About - Strandeck
About - Strandeck
About - Strandeck
for ambitious
Development of drawings We are fully equipped for complete Material Faster formwork Faster speed
in BIM environment and CAD PT system installation economy rotation of construction
Urban planning indicated that the current land plot Client: The feature of that project is rectangular form structure for Client:
crosses with the car traffic; therefore architecture of YIT Lietuva UAB underground floors and oval form top structure that Veikmes Statyba UAB
the building is made in a way so that the building and starting from the 6th floor is under 13 degrees angle. We
street can both serve their function without any Architect: developed transfer beams system between underground Architect:
restrictions. We developed 16—20 m transfer beams Natkevičius & Partners and top parts, replaced steel and prefab concrete of the PLH Arkitekter,
supporting five upper floors, interfloor slabs and roof by beamless post-tensioned slab with reduced depth. Archinova UAB
cantilevers using post-tensioning technology to make Total area: It made possible to provide different columns layout for
the concept come true. 11600 m2 underground and top parts, to simplify roof erection and to Total area:
construct it without involving outsource specialists. 34 000 m2
Shopping and entertainment center Vilnius Outlet Parking in Malmo, Sweden
Vilnius Outlet is to be one the most gigantic shopping and Client: Multi-storey parking space in Malmo consists of 8 levels Client:
entertainment centers in Lithuania with a total effective area Mitnija UAB creating 4 floors. Thanks to post-tensioning it was Flexrock Sverige AB
of more than 62 000 m2. Our scope of works was structural possible to create larger spans (up to 12,5 m), without
design, manufacturing and installation of post-tensioning Architect: increasing the depth of the slabs, which lead to Architect:
technology solutions for 4 main slabs. The main obstacle Užupio architektai UAB significant cost economy on materials. Moreover, Horisont Arkitekter AB
engineers team had to face were large spans, floor depth post-tensioning allowed to speed up the whole
limitations and heavy loads. Only thanks to post-tensioning Total area: construction process as the formwork rotation is faster Total area:
it was possible to cover 17.2 m long spans here. 62 000 m2 in comparison to traditional reinforced concrete 8 000 m2
We are excited
to be a part
of your project —
here is how to start.
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for ambitious
Contact us at sales@strandeck.eu
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ongiong or prospective project.