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JMTS 24 - 25 (FST-01) (09-Dec-24) Master

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JMTS 24 - 25 (FST-01) (09-Dec-24) 1

PART- I 3. When an electron in a hydrogen atom makes a

PHYSICS (Section-1) transition from 2nd excited state to ground state,
This section contains 20 questions numbered 1 to 20. it emits a photon of frequency f. The frequency
Each question has 4 choices (1), (2), (3) and (4), out of of photon emitted when an electron of Li 
which ONLY ONE is correct.
makes a transition from 1st excited state to
1. An electron moving in a circular orbit of radius r ground state is
makes n rotations per second. The magnetic field 243 81 243 27
produced at the centre has magnitude. (1) f (2) f (3) f (4) f
32 32 8 8
o ne o ne  n 2e Ans. 1
(1) Zero (2) (3) (4) o
2r 2r 2r  1 1 8
Ans. 3 Sol. f  C  12  2    C
1 9  9
q  ne
Sol.   2n,i  ,B  0  1 1  27 27 9f
T 2r f '  C  32  2  2   C  
1 2  4 4 8
2. During an experiment, an ideal gas is found to
4. In the network shown, points A,B and C are at
obey a condition P 2 /   constant . The gas is
potentials of 70 V, zero and 10 V respectively:-
initially at temperature T, pressure P and density Which of the following statements are correct.
 . The gas expands such that density changes to (a) Point D is at a potential of 40 V
 / 2 then (b) The currents in the sections AD, DB, DC are
(1) The pressure of the gas changes to 2P in the ratio 3 : 2 : 1
(2) The temperature of the gas changes to 2 T (c) The currents in the sections AD, DB, DC are
(3) The graph of the above process on the P-T in the ratio 1 : 2 : 3
graph is parabola
(4) The graph of the above process on the P-T
graph is hyperbola
Ans. 4
Sol.  constant

P2 P12
  2
 
P P2 (1) a,b (2) a,c (3) only b (4) only a
 P1   constant
2  Ans. 1
2 T 2 Sol. Let V = potential at D 70  D  10i1
  constant
 V  0  20i2
[For ideal gas P  RT ] V  10  30(i1  i2 ) Solve for i1 ,i 2 and V
 T 2  constant

 T 2  T12
 T1  2T  constant

 P2  constant
PT = constant
Graph of process on P-T graph is hyperbola.

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JMTS 24 - 25 (FST-01) (09-Dec-24) 2
5. The ends of a rod of length  and mass m are 5
attached to two identical springs as shown in Y < 0 it is . The unit vector along which the
figure. The rod is free to rotate about its centre refracted ray moves is
O. The rod is depressed slightly at end A and
released. The time period of the resulting (1)

3iˆ  5jˆ (2)
4iˆ  3jˆ
oscillation is. Where K is spring constant 34 5
 3iˆ  4ˆj   4iˆ  3jˆ 
(3)   (4)  
 5   5 
Ans. 4

8. The magnetic flux through a stationary loop of

wire having a resistance R varies with time as
m 2m   at 2  bt (a and b are positive constants). The
(1) 2 (2) 2
2k k average emf and the total charge flowing in the
2m 3m loop in the time interval t = 0 to t = 
(3)  (4) 
3k 2k respectively are
Ans. 3 a2  b a2  b
(1) a  b, (2) a  b,
Sol. Torque about O R 2R
          Ml2 a  b a2  b a2  b
      k       (3) , (4) 2  a  b  ,
 2  2   2  2  12 2 R 2R
Ml2 Ans. 1
fracK2  
612 Sol. Given   at 2  bt The magnitude of induced
d d
2 
, T  2
emf is   
dt dt

at 2  bt  2at  b Current 
 2at  b
flowing, I  
6. An electrostatic field in a region is radially R R
outward with magnitude E  r , where  is a  

