Arc Splitting
Arc Splitting
Arc Splitting
Joint 22 International Conference on Electrical Contacts & 50 IEEE Holm Conference on Electrical Contacts, Seattle - USA, 2004
Abstract — The behavior of arcs in low voltage switching devices plex processes in an arc chute, mainly experimental investiga-
is affected by several interactions. For studying simple arrange- tions have been carried out so far [2-6]. But increasing per-
ments of arc runners without metallic splitter plates (“deion formance of computers enables one to simulate more details of
plates”) a 3D simulation system has already been developed. It the switching arc. For this reason simulations have gained in
takes into account the plasma fluid dynamics, the current flow importance recently [7-16]. Simulations also help to obtain in-
within the electrodes and the plasma, and the magnetic field formation, which is usually not accessible by experimental
generated by both currents. In order to model the arc splitting investigations, and thus can reduce the time for development of
process simulations with an insulating barrier were done in a new switching devices.
first step.
For the simulation of the splitting process between metallic de- II. SIMULATION METHOD, PRINCIPLE
ion-plates the simulation model has to be extended. In experi- An arc consists of the arc roots at anode and cathode and of
ments including high-speed movies it is shown that this process is
a continuous transition of current flow from the still undivided
the arc column between them. The behavior of the arc column
arc to the new arc roots formed on the metal plates. is determined by coupled electromagnetic and gas dynamic
interactions as shown in Fig. 1.
A new simulation model representing the roots by a thin layer of
current-dependent resistivity is discussed and simulation results
are compared with switching experiments.
Opening the contact pieces in low voltage switchgears
causes an arc, which has to be extinguished quickly. Several
methods of arc treatment are applied, especially for current
limiting interruption [1]:
• arc motion and elongation
• squeezing between insulating size walls
• cooling by gassing wall materials
• splitting into series arcs by metal plates
Of these possibilities, which are also used in combination, Figure 1. Interaction of processes in arc column
the most effective and hence most widely used principle is to
split the arc up into series of arcs in a stack of splitter plates, The current density of the arc leads to ohmic heating and
generally made of steel, because its ferromagnetic property magnetic forces, which cause gas flow and energy transport
helps to attract and keep the arc in the stack. Thereby the arc within and out of the plasma. This leads to a temperature and
voltage is increased by multiple anode and cathode falls. pressure distribution within the chamber, which affects the
electrical conductivity and all other properties of the plasma,
For the development of switching devices detailed knowl- such as thermal conductivity, viscosity, density and specific
edge about the arc behavior is necessary. Because of the com- heat. The local distribution of electrical conductivity deter-
The authors are indebted to Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German
Research Foundation) for support of this research project.
mines the electric potential and the current distribution, which does not affect current measurement. The arc is ignited be-
closes the circle. tween fixed arc runners by an exploding wire at the place indi-
All field processes in Fig. 1 can be described by second or-
der partial differential equations, which follow the form of the
so called “general transport equation”
∂ ( ρΦ ) G
+ div ( ρ v Φ ) − div ( Γ grad Φ ) = S . (1)
∂t Φ Φ
All dimensions in mm
Figure 9. Rail electrodes with insulating barrier
All dimensions in mm