chap 15 - 16 - 17
chap 15 - 16 - 17
chap 15 - 16 - 17
9) Which of the following strategies for new-product development incorporates buyers' preferences in the final design of
the product?
A. quality function deployment
B. market leadership
C. cost leadership
D. incremental innovation
E. disruptive technology
10) Pager, a simple personal device for short messages, became famous in the 1990s. Troveron Communications launched
a pager in the early twenty-first century. Due to the introduction of mobile phones and text messaging, the pager industry
was on a decline. The company's innovations were not well received by the market and the product was a failure. Which
of the following is the most likely reason for the product's failure in this case?
A. poor launch timing of the product
B. a small and fragmented target market
C. high cost of development
D. social and economic constraints
E. hasty product development
11) After creating a product prototype, a company tests it within the firm to see how it performs in different applications.
The company refines the prototype to correct the mistakes found in in-house testing. What should be the next step?
A. commercializing the product
B. performing concept testing
C. conducting beta testing with customers
D. creating a marketing strategy for the product
E. performing business analysis
12) Identify a shortcoming of giving the responsibility to develop new products to the product managers of a company.
A. They would not be familiar with the industry standards.
B. Product managers would not have an operational focus.
C. Product managers are often busy managing existing lines.
D. They will find it difficult to gain support from employees.
E. Product managers are less likely to use participative management.
13) ________ teams are cross-functional groups charged with developing a specific product or business.
A. Virtual
B. Venture
C. Fundamental
D. Elemental
E. Transitory
14) Intercom Inc., together with its subsidiaries, primarily engages in the generation, transmission, and distribution of
electric power in the United States. The company observes that its growth has stagnated over a period of two years. In
an attempt to promote growth, it considers adding new features to the existing products and introducing a few new
products. The company forms a committee consisting of three top executives, one of the production mangers, a few
operational managers, and a representative of the HR department to generate ideas. This team is called a(n) ________
A. virtual
B. venture
C. fundamental
D. elemental
E. transitory
15) A team formed at Intercom Inc. to generate ideas for new products conducts frequent meetings and engages in
activities such as mind mapping and brainstorming. Most of the meetings are conducted at informal locations away from
office. These workplaces are called ________.
A. skunkworks
B. idea funnels
C. research centers
D. stage-gate systems
E. contextual bases
16) A ________ divides the innovation process into stages with a checkpoint at the end of each stage.
A. reverse assumption analysis technique
B. skunkworks system
C. stage-gate system
D. spiral development process
E. new-product department technique
17) ________ are informal workplaces, sometimes garages, where intrapreneurial teams attempt to develop new
A. Stage-gate systems
B. Skunkworks
C. Funnels
D. Opportunity spaces
E. Research centers
18) Which of the following questions is answered during the business analysis of ideas?
A. Will this product meet our profit goals?
B. Have we got a technically and commercially sound product?
C. Can we find a cost-effective, affordable marketing strategy?
D. Can this product meet sales expectations?
E. Can we find a good concept consumers say they would try?
19) During which of the following stages in new product development decision making do managers analyze if they can
find a good thought consumers say they would try?
A. idea generation
B. idea screening
C. business analysis
D. concept development and testing
E. product development and testing
20) A ________ process recognizes the value of returning to an earlier stage to make improvements before moving
A. spiral development
B. reactive development
C. market testing
D. proactive development
E. concept testing
21) ________ means inviting the Internet community to help create content or software, often with prize money or a
moment of glory involved.
A. Stage-gating
B. Cocreation
C. Microstocking
D. Buzzing
E. Crowdsourcing
22) Companies such as Edison Nation and the Big Idea Group have sprung up to tap into ________ possibilities, often
combining its own design, branding, engineering, and sales teams with online participants, forming a community for
devising new products.
A. stage-gating
B. cocreation
C. microstocking
D. buzzing
E. crowdsourcing
23) Surgeons and ER nurses would be considered ________ for surgical equipment.
A. venture agents
B. internal customers
C. buzz agents
D. lead users
E. connectors
24) Many people believe that customer focus does not help to create better, or new, products. This belief rests on which
of the following ideas?
A. Such new product developments decrease the chances of success.
B. Customers do not consider the cost of design when making suggestions.
C. Customers are at times unaware of what they really want.
D. It increases the cost of testing a product or service.
E. Having too much customer focus leads to a negative brand image.
25) The ________ technique for stimulating creativity lists all the characteristics of an object and then modifies each to
try to arrive at a new idea.
A. reverse assumption analysis
B. lateral marketing
C. attribute listing
D. forced relationship
E. morphological analysis
26) The ________ technique used for stimulating creativity identifies a problem and then considers the dimension, the
medium, and the power source.
A. attribute listing
B. reverse assumption analysis
C. mind mapping
D. lateral marketing
E. morphological analysis
27) In an attempt to improve the product, a company that manufactures screwdrivers discusses the modification of each
attribute, such as replacing the wooden handle with plastic, providing torque power, adding different screw heads, and so
on. This creativity technique is called ________.
A. attribute listing
B. mind mapping
C. morphological analysis
D. lateral analysis
E. reverse analysis
28) Electro Locomotors (EL) Inc. engages in the manufacture, distribution, and marketing of custom vehicles in Brazil.