constant and r is radial distance. The charge  dt   2at  b  dt

contained in a sphere of radius R in this region Average emf  0

 0
 a  b

(centred at the origin) is
 dt
(1) 0 R 3 (2) 4 0 R 3

3 Total charge flowing,

(3) 80 R 3 (4) 0 

 2at  b  dt  a2  b
Ans. 2
q  0
Idt  

   4r dr

Sol. E  4r 2  9. A block released from rest from the top of a

smooth inclined plane of angle 1 reaches the
r 2 Q
4r 3  4  0
dr 
bottom in t1 . The same block released from rest
from the top of another smooth inclined plane of
Q  40 r 3 angle 2 , reaches the bottom in time t 2 . If the
two inclined planes have the same height, the
7. A ray of light moving along the vector ˆi  2ˆj   relation between t1 and t 2 is
undergoes refraction at an interference of two t  sin 1  t2
media which is x-z plane.  for Y > 0 is 2 while (1) 2    (2) 1
t1  sin 2  t1

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JMTS 24 - 25 (FST-01) (09-Dec-24) 3

t 2 sin 1 t 2 sin 2 1 Sol. The two resistances R each form a potential

(3)  (4)  divider circuit. Hence the capacitor is charged to
t1 sin 2 t1 sin 2 2
half of the full voltage.
Ans. 3
Sol. Lengths of the two inclined planes are
11. Young’s double slit experiment is carried out by
h h
l1  and l2  Accelerations of the using green, red and blue light, one colour at a
sin 1 sin 2
time. The fringe widths recorded are , G , R
block down the two planes are a1  gsin 1 and
and B respectively. Then,
1 1
a 2  gsin 2 As l2  a1t12 and l2  a 2 t 22 (1) G  B  R (2) B  G  R
2 2
(3) R  B  G (4) R  G  B
l a t2
 1  1 12 Ans. 4
l2 a 2 t 2
t2 a l gsin 1 sin 1 Sol. Fringe width,   i.e.   
or 22  1 1   d
t1 a 2 l2 gsin 2 sin 2 As, R  G  B
t 2 sin 1  R  G  B
 
t1 sin 2
12. Glass rod of radius r1 is inserted symmetrically
10. In the circuit shown below, the switch S is closed
into a vertical capillary tube of radius r2 such
at the moment t = 0. As a result the voltage across
that their lower ends are at same level. The
the capacitor C will change with time as
arrangement is now dipped in water the height to
which water will enter into the tube (   surface
tension,   density of water, g = acceleration
due to gravity)
2 
(1) (2)
 r2  r1  g  r2  r1  g
(1) 2 2
(3) (4)
 r2  r1  g  r22 
 r12 g
Ans. 1
Sol. (r22  r12 )h(density)g  2(r2  r1)T cos 
cos = 1
13. In the figure shown hot wire voltmeter and hot
wire ammeter are ideal. The reading of voltmeter


(1) 5 2V (2) 5 V
(3) 10 V (4) None of these
(4) Ans. 2
Sol. Z  (XL  XC )2  R 2  25  25  5 2
10 / 2
Ans. 3 Irms  1
5 2

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JMTS 24 - 25 (FST-01) (09-Dec-24) 4
V  1 (XL  XC )  1 5  5 Volt (D) Nuclear forces are central and charge
14. A vernier callipers having 1 main scale division (E) Stability of nucleus is inversely proportional
= 0.1 cm is designed to have a least count of 0.02 to the value of packing fraction.
cm. If n be the number of divisions on vernier Choose the correct answer from the options
scale and m be the length of vernier scale, then given below :
(Assume that vernier calliperse is calibrated such (1) (A), (B), (C), (D) only
that length of (N-1) main scale divisions is equal (2) (A), (C), (D), (E) only
to N vernier scale divisions) (3) (A), (B), (C), (E) only
(1) n=10, m=0.5 cm (2) n=9, m=0.4 cm (4) (B), (C), (D), (E) only
(3) n=5, m=0.4 cm (4) n=10, m=0.2 cm Ans. 3
Ans. 3 Sol. Part of theory
Sol. L.C  and N - 1 M.S.D = NVSD 17. A projectile is projected at 30° from horizontal
No. Of V.S.D
with initial velocity 40ms1. The velocity of the
15. In an experiment, brass and steel wires of length projectile at t = 2 s from the start will be: (Given

1 m each with areas of cross section 1 mm 2 are g  10m / s 2 )

used. The wires are connected in series and one (1) 40 3ms 1 (2) Zero
end of the combined wire is connected to a rigid (3) 20ms1 (4) 20 3ms 1
support and other end is subjected to elongation. Ans. 4
The stress required to produce a net elongation
Sol. VH  40cos30o  20 3
of 0.2 mm is, [Given, the Young’s Modulus for
steel and brass are, respectively, VV  20  10  2  0m / s
120  109 N / m 2 and 60  109 N / m 2 ] V  VH  20 3m / s

(1) 8  106 N / m 2 (2) 1.2  106 N / m 2

18. In the given circuit the input voltage Vin is
(3) 4.0  106 N / m 2 (4) 0.2  106 N / m 2
shown in figure. The cut–in voltage of p–n
Ans. 1
junction diode (D1 orD2 ) is 0.6 V. Which of the
Sol. Corresponding to the stress ()
following output voltage (V0 ) waveform across
L L 2
Total elongation I net  1 the diode is correct?
Y1 Y2
 YY 
  I  1 2 
 Y1  Y2 
 120  60 
 0.2  103     10

 180 
 8  106 2 (Answer is not matching)

16. From the statements given below :

(A) The angular momentum of an electron in n th
orbit is an integral multiple of (1)
(B) Nuclear forces do not obey inverse square
(C) Nuclear forces are spin dependent.

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JMTS 24 - 25 (FST-01) (09-Dec-24) 5
A 2 A
F v   2v2
4 4
3Av 2 3 2
pressure   v
(2) 4A 4
This section contains 5 questions numbered 21 to 25.
The answer of each question is a numeric
value/Integer type.
21. A metal rod AB of length $10 m$ has its one end
A in ice at 0o C and the other end B in water at
100o C . If a point P on the rod is maintained at
400o C , then it is found that equal amounts of
water and ice evaporate and melt per unit time.
The latent heat of evaporation of water is 540
(4) cal/g and latent heat of melting of ice is 80 cal/g.
If the point P is at a distance of  m from the ice
end A, find the value of  . [Neglect any heat
loss to the surrounding]
Ans. 4
Ans. 9
Sol. In +ve half cycle
D1  FB;D2  R.B.  Q  300
Sol.    10x  x  mL v .....(1)
0 – 0.6 V  t l
Vout sameasVin
 Q  400
In –ve half cycle    x  mLf ....(2)
 t  w
D2  F.B;D1  R.B. KA
300 x L v
19. The fundamental frequency of a closed organ dividing  
10x  x 400 Lf
pipe is equal to the first overtone frequency of an
3  540
open organ pipe. If length of the open pipe is 60  
cm, the length of the closed pipe will be : 4 (10  ) 80
(1) 30 cm (2) 45 cm (3) 60 cm (4) 15 cm   9(10  )
Ans. 4 10  90
V 2V  9
Sol. f  
4 2(60)
1 1
 
