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Question: Explain the term Function Chunking

Answer : Function chunking is a compiler optimisation for improving code locality.

Profiling information is used to move rarely executed code outside of the main
function body.

Question: Explain the three (3) main techniques for loop optimization
Question: List and explain three loop optimization technique
Answer :
 Str ength Reduction which replaces an expensive (time consuming) operator by
a faster one;
 Induction Variable Elimination which eliminates variables from inner loops;
 Code Motion which moves pieces of code outside loops.

Question: Mention the semantic errors that can be recognized by the semantic
Answer :
1. "identifier not declared"; either omitted declaration or misspelt an identifier.
2. incompatible use of types e.g assigning boolean to strings
3. Parameter or subscript miscount

Question: Consider the grammar below:

G: E → TE’
E’→ +TE’/ε
T→ FT’
T’→ *FT’/ε
F→ (E) / i
Answer :
Elements of FIRST(E) = { (, i }
Elements of FIRST(E’) = { +,ε}
Elements of FIRST T’) = { * , ε}

Question: Define target programme and give three examples

Answer : Target Programmes
The output of the code generator is the target programme. It may take on a variety of
a. absolute machine language,
b. relocatable machine language, or
c. Assembly language.

Question: Mention three ways of removing ambiguity from the grammar

Answer :
when there is a ambiguity; scanner generators chooses a rule that matches the
maximum number of characters. This disambiguation rule is called the longest match
rule.If there are more than one rule that match the same maximum number of
characters, the rule listed first is chosen. This is the rule priority disambiguation rule.

Question: Enumerate the five (5) transformation techniques used by most

optimisation algorithms
Question: write down the various most frequently applied transformation techniques
in common optimization algorithm
Answer :
i. Function-preserving transformations
ii. common sub-expressions identification/elimination
iii. copy propagation
iv. dead-code elimination
v. Loop optimisations
vi. induction variables and reduction in strength
vii. code motion
viii. Function Chunking.

Question: What are the benefits of LR parsing

Question: Enumerate three (3) benefits of LR parsing.
Question: Outline the benefits and the drawback of LR parsing
Answer :
i. LR parsing can handle a larger range of languages than LL parsing
ii. LR parsers can be constructed to recognise virtually all programming language
constructs for which context-free grammars can be written
iii. It is more general than operator precedence or any other common shift-reduce
techniques, yet can be implemented with the same efficiency as other methods
iv. the most general nonbacktracking parsing method.
Dr awback:
It is too much work to implement an LR parser by hand. However, LR parser
generator are now readily available

Question: What is the major role and the categories of optimization within a compiler
Answer: Optimisation within a compiler is concerned with improving in some
way the generated object code while ensuring the result is identical.
Optimisations fall into three categories:
a. Speed: improving the runtime performance of the generated object code.
b. Space: reducing the size of the generated object code
c. Safety: reducing the possibility of data structures becoming corrupted
Question: Suppose we have a grammar G:
1. E → E + T
2. E → T
3. T → T * F
4. T → F
5. F → (E)
6. F → a

Find the left parse of the sentence a * (a + a)

Answer :
E T (2)
T * F (3)
F * F (4)
a * F (6)
a * (E) (5)
a * (T + T) (1)
a * (T+T) (2)
a * (F + T) (4)
a * (a + T) (6)
a * (a + F) (4)
a + (a + a) (6)
Sequence of derivation is 23465124646

Question: What are the different areas that causes problems during the measurement
on the performance of an actual compiler
Question: Outline the problematic areas when considering the performance
measurement of an actual compiler
Answer :
i. multiple r outine calls during lexical analysis for each and every source character
ii. skipping white space during lexical analysis
iii. skipping over a comment
iv. decoding a tightly packed par se table during syntax analysis
v. looking things up in the name table during semantic analysis
vi. determining whether some name is a r eser ved keywor d or a user definable

Question: Describe any three (3) reasons for studying LR grammars

Question: What are the reasons for studying LR grammars:
Answer :
i. LR (1) grammars are often used to construct parsers
ii. virtually all context-free programming language constructs can be expressed in an
LR(1) form
iii. LR grammars are the most general grammars parse-able by a deterministic,
bottom-up parser
iv. efficient parsers can be implemented for LR(1) grammars
v. LR parsers detect an error as soon as possible in a left-to-right scan of the input
vi. • LR grammars describe a proper superset of the languages recognised by
predictive (i.e., LL) parsers

Question: Outline the steps in Lex implementation.

