Integrated MSc Chemistry
Integrated MSc Chemistry
Integrated MSc Chemistry
2. To promote knowledge development in thematic research areas that have a positive impact on society,
both nationally and globally,
3. To design and maintain the highest quality education through active engagement with all
stakeholders –students, faculty, industry, alumni and reputed academic institutions,
4. To contribute to the quality enhancement of the local and global education ecosystem,
Students of all Integrated/PG degree Programmes at the time of graduation will be able to
PO2. Problem analysis: Develop analytical skills to identify, formulate, analyze complex mechanisms
using first principles basic sciences.
PO3. Development of solutions: Design solutions for complex chemical process problems and evolve
procedures that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety
and environmental considerations.
PO4. Critical review of solutions: Use of research-based knowledge and research methods including
design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide
valid conclusions.
PO5. Modern analytical tool usage: Select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern
analytical tools
PO6. The scientist and society: Apply reasoning through the contextual knowledge to assess societal,
health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional
chemical practice.
PO7. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the chemical processes in societal and
environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
PO8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of
the chemistry practice.
PO9. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in
diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
PO10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex scientific activities with the science
community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and
design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
PO11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the scientific
and management principles and apply these to one‘s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to
manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments
PO12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in
independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change
PSO1: Graduate can demonstrate the understanding the basic principles of synthetic and analytical
applications of chemistry along with proficiency in communication and professional excellence in project
management and execution.
PSO2: Graduate will be competent for higher education in world class universities, research in industrial
organizations and also to seek a career in teaching.
PSO3: Graduate can be employable in research and development, analytical and quality control services
including ICT enabled sectors and also motivated for entrepreneurship.
PSO4: Graduate will manifest commitment to society, environmental awareness, moral and ethical values
in scientific scenario.
Integrated MSc Chemistry
(Effective from 2018 Admission Onwards)
Open Electives
Paper I
Paper II
* Two Open Elective courses are to be taken by each student, one each at the 4th and the 5th semesters,
from the list of Open electives offered by the School.
Students undertaking and registering for a Live-in-Lab project, can be exempted from registering for an
Open Elective course in the fifth semester.
Evaluation Pattern
80:20 (Internal: External) (Lab courses and Lab based Courses having 1 Theory hour)
70:30(Internal: External) (Lab based courses having 2 Theory hours/ Theory and Tutorial)
Theory- 60 Marks; Lab- 40 Marks
65:35 (Internal: External) (Lab based courses having 3 Theory hours/ Theory and Tutorial)
Theory- 70 Marks; Lab- 30 Marks
(C xGr )
i i
C i
Ci = Credit for the ith course in any semester
Gri= Grade point for the ith course
Cr. = Credits for the Course
Gr. = Grade Obtained
Integrated MSc Chemistry
(Effective from 2018 Admission Onwards)
18ENG101 Communicative English 2-0-2-3
To help students obtain an ability to communicate fluently in English; to enable and enhance the
students skills in reading, writing, listening and speaking; to impart an aesthetic sense and enhance
Course Contents:
Unit I
Kinds of sentences, usage of preposition, use of adjectives, adverbs for description, Tenses, Determiners-
Agreement (Subject – Verb, Pronoun- Antecedent) collocation, Phrasal Verbs, Modifiers, Linkers/
Discourse Markers, Question Tags
Unit II
Paragraph writing – Cohesion - Development: definition, comparison, classification, contrast, cause and
effect - Essay writing: Descriptive and Narrative
Unit III
Letter Writing - Personal (congratulation, invitation, felicitation, gratitude, condolence etc.) Official
(Principal / Head of the department/ College authorities, Bank Manager, Editors of newspapers and
Unit IV
Reading Comprehension – Skimming and scanning- inference and deduction – Reading different kinds of
material –Speaking: Narration of incidents / stories/ anecdotes- Current News Awareness
Unit V
Course Outcomes
CO1: Demonstrate competency in all the four linguistic skills, viz. listening, speaking, reading and
CO2: Apply different styles of communication in professional context
CO3: Participate in different planned & extempore communicative activities
CO4: Interpret and discuss facts and information in a given context
CO5: Develop an appreciation for human values
1. Ruskin Bond, Time Stops at Shamli and Other Stories, Penguin Books India Pvt Ltd, 1989
2. Syamala, V. Speak English in Four Easy Steps, Improve English Foundation Trivandrum: 2006
3. Beerbohm, Max, The Prince of Minor Writers: The Selected Essays of Max Beerbohm (NYRB
Classics), Phillip Lopate (Introduction, Editor), The New York Review of Book Publishers.
4. Edger Allan Poe. The Selected Works of Edger Allan Poe. A Running Press, 2014.
5. Online sources
1. Ruskin Bond, Time Stops at Shamli and Other Stories, Penguin Books India Pvt Ltd, 1989
2. Martinet, Thomson, A Practical English Grammar, IV Ed. OUP, 1986.
3. Murphy, Raymond, Murphy‟s English Grammar, CUP, 2004
4. Online Sources
Dalton‘s atomic theory and its failure, Thomson‘s experiment charge on electron - Millikan‘s Oil Drop
Technique,e/m ratio of an electron- Chadwick‘s experiment atomic number,Rutherford‘s and - limitations
of Rutherford‘s model - Maxwell‘s electromagnetic theory of radiation and s model, Bohr‘s model of
hydrogen atom - Bohr‘s theory and Ritz combination principle, spectra – emission and absorption -
Hydrogen spectrum, Bohr-Sommerfeld theory.
