CDC will continue to support strong science that demonstrates the impact of using a collaborative population-based
approach to improve the quality of care for our nation’s moms and babies.
As state maternal mortality review committees (MMRCs) develop clinical recommendations to improve maternal
outcomes, PQCs will be a key partner to facilitate the implementation of recommendations more broadly across health
facility networks.
How Does CDC’s PQC Program Collaborate with Other Federal Agencies?
CDC collaborates with state and federal partners to improve maternal and neonatal
outcomes. For example, the Health Resources and Services Administration manages the
Alliance for Innovation on Maternal Health (AIM), a program focused on reducing
maternal deaths and morbidity by implementing evidence-based safety bundles, best
practices for improving safety in maternity care. PQCs are the quality improvement
infrastructure that supports the dissemination and implementation of the AIM bundles.
Learn More
• CDC PQC Website:
• National Network of Perinatal Quality Collaboratives:
• AIM States and Systems: