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Physical Addressing-
In networking, physical address refers to a computer's MAC address,
which uniquely identifies each device on a given network.
To make communication between two networked devices, we need
two addresses: IP address and MAC address.
It is assigned to the NIC (Network Interface card) of each device that
can be connected to the internet.
It is globally unique; it means two devices cannot have the same
MAC address.
It is represented in a hexadecimal format on each device, such as
It works on the data link layer of the OSI model.
2. Logical Address
• Logical addresses are used by networking software to allow
to work with different network topologies and types of
• A logical address in the Internet is currently a 32-bit address
that can uniquely define a host connected to the Internet. An
internet address in IPv4 in decimal numbers
• A logical address is generated by CPU while a program is
running. Since a logical address does not physically exists it is
also known as a virtual address.
• This address is used as a reference by the CPU to access the
actual physical memory location
CPU=Central Processing Unit
MMU=Memory Management Unit
3.Port Address
• There are many application running on the computer. Each
application run with a port number on the computer.
• A port number is part of the addressing information used to
identify the senders and receivers of messages.
• Port numbers are most commonly used with TCP/IP connections.
• These port numbers allow different applications on the same
computer to share network resources simultaneously.
• The physical addresses change from hop to hop, but the logical
and port addresses usually remain the same.
• Example: a port address is a 16-bit address represented by one
decimal number 753
5.2 IP Address
• An IP address is a unique address that identifies a
device on the internet or a local network.
• IP addresses are especially important for sending and
receiving information.
• They route internet traffic where it needs to go, and
they direct emails to your inbox.
• Every active device on the internet has an IP address.
• The purpose of an IP address is to handle the
connection between devices that send and receive
information across a network.
• IP addresses are 32-bit addresses expressed in
dotted decimal notation of four octets, w.x.y.z.
• IP addresses contain the network address space
followed by the host address space.
• Originally, IP addresses were assigned five
classes: A, B, C, D and E.
Address Space
Address space is the amount of memory allocated for all possible
addresses for a computational entity.
The range of virtual addresses that the operating system assigns to a
user or separately running program is called an address space. This is
the area of contiguous virtual addresses available for executing
instructions and storing data.
Each address space is 16 exabytes in size; an exabyte is slightly more
than one billion gigabytes.
The new address space has logically 264 addresses.
It is 8 billion times the size of the former 2-gigabyte address space that
logically has 231 addresses.
The number is 18,466,744,073,709,551,616 bytes.
5.3 IPv4 addressing
The IPv4 address is a 32-bit number that uniquely identifies a
network interface on a system, as explained in How IP Addresses
Apply to Network Interfaces. An IPv4 address is written in
decimal digits, divided into four 8-bit fields that are separated by
periods. Each 8-bit field represents a byte of the IPv4 address.
IP stands for Internet Protocol and v4 stands for Version Four
(IPv4). IPv4 was the primary version brought into action for
production within the ARPANET in 1983.
IP version four addresses are 32-bit integers which will be
expressed in decimal notation.
Example- could be an IPv4 address.
Address format
An IPv4 address class is a categorical division of internet protocol
addresses in IPv4-based routing. Separate IP classes are used for
different types of networks. Some are used for public internet-
accessible IPs and subnets, that is, those networks behind a
router (as in classes A, B and C).
Class A Address
The first bit of the first octet is always set to 0 (zero).
Thus the first octet ranges from 1 – 127, i.e.

Class B Address
An IP address which belongs to class B has the first two bits in the
first octet set to 10, i.e.
Class C Address
The first octet of Class C IP address has its first 3 bits set to 110,
that is −

Class D Address
Very first four bits of the first octet in Class D IP addresses are set
to 1110, giving a range of −
Class E Address
This IP Class is reserved for experimental purposes only for R&D
or Study. IP addresses in this class ranges from to Like Class D, this class too is not equipped with
any subnet mask.

