Email: Jeffhyland@exactequipmentcorp.com
Personal Details
Title: Mr.
Surname: Nkqayi
Full Names: Sanele Nkqayi
ID Number: 8010025426082
Date of Birth: (dd-mm-yyyy) 02-10-1989
Race: African + White Coloured Indian Other
Gender: Male + Female
Disability: Yes No +
If ‘yes’, please specify:
Are you a South African Yes + No
Have you been convicted or Yes No +
found guilty of a criminal
(Including an admission of
If ‘yes’, provide the details:
Do you have any pending Yes No +
criminal case against you?
If ‘yes’, provide the details:
Physical Address:
Goodwood estate, smartt Road 70
I ______________________________
Sanele Nqkayi (full name) declare that all the information
provided on this form is true and correct. I understand that withholding material
information or failing to answer the questions correctly, will constitute a breach of a
condition of employment (if I am successful in my application) and will result in my
application being disqualified or disciplinary action taken against me if I am appointed.