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The Standard for On-Site Metal Analysis

New Ideas - New Technology - New Performance

1 Fingerprinting and APF Plus:

The first moments of the
measurement are used to
automatically determine the
material, then the correct
analytical program is loaded
and the measurement is
continued with the optimum
measurement parameters.

2 2 Data Manager: For the

organization and
documentation of stored
measurement results
3 Connections: Serial, Network,
VGA and 2 USB ports

The SPECTRO Spark Analyzer ME (Mobile the spectra of reference samples in The instrument can be linked to
Edition) instrument software remains a multiple bases (option for Fe, Al, Cu, Ni, peripheral equipment and other

simple-to-use interface to the Co and Ti bases) at the beginning of the computers via USB, network,
printer and monitor connections.
spectrometer despite its many options. In measurement. The measurement is then
Changes to or extension of
addition to the precise analysis of the continued with measuring parameters that
analytical programs can be more
chemical composition, it also offers the have been optimized for the reference
simply performed for the
ability to identify the material and to sample method chosen by the SPECTROTEST than for any other
quickly sort numerous samples for a SPECTROTEST. The concentrations of the spectrometer. Thanks to the ICAL
match with a reference sample. An unknown sample are calculated with the logic system, the special SPECTRO
extensive control system with hardware stored calibration data. Errors due to CCD technique can be optimally
and software-based diagnostic functions incorrect evaluation of the material by the used and the system can be easily

ensures that the instrument always operator are eliminated and the accuracy added to, even at a later date, at
the customer location.
operates faultlessly. of the testing immensely improved.

The ICAL logic system enables the The proven Automatic Program Finding
introduction of the new “fingerprinting” (APF Plus) module for analysis with spark
method; revolutionizing analysis with arc excitation is similarly efficient, user
excitation. During “Fingerprinting”, the friendly and error reducing to
measured spectrum is compared to Fingerprinting with arc excitation.

1 Changing adapters: The 1
adapters can be
exchanged entirely
without tools. This also
permits a quick change
between arc and spark
The Standard for On-Site Metal Analysis
2 Further developments to
New Ideas - New Technology - New Performance the SPECTROTEST
housing, including
changes to the
arrangement and new
storage space, enable an
upright, fatigue-free
working position. 2
3 Keyboard and Display
make up an ergonomically
formed unit.

The SPECTROTEST is a universal metal Its heart consists of the plasma The secure base, as well as easy
analyzer for use in the metal producing, generator, special optics, new high movement and steering of the
metal processing and metal recycling performance readout system and ICAL instrument are important features for
industries. Whether cordless battery logic system, all innovative components straightforward handling and fatigue-
operation in hard-to-reach locations, the that make the SPECTROTEST more free operation. For this reason, the
analysis of small parts, thin wires, precise, simpler and more reliable. transport trolley was designed as a
curved surfaces or hidden welding Through combination with other high- single unit with the instrument. The
seams, the use at an arc-furnace quality components, the SPECTROTEST ergonomic design permits an upright
platform in a steel mill, the final remains the most powerful operating position and thus an ideal
inspection of goods in a production spectrometer of its class. working height for the user. If necessary,
operation or the identification and the trolley can be disassembled in a few
analysis of a wide range of metal types steps and requires only a small amount
and alloys at the scrap yard, with its of storage space.
innovative technology, the
SPECTROTEST is up to the challenge of
each of these assignments.

4 Analysis: Within seconds,
a complete analysis for all
required elements is
performed and displayed,
with additional information
about the tested material, if

5 Optics: The optical system

maps the entire relevant
wavelength range and
distinguishes itself through
exceptional precision,
stability and robustness.

The new SPECTRO Plasma Generator This is achieved by a compact The proven ICAL (Intelligent Calibration
is the first completely digital excitation construction developed especially for Logic) system monitors the proper state
system for spark emission mobile use. The optical components, of the measurement system
spectrometers. The energy in the such as the holographic grating and CCD independently from external influences.
plasma is defined and held very detectors, are completely integrated, This eliminates the time-consuming
constant drastically reducing the protecting them from dust and shock. recalibration of the spectrometer for
negative effects of conventional changes in location and temperature.
excitation technology and markedly The accumulated data is processed The measurement of a single control
improving the precision, reproducibility simultaneously by the new high sample is all that is required.
and measuring speed. The special optic performance readout system, which is
in the SPECTROTEST corresponds to fifty times faster than the previous Plasma Generator, special optics,
the arrangement of the well-known systems; decidedly improving the readout system and the ICAL logic
optical systems in the laboratory analytical capabilities of the system form the basis for the analytical
spectrometer. It maps the entire relevant SPECTROTEST. accuracy and flexibility in the
wavelength range and distinguishes SPECTROTEST that is unequaled in its
itself through exceptional precision, category. At the same time, they lead to
stability and robustness. minimal maintenance costs and make
operation of the instrument simple and
reliable, leaving it in a class of its own.