4 60
  15 cm
22. A small solid ball rolls without slipping along the
20. A liquid of density  is coming out of a hose track shown in fig. radius of the circular part of
the track is R. If the ball starts from rest at a
pipe of radius a with horizontal speed v and hits
height of 8 R above the bottom, what is the
a mesh. 50% of the liquid passes through the
horizontal force acting on it at point P ? Given
mesh unaffected. 25% looses all of its
mass of solid ball = 0.05 kg and g =10
momentum and 25% comes back with the same
speed. The resultant pressure on the mesh will be
3 1 1
(1) v2 (2) v2 (3) v2 (4) v 2
4 4 2
Ans. 1
Sol. Let area be A.
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JMTS 24 - 25 (FST-01) (09-Dec-24) 6
Ans. 5 26. The freezing point depression of a 0.1 M aq.
1 1 7 solution of weak acid (HX) is –0.20°C. What is
Sol. Total K.E. of ball at P  I2  mv2  mv2
2 2 10 the value of equilibrium constant for the
Now loss of P.E at P = K.E of the ball at P reaction: HX(aq) H  (aq)  X  (aq)
7 [Given : K f for water = 1.8 kg mol1 K. &
? m.g. 7R    mv 2
 10  Molality = Molarity ]
v  10gR
and force acting on the ball (1) 1.46 104 (2) 1.35 103
mv m 10gR 
(3) 1.21102 (4) 1.35 104
   10mg
R R Ans. 2

23. In a single slit diffraction pattern, a light of 27. EMF of a cell is given by E  (1.05  104 T 2 )
wavelength 6000 Å is used. The distance
V, where T is temperature in Kelvin. Which of
between the first and third minima in the
the following options are correct w.r.t. the
diffraction pattern is found to be 3 mm when the
galvanic cell.
screen in placed 50 cm away from slits. The
(1) H oRxn of the cell reaction will be
width of the slit is _______ x 104 m.
temperature independent.
Ans. 02.00
(2) The cell reaction involves increase in
3D D
Sol. y3  y1   randomness.
d d
(3) At all the temperatures, the cell reaction will
 3mm be spontaneous.
d (4) The cell reaction will be non-spontaneous at
2  6  107  50  102 T = 200K.
 3  103
d Ans. 2
d  2 104
28. A saturated solution in AgA (K sp  3  1014 )
24. A satellite is launched into a circular orbit of
radius R around the earth. A second satellite is and AgB (K sp  1  1014 ) has conductivity of
launched into an orbit of radius (1.02)R. The 375  1010 Scm 1 and limiting molar
period of the second satellite is larger than the 
conductivity of Ag and A are 60 Scm mol 1
 2
first one by approximately how much
percentage. and 80 Scm 2 mol 1 respectively then what will
Ans. 3 be the limiting molar conductivity of B (in
Scm 2 mol 1 )
25. Electric field in a region is given as
(1) 150 (2) 180 (3) 190 (4) 270
E  xiˆ  2yjˆ  3kˆ . In this region point A(3,3,1)
Ans. 4
and point B (4,2,1) are there. If the magnitude of
work done by the electric field (in joules), in 29. 0.1 M NH3 (aq) solution is titrated against 0.1
moving 2 coulomb charge from A to B is -x then
M HNO3 (aq) solution. What would be the
find x. All values given and asked are in SI units.
Ans. 3 1 3
difference in pOH between and stages of
(4,2,1) 4 4
Sol. WE  2  (3,3,1)
xdx  2ydy  3dz  3 neutralization of base?
(1) 2 log 3/4 (2) 2 log 1/4
(3) log 1/3 (4) 2 log 3
CHEMISTRY (Section-1)
This section contains 20 questions numbered 26 to Ans. 4
45. Each question has 4 choices (1), (2), (3) and (4), out
of which ONLY ONE is correct.

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JMTS 24 - 25 (FST-01) (09-Dec-24) 7
30. Select the incorrect property for Fe4 [Fe(CN)6 ]3 (1) A and C (2) B and D
complex (3) B and C (4) C and D
Ans. 2
(1) d 2sp3 hybridisation of coordinated Fe atom
(2) Blue colour due to ligand to metal charge
34. Alcohol A is :
(3) Six electrons are present in t 2g orbital
(4) More bond length of (C – N) than in
Fe[Fe(CN)6 ] (1) Propan-1-ol
(2) Propan-2-ol
Ans. 2
(3) 2-methylpentane-2,4-diol
(4) Butan-2-ol
31. In the hydrogen spectrum, the longest
Ans. 2
wavelength in the Lyman series is xÅ and the
shortest wavelength in the Balmer series is yÅ.
Hence, the longest wavelength of light needed to Sol.
ionise a hydrogen atom from its ground state
should be 35. Distillation under reduced pressure is used for.
(1) (x + y) Å (2) (y – x) Å (1) to separate liquids with close boiling point.
xy o (x  y) o (2) to separate liquids with sufficient difference
(3) A (4) A
(x  y) xy in their boiling point.
Ans. 3 (3) to separate liquids which are steam volatile
and immiscible with water.
32. Which of the following statements is/are (4) to liquids which break downs at their boiling
Incorrect about the above reaction ? point.
Ans. 4