Planck‘s quantum theory of radiation, dual character of electrons - de Broglie‘s equation and experiment-
Heisenberg‘s uncertainty principle - photoelectric effect, Compton, Zeeman and Stark effects,
Schrodinger wave equation, eigen values, significance of wave function (ψ and ψ 2) and quantum
numbers, Schrodinger wave equation for hydrogen and hydrogen-like systems (no derivations, only the
final equation), probability distribution of electrons around the nucleus - distribution of 1s, 2s & 2p
electrons or orbitals, shapes of atomic orbitals - s, p, d and f, aufbau principle, Hund‘s rule, Pauli‘s
exclusion principle, electronic configuration of elements.
Electrovalency and ionic bond formation, ionic compounds and their properties, lattice energy, Born-
Lande equation and its application, Born-Haber cycle and its application, solvation enthalpy and
solubility of ionic compounds, covalent bond, covalency, formation of H2 in terms of decrease of energy,
orbital theory of covalency - sigma and pi bonds - formation of covalent compounds and their properties.
Unit 4 Chemical Bonding II
Hybridization and geometry of covalent molecules - VSEPR theory - polar and non-polar covalent bonds,
polarization of covalent bond - polarizing power, polarisability of ions and Fajan‘s rule, dipole moment,
percentage ionic character from dipole moment, dipole moment and structure of molecules, co-ordinate
covalent compounds and their characteristics, metallic bond - free electron, valence bond and band
theories, weak chemical bonds – inter and intra molecular hydrogen bond - van der Waals forces.
Titrimetry - Fundamental concepts – Theory behind acid base, redox, precipitation and complexometric
titrations – problems based on stoichiometry - gravimetry principle and model calculations involving
estimation of barium, calcium and nickel - data analysis, significant figures, precision and accuracy –
types of errors - mean and standard deviation.
Course Outcomes
CO1: To understand orbital concept and atomic structure based on accepted atom models.
CO2: Predict chemical bonding and molecular geometry based on the existing theories.
CO3: Develop of analytical skills for performing volumetric and gravimetric analysis of given samples.
1. F. A. Cotton, G. Wilkinson and P. L. Gaus, „Basic Inorganic Chemistry‟, 5th edition, John Wiley,
2. C. N. R. Rao, „University General Chemistry‟, Macmillan, India, 2000.
Course Outcomes
CO1: Understand the structured programming constructs: Data types, Control, selection, recursion
thereby to understand a given program.
CO2: Understand and analyze a given program by tracing, identify coding errors and debug them.
CO3: Apply structured programming constructs and modularity appropriately for given problem
CO4: Develop Computer programs that implement suitable algorithms for problem scenarios and
application performance.
Jeri Hanly and Elliot Koffman, “Problem solving and program design in C”, Fifth Edition,
Addison Wesley (Pearson), 2007.
Reema Thareja, “Computer Fundamentals and programming in C”, Oxford University Press, 2012.
Course Outcome:
CO1: Understand the basic concepts of functions, limits, continuity, derivatives and analyze
CO2: Apply the concept of differentiability to find the extreme values of the given function and
analyze the derivatives to sketch the graph of the given function.
CO3: Recall the terms, facts and basic concepts of definite integrals and the techniques of
obtaining antiderivatives.
CO4: Understand the notion of eigenvalues and eigenvectors, analyze the possibility of
diagonalization and hence compute a diagonal matrix, if possible.
CO5: Apply the knowledge of diagonalization to transform the given quadratic form into the
principal axes form and analyze the given conic section.
CO6:Understand the advantages of the iterative techniques and apply it to solve the system of
equations and finding eigenvectors.
Employability / Skill Development:
Modelling mathematically theScience problems where eigenvalues and eigenvectors are needed.
Obtaining Eigenvectorsfor largr size matrices.Helps students to acquires basic knowledge about
differential equations and functions of several variables which enable them to face the following exams
namely GATE, JAM, SET, etc.
Graphs- Functions and their graphs. Shifting and scaling of graphs. Limit and Continuity- Limit of
Functions, One sided limits and limits at infinity, Continuous Functions, Discontinuities. Applications of
Derivative-Extreme values of functions, Concavity and Curve Sketching. Integration- Definite Integrals,
Properties of definite integrals. Integration techniques. Fundamental theorem of Calculus.
Numerical Methods- Trapezoidal and Simpson‘s rules.
(Sections: 1.3, 1.5, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 4.1, 4.4, 5.3, 5.4, 8.7)
Linear Independence and rank of a matrix, Eigen values and Eigen vectors-Definitions and properties.
Some applications of eigenvalue problems, Symmetric ,Skew Symmetric and Orthogonal matrices,
Eigenbases, Diagonalization, Quadratic forms. (Sections: 8.1-8.4)
Numerical Methods-Power Method for Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors. (Sections: 20.8)
Text Books:
1. Calculus, G.B. Thomas, Pearson, 2009, Eleventh Edition.
2. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Erwin Kreyszig, Wiley India, Tenth Edition, 2015.
Reference Books;
1. George Turrell, Mathematics for Chemistry and Physics, Academic Press, 2002.
2. Herbert S. Wilf, Applied Mathematics for Physical Chemistry, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall, 1998.
Course Objectives:
The objective of this course is to learn the principles of mechanics through application of Newton‘s laws,
understand the concept of force, work, energy, momentum and their relationship with each other and their
conservation laws. This course also imparts knowledge to apply these concepts to describe the motion of
Unit 1 Motion
Motion in 1D; vectors, motion in 2D & 3D, projectile and uniform circular motion; relative motion and
relative velocity.
Force, mass, Newton‘s laws, inertial mass, examples of forces, free body diagram analysis for simple
applications; friction and contact forces, drag force and terminal speed, uniform circular motion.
Work, kinetic energy, work-kinetic energy theorem, work done by gravitational and spring forces, power;
Work and potential energy, conservative forces, conservation of mechanical energy, potential energy
curve; Center of mass, Newton‘s law for system of particles, linear momentum and its conservation,
Impulse forces, collisions - elastic and inelastic collisions in 1D and 2D; systems with variable mass -
Rotational variables, linear and angular variables, rotational kinetic energy, rotational inertia; torque,
Newton‘s law for rotation, work, rolling – combined translation and rotation, angular momentum,
Newton‘s law in angular form, system of particles, conservation of angular momentum.
Small oscillations in physical systems; determination of frequency; simple harmonic motion; damped
oscillations, resonance.
Halliday, Resnick, and Walker, Fundamentals of Physics, 8th Extended Ed., Wiley Indian Reprint, 2008,
Chap. 1-12, 15
1. Young and Freedman, University Physics, 11th Ed, Dorling Kindersley India, 2006
2. Halliday, Resnick, and Krane, Physics, Vol. 1, 5th Ed., Wiley Indian Reprint, 2007
3. Feynamn, Leighton and Sands, ―The Feynman Lectures on Physics‖, Narosa, 1E, 2008.
CO1. Analyze and solve two and three dimensional translational motion problems.
CO2: Understand Newton‘s three laws relating forces and motion as well apply it to solve problems
involving friction.
CO3: Interrelate momentum and impulse; understand conservation of energy, momentum; apply
momentum to collisions.
CO4: Understand simple harmonic motion, properties of waves such as wave functions, dynamics, power
and its superposition .
Basic Linux commands, programs using input/output statements, operators, control structures and loops.
Programs using functions and recursions. Programs using numeric one-dimensional array, two-
dimensional array. Programs using strings, string handling functions and string arrays. Programs using
passing arrays and strings to functions.
Course Outcomes
The objective of this lab course is to make students to understand the application of basic physical
concepts like center of mass, rigid body dynamics, modulus of elasticity, waves and oscillations and fluid
dynamics to determine the mechanical and optical properties of matter.
Skill: Acquire scientific knowledge of verifying the first principle of basic sciences through experiment.
The students will be able to interpret the experimental data to determine the material properties by using
appropriate formula and present the result of analysis in the form of graphs and tables which improves
their presentation skill. Acquire analytical skills, precise thinking and clarity of thought to apply
knowledge of physical concepts for practical situations.
List of experiments:
Course outcomes
CO1: Apply knowledge of first principle of basic sciences to do careful measurements of material
CO2: Able to estimate uncertainties and draw appropriate conclusions of material properties based on
experimental data
CO3: Interpret the experimental information in diagrams, graphs and tables to draw conclusions.
CO4: Acquire analytical skills, precise thinking and clarity of thought to apply knowledge of physical
Unit 1
Unit 2
Science and Technology in Ancient India - Education in Ancient India - Goals of Life
– Purusharthas - Introduction to Vedanta and Bhagavad Gita.
Unit 3
Introduction to Yoga - Nature and Indian Culture - Values from Indian History - Life
and work of Great Seers of India.
Course Outcomes
CO1: Gain a positive appreciation of Indian culture, traditions, customs and practices
CO2: Understand the foundational concepts of Indian civilization like purusharthas, law of karma, etc,
which contributes towards personality growth.
CO3: Understand the cultural ethos of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, and Amma‘s life and vision of
holistic education
CO4: Imbibe spirit of living in harmony with nature
CO5: Get guidelines for healthy and happy living from the great spiritual masters
To convey and document information in a formal environment; to acquire the skill of self projection in
professional circles; to inculcate critical and analytical thinking.
Unit I
Vocabulary Building: Prefixes and Suffixes; One word substitutes, Modal auxiliaries,Error Analysis:
Position of Adverbs, Redundancy, misplaced modifiers, Dangling modifiers – Reported Speech
Unit II
Unit III
Unit IV
Reports: Trip report, incident report, event report - Situational Dialogue - Group Discussion
Unit V
Course Outcomes
CO1: Demonstrate competency in oral and written communication
CO2: Apply different styles of communication in professional context
CO3: Participate in different planned & extempore communicative activities
CO4: Interpret and discuss facts and information in a given context
CO5: Develop critical and analytical thinking
Syamala, V. Effective English Communication For You (Functional Grammar, Oral and Written
Communication): Emerald, 2002
Size, structure and stability of the nucleus - n/p ratio, packing fraction, mass defect and binding energy -
nuclear fission and fusion, atom bombs -hydrogen bomb – radioactivity, alpha, beta particles and gamma
radiation - Soddy-Fajan displacement law, half and average life period - Geiger-Muller Counter and
Wilson Cloud Chamber. applications of radioactivity - in medicine, agriculture, carbon and fossil dating -
isotopes, isobars, isotones, isodiapheres and nuclear isomers - natural and artificial radioactivity, artificial
transmutation of elements, induced radioactivity, preparation of transuranic elements, Q values, nuclear
coulombic barrier .
Crystalline and amorphous solids, isotropy and anisotropy, elements of symmetry in crystal systems
indices - Miller indices, space lattice and unit cell, Bravais lattices, the seven crystal systems and their
Bravais lattices, X-ray diffraction - Bragg‘s equation and experimental methods (powder method and
rotating crystal technique), types of crystals - molecular, covalent, metallic and ionic crystals - close
packing of spheres – hexagonal, cubic and body centered cubic packing, interstices in packing - types of
crystals – molecular, covalent, metallic crystals - defects in crystals – stoichiometric, non-stoichiometric,
extrinsic and intrinsic defects.
Unit 3 Liquid state
Properties of liquids-viscosity, surface tension, capillary action, evaporation, vapour pressure, boiling
point and distillation, heat transfer involving liquids
Course Outcomes
CO1 Understand the properties of atomic nuclei, theories governing the stability and its application in
analytical, medical and industrial energy production.
CO2 Understand the fundamentals of crystal structure for predicting properties of materials
CO3 Develop sound knowledge in acidic nature of chemicals and understand the science of non-aqueous
solvents and their reactivity.
CO4 Evaluate the quality of water for industrial and domestic use and develop skill in water purification.
1. Marion Clyde Day Jr,JoelSelbin, Harry H Sisler, ‗Theoretical Inorganic Chemistry‟, LLC, 2012
2. F. A. Cotton and G. Wilkinson, „Advanced Inorganic Chemistry‟, 5th edition, John Wiley and
Sons, New York, 1987
3. B. R. Puri, L. R. Sharma, Kalia, „Principles of Inorganic Chemistry‟, Vishal Publishing Co., 2008
1. H. S. Arnicker, „Essentials of Nuclear Chemistry‟, 4th edition, New Age International Publishers,
2. L. V. Azaroff, “Introduction to Solids”, Mc Graw Hill, New York, 2009
3. B. R. Puri, L. R. Sharma, M. S. Pathania, Principles of Physical Chemistry‟, Vishal Publishing
Co., 2008
4. Gurdeep Raj, „Advanced Inorganic Chemistry‟, 31st edition, Goel Publishing House, 2008.
Unit 1
Structures: structures variables - declaration, bit fields, initialization and operation on structures, typedef,
nested arrays and structures: arrays in structures, nested structures, arrays of structures.
Pointers– Declarations, Passing arguments by call by reference, Functions returning pointer, Pointer
Arithmetic. Pointer to pointer, Pointers and Arrays – pointer to array, array of pointers, Dynamic memory
allocation – malloc(), calloc(), deallocation: free(), dangling pointers.
Unit 3
Pointers and structures, structures and functions: passing structure as argument and returning structure from
functions, self-referential structure, unions.
Unit 4
Files - file pointers, standard streams and redirection, text files, binary files, file operations: open, mode,
close; Input and output - character I/O, line I/O, formatted I/O. Random file access, Command line
Unit 5
Preprocessor – Macros. User defined libraries and headers, introduction to the graphics library.
Course Outcomes
CO Description
CO1 Understand the way of representing, retrieving and processing Heterogeneous data using structures.
CO2 Understand the memory representations of the given data and its manipulation.
Jeri Hanly and Elliot Koffman, “Problem solving and program design in C”, Fifth Edition, Addison Wesley
(Pearson), 2007.
Reema Thareja, “Computer Fundamentals and programming in C”, Oxford University Press, 2012
18MAT114 Ordinary Differential Equations and Vector Calculus 3 1 0 4
Course Outcome :
CO1:Understand the basic concepts of ODE, apply them in modeling and solving first order
CO2:Recall the techniques of solving second order linear homogeneous ODE with constant
coefficients. Understand and modify the above techniques for solving Euler-Cauchy equations.
Understand and apply methods of undetermined coefficients and variation of parameters to solve
the second order linear nonhomogeneous differential equations.
CO3:Understand and apply the techniques of solving system of linear ODE Understand and
analyze the critical points and stability of the system.
CO4:Understand the vector functions, scalar and vector fields. Understand the derivatives of
vector functions and its physical and geometrical interpretations. Understand the concept of
gradient, divergence and curl and apply.
CO5:Under the concept of line integrals and analyze the independence of path.
CO6:Understand the concept of multiple integrals. Apply Green‘s theorem for plane, Gauss
Divergence theorem and Stokes‘ theorem to evaluate the integrals of vector functions over the
curves, regions and surfaces.
First Order Differential Equations-Basic concepts, Exact ODEs and Integrating factor,
Orthogonal trajectories, Second Order Differential Equations- Review of linear homogeneous ODE of
second order with constant coefficients. Euler-Cauchy Equations. Solution of second order linear non-
homogeneous ODE by method of Undetermined Coefficients and by method of Variation of Parameters.
System of ODEs- Homogeneous and Non-homogeneous systems with Constant Coefficients. (Sections
1.1, 1.4, 1.6, 2.1, 2.2, 2.5, 2.7, 2.10, 4.1, 4.2, 4.6)
Numerical Methods- Euler‘s methods, Runge-Kutta method. (Sec: 21.1)
Vector Calculus
Vector and Scalar Functions, fields, derivatives, Curves, Tangent and normal vectors, Arc Length,
gradient, divergence and curl (Sections: 9.4, 9.5, 9.7, 9.8, 9.9).
Line Integral, Line Integrals Independent of Path, Double integrals, Green‘s Theorem in the Plane,
Surfaces for Surface Integrals, Surface Integrals, Triple Integrals – Gauss Divergence Theorem, Stoke‘s
Theorem. (Sections: 10.1-10.7 and 10.9).
Text Book:
5. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Erwin Kreyszig, Wiley India, Tenth Edition, 2015.
