Title of Article:
Role of Truptighna Mahakashay Dravyas in relation to Aamashayagat
Rasadhatu Dushtijanya Vyadhi
Pardeshi Pallavi 1 Chavan Sheetal 2 Dr. Parag S. Patil 3
Asst. Prof. Bhimashankar Ayurved College, Pune. 2Asst. Prof., 3Asso. Prof., ASS Ayurved College, Nashik.
Article History: Acharya Charak has classified various dravyas into different groups
Received: 1 january 2023 according to their actions on specific diseases and has also given names
Accepted: 6 march 2023 to the groups according to their action on the human body. A total of
Published: 1 april 2023 50 ganas or Mahakashayas are mentioned in the classic text Charak
Samhita. TruptighnaMahakashay is one of them. Acharya Charak aims
Address for Correspondence: to give ready references to medicinal drugs for curing different
Chavan Sheetal disorders. Trupti means Satisfaction. It is one of the KaphaDoshaj
Asst. Prof. ASS Ayurved College, symptoms. An excessive increase of KaphaDosha gives rise to
KaphaDoshadushtijanyaVyadhi. KaphaDosha is similar to Rasa Dhatu.
Email- dr.sheetalyadav59@gmail.com
Vitiation of KaphaDosha precedes vitiation of Rasa Dhatu, which
ISSN No.: 2582-5971 leads to different Rasa Dhatu dushtijanyaVyadhi. Amashay is one of the
Sthana of KaphaDosha, especially KledakKapha. Due to
KledakKaphaDoshadushti,Jatharagni gets disturbed, leading to
different digestive disorders related to Rasa Dhatu like Ashraddha,
Aruchi, Agnimandya, Aasyavairasya, Ajirna, Aadhman, Chhardi,
Hralhas, and Amlapitta. In this review article, we will compile and
correlate the probable action of TruptighnaMahakashaydravyas and
their role in RasapradoshajanyaAamashayagatVyadhi.
Keywords: Rasavahasrotas, Truptighna, Mahakashay, Agnimandya.
food comes in contact with the jatharagni. When this Management of Rasavaha strotodushti according to
jatharagni meaning digestive power is affected, food not Acharya Charak - Fasting (Langhan) is the best remedy
digested properly gets converted into Aam which causes for the rasa dhatu dushti janya vikar. 3[Ch. Su.28/24]
Agnimandya. According to Ayurveda the physiological Rasavaha strotas are channels that carry rasa dhatu.
functioning of the body depends on the proper function of Therefore, the dushti of rasa dhatu implies the dushti of
Agni i.e. Jatharagni, Dhatwagni, Bhootagni, etc. Agni has Rasavaha strotas. Since rasa is the foremost amongst the
an important role in the proper equilibrium of Doshas, sapta dhatu (and Rasavaha strotas its channel), rasa
Dhatu, and Mala. dhatu dushti leads to the vitiation of the following six
dhatu and their strotasas. Hence, it is very essential to
MATERIAL AND METHOD deal with the Rasavaha strotas vikar, to avoid rasa dushti
and eventually further dhatu dushti and strotas dushti.
The Ayurvedic classical text material and also different
research articles from internet sources have been
Nidan (HetuSevan) ----- Tridosha dushti ----- Dosha
vaigunya ---- changes in the functions of Pachak pitta and
Aim: To study Rasavaha Srotasa dushti janya vikar
Kledak kapha ----- Agnivaigunya ----- Food not properly
related to Amashay and the role of Truptighna
digested, improperly digested food converts into aam -----
Mahakashay dravyas.
Aam-nirmiti ----- Agnimandya.
Aamotpati is the main reason for Agnimandya.
1. To study Rasavaha Srotasa.
Agnimandya is a symptom and also a disease.
2. To study Truptighna karma in detail.
Agnimandya causes improper digestion of food and turns
3. To study the action of Truptighna Mahakashay
it into Aam. The repetitive happening of this condition or
dravyas in Rasavaha Srotasa dushti janya vikar.
ignoring this condition produces a variety of Rasa Dhatu
4. To study the dravyas with their chemical composition
dushti janya vyadhi. Excessive Aam circulates through the
and satiety-related mode of action.