Bono, a hybrid car brand that the company produces, is a market leader in the hybrid vehicles segment. With the
increased global focus on nature-friendly vehicles and governmental subsidies for companies that manufacture hybrid
vehicles, competition has increased for flex-fuel cars like Bono. The heads of the R&D team at EL are in a creative session
to generate ideas for improvements to Bono. They consider each part of the car and discuss the possibilities of
improvements in each of them. Identify the creativity technique used here.
A. attribute listing
B. forced relationship analysis
C. morphological analysis
D. reverse assumption analysis
E. mind mapping
29) ________ works by listing all the normal assumptions about an entity and then turning them around.
A. Lateral marketing
B. Attribute listing
C. Reverse assumption analysis
D. Forced relationships
E. Morphological analysis
30) The ________ creativity technique begins with a thought that is written down, then proceeds to develop other
thoughts that are linked to the first thought, and finally a new idea materializes by associating all of the thoughts.
A. mind mapping
B. contextual analysis
C. attribute listing
D. reverse assumption analysis
E. morphological analysis
31) Increasingly, new-product ideas arise from ________ that combines two product concepts or ideas to create a new
A. reverse assumption analysis
B. lateral marketing
C. attribute listing
D. forced relationships
E. morphological analysis
32) A group of college graduates decides to start a business. Though they are knowledgeable in various business
domains, they are unable to arrive at a valuable business idea. They decide to search for ideas in a structured manner.
They meet and start discussing everyone's ideas. Each idea is recorded and then the thoughts that come up in relation to
the ideas are written down and discussed. This process helps them to finalize a business plan. What technique is used
A. morphological analysis
B. forced relationship analysis
C. reverse assumption analysis
D. attribute listing
E. mind mapping
33) Morboro Energy Inc. is a large chain of fuel stations in Europe. The company decided to expand its business by
incorporating restaurants and automobile service stations as a part of its fuel outlets. This is an example of ________.
A. lateral marketing
B. brand extension
C. market development
D. internal marketing
E. brand personification
34) A ________ error occurs when the company dismisses a good idea.
A. probability
B. performance
C. double counting
35) The stage in the new product process that occurs first and has a pass ratio of 1:4 is the ________ stage.
A. idea screening
B. product development
C. test marketing
D. product soft launch
E. concept testing
36) A(n) ________ is a possible product the company might offer to the market.
A. test brand
B. alpha product
C. beta version product
D. product idea
E. product concept
37) A(n) ________ is an elaborated version of a product idea expressed in consumer terms.
A. test brand
B. alpha product
C. beta product
D. business schedule
E. product concept
38) ________ means presenting the product concept to target consumers, symbolically or physically, and getting their
A. Perceptual mapping
B. Brand-positioning mapping
C. Brand attribute mapping
D. Concept development
E. Concept testing
39) Modern firms use the ________ tool to design products on a computer and then produce rough models to show
potential consumers for their reactions.
A. morphological analysis
B. rapid prototyping
C. concept testing
D. perceptual mapping
E. conjoint analysis
40) Brown & Smith Inc. engages in the design, development, making, and retail selling of designer jewelry in North
America. Before approving a new design, the company draws it on a computer and then produces models to show
potential consumers and get their reactions. This allows the company to analyze the possible customer reaction. Identify
the concept testing method used here.
A. conjoint analysis
B. perceptual mapping
C. virtual reality testing
D. rapid prototyping
E. digital fabrication
41) Consumer preferences for alternative product concepts can be measured through ________, a method for deriving
the utility values that consumers attach to varying levels of a product's attributes.
A. concept testing
B. perceptual mapping
C. gap level analysis
D. conjoint analysis
E. morphological analysis
42) With ________, respondents see different hypothetical offers formed by combining varying levels of the attributes,
then rank the various offers.
A. gap level analysis
B. conjoint analysis
C. perceptual mapping
D. concept testing
E. morphological analysis
43) Universal Services Inc. provides communication services to residential and business customers in rural and small
urban communities primarily in northern England. The company offers services such as local and long distance voice,
data, and Internet and broadband product offerings. The company, in an attempt to increase the attractiveness of its
offerings, decides to provide special voice and data packages to its customers. The company designs eight different packs
that offer varying voice and data benefits to customers. The company then asks a few of its customers to rank the packs
in order to choose two best packs. Which of the following testing methods is being used in this scenario?
A. virtual reality testing
B. conjoint analysis
C. perceptual mapping
D. product fabrication
E. rapid prototyping
44) The trade-off approach may be easier to use when there ________.
59) During ________ testing, the company's technical people observe how customers use the product, a practice that
often exposes unanticipated problems of safety and servicing and alerts the company to customer training and servicing
A. beta
B. research
C. sales-wave
D. alpha
E. simulated
60) For a frequently purchased new product, the seller estimates repeat sales as well as first-time sales. A high rate of
repeat purchasing means customers ________.
A. value price more than differentiation
B. do not support innovation on brands
C. value differentiation more than price
D. prefer personalized products rather than standard ones
E. are satisfied with the product
61) Poga International, a multinational beverage corporation identifies that one of its competitors is launching an apple
flavored drink. The company decides to launch an apple flavor brand along with its competitor. What timing strategy is
used here?
A. first entry
B. blunt entry
C. parallel entry
D. late entry
E. exchange entry
62) Some firms might delay the launch of their products until after the competitor has borne the cost of educating the
market. Such an entry is called ________ entry.