36. The product of the above reaction is

(1) Product is orange-red dye

(2) Product shows colour due to extended (1)
(3) Weak acidic medium [pH 4-5] is required.
(4) Electron withdrawing group, if present on
benzene diazonium chloride, increases rate of (2)
Ans. 3

33. Which of the following halide give same product (3)

after reaction with both SN1 and SN 2
mechanism ?


Ans. 3
Sol. Nucleophilic substitution in difficult at benzene
due to partial double bond character.
At room temperature the reaction follows SN2
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JMTS 24 - 25 (FST-01) (09-Dec-24) 8
37. 10 ml of KMnO4 solution exactly requires 100 o
40. In BF3 the B–F bond length is 1.30 A when BF3
ml of 5.6 vol H2O2 solution for reaction in
is allowed to be treated with Me3 N it forms an
acidic medium. The molarity of KMnO4
adduct, Me3 N  BF3 the bond length of B–F in
solution is :
the adduct is
(1) 0.2M (2) 0.1M (3) 2M (4) 1M o o
Ans. 3 (1) greater than 1.30 A (2) smaller than 1.30 A

KMnO4  H 2 O2 H Mn 2  O2
Sol. (3) equal to 1.30 A (4) none of these
nf 5 nf  2
Ans. 1
n KMnO4  5  n H 2O2  2
Sol. with ammonia, octet of B will be completed and
10 5.6 100 now there will be no backbonding resulting in
M 5   2
1000 11.2 1000 the increase in bond length.

38. Select the correct order of solubility in H2O . 41. Which of the following compound give positive
(1) o-nitrophenol > p-nitrophenol test in Lassaigne’s test for detection of nitrogen
(2) CH3COONa  CH3COOCH3 (1) NH2 NH2 (2) NH2OH
(3) N(CH3 )3  CH3  NH  CH2  CH3 (3) CH3 NH2 (4) All of above
(4) CdS  ZnS Ans. 3
Ans. 2 Sol. Lassaigne’s test is given by compounds
Sol. 1- Ortho nitro phenol will be less soluble due to containing Nitrogen along with carbon.
intra molecular hydrogen bond Hydrazine and hydroxyl amine don’t contain
2- CH3COONa is ionic in nature where as carbon and hence can’t be detected by
Lassaigne’s test
CH3COOCH3 is covalent hence order of
solubility CH3COONa  CH3COOCH3 42. The electronic configuration of four elements are
3- secondary amine will be more soluble in water
(1) [Xe]6s1 (2) [Xe]4f 14 ,5d1 ,6s 2
due formation if more hydrogen bonds than
tertiary amine 4- CdS in precipetated in second (3) [Ar]4s 2 4p 5 (4) [Ar]3d 7 , 4s 2 Which
group and ZnS in fourth group, we know that one of the following statements about these
fourth group sulphides are more soluble than elements is not correct
second group sulphides (1) 1 is strong reducing agent
(2) 2 is a d-block element
39. A zero order reaction : X  Y . At the end of 50 (3) 3 has high electron affinity
min, X is 75% reacted. How much of it will be (4) The compound formed betwteen 1 and 3 is
left unreacted at the end of 2 hour. ionic
(1) 6.25 % (2) 12.5 % (3) 3.12 % (4) 0 % Ans. 2
Ans. 4 Sol. [Xe]4f 14 ,5d1 ,6s 2 -It is belong to f-block- Lu
Sol. For zero order : [A]0  [A]t  Kt element
[A]0   K(50)
4 43. ZnCl2 reacts with excess of NH3 solution to
3[A]0 produce.
200 (1) A ppt of Zn(OH)2
[A]0 [A]0 200 200
t100%    min after 120 (2) A complex ion Zn(OH 3 ) 4 2 of tetrahedral
K 3[A]0 3
minute , % X will be unreacted = 0
(3) A complex ion Zn(NH 3 ) 4 2  of tetrahedral
(4) A complex ion Zn(NH 3 ) 4 2  of square planar
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Ans. 3
Sol. ZnCl2  NH3  [Zn(NH3 ) 4 ]2 Cl2 
[Zn(NH 3 ) 4 ]2  is sp 3 hybridised
(Soluble complex)
Ans. 4
44. The noble gas that does NOT occur in the
atmosphere is :
48. Write the sum of (x + y) is :
(1) Ne (2) Kr (3) He (4) Ra
Ans. 4
Sol. Radon is not present in atmosphere.

