RPF_SI_Exam_03 (ENG_SOL)

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RPF SI Exam_2024 TEST ID - SRV - 909364292

Ans.6(B) Lieutenant General JS Sidana took charge as

General Awareness the 33rd Director General of Electronics and
Ans.1(A) Hockey India announced the sixth Hockey India Mechanical Engineers.
Awards 2023 on 31 March 2024 at a function in Lieutenant General JS Sidana is an alumnus of
New Delhi. the National Defence Academy, Khadakvasla.
Salima Tete and Hardik Singh were named the He joined the army in 1985.
women’s and men’s player of the year, The Corps of Electronics & Mechanical
respectively. Engineers (EME) holds a rich heritage of
Hockey India started the annual Hockey India innovation and technological advancement.
Awards in 2014 to honour India’s best hockey It was originally known as the Corps of Electrical
players, former players and officials. and Mechanical Engineers (EME) during the
Hardik Singh of Punjab, currently the Indian Second World War.
Hockey men’s team vice-captain, was part of the Post-independence the Corps evolved and
bronze-medal-winning Indian team at the Tokyo played pivotal roles in various conflicts including
Olympics 2023 and the gold-medal-winning the war of 1962, 1965, and 1971 as well as
2023 Hangzhou Asian team. operations such as Op Pawan, Op Meghdoot,
Hardik Singh, winner of the FIH Player of the Op Vijay, and most recently Op Parakram.
Year at the Star Awards 2023, was also Ans.7(D) The African country Congo has appointed Judith
awarded the Hockey India’s Best Midfielder of Suminwa Tuluka as the country's first woman
the Year award. Prime Minister.
Salima Tete of Jharkhand was part of the Indian Tuluka's appointment has come at a time when
women’s Hockey team that won the bronze there is an atmosphere of tension in the area
medal at the 2023 Hangzhou Asian Games. bordering Rwanda.
She was also honoured with the Asian Hockey Congo is a Central African country, its capital is
Federation’s Emerging Player of the Year Award Kinshasa.
in 2023. The DRC's territory straddles the Equator, with
Ans.2(B) Only Mizo top grade artist of Akashvani one-third of its land area to the north and two-
Vanhlupuii Passes away at 77. thirds to the south.
Vanhlupuii was the daughter of one of It is the second largest country in Africa, with a
Mizoram’s most famous poets and composers total land area of 2,345,408 km2.
Vankhama and Laldengi. Ans.8(C) Shefali B as Principal Director General of Press
Vanhlupuii's first public performance was in Information Bureau (PIB).
1952 when she was just five years old when she Sharan has assumed charge.
performed at the UMFO (United Mizo Freedom Sharan is a 1990 batch officer of the Indian
Organisation) Day celebration. Information Service.
She sang mostly English and Mizo songs and PIB is the nodal agency of the Government of
formed a band called "The Beginners" India for disseminating information in the print
Ans.3(C) Simon Harris set to become Ireland’s youngest and electronic media, including government
PM. policies.
At 37, Harris is now set to be Ireland’s youngest Ans.9(A) Joyshree Das Verma has taken charge as the
Taoiseach, beating the record set by Leo 41st National President of FICCI Ladies
Varadkar, who was 38 when he assumed the Organization (FLO).
role. At the same time, Israel has appointed him as its
Harris will be voted in as Ireland’s youngest-ever honorary consul for North-East India.
prime minister when parliament next sits on April Verma is also the director of HR firm Kapro
9. Management Solutions Private Limited.
Ireland/Capital - Dublin FICCI Ladies Organization (FLO) is the women
Currency - Euro wing of the Federation of Indian Chamber of
Ans.4(C) Odisha Foundation Day: 1st April Commerce & Industry (FICCI).
It is observed on 1 April, also known as Utkal Last year, Chennai-based Sudha Shivkumar
Divas. took over as the 40th President of Ficci Ladies
In 1936, it was the first state that was formed on Organisation (FLO), the oldest women-led and
a linguistic basis. Earlier, it was part of Bihar. women-centric business chamber of Southeast
The capital of the state was Cuttack but Asia.
Bhubaneswar was made the capital city in 1948. Ans.10(B) The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is considering
Sir John Hubbak - First Governor of Orissa establishing the Digital India Trust Agency
Province. (DIGITA) as a new tool to combat cybercrime.
Odisha state is located on the east coast of This proposed agency focuses on the approval