A. strategic payoff
B. parallel
C. balancing
D. late
E. compensating
63) A(n) ________ is any good, service, or idea that is perceived as new, no matter how long its history.
A. commodity
B. innovation
C. adoption
D. invention
E. novel product
64) Adopters of new products move through five stages. These stages begin with ________ and follow with interest,
evaluation, trial, and adoption.
A. awareness
B. investigation
C. trial
D. innovation
E. diffusion
65) Identify the stage in the consumer adoption process in which the customer is stimulated to seek information about
the innovation.
A. awareness
B. adoption
C. interest
D. evaluation
E. trial
66) Robert has heard about the latest cell phone from LG Electronics that features Wi-Fi hotspot technology. Wi-Fi hotspot
is a technology that allows users to share mobile internet with other Wi-Fi enabled devices. Robert visits the company's
Web site to read more about the phone. Robert is in the ________ stage of consumer-adoption process.
A. interest
B. awareness
C. evaluation
D. trial
E. adoption
67) Armordo is a famous vacuum cleaner brand in Africa. Clara has heard of Armordo and she knows that the product is a
success. She has started considering whether or not to buy the vacuum cleaner. What stage of the consumer-adoption
process is Clara in?
A. awareness
B. adoption
C. evaluation
D. trial
E. interest
68) Which of the following is the mental step in the consumer-adoption process where the customer starts considering
whether to try an innovation?
A. adoption
B. trial
C. awareness
D. evaluation
E. interest
69) People who are technology enthusiasts, venturesome, and who enjoy tinkering with new products and mastering their
intricacies are called ________.
A. innovators
B. early adopters
C. early majority
D. investigators
E. experimenters
70) Troma Inc. is a famous manufacturer of cookware that follows a traditional distributor- retailer system to distribute its
products. The company abstains from the use of automated supply chain management (SCM) systems mainly due to the
fear of unknown. However, rapidly escalating operational costs and inefficiencies have made it necessary for the company
to implement an SCM system. The company goes for a big-bang installation of SCM system to become more competitive
and cost effective. Identify the adopter group to which Troma belongs.
A. innovator
B. early adopter
C. early majority
D. laggard
E. late majority
71) Jason is a technology enthusiast who is happy to conduct alpha and beta testing and report on early weaknesses of
consumer electronics products. He is most likely to fall in the ________ adopter category.
A. late majority
B. early
C. early majority
D. innovator
E. laggard
72) Which of the following characteristics is closely associated with late majority adopter groups?
A. superior technological knowledge
B. low price sensitiveness
C. opinion leadership
D. deliberate pragmatism
E. high risk aversion
73) Joseph, a student of Columbia University, finds many of his classmates have purchased an iPad tablet from Apple. The
iPad, launched a few months before has been identified as a very useful product and many students in the US have rated
it highly. Considering all these, Joseph also decides to purchase an iPad. Which of the following is the adopter group to
which Joseph belongs?
A. early adopter
B. innovator
C. late majority
D. laggard
E. early majority
74) Five characteristics influence the rate of adoption of an innovation. One of these is ________.
A. marketing expertise
B. relative advantage
C. packaging attractiveness
D. government regulations
E. place of value exchange
75) ________ is the effect one person has on another's attitude or purchase probability.
A. Sharing power
B. Collaborative power
C. Market influence
D. Brand power
E. Personal influence
76) Relative advantage of an innovation refers to the degree to which ________.
A. it matches the values and experiences of the individuals
B. it is difficult to understand or use
C. it can be tried on a limited basis
D. it appears superior to existing products
E. the benefits of use are observable or describable to others
77) The degree to which the beneficial results of an innovation's use are observable or describable to others is called
A. divisibility
B. communicability
C. compatibility
D. relative advantage
E. plainness
78) Which of the following terms refers to the degree to which the innovation can be tried on a limited basis?
A. compatibility
B. relative advantage
C. divisibility
D. communicability
E. complexity
of this test marketing effort show that customers are willing to pay at least $500, considering the phone's various
features. As such, the company has discovered customers' ________.
A. last paid price
B. expected future price
C. lower-bound price
D. upper-bound price
E. typical price
9) Many consumers are willing to pay $100 for a perfume that contains $10 worth of scent because the perfume is from a
well-known brand. What kind of pricing is the company depending on?
A. going-rate pricing
B. image pricing
C. market-skimming pricing
D. target pricing
E. markup pricing
10) Pricing cues such as sale signs and prices that end in 9 are more influential when ________.
A. customers have substantial knowledge about prices
B. customers purchase the particular item regularly
C. product quality is standardized
D. product designs vary over time
E. prices do not vary from time to time
11) Which of the following is the first step in setting a pricing policy?
A. selecting a pricing method
B. selecting the pricing objective
C. determining demand
D. estimating cost
E. analyzing competitors' costs, prices, and offers
12) After determining its pricing objectives, what is the next logical step a firm should take in setting its pricing policy?
A. It should analyze its competitors' costs, prices, and offers.
B. It should select its pricing method.
C. It should select its final price.
D. It should determine the demand for its product.
E. It should estimate the cost of its product.
13) A firm that is plagued with overcapacity, intense competition, or changing consumer desires would do better if it
pursues ________ as its major objective.
