Sana Case
Sana Case
Sana Case
Date: 15-06-2023
1 Case History 2
2 Psychodiagnostics report 7
4 Treatment Plane 10
5 Session’s report 12
6 Terminal report 14
Education: Bachelors
Occupation: Nill
Siblings: 3
Children 1
Earning members: 2
Language: Urdu
Presenting problems: (nature of problems, precipating events, patient’s feelings and thoughts
about problems)
Informant reported that she had unsatisfactory relationships with her husband. She was
not happy with her spouse and divorced him. She reported that her ex-husband tried to kill her
many times. She reported that He even tried to poison her food and he was convinced that her
ex-husband hired someone to kill her. She had difficulty falling asleep. She engaged in self-talk,
self-laugh and she also had social anxiety as she felt fearful while communicating with others
History of problem: (duration of present problem, changes in nature, intensity, and / frequency
It was reported that client’s problem started 3 years ago. He ran off several times from
her home because she thought her husband was going to kill her. Her symptoms appeared and
Prior treatment: (detail of treatment sought of presenting problems and from whom; when and
for what duration treatment undergone; nature of treatment methods; name and doses of drugs
taken; ECTs, faith healing, responses to treatments including adverse reaction and side effects)
She was currently taking medication for his symptoms which includes donresp 4 mg,
Medical history:(most recent physical exam; date of results; current medications, health
condition since childhood including details of serious illness/disabilities suffered and surgery
undergone; eating and sleeping habits if remarkable and any change of same; use of stimulants
Family history: (migration, births, marriages, serious illnesses, deaths, jobs of earning members,
The client got married from Dhodial and has 1 child. She is separated from her ex-
She had satisfactory relationships with her siblings but unsatisfactory relationships with
his wife. His wife was ahl-e-hadees and he was ahl-e-sunnah because of which there were
conflicts among them. He did not have any friends and was only close to his mother, but his
mother died a year ago from heart attack. His relationship with his father was also
satisfactory who also died because of a heart attack. He was working at his father’s shop and his
School history: (Marks/divisions obtained, school changed, school problems, relationship with
Work History: (Nature of job held and remuneration, reasons for job changes, relationship with
religiosity, sexual history, premarital, marital and extra marital sexual relationships)
The client stated she had limited friends. She is not very social and communal.
Sleep cycle was not normal and she often had nightmares.
Persecutory Delusions
Affect: (Crying spells, depression, guilt feeling, suicidal, excitement, hostility, grandiosity,
blunted affect)
Behavior: (Speech, mute, talkative, abusive, restless, assaultive, destructive, excited, motor
Se had low mood, and her speech was very low and hesitant
On the basis of signs and symptoms, assessment, and Diagnostic and Statistical Manual
of Mental Disorders (DSM-V); the client has been diagnosed with 297.1(F22) Delusional
Identifying Information
Saiqa is 27 years old, divorced Urdu speaking, Muslim Female. She is 3rd born among her
2 brothers and 1 Sister. She belongs to middle socio-economic status family with joint setup and
lives in Attarsheesha, Mansehra. She is educated and unemployed. She got married and has 1
I approached the client for education purpose. Client was chosen on my own
Convenience and further information about her was given by her Sister. Clients presenting
Interview Information
While interviewing Client mother reported that six months ago; when her son was
coming back to home after school, suddenly he was bitten by a dog running from elsewhere. The
dog viciously bite him (client) at his leg and arm, and put him off. Client was hurt and underwent
medical treatment for two months. After recovery, client became phobic of dogs. This unpleasant
encounter with a dog leads him to feel intense fear and anxiety when he thinks about, or sees or
encounters a dog. In addition, client goes out of his way to avoid dogs. He also experiences
intense fear and panic attack when hearing a dog bark, watching a movie about a dog or going to
a place where a dog might be. Besides, the client also avoids friends and stays indoor because he
worries about meeting a dog. This scary encounter with a dog significantly affected his academic
performance, and social relationships. These terrifying memories can return whenever he thinks
or see a dog and causes significant dread, anxiety, and worry at the thought of being exposed to a
Psychological Assessment
Informal Assessment
Informal Assessment Informal assessment of client’s problem was carried out through:
Formal Assessment
Formal assessment was carried out through administration of standardized tests, which
are as follows:
Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI). The BAI was administered on client. He got 30 scores
Cynophobia Test (CT). The Cynophobia test (CT) was administered to evaluate fear of
dogs. The client scores on Cynophobia test were 34, demonstrating severe level of cynophobia.
was administered on client to judge personality traits. The domain score on each personality trait
and Openness to Experiences: 5. This results indicates client’s personality traits are low on
Treatment Plan for overcoming this phobia was to give psychoeducation to the client and
mother and then applying counter conditioning to overcome using a systematic way (Exposure
Psychoeducation was given to client and his mother about the specific phobia; its reasons,
and consequences. Full information about the nature of problem, current situation of the client
and the causal factors of the problems were specified to the client and his mother as she
The client further received psychoeducation on three components of anxiety/ phobia (i.e.,
thoughts, physiological responses, and behavior); how anxiety/ phobia develops and perpetuates
(i.e., genetics, cognitions, safety behaviors, and avoidance), and how systematic desensitization
works to break the cycle of anxiety/ phobia by entering feared situations, confronting feared
objects in a calm state and learning that the situation and specific object is not harmful.
Systematic Desensitization
The systematic desensitization was used to treat client’s specific phobia. In systematic
desensitization, counterconditioning was applied. The feared object was paired with a new
response that was incompatible with anxiety. This new response replaced and blocked the fear
response. The essential task for a therapist conducting systematic desensitization was to expose
client systematically to dog-related stimuli. Based on his attack, client has associated dogs with
fear, but the truth is that for the vast majority of dogs, this is simply an inaccurate expectation.
Unfortunately for client, his avoidance of dogs since the attack has prevented him from having
the opportunity to “unlearn” the association between dogs and fear. Through systematic
desensitization, therapist gave him exactly that opportunity, and the result of the systematic
exposure to dog-related stimuli was that client’s association between dogs and fear was
Relaxation Trainings
At first, i taught the client deep breathing exercise. Deep breathing Deep breathing was
applied on client to decrease his restlessness, breathlessness, palpitation, and anxiety level. Its
purpose was to calm down the client. He was instructed to slowly and deeply inhale through the
nose; almost for a count of 10, followed by slow and complete exhalation for a similar count.
The therapist also guided client to imagine a peaceful situation during deep breathing. He felt
more relaxed and comfortable after practicing deep breathing. This deep breathing exercise was
Before exposing to anxiety producing stimuli, the client was asked to practice deep
breathing and muscle relaxation exercise. Exposure began at the lowest level and then proceeded
through the hierarchy until the client reached the highest level.
was built with the client. His initial report and was
further sessions.
to practice this
Terminal Report
B. Be markedly improved
C. Moderately improved
D. Slightly improved
E. Verse improved
7: Areas of improvement:
A. Symptoms mention
B. Adjustment to environment.
C. Physical function
A. Friendly
B. Indifferent
C. Unfriendly