India, by the Bay of Bengal. of legal applications and the growth of publicly
Ans.5(C) Arnab Banerjee elected as the new ATMA registered illegal loan applications.
Chairman. DIGITA would verify digital lending apps to
Arnab Banerjee, MD & CEO of CEAT Ltd, has ensure that they comply with RBI regulations
been elected as the new Chairman of the and guidelines. Apps without DIGITA's
Automotive Tyre Manufacturers’ Association verification may be penalised.
(ATMA), As part of its collaboration with the government,
Automotive Tyre Manufacturers’ Association the RBI has shared a list of 442 genuine loan
(ATMA) is the national industry body for the apps with the IT Ministry for whitelisting on app
automotive tyre sector in India. stores such as Google Play. This partnership
ATMA is amongst the most active national has already resulted in the removal of more than
industry bodies in the country representing Rs 2,200 suspicious lending apps by Google over
90,000 crore ($11 bn) automotive tyre industry. the past year.
Sources suggest that law enforcement may
consider them unauthorized. This will be a major
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RPF SI Exam_2024 TEST ID - SRV - 909364292
step towards tackling financial scams and REC has committed to numerous sustainable
protecting borrowers in the digital lending sector. projects and has signed various MOUs for green
The agency would maintain a public list of projects.
verified digital lending apps, which would help REC has also engaged in one-on-one
consumers identify legitimate apps easily. discussions with various developers of green
Ans.11(A) The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) projects, spanning sectors such as solar, wind,
is an intergovernmental organization with a Pumped Storage Projects, E-mobility, RE
membership of 192 Member States and manufacturing, green ammonia and green
Territories. Its current Secretary-General is hydrogen, and battery storage.
Petteri Taalas. The Organization is REC is a government-owned company that
headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland. helps fund power-infrastructure and non-power
Ans.12(A) Originally discovered in 1833, the Leonids infrastructure projects in India.
Meteor Shower is observed every year in The company offers loans of varying lengths to
November. state, central and private companies to build
The meteor began on November 6 this year and infrastructure assets within the country.
will continue until November 30 and can be REC has registered itself with the Reserve Bank
witnessed through the naked eye. of India as a Non-Banking Finance Company
The peak activity is expected on November 17. (NBFC) and Infrastructure Financing Company
The Meteor Shower contains debris left behind (IFC).
by the 55P/Tempel-Tuttle comet that enter Ans.18(B) The Paradip Port Authority, Odisha, has
Earth’s atmosphere. displaced the Deendayal Port Authority, Kandla,
These debris objects are called meteors and are as the top cargo-handling major port of India in
seen as bright light streaks across the night sky. 2023-24.
Ans.13(D) Non-banking financial companies (NBFCs) are In 2023-24, the Paradip Port handled 145.38
financial institutions that offer various banking Million Metric Tons (MMT) of cargo.
services, but do not have a banking license. Paradip Port handled 10.02 million metric tons
These institutions are not allowed to take more cargo than last year, registering a growth
deposits from the public. NBFCs can offer of 7.4%.
banking services such as loans and credit The Paradip port has the capacity to handle 289
facilities, retirement planning, money markets, million metric tonnes.
underwriting and merger activities. Paradip Port is the cheapest in terms of tariff
Ans.14(D) The Sukanya Samriddhi Account Scheme was among all the ports in the country. As part of its
launched as a part of the Beti Bachao, Beti business development plan, the Paradip Port
Padhao campaign by the Modi government on has frozen its tariff for cargo handling for three
22 January 2015. Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana is years starting in 2022.
a savings scheme formulated to benefit the Paradip Port was initially set up by the
parents of the girl children. The scheme inspires government of Odisha in 1962. However, in
the parents/guardians to accumulate funds in 1965, the government of India took over the
the Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana account from the ownership and management of the port from the