A. market skimming
B. product-quality leadership
C. survival
D. profit maximization
E. market penetration
14) After estimating the demand and costs associated with alternative prices, a company has chosen to price its product
in such a way that it gains the highest rate of return on its investment. The company is looking to ________.
A. maximize market share
B. skim the market
C. become a product-quality leader
D. survive in the market
E. maximize current profit
15) Companies who believe that higher sales volume leads to lower unit costs and higher long-run profits are attempting
to ________.
A. maximize their market share
B. skim the market
C. become a product-quality leader
D. merely survive in the market
D. opportunity
E. total
32) Costs that differ directly with the level of production are known as ________ costs.
A. fixed
B. overhead
C. opportunity
D. target
E. variable
33) When ConAgra foods decided to cut $250 million in costs to return to a $1 price point (after sales dropped as a result
of raising prices $0.25 to cover higher commodity costs), it was using ________.
A. target costing
B. experience-curve pricing
C. ceiling pricing
D. the learning curve
E. promotional price elasticities
34) ________ cost is the cost per unit at that level of production; it equals total costs divided by production.
A. Target
B. Average
C. Marginal
D. Opportunity
E. Fixed
35) The decline in the average cost of production with accumulated production experience is called the ________.
A. demand curve
B. supply chain
C. learning curve
D. value chain
E. indifference curve
36) Experience-curve pricing ________.
A. assumes competitors are weak followers
B. allows products to project a high quality image
C. is applicable only to manufacturing costs
D. focuses on reducing fixed costs
E. is generally risk-free
37) Deducting the desired profit margin from the price at which a product will sell, given its appeal and competitors'
prices, is known as ________.
A. overhead costing
B. target costing
C. activity-based costing
D. benefit analysis
E. estimate costing
38) Competitors are most likely to react to a price change when ________.
A. the firm has a weak value proposition
B. the firm enjoys a monopoly
C. there are few competing firms
D. the product is heterogeneous
E. buyers have limited information
39) Which of the following is the most elementary pricing method?
A. value pricing
B. going-rate pricing
C. markup pricing
D. target-return pricing
E. perceived-value pricing
40) Despite its weaknesses, markup pricing remains popular for which of the following reasons?
A. Sellers can determine demand much more easily than they can estimate costs.
B. By tying the price to cost, the pricing task becomes more sophisticated.
C. When all firms in the industry use markup pricing, price competition flourishes.
D. Sellers take advantage of buyers when the latter's demand becomes acute.
E. Many people feel that cost-plus pricing is fairer to both buyers and sellers.
41) A manufacturer has invested $750,000 in a new product and wants to set a price to earn a 15 percent ROI. The cost
per unit is $18 and the company expects to sell 50,000 units in the first year. Calculate the company's target-return price
for this product.
A. $18.10
B. $18.23
C. $20.25
D. $20.70
E. $25.50
42) An umbrella manufacturing company's fixed costs are $275,000. The variable cost per unit is $5 and each umbrella is
sold at $10. How many units should the firm sell in order to break even?
A. 1,819
B. 5,500
C. 18,000
D. 27,500
E. 55,000
43) ________ pricing takes into account a host of inputs, such as the buyer's image of the product performance, the
channel deliverables, the warranty quality, customer support, and attributes such as the supplier's reputation,
trustworthiness, and esteem.
A. Perceived-value
B. Value
C. Going-rate
D. Auction-type
E. Markup
44) The key to perceived-value pricing is to ________.
A. reengineer the company's operations
B. deliver more unique value than competitors
C. adopt subtle marketing tactics compared to competitors
D. deliver more value but at a lower cost
E. invest heavily in advertising in order to convey superior value
45) ________ pricing is a matter of reengineering the company's operations to become a low-cost producer without
sacrificing quality.
A. Value
B. Going-rate
C. Auction-type
D. Markup
E. Perceived-value
46) A retailer who utilizes a(n) ________ policy charges a constant low price with little or no price promotions and special
A. everyday low pricing
B. high-low pricing
C. low cost
D. going-rate pricing
E. auction-type pricing
47) Matt's retail store offers all products at $2 less than its competitors. The store never runs promotional campaigns or
offers special discounts. Matt's retail store is following a(n) ________ pricing policy.
A. auction-type
B. target-plus
C. everyday low
D. high-low
E. going-rate
48) Everyday low pricing is most suitable if ________.
A. consumers are willing to perform activities such as clip coupons to avail of discounts
B. consumers tend to associate price with quality
C. customers are insensitive to changes in price
D. the cost of conducting frequent sales and promotions is high
E. consumers have sufficient time to find the best prices
49) In ________ pricing, the firm bases its price largely on competitor's prices.
A. going-rate
B. auction-type
C. markup
D. target-return
E. perceived-value
50) Which of the following auctions is characterized by one seller and many buyers?
A. Walrasian auctions
B. ascending bid auctions
C. closed auctions
D. sealed-bid auctions
E. reverse auctions
51) In which of the following auctions does the auctioneer first announce a high price for a product and then slowly
decreases the price until a bidder accepts?
A. a Dutch auction with one buyer and many sellers
B. an English auction with one seller and many buyers
C. an ascending bid auction
D. a sealed-bid auction
E. a Dutch auction with one seller and many buyers
52) In a(n) ________, the buyer announces something he or she wants to buy, and potential sellers compete to offer the
lowest price.