Question: List out the steps in Lex implementation
Answer :
1. Read input lang. spec
2. Construct NFA with epsilon-moves
3. Convert NFA to DFA
4. Optimise the DFA
5. Generate parsing tables & code

Question: Outline the properties provides by optimizing compilers

Answer :
i. the transformations should preserve the semantics of the programmes,
ii. the transformations should speed up considerably the compiler on the average
iii. the transformation should be worth the intellectual effort.

Question: Given the following simple source program:

while a < b do
if c < d then
x := y + z
x := y - z
Generate an equivalent intermediate code
Answer :
L1: if (a < b) goto L2
goto Lnext
L2: if (c < d) goto L3
goto L4
L3: t1 := y + z
x := t1
goto L1
L4: t2 := y - z
x := t2
goto L1

Question: Outline the four actions adopted when implementing the shift reduce
Answer :
a. Shift - push token onto stack
b. Reduce - remove handle from stack and push on corresponding nonterminal
c. Accept - recognise sentence when stack contains only the distinguished symbol and
input is empty
d. Er r or - happens when none of the above is possible; means original input was not
a sentence.

Question: Define parse tree

Answer :
Parse tree is a graphical representation for derivation that filters out the choice
regarding replacement. It has the important purpose of making explicit the
hierarchical syntactic structure of sentences that is implied by the grammar.

Question: With sample representations, describe the various types of parse trees.
Answer :

Question: List and discuss two (2) types of grammar

Question: Outline the four basic types of grammars
Answer :
a. Type-0 grammars (unrestricted grammars) include all formal grammars.
b. Type-1 grammars (context-sensitive grammars) generate the context-sensitive
c. Type-2 grammars (context-free grammars) generate the context-free languages.
d. Type-3 grammars (regular grammars) generate the regular languages.

Question: WIth examples, define a lexeme

Answer :
A lexeme is a sequence of characters that matches the pattern for a token, e.g.,
 identifier s: count, x1, i, position
 keywor ds: if
 oper ator s: =, ==, !=, +=

Question: What are the roles of a parser

Answer :
1. The parser reads the sequence of tokens generated by the lexical analyser
2. It verifies that the sequence of tokens obeys the correct syntactic structure of the
programming language.
3. It enters information about tokens into the symbol table
4. It reports syntactic errors to the user.

Question: Given the expression

X= (a + (b*c)/(a-(b*c))
Generate the corresponding parse tree
Question: With diagrammatic representation, give a description of the directed
acyclic graph
Answer : A directed acyclic graph depicts the natural hierarchical structure of a source
programme in a compact way, because sub-expressions are identified

Question: How is directed acyclic graph different from a parse tree

Answer :

Question: what is the output from an intermediate phase of a compiler

Answer : Target program. The output may take on a variety of forms: absolute
machine language, relocatable machine language, or assembly language

Question: Given the following source code statement:

show the phases of compilation process and their results from the initial phase upto
the intermediate code level
Answer :

Question: Given the expression

Write the three address code
t1 := a - b
t2 := a - c
t3 := t2 + t2
t4 := t1 + t3
d := t4

Question: Generate the corresponding target machine code for the expression in prev
Answer :
LOAD R1, a // Step 1: Load a into R1
LOAD R2, b // Step 1: Load b into R2
SUB R1, R2 // Step 1: R1 = a - b (t1)

LOAD R2, a // Step 2: Load a into R2

LOAD R3, c // Step 2: Load c into R3
SUB R2, R3 // Step 2: R2 = a - c (t2)

ADD R2, R2 // Step 3: R2 = t2 + t2 (t3)

ADD R1, R2 // Step 4: R1 = t1 + t3 (t4)

STORE R1, d // Step 5: Store t4 into d

Question: Complete the table by writing out the corresponding semantic rules for
each of the production rule

Answer :

Question: What are the drawbacks of syntax analyzer that makes semantic analysis
phase very important
Answer :
1. Lack of Meaningful Interpretation
2. No Type Checking
3. No Type Checking
4. No Control Flow Analysis
5. No Enforcement of Language-Specific Constraints

Question: Discuss Nondeterministic Finite Automaton (NFA)

Answer : An NFA accepts an input string x if there is a path in the transition graph
from the initial state to a final state that spells out x. The language defined by an NFA
is the set of strings accepted by the NFA.
Question: What does a nondeterministic finite automaton (NFA) consist of
Answer :
 a finite set of states S
 an input alphabet consisting of a finite set of symbols Σ
 a tr ansition function δ that maps S × (Σ ∪ {ε}) to subsets of S.
 an initial state s0 in S
 F, a subset of S, called the final (or accepting) states.

