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 Using C with UNIX

 Running C Programs using MS Visual C++ 

 Program Development Life Cycle 

 List of Lab Assignments – Session wise

7. BCSL - 022: Assembly Language Programming Lab (Lab Course) 1 Credit


This lab course is completely based on MCS-012.The basic objective of the course is to provide
the hands on experience on Assembly language programming and improve the practical skill set.
Also to apply all the concepts that have been covered in the theory course MCS-012. The learner
will try to apply the alternate ways to provide the solution to a given problem. The learner will be
able to develop the logic for the given problem, recognize and understand the syntax and
construction of Assembly language code, gains experience of Assembly language programming,
know the steps involved in compiling, linking and debugging Assembly language Program.

Section 1: Digital Logic Circuits

 Logic Gates Circuit Simulation Program
 Making a Logic Circuit Using Logic
 A Revisit of Steps of Logic Circuit Design
 Session-wise problem

Section 2 Assembly Language Programming

 Assemblers
 Turbo Assembler (TASM)
 Emu 8086
 The
 DEBUG Program

 Assembly Programming File

 Session-wise List of Programs

4.3 Detailed Syllabus of BCA 3rd Semester

1. MCS-014 : Systems Analysis and Design 3 Credits


The objectives of the course include the enabling of learner to identify the Software projects in an
organization after studying various functionalities in the organization. Also, they should be able
to structure various requirements, do the design and select the best method to develop the system.
They should be able to implement and maintain the system. The learners should also get
acquainted with different quality standards as well as learn about Management Information


BLOCK 1: Introduction to Systems Development

Unit 1: Introduction to SAD

Fundamentals of System, Important Terms related to Systems, Classification of

Systems, Real Life Business Subsystems, Real Time Systems, Distributed Systems,
Development of a successful System, Various Approaches for development of
Information Systems. Structured Analysis and Design Approach, Prototype, Joint
Application Development.

Unit 2: Systems Analyst-A Profession

Why do Businesses need Systems Analysts? Users, Analysts in various functional areas,
Systems Analyst in Traditional Business, Systems Analyst in Modern Business, Role of
a Systems Analyst Duties of a Systems Analyst, Qualifications of a Systems Analyst,
Analytical Skills, Technical Skills, Management Skills, Interpersonal Skills.

Unit 3: Process of System Development

Systems Development Life Cycle, Phases of SDLC, Project Identification and Selection,
Project Initiation and planning, Analysis, Logical Design, Physical Design,
Implementation, Maintenance, Product of SDLC Phases, Approaches to Development,
Prototyping, Joint Application Design, Participatory Design, Case Study.

Unit 4: Introduction to Documentation of Systems

Concepts and process of Documentation, Types of Documentation, System

Requirements Specification, System Design Specification, Test Design Document, User
Manual, Different Standard for Documentation, Documentation and Quality of Software,
Good Practices for Documentation.

BLOCK 2: Planning and Designing Systems

Unit 5: Process of System Planning

Fact finding Techniques, Interviews, Group Discussion, Site Visits, Presentations,

Questionnaires, Issues involved in Feasibility Study, Technical Feasibility, Operational
Feasibility, Economic Feasibility, Legal Feasibility, Cost Benefit Analysis, Preparing
Schedule, Gathering Requirements of System, Joint Application Development,

Unit 6: Modular and Structured Design

Design Principles, Top Down Design, Bottom Up Design, Structure Charts, Modularity,
Goals of Design, Coupling, Cohesion.

Unit 7: System Design and Modelling

Logical and Physical Design, Process Modeling, Data Flow Diagrams, Data Modeling,
E-R Diagrams, Process Specification Tools, Decision Tables, Decision Trees, Notation
Structured English, Data Dictionary.