A. Dutch auction with one buyer and many sellers
B. English auction with one buyer and many sellers
C. English auction with one seller and many buyers
D. sealed-bid auction
E. ascending auction
53) ________ auctions let would-be suppliers submit only one bid; they cannot know the other bids.
A. Descending bid
B. Sealed-bid
C. English
D. Dutch
E. Reverse
54) In which of the following forms of countertrade do buyers and sellers directly exchange goods, with no money and no
third party is involved?
A. buyback arrangements
B. offsets
C. barter
D. sealed bids
E. compensation deals
55) A Japanese firm is ready to sell its recent technological innovation to the US government. But it has asked for 80
percent in cash and the rest in mica. The Japanese firm is looking to enter into a(n) ________ with the US government.
A. functional discount
B. compensation deal
C. buyback arrangement
D. offset agreement
E. barter deal
56) Armac Ltd. is a sluice-box manufacturer based in China. A sluice-box is used for gold prospecting. Armac is interested
in selling a few of its machines to an American mining company, but it wants 95 percent of the machines' price in gold
and the rest in ores recovered by using the machines. This is an example of a ________.
A. buyback arrangement
B. functional discount
C. barter deal
D. compensation deal
E. sealed bid
57) ROC Engineering, a Chinese shipbuilding company, agrees to build a fleet of submarines for the Sri Lankan navy, for
which it will be paid in the local Sri Lankan currency. As per the agreement, ROC must also spend a substantial amount of
the money it generates through this deal within the country. In accordance with the contract, ROC buys Sri Lankan tea at
a reduced rate. This is an example of which of the following forms of countertrade?
A. descending bid
B. offset
C. barter
D. compensation deal
E. buyback arrangement
58) ________ are offered by a manufacturer to trade-channel members if they will perform certain functions, such as
selling, storing, and recordkeeping.
A. Consumer promotions
B. Quantity discounts
C. Functional discounts
D. Seasonal discounts
E. Trade-in allowances
59) When hotels, motels, and airlines offer discounts in slow selling periods, they are said to be offering ________.
A. trade discounts
B. quantity discounts
C. functional discounts
D. seasonal discounts
E. trade-in allowances
60) A(n) ________ is an extra payment designed to gain reseller participation in special programs.
A. seasonal discount
B. allowance
C. discount
D. quantity discount
E. functional discount
61) ________ reward dealers for participating in advertising and sales support programs.
A. Functional discounts
B. Trade discounts
C. Promotional allowances
D. Rebates
E. Quantity discounts
62) When supermarkets and department stores drop the price on well-known brands to stimulate store traffic, they are
said to be following ________ pricing.
A. value
B. loss-leader
C. special event
D. high-low
E. everyday low
63) In ________, the seller charges a separate price to each customer depending on the intensity of his or her demand.
A. second-degree price discrimination
B. third-degree price discrimination
C. psychological discounting
D. special-customer pricing
E. first-degree price discrimination
64) In second-degree price discrimination, the seller charges ________.
A. less to buyers of larger volumes
B. different prices depending on the season, day, or hour
C. a separate price to each customer depending on the intensity of his or her demand
D. different prices for different versions of the same product
E. different prices for the same product depending on the channel through which it is sold
65) In ________, the seller charges different amounts to different classes of buyers.
A. perceived value pricing
B. third-degree price discrimination
C. first-degree price discrimination
D. second-degree price discrimination
E. psychological discounting
66) When museums charge a lower admission fee to students and senior citizens, this form of price discrimination is
known as ________ pricing.
A. location
B. channel
C. customer-segment
D. special-customer
E. loss-leader
67) Madame Tussaud's wax museum is a popular tourist attraction in London. The museum charges higher entry rates for
tourists compared to locals. This form of price discrimination is known as ________ pricing.
A. customer-segment
B. image
C. location
D. special customer
E. special event
68) When Coca-Cola carries a different price depending on whether the consumer purchases it in a fine restaurant, a fast-
food restaurant, or a vending machine, then this form of price discrimination is known as ________ pricing.
A. product-form
B. loss-leader
C. special event
D. channel
E. location
69) The prices of tickets to the opera vary depending on where the person would like to be seated — in the gallery or in
the stalls. This is an example of ________ pricing.
A. channel
B. time
C. image
D. product-form
E. location
70) When hotels drop their rates on the weekends, this form of price discrimination is known as ________ pricing.
A. channel
B. image
C. product-form
D. time
E. location
71) The airline and hospitality industries use ________, by which they offer discounted but limited early purchases,
higher-priced late purchases, and the lowest rates on unsold inventory just before it expires.
A. special-customer pricing
B. yield pricing
C. cash rebates
D. location pricing
E. customer-segment pricing
72) ________ refers to selling below cost with the intention of destroying competition.
A. Bid rigging
B. Loss-leader pricing
C. Predatory pricing
D. Price discrimination
E. Price penetration
73) For price discrimination to work ________.
A. the market must be segmentable and the segments must show similar intensities of demand
B. members in the lower-price segment must be able to resell the product to the higher- price segment
C. competitors must be able to undersell the firm in the higher-price segment
D. the practice must not breed customer resentment and ill will
E. the extra revenue derived from price discrimination must not exceed the cost of segmenting and policing the market
74) When a movie theater charges a lower ticket fee for children and senior citizens, it is engaging in ________ pricing.
