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Advocate is: the lawyer who speaks in court for a client; or • a Scottish lawyer who is

the equivalent of a barrister in England and Wales.

Affidavit a written statement which is sworn to be true by the person signing it. It is
sworn before someone authorised by the court.

Adjournment postponing a court hearing.

Actus reus an act which is illegal, such as theft. (This term is Latin.)

Act of God an extreme naturally occurring event (such as an earthquake, avalanche

or flood) that could not have been anticipated.

Acquit when a court lets a person go without any penalty. If a court decides that
a person is not guilty of a crime, or the case has not been proved, it will acquit the person.

Adoption the system which people use to become parents, even though they are
not the child's natural parents.

Age of consent the age when someone can consent to have sexual intercourse. In the
UK it is 16.

Allegation an unproved statement declaring that something has happened.

All and sundry everybody.

Alienation transferring the ownership of property from one person to another.

Alibi a claim that a person was elsewhere when a crime was committed. If
someone is accused of a crime their alibi is: • evidence that the person was somewhere else
when the crime was committed; or • an attempt to prove that the person was somewhere else
when the crime was committed.

Alternate director a person appointed by a director to take the director's place.

Appellant the person who is appealing to a court against a decision of a lower court.

Arson setting fire to something to cause damage to it.

Assault when someone threatens another person with physical harm. Words on
their own do not amount to assault but threatening gestures do, even if the person threatened is
not touched.

Attorney General the chief legal adviser to the Government. He or she must be a Member
of Parliament (or have a seat in the House of Lords) and must be a barrister.

Bail an amount of money given to a court to allow a prisoner to leave jail and
return later for a trial

Pro bono (English: 'for the public good'), usually shortened to pro bono, is
a Latin phrase for professional work undertaken voluntarily and without payment.

Manslaughter is a common law legal term for homicide considered by law as

less culpable than murder.
1. In the UK a ____________ is a lawyer who specializes in advocacy.
- Solicitor
- Barrister
- Magistrate
- Attorney
2. A person who commits an _________ may be sentences to a fine or prison
- Offense
- Award
- Infringe
- Accusation
3. When a ___________ is passed in Parliament it becomes law.
- Proposal
- Bill
- Project
- Proposition
4. In the time of declared war the government has greater authority to ____________ civil
liabilities. Justice William H.Rehnquist, All the Laws but One, 1988
- Infringe
- Hurt
- Prevent
- Intend
5. The accused was found quilty ________ murder and sentenced to life imprisonment
- From
- By
- For
- Of
6. We are studying __________ at the Lucian Blaga university of Sibu
- Rights
- Right
- Law

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