BLOCK 3: More Design Issues and CASE Tools
Unit 8: Forms and Reports Design
Forms, Importance of Forms, Reports, Importance of Reports, Differences between
Forms and Reports, Process of Designing Forms and Reports, Deliverables and
Outcomes, Design Specifications, Narrative Overviews, Sample Design, Testing and
Usability Assessment, Types of Information, Internal Information, External Information,
Turnaround Document, General Formatting Guidelines, Meaningful Titles, Meaningful
Information, Balanced Layout, Easy Navigation, Guidelines for Displaying Contents,
Highlight Information, Using Colour, Displaying Text, Designing Tables and Lists,
Criteria for Form Design, Organization, Consistency, Completeness, Flexible Entry,
Economy, Criteria for Report Design, Relevance, Accuracy, Clarity, Timeliness, Cost.
Unit 9: Physical File Design and Database Design
Introduction to Database design, Flat files vs. Database, Steps in Database Design, E-
R model to Database Design, Inputs to Physical Database Design, Guidelines for
Database Design, Design of Data Base Fields, Types of Fields, Rules for Naming
Tables and Fields, Design of Physical Records, Design of Physical Files, Types of
Files, File Organization, Design of Database, Case Study.
Unit 10: CASE Tools for Systems Development
Use of CASE tools by organizations, Definition of CASE Tools, Use of CASE tools
by Organizations, Role of CASE Tools, Advantages of CASE Tools, Disadvantages
of CASE Tools, Components of CASE, Types of CASE Tools, Classification of
CASE Tools, Reverse and Forward Engineering, Visual and Emerging CASE tools,
Traditional systems development and CASE based systems development, CASE
environment, Emerging CASE Tools, Objected oriented CASE tools, Creating
documentation and reports using CASE tools, Creating and executable prototype
using Object Oriented CASE tools, Sequence Diagrams.
BLOCK 4: Implementation and Security of Systems & MIS
Unit 11: Implementation and Maintenance of Systems
Implementation of Systems, Conducting System Tests, Preparing Conversion Plan,
Installing Databases, Training the end users, Preparation of User Manual, Converting
to the new System, Maintenance of Systems, Different Maintenance activities, Issues
involved in Maintenance.
Unit 12: Audit and Security of Computer Systems
Definition of Audit, Objectives of Audit, Responsibility and Authority of the System
Auditor, Confidentiality, Audit Planning, Audit of Transactions on Computer,
Transaction Audit, Audit of Computer Security, Audit of Application, Benefits of
Audit, Computer Assisted Audit Techniques, Audit Software, Test Data, Audit
Expert Systems, Audit Trail, Computer System and Security issues, Analysis of
Threats and Risks, Recovering from Disasters, Planning the contingencies, Viruses,
Concurrent Audit Techniques, Need for Concurrent Audit, Techniques, An
Integrated Test Facility, Techniques, The Snapshot Techniques, SCARF, Continuous
and Intermittent, Simulation Technique.

Unit 13: Management Information Systems
Role of MIS in an organization, Different kinds of Information Systems, Transaction
Processing System, Management Information System, Decision Support System,
Expert System.
2. MCS-021: Data and File Structures 4 Credits
The learner should be well versed with the fundamentals of Algorithms, learn various data
structures, should be able to use them appropriately as per need during development of programs.
Also, the learner should know different sorting and searching techniques so that correct
techniques can be used in different programs so that the complexity of the program does not
increase due the sorting/ search technique employed. The learner should have the knowledge
about file structures and finally, s/he should also know the concepts of advanced data structures.
BLOCK 1 : Introduction to Algorithms and Data Structures
Unit 1: Analysis of Algorithms
Mathematical Background, Process of Analysis, Calculation of Storage Complexity,
Calculation of Run Time Complexity.
Unit 2: Arrays
Arrays and Pointers, Sparse Matrices, Polynomials, Representation of Arrays, Row
Major Representation, Column Major Representation, Applications.
Unit 3: Lists
Abstract Data Type-List, Array Implementation of Lists, Linked Lists-
Implementation, Doubly Linked Lists-Implementation, Circularly Linked Lists-
Implementation, Applications.
BLOCK-2: Stacks, Queues and Trees
Unit 4: Stacks
Abstract Data Type-Stack, Implementation of Stack, Implementation of Stack using
Arrays, Implementation of Stack using Linked Lists, Algorithmic Implementation of
Multiple Stacks, Applications.
Unit 5: Queues
Abstract Data Type-Queue, Implementation of Queue, Array Implementation,
Linked List Implementation, Implementation of Multiple Queues, Implementation of
Circular Queues, Array Implementation, Linked List Implementation of a circular
queue, Implementation of DEQUEUE, Array Implementation of a dequeue, Linked
List Implementation of a dequeue.
Unit 6: Trees
Abstract Data Type-Tree, Implementation of Tree, Tree Traversals, Binary Trees,
Implementation of Binary Tree, Binary Tree Traversals, Recursive Implementation
of Binary Tree Traversals, Non Recursive Implementations of Binary Tree
Traversals, Applications.

BLOCK 3 : Graph Algorithms and Searching Techniques

Unit 7: Advanced Trees

Binary Search Trees, Traversing a Binary Search Trees, Insertion of a node into a
Binary Search Tree, Deletion of a node from a Binary Search Tree, AVL Trees,
Insertion of a node into an AVL Tree, Deletion of a node from and AVL Tree, AVL
tree rotations, Applications of AVL Trees, B-Trees, Operations on B-Trees ,
Applications of B-Trees.

Unit 8: Graphs

Definitions, Shortest Path Algorithms, Dijkstra’s Algorithm, Graphs with Negative

Edge costs, Acyclic Graphs, All Pairs Shortest Paths Algorithm, Minimum cost
Spanning Trees, Kruskal’s Algorithm, Prims’s Algorithm, Applications, Breadth
First Search , Depth First Search, Finding Strongly Connected Components.

