ITERA finals
ITERA finals
ITERA finals
The most common painting tools are the PATCH TOOL SETTINGS
brush tool and pencil tool. ● NORMAL MODE is great for
general editing when you want to
Other common painting tools include duplicate an object or are removing
eraser, air brush, paint bucket, smudge something from a simple
and blur tools background.
Brush Tool - is a primary painting tool, better when working near edges
being Photoshop’s most versatile and because Photoshop uses AI to
important tool blend the pixels better. Only works
when removing pixels and not
Pencil Tool - located in the brush when duplicating pixels.
tool stack icon, the pencil tool works
similarly to the brush tool. A solid pixel by Dodge and Burn are two powerful tools in
pixel tool which creates hard edged lines. Adobe Photoshop that are used to
manipulate the brightness and darkness of
Color Replacement Tool - as the name specific areas in an image.
suggests, helps to replace the color of any
object Dodge Tool is used to lighten or brighten
specific areas of an image.
Mixer Brush Tool - The mixer brush tool
allows you to paint more realistically in Burn Tool is the counterpart to the Dodge
Photoshop. Tool and is used to darken specific areas
of an image
Eraser Tool - This tool, much like the
classic pencil eraser you used in Type Tool is a feature that allows users to
elementary school, serves to erase an add and manipulate text in their images.
element from your work.
Primary Type Tools
Paint Bucket Tool - is one of the most • Horizontal Type Tool (T): Creates
straightforward, yet helpful tools in left-to-right horizontal text.
Photoshop to fill selections, objects, or • Vertical Type Tool (T): Creates
layers with color, as the name suggests is top-to-bottom vertical text.
used to paint a selected area or white • Horizontal Type Mask Tool (T): Creates
area with a color or pattern with a similar horizontal text with a selection mask.
color or is used to paint an uncolored area • Vertical Type Mask Tool (T): Creates
with a color or pattern vertical text with a selection mask.