CRI 180
CRI 180
CRI 180
● August 7, 1935
Module 3, Goal of Deterrent Measures First adult probation Act Known as Comrhonwealth Act
Predecessors of Probation No. 4221 was enacted the Philippine legislature. It created
the probation office under the Development of Justice led by
1. Money Compensation. It is the precursor to the use the Chief Probation Officer appointed by the American
of fines and restitutions. Governor-General. The Philippines then was a territory of the
2. Cities of Refuge. An accused will be safe pending an United States of America. This law provided probation for the
investigation of his criminal responsibility first-time offenders, eighteen years of age and over, convicted
3. Benefit of Clergy. Considered as a useful device for of a certain crime.
avoiding the death penalty. it is a legal practice in
However, in People vs. Vera 37 O.G 164, the constitutionality
which the church authorities were exempt from
of probation la (Act 4221), was challenged on three principal
prosecution from secular courts.
4. Judicial Reprieve. It is the temporary withholding of
punishment. It serves as an instrument in reducing the (a) Said act encroaches upon the pardoning power of executive
severity of a law. Usually, it is granted to a prisoner
to afford him an opportunity to procure some (b) That is constitute on undue delegation of legislative power
amelioration or procurement of his sentence. It is and
exercised prerogatively by the President of the
(c) It denies the equal protection of the law. The Supreme
Philippines so it could resolve all the president’s
Court, declared Act No. 4221 unconstitutional on November
doubts and reservations into and to establish that the
16, 1937.
convict really truly deserves to be executed.
5. Recognizance (Criminal Procedure Sec.15).
Whenever allowed by law or these Rules, the court
may release a person in custody to his own Cong. Teodulo C. Natividad and Cong.Ramon D. Bagatsing
recognizance or that of a responsible person.
Introduced for the second time Adult Probation in the
6. Banishment/Transportation.
country in House Bill No.393. The measure was passed in the
lower house and was pending in the senate when the martial
law was proclaimed on September 21, 1972 by the late
ADVOCATES in the field of PROBATION President Ferdinand E. Marcos. The bill eliminated the
undesirable features of the 1935 Probation Act.
1. John Augustus.
● Known as the Father of Probation in U.S.,
● The first one to apply the term probation
● The one credited with founding the ● April 24, 1976
investigation process which is one of the
the draft of the proposed adult probation law was
three(3) main concepts of modern probation.
presented in a seminar on the probation system sponsored
2. Matthew Davenport Hill
by the NAPOLCOM and the Up-law center attended by
● An english lawyer and penologist
369 participants. Two foreign experts participated in the
● Father of Probation in England
seminar and served as consultants, namely;
● For him, “if an offender demonstrates a
promise of rehabilitation, they will be placed
in the hands of a generous guardian who will
willingly take charge of them”. 1. Dr. Torsten Erikson, Former United Nation Inter-Regional
3. Edward Savage Adviser on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice.
● First probation officer
2. Dr. A. Lamonth Smith, Director for Research Program,
Planning and evaluation, Department of Corrections of
1. Massachusetts. First developed the system of
probation in 1880. ● July 22-24 1976
2. Vermont Act of 1898. Unlike Massachusetts,
The first National Conference on Crime Control was held at
Vermont provided probation only after the sentence.
Camp Aguinaldo for the final forum on the proposed
3. Juvenile Probation Law. Juvenile probation is a institutionalization of Adult Probation in the country.
form of community supervision that may include
reporting to a supervisory officer, participating in
behavior-change programming.
4. Rhode Island. 3rd ● July 24 1976
5. New Jersey. 4th state to pass a general probation law. President Ferdinand E. Marcos signed PD 968 otherwise
6. New York. Fifth to provide adult probation. known as the Probation Law of 1976 (Adult Probation Law).
Thus, the Philippines joined the rank of countries in which
probation has become a part of corrections and thereby RA 9344 known as Juvenile Justice and WelfareAct of 2006,
transported the criminal justice of the country to the twentieth under section 42 allows convicted Child in Conflict with the
century. Law (CICL) with ages more than 15 but below 18 to apply
probation. Thus, amending sec. 4 of PD 968 as amended
known as Probation Law of 1976.
Teodulo C. Natividad was appointed as the first Probation
Administrator and at the same time the chairman of the
NAPOLCOM. He is now known as the Father of Probation in RA 10707 amending some sections of PD 968
the Philippines.