Unit 9: Searching

Linear Search, Binary Search, Applications.

BLOCK 4 : File Structures and Advanced Data Structures

Unit 10: Sorting

Internal Sorting, Insertion Sort, Bubble Sort, Quick Sort, 2-way Merge Sot, Heap
Sort, Sorting on Several Keys.

Unit 11: Advanced Data Structures

Splay Trees, Splaying steps, Splaying Algorithm, Red-Black trees, Properties of a

Red Black tree, Insertion into a Red-Black tree, Deletion from a Red-Black tree, AA-

Unit 12: File Structures

Terminology, File Organisation, Sequential Files, Structure, Operations, Disadvantages,

Areas of use, Direct File Organisation, Indexed Sequential File Organisation.

3. MCS 023: Introduction to Database Management Systems 3 Credits


Database systems are pervasive. They are present in every segment of commercial, academic and
virtual world. They are required as the backbone of any information system, enterprise resource
planning, research activities and other activity that require permanence of data storage. This
course provides the basic introduction to database system technologies; and concurrency,
security and recovery issues of database management systems.

This course also provides the basic conceptual background necessary to design and develop
simple database systems. The major focus in this course is the Relational database model;
however, it also discusses about the ER model and distributed databases. This course enables you
to write good queries using a standard query language called SQL.

BLOCK 1 : The Database Management System Concepts
Unit 1: The Basic Concepts
Need for a Database Management System, The file based system, Limitations of file
based system, The Database Approach, The Logical DBMS Architecture, Three level
architecture of DBMS or logical DBMS architecture, Mappings between levels and
data independence, The need for three level architecture, Physical DBMS
Architecture, DML Precompiler, DDL Compiler, File Manager, Database Manager,
Query Processor, Database Administrator, Data files indices and Data Dictionary,
Commercial Database Architecture, Data Models.
Unit 2: Relational and ER Models
The Relational Model, Domains, Attributes, Tuple and Relation, Super keys
Candidate keys and Primary keys for the Relations, Relational Constraints, Domain
Constraint, Key Constraint, Integrity Constraint, Update Operations and Dealing
with Constraint Violations, Relational Algebra, Basic Set Operation, Cartesian
Product, Relational Operations, Entity Relationship (ER) Model, Entities, Attributes,
Relationships, More about Entities and Relationships, Defining Relationship for
College Database, E-R Diagram, Conversion of E-R Diagram to Relational Database.
Unit 3: Database Integrity and Normalisation
Relational Database Integrity, The Keys, Referential Integrity, Entity Integrity,
Redundancy and Associated Problems, Single-Valued Dependencies, Single-Valued
Normalisation, The First Normal Form, The Second Normal Form, The Third
Normal Form, Boyce Codd Normal Form, Desirable Properties of Decomposition,
Attribute Preservation, Lossless-join Decomposition, Dependency Preservation, Lack
of redundancy, Rules of Data Normalisation, Eliminate Repeating Groups, Eliminate
Redundant Data, Eliminate Columns Not Dependent on Key.
Unit 4: File Organisation in DBMS
Physical Database Design Issues, Storage of Database on Hard Disks, File
Organisation and Its Types, Heap files (Unordered files), Sequential File
Organisation, Indexed (Indexed Sequential) File Organisation, Hashed File
Organisation, Types of Indexes, Index and Tree Structure, Multi-key File
Organisation, Need for Multiple Access Paths, Multi-list File Organisation, Inverted
File Organisation, Importance of File Organisation in Databases..
BLOCK 2: Structured Query Language and Transaction Management
Unit 1: The Structures Query Language
What is SQL? Data Definition Language, Data Manipulation Language, Data
Control, Database Objects: Views, Sequences, Indexes and Synonyms, Table
Handling, Nested Queries.
Unit 2: Transactions and Concurrency Management
The Transactions, The Concurrent Transactions, The Locking Protocol, Serialisable
Schedules, Locks. Two Phase Locking (2PL), Deadlock and its Prevention,
Optimistic Concurrency Control.

Unit 3: Database Recovery and Security
What is Recovery? Kinds of failures, Failure controlling methods, Database errors,
Recovery Techniques, Security & Integrity, Relationship between Security and Integrity,
Difference between Operating System and Database Security, Authorization.
Unit 4: Distributed and Client Server Databases

Need for Distributed Database Systems, Structure of Distributed Database,

Advantages and Disadvantages of DDBMS, Advantages of Data Distribution,
Disadvantages of Data Distribution, Design of Distributed Databases, Data
Replication, Data Fragmentation, Client Server Databases, Emergence of Client
Server Architecture, Need for Client Server Computing, Structure of Client Server
Systems, Advantages of Client Server Systems.
BLOCK 3: Application Development: Development of a Hospital Management System

Need to Develop the Hospital Management System (An HMS), Creating a Database
for HMS, Developing Front End Forms, Reports, Using Queries and Record set.
BLOCK 4: Study Centre Management System: A Case Study

Software Development Process: Analysis, System Designing, Issues relating to

Software Development, Testing and Maintenance.

