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4, OCTOBER 2020
Abstract—As awareness of human footprint grows, solutions are TESS Energy storage system time constant [s]
investigated to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). To reduce GRC Generation rate constraint [p.u. MW/min]
the carbon intensity of electricity production, a massive deployment Vu Maximum valve gate limit [p.u.MW]
of renewable energy sources (RESs) has become a mandatory
goal. A significant challenge behind the deployment of RESs is the VL Minimum valve gate limit [p.u.MW]
frequency regulation of such systems due to the high penetration Ek Stored kinetic energy [J]
of inverters based on energy storage systems (ESS). To overcome J System inertia moment [kg.m2 ]
this issue, this manuscript proposes, as the main contribution, ω Angular frequency deviation [rad/s]
to use a virtual inertia emulator-based model predictive control. Tm Mechanical torque [N]
MPC is an optimization-based control strategy that aims at finding
the optimal control actions of a system by predicting its future Te Electrical torque [N]
behaviors. This control solution is compared to a proportional (P) Pm Mechanical power [W]
and a proportional integrator (PI) controller. The results of this Pe Electrical power [W]
study show that the MPC controller reduce the minimum ESS S Apparent power [V.A]
capacity by 55% and 2%, and the ESS energy throughput by 86% ΔPg Governor power variations [p.u. MW]
and 36% compared to a P and PI controller. Those results suggest
that the MPC controller can help to diminish the CAPEX and ESS ΔPm Thermal plant power variations [p.u. MW]
aging compared to a P or PI controller. ΔPACE Area control error system power variations [p.u.
Index Terms—Grid frequency control, model predictive control,
microgrid, renewable energy sources, proportional integrator
ΔPinertia Inertia power [p.u. MW]
control, virtual inertia emulator, energy storage system. ΔPess Energy storage system power [p.u. MW]
ΔPdist Disturbances power variations [p.u. MW]
Δf Frequency variations [Hz]
NOMENCLATURE p Soft constraint penalized weight [-]
Symbol Name Units q Weight on the output signals [-]
b Frequency bias factor [p.u MW/Hz] r Weight on the manipulated variable [-]
KI Integral control variable gain [-] Δfref Targeted frequency regulation [-]
Tg Governor time constant [s] ui Control output [-]
Tt Turbine time constant [s] ui_optimal Optimal control output [-]
R Droop constant [Hz/p.u MW] uref Targeted control output [-]
d Microgrid damping coefficient [p.u. MW/Hz] s Slack variable [-]
H Microgrid system inertia [p.u MW s] Nc Control step horizon [-]
KVI Virtual Inertia Emulator gain [-] Np Prediction step horizon [-]
Manuscript received September 20, 2019; revised December 20, 2019 and I. INTRODUCTION
January 31, 2020; accepted March 17, 2020. Date of publication March 20,
URRENTLY, respectively 35% and 28% of the US elec-
2020; date of current version September 18, 2020. This work was supported
by the Energy Production and Infrastructure Center at the University of North
Carolina at Charlotte. Paper no. TSTE-01028-2019. (Corresponding author:
C tricity is produced through natural gas and coal power
plant [1]. Those power plants always require the use of electric
Nicolas Sockeel.)
The authors are with the Energy Production and Infrastructure Center, Univer- generators that provide inertia to the grid through their rotating
sity of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, NC 28223 USA (e-mail: nsock- parts. This inertia help to manage the grid frequency by avoiding;;; significant grid frequency deviation from the regular frequency
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this article are available online
at operation (60 Hz in the US). However, those power plants are
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TSTE.2020.2982348 responsible for greenhouse gas emissions. In fact, according to
1949-3029 © 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Sultan Qaboos University. Downloaded on October 06,2024 at 12:35:29 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
the US Department of Energy (DOE), around 33% of the US an islanded microgrid by introducing a fractional-order integral
CO2 emissions are related to electricity production in 2018 [2]. cost function into the model predictive control (MPC) algorithm.