4. Executive Order No. 292 also mandated the parole and ● No application for probation shall be entertained or
probation administration to perform the following function: granted if the defendant has perfected the appeal from
the judgment of conviction.
a) Administer the parole and probation system
- Provided, that when a judgment of conviction
b) Exercise general supervision over all parolees and imposing a non-probationable penalty is appealed or
pardonees. reviewed, and such judgment is modified through
the imposition of a probationable penalty, the
c) Promote the correction and rehabilitation of offenders, and defendant shall be allowed to apply for probation
based on the modified decision before such decision
d) Such other functions as may be hereafter be provided by
becomes final.
● The accused shall lose the benefit of probation should he
seek a review of the modified decision which already
imposes a probationable penalty.
Former President Fidel V. Ramos meanwhile declared July ● Probation may be granted whether the sentence imposes
18-24 every year as Parole and Probation week No. 405 issued a term of imprisonment or a fine only.
on July 13, 1994. ● The filing of the application shall be deemed a waiver of
the right to appeal.
● An order granting or denying probation shall not be explain his failure – he shall be cited in contempt
- Although an order denying probation is not POST SENTENCE INVESTIGATION REPORT,
MOTION FOR CERTIORARI FROM SAID ● A report of the Parole and Probation Officer after
ORDER. conducting post sentence investigation and interviews
containing the circumstances surrounding the offense for
PETITION FOR PROBATION (Where and when shall the which the petitioner was convicted.
application be filed) Findings should be drawn FROM:
Must be filed: - court records, police records, statement of the
- directly with the Court which sentenced the accused defendant, aggrieved party or other persons who may
- w/in 15 days FROM date of promulgation of the know the accused and all other matters material to the
decision convicting the accused (within the period to petition.
appeal) Includes:
Otherwise: - The psychological and social information regarding
- the judgment shall become final and the probationer; evaluation of the petitioner;
- the accused shall be deemed to have waived his right suitability for probation; his potential for
to probation rehabilitation;
(HOW TO APPLY FOR PROBATION) It shall recommend either:
1. Filing the Application - To deny or grant the probation
a) The application for probation must be filed with the - If granted, it shall recommend the program for
court that sentenced the individual within 15 days supervision and suggested terms or conditions of
from the date of sentencing. The application should probation
be in writing and must explicitly express the desire
to be placed on probation. CRITERIA FOR PLACING AN OFFENDER ON
2. Probation Officer’s Investigation
- The Court shall consider all information relative, to
a) Upon receipt of the application, the court assigns a the character, antecedents, environment, mental and
probation officer to investigate and provide a physical condition of the offender, and available
recommendation. The investigation includes institutional and community resources.
evaluating the offender’s backgound, character, and
3. Court Decision a. the offender is in need of correctional treatment that
a) The court reviews the the probation officer’s report can be provided most effectively by his commitment
and decides whether to grant or deny probation. If to an institution; or
granted, the court specifies the conditions of b. there is undue risk that during the period of probation
probation, which may include restrictions on travel, the offender will commit another crime; or
mandatory community service, or regular reporting c. probation will depreciate the seriousness of the
to the probation officer offense committed.
4. Appeal
a) If probation is denied, the applicant can appeal the DISQUALIFIED OFFENDERS:
decision to a higher court. However, the court’s a. sentenced to serve a maximum term of imprisonment
decision is typically based on the findings of the of more than 6 years;
probation officer and the nature of the crime. b. convicted of any crime against the national
c. who have previously been convicted by final
judgment of an offense punished by imprisonment of
1) Upon filing, the court shall suspend the execution of
more than 6 months & 1 day and/or a fine of more
than P1,000.00
2) Filing of a petition for probation shall be deemed a d. who have been once on probation under the
waiver of the right to appeal provisions of this Decree; and
- In case an appeal is already filed, filing such petition e. who are already serving sentence at the time the
shall be deemed a withdrawal of the appeal. substantive provisions of this Decree became
● IF the accused, prior to the promulgation of decision of - Those convicted of RA 9156 - Dangerous Drugs Act
conviction is out on bail: of 2002
- he may be allowed on temporary liberty under his - Those convicted of violation of election laws.
bail filed in said case - Those entitled to benefits under PD 603 or Child and
● IF he is under detention upon motion, he may be allowed Youth Welfare Code and related laws.