channels [Srotasa] and blocks the different channels
[Srotasa] and obstructs the flow of Aahar rasa [Saar
AYURVEDIC CONCEPT Bhag] and Mala [Kitta Bhag]. Due to the blockage of
Srotasa: Srotas, specifically the first Rasavaha Srotasa; the
Strotas are very minute channels not seen but detectable nutrition of further Dhatu becomes deficient. Aam
by their functions, they provide nutrients to the whole accumulated in the Rasavaha Srotasa causes disease
respective Dhatu in the body. If there is any disturbance conditions like Tripti, Ajirna, Aruchi, Aasyavairasya,
in the physiology of strotas, it may lead to pathological Ashraddha, Gurutwa, Jwar, Chhardi, Hrallas, Udarshul,
changes in the body, therefore understanding the concept Aadhman, Aatop. The qualities of Rasa Dhatu resemble
of strotas is very important. Kapha Dosha, hence disordered Rasa Dhatu causes an
increase in the Guna i.e. the properties of Kapha dosha,
The following are the causes of Rasa Dhatu Dushti: such as Snigdha, Guru, Sheeta, and Pichchhil. So, to cure
[Ch. Vi.5/21] this upset condition; viruddha guna karma dravyas are
1. Eating Guru-Excessively Heavy, Sheeta-Cold, used. Kaphashamak medications like Ushna guna and
Atisnigdha - Oily, Unctuous, Sticky, food. Katu rasa dravyas should be used to treat such
2. Samashan –Taking a wholesome and unwholesome conditions. In Truptighna dravyas the maximum dravyas
diet together are Katu rasatmak and Ushna Virya, which are
3. Chinta-Stress. Kaphashamak properties. As excessive Kapha dosha
diminishes, it decreases the Guru, Snigdha, Sheeta,
The following are the diseases related to the Amashay: Pichchhil, etc characteristics, and helps to reverse the
[Ch. Su.28/9, 10] 2 Aama dosha-related disorder.
Ashraddha-Ageusia, Aruchi-Anorexia, Aasyavairasya-
Disgeusia, Arasadnyata-Loss of taste, Hrilaas-Nausea, Truptighna Mahakashay:
Gaurav/Aadhman-Feeling of heaviness. A total of 10 dravyas comprise the Truptighna
Rasa pradoshaj vyadhis covered by Acharya Sushruta Mahakashay. They are
are: Avipak – Dyspepsia, Trupti-Early satiety, 1. Shunthi, 2. Guduchi, 3. Vacha, 4. Musta, 5. Pippali,
Hradroga-Heart disorder. 6. Chavya, 7. Chitraka, 8. Vidanga, 9. Murva, 10.
Patol. 4, 7
Drug Name Rasa Virya Vipaka Guna
Nagara Katu Ushna Madhura Guru, Rhizome
Zingiber officinalis Ruksha,
Zigiberaceace Tikshna.
Chavya Katu Ushna Katu Laghu, Fruit
Piper chaba Ruksha. Root
Chitraka Katu Ushna Katu Laghu, Root
Plumbago zeylanica Ruksha.
Vidanga Katu Ushna Katu Tikshna Seed
Embelia ribes Kashaya
Murva Tikta, Ushna Katu Laghu, Rhizome
Marsdenia tenacissina Kashaya Ruksha.
Table No. 2: List of Truptighna Mahakashay dravyas with their detail information about Doshaghnata,
Rogaghnata, and Karma.7, 8, 9
Drug Name Doshaghnata Karma Rogaghnata
Table No.-3 List of Truptighna Mahakashay dravyas with detailed information related to their chemical
constituents, Pharmacological action, and Mode of action.
According to the Ayurvedic concept, most of the
This review article is to compile and correlate Ayurvedic
Truptighna Mahakashay dravyas are Katu
and Modern concepts and the probable actions of
rasavipakatmak and Ushna viryatmak.8 All these
Triptighna Mahakashay dravyas. The use of Triptighna
properties are Kapha Vata shamak and act as Deepan,
Mahakashay dravyas not only maintains general health
Pachan, Rochan, Anuloman, Shulprashaman, and
but also improves the quality of health by stimulating the
Chhardinigrahan. In Rasa Dhatu dushti janya vikar all
appetite and reducing related disorders.
these karmas [actions] are necessary as preventive and
curative measures. From the modern medical point of
view, early satiety is correlated with the symptoms like
nausea, vomiting, heaviness and pain in the abdomen, and REFERENCES
improper digestion of food. 6 Aetiological factors are
obstruction, tumor, cancer cell growth, anxiety, 1. Vd.Brahmanand Tripathi, Charak Samhita,
depression, infection and inflammation of the abdominal Maharshi charak, Vimansthan, Chapter 5, verse
organ, gastritis, etc. The drugs in the Triptighna no.21, Chuakhamba Surubhi Prakashan,
Mahakashay contain many contents like alkaloids, Varanasi, 2011.
glycosides, steroids, and amino acids which act as 2. Vd.Brahmanand Tripathi, Charak Samhita,
Digestive, Carminative, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-cancer, Maharshi charak, Sutrasthan, Chapter 28, verse
Antianxiety, Anti-depressant, Anti-ulcer, etc that reduce no.9-10, Chuakhamba Surubhi Prakashan,
the various complications and related disorders by Varanasi, 2011.
improving quality of gut health and make the person 3. Vd.Brahmanand Tripathi, Charak Samhita,
healthy. Maharshi charak, Sutrasthan, Chapter 28, verse
no.24, Chuakhamba Surabhi Prakashan,
Varanasi, 2011.
4. Chakrapani Dutta, Charka Samhita, Chakrapani
teeka, 5th Edition, Chuakhamba publication,