A. product-form
B. image
C. customer-segment
D. location
E. time
75) A low price buys market share but not market loyalty. The same customers will shift to any lower-priced product that
may come along. This is called the ________ trap.
A. low-price
B. relative-market-share
C. shallow-pockets
D. target-market-share
E. fragile-market-share
76) When higher-priced competitors match lower prices of their competitors but have longer staying power because of
deeper cash reserves, it leads to a(n) ________ trap.
A. low-quality
B. fragile-market-share
C. price war
D. escalator
E. shallow-pockets
77) A company does not set a final price until the product is finished or delivered. This is known as ________.
A. delayed quotation pricing
B. an escalator clause
C. special-event pricing
D. time pricing
E. the shallow-pockets trap
78) When a company requires customers to pay today's price and all or part of any inflation increase that takes place
before delivery, it is known as ________.
A. special-customer pricing
B. an escalator clause
C. delayed quotation pricing
D. unbundling
E. time pricing
79) When a company maintains its price but removes or prices separately one or more elements that were part of the
former offer, such as free delivery or installation, it is known as ________.
A. escalating
B. differentiation
C. unbundling
D. reverse discounting
E. delayed quotation pricing
80) In markets that are characterized by products that are highly homogeneous, how should a firm react to a competitor's
reduction in price?
A. shrink the amount of the product available
B. substitute expensive materials or ingredients
C. reduce product features
D. reduce product services
E. augment the product
A. hybrid
B. pull
C. personalized
D. vertical
E. internal
9) A computer manufacturing company allows customers to place orders online, which they can later pick up from a
convenient retail location. Which of the following terms best represents this practice?
A. channel integration
B. mass customization
C. online personalization
D. push strategy
E. internal marketing
10) Which of the following is the most accurate description of a value network?
A. a system of partnerships and alliances that a firm creates to source, augment, and deliver its offerings
B. a system of organizations and resources involved in moving a product from supplier to customer
C. an arrangement whereby an organization transforms inputs into finished goods
D. a network that allows an organization take the finished products to the end-users
E. a communication network that allows an organization to transfer information to end- customers
11) Companies should first think about the target market and then design the supply chain backward from that point.
This strategy is called ________ planning.
A. demand chain
B. resource
C. external channel
D. materials
E. strategic business
12) Which of the following channel functions constitute only a backward flow?
A. movement of physical goods
B. placing orders with manufacturers
C. persuasive communication
D. storage of physical goods
E. overseeing actual transfer of ownership
13) Identify the channel function that constitutes both backward and forward flow.
A. obtaining funds for financing
B. storage of physical goods
C. persuasive communication
D. movement of physical goods
E. overseeing actual transfer of ownership
14) Producers often shift some functions to intermediaries. Which of the following is the most significant benefit of doing
A. It increases customer loyalty.
B. It provides the producer with greater control over operations.
C. It reduces the amount of direct customer interaction.
D. It lowers the producer's costs and prices.
E. It ensures greater information security.
15) Which of the following is an example of a zero-level channel?
A. A company takes online orders from customers and ships the products to them.
B. An organization uses a combination of direct salespeople and sales agencies to increase sales.
C. A company sells its products through wholesalers and retailers.
D. A company sells its products through chains of supermarkets and other large sellers.
E. A large company forms alliances with smaller companies to increase sales coverage.
16) Which of the following entities is present in a zero-level marketing channel?
A. consumers
B. retailers
C. brokers
D. jobbers
E. wholesalers
17) A direct marketing channel is a ________ channel.
A. one-level
B. two-level
C. zero-level
D. three-level
E. reverse-flow
18) A jobber in a three-level marketing channel is a(n) ________.
A. small-scale wholesaler
B. external broker
C. advertising agent
D. independent evaluator
E. communication channel
19) Door-to-door sales, home parties, mail order, telemarketing, TV selling, Internet selling, and manufacturer-owned
stores are examples of ________.
A. zero-level channels
B. jobbers
C. wholesalers
D. manufacturer's representatives
E. consumers
20) Which of the following activities is a reverse-flow channel of marketing?
A. raw materials movement
B. product recycling
C. materials ordering
D. finished goods storage
E. customer order placement
21) Toyota has an advantage over Lexus due to the fact that there are more Toyota dealers, which helps customers save
on transportation and search costs in buying and repairing an automobile. Which of the following service outputs relates
to this competitive advantage?
A. spatial convenience
B. service backup
C. lot size
D. waiting time
E. delivery time
22) As a service output produced by marketing channels, product variety refers to the ________.
A. units the channel permits a customer to purchase at once
B. assortment provided by the marketing channel
C. add-on services provided by the channel
D. ability of a product to provide incremental value
E. degree to which the channel makes it easy for customers to purchase a product
23) Which of the following terms refers to add-on services such as credit, delivery, installation, and repairs, and is
provided by a marketing channel?
A. service backup
B. product accessories
C. external products
D. product variety
E. service extensions
24) Atburex is a furniture manufacturing company in the United States. The company provides a 60-day credit period and
also offers on-site delivery and installation. These special benefits refer to which of the following service outputs?
A. service backup
B. large product variety
C. spatial convenience
D. large lot size
E. short waiting time
25) Which of the following types of distribution involves severely limiting the number of channel intermediaries?