Reference Books:
1. George Turrell, Mathematics for Chemistry and Physics, Academic Press, 2002.
2. Robert G. Mortimer, Mathematics for Physical Chemistry, 3rd Edition, Elsevier, 2005.
Course Objective
The course introduces the fundamental laws of electricity and magnetism and its application in calculating
the electric and magnetic field. It also describes the physics of capacitors, induction and self-induction
and their importance in solving problems using Faraday‘s and Lenz‘s laws. It also helps the students in
analyzing the RL circuits and circuits consisting of resistors and batteries.
Skill: The student acquire skill to solve problems with moderate mathematical complexity related to
electric and magnetic force and field, electric charge, electric potential, current, voltage and resistance,
Electric forces, charges, conservation of charge, superposition of electric forces; electric fields,
calculation of electric fields of static discrete and continuous charge distributions; Gauss‘ law and
determination of electric fields of simple symmetric charge distributions.
Electrical potential energy and electric potential of discrete and continuous distributions of charges;
calculating electric field from potential; potential energy of system of point charges; capacitors and
Unit 3 Magnetostatics
Force due to magnetic fields, Hall effect, circular and helical orbits, magnetic force on a current carrying
wire, torque on a current loop, magnetic dipole moment; calculation of magnetic field from current
sources using Biot-Savart‘s law and Ampere‘s law; solenoids and toroids.
Faraday‘s law, Electromagnetic Induction, Self & mutual inductance; Magnetism in matter and
Maxwell‘s equations.
Electric current, resistance, resistivity, microscopic view; DC circuits involving resistance and
capacitance; AC Circuits, RLC circuits, transformers.
Course Outcomes
CO2: Understand the magnetic forces that act on moving charges and apply it to determine the magnetic
CO3: Acquire knowledge of concepts of induction, magnetism in matter and apply them to solve related
CO4: Understand the physics of capacitors, resistance and develop skills to solve various electric circuits.
1. Halliday, Resnick, and Walker, Fundamentals of Physics, 8th Ed., Wiley Indian Reprint, 2008,
Chapters 22-33.
1. Halliday, Resnick, and Krane, Physics, Vol. 1, 5th Ed., Wiley Indian Reprint, 2007
2. Young and Freedman, University Physics, 11th Ed, Dorling Kindersley India, 2006
4. Feynamn, Leighton and Sands, ―The Feynman Lectures on Physics‖, Narosa, 1E, 2008
Redox titrations
4. Preparation of standard oxalic acid solution and standardization of potassium permanganate solution.
Estimation of ammoniumIron (11) sulphate in solution.
5. Preparation of standard oxalic acid solution and standardization of potassium permanganate solution.
Estimation of hydrogen peroxide solution.
6. Estimation of calcium.
7. Estimation of Ferrous iron.
10. Standardisation of sodium thiosulphate using potassium iodate, Electrolytic copper and potassium
11. Estimation of As2O3 and arsenite
12. Estimation of copper sulphate.
13. Estimation of iron in the given sample of haematite by dichromate method.
14. Estimation of copper in bronze by iodometric method.
15. Estimation of tin in solder using EDTA.
Course Outcomes
CO1: To understand the distinction between qualitative and quantitative chemical analyses
CO2: To acquire theoretical knowledge on quantification of an analyte present in a sample through
volumetric titrations
CO3: To perform volumetric experiments using conventional equipment/apparatus, instrumentation and
CO4: To attain skills in laboratory data collection, formal documentation and interpretation of the
collected data
002 1
Programs to demonstrate functions call by reference and returning values by reference. Programs using
pointer arithmetic operations and handling pointers. Programs to demonstrate dynamic memory allocation
and de-allocation. Programs to show structure and union operations. Programs using files, command line
arguments and macros. Programs using user defined libraries and graphics library.
Course Outcomes
CO Description
CO1 Develop programs using efficient methods for storing and handling heterogeneous data.
CO2 Develop programs by handling heterogeneous data using modularity.
CO3 Develop Computer programs using advanced programming constructs like pointers and
dynamic memory allocations.
CO4 Develop program using macros and user defined libraries.
The objective of this lab course is to make students to acquire practical knowledge of calculation of fill
factor and efficiency of solar cell form I-V curve, electric field from lines of constant electric potential
and magnetic field due to current using Biot- Savart law, potentiometer and its applications and
evaluation of thermal, electrical and optical properties of materials.
CO1: Apply knowledge of basic physical concepts to do careful measurements to study the nature of
electric and magnetic field lines and evaluate the thermal, electrical, optical, and photovoltaic properties
of materials.
CO2: Able to estimate uncertainties and draw appropriate conclusions of material properties based on
experimental data
CO3: Interpret the experimental information in diagrams, graphs and tables to draw conclusions.
CO4: Acquire analytical skills, precise thinking and clarity of thought to apply knowledge of physical
concepts to practical situations.
Ø Skill acquired: The students will be able to identify the suitable mathematical formulae required by
using first principles of basic sciences to study the nature of electric and magnetic field lines and evaluate
the thermal, electrical, optical, and photovoltaic properties of materials. Based on experimental data, the
students will be able to draw appropriate conclusions of material properties. They understand the relation
between observation and theory and acquire analytical skills, precise thinking and clarity of thought to
apply knowledge of physical concepts to practical situations.
