17- Effect of Inclusions on the Tensile Properties Of
17- Effect of Inclusions on the Tensile Properties Of
17- Effect of Inclusions on the Tensile Properties Of
The present study was performed on an A356.2 alloy. Two types of initial materials were
used, i.e. fresh and recycled. A total of 13 operations representing those normally applied in
aluminium foundries were simulated under dry atmospheric conditions (humidity
\15%—20%). The molten metal was cast into test bars which were T6 tempered prior to
tensile testing. The results show that holding the liquid metal for a long time, i.e. 72 h at
735 °C leads to sedimentation of most inclusions towards the bottom of the melting crucible.
However, a change in the surrounding humidity may cause absorption of hydrogen and,
hence, a large amount of porosity. Degassing using dry argon injected into the liquid metal
through a rotary impeller (speed \160 r.p.m) appears to be the best technique for inclusion
removal. The efficiency of this process is significantly improved when it is coupled with
filtration using ceramic foam filters (10 and 20 p.p.i). A linear relationship between alloy
ductility and logarithm of percentage inclusions has been established. Owing to decohesion
between the inclusions/oxide films and the surrounding matrix, cracks are easily initiated at
their interfaces, leading to unpredicted failure. 1998 Chapman & Hall
Experiment Type of Weight of Melt Mould Additive Settling Stirring Stirring Degassing Filter Humidity
charge charge temperature temperature time speed time time size
(kg) (°C) (°C) (h) (r.p.m.) (min) (min) (p.p.i) (%)
in tensile properties for castings marked 6A to 6G, Modification of A356.2 alloy with strontium in the
which were obtained following such a procedure. The range of 250—300 p.p.m. is recommended in order to
combined effect of degassing and filtering resulted in change the eutectic silicon morphology from acicular
ductilities as high as 16%, especially for the last cast- to fibrous and enhance the alloy properties [27—31].
ings in the casting sequence, i.e. those taken from the This type of melt treatment is expected to shorten the
melt towards the bottom of the melting crucible. solution heat-treatment time required to achieve more
Grain refining of an Al—Si casting is normally done or less complete spheroidization of the eutectic silicon
through the addition of small amounts of TiB to the particles. However, the addition of strontium causes
melt in the form of Al—Ti—B master alloys [23—26]. a significant increase in the porosity volume fraction
Various types of master alloys can be used, such as which, in turn, affects the alloy strength. Table IX
Al—10% Ti—1% B, Al—5% Ti—1% B, and Al—7.5% depicts the tensile properties of strontium-modified
Ti—7.5% B. In the present work, Al—5% Ti—1% B was alloy obtained in the present study. Apparently, de-
chosen, being commonly used in aluminium foundries. gassing leads to contamination of the liquid metal due
The amount needed to be added was calculated on the to the reason mentioned above.
basis of a 0.02 wt % Ti addition. As was observed When the liquid metal is held at a sufficiently high
earlier in our study, such a small amount of Al—Ti—B temperature, e.g. 735 °C, for a lengthy period of time
master alloy is enough to introduce an extremely large (\72 h), most of the inclusions will settle to the bot-
number of TiB particles into the melt. These particles tom of the crucible. Thus, it is expected that the upper
act as nucleants for the crystallization of the liquid portion of the liquid metal (i.e. that in the upper
metal during solidification. Table VIII depicts the one-third of the crucible) is reasonably clean, Table X.
maximum tensile properties (castings A—C) and min- Using ceramic foam filters for the next one-third por-
imum tensile properties (castings D—F), with respect to tion of the melt proved to be effective in removing the
percentage elongation. It can be seen that although settled inclusions. As the amount of liquid metal re-
the alloy strength is high, the associated ductilities do maining thereafter was fairly little, degassing resulted
not necessarily follow the same trend. Degassing the in disturbing the settled inclusions at the bottom of
second half of the liquid metal (i.e. that in the lower the crucible, and, hence, random ductilities.
portion of the crucible) did not necessarily reduce the
difference in percentage elongation obtained from the
two test bars produced simultaneously from the same 3.2. Recycled (scrap) alloy
casting. This observation has been explained sche- The recycled material used in the present work consis-
matically in Fig. 2, where the amount of clean metal ted of a mixture of gates and runners collected from
(or rather, its depth with respect to the crucible dia- the fresh alloy castings (except those containing TiB
meter) after degassing is much less than what would be and strontium), as well as any remaining metal that
expected from the thickness of the dross and inclu- was not used for making test bars. The main type of
sion-rich layers. inclusions observed in the recycled (scrap) alloy was
TA BLE II I Tensile test results of experiment 3 (fresh alloy) TA BLE V Tensile test results of experiment 5 (fresh alloy)
the large number of oxide films that floated to the that ranged between 12% and 18%, Table XII,
surface during melting. Tables XI—XV summarize the compared to 5%—14% shown in the previous case,
tensile properties that were obtained following several Table XI.
foundry operations. One of the serious problems that could occur dur-
Table XI exemplifies the effect of oxide films on the ing melting is if the melt is vigorously stirred: such an
alloy strength immediately after melting. As can be operation would disturb a large portion of the oxide
seen, the ductility improved gradually along the length films in suspension near the upper surface of the liquid
of the melting crucible. Holding the liquid metal at metal, and incorporate them into the bulk of the
735 °C for a period as long as 72 h led to flotation melt. Their concentration within the melt will deter-
of most of the oxide films to the upper surface of mine the alloy properties, Table XIII. These properties
the molten metal which could be removed easily, are found to be more or less comparable with those
and sedimentation of heavy inclusions to the bottom shown in Table XI. Thus, degassing may be the better
of the crucible. This process resulted in elongations way to remove both inclusions and oxide films. The
Figure 1 Schematic diagram showing the motion of inclusions before and after degassing. (a) After melting (experiment 6.11), (b) after
degassing (experiment 5), (c) after degassing#settling 4 h (experiment 15), (d) after degassing/stirring#settling 72 h (experiment 3.1).