time of the birth of their girl child for the purpose Odisha government.
of their education and marriage. Paradip Port was declared a major port by the
Ans.15(B) Uttarakhand Foundation Day is observed government of India on 18 April 1966, becoming
annually on November 9 to celebrate the the 8th major port of India.
formation of the 27th state of India. The Port of Paradip is an autonomous body
Uttarakhand was formed in the year 2000 after under the Major Port Trusts Act 1963,
joining several districts from the North-western functioning under the Ministry of Ports, Shipping
part of Uttar Pradesh and a portion of the & Waterways. It is administered by a Board of
Himalayan Mountain range. Trustees set up by the Government of India.
It was earlier known as Uttaranchal and was Ans.19(A) Researchers from the Raman Research Institute
renamed Uttarakhand in the year 2007. (RRI), Bengaluru, have resolved the mystery of
On the occasion of the 19th State Foundation the antimatter counterpart of the electrons called
Day, the state government of Nainital will Positron and Positron Excess Phenomenon.
celebrate a week-long foundation week from Their proposal is: cosmic rays while propagating
November 03, 2021, to November 09, 2021. through the Milky Way galaxy interact with
The state of Uttarakhand is comprised of famous matter producing other cosmic rays, primarily
rulers in the past: the Kushanas, Kudinas, electrons and positrons.
Kanishka, Samudragupta, Katuria, Palas, The authors Agnibha De Sarkar, Sayan Biswas
Chandras, and Pawaras. and Nayantara Gupta argue that these new
Ans.16(D) Muscat is a capital of Oman, located on the Gulf cosmic rays are the origin of the "positron
of Oman coast. The town long gave its name to excess" phenomenon.
the country, which was called Muscat and Oman RRI is an autonomous institution of the
until 1970. Department of Science and Technology.
Ans.17(C) REC Limited under the Ministry of Power won Ans.20(D) Mahatma Gandhi Marine National Park is a
the SKOCH ESG Award 2024 in the 'Renewable national park of India in Wandoor on the
Energy Financing' category. Andaman Islands. Situated 29 kmfrom Port Blair,
This award recognizes REC's commitment to the Park is located on the South Western coast
sustainable financing, which is paving the way of South Andaman, in the Bay of Bengal.
for a greener future and accelerating the Ans.21(C) The memorial trophy has been named after
transition to renewable energy. Mothavarapu Buchi Babu Naidu (1868–1908)
REC has emerged as a key player in India's who is considered as father of South Indian
clean energy transition and is actively cricket. It is an annual cricket tournament.
contributing to the country's sustainable future. Ans.22(D) Mysuru Railway Station is the first railway station
Through various initiatives and achievements, in India to be visually impaired friendly.
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RPF SI Exam_2024 TEST ID - SRV - 909364292
Anuprayaas, a non-government organization Wipro has also announced its commitment to
working for the welfare of visually challenged achieving net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG)
persons, along with south-western railway emissions by 2040.
officials completed this project in 2015. Ans.34(D) Nineteen traditional products and crafts from
Ans.23(B) Southwest monsoon is wind that brings heavy Assam have been granted the prestigious
rainfall that results in floods during the wet Geographical Indication (GI) tag, out of which
season. It is generally observed in India in the thirteen are credited to the Bodo community.
month of June. These iconic items include Assam Bihu Dhol,
Ans.24(A) The 42nd Amendment amended Preamble and Jaapi, Sarthebari Metal Craft, and more.
changed the description of India from "sovereign These products have a rich historical
democratic republic" to a "sovereign, socialist significance and provide direct support to nearly
secular democratic republic", and also changed one lakh people.
the words "unity of the nation" to "unity and Assamese Bihu Dhol: The two-faced drum is an
integrity of the nation". iconic instrument in Assam's folk culture, played
Ans.25(D) The Eighth Schedule to the Indian Constitution with both a stick and hand.
contains a list of 22 official languages. There is Assamese Jaapi: Tokou Pat and a traditional
no national language in India. The Constitution bamboo hat made of densely woven bamboo or
of India designates 22 official languages for the cane are a symbol of pride in Assam and were