List of experiments:
7. Spectrometer - i – d – curve.
8. Newton‘s rings.
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 5
Course Outcomes
CO1: Get an overview of India and her contribution to the world in the field of science and literature
CO2: Understand the foundational concepts of ancient Indian education system and practices associated
with them
CO3: Learn the important concepts of Vedas, Bhagavad-Gita and Yogasutras and their relevance to
daily life
CO4: Familiarize themselves with the inspirational characters and anecdotes from the epics and Indian
CO5: Gain a rational understanding of the underlying principles of Indian spirituality
Kinetic molecular model of gases –Maxwell distribution of velocities and its use in calculat-ing molecular
velocities (average rms and most probable velocity and average kinetic energy) -Collision diameter, mean
free path and viscosity of gases including their pressure and tem-perature dependence –Relation between
mean free path and coefficient of viscosity –behav-iour of real gases –deviation of gases from ideal
behaviour –compressibility factor –van der Waal's equation of state -its derivation and application in
explaining ideal gas behaviour –virial equation of state –van der Waals equation expressed in virial
form and calculation of Boyle temperature –Isotherms of real gases and their comparison with van
der Waal's iso-therms –Determination of molecular mass by limiting density method –critical
phenomena –critical constants anddetermination.
System and surrounding –isolated, closed and open systems -state of the system -Intensive and extensive
variables. Thermodynamic processes -reversible and irreversible, isothermal and adiabatic processes -
state and path functions -exact and inexact differentials, concept of heat and work. First law of
thermodynamics –statement. Relation between Cp and Cv, calcu-lation of w, q, dE and dH for
expansion of ideal and real gases under isothermal and adia-batic conditions of reversible and
irreversible processes. Thermochemistry Enthalpy change of a reaction and different enthalpy
changes -relation between enthalpy of reaction at con-stant volume (qv) and at constant pressure(qp) -
temperature dependence of heat of reaction -Kirchoffs equation -of solution and dilution bond energy
and its calculation from thermo chemical data -Integral and differential heats.
Course Outcomes
CO1: Know the fundamental properties, laws governing the state and the liquefaction of gaseous
CO2: Provide analytical skills to predict the properties of molecules in real time cases and design
experimental procedures for gas molecular reactions.
CO3: Develop sound knowledge in thermodynamic principles (both theoretical and analytical) to predict
the spontaneity of chemical and physical processes and exploring their application in industrial processes.
CO4: Attain good theoretical and analytical knowledge in the formation of solutions and phase
transformations for real time applications.
CO5: Attain sound knowledge in the thermodynamics of chemical equilibrium and its application in
predicting suitable conditions for chemical reactions in industrial scale.
1.Gurdeep Raj, ‗Advanced Physical Chemistry‘, 35thedition, Goel Publishing House, 2009.
2.Puri, Sharma &Pathania, ‗Principles of Physical Chemistry‘, 42ndedition, Vishal Publishing & Co,
2007.REFERENCES:1.R. Stephen Berry, Stuart A. Rice & John Ross, ‗Physical Chemistry‘, 2ndedition,
Ox-ford University press, 2000.2.Levin, ‗Physical Chemistry‘, 6thedition, Tata Mcgraw-Hill Education,
Course Outcomes
Unit 1
State of Environment and Unsustainability, Need for Sustainable Development, Traditional conservation
systems in India, People in Environment, Need for an attitudinal change and ethics, Need for
Environmental Education, Overview of International Treaties and Conventions, Overview of Legal and
Environment: Abiotic and biotic factors, Segments of the Environment, Biogeochemical Cycles,
Ecosystems (associations, community adaptations, ecological succession, Food webs, Food chain,
ecological pyramids), Types of Ecosystems – Terrestrial ecosystems, Ecosystem Services, Economic
value of ecosystem services, Threats to ecosystems and conservation strategies.
Biodiversity: Species, Genetic & Ecosystem Diversity, Origin of life and significance of biodiversity,
Value of Biodiversity, Biodiversity at Global, National and Local Levels, India as a Mega-Diversity
Nation (Hotspots) & Protected Area Network, Community Biodiversity Registers. Threats to
Biodiversity, Red Data book, Rare, Endangered and Endemic Species of India. Conservation of
Biodiversity. People‘s action.
Impacts, causes, effects, control measures, international, legal and regulatory frameworks of: Climate
Change, Ozone depletion, Air pollution, Water pollution, Noise pollution, Soil/ land degradation/
Unit 2
Linear vs. cyclical resource management systems, need for systems thinking and design of cyclical
systems, circular economy, industrial ecology, green technology.
Specifically apply these concepts to: Water Resources, Energy Resources, Food Resources, Land &
Forests, Waste management.
Discuss the interrelation of environmental issues with social issues such as: Population, Illiteracy,
Poverty, Gender equality, Class discrimination, Social impacts of development on the poor and tribal
communities, Conservation movements: people‘s movements and activism, Indigenous knowledge
systems and traditions of conservation.
Unit 3
Common goods and public goods, natural capital/ tragedy of commons, Cost benefit analysis of
development projects, Environment Impact Assessment (EIA), Environment Management Plan (EMP),
Green business, Eco-labeling, Problems and solutions with case studies.
Global and national state of housing and shelter, Urbanization, Effects of unplanned development case
studies, Impacts of the building and road construction industry on the environment, Eco-homes/ Green
buildings, Sustainable communities, Sustainable Cities.
Ethical issues related to resource consumption, Intergenerational ethics, Need for investigation and
resolution of the root cause of unsustainability, Traditional value systems of India, Significance of holistic
value-based education for true sustainability.
Course Outcomes
CO1: Integrate facts and concepts from ecological, physical and social sciences to characterize some
common socio-environmental problems.
