the following
Click on save button and save the configured check lots in SAP.
In this SAP FICO tutorial you will learn how to configure automatic payment
program in SAP using tcode FBZP and how to run payment program for
clearing open items.
Navigation path
Automatic Payment Program Run
Role Menu
Transaction FBZP
4. Choose separate payment per business area check box if you want to
run payment separately for each business area.
5. Update the tolerance days for payable by which cash discount period
for the due date for net payment.
7. If you want to make payments for special G/L transactions like down
payment, advance to vendors, update the special G/L indicator from
the given list.
Click on save button and save the configured company codes payment
transactions details.
5. Separate payment for each ref : – Check this option if you want to
pay separately as per invoice wise.
6. Bill/exch paymt : – Select this option if the payment is made through
bills of exchange.
7. Form for the payment advice : – Choose the payment advice form
the list, press F4 and choose form as per your requirements.
8. Sender details : – Update the details of sender that prints on form i.e.
Text Id, Letter header, footer, etc.
Click on save button and save the configured paying company codes details.
1. Country : – Update the country key that you like to configure payment
On new new entries payment method for company code screen, update the
following details.
1. Paying co. code : – Update the paying company code: TK01
4. Payment per due day : – Choose this option if the company wanted
to make payment as per due date.
After maintaining all the required details of payment methods for company
code, click on save button to save the configured details.
Step 5 : – Set up Bank Determination
1. Ranking Order
2. Bank Accounts
3. Available Amounts
4. Value Date
5. Expenses/Charges
a. Ranking Order
On display view bank selection screen, choose position button and update
your company code in the given field. So your paying company code displays
on top of the screen.
Now choose paying company code “TK01” and double click on ranking order.
Rank Order : – Update the ranking order for making the payments bank
wise: 1
b. Bank Accounts
Double click on bank accounts column and click on new entries button.
On new entries bank accounts screen, update the following details.
After maintaining all the required details, click on save button and save
configured bank accounts in SAP.
Double click on available amounts and click on new entries button for
maintaining the amounts details.
c. Available Amounts
Double click on available amounts column and click on new entries button.
On new entries available amounts screen, update the following details.
Update available for outgoing payment for the account and scheduled
incoming payments. This is used for only evaluation.
Here you can create house bank as per requirements of project. It provides
the detailed information of bank for incoming and outgoing payments. Click
on new entries button and create new house banks as
per client requirements. Refer how to create house banks in SAP.
Depreciation area is two digits alphanumeric key that determines the specific
type of valuations. Depreciation are keys are used in asset master record or
in asset classes.
IMG Path: – SPRO >> SAP Reference IMG >> Financial Accounting >> Asset
Accounting >> Organization Structures >> Copy reference chart of
depreciation / depreciation areas.
Step 1) Enter transaction code “SPRO” in the SAP command field and press
Choose “SAP Reference IMG”
Follow the IMG menu path and click on img activity “copy reference chart of
depreciation/depreciation area”
Step 3) Now copy as screen, you need to update the following details.
From chart of dep: – Update the depreciation chart key that you would
like to copy. Here we are coping values from 0DE (maximum valuation:
Germany) to our new chart of depreciation.
You get a message of Transport number ranges and address, press enter to
Step 4) You get a warning message as “do you really want to transport
number ranges”, click on “Yes” button.
Step 5) Now you are prompted for customizing request, choose your request
and press enter to continue.
Step 6) Press back button (F3 key) and click on “specify Depreciation of
Chart of Dep.”
Select position button and enter your chart of dep. key in the given field, and
enter to continue.
Now update the descriptive text for chart depreciation TKCD and click on
save button to save the configured details.
Step 7) Now press back button (F3) and click on “copy/delete depreciation
Select the chart of depreciation “TKCD” as work area and press enter.
Select unwanted areas and click on delete button to delete the depreciation
Update target group as 0L (Leading Ledger) and click on save button and
save configured details.
SAP IMG Path: – SPRO > SAP Reference IMG > Financial Accounting > Asset
Accounting > Organizational Structures > Assign chart of depreciation to
company code.
Step 1: – Enter transaction code “SPRO” in the SAP command field and
press enter to continue.
Step 4: – To find out our company code “TK01” in the given list, click on
position button and enter company code and press enter to continue.
Step 5: – On change view maintain company code in asset accounting
overview screen, our company code TK01 displays on top of the screen. Now
enter chart of depreciation key “TKCD” in the given field Chrt dep and press
In this SAP tutorial, you will learn how to specify account determination in
SAP Asset accounting. In our previous SAP fico tutorial we have learned how
to assign chart of depreciation to company code in SAP.
The item will decide which general ledge accounts are to be posted
IMG path: – SPRO > SAP Reference IMG > Financial Accounting > Asset
Accounting > Organizational Structures > Asset Classes > Specify Account
Step 1: Enter transaction code “SPRO” in the SAP command field and press
After updating all the required details, click on save button to save the
configured details. Now you are prompted for customizing request, choose
your request and save the details.
In this SAP FICO training tutorials, you will learn how to maintain number
range intervals for assets in SAP asset counting using transaction code AS08.
We can define number range intervals separately for all assets or we can
assign same number object for all assets.
In our previous SAP FICO tutorials we have learned how to create screen
layout rules for assets.
Also read:
You can create asset number range intervals by using one of the following
navigation method.
SAP IMG Path: – SPRO > SAP Reference IMG (F5) > Financial Accounting
> Asset Accounting > Organization structure > Asset Classes > Create
number range intervals.
Step 1: – Enter transaction code SPRO in the SAP command field and enter.
From No: – Update the starting number for asset number range interval
Ext: – Choose this option, if you like to define number interval for
external assignment purpose.
After updating the all the required details, click on save button to save the
configured details. A message displays with number range interval transport,
ignore the message and press enter to save the data.
Successfully we have maintained number range intervals for assets in SAP.
In this SAP FICO Tutorial, you will learn what is an asset class and how to
create asset classes in SAP system by using transaction code OAOA.
In SAP, Asset classes are used to classify the fixed assets in the asset
accounting according to the asset types. Each asset master data must be
allocated to one asset class, for e.g. Building, Vehicles, Furniture, Machines,
etc. Asset classes are defined at SAP client level and contain key control
parameters such as number assignment for asset, account determination
and screen layout rules.
In this SAP FICO training tutorial, you will learn how to configure new asset
class in SAP step by step using transaction code OAOA. In our previous SAP
tutorials, we have learn how to maintain number range intervals for assets in
Configuration steps
The creation of asset class in SAP involves the following configuration steps
Step 1: – Enter tcode OAOA in the SAP command field and press enter.
Step 3: – On new entries asset class screen, update the following details.
Asset Class: – Enter the key that identifies the asset class in the SAP
asset accounting.
Short text: – Enter the short text of an asset class.