temporary liberty, - Those who have perfected an appeal (probation and
● IF he cannot post a bond: appeal are mutually exclusive remedies)
- He shall be released on a recognizance of a
responsible member of a community who shall “MANDATORY” CONDITIONS OF PROBATION
guarantee his appearance whenever required by the 1. To present himself to the probation officer
court. concerned for supervision within 72 hours from
● IF he cannot be produced by such custodian on receipt of said order and
recognizance: 2. to report to the probation officer at least once a
- Custodian shall be asked to explain why he should month during the period of probation.
not be cited for contempt
- Summary hearing shall then be held “OTHER” CONDITIONS OF PROBATION
- If custodian does not produce the accused or does not 1. Cooperate with a program of supervision;
2. Meet his family responsibilities; nor more than 2x the total number of days of subsidiary
3. Devote himself to a specific employment and not to imprisonment as computed at the rate established, in Art.
charge said employment without prior written 39, RPC, as amended
approval of the probation officer;
4. Comply with a program of payment of civil liability MODIFICATION OF CONDITION OR PERIOD OF
to the victim of his heirs; PROBATION
- The court, on motion, OR motu propio may modify the
5. Undergo medical, psychological or psychiatric
conditions or the period of probation as circumstances may
examination and treatment and/or enter and remain in
a specific institution, when required for that purposes;
6. Pursue a prescribed secular study or vocational EFFECT OF TERMINATION OF PROBATION
training; - The final discharge of the probationer shall operate
7. Attend or reside in a facility established for to:
instruction or recreation of persons on probation; 1. restore to him all civil rights lost or suspended as a
8. Refrain from visiting houses of ill-repute; result of his conviction and
9. Abstain from drinking intoxicating beverages to 2. to totally extinguish his criminal liability as to the
excess; offense for which probation was granted.
10. Permit the probation officer or an authorized social
worker to visit his home and place of work; AMENDMENT TO SECTION 4 OF PD 968
The trial court may:
11. Reside at premises approved by the court and not to - after it shall have convicted and sentenced a
change his residence w/o prior written approval; and defendant, and
12. Satisfy any other condition related to the - upon application by said defendant w/in the period to
rehabilitation of the probationer and not unduly appeal,
restrictive of his liberty or incompatible with his
freedom of conscience. suspend the execution of the sentence AND
13. Plant trees (see circular of the SC) place the defendant on probation for such period and
upon such terms and conditions as it may deem best;
FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH CONDITIONS OR PROVIDED that no application for probation shall be
COMMISSION OF ANOTHER OFFENSE entertained or granted:
- He shall serve the penalty imposed for the offense - IF the defendant has perfected the appeal from the judgment
under which he was placed on probation. (order for of conviction.
- If the violation is established, the court may revoke or ● Probation may be granted whether the sentence imposes a
continue his probation and modify the conditions term of imprisonment or a fine only.
thereof. ● An application for probation shall be filed with the
o If revoked, the court shall order the TRIAL COURT.
probationer to serve the sentence originally
● The filing of the application shall be deemed a waiver of
imposed. An order revoking the grant of
the right to appeal.
probation or modifying the terms and
conditions thereof shall not be appealable. ● An order granting or denying probation shall not be
- A probationer who desires to travel outside the Note: A person who was sentenced to destierro cannot apply
jurisdiction of the city or provincial probation officer, for probation.
MUST SEEK THE PERMISSION OF: Reason: it does not involved imprisonment or fine. (PD 1990)
● IF for NOT more than 30 days:
- The parole and probation officer CONFIDENTIALITY OF RECORDS OF PROBATION
● IF for MORE than 30 days: GR: The investigation report and the supervision and history
- The parole and probation officer + the court of a probationer:
- shall be privileged and
EFFECT OF APPEAL BY THE ACCUSED OF HIS - shall not be disclosed directly or indirectly to anyone
CONVICTION other than the probation administration or the court
● IF the accused appeals his conviction:
1) For the purpose of totally reversing his conviction XPN: Any government office may ask for the records of
OR probation from the court or the administrator for its official
2) EVEN if the appeal is only with respect to the penalty use
(on the ground that it is excessive or wrong or is
probationable) NOTE: The court which granted the probation or where the
He is deemed to have waived his right to probation. probation was transferred may allow the probationer or his
If already filed, then it is an abandonment of such petition lawyer to inspect such documents, whenever such disclosure
for probation. may be desirable or helpful to them.