Question: Differentiate between Deterministic and Non-deterministic Finite automata

Answer : An NFA is similar to a DFA but it also permits multiple transitions over
the same character and transitions over ε

Aspect Deter ministic FiniteNon-deter ministic Finite

Automata (DFA) Automata (NFA)
Definition A finite automaton where A finite automaton where
for each state and input for each state and input
symbol, there is exactly symbol, there may be
one possible next state. multiple possible next
states or none.
Transitions Each state has exactly one A state can have multiple
outgoing transition for transitions for the same
every input symbol. input symbol, or even no
Epsilon (ε) Transitions Does not allow epsilon Allows epsilon transitions,
transitions (i.e., moves where the automaton can
without consuming input). change states without
reading any input.
Determinism Fully deterministic: given Non-deterministic:
the current state and input multiple paths may exist
symbol, the next state is for the same input symbol
uniquely determined. and state.
Representation Easier to implement in Conceptually simpler, but
software or hardware requires transformation to
because of its a DFA for practical
deterministic nature. implementation.
Acceptance Accepts input if it reaches Accepts input if any
a final state after possible path leads to a
processing all input final state.
State Count May require more states Often requires fewer states
than an equivalent NFA. than an equivalent DFA.
Conversion Cannot be directly Can be converted to a DFA
converted to an NFA using the subset
(already deterministic). construction algorithm.
Execution Complexity Processes input in linear May involve exploring
time relative to the input multiple paths
length (one active state at a simultaneously, but
time). equivalent DFA processes
in linear time.

Question: How is finite automaton different from the transition tree

Answer :

Question: Write down what is involved when considering code generation task
Answer :

Question: differentiate between Kleene star and Kleene plus closure

Answer : The Kleene Star applies to a set or expression and represents zero or more
repetitions of the pattern. The Kleene Plus is similar to the Kleene Star but represents
one or more repetitions of the pattern. The kleene plus closure exludes the empty
string as valid match

Question: Explain the Dead Code Elimination Concept

Question: Define dead code elimination and give example with explanation
Answer : Dead code elimination is a size optimisation that aims to remove logically
impossible statements from the generated object code.
Consider the following programme:
if (a != 5) {
// some complicated calculation
Since the body of an if(false) statement will never execute - it is dead code we can
rewrite the code:
// some statements

Question: Define Formal Grammar

Question: Explain the term: Formal Grammar.
Answer : A formal grammar (sometimes called a grammar) is a set of rules of a
specific kind, for forming strings in a formal language. The rules describe how to
form strings from the language's alphabet that are valid according to the language's
syntax. A grammar describes only the form of the strings and not the meaning or what
can be done with them in any context.
Question: Enumerate three (3) functions of a lexical analyser
Answer :
1. keeping track of line numbers
2. producing an output listing if necessary,
3. stripping out white space (such as redundant blanks and tabs), and
4. Deleting comments.

Question: Outline the implementation of a shift-reduce parser using a stack.

i. start with an empty stack
ii. a "shift" action corresponds to pushing the current input symbol onto the stack
iii. a "reduce" action occurs when we have a handle on top of the stack. To perform
the reduction, we pop the handle off the stack and replace it with the nonterminal on
the LHS of the corresponding rule. This is referred to as handle pr uning.

Question: Consider the grammar below:

Sentence → NounPhrase VerbPhrase
NounPhrase → Art Noun
VerbPhrase → Verb | Adverb Verb
Art → the | a | ...
Verb → jumps | sings | ...
Noun → dog | cat | ...
For the input: the dog jumps, show the implementation of bottom up parsing by
completing the table below.