A. exclusive
B. selective
C. intensive
D. aggressive
E. retail
26) Which of the following allows a firm to maintain control over service level and obtain more dedicated and
knowledgeable selling?
A. selective distribution
B. intensive distribution
C. push strategy
D. exclusive distribution
E. pull strategy
27) Which of the following channel alternatives is most suited to handle complex products and transactions?
A. sales forces
B. the Internet
C. dealers
D. telemarketers
E. direct mails
28) Which of the following is a major disadvantage of using the Internet as a marketing channel?
A. It is less effective for complex products.
B. It lacks convenience and practicality.
C. It cannot be used to reach a wide audience.
D. It is considered expensive.
E. It causes the company to lose direct contact with customers.
29) Armon Apparels designs, manufactures, and distributes athletic apparel and accessories for men and women. The
company has only nine distributors across the United States. These distributors control a nationwide network of 600
retailers. The company does not sell its products through other channels. This is an example of ________ distribution.
A. selective
B. intensive
C. exclusive
D. internal
E. passive
30) Exclusive dealing arrangements are mainly used by companies looking for an edge in markets increasingly driven by
A. price
B. efficiency
C. product variety
D. add-on services
E. spatial convenience
31) An intensive distribution strategy serves well for ________.
A. premium cars
B. commercial trucks
C. private label products
D. industrial equipment
E. newspapers
32) Which of the following products is most likely to be sold using an exclusive distribution strategy?
A. designer luggage
B. cigarettes
C. alcoholic beverages
D. car fuel
E. medicine
33) Which of the following covers payment terms and producer guarantees?
A. conditions of sale
B. pricing policies
C. exclusive dealings
D. mutual services
E. territorial rights
34) ________ call(s) for the producer to establish a schedule of discounts and allowances that intermediaries see as
equitable and sufficient.
A. Exclusive dealings
B. Mutual services
C. Territorial rights
D. Price policy
E. Tying agreements
35) Electrobar, a European manufacturer of industrial kitchenware, sells to industrial canteens, restaurants, hotels, and so
forth. The company provides a one-year warranty on all products and also allows customers to pay in installments — they
pay 50 percent on delivery and the rest as equal installments. This refers to which element in the "trade-relations mix"?
A. price policy
B. conditions of sale
C. distributors' territorial rights
D. exclusive dealings
E. mutual services and responsibilities
36) Which of the following channels is associated with the lowest cost per transaction?
A. Internet
B. telemarketing
C. retail stores
D. distributor
E. sales force
37) Which marketing channel is associated with the highest value added per sale?
A. retail stores
B. sales force
C. distributors
D. Internet
E. telemarketing
38) Which of the following problems is most likely when a company chooses to use a sales agency instead of company
A. The company will find it difficult to control the sales process.
B. They do not take title to goods or negotiate purchases or sales.
C. The value-added per sale is the lowest for sales agencies.
D. Agencies will pay less attention to customers who buy the most or in large volumes.
E. Sales agencies are often difficult to access due to strict contractual obligations.
39) In an effort to boost sales, Broomer offers its retailers a higher margin for promoting and selling products from the
"Inducer" line to customers. This is an example of ________ power.
A. coercive
B. reward
C. passive
D. expert
E. referent
40) Because of the acceptance that the other Broomer products have in the market, retailers are willing to stock items
from the new "Inducer" line of clothing. This is an example of ________ power.
A. referent
B. passive
C. legitimate
D. coercive
E. reward
41) Broomer threatens to withdraw all its other products from the retailers' stores if they are unwilling to push products
from the "Inducer" line. This is an example of ________ power.
A. reward
B. coercive
C. legitimate
D. expert
E. referent
42) ________ power can be effective, but its exercise produces resentment and can lead the intermediaries to organize
countervailing power.
A. Coercive
B. Reward
C. Legitimate
D. Expert
E. Referent
43) A manufacturer offers its intermediaries an extra benefit for performing a promotional activity. This is an example of
the use of ________ power.
A. reward
B. coercive
C. functional
D. expert
E. referent
44) A manufacturer is using legitimate power when it ________.
A. requests a behavior that is warranted under the selling contract
B. threatens to withdraw a resource or terminate a relationship
C. offers intermediaries an extra benefit for performing specific acts or functions
D. makes the intermediaries sell more of a particular product by offering rewards
E. sells more products by making use of its reputation in the market
45) Hewlett-Packard is a highly respected brand. Many retailers want to be associated with the brand because of this
reputation. What kind of power does Hewlett-Packard obtain due to this reputation?
A. referent
B. functional
C. legitimate
D. coercive
E. reward
46) Which of the following types of power is objectively observable?
A. coercive power
B. legitimate power
C. group power
D. expert power
E. referent power
47) A new firm typically starts as a local operation selling in a fairly circumscribed market by ________.
C. referent
D. corporate
E. regulated
55) An administered VMS coordinates successive stages of production and distribution through ________.
A. an automated central control unit
B. single ownership
C. the combined efforts of all its members
D. the establishment of contractual obligations
E. the size and power of one of the members
56) A(n) ________ VMS consists of independent firms at different levels of production and distribution, integrating their
programs on a contractual basis to obtain more economies or sales impact than they could achieve alone.
A. administered
B. contractual
C. corporate
D. regulated
E. referent
57) A group of small sellers takes the initiative and organizes a new business entity to carry on wholesaling and possibly
some production. This entity is called a(n) ________.