4. BCS-031 : Programming in C++ 3 Credits


The object oriented programming paradigm is one of the popular programming paradigms of
today. Due to its characteristics object orientation has added new dimensions in the software
development process. In this course concept of Object Oriented Programming (OOP) is
introduced and for this purpose C++ programming language is being used. C++ a very powerful
general purpose programming language, which supports object oriented programming paradigm.
This course covers basics of C++ programming language which includes data types, variables,
operators, and array and pointers. Also object oriented features such as class and objects,
inheritance, polymorphism are covered in this course. Finally exceptions handling, I/O
operations and STL are explained.
BLOCK 1: Basics of Object Oriented Programming & C++

Unit 1: Object Oriented Programming

Structured vs. Object Oriented Programming, Object Oriented Programming

Concepts, Benefits of Object oriented programming, Object Oriented Languages.
Unit 2: Introduction to C++

Genesis of C++, Structure of a C++ program, Data Types, Operators and Control
Unit 3: Objects and Classes

Classification, Defining Classes, Encapsulation, Instantiating Objects, Member

Functions, Accessibility labels, Static Members.

Unit 4: Constructors and Destructors

Purpose of Constructors, Default Constructor, Parameterized Constructors, Copy

Constructor, Destructor, Memory Management.
BLOCK 2: Inheritance and Polymorphism in C++
Unit 1: Inheritance
Concept of Reusability, Types of Inheritance, Single and Multiple Inheritance,
Multilevel Inheritance.
Unit 2: Operator Overloading
Function and Operator Overloading, Overloading Unary and Binary Operators.
Unit 3: Polymorphism and Virtual Function
Abstract Class, Function Overriding, Dynamic Binding, Pure Virtual Functions.
BLOCK 3: Advanced Features of C++
Unit 1: Streams and Files
Stream Classes, Types of I/O, Formatting Outputs, File Pointers, Buffer.
Unit 2: Templates and STL
Function and Class Templates, Use of Templates, Standard Template Library.
Unit 3: Exception Handling
Exceptions in C++ Programs, Try and Catch Expressions, Exceptions with arguments.

Unit 4: Case Study

A Case Study to implement a real world problem.

5. BCSL-032: C++ Programming Lab 1 Credit

Objective of this course is to provide hands on experience to the learners in C++ programming.
Learners will write program in C++ based on concepts learned in C++ programming course. In
this course programming to be done for implementation of OO features such as class, objects,
inheritance, polymorphism.
Syllabus and Sessions Allocation:
Session1: Basics of C++, data type, I/O, Control Structures etc., Session 2: Class and Objects,
function calling, Session 3: Constructor and Destructor, Session 4: Inheritance, Session 5: Operator
Overloading, Session 6: Polymorphism, Session 7: Template class and function, Session 8: I/O
and streaming,Session9: Exception Handling, Session10: STL.
6. BCSL-033: Data and File Structures Lab 1 Credit

This lab is based on the courses MCS-021. This lab course involves the development of the
practical skills in Data structures using C programming, Theoretical aspects were already
covered in the respective theory courses.

This course is an attempt to upgrade and enhance your theoretical skills and provide the hands on
experience. By the end of these practical sessions of this course, you will be able to write
programs using basic data structures such as Arrays etc. as well as advanced data structures such
as trees etc.
SECTION 1: Data and File Structures Lab Manual
 Arrays

 Structures
 Linked Lists

 Queues
 Trees
 Advanced Trees

 Graphs

 Searching

Sorting 

7. BCSL-034: DBMS Lab 1 Credit

Objectives: This lab is based on the courses MCS-023,. This lab course involves the development of
the practical skills in DBMS using MS-Access , Theoretical aspects were already covered in the
respective theory courses. This course is an attempt to upgrade and enhance your theoretical skills
and provide the hands on experience. By the end of these practical sessions of this course, you will
be able to create databases and use DBMS Tools in the areas of Database applications.
 Introduction to MS-Access

 Database Creation

 Use of DBMS Tools/Client-Server Mode

 Forms and Procedures

4.4 Detailed Syllabus of BCA Forth Semester

1. BCS-040: Statistical Techniques 4 Credits

BLOCK 1: Statistics and Probability

Unit 1: Descriptive Statistics
Collecting Data, Kinds of Data, Frequency Distribution of a Variable, Graphical
Representation of Frequency Distribution, Summarisation of Data, Measures of
Central Tendency, Measures of Dispersion or Variability.


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