Week 14 - Internal OS (Part 2)
Week 14 - Internal OS (Part 2)
Week 14 - Internal OS (Part 2)
Internal OS
PAGING = divides the LOGICAL MEMORY into small, equal
sized blocks called PAGES
Divides PHYSICAL MEMORY into blocks called
FRAMES which are equal to PAGE-size.
P1 = 4 Kb
P2 = 4 Kb
P3 = 4 Kb
P4 = 4 Kb
If P2 and P4
completed, P5 can
load to the Frames
previously utilized
by P2 and P4.
P5 = 8 Kb is stored
into two different
A LOGICAL ADDRESS consist of :
1. Page Number
2. Offset from the start of the frame
Virtual storage depends on separation between Logical and
Physical memory. Each process has its own virtual memory
and its own Page Table.
o Programs are written as though each will be loaded
starting from address 0
o Logical to Physical mapping services to resolve the conflict
between the programs using similar virtual address
o Physical memory is shared among the different processes
To execute a program instruction or access data to memory,
TWO related requirements must be met:
1) The instruction or data must be in memory
2) The Page Table for the program must contain mapping
entry to the physical location containing the references
instruction or data
The Working Sets will vary from one program to another and
in most cases, it is possible for the operating system to
statically determine the working set with reasonable success.
Fairer than normal scan algorithm
Wasting time to come back
Thank You