TA BLE IX Tensile test results of experiment 7 (fresh alloy) TA BLE X Tensile test results of experiment 8 (fresh alloy)
shown in Table XIV. It is interesting to note the role of appropriate. It is also observed that the alloy elonga-
settling time in improving the tensile properties of the tion improves gradually with increasing casting se-
castings corresponding to the upper portion of the quence. Applying degassing reduces the tensile
crucible, whereas degassing tends to enhance the duc- properties of the first casting (i.e. 13H), as explained
tilities of castings made from metal close to the cru- schematically in Fig. 8 (see later). Beyond that, the
cible bottom. Casting 14G is a good example of alloy exhibits consistent improvement (13L).
inclusion concentration caused by inclusion floata- Table XVI and XVII summarize the average tensile
tion. properties of the A356.2 alloy studied for the different
Filtration of liquid aluminium with 10 p.p.i. ceramic experimental conditions listed in Table II.
foam filters is an important process of inclusion/oxide For castings made from fresh ingots, degassing of
removal. Table XV shows that, due to floatation of a large quantity of liquid metal (namely, a full crucible
oxide films to the upper surface of the liquid metal, in the present case) seems to be the best method for
filtration with 10 p.p.i. filters might not be very effec- inclusion removal and, hence, for achieving the high-
tive, and a finer filter size (i.e. 20 p.p.i.) would be more est percentage elongation. However, when applied to
TA BLE XI Tensile test results of experiment 11 (scrap alloy) TA BLE X I I I Tensile test results of experiment 12 (scrap alloy)
TA BLE XI I Tensile test results of experiment 10 (scrap alloy) 3.3. Ductility—percentage inclusions/
Experiment YS UTS % Elongation
oxide films relationship
(MPa) (MPa) Fig. 3a—g show the size and distribution of non-metal-
lic inclusions/oxide films found on the fracture surfa-
10A1 110.803 276.517 16.5 ces of test bars obtained from fresh ingots. The
10A2 113.119 282.688 10 corresponding elongations range from 19%—1.5%.
10B1 112.844 281.730 14.5
Similarly, Fig. 4 shows the oxides observed on the
10B2 107.672 269.084 7.285
10C1 114.540 286.280 9.449 fracture surfaces of test bars obtained from scrap. The
10C2 114.871 287.073 11.9 area fraction of inclusions/oxides was measured from
10D1 113.657 283.481 13.4 photographs similar to those shown in Figs 3 and 4,
10D2 115.622 288.632 14.8 using the grid method. The relationship between per-
10E1 114.085 284.681 14.5
centage elongation and log area percentage inclu-
10E2 113.864 284.570 15.9
10F1 111.465 278.165 10.5 sions/oxide films is presented in Fig. 5. A linear
10F2 113.726 282.006 12.4 relationship expressed as
10G1 111.340 278.227 9.4
10G2 109.224 272.118 6.285 percentage elongation"9.5!2.98 log area percentage
10H1 114.629 285.536 13.6
10H2 112.264 280.392 11.2 inclusions/oxide films (1)
10I1 109.996 274.400 13
10I2 115.140 287.459 10.8 is obtained, with a good fitness coefficient (R2\0.9) .
10J1 112.540 281.102 10.6 Table XVIII lists the total inclusions, harmful inclu-
10J2 111.878 279.606 8.232 sions and oxide films as measured by the PoDFA
10K1 97.054 242.449 16 technique [32, 33], and the corresponding tensile
10K2 111.230 277.586 11.6
properties measured for similar melt experimental
10L1 113.064 282.399 15.8
10L2 112.526 281.233 15.8 conditions. It is evident from this table that the oxide
10M1 107.714 269.070 12.9 films have a far more deleterious effect on the mechan-
10M2 112.609 281.330 14.8 ical properties. This observation is in accordance with
the oxides shown in Figs 3 and 4.
Figure 5 Percentage elongation—log area percentage inclusions/
oxide films relationship.
Serial Total inclusion Total harmful inclusion Oxide film YS UTS % Elongation
no. (mm2 kg~1) (mm2 kg~1) classification (MPa) (MPa)
Thin Thick
! Classification indeterminable.
Figure 6 Fracture surface of a tensile-tested bar obtained from an alloy melt held for 72 h at 735 °C, showing: (a) fragmentation of oxide
particles (corresponding to Fig. 3g), (b) the presence of liquid aluminium entrapped within oxide film particles, (c) debonding of a large spinel
particle from the surrounding matrix, (d) a crumpled mass of oxide films (the arrow denotes the crack path).
Figure 7 The energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) spectrum correspond- Figure 9 Typical energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) spectrum corres-
ponding to the Al O oxide films shown in Fig. 8a. Note the very
ing to Fig. 6c, showing strong reflections due to oxygen, magnesium 2 3
and aluminium. weak magnesium reflection.
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