CO2: Develop simple integrated systems and frameworks for solving common interconnected socio-
environmental problems.
CO3: Reflect critically about their roles and identities as citizens, consumers and environmental actors
in a complex, interconnected world.
CO4: Identify the ethical underpinnings of socio-environmental issues in general.
1. R. Rajagopalan, Environmental Studies: From Crisis to Cure. Oxford University Press, 2011,
358 pages. ISBN: 9780198072089.
2. Daniel D. Chiras, Environmental Science. Jones & Bartlett Publishers, 01-Feb-2012, 669
pages. ISBN: 9781449645311.
3. Andy Jones, Michel Pimbert and Janice Jiggins, 2011. Virtuous Circles: Values, Systems,
Sustainability. IIED and IUCN CEESP, London. URL:
4. Annenberg Learner, The Habitable Planet, Annenberg Foundation 2015. URL: http://
18MAT207 Introduction to Probability and Statistics 3 1 0 4
Course Outcome:
CO1: Understand the basic concepts of probability and probability modeling.
CO2: Gain knowledge about statistical distributions and their properties
CO3: Get in-depth knowledge about statistical distributions and their real time applications.
CO4: Understand some approximation theorems on probability and distributions.
CO5: Know the importance of estimating the parameters of probability models.
CO6: Ability to make decisions under uncertainties using statistical testing of hypotheses.
Correlation and Regression: Scatter diagram, simple correlation and simple regression for data.
Testing of Hypothesis: Central limit theorem, large sample tests for mean, variance and proportions -
small sample tests for mean and variances–tests based on Chi-square distribution (tests for independence
of attributes and goodness-of-fit).
Text Books:
1. Douglas C. Montgomery and George C. Runger, Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers,
(2005) John Wiley and Sons Inc.
2. J. Ravichandran, ―Probability and Statistics for Engineers‖, Revised Edition 2012, Wiley India.
Reference Books:
4. Ronald E. Walpole, Raymond H. Myers, Sharon L. Myers and Keying Ye, Probability and
Statistics for Engineers and Scientists, 8th Edition, Pearson Education Asia, 2007.
6. Sheldon M Ross, Introduction to Probability and Statistical Inference, 3rd Edition, Academic
Course Objective
This course provides the student with the fundamental skills to analyze analog circuits and working of
semiconductor devices like diode, transistor, FET, MOSFET and operational amplifier. It will build
mathematical and numerical background for design of electronic circuits and circuit minimization.
Students equipped with the knowledge and training provided in the course will be able to participate in
design and development of electronic device.
Course Outcomes
CO2: Describe the working of semiconductor diodes and their applications as Full and half wave
rectifiers, clippers and clampers.
CO3: Describe the transistors configuration, characteristics and application towards amplification.
CO5: Acquire knowledge on essentials of logical digital circuits and the circuit minimization.
Unit 1 Resistors, Current, Voltage - basics Voltage and current - resistors, voltage dividers, voltage and
current sources, Thevenin‘s theorem, sinusoidal signals, signal amplitudes and decibels, other signals,
logic levels, signal sources.
Unit 2 Semiconductor diodes and application Conduction in metals, semiconductors and insulators,
intrinsic semiconductors, n and p materials, conduction by drift and diffusion, The p-n junction, Fermi
level of pn junction, diode equation, Hall effect, diode characteristics, capacitance of a p-n junction,
rectification, rectifier configurations for power supplies, circuit applications of a diode-as a switch,
clipping, clamping, different types of diodes - Zener diodes, LEDs, diode lasers, photodiodes, etc
Unit 3 Bipolar Junction Transistor and Amplifiers Transistors - npn and pnp, transistor characteristics -
CB, CE and CC configurations, relation , transistor switch, transistor biasing. Feedback circuits.
Transistor action,g and b, abetween emitter follower, Transistor applications as amplifier, RC coupled
Unit 4 Operational Amplifiers Transistor as an oscillator, FET, JFET, MOSFET, etc. Operational
amplifiers; differential amplifier, inverting and non-inverting amplifiers. Op-amp applications-integrator,
differentiator, adder etc. ICs – examples.
Unit 5 Digital electronics: Digital versus analog, logic gates, truth table, discrete circuits for gates, logic
identities, minimization and Karnaugh maps.
1. Mitchel. E .Schultz, Grob‘s Basic Electronics, 10th Edition, McGraw Hill Education, 2017.
2. Donald P Leach, Albert Paul Malvino, Goutam Saha, Digital Principles and applications, 8 th Edition,
McGraw Hill Education,
1. Robert L. Boylestad and Louis Nashelsky, Electronic Fundamentals and Applications, 11th edition,
Pearson Education India, 2015.
2. Charles K. Alexander, Matthew N.O. Sadiku, Fundamentals of Electric Circuits, 5th Edition, McGraw
Hill Education, 2013.
3. Thomas L Floyd, Digital Fundamentals, 10th edition, Pearson Education India, 2011.
4. Paul Horowitz, Winfield Hill, ―The Art of Electronics‖, 2nd revised edition, Cambridge University
Press, 2006.
Course Outcomes
CO1: Development of skill to perform classical qualitative analysis of cations and anions in a
mixture of inorganic salts/compounds.
CO2: Development of skill to prepare/synthesis inorganic salts/compounds/complexes.
CO3: Development of adequate knowledge of the chemistry involved in the analysis of
inorganic mixtures as well as preparation/synthesis of inorganic compounds.
CO4: Attainment of knowledge and skill in activities related with effective and safe
functioning of a chemistry lab.