Government of India and as Hindi written in the historically used for protection from sun and rain.
Devanagari script and English as the official Sarthebari Metal Craft: The handicraft industry
languages of the Union. from Barpeta, known for its bell-metal products,
Ans.26(A) Ductility is a measure of a metal's ability to engages around 2000 artisans.
withstand tensile stress—any force that pulls the Panimeteka Craft (Water Hyacinth): This
two ends of an object away from each other. product, made from water hyacinth, has gained
Ductility is a property by virtue of which a metal recognition.
can be stretched thin when tensile stress is Mising Taat (Handloom): Handwoven textiles
applied. made by the Mising community play a significant
Ans.27(C) role in Assamese culture.
Ans.28(C) Asharikandi’s Exquisite Terracotta Works: The
Ans.29(D) India is one of the major producers of tobacco in beautiful terracotta creations from Asharikandi
the world - ranking third with a production of are an essential part of Assamese cultural
about 600,000 tonnes, after China (3,000,000 heritage.
tonnes) and USA (700,000 tonnes).Andhra Thirteen of the products that have been awarded
Pradesh is the largest producer and Guntur is Geographical Indication (GI) tags are associated
the place where Tobacco board is situated. with the Bodo community.
Ans.30(C) At the request of China during the earthquake of Ans.35(B) Alice Perry has played 104 T20 Internationals so
China's Yunnan province in August 2014, ISRO far, in which he has scored 1005 runs and has
shared mapping data through cartosat. The taken 103 wickets. Perry has so far scored just
signatory for the International Charter Space three half-centuries in 60 T20 innings. Pakistan
and Major Disaster on Space and Major all-rounder Shahid Afridi has taken 98 wickets
Disasters, the country can request mapping and with 1498 runs in T-20 International Cricket.
satellite data related to each other during Ans.36(B) Data transmission refers to the movement of
disaster. data in form of bits between two or more digital
Ans.31(C) Singapore India Maritime Bilateral Exercise devices. Data transmission speed is usually
(SIMBEX) is an annual bilateral naval exercise measured in bits per second and its derived
conducted by the Indian Navy and the Republic units are kilobits, megabits and gigabits per
of Singapore Navy (RSN). The exercise has second.
been held annually since 1994. Ans.37(D) National Unity Day (also known as Rashtriya
Ans.32(D) A tiny snake “Xylophis deepaki” has been Ekta Diwas) is celebrated every year on 31stof
named in honour of Indian herpetologist Deepak October by the people all through India. It is
Veerappan for his contribution in erecting a new celebrated to commemorate the birth
subfamily Xylophiinae to accommodate wood anniversary of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel who
snakes. really unified the country. He was born on 31 st
The common name suggested for the species is October,1875.
"Deepak’s wood snake". Ans.38(C) Afonso de Albuquerque, Duke of Goa was a
Xylophis deepaki is a tiny snake of just 20 cm Portuguese general, a "great conqueror", a
length with iridescent scales. statesman, and an empire builder. He
It was first found on a coconut plantation in introduced the policy of Imperialism of the
Kanyakumari. Portuguese Territories in India.
It is now reported to be an endemic species of Ans.39(D) The English East India Company was founded in
Tamil Nadu and also been sighted in some parts 1600, as The Company of Merchants of London
of the southern Western Ghats. Trading into the East Indies. It gained a foothold
Ans.33(D) Wipro has regained its position as the 3rd in India with the establishment of a factory in
largest Indian IT services company by Masulipatnam on the Eastern coast of India in
suppressing HCL Technologies in market 1611 and the grant of the rights to establish a
capitalization. factory in Surat in 1612 by the Mughal emperor
Its market capital is of 2.65 trillion while HCL Jahangir.
Technologies' capital is of 2.62 trillion. Ans.40(A) The company sent Captain Hawkins to
Tata Consultancy Services remains at the top of Jahangir’s court to seek permission for the
the list with a market capital of 11.51 trillion and English to open a factory at Surat in 1609 which
followed by Infosys. was refused due to the hostile activities of the
Portuguese and the opposition of the Surat
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RPF SI Exam_2024 TEST ID - SRV - 909364292
