Hobby Class consent form

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Sindhi High School, K K Road

10/7, Kumara Krupa Rd

Bengaluru, Karnataka 560001
Ph 7337752992,7349061166
e-mail us: office@sindhischoolkkr.com

Dear Parents,
We are thrilled to announce the commencement of hobby classes at Sindhi High School, KK Road,
starting January 4th, 2025! This new initiative is part of our Management's efforts to provide a holistic

We are offering seven exciting activities, led by experienced trainers with state and national-level

1. Basketball
2. Zumba
3. Gymnastics
4. Taekwondo
5. Bharatanatyam
6. Guitar
7. Painting
 Facilitation charges: Rs. 600 per activity (payable to the respective class teacher),
 Payment mode: CASH Only.
 Payment timings: 12:35 -1.05 pm and 3:00-3.15 pm

To confirm your child's enrolment, please make the payment by December 20th, 2024, on a first-come,
first-serve basis.


Alpana Kala


I, the parent ________________ of Class _________, hereby confirm my child's enrollment for the
___________ hobby classes.

Signature: ______________________________ Date: _______________________

Tear-off Slip

I have received Rs. 600 from (Student name) __________________________________for

(activity/activities) ___________________________________ month of _______________________

Signature of Class Teacher: _____________________ Date: _______________________

Note: Please take the tear off as your receipt duly initialled by the Class Teacher as confirmation of
your payment.

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