45. In the reaction the

products are :

(2) Ans. 12
Sol. x = 6
(3) y=6
then =1
(4) x
Ans. 4
49. If Hund’s rule is not followed then how many of
them are diamagnetic?
This section contains 10 questions numbered 46 to
50. The answer of each question is a numeric O 2 , N 2 , B2 ,O 2 , F2 ,C 2 , N 2 ,C 22 , F2
value/Integer type. Ans. 6
46. The progress of reaction : Sol. If Hunds rule is not followed then diamagnetic
A(g)  xB(g)  yC(g) with time is presented in species are
O 2 , N 2 , B2 , F2 ,C 2 ,C 22 
figure. What is the value of K oc at 300 K.

50. The maximum number of electron which can

have principal quantum number n = 3 and spin
quantum number +1/2 is
Ans. 9
Sol. n = 3
Number of electron  2n 2  2  32  18
1 18
Ans. 2 Number of electrons with ms     9
2 2
47. In how many reactions 3º alcohol will be major PART- III
product ? MATHEMATICS (Section-1)
This section contains 20 questions numbered 51 to
70. Each question has 4 choices (1), (2), (3) and (4), out
of which ONLY ONE is correct.
51. If tan   sin   m and tan   sin   n, then
(1) m 2  n 2  4mn (2) m 2  n 2  4mn
(3) m 2  n 2  m 2  n 2 (4) m2  n 2  4 mn
Ans. 4

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52. The lines r  (iˆ  ˆj)  (2iˆ  k)