Subnet Mask
Subnet masks (IPv4) and prefixes (IPv6) identify the range of IP
addresses that make up a subnet, or group of IP addresses on
the same network. For example, a subnet can be used to identify
all the machines in a building, department, geographic location,
or on the same local area network (LAN).
The subnet mask is used in IPv4 and IPv6 to show what
part of the address is the network portion and what part
of the address is the host portion. In IPv4 there are three
default subnet masks corresponding to the three classes
of IP addresses
It is called a subnet mask because it is used to identify
network address of an IP address by performing a bitwise
AND operation on the netmask. A Subnet mask is a 32-bit
number that masks an IP address and divides the IP
address into network address and host address.
When a bigger network is divided into smaller networks, to
maintain security, then that is known as Subnetting. So,
maintenance is easier for smaller networks.
Subnetting for a network should be done in such a way
that it does not affect the network bits.
Common advantages of subnetting include enhancing routing
efficiency, network management control, and improving
network security.
Super netting is the opposite of Subnetting. In subnetting,
a single big network is divided into multiple smaller
In Supernetting, multiple networks are combined into a
bigger network termed as a Supernetwork or Supernet.
Supernetting is mainly used in Route Summarization,
where routes to multiple networks with similar network
prefixes are combined into a single routing entry, with the
routing entry pointing to a Super network, encompassing
all the networks.
5.4 Unicast Address
In computer networking, unicast is a one-to-one transmission
from one point in the network to another point; that is, one
sender and one receiver, each identified by a network address.
Unicast is basically a single, direct request sent from one host to
another, and only the two hosts interact over the established
For example, when you click a hyperlink in a Web browser, you
are requesting HTTP data from the host defined in the link,
which, in turn, delivers the data to your browser.
Multicast Address
In computer networking, multicast is group communication
where data transmission is addressed to a group of destination
computers simultaneously. Multicast can be one-to-many or
many-to-many distribution.
Multicast IP Routing protocols are used to distribute data (for
example, audio/video streaming broadcasts) to multiple
recipients. Using multicast, a source can send a single copy of
data to a single multicast address, which is then distributed to
an entire group of recipients.
The multicast addresses are in the range 224.0. 0.0 through
239.255. 255.255.
Broadcast Address
The broadcast address can be used to send data packets in IP
networks to all participants of a local network. The individual
addresses of each party in the network do not have to be known for
this to work. If necessary, the broadcast address can be calculated
quite easily.
Broadcast address is the last address in the network, and it is used
for addressing all the nodes in the network at the same time. It
means that IP packet, where the destination address is broadcast
address, is sent to all nodes of the IP network. In some cases it is
used for attacking purposes by hackers or can cause problems in
bigger network segments.
Multicast Operation
Multicast is a method of group communication where the
sender sends data to multiple receivers or nodes present in the
network simultaneously. Multicasting is a type of one-to-many
and many-to-many communication as it allows sender or
senders to send data packets to multiple receivers at once across
LANs or WANs. This process helps in minimizing the data frame
of the network.
Multicasting works in similar to Broadcasting, but in
Multicasting, the information is sent to the targeted or specific
members of the network.
Applications :
1.Internet protocol (IP)-Multicasting that takes place over the
Internet is known as IP Multicasting. These multicast follow the
internet protocol(IP) to transmit data
2.Streaming Media
3.It also supports video conferencing applications and webcasts.
5.5 IPv6 address & basic structure
An IPv6 address is a 128-bit alphanumeric value that identifies an
endpoint device in an Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) network.
IPv6 is the successor to a previous addressing infrastructure, IPv4,
which had limitations IPv6 was designed to overcome.

Types of IPv6 Address

1. Unicast addresses- It identifies a unique node on a network and
usually refers to a single sender or a single receiver.
2. Multicast addresses -It represents a group of IP devices and can
only be used as the destination of a datagram.
3. Anycast addresses -It is assigned to a set of interfaces that
typically belong to different nodes.
IP version 6 Header Format :
Advantages of IPv6
Faster Speeds: IPv6 supports multicast rather than broadcast in
IPv4.This feature allows bandwidth-intensive packet flows (like
multimedia streams) to be sent to multiple destinations all at
Stronger Security: IPSecurity, which provides confidentiality, and
data integrity, is embedded into IPv6.
Routing efficiency
Most importantly it’s the final solution for growing nodes in
Disadvantages of IPv6
Conversion: Due to widespread present usage of IPv4 it will take
a long period to completely shift to IPv6.

Communication: IPv4 and IPv6 machines cannot communicate

directly with each other. They need an intermediate technology
to make that possible.
5.6 Differences between IPv4 and IPv6
IPv4 and IPv6 are internet protocol version 4 and internet
protocol version 6, IP version 6 is the new version of Internet
Protocol, which is way better than IP version 4 in terms of
complexity and efficiency.
Pv4 IPv6
IPv4 has a 32-bit address length IPv6 has a 128-bit address length
It supports Auto and
It Supports Manual and DHCP
renumbering address
address configuration
In IPv4 end to end, connection In IPv6 end to end, connection
integrity is Unachievable integrity is Achievable

Address space of IPv6 is quite

It can generate 4.29×109 address
large it can produce
3.4×1038 address space
The Security feature is dependent IPSEC is an inbuilt security
on application feature in the IPv6 protocol
Address representation of IPv4 is Address Representation of IPv6 is
in decimal in hexadecimal
Fragmentation performed by In IPv6 fragmentation performed
Sender and forwarding routers only by the sender
In IPv6 packet flow identification
In IPv4 Packet flow identification
are Available and uses the flow
is not available
label field in the header
In IPv6 checksum field is not
In IPv4 checksum field is available
In IPv6 multicast and anycast
It has broadcast Message
message transmission scheme is
Transmission Scheme
In IPv6 Encryption and
In IPv4 Encryption and
Authentication are provided
Authentication facility not provided

IPv6 has header of 40 bytes fixed

IPv4 has a header of 20-60 bytes.

Not all IPv6 can be converted to

IPv4 can be converted to IPv6
IPv4 consist of 4 fields which are IPv6 consist of 8 fields, which are

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