6 Standard probe: The
standard probe and optional
UV probe (7) can be attached
in a matter of seconds.

7 Special probe: The special

probe with integrated UV
optics is especially suited to
the analysis of (C), P, S, Sn,
As and B.

8 Special adapters: Different

adapters permit the testing
6 of any surface, such as, e.g.,
wires, tubes and small parts.

To perform a measurement, the sample For special tasks, the SPECTROTEST can The low power consumption, due to
probe is held to the sample and the start be expanded with useful accessories. an efficient source, in connection
button is pressed. The results are For example, phosphorus, sulfur, boron, with other measures, allows the
available within a few seconds. The tin and additional elements can be SPECTROTEST to be operated with
standard probe is used both for sorting determined with UV optics integrated an optional battery pack. It can last
and identification with an arc source and into a special probe. Thanks to a plug for several hundred analyses and is
also for analysis with a spark source – connection, the fast change from easily inserted into the
including the element carbon. The standard probe to UV probe is no corresponding receptacle in the
change from arc to spark mode and vice problem. transport trolley or alternatively
versa can be quickly realized. The carried on a handle. This enables
necessary exchanging of adapters and For the analysis of tubes, wires and cordless operation at nearly any
electrodes can be performed rapidly and small parts as well as other unusual testing site.
easily without tools. shapes, additional adapters, which can
be easily mounted onto the probe
instead of the standard adapter, are

• High-resolution CCD multi-detectors • Start and reset buttons on probe handle • ICAL (Intelligent Calibration Logic) • Instrument fasteners


Starter kit Transport trolley*

• 400 mm diameter Rowland circle • Pass/fail indicator (green/red) • Printing and storing of measurement • Holder for argon bottle, Locking brakes
• Usable wavelength range: 185-520 nm on the probe values and protocols, logging for later • Drawer for accessories
plus detectors for Na and Li • 4 m (12') probe length post-processing • Storage for optional battery pack
• Automatic profiling (Optional: 8 m (24')) • Adjustable font size for monitor and
printer • Electrodes, brushes
• Regression program • ICAL sample, spacer for electrodes
• Direct-current arc, max. current 2.8 A (Spark excitation) • Data Manager: Printing and storing of • Quartz window, Filter mats

UV sample probe*
Arc excitation*

• 12 kV ignition of the direct-current arc • Argon-flushed UV system for measured values and protocols for
using individual discharges determination of (C), P, S, Sn, As, B and post-processing, e.g., in PDF format
• Arc voltage 20-40 V additional elements with various protocol layouts • Instrument height: 640 mm (25.2“)

Spectrometer data
• Usable wavelength range 174-196 nm Analysis • Width: 425 mm (16.7“)
• Grade identification • Depth: 250 mm (9.8“)
• Completely digital plasma generator • Grade search/verification • Weight: 29 kg (64 lbs)
Spark excitation*

with digital discharge definition, • Mobile Intel Celeron CPU ULV • Automatic Fingerprint Analysis • 100-240 V, 50 / 60 Hz
Spectrometer Control

digital pulse generation and digital • 512 MB RAM • APF (Automatic Program Finding) • 400 W during analysis
offline pulse control • Windows XP Professional • APF Plus* • 100 W in stand-by mode
• HEPS technology (High Energy • Serial, Network, VGA and 2 USB ports • Type recalibration • Fuse: 16 A slow-blow
PreSpark) • Hard disk drive 2.5”, > 20 GB Pass/fail sorting • Battery operation*
• Integrated, high-resolution TFT display • Pass/fail sorting assistant: Help during
12.1” all steps for the creation of pass/fail
(Arc/spark excitation) • Dust-protected, sealed foil keyboard sorting programs • Printer
Sample probe*

• Pluggable sample probe with function keys • Pass/fail display • Battery pack
• Adapters and electrodes can be • Trackball-IP65 • Optionally with allocation and display
exchanged without tools • External USB-CD/RW drive of chemical analysis
• Log reports *Option
SPECTRO A. I. GmbH & Co. KG SPECTRO A. I. Inc. SPECTRO A. I. (Asia-Pacific) Ltd.
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Subsidiaries: CHINA: Tel +86.10.8526.2111, Fax +86.10.8526.2141,, FRANCE: Tel +33.1.30688970, Fax +33.1.30688979,, UNITED KINGDOM: Tel +44.121.5 50 89 97, Fax +44.121.5 50 51 65,, ITALY: Tel +39.02.946931,
Fax +39.02.94693650,, SOUTH AFRICA: Tel +27.11.9 79 42 41, Fax +27.11.9 79 35 64,
SPECTRO operates worldwide and is present in more than 50 countries. Please contact our headquarters for your local representative.
© SPECTRO 2007, Subject to technical modifications • E-7 • 80902227, Photos: SPECTRO, GettyImages, Corbis.

Technical Specifications

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