4. Maximal Intercuspal Position.pdf
4. Maximal Intercuspal Position.pdf
4. Maximal Intercuspal Position.pdf
People’s Teacher
Prof. Hoàng Tử Hùng, DDS, PhD
E: tuhung.hoang@gmail.com
W: hoangtuhung.com
Occlusal surfaces of posterior teeth
Dividing into inner and outer aspect of a cusp
Occlusal table
The landmarks of the occlusal surfaces
4 inclines of a cusp
The landmarks of the occlusal surfaces
The cusp Ep
the complete intercuspa8on (or the best fit) of the opposing teeth regardless
(independent) of condylar posi8on.
In a quadrant:
Distobuccal cusps of lower molars
are cradled in opposing central
fossae of its counterpart
2- From the occlusal view: outer 2- From the occlusal view: outer
aspect of supporting cusps are aspect of guiding cusps are
greater than those of guiding smaller than those of supporEng
cusps cusps
Supporting and guiding cusps (cont’d)
MIP The outer aspect of the supporting cusps
The anterior teeth in MIP and in protruding movement
In MIP the lower incisors make either very light or no contact
à Lower incisal ridges do not support of OVD in MIP
Overjet (overjut): horizontal projec5on of upper teeth
beyond the lower teeth
Overbite: ver5cal overlapping of upper teeth over the
lower teeth
When the mandible engages in horizontal glide movements,
the labioincisal edge has potential for contact with lingual
inclines of the maxillary anterior teeth
The contacEng porEon of the lower incisal edge
is considered to be a funcEonal outer aspect
The lingual surfaces of the maxillary incisors provide
incisal/anterior guidance for the mandibular teeth in
protruding movements HoangTuHung.com
The characteris9c of the maximal intercuspal posi9on
1- A tooth-to-tooth determined relation of the jaw which is guided by the occlusal surfaces
of the teeth (“tooth-guided” position)
2- There is maximal contact between the upper and lower occlusal surfaces
à create the maximum mechanical stability for mandible
3- The cusps of the mandibular and maxillary teeth to interrelate maximally, i.e. the
most closed posiEon à the smallest occlusal verEcal dimension (OVD)*
The characteristic of the maximal intercuspal position:
(3) The cusps of the mandibular and maxillary teeth to interrelate maximally,
i.e., the most closed posiEon
à the smallest occlusal verEcal dimension (OVD)*
13 mm
15,8 ± 1,2 mm
* OVD: the distance measured between two points when occluding members are in contact
The characteristic of the maximal intercuspal position:
(4) A subject to change gradually as a result of alteraEons in occlusal surfaces by reason
of tooth wear, caries…