Ans.41(C) Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are a family of sinθ=3/4
chemical compounds developed back in the cos2θ=1-2sin2θ
1930's as safe, non-toxic, non-flammable = 1-2(9/16)
alternative to dangerous substances like = -1/8
ammonia for purposes of refrigeration and spray Ans.52(A)
can propellants. One of the elements that make Ans.53(C)
up CFCs is chlorine. Under proper conditions,
chlorine has the potential to destroy large
amounts of Ozone.
Ans.42(D) USB is an industry standard that establishes
specifications for cables, connectors and
protocols for connection. It stands for Universal
Serial Bus.
Ans.43(C) Bilateral monopoly is a market consisting of a
single seller (monopolist) and a single buyer
(monopsonist). For example, if a single firm
produced all the copper in a country and if only Ans.54(C) Area =[(a+b)/2] × h
one firm used this metal, the copper market 25=[(4+6)/2]×h
would be a bilateral monopoly market. h=5
Ans.44(B) The President of India is the Supreme Ans.55(A) x/y=5/3
commander of the Indian Defence Forces. The 5x=3y
forces are managed by the Ministry of Defence. put that value then we get 5:2
The constitution mentions President as the Ans.56(D) To find the mean for any given set of numbers,
Supreme Commander of the forces, but the real you add all of the numbers together, and divide
control lies with the executive. that sum by how many numbers.
Ans.45(A) The hertz is the derived unit of frequency in the Ex: 3+ 3+ 4 + 4 + 5 + 5 = 24
International System of Units (SI) and is defined Then divide the answer by how many numbers
as one cycle per second. there were (#24/6 = 4).
Ans.46(C) Newton’s second law of motion is formally stated Step 2: Now we subtract the mean (6) from each
as - The acceleration of an object generated by number, and square the result, which looks like:
a net force is directly proportional to its (3 – 4)2 = 1, (3 – 4)2 = 1, (4 – 4)2 = 0, (4 – 4)2
magnitude and in the same direction as the net = 0, (5 – 4)2 = 1, (5 – 4)2 = 1
force and inversely proportional to the mass of Now we add all the new answers together
the object. (1 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 1) = 4
Ans.47(C) Calcium carbide is a chemical compound that is And then divide them by how many new
industrially used in the production of calcium answers there were = 4/4 = 1
cyanamide for fertilizer and also in welding. For the last step, we take the square root of the
When calcium carbide comes into contact with answer which is 1 → √1 = 1
water it produces acetylene gas that hastens the Ans.57(B) 11/12, 12/13, 8/9, 20/23, 17/19
ripening of several fruits such as mangoes, = 0.91, 0.92, 0.88, 0.86, 0.89
bananas and apples but it proves to be = 20/23 < 8/9 < 17/19 < 11/12 < 12/13
hazardous for health. Ans.58(A) 12 pencil cost price = 60
Ans.48(A) A goitre is an enlarged thyroid gland that causes No of box = 12/3 = 4
the neck to swell. It is caused due to the 4 box selling price= 18 × 4 = 72
deficiency of Iodine in the body.Goitres are often % profit = (72 – 60)/60 x 100
harmless but symptoms can occur, and = 12/60 × 100 =20 %
treatment may be required depending on the Ans.59(D) 1010 + 1020 +1030 + 1040 + 10 50
size and type of goitre. = 1010(1+ 1010 + 1020 +1030 + 1040)
Ans.49(A) The Mahindra Group Chairman, Anand Here we can clearly see that the term which is in
Mahindra has rolled out a project titled "Oxygen bracket has unit digit 1
on Wheels" to ease the transportation of oxygen So No of trailing zeros = 10
from producing plants to hospitals and homes. Ans.60(B) Efficiency Ratio Ashish : Abhinav= 3: 1
The "Oxygen on Wheels" initiative will bridge the Time Ratio = 1 : 3
gap between oxygen production and its ATQ 3x - x =20
transportation in India, especially in x= 10
Maharashtra. So Abhinav can do complete work = 30 days
Mahindra has lined up around 70 Bolero pickup Ashish can complete = 10 days
trucks to connect oxygen producers with Both can work together in 1 day = 1/30 + 1/10
hospitals and homes, to deliver oxygen = 1 +3 /30 = 4/30
cylinders. No they complete the whole work
The project is being implemented through = 15/2 = 7 ½ days
Mahindra Logistics. Ans.61(A) If x + 1/ x= 1
Ans.50(D) Maurya Empire was originated from the kingdom Then x3 = -1 (By property)
of Magadha in the Indo-Gangetic plains which is (x3)22 + 1/ (x3)81 = ( - 1 )22 + 1/(-1)81
currently a part of modern Bihar, eastern Uttar = 1 -1 =0
Pradesh and Bengal (eastern side). It was ruled Ans.62(C)
through the capital Patliputra (modern Patna).