In 2017 in the USA, around 573g CO2 is produced for every In [24] and [25], using a VIE control based on the MPC method,
kWh of electric energy used [3]. To reduce the carbon intensity the stability and robustness performance of the microgrid is
of electricity production, a massive deployment of renewable investigated during the high penetration of RESs.
energy sources (RESs) has become a mandatory goal. As a According to the literature, authors mainly focused their
consequence, more and more microgrids appear [4]. A microgrid effort to develop a control method robustly and minimizing the
can be defined as a group of independent local grids composed frequency deviation. As far as our knowledge goes, no previous
of RESs, an energy storage system (ESS), and domestic loads study has analyzed and optimized the required size of the ESS.
having the capability to work in either isolated or grid-connected This is why the main contribution of this paper is to provide a
mode to reduce the utility grid burden [5], [6]. However, the comparison between VIE based MPC and a traditional P and
inverters used with RESs reduce dramatically the inertia of the PI controller in terms of frequency deviation, ESS size, power
grid leading to more frequency/ voltage instability compared to usage, and energy throughput.
the traditional grid using synchronous generators [7]–[10]. This The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section II, a
is why a significant challenge behind the deployment of RESs description of the microgrid system is given. In Section III, the
is the frequency regulation of such systems. model predictive control strategy is described. In Section IV,
To tackle this issue, virtual synchronous generators/machine the results and discussion of this study are provided. Finally, a
(VSG, VSM) is used to imitate the behavior of traditional virtual conclusion and future works are drawn in Section V.
synchronous generator. [11], [12]. Virtual inertia emulator (VIE)
is a particular case of VSG that offers better frequency regulation II. MICROGRID SYSTEM OVERVIEW
by emulating the rotating mass inertia of VSG. ESS is used
A. Frequency Control Based on Inertia Response
to emulate virtual inertia by providing or storing extra power
from the grid based on the rate of change of frequency (RoCoF) In this study, the frequency control is split into three different
strategy. VIE techniques offer a base to control the grid stability operations: the inertia, primary, and secondary response state.
and resiliency for high RESs penetration. When a frequency deviation occurs, the inertia response state
Numerous control techniques have been implemented us- acts first by balancing the power requirement by the kinetic
ing VIE to solve the microgrid frequency control problems, energy from a generating unit for bandwidth up to 5 s. Then,
improving frequency stability [13]–[18]. In [13] a traditional the primary response stabilizes frequency to a new steady-state
proportional-integral (PI) control technique is used. In [14], VIE condition for a time duration between 5 s to 30 s after the
based on the PI controller is applied for wind power support appearances of a disturbance. Finally, the secondary response,
microgrid frequency regulation. VIE based on fuzzy logic to also called load frequency control (LFC), recovers frequency
increase the frequency stability in an islanded microgrid, is to its nominal state of equilibrium for a bandwidth going from
developed in [15] and [16]. Paper [17] evaluates the frequency 30 s to 30 min after the appearances of a perturbation [26].
response estimation method based on VIE employed to improve The overall kinetic energy of the system rotational mass,
the stability of an extensive wind power system. An H con- including spinning loads, is computed as follow [11], [26], [29]:
troller, based on VIE, is presented in [18] and shows superior
Ek = 0.5 J ω 2 (1)
robustness compared to an optimal PI controller.
