Summary: Professional liability has become a perennial problem for the independent designer, particularly
the one-off designer who provides the design services for cranes and bulk materials handling machines. Part
of the problem can be seen to be the way engineers have been representing the risk associated with their
work. This has lead to the distressing notion that a bid price does not need to include a development
contingent when the design is sub contracted.
A form of representation of risk is proposed in terms of permissible error rate associated with a particular level
of development contingent. It is suggested that for a 5% (of purchase price) contingent to be adequate, the
designer is allowed no more than 1 error in 300 design decisions. This representation could be used to argue
for the provision of such a contingent, and to let the designer share in the residual of that contingent on
completion of the job. Should the contingent not suffice, then a claim could be made against the professional
indemnity insurer, but that claim be reduced by the contingent.
This allows the developer to budget and be properly protected by insurance, allows the designer to share in
the benefits of the risks he is expected to take, and allows for the insurer to see a substantially larger excess than
is noted on the policy.
Engineers have come to face a situation where the law, and the community at large, misunderstand,
misrepresent, or ignore an underlying aspect of the engineering method. This aspect being the ongoing
endeavour to balance risk with cost without which development is either not acceptably safe, or not
economically feasible. Although it could be argued that the consumer himself drives the need to be
economical by pressuring for goods at minimum price, it can equally be argued that engineers have brought
this problem upon themselves by never speaking in terms of risk. Instead, they speak in terms of solutions,
thus implying rightness, and also in terms of factors of safety, thus implying a decision is safer than safe [1].
Although most engineers would probably understand that these implications are quite incorrect, the
misunderstanding in the non-engineering community continues, perhaps because engineers do not recognise
that the misunderstanding exists. It has been suggested that engineers should represent risk more directly to
their clients and the community. For example, one alternative is to adopt the approach of the doctor, who
states that there is an 80% chance of success.
While much can be said about the validity of comparing the engineering and medical professions, it seems
entirely reasonable that the engineer should take care to ensure that the client, and the community at large, are
aware of the nature and extend of risks taken by engineers in the design process.
More particularly, designers of machines for the continuous handling of bulk materials face the problem that
fabricators - to whom the designer is subcontracted - have recognised an opportunity to be more competitive
by reducing the development contingent, which is made possible by out sourcing the design with the notion
of recovering that contingent from the designer’s professional indemnity insurer. Although this method is
readily supported by law, this is clearly not a tenable position for the designer, or the insurer, in the long run.
Whether or not such a ploy is deliberate and very ruthless, designers now need a good argument to influence
their potential clients to reinstate a proper contingent. More likely, such influence is needed at the level of the
purchaser to convince them that a contingent is needed for an optimal contract, and that it is in their interest
for a bidder to demonstrate the provision of a contingent appropriate to the complexity and uncertainty
inherent in the machine.
7th International Conference on Bulk Materials, Storage, Handling
and Transportation. V.2, pp. 633-637
7th International Conference on Bulk Materials, Storage, Handling
and Transportation. V.2, pp. 633-637
may therefore invalidate the provisions in the contract. Legal opinion, once the Trade Practices Act becomes
involved, takes on a very different tone.
Under the Act, there is for example, no limit to the liability for costs incurred. Since no insurance will provide
unlimited professional indemnity, the independent designer can neither transfer a significant part of the risk,
nor does he have command over the funds to finance those risks.
Because of the general definition of negligence, if an event has occurred, and there is no proof of any other
negligent act and the claimant says, either directly or through the instrument of an independent report: “The
design could have been done differently to prevent this event from happening, or from incurring a cost.”,
then the designer can be held liable for the cost. That is, the onus of proof, effectively, is on the designer to
point the finger at someone else for his defence. Hindsight does the trick for the claimant, and no
representations of risk before award, no matter how sophisticated, will come into the equation.
So, why bother about representation? There are two things that should be achievable with good
representation of risk. One is that representation, together with genuine risk management, will prevent such
legal wrangles from making it to any lawyer’s offices in the first place. It should be possible to achieve that by
bringing about recognition of the risk-cost of reworking in the first place, then allowing budgets to deal with
those risks as a development cost, and then to define how those moneys will be distributed depending on
whether or not such costs actually arose. Errors with major costs can then be claimed against, without threat
to the insurance premiums since they should be rare.
Secondly, if lawyers have a good understanding of the problems of designing, then it will be much easier to
point out the fallacy of hindsight.
7th International Conference on Bulk Materials, Storage, Handling
and Transportation. V.2, pp. 633-637
Hence, on average for a 5% contingent, an item failure rate of 5% can be afforded. An item fails if one, or
more, non-conservative errors have been made. Conservative errors do not affect the function or safety of
the item. If the design is calculated reasonably tightly, then assume a 50:50 distribution of conservative and
non-conservative errors. Hence, on 5% of items we can have 2 of the 34 decisions erroneous. Or, on 10% of
items, we can afford 1 error.
That is, for a 5% contingent,
P(34 correct independent decisions) = 0.9
Or, P( decision correct) = 0.9 34
= 0.99691
Or, = 1 in 323.
The risk representation that can be made from that figure is that to make a 5% contingent adequate to cover
the design risk, the engineers are allowed only 1 error in 300 decisions during the design stage. That is
analogous to saying that, if this designer sits regular open book engineering exams, and is given time to do the
exam plus a little extra for checking, then he can expect to drop only 1 mark in every 3 exams (i.e. Two
perfect scores of 100% and one not so perfect at 99%)! Similarly, the allowable error rate for a 10% contingent
is 1 in 150.
To achieve such a performance requires an extraordinary effort by any design office! There are arguments to
reduce this figure somewhat. Particularly, given that an individual designer can influence the error rate
allowable, in the way his judgements are made with conservatism. However, there are restrictions on this
method given the costs involved for the fabricator in terms of the final mass of the machine.
There is no doubt, however, that no matter what the error rate can be argued down to, it will always be finite
and difficult to achieve in practice.
On the basis of this representation of the risks, it will be difficult to continue arguing for reduced contingents.
Indeed, the representation can be called upon to demonstrate to the purchaser that all bidders should be
budgeting a contingent. Otherwise, the purchaser will be exposed to an increased risk of contractor default,
an unfortunately frequent event.
In an example recently, the designer used this representation to successfully argue for the provision of a
contingent, the payment of a bonus out of the remainder of that contingent at the end of the commissioning
period, and the reduction of claims by that contingent, should reworking costs be greater and a claim be made
against the insurer. This result was a three way win. The fabricator was able to budget his costs without
losing recourse to professional liability. The designer was able to manage properly the risks, as well as being
able to share in the benefits. Finally, the insurer sees an excess that is far greater than that noted on the policy,
and more accurately reflects development cost.
To conclude, there are clear benefits to be had from reviewing the representation of risk for the independent
machine design engineer and also the engineering profession at large. In the case of the one-off designer, such
as a machine designer, a representation in terms of allowable error rate in making design decisions can be used
to aid in the recognition of the difficulties faced by the designer and to give credence to negotiations for an
appropriate sharing of risks as well as of benefits, but without attempting to counter the provisions of the
Trade Practices Act and without asking for the professional indemnity insurer to cover for development cost.
Without question, however, any such argument must be underpinned with a continuing effort to improve
the quality of the final design. Without such effort, all credibility for the argument will be lost.
[1] Are you at Risk?, The Institution of Engineers, Australia, November 1990, pp 24, Canberra