Lac Rose Noel Sales

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A SOLO SHOW BY BA OUSMANE b.ousman67@gmail.

16/10 . 14/11 (+81)080-4064-3012

ピンクの湖 lac rose

Ousmane Bâ was born and raised in Strasbourg, (2022) and many renown art fairs around the world.
France, where he earned his Bachelor in Fine Arts Ousmane’s exile in Japan was also driven by his will
from l’Institut Supérieur des Arts Appliqués. Now to discover a new culture that is neither Western nor
based in Tokyo, Japan, his practice oscillates between African. Paradoxically, it allowed him to connect
drawing, painting, and collage. deeply with his African - Senegalese and Guinean –
Bâ’s vibrant and almost cinematic compositions are roots. His works notably blend references to his Ful-
created using Sumi ink and Japanese natural pig- ani background, a nomadic and traditionally pastoral
ments, revealing the artist’s long-time interest in the community in West-Africa, bringing another impor-
art of calligraphy as well as in the Japanese tech- tant spiritual dimension to his practice.
niques of printmaking, including the « Moku Hanga Thus, Ousmane Bâ’s paintings emerge from a cultu-
» and « Shodo ». ral combination between artistic traditions and
Ousmane Bâ’s exploration of movements and cor- aesthetic languages of Western, Japanese, and West
poral gestures has resulted in a as much powerful as African art. He cites as sources of inspiration the
meditative body of works. Through the act of collage, South-Korean, Japan-based, artist Lee Ufan, the Se-
Ousmane gives life to a different kind of imagery, negalese sculptor Ousmane Sow, as well as Jean-Mi-
bringing us into his universe filled with serenity, chel Basquiat, among others.
peace and harmony. Bâ mostly draws inspiration from diverse images
Highly inspired by the Japanese culture since he was found on Pinterest, and cites fashion as a major
a child, Ousmane moved to Tokyo, Japan, in 2017. influence to his art. Having a background in graphic
The surrounding environment of Japan, artistic ex- design, his creative process also often includes digital
changes and discoveries allowed him to develop and drawing on Illustrator, before starting to paint.
enrich his style and method, as well as his unders- In his will to continue to learn more about global
tanding of the art world. His works have been show- artistic practices, Ousmane will be participating in
cased in several Japanese galleries, such as Studio the 2024 Edition of Black Rock Senegal, the renown
Gross, FUKAGAWA GARAGE and Trunk Hotel. artist residency established by Nigerian American
Since, he notably participated in the Dakar Biennale artist Kehinde Wiley in 2019.
1.L’amoureuse, 2023
Support, wood panel
Painting - Collage
Sumi, japanese mineral pigment
100 x 80 cm

Price 2500 usd

2.I, 2023
Support, wood panel
Painting - Collage
Sumi, japanese mineral pigment
100 x 70 cm

Price 2500 usd

3.Le sportif, 2023
Support, wood panel
Painting - Collage
Sumi, japanese mineral pigment
120 x 90 cm

Price 3500 usd

4.L’amoureuse, 2023
Support, wood panel
Painting - Collage
Sumi, japanese mineral pigment
120x 90 cm

Price 3500 usd

5.La meditation, 2023
Support, wood panel
Painting - Collage
Sumi, japanese mineral pigment
100 x 80 cm

Price 6500 usd

6.Le sprinteur, 2023

Support, wood panel
Painting - Collage
Sumi, japanese mineral pigment
100 x 80 cm (83 x 79 in)

Price 6500 usd

7.Le plongeur, 2023
Support, wood panel
Painting - Collage
Sumi, japanese mineral pigment
100 x 70 cm

Price 4500 usd

8.Le monstre, 2023
Support, wood panel
Painting - Collage
Sumi, japanese mineral pigment
100 x 70 cm

Price 4500 usd

9.Chateau de Sable, 2023
Support, wood panel
Painting - Collage
Sumi, japanese mineral pigment
100 x 70 cm

Price 2500 usd

10.L’annonce, 2023
Support, wood panel
Painting - Collage
Sumi, japanese mineral pigment
145 x 100 cm

Price 4500 usd

11.La direction, 2023
Support, wood panel
Painting - Collage
Sumi, japanese mineral pigment
145 x 100 cm

Price 4500 usd

12.Le surfeur, 2023
Support, wood panel
Painting - Collage
Sumi, japanese mineral pigment
100 x 70 cm

Price 4500 usd

Ousmane Ba was born and raised in France, Strasbourg, at the border
with Germany. He earned his Bachelor of Fine Arts from L’Institut Su-
périeur des Arts Appliqués. Ousmane was inspired to become an artist
while managing startups in Europe, developing analysis capabilities also
understanding human psychology and design. He found inspiration in
the Japanese arts and decided to move to Japan to develop his style in
2017. He has shown his work in a variety of Japanese galleries such as
FUKAGAWA GARAGE or Trunk Hotel. Today, Ousmane takes a new
course in his work. He considers himself a vagabond between painting
and digital drawing, always searching for Eldorado, promised by a pic-
ture of inner peace.
Thank you

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