Stack Input Sequence Action

the dog jumps Shift the
the dog jumps Reduce using Art → the
Art dog jumps Shift dog
Art dog jumps Reduce using Noun → dog
Art Noun Jumps Reduce using NounPhrase
→ Art Noun
Nounphrase Nounphrase Shift jumps
Nounphrase Jumps Reduce using Verb→
Nounphrase Verb Reduce using Verbphrase
→ verb
Nounphrase Verbphrase Reduce using Sentence→
Nounphrase Verbphrase
Sentence Parsing Complete

Question: Outline the algorithm for shift-reduce parsing

Answer :
1. Step 1: Start with the sentence to be parsed
2. Step 2: Until the sentential form is the start symbol do:
a) Scan through the input until we recognise something that corresponds to the
RHS of one of the production rules (this is called a handle)
b) replace the RHS of the rule which appears in the sentential form with the
LHS of the rule. (an action known as a reduction)

Question: State any three difficulties in top-down parsing

Question: Describe three (3) difficulties with top-down parsing
i. Which production will you apply?
ii. A left recursive production, can lead to continue cycling without getting to the
iii. There is a particular sequence that will lead you to the input string.
iv. A wrong production will require starting all over again.

Question: Enumerate the errors which can be detected during lexical analysis
Question: Discuss the following (include examples where possible)
Answer :
i. Errors during Lexical Analysis:
a) Strange characters: Some programming languages do not use all possible
characters, so any strange ones which appear can be reported.
b) Long quoted strings I: Many programming languages do not allow quoted
strings to extend over more than one line; in such cases a missing quote can
be detected.
c) Invalid numbers: A number such as 123.45.67 could be detected as invalid
during lexical analysis
ii. Errors during Syntax Analysis: during syntax analysis the compiler automatically
generate a useful error message just by listing the tokens which would be acceptable
at that point.
iii. Errors during Semantic Analysis: One of the most common errors reported during
semantic analysis is
a) "identifier not declared”,
b) others include incompatible type, or
c) parameter miscount

Question: Enumerate five (5) common run-time errors which can be detected by most
IDEs with its debugging option
Answer :
 attempt to divide by 0
 overflow (and possibly underflow) during arithmetic operations.
 attempt to use a variable before it has been set (undefined variable)
 attempt to refer to a non-existent array element (invalid subscript).
 attempt to set a variable to some value outside its range
 various errors related to pointers:
 Attempt to use a pointer before it has been set
 attempt to use a nil pointer
 attempt to use a pointer which points outside an array
 attempt to use a pointer after the memory it points to has been released.

Question: Describe any three (3) structures which can be used to implement symbol
tables (include the computational complexity of each structure)
Answer :
a. Linear List
a) O(n) probes per lookup
b) easy to expand — no fixed size
c) one allocation per insertion
b. Or der ed Linear List
a) O(log2 n) probes per lookup using binary search
b) insertion is expensive (to reorganise list)
c. Binar y Tr ee
a) O(n) probes per lookup, if the tree is unbalanced
b) O(log2 n) probes per lookup, if the tree is balanced
c) easy to expand with no fixed size
d) one allocation per insertion
d. Hash Table
a) O(1) probes per lookup on the average
b) expansion costs vary with specific scheme

Question: Draw a syntax tree for the assignment statement a:=b*-c+a*-c.

Answer :
Question: Enumerate three (3) examples of analytic grammar formalisms.
Answer :
i. the Language Machine directly implements unr estr icted analytic gr ammar s.
ii. top-down par sing language (TDPL)
iii. link gr ammar s: a form of analytic grammar designed for linguistics
iv. par sing expr ession gr ammar s (PEGs)

Question: Describe any three (3) phases of a compiler.

Answer :
1. The Lexical Analyser : this is the first phase and it is also referred to as the
Scanner. It separates characters of the source language into groups that logically
belong together; these groups are called tokens
2. The Syntax Analyser : This groups tokens together into syntactic structures. For
example, the three tokens representing A+B might be grouped into a syntactic
structure called an expr ession.
3. The Inter mediate Code Gener ator : This uses the structure produced by the
syntax analyser to create a stream of simple instructions.
4. Code Optimisation: This is an optional phase designed to improve the
intermediate code so that the ultimate object programme runs faster and/or takes less
5. Code Gener ation: This is the final phase and it produces the object code by
deciding on the memory locations for data, selecting code to access each datum, and
selecting the registers in which each computation is to be done.