ˆ and y 2  2y  7  0 .If PQ is a diameter of the circle
r  (2iˆ  ˆj)  m(iˆ  ˆj  k)
ˆ x 2  y 2  2ax  2by  c  0, , then the value of
(1) do not intersect for any values of and m (a+b-c) is
(2) intersect for all values of and m (1) 12 (2) 13 (3) 14 (4) 16
Ans. 1
(3) intersect when  2 and m 
(4) intersect when  1and m  2
Ans. 1
53. If the matrices Equation of circle diameter form
1 1 2  (x  x1 )(x  x 2 )  (y  y1 )(y  y2 )  0
A  1 3 4  , B  adjA and C  3A, then
(where x1,x2 are the roots of x 2  4x  6  0
1 1 3
and y1 , y2 are the roots of
is equal to y 2  2y  7  0 )
x 2  y 2  4  2y  13  0
(1) 16 (2) 2 (3) 8 (4) 72
Ans. 3 Now,
Compare it with the given equation, we get
54. For a  C, let A  z  C : Re(a  z)  Im(a  z) a = –2, b = 1, c = –13
Now a + b – c = 12
and B  z  C:Re(a  z)  Im(a  z) , Then
among the two statements 58. If the curves x 2  y 2  4 and xy  5 intersect
(S1) : If Re(a), Im(a)  0, then the set A
at points A and B, then the possible number of
contains all the real numbers
point(s) C on the curve x 2  y 2  4 such that
(S2) : If Re(a), Im(a)  0, then the set B
triangle ABC is equilateral is :
contains all the real numbers
(1) 0 (2) 1 (3) 2 (4) 4
(1) only (S2) is true (2) both are true
Ans. 1
(3) only (S1) is true (4) both are false
Sol. A and B are ( 5,1) and (  5, 1)
Ans. 4
Let C be (2sec , 2 tan )
9 9
O(0, 0) is the mid point of AB
55. If  (x
i 1
i  5)  9 and  (x
i 1
i  5)  45, then the
Slope of OC  sin  and slope of AB 
standard deviation of the 9 items x1 , x 2 ,...., x9 is Since OC  AB
(1) 9 (2) 4 (3) 3 (4) 2
So, sin    5 which is impossible
Ans. 4
59. If ,  are roots of the quadratic equation
56. The sides of a triangle are
x  2, y  1  0 and x  2y  4. Its circumcentre x 2  bx  c  0 such that {, }  { 2 , 2 }. Then
is sum of all possible values of b is
(1) (4,0) (2) (2, 1) (3) (0, 4) (4) (2,3) (1) 2 (2) 3 (3) 4 (4) 5
Ans. 1 Ans. 1
Sol. {, }  { 2 , 2 }
57. Let the abscissae of the two points P and Q on a  {, }  (0, 0) (1, 0)(1,1)(, 2 )
circle be the roots of x  4x  6  0 and the
b  0,1, 2,  1
ordinates of P and Q be the roots of

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60. Let 1 1
Put x   dx   2 dt
x2 x x2 x
(4x  4x  5x  1)dx  e
3 2
f (x)  c. t t
Then f (1) is tan 1  
0  1
 t   1  dt  cot t dt  I
(1) 2 (2) 3 (3) 4 (4) 5   1   t2 
 
(1  t) 2 
Ans. 4 
  1  0
t 
 e (4x  4x  5x  1)dx
x2  x 3 2
Sol. 
 1 
 e  (2x  1)(2x  x)  (4x  1)  dx
x x
2I  
2 0 (1  t) 2
dt  I 

  d(e )(2x  x)dx   (4x  1)(e

x2 x 2
)dx x2 x

63. If a and b are any two unit vectors, then the

 
x 2
x 2
 x)
 (2x 2  x)  e x  (4x  1)e x dx  (4x  1)e(x dx 1 1
minimum value of 2
 2
 (2x 2  x)ex c ab ab
f (x)  2x 2  x  f (1)  4(1)  1  5 (1) 1 (2) 2 (3) 3 (4) 4
Ans. 1

Sol. Let '  be the angle between a and b then
 sin 3
2x x
61. Given f (x)  n
 sin (independent of
n 1 3n a  b  1  1  2cos   4cos 2  / 2 and
n). Then the sum of all possible values of x in (0,
a  b  1  1  2cos   4cos 2  / 2 ]
628) such that f(x) = 0.
(1) 5050
(3) 9900
(2) 10100
(4) 99000



cosec2  / 2  sec2  / 2 
Ans. 3
 

2  tan 2  / 2  cot 2  / 2 

2x x 4
Sol. f (x)  sin n  sin n
n 1 3 3 1 {usingAM  GM}
1   x 

  cos n  cos n 1 
2 n 1  3 3  64. If z1  2, 1  i  z2  1  i  z2  8 2, ( z1 , z 2 are
 x  complex variables) then the minimum value of

1 x
 lim  cos n  cos n 1 
z1  z 2 is
n 1  3 
2 x  3
  1  cos x (1) 1 (2) 2 (3) 3 (4) 4

1 x
 lim  cos n  cos x   Ans. 2
n 1  
2 x  3 2
 f (x)  0  x  2n, x  Z Sol. z1  2and 1  i  z2  1  i  z 2  8 2
628  200  x 2  y 2  4 and x  y  4 2

