Power Analysis _ VLSI Back-End Adventure
Power Analysis _ VLSI Back-End Adventure
Power Analysis _ VLSI Back-End Adventure
h PD Analysis 5
-Short Circuit
Digital Electronics Q&A
Leakage/static Power
-Static power Dissipation
Power Analysis (digital_electronics.html)
Videos depends on
-Types of Dynamic Power
Reverse Biased Diode Leakage
Gate Induced Drain Leakage
PD Verification
(videos.html) -Dynamic Power Reduction Gate Oxide Tunnelling (pd_verification.html)
Techniques Sub-threshold Leakage
STA Numericals Switching Power: When signal change their state, energy is drawn from the power supply to charge up the loadcapacitance from
0 to VDD
Logic Synthesis
Q&A 5 Short Circuit Power (Crowbar Power/ EM Rush Through Power): Finite non-zero rise and fall times of transistors which causes
a direct current path between the Power and Ground` PD Inputs
Congestion Analysis
Power Analysis 1/4
12/10/24, 4:39 PM Power Analysis | VLSI Back-End Adventure
h Physical Design 5 With Shrinking technology Static leakage increases which results in more focus in Reducing leakage power for advanced
Cells in PD
h PD Verification IO Design
Static Power/ Leakage Power
It is the power consumed when the device is powered up but no signals are changing value (when the transistors are not Delay Models
h PD Analysis 5 In CMOS devices, static power consumption is due to leakage
Sub-threshold leakage occurs when a CMOS gate is not turned completely OFF
h Discontinuity 5 where
μ - Carrier mobility
COX - Gate capacitance MC/MM/OCV
(videos.html) VT - Threshold voltage
VGS - Gate-Source voltage
Q&A 5
Static Power Dissipation — Leakage Power, is consumed when the transistors are not switching
Dependent on the voltage, temperature and state of the transistors
Leakage Power = V * Ileak 2/4
12/10/24, 4:39 PM Power Analysis | VLSI Back-End Adventure
a VLSI BACK-END ADVENTURE A is activity factor, i.e., the fraction of the circuit that is switching
C is Load capacitance
Feroz Ahmed ()
V is supply voltage
Home (index.html) F is clock frequency
h Discontinuity 5 Short Circuit : = (V*ISC) During switching both PMOS and NMOS becomes on which results in a short circuit current
Internal Capacitance Loading Power = (Cint * V*V *f) is the power consumed while charging/discharging internal nets
STA Numericals
Q&A 5
h Extras (Extras.html) 3/4
12/10/24, 4:39 PM Power Analysis | VLSI Back-End Adventure
, g g
As the granularity on which you gate the clock of a synchronous circuit approaches zero, the power consumption of that circuit
approaches that of an asynchronous circuit: the circuit only generates logic transitions when it is actively computing Feroz Ahmed ()
Home (index.html)
h Physical Design 5
h PD Verification
h PD Analysis 5
h PD Essentials 5
h Discontinuity 5
STA Numericals
Q&A 5
h Extras (Extras.html)
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