A. retailer cooperative
B. franchise organization
C. area-based cartel
D. sponsored voluntary chain
E. alternate selling channel
58) In a retailer cooperative, ________.
A. profits are equally divided among members
B. members plan their advertising jointly
C. nonmembers cannot buy through the co-op
D. members rely on distribution programming
E. members standardize their selling practices
59) A group of small grocery shops forms a new business entity to buy products directly from manufacturers. The group
buys products in bulk that are then distributed among members. This helps the shops obtain better profit margins. Which
of the following types of vertical marketing systems can be observed here?
A. contractual
B. corporate
C. administered
D. controlled
E. regulatory
60) A franchise organization is an example of a(n) ________ vertical marketing system.
A. corporate
B. administered
C. contractual
D. regulatory
E. controlled
61) In a ________ marketing system, two or more unrelated companies put together resources or programs to exploit an
emerging marketing opportunity.
A. reverse flow
B. vertical
C. horizontal
D. lateral
E. forward flow
62) Which of the following is a major advantage of adding more channels for selling?
C. Atrutron, a company that offers its customers access to the Internet using data transmission technology.
D. eBay Inc., an American company, facilitates online auctions and shopping to people and businesses across the globe to
buy and sell a broad variety of goods and services.
E. Yahoo! Inc., an American corporation, provides services via the Internet such as directories, e-mail, news, advertising,
online mapping, and so on.
70) M-commerce refers to ________.
A. conducting business using mobile channels
B. the use of mass media communications to attract customers
C. providing mobile and on-site services to customers
D. the use of a specific medium to communicate with prospects
E. using the Internet as a medium for doing business
71) When Japanese teenagers carry DOCOMO phones from NTT and use them to order goods, they are engaged in
A. B2B e-commerce
B. brick-and-click commerce
C. infomediation
D. dilution
E. m-commerce
72) ________ channel conflict occurs between channel members at the same level.
A. Horizontal
B. Vertical
C. Multichannel
D. Administrative
E. Contractual
73) Alcart Solutions is a large distributor of Aldor phones in Canada. The company distributes products to various retailers
in the New Brunswick province. Recently Aldor received several complaints from its retailers that their orders are not
delivered on time. They also complain that Alcart offers preferential treatment to some of the other retailers in the region.
This is an example of ________ conflict.
A. multichannel
B. horizontal
C. vertical
D. intermediate
E. parallel
74) When Goodyear began selling its popular tire brands through Sears, Walmart, and Discount Tire, independent dealers
that sold the same tires at higher prices were angry. This is an example of a(n) ________ conflict.
A. horizontal
B. vertical
C. intermediate
D. multichannel
E. parallel
75) A manufacturer wants to achieve rapid market penetration through a low-price policy. However, the manufacturer's
dealers prefer to work with high margins and pursue short-run profitability. The major reason for this conflict is ________.
A. goal incompatibility
B. unclear roles
C. ambiguous rights
D. differences in perception
E. dependence on the manufacturer
76) When Estee Lauder set up a Web site to sell its Clinique and Bobbi Brown brands, Dayton Hudson reduced space for
Estee Lauder products in its department stores in response to the ________ conflict.
A. horizontal channel
B. multichannel
C. vertical channel
D. grid channel
E. end-customer
77) General Motors' executives work for a short time in some dealerships, and some dealership owners work in GM's
dealer policy department. This strategy helps the company avoid conflicts with its dealers. This is an example of the
________ strategy.
A. employee exchange
B. dual compensation
C. joint membership
D. co-optation
E. diplomacy
78) RX Corp. is a large manufacturer of electronic goods and sells its products through distributors and retailers. In order
to keep pace with the growing use of the Internet, the company decides to start selling online. The company faces stiff
opposition from its retailers as they believe that this will significantly reduce their profits. The company attempts to
eliminate this resistance by offering its retailers commissions for processing and delivering orders received via the Web.
This is an example of which of the following conflict resolution strategies?
A. dual compensation
B. joint membership
C. arbitration
D. co-optation
E. strategic pricing
79) Co-optation is an effort by one organization to win the support of the leaders of another by ________.
A. including them in advisory councils
B. engaging in mediation and arbitration
C. encouraging joint memberships in trade associations
D. encouraging employee exchanges
E. offering strategic justifications
80) Winstar is a large-scale manufacturer with more than a hundred partners across the globe. When making decisions
concerning distribution and channel optimization, the company invites members from its channel partners to be part of its
advisory committee. This helps the company maintain harmony with its partners. Which of the following conflict resolution
techniques is Winstar using?
A. diplomatic counselling
B. mediation
C. arbitration
D. co-optation
E. joint membership
81) Which of the following channel conflict resolution techniques is used only if everything else proves ineffective?
A. legal recourse
B. mediation
C. arbitration
D. co-optation
E. superordinate goals
82) What is the trade-off in return for the benefits associated with an integrated multichannel marketing system?
A. increased market coverage
B. customers who buy in one channel are more profitable than customers who buy across different channels
C. lower channel costs
D. two or more channels may end up competing for the same customer
E. customized selling
83) If a producer wants to achieve rapid market penetration through a low-price policy, while a dealer wants to work with
high margins to pursue short-run profitability, the source of the channel conflict is ________.
A. unclear roles and rights
B. goal incompatibility
C. differences in perception