?Sum  2  4  ........  2.99    9900

tan 1 x
62. The value of the integral 
x 2  1  2x
dx is

AB  OB  r  2
   3
(1) (2) (3) (4)
2 8 4 4
Ans. 3

tan 1 x
Sol. I 
(x  1) 2

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tf (t)  1  2   20 
 x  x 2  x 3 ........x 20 1  1  2  .....1  20 
65. Let f 2 (x)  1 t
dt x  R where f is a
 x  x   x 
 1  2   20 
continuous function on R, not identically zero ? A  x 210 1  1  2  .....1  20 
and satisfying f(0) = 0, then the value of  x  x   x 

f  e4  1 is  ? Coeff of x 210 in A is1.

(1) 1 (2) 2 (3) 3 (4) 4 68. If the least area bounded by the curves
Ans. 1 
x y  x 2  4 and y  x  12 is equal to , then
tf (t) 
Sol.  f (x)  1 t
0   3 represents a three digit integer whose
xf (x) digit at ten's place is
 2f (x)f (x)  ;f (x)  0 (not possible)
1  x2 (1) 4 (2) 5 (3) 6 (4) 2
x 1 Ans. 3
 f (x)   f (x)  log(1  x 2 )  C Sol. For least area,   0
2(1  x )

 
 f (0)  0  C  0

 A min  2 12  x 2  4 dx 
1 0
 f (x)  log(1  x 2 )
4    3  265  6
 f  e4  1  1  69. If the curve y  ax 3  bx 2  cx  5 touches x
axis at P(2, 0) and cuts y axis at point Q where
66. A bag contain 5 balls of unknown colors. A ball
is drawn at random from it and is found to be its gradient is 3. Find c  2b  a.
white. The probability that bag contains only (1) 1 (2) 0 (3) 2 (4) -1
white balls is Ans. 1
3 1 2 1 Sol. We can conclude
(1) (2) (3) (4) 8a  4b  2c  5  0
5 5 3 3
Ans. 4 12a  4b  c  0
Sol. Let i (i  1, 2,3, 4,5) denotes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 white
1 3
in bag a  b c3
2 4
P   / i   , (i  1, 2, 3, 4, 5) 3 1
5 c  2b  a  3    1
2 2
P  i   , (i  1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
70. The function
P( )  P( / 5 )
Now, P   / 5   5 5 x
 
f (x)  e x  1 sin x(x  1)(x  2)(x  3) is

P(i )P( / i )
i 1
not differentiable at x
1 (1) {0, 1, 2, 3} (2) {1, 2, 3}
5 1 (3) {0, 2, 3} (4) {1, 3}
 
11 2 3 4 5 3 Ans. 4
     
5 5 5 5 5 5 Sol. x x is differentiable at x = 0, hence 1, 3 are
points of non differentiability.
67. The coefficient of x 210 in the expression (Section-2)
(x  1)(x 2  2)(x 3  3)..........(x 20  20) is This section contains 10 questions numbered 71 to
(1) 11 (2) 111 (3) 1 (4) 0 75. The answer of each question is a numeric
Ans. 3 value/Integer type.
Sol. Let A  (x  1)(x 2  2)........(x 20  20)

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71. In a hurdle race, a runner has probability p of
jumping over a specific hurdle. Given that in 5
trials, the runner succeeded 3 times, the
conditional probability that the runner had
succeeded in the first trial is ____.
Ans. 0.6

72. The number of solutions of the equation

cos 1 x  cos 1 1  x 2   is _.
Ans. 1

73. Let a,b,c be non-zero vectors such that

(a  b)  c  b c a.If  is the angle between
sin  
b and c, then  4   ____ .
sin 
Ans. 0.75

74. If log x y,log z x,log y z are in G.P., xyz  64 and

x 3 , y3 , z 3 are in A.P., then x  y  z is ___.
Ans. 4

75. The number of positive integer solutions of

x  y  z  10, where x, y,z are unequal is
(20  K) then K is ___.
Ans. 4


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