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Vote forme!

C: iiirU+ie►J V verb phrases: buy a newspaper, etc. P sentence stress


a Can you remember these verb phrases a In your country, do you have TV competitions for people
for things people do in their free time? who do things well, e.g., sing, dance, or cook? Do you watch
Match the words. them? Why (not)?
b G) S.2 Amy goes toan audition for a TV ~inging
go play do to music

watch TV a coffee the guitar

competition. Look at the pictures. Then listen and answer
questions 1-9.

have listen to the gym e G) S.3 Now listen to Amy, Justin, and Naomi. sing. Vote for
the person you want to be in the show.
b G p.158 Vocabulary Bank More verb d G) 5.4 Listen to what the judges say. Do they agree with
phrases you? How does Amy feel?

ference Center in Portland. 12:45 In the waiting area with 350 other singers! M
7' 7 V

What does Amy need to go into the Conference Center? 3 Where does Amy's friend wait? 1
2 What does she show the man? 4 How many people does the woman call?
~ 4:00 Three hours later! at last! (f1s In the audition, with three_~~~!_y- ~e~~ uI J
7 What's Amy's song?
/ 8 What's her problem with the microphone?
9 What does Amy say when they ask her to
start her song?

\ _\
S What does Amy's friend say to her

['lllí befare she goes to the audition?

j 6 What does Amy do with her bag?
3 GRAMMAR can / can't 5 SPEAKING
r a Look at four can/ can't sentences (1-4)
from Amy's story. Match them to their
a Work in pairs. lnterview each other with the questionnaire.
Ask Can you... ? lf the answer is Yes, I can, ask How we/1? and
meanings (a-d). write 1 (= not very well), 2 (= well), or 3 (= very well).
1 ■ You can't sing!
2 ■ You can't come in if you don't have ID.
3 n
Can you come with me, please?
4 n
She can wait there. What's your talent?
a lt isn't OK.
b lt's possible. Are you musical, artistic, sporty, or good with words?
c Please do it . Would you like to apply for one of our shows?
d You don't know how.
Yes (w") How well?
b (Dp.132 Grammar Bank SA No (X) 1, 2, 3

sentence stress sing □ □
a (DS.6 Listen to the conversations. Then
play an instrument □ □
listen and repeat. Copy the r.bythm. dance □ □
read or write music □ □
1 A Can you play a musical
B Yes, 1 can.
A What can you play?
B I can play the guitar.
take artistic photos □ □
draw cartoons
□ □
Where can I sit?
You can sit Qver there.
paint pictures [] □
design websites or logos
□ □
Can I park here?
No, you can't. You can't park here.
b (DS.7 Listen. Can you hear the run a half-marathon rJ □
difference? play a team sport a □
1 a I can sing.
b I can't sing.
do a winter or water sport
□ □
2 a She can dance very well.
do an individual sport
□ □
b She can't dance very well.
3 a He can cook. Words
b He can't cook.
4 a I can come to the meeting. write short stories o [1
b I can't come to the meeting.
5 a You can park here.
write poems or song lyrics
□ □
speak foreign languages C] []
b You can't park here.
6 a I can drive. speak in public tJ □
b I can't drive.
(tS.8 Listen.~a or b. b Look at your partner's answers. What can he or she do?
Can you think of any competitions or TV shows he or she
can enter?

e Change partners and tell your new partner what your first
partner can or can't do.

(O Go onllne to review the lesson ) 111111

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