6. Question: Summarize the languages, automata and production rules of Chomsky’s

Four Types of Grammars by completing the table below:
Answer :
Grammar Languages Automaton Production rules
Type-0 Recursively Turing machine α → β (no
enumerable restriction)
Type-1 Contextsensitive Linear-bounded αAβ →αγβ
Turing machine
Type-2 Context-free Nondeterministic A→γ
Type-3 Regular Finite state A→α
automaton Aβ →αγβ

Question: Using a diagram, show the syntactic divisions within a Formal System.
Answer :
Symbols and strings of symbols may be broadly divided into nonsense and
wellformed formulas. The set of well-formed formulas is divided into theorems and
non-theorems. However, quite often, a formal system will simply define all of its
well-formed formula as theorems.

Question: Consider the grammar, below

G: E → E + T | T
F → (E) | i
Evaluate the augmented grammar.
Answer :
The augmented grammar for this grammar is grammar G’ below:
G’: E’ → E
T → T*F | F
F → (E) | i
Question: Explain what is meant by top-down parsing technique
Answer : A Top-down parser builds a parse tree by starting at the root and working
down towards the leaves.

Question: State the properties of LR parser

Question: List the types of LR parser.

Answer :
Simple LR (SLR) Parser
Canonical LR Parser
Lookahead LR (LALR) Parser

Question: Given the production, A → Aα,

Answer :
i. Identify the problem with this production: The production rule is left recursive
which can lead to continuous cycling without getting to the answer.
ii. Show how the problem can be removed
If you have a production like: A → Aα. This is left recursive but it can be removed by
A → Aα | β
You can set
A → βA’
Then set A’→ αA’ | ε

Question: In top-down parsing, order of trying the alternatives may influence getting
the input or not.
i) State the method that can be used to overcome this.
factor ing i.e left factoring is used to ensure that the right sequence/order is used.
ii. Hence given the grammar,
G: A → αβ
A → αγ
How do we get rid of this dilemma using the method stated in (i) above?
We can get rid of
this dilemma by using left factoring to determine the right sequence.
That is the above becomes:
A → αA’
A’ → β | γ

Question: What do you understand by the term Viable Prefix?

Answer : Suppose S ⇒ * αAω ⇒ αβω in a rightmost derivation in grammar G. Then γ
is a viable prefix of G if γ is a prefix of αβ.
Question: Consider the grammar,
G: S → L = R | R
L → *R | i
a) Compute all the LR(0) items for the above grammar
b) Construct an NFA whose states are the LR(0) items from (a)

Question: Define the following for any given grammar?

Answer :
i) FOLLOW A: the set of terminals a, that can appear immediately to the right of A
in some sentential form.
ii) FIRST(α): the set of terminals that begin strings derived from α*. If α ⇒ *ε , then
ε is also in FIRST (α).

Question: Given the grammar G with following production rules, F → c | cF | dF,

determine whether the string ccdcdddc can be generated by the grammar
Answer :

Question: What are the characteristics of Simple LR

Question: List the common techniques for building tables for an “LR” parser stating
the characteristics of each?
I. simple LR (SLR (1) for short) characteristics:
a) smallest class of grammars
b) smallest tables (number of states)
c) simple, fast construction
II. canonical LR (or LR (1)).
a) full set of LR(1) grammars
b) largest tables (number of states)
c) slow, expensive and large construction
III. lookahead LR (LALR (1) for short).
a) intermediate sized set of grammars
b) same number of states as SLR(1)
c) canonical construction is slow and large
d) better construction techniques exist

Question: Consider the following grammar for list structure:

S → a | ^ | (T)
T → T,S | S
Find the rightmost derivations for:
Answer :
(i) (a, (a, a)): S⇒(T)⇒(T,S)⇒(a,S)⇒(a,(T))⇒(a,(S,S))⇒(a,(a,a))

(ii) (((a, a), ^, (a)), a): S⇒(T)⇒(T,S)⇒(((S,S),∧,S),S)⇒(((a,a),∧,(a)),a)

Question: Consider the grammar G given below:
G: E → E - T | T
F → (E) | i
Find all the first and last terminals in this grammar
Nonter minal Fir st ter minal Last ter minal
E -, /, (, i /, -, ), i
T /, (, i /, ), i
F (, i ), i

Question: To increase the compiler's portability and simplify retargeting, a typical

real-world compiler usually has multiple phases, which are divided into front-end and
back-end. Briefly describe each phase comprised by each division
Answer :
The front end consists of the following phases:
 scanning: a scanner groups input characters into tokens
 par sing: a parser recognises sequences of tokens according to some grammar and
generates Abstract Syntax Trees (ASTs)
 semantic analysis: performs type checking and translates ASTs into IRs
 optimisation: optimises IRs.
The back end consists of the following phases:
 instr uction selection: maps IRs into assembly code
 code optimisation: optimises the assembly code using control-flow and
data-flow analyses, register allocation, etc
 code emission: generates machine code from assembly code.

