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Budget September

% of Income Spent Summary

Real Saldo
Total Monthly Income
Rp 14,327,015.00 Bankaltimtara Rp 1,786,000.00
Total Monthly Expenses BRI
Rp 12,731,506.00 Cash Rp 385,000.00
Total Monthly Savings Total Rp 2,171,000.00
Rp -
Cash Balance
Rp 1,595,509.00

Monthly Income
Item Amount

TPP Rp 8,439,515.00

Gaji Pokok Rp 4,187,500.00

Uang harian DL BPP Rp 1,700,000.00

Monthly Expenses
Item Amount

Angsuran Kredit Rp 3,840,506.00

Kartu Halo Rp 170,000.00

Kontrakan Rp 500,000.00

ShoopePaylater Rp 1,800,000.00

Youtube Premium Rp 100,000.00

Google Drive Rp 29,000.00

Belanja B'angel Mart 6/9 Rp 410,000.00

Belanja Indomaret Rp 35,000.00

Token Listrik Rp 100,000.00

Top Up DANA Rp 50,000.00

Bensin BeAT Rp 50,000.00

Kasih Umma Rp 200,000.00

Bensin BeAT Rp 20,000.00

Makan Uce 9/9 Rp 100,000.00

Pengembalian DP Mobil Rp 500,000.00

Pengasuh dan Kasih Bude Rp 1,000,000.00

Servis Ganti TPS dan Oli BeAT Rp 425,000.00

Konsumsi selama DL BPP Rp 347,000.00

Susu Pediasure Rp 200,000.00

Jajan Uce Rp 50,000.00

Bayar Hutang ke Umma Rp 1,000,000.00

Sepeda Uce Rp 245,000.00

Bensin PCX Rp 50,000.00

Bensin BeAT Rp 50,000.00

Point Coffe Rp 30,000.00

Sarapan Pagi 18/9 Rp 20,000.00

Liquid Vape Rp 110,000.00

Tidak Tercatat Rp 1,300,000.00

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Budget Oktober
% of Income Spent Summary
Total Pemasukan
Rp 12,756,191.00
Total Pengeluaran
Rp 8,262,506.00
Total Tabungan
Rp -
Rp 4,493,685.00

Item Amount

TPP Rp 8,568,691.00

Gaji Pokok Rp 4,187,500.00

Uang Harian Monev Barong

Uang Harian Monev Melak

Uang Haria Monev Long Iram

Item Amount

Angsuran Kredit Rp 3,840,506.00

Kartu Halo Rp 170,000.00

Kontrakan Rp 500,000.00

ShoopePaylater Rp 1,700,000.00

Youtube Premium Rp 110,000.00

Google Drive

Beli Baju Waskat Rp 500,000.00

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Beli Sunvisor Mobil Rp 165,000.00

Beli Compound Mobil Rp 110,000.00

Camscanner Rp 167,000.00

Youtube Premium

Pengasuh dan Kasih Bude Rp 1,000,000.00

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Budget November
% of Income Spent Summary
Total Pemasukan
Rp 14,084,250.00
Total Pengeluaran
Rp 9,872,506.00
Total Tabungan
Rp 3,000,000.00
Rp 1,211,744.00

Item Amount

TPP Rp 8,611,750.00

Gaji Pokok Rp 4,187,500.00

Uang Harian Monev Rp 1,285,000.00

Item Amount

Angsuran Kredit Rp 3,840,506.00

Kartu Halo Rp 175,000.00

Kontrakan Rp 500,000.00

ShoopePaylater Rp 2,300,000.00

Youtube Premium Rp 160,000.00

Google Drive Rp 30,000.00

Terabox Rp 17,000.00

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Belanja B'angel 05/11 Rp 900,000.00

Belanja Indomaret Rp 100,000.00

Pengasuh dan Kasih Bude Rp 1,000,000.00

Kasih Umma Rp 500,000.00

Belanja MelakMart Rp 350,000.00

Tidak Tercatat

Monthly Savings
Date Amount

Tabungan 07 November Rp 3,000,000.00

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