Ans.51(B) 3 cotθ=4cosθ
Area of trapezoidal garden
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RPF SI Exam_2024 TEST ID - SRV - 909364292
= (Sum of parallel side)/2 x Height Ans.73(D) 243 x 9 ÷ 27 ÷ 3
One side = 15 = 243 x 9 / 27 x 3 = 243/9
Other side = CF + FG + GE = 27 = (3)3
= 15 + √169 -144 + √ 169 -144 Ans.74(A) sinθ = 1/ √2
= 15 +√25 + √25 =15 + 5 + 5= 25 sinθ = sin 45
Required Area = (15+25)/2 × 12 θ = 45°
= 40 × 6 = 240 tanθ + cosθ = tan45° + cos45°
Ans.63(D) Milk in new mixture = 5/ 7 × 7 + 3/7 × 21 = 1 + 1/ √2
= 5 +9 =14 liters = √2 + 1/ √2
Water in new mixture = 2/7 × 7 + 4/7 × 21 Ans.75(C) Let Profit be x
= 2 + 12 =14 Remaining profit after paying working partners
Ratio = 14 : 14 = 1: 1 commission = x- 4000
Ans.64(C) Average of 7 consecutive number so (x – 4000) x 10/100 = 4000
= (K + K +1 +K+2 + K +3 +K+4 +K +5 +K+6)/7 x- 4000 = 40000
M = 7K + 21/7 x= 44000
M = K+ 3 Ans.76(B) P + 483 = P (1+ 10/100)2
K= m – 3 P+ 483 = P (121/100)
Average of 8 numbers start with K+2 21P/100 =483
Average = (K+ 2 + K +3 +K+4 +K +5 +K+6 +K P = 2300
+7 +K+8 +K+ 9)/8 Simple Interest for P = 4600
= 8K+ 44 /8 T= 1 year
= 2K + 11 / 2 R= 20 %
= 2(m-3) + 11/2 SI = 4600 x 1 x 20/100 = 920
= (2m +5) /2 Ans.77(D) LCM x HCF = 48
Ans.65(B) Time taken of Lucknow express = 10 hours LCM x HCF = Product of Number
Time taken of Rajdhani express = 8 hours Let be the number = x, y
Speed = Distance / Time xy = 48
D/ 8 – D/10 = 10 x–y=8
D ( 5 – 4)/40 = 10 Numbers can be (12 , 4) ,(16 , 3) ,(6 , 8)
D = 400 km Difference between number = 8
S1 = 400/8 = 50 km/hr So number can be 12 and 4
S2 = 400/10 = 40 km/hr Ans.78(A)
Average = 2 x 50 x 40/ 90
= 400/9 km/hr = 44 4/9 km/hr
Ans.66(A) P = Rs.3
T = ¼ year
S.I = Rs. 3/100
3/100 = (3 × R × 1) /4 × 100
Ans.67(B) there is 40 -49 4 comes at ten’s place = 10
Ans.68(D) Daughter age = x Let PQ=QR=RP= 2x
Mother = 25 + x Area of equilateral triangle = √3/2 x (side)2
2(x + 5) = 25 + x +5 Area of ∆PXY/ Area of ∆PQR = (x/2x)2 = 1: 4
2x + 10 = 30 +x Area of QXYR = ∆PQR - ∆PXY = 4 – 1 = 3
X = 20 So required ratio = 1: 3
Mother age = 25+ 20 = 45 Ans.79(C) Let CP = 100 Profit = 300
3 year after Mother age = 45 + 3 = 48 SP = 400
Ans.69(B) sin θ + cos θ = √2 cos θ New CP = 125
Squaring both sides Profit = 400 -125 = 275
Sin2θ + cos2θ + 2sin θ cos θ = 2 cos2 θ Required %= 275/400 x 100
sin2 θ + cos2 θ + 2 sin θ.cos θ - 2 cos2 θ = 0 = 275/4= 68.75
sin2 θ – cos2 θ + 2 sin θ cos θ = 0 Ans.80(B) Area of circle = π
− sin2 θ + cos2 θ – 2 sin θ cos θ = 0 R2 = 154
Adding 2 sin2 θ both sides R2 = 154 x 7/22
2 sin2 θ – sin2 θ + cos2 θ – 2 sin θ cos θ R2 = 49
= 2 sin2 θ R=7
(Sin2 θ – cos2 θ)2 = 2 sin2 θ Side of square = 14
sin θ - cos θ = √2 sin θ Area of square = 14x 14 =196 sq cm
Ans.70(A) Let boys = 200 Ans.81(D) Tank filled by first tank in 1 min = 1/20
Girls = 300 Tank emptied by second =1/40
Boys who do not get scholarship Work done in 1 min = 1/20 – 1/40 = 1/40
= 85 /100 x 200 = 170 In total 40 minute the tank will be filled
Girls who do not get scholarship Ans.82(A) Ratio of values = 3 × 5: 10 × 2 : 20 × 1
= 75/100 x 300 = 225 =3:4:4
Required percentage = 395/500 x 100 = 79 % Value of currency notes of Rs. 20 denomination
Ans.71(B) 1½+3¾-2¼+2×3÷4 = 4/11 x 165
= (1+ 3 – 2) + (½ +¾ – ¼) + 3/2 = 4 x 15 = 60
= 2 + 1 + 1 ½ = 4 1/2 Ans.83(C) Central angle = 15 /100 x 360 = 54°
Ans.72(C) 2 (x – y) = x + y Ans.84(A) Require percentage = (25 – 20)/20 x 100 = 25 %
2(15 – y) = 15 + y Ans.85(B) House Rent + Deposit + Cloth
30 – 2y = 15 + y = 25 % + 10% + 15 % =50 %
15 = 3y
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RPF SI Exam_2024 TEST ID - SRV - 909364292