A more sophisticated control technique is of interest: model The rate of change of rotor speed depends on the torque
predictive control (MPC). MPC is an optimization-based control balance of spinning mass as follows:
strategy that aims at finding the optimal control actions of a Pm Pe dω
system by predicting its future behaviors. MPC has been recog- Tm −Te = − =J (2)
ω ω dt
nized as an efficient online general optimization-based control
strategy. In contrast to traditional feedback control strategies, The stored kinetic energy is commonly proportional to its
MPC can manage precise non-linear constraints and provide power rating and known as system inertia constant [25]:
adequate control solutions for event-driven and complex nonlin- Ek
ear dynamics systems. Several researchers have already studied H = (3)
VIE based MPC. In [19], authors have presented an adaptive The rate of change of frequency (RoCoF) is used to determine
model predictive load frequency control method for a multi-area the required power for controlling the system frequency against
interconnected power system with photovoltaic generation. In the variation in the power demand. The RoCoF can be computed
[20] is analyzed the impact of system parameters on the control as follows [26], [29]:
performance of MPC for frequency regulation in a stand-alone
MG. MPC is compared to the PI control strategy of the BESS dω ω (Pm −Pe )
= (4)
for microgrid frequency regulation in [21]. Considering electric dt 2HS
vehicles as energy storage, a decentralized MPC is used as a
grid frequency regulation method with RESs in [22]. In [23] B. Microgrid System
a novel fractional-order model predictive control (FOMPC) As shown in Fig 1, this paper deals with an islanded microgrid
method is proposed to achieve the optimal frequency control of composed of a 15 MW domestic load, 12 MW thermal power
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C. Energy Storage System Based Virtual Inertia Emulator With X = [ΔPg ΔPACE Δf ΔPt ΔPinertia ]T ,
Virtual inertia emulator (VIE) is a particular case of VSG that ⎡ ⎤
−1/Tg 1/Tg −1/(RTg ) 0 0
propounds better frequency regulation by emulating the rotating ⎢ ⎥
⎢ 0 0 −bKi 0 0 ⎥
mass inertia power of synchronous generator through an ESS ⎢ ⎥
[11]–[13]. The VIE power is computed based on the rate-of- A=⎢ ⎢ 0 0 −d/(2H) 1/(2H) −1/(2H Tess ) ⎥
⎢ ⎥
change of frequency (RoCoF) to add or store extra active power ⎣ 1/Tt 0 0 −1/Tt 0 ⎦
through the ESS to the microgrid while frequency disturbances 0 0 0 0 −1/Tess
appear. Such a system is highly sensitive to frequency noise ⎡ ⎤
measurement. This issue can be solved by emulating the ESS 0 0
dynamic behavior with a low pass filter [26]–[29]. ⎢ 0 ⎥
⎢ 0 ⎥
Consequently, the VIE system helps to improve the frequency ⎢ ⎥
B = ⎢ KVI /(2H Tess ) 1/(2H) ⎥ , C = [0 0 1 0 0], D = [0 0]
stability and resiliency as if RESs in the islanded microgrid ⎢ ⎥
⎣ 0 0 ⎦
would have inertia similar to the traditional generating units
(i.e., synchronous generators). In this study, it is assumed that KVI /Tess 0
the inertia power is emulated through the ESS. U = [u ΔPdist ]T , and Y = Δf
III. MODEL PREDICTIVE CONTROL For simplifying the mathematical notation, it can be noted
that U is composed of the control variable, u, and the power
A. Overview disturbance variations, ΔPdist .
In this section, the MPC-based control strategy is described. The following hard constraint can not be violated:
The plant and disturbances have been presented in the previous
−0.5 ≤ ΔPg ≤ 0.5 (12)
section. The primary module, presented in Fig. 3. includes a
linear time-invariant microgrid plant model an optimization
C. Objective Function
solver, an objective function, and a disturbances predictor. The
MPC controller aims at finding the optimal control output that For this research, the objective function of the single input
minimizes the objective function. Details concerning each MPC single output (SISO) optimization problem can be written as
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k+Np −1 k+Nc −1
J = q (Δfi )2 + r (ui )2 + p s2 (15)
i=k i=k iZ
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E. Disturbances Predictor
The disturbances predictor is an essential part of the MPC
controller. The ability to predict future disturbances precisely
has a significant impact on how far in the future the MPC
can forecast the system behavior and how efficiently the MPC
controller can select the control variable. For this study, a prac-
tical and straightforward approach has been considered. Over
the prediction step horizon, the disturbances are considered
constant and equal to the current one. Such consideration limits
the ability to predict far in the future, and explains why the
prediction (Np ) and receeding (Nc ) horizon have been set up
to 1 in Table II. However, interesting and feasible results are
still found, as discussed in the next section.
Fig. 6. Microgrid frequency deviation.
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and electric grid distribution systems.
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