Prerequisite: The topics covered under the course Discrete Mathematical Structures (MAT
203 )
Course Outcomes: After the completion of the course the student will be able to
Explain vertices and their properties, types of paths, classification of graphs and
CO 1
trees & their properties. (Cognitive Knowledge Level: Understand)
Demonstrate the fundamental theorems on Eulerian and Hamiltonian graphs.
CO 2
(Cognitive Knowledge Level: Understand)
Illustrate the working of Prim’s and Kruskal’s algorithms for finding minimum cost
CO 3 spanning tree and Dijkstra’s and Floyd-Warshall algorithms for finding shortest
paths. (Cognitive Knowledge Level: Apply)
Explain planar graphs, their properties and an application for planar graphs.
CO 4
(Cognitive Knowledge Level: Apply)
Explain the Vertex Color problem in graphs and illustrate an example application
CO 6
for vertex coloring. (Cognitive Knowledge Level: Apply)
Mapping of course outcomes with program outcomes
PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 7 PO 10 PO 11 PO 12
1 5 6 8 9
CO 1 √ √ √ √ √
CO 2 √ √ √ √ √ √
CO 3 √ √ √ √ √ √
CO 4 √ √ √ √ √ √
CO 5 √ √ √ √ √
CO 6 √ √ √ √ √ √
Assessment Pattern
Understand 30 30 30
Apply 40 40 40
Mark Distribution
Attendance : 10 marks
First Internal Examination shall be preferably conducted after completing the first half of the
syllabus and the Second Internal Examination shall be preferably conducted after completing
remaining part of the syllabus.
There will be two parts: Part A and Part B. Part A contains 5 questions (preferably, 2
questions each from the completed modules and 1 question from the partly covered module),
having 3 marks for each question adding up to 15 marks for part A. Students should answer
all questions from Part A. Part B contains 7 questions (preferably, 3 questions each from the
completed modules and 1 question from the partly covered module), each with 7 marks. Out
of the 7 questions in Part B, a student should answer any 5.
End Semester Examination Pattern: There will be two parts; Part A and Part B. Part A
contain 10 questions with 2 questions from each module, having 3 marks for each question.
Students should answer all questions. Part B contains 2 questions from each module of which
student should answer anyone. Each question can have maximum 2 sub-divisions and carries
14 marks.
Module 1
Module 2
Eulerian and Hamiltonian graphs : Euler graphs, Operations on graphs, Hamiltonian paths
and circuits, Travelling salesman problem. Directed graphs – types of digraphs, Digraphs and
binary relation, Directed paths, Fleury’s algorithm.
Module 3
Trees and Graph Algorithms : Trees – properties, pendant vertex, Distance and centres in a
tree - Rooted and binary trees, counting trees, spanning trees, Prim’s algorithm and Kruskal’s
algorithm, Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm, Floyd-Warshall shortest path algorithm.
Module 4
Connectivity and Planar Graphs : Vertex Connectivity, Edge Connectivity, Cut set and Cut
Vertices, Fundamental circuits, Planar graphs, Kuratowski’s theorem (proof not required),
Different representations of planar graphs, Euler's theorem, Geometric dual.
Module 5
Text book:
Reference Books:
2. Is it possible to construct a graph with 12 vertices such that two of the vertices have
degree 3 and the remaining vertices have degree 4? Justify
3. Prove that a simple graph with n vertices must be connected, if it has more than
(n − 1)(n − 2)
4. Prove the statement: If a graph (connected or disconnected) has exactly two odd degree,
then there must be a path joining these two vertices.
1. Define Hamiltonian circuit and Euler graph. Give one example for each.
3. Prove that a connected graph G is an Euler graph if all vertices of G are of even degree.
4. Prove that a graph G of n vertices always has a Hamiltonian path if the sum of the degrees
of every pair of vertices Vi, Vj in G satisfies the condition d(Vi) + d(Vj) =n−1
Course Outcome 3 (CO3):
1. Define edge connectivity, vertex connectivity and separable graphs. Give an example for
2. Prove that a connected graph with n vertices and e edges has e − n + 2 edges.
3. Prove the statement: Every cut set in a connected graph G must also contain at least one
branch of every spanning tree of G.