General Intelligence and Reasoning

Ans.87(A) 7×3=21
Ans.89(C) In Ascending order C>D>A>B
Ans.91(D) All vowels are decreased two step backward As per the given data, Store J has satisfied all
and consonants are increased two step forward. the condition of the girl want all the stationary
items she want.
Ans.105(B) After changing position with Tanu Abhinav is
15th from left and 12th from right
Total = (15+12 -1) =26
Ans.92(C) Word : Synonym Ans.106(C) 48 ÷ 8 - 7 x 2 + 18
Solitude means purdah. = 6-14 +18 =10
Ans.93(B) Ans.107(D) Phage, Phalange, Phallic, Pharisee
So Phallic is third word after rearrangement.



Ans.95(C) Both the item in each pair belongs to same

Ans.96(D) Minute, Hour, Second are used to mention time.
Time is the common factor of all others.
Ans.97(B) Engineers can both be smokers and non
Ans.110(D) If 24th Oct is Wednesday so
23rd - Tuesday
22nd -Monday
So Monday Falls on 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd and
Ans.111(A) C+7 =J
Ans.98(A) Ans.112(B)


Case I and II is not possible.

Ans.99(C) Last term comes like B two times then E three
Ans.100(B) times so I four time. The element circled is
Ans.101(A) All other are flowers except Kiwi. skipped in 1, 2, 3 respectively so next term will
Ans.102(C) From I C > B > E be M.
From II D > C B > A Ans.114(A)
So using both D > C > B > A, E
Ans.103(C) In this figure 1 → 4, 2 →6 and 5 → 3

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RPF SI Exam_2024 TEST ID - SRV - 909364292
Ans.115(B) 2 1 3 6 5 7
1 2 3 5 6 7

Ans.120(C) Statement means eating good food keeps man

healthy but it does not imply that there is no
Ans.117(D) They all are types of instruments.

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