Question: Briefly describe the utilities provided by the operating system to execute
the object code generated by the compiler.
a. linking: A linker takes several object files and libraries as input and produces one
executable object file.
b. loading: A loader loads an executable object file into memory, initialises the
registers, heap, data, etc. and starts the execution of the programme.
c. Relocatable shar ed libr ar ies: allow effective memory use when many different
applications share the same code.

Question: Write short notes on:

Answer :
i) Top-down Par sing: A Top-down parser builds a parse tree by starting at the root
and working down towards the leaves. It is easy to generate by hand. Examples are
Recursive-descent parser and Predictive parser.
ii) Bottom-up Par sing: A bottom-up parser builds a parser tree by starting at the
leaves and working up towards the root. It is not easy to implement by hand, it
handles a large class of grammar
Question: Differentiate between code optimization and code generation
Answer : The primary objective of the code generator, the final phase of the compiler,
is to convert atoms or syntax trees to instructions. code generator takes as input an
intermediate representation of the source programme and produces as output an
equivalent target programme. Code Optimisation within a compiler is concerned
with improving in some way the generated object code while ensuring the result is

Question: State the most difficult part of a compiler designer

Answer : Designing a code generator that produces truly efficient object programmes
is one of the most difficult parts of a compiler design, both practically and

Question: State the characteristics of canonical LR parsing

Answer :
 full set of LR(1) grammars
 largest tables (number of states)
 slow, expensive and large construction

Question: Consider the grammar G given below:

G: E → E + T | T
F → (E) | a
Generate the operator precedence passing table for this grammar
+ * ( ) a $
+ > < < > < >
* > > < > < >
( < < < = <
) > > > >
a > > > >
$ < < < <

Question: In the context of grammar, describe with examples, Terminals and

Non-terminal notational Convention
Answer :Terminals are usually denoted by:
 lower-case letters early in the alphabet: a, b, c;
 operator symbols: +, -, *, etc.;
 punctuation symbols: (, ), {, }, ; etc.;
 digits: 0, 1, 2, ..., 9;
 boldface strings: if, else, etc.;
Nonterminals are usually denoted by:
 upper-case letters early in the alphabet: A, B, C;
 the letter S representing the start symbol;
 lower-case italic names: expr, stmt, etc.;

Question: Briefly describe the concept of Transition Diagram

Answer :
A transition diagram is a flowchart for remembering characters for a lexical analyzer.
In a TD, the boxes of the flowchart are drawn as circles and called states. The states
are connected by arrows, called edges. The labels on the various edges leaving a state
indicate the input characters that can appear after that state.

Question: Discuss the concept of LL (K) Grammars

Answer : LL (K) grammars are those for which the left parser can be made to work
deterministically, if it is allowed to look at K-input symbols, to the right of its current
input position. The left parser expands the leftmost non-terminal or variable.

Question: Describe the operations of the following concepts:

i) Re-hashing: Suppose we hash a symbol s to h and find that a different symbol
already occupies the entry h. Then a collision has occurred. We then compare s
against an entry h + p1(modulo the table size) for some integer p1. If a collision
occurs again, we compare with an entry h + p2 (modulo the table size) for some
integer p2. This continues until h = h + pi (modulo table size) is empty, contains s or
is again entry h. In other words pi = 0. In the latter case, we stop the programme
because the table is full. If {Pi} is the set if natural numbers then it is a linear rehash
otherwise it is non-linear.
ii) Chaining: The hash table consists of buckets, each of which points to a chain
(linked list) of symbols. Initially, all buckets are empty (point to nil). Symbols are
hashed into buckets using a hash function. If a collision occurs (the bucket is already
occupied), the new symbol is added to the chain at that bucket. Symbols are added in
a first-come-first-served (FCFS) manner. Each symbol has a pointer field to connect it
to the next symbol in the chain.

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