Surface Preparation
Joint faces should be clean, dry and free
Description from dust, oil, grease, old sealant and
Characteristics It has good mechanical any traces of contaminant which may
resistance and adhesion to most common affect adhesion. Any previously applied
porous and non-porous building substrates sealant must be mechanically removed.
and a movement accommodation of T horoughly clean with a suitable cleaning
+/- 25%. solvent using the two cloth method,
using one cloth dampened with the
Usage / Purpose
cleaning product to lift contaminants
SG557 is designed for use as a
and a second clean dry cloth is used to
weatherseal silicone in applications where
remove any cleaner residue.
substrates demand a non-staining sealant.
pply masking tape to prevent
Packaging contamination of adjacent surfaces.
300 ml cartridge (25 per case)
ontact tremco illbruck Technical
KEY BENEFITS SUMMAR Y 6.00 ml foils (20 per case)
Services Department for further
Colour information if required.
Excellent adhesion to most construction
Black, white, Grey.
materials Joint Backing
Protective Equipment In movement joints, back fill the joint
Non-polluting, non-stain to most common
Use in well ventilated conditions and ensure
substrates with polyethylene joint backing in order to
all recommended protective equipment is control the depth of sealant and prevent
Excellent resistance to weathering, worn during handling & use of this product. three-sided adhesion.
ultra-violet radiation, vibration, moisture, For full recommendation, refer to safety
ozone, temperature extremes, and data sheet. Application
airborne pollutants Always carry out a test application prior
Necessary Tools to installation, to confirm compatibility
Non-slumping; can be used in vertical
Cartridge gun and sharp knife.
and overhead joints and suitability for use.
Good gunnability between +5°C and Always carry out a test application prior
SG557 has excellent primerless
+40°C to installation, to confirm compatibility and
adhesion to many typical construction suitability for use.
materials. For special situations, or if
Apply between +5°C and +40°C using
in doubt, please contact tremco illbruck
a conventional skeleton gun or powered
Technical Services Department to
discuss your requirements.
ll beads should be tooled after
Joint Design Considerations application to ensure firm, full contact
Joint width should be minimum 5 mm with the joint faces.
and maximum 20 mm
Tooling should commence without delay.
Width to depth ratio of SG557 should be
Linear metres per
Width x Depth (mm)
6x6 8.3 Appearance Paste
6 x 10 5.0 Specific Gravity 1.30±0.02
10 x 10 3.0 Shore A Hardness ASTM D661 28
20 x 10 1.5 Staining ASTM C510 OK
25 x 12 1.0 Tack Free Time at 23°C, 50% RH < 20 minutes
Cure Time 2 mm/day
Fillet Joint Width x Linear metres per
Depth (mm) 300 ml Cartridge Slump Non-slump type
6x6 16.7 Tensile Strength ASTM D412 0.835 N/mm²
10 x 10 6.0 Modulus at 100%
ASTM D412 575 kP
Linear metres per Elongation at Break ASTM D412 460%
Width x Depth (mm)
500 ml Foil Adhesion/Cohesion Under
41 ± 25%
6x6 13.9 Cyclic Movement
6 x 10 8.3 Adhesion in Peel ASTM D794 69.7 N
10 x 10 5.0 Application Temperature +5°C to +40°C
20 x 10 2.5
Service Temperature Range -40°C to +150°C
Fillet Joint Width x Linear metres per Storage Store in dry shaded conditions between +5°C and +30°C
Depth (mm) 500 ml Foil 12 months when stored as recommended in original
Shelf Life
6x6 27.8 unopened packaging
10 x 10 10.0
Health & Safety Precautions it is published in good faith and believed to
Cleaning Safety data sheet must be read and be correct.
Remove excess sealant immediately with a understood before use. tremco illbruck Limited reserves the
suitable cleaner. Ensure surface is solvent right to alter product specifications without
Technical Service
resistant before cleaning. Cured sealant prior notice, in line with Company policy of
tremco illbruck has a team of experienced
can only be removed mechanically. continuous development and improvement.
Technical Sales Representatives who
Please Note provide assistance in the selection and
Do not apply below 0°C or while raining. specification of products. For more detailed
Not suitable for over painting. Not information, service and advice, please call
recommended for permanent immersion, Customer Services on 01942 251400.
use on materials where migration of
Guarantee / Warranty
constituents can take place (e.g. certain
tremco illbruck products are manufactured
rubbers) or food contact. Do not use
to rigid standards of quality. Any product
where abrasion or physical abuse will be
which has been applied (a) in accordance
encountered (e.g. trafficable joints). Always
with tremco illbruck written instructions
test before using on sensitive substrates
and (b) in any application recommended by
(e.g. marble, architectural stones, etc.).
tremco illbruck, but which is proved to be
defective, will be replaced free of charge.
No liability can be accepted for the
information provided in this leaflet although
2017-09 v01