4. Draw the geometrical dual (G*) of the graph given below, also check whether G and G*
are self-duals or not, substantiate your answer clearly.
1. Show that if A(G) is an incidence matrix of a connected graph G with n vertices, then
rank of A(G) is n−1.
2. Show that if B is a cycle matrix of a connected graph G with n vertices and m edges, then
rank B = m−n+1.
3. Derive the relations between the reduced incidence matrix, the fundamental cycle matrix,
and the fundamental cut-set matrix of a graph G.
4. Characterize simple, self-dual graphs in terms of their cycle and cut-set matrices.
1. Show that an n vertex graph is a tree iff its chromatic polynomial is P n(λ) = λ(λ − 1)n−1
Code : Total Pages: 4
1 Construct a simple graph of 12 vertices with two of them having degree 1, (3)
three having degree 3 and the remaining seven having degree 10.
2 What is the largest number of vertices in a graph with 35 edges, if all (3)
vertices are of degree at least 3 ?
3 Define a Euler graph. Give an example of Eulerian graph which is not (3)
4 Give an example of a strongly connected simple digraph without a directed (3)
Hamiltonian path.
5 What is the sum of the degrees of any tree of n vertices? (3)
6 How many spanning trees are there for the following graph (3)
7 Show that in a simple connected planar graph G having V-vertices, E-edges, (3)
and no triangles E <= 3V - 6.
8 Let G be the following disconnected planar graph. Draw its dual G*, and the (3)
dual of the dual (G*)*.
9 Consider the circuit matrix B and incidence matrix A of a simple connected (3)
graph whose columns are arranged using the same order of edges. Prove that
every row of B is orthogonal to every row of A?
10 A graph is critical if the removal of any one of its vertices (and the edges (3)
adjacent to that vertex) results in a graph with a lower chromatic number.
Show that Kn is critical for all n > 1.
Answer any one Question from each module. Each question carries 14 Marks
11 a) Prove that for any simple graph with at least two vertices has two vertices of (6)
the same degree.
b) Prove that in a complete graph with n vertices there are (n-1)/2 edge disjoint (8)
Hamiltonian circuits and n >= 3
etermine whether the following graphs G1 = (V1, E1) and G2 = (V2, E2) are isomorphic
12. a) D
12 a) Determine whether the following graphs G1 = (V1, E1) and G2 = (V2, E2) are (6)
or not. Give justification. (6)
isomorphic or not. Give justification.
b) P b) that
rove Prove that a graph
a simple simplewith n vertices
graph with nand k components
vertices and k components
can have atcan have
most at (n-(8)
k+1)/2 edges.
most (n-k) (n-k+1)/2 edges (8)
13Leta)S bLet
13. a) e a Ssetbeofa 5set
elements. Construct
of 5 elements. Construct whose
a graphaGgraph G vertices are subsets
whose vertices of S of size
are subsets (8)
2 and twoofsuch
S ofsubsets are two
size 2 and adjacent
such in G if they
subsets are disjoint.
are adjacent in G if they are disjoint. (8)
i. Drawi.theDraw G.graph G.
ii. How ii.
many edges
How manymust musttobeG added
be added
edges to order
in ordertoforGGin have afor
G to havecycle?
b) Let G be a graph with exactly
Hamiltonian two connected components, both being Eulerian. What is
Let G number of edges
be a graph withthat need totwo
exactly be added to G to
connected obtain an Eulerian
components, graph? (6)
both being
Eulerian. What is the minimum number of edges that need to be added to G (6)
to obtain an Eulerian graph?
14. a) Show that a k-connected graph with no hamiltonian
OR cycle has an independent set of size
14k +a)1. Show that a k-connected graph with no hamiltonian cycle has an (8)
b) independent set of size k + 1. (6)
i.b) Let Gi.beLet
a graph
G bethat has exactly
a graph twoexactly
that has connected
two components, both being both
connected components,
beinggraphs. Find thegraphs.
Hamiltonian minimumFindnumber of edgesnumber
the minimum that oneofneeds to that
edges add to
G to obtain
to add tograph.
G to obtain a Hamiltonian graph. (6)
ii. For which
ii. Forvalues
which n the graph
of values n (hyper-cube
of n Qthe on n vertices)onis nEulerian.
graph Qn (hyper-cube vertices) is
15 a) A tree T has at least one vertex v of degree 4, and at least one vertex w of (5)
degree 3. Prove that T has at least 5 leaves.
b) Write Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm. (9)
Consider the following weighted directed graph G.
Find the shortest path between a and every other vertices in G using
Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm.
16 a) Define pendent vertices in a binary tree? Prove that the number of pendent (5)
vertices in a binary tree with n vertices is (n+1)/2.
b) (9)
Write Prim’s algorithm for finding minimum spanning tree.
Find a minimum spanning tree in the following weighted graph, using
Prim's algorithm.
Determine the number of minimum spanning trees for the given graph.
17 a) i. State and prove Euler's Theorem relating the number of faces, edges and (9)
vertices for a planar graph.
ii. If G is a 5-regular simple graph and |V| = 10, prove that G is non-planar.
b) Let G be a connected graph and e an edge of G. Show that e is a cut-edge if (5)
and only if e belongs to every spanning tree.
18 a) 18. a) State
State Kuratowski's
Kuratowski's theorem,
theorem, andituse
and use it to show
to show thatgraph
that the the graph G below
G below is notis not
planar. G on
Draw the the
G on plane without
plane edges
without crossing.
edges YourYour
crossing. drawing should
drawing use the labelling of
use the vertices of
the vertices given. (9)
b) Let G
b) be
LetaGconnected graph graph
be a connected and e and
an edge of G.ofShow
e an edge that that
G. Show e belongs to ato a(5)
e belongs loop if and
loop if only
and only if e belongs
if e belongs to notospanning
no spanning
tree.tree. (5)
19 a) 19.
Define the circuit
a) Define matrix
the circuit B(G)Bof
matrix a connected
(G) graphgraph
of a connected G with n vertices
G with and and
n vertices e (7)
e edges with
edgesanwith an example.
example. Prove Prove that
that the theofrank
rank of is
B(G) B(G) is .e-n+1
b) Give
(7) the definition of the chromatic polynomial PG(k). Directly from the (7)
definition, prove
b) Give the that theofchromatic
definition polynomials
the chromatic of P
WGn(k) Cn satisfy
. Directly fromthe
the definition,
identity PWnthat
prove (k) =the
k Pchromatic polynomials of Wn and Cn satisfy the identity PWn(k) = k PCn-1
Cn-1 (k – 1).
(k – 1). (7)
20 a) Define the incidence matrix of a graph G with an example. Prove that the (4)
20. a) of
rank Define the incidence
an incidence matrixmatrix
of a connected G with
of a graphgraph an nexample.
with Prove
vertices is n-1. that the rank of an
incidence matrix of a connected graph with n vertices is n-1. (4)
b) (10)
i. A graph G has chromatic polynomial PG(k) = k4-4k3+5k2-2k. How many vertices
and edges does G have? Is G bipartite? Justify your answers.
b) i. A graph G has chromatic polynomial PG(k) = k4-4k3+5k2-2k. How
many vertices and edges does G have? Is G bipartite? Justify your
ii. Find a maximum matching in the graph below and use Hall's theorem
to show that it is indeed maximum.
No. of
No Topic
2. Incidence and Degree – Isolated vertex, pendent vertex and Null graph 1
4. Isomorphism 1
7. Connected graphs. 1
1. Euler graphs 1
2. Operations on graphs 1
8. Fleury’s algorithm 1
1. Trees – properties 1
2. Trees – properties 1
6. Counting trees 1
8. Prim’s algorithm 1
9. Kruskal’s algorithm 1
3. Fundamental circuits 1
4. Fundamental circuits 1
5. Planar graphs 1
6. Kuratowski’s theorem 1
8. Euler's theorem 1
9. Geometric dual 1
4. Chromatic polynomial 1
5. Matching 1
6. Covering 1