I. Qualitative Analysis:
Analysis of mixtures containing two anions (one simple and one interfering) and two cations (of
different groups) from the following:
Anions - HCO3-, CO32-, Cl-, F-, Br-, I-, NO3-, BO33-, SO42- and PO43-
Cations - Pb2+ Bi3+, Cd2+, Al3+, Fe2+, Fe3+, Mn2+, Zn2+, Ca2+, Sr2+, Ba2+, Mg2+, K+, Na+ and NH4+, Cu2+,
1. Mixtures requiring elimination of phosphate and borate radicals should not be given (avoid cat ions
like Ba2+, Sr2+, Ca2+ and Mn2+ when phosphate and borate are given).
2. Combinations like Cl- and Br-, I-and Cl- and NO3- and Br- shall be avoided.
3. Salts that yield SrSO4, BaSO4, CaSO4, PbSO4 and FeSO4 on double decomposition shall be
4. The two cations in the mixture should belong to different groups. However, combinations like Mg2+
and NH4+, K+ and NH4+ can be given.
1. A. I.Vogel, „A text book of Qualitative Analyses‟, 4th edition, Longmans publications, 1985.
2. V. V. Ramanujam, „Inorganic Semi Micro Qualitative Analysis‟, 3rd edition, The National
Publishing Company, 1974.
1. G. Pass & H. Sutcliffe, „Practical Inorganic Chemistry‟, 2nd edition, Chapman & Hill, 1974.
2. D. A.Skoog and D. M.West, „Analytical Chemistry - An Introduction‟, 4th Edition, CBS Publishing
Japan Ltd., 1986.
Soft skills and its importance: Pleasure and pains of transition from an academic environment to work-
environment. Need for change. Fears, stress and competition in the professional world. Importance of
positive attitude, self-motivation and continuous knowledge upgradation.
Self Confidence: Characteristics of the person perceived, characteristics of the situation, Characteristics of
the Perceiver. Attitude, Values, Motivation, Emotion Management, Steps to like yourself, Positive Mental
Attitude, Assertiveness.
Presentations: Preparations, Outlining, Hints for efficient practice, Last minute tasks, means of effective
presentation, language, Gestures, Posture, Facial expressions, Professional attire.
Vocabulary building: A brief introduction into the methods and practices of learning vocabulary.
Learning how to face questions on antonyms, synonyms, spelling error, analogy etc. Faulty comparison,
wrong form of words and confused words like understanding the nuances of spelling changes and wrong
use of words.
Listening Skills: The importance of listening in communication and how to listen actively.
Prepositions and Articles: A experiential method of learning the uses of articles and prepositions in
sentences is provided.
Problem solving; Number System; LCM &HCF; Divisibility Test; Surds and Indices; Logarithms; Ratio,
Proportions and Variations; Partnership; Time speed and distance; work time problems;
Data Interpretation: Numerical Data Tables; Line Graphs; Bar Charts and Pie charts; Caselet Forms; Mix
Diagrams; Geometrical Diagrams and other forms of Data Representation.
Logical Reasoning: Family Tree; Linear Arrangements; Circular and Complex Arrangement;
Conditionalities and Grouping; Sequencing and Scheduling; Selections; Networks; Codes; Cubes; Venn
Diagram in Logical Reasoning.
Course outcomes
At the end of the course, the students would have developed self-confidence and positive
attitude necessary to compete and challenge themselves. They would also be able to analyse
CO1 and manage their emotions to face real life situations.
At the end of the course, the students shall learn to examine the context of a Group
Discussion topic and develop new perspectives and ideas through brainstorming and arrive
CO2 at a consensus.
At the end of the course, the students will have the ability to prepare a suitable resume.
They would also have acquired the necessary skills, abilities and knowledge to present
themselves confidently. They would be sure-footed in introducing themselves and facing
CO3 interviews.
At the end of the course the students will have the ability to analyse every question asked
by the interviewer, compose correct responses and respond in the right manner to justify
and convince the interviewer of one‘s right candidature through displaying etiquette,
CO4 positive attitude and courteous communication.
At the end of the course, the student will have acquired the ability to analyse, understand
and classify questions under arithmetic, algebra and logical reasoning and solve them
employing the most suitable methods. They will be able to analyse, compare and arrive at
CO5 conclusions for data analysis questions.
At the end of the course, students will be able to interpret, critically analyse and solve
logical reasoning questions. They will have acquired the skills to manage time while
applying methods to solve questions on arithmetic, algebra, logical reasoning, statistics and
CO6 data analysis and arrive at appropriate conclusions.
At the end of the course, the students will have the ability to understand the nuances of
CO7 English grammar and apply them effectively.
At the end of the course, the students will have the ability to relate, choose, conclude and
CO8 determine the usage of right vocabulary.
At the end of the course, the students will have the ability to decide, conclude, identify and
CO9 choose the right grammatical construction.
1. A Communicative Grammar of English: Geoffrey Leech and Jan Svartvik. Longman, London.
2. Adair J (1986) - "Effective Team Building: How to make a winning team", London, U.K: Pan
3. Gulati S (2006) - "Corporate Soft Skills", New Delhi, India: Rupa& Co.
4. The Hard Truth about Soft Skills, by Amazone Publication.
Amrita University's Amrita Values Programme (AVP) is a new initiative to give exposure to students
about richness and beauty of Indian way of life. India is a country where history, culture, art, aesthetics,
cuisine and nature exhibit more diversity than nearly anywhere else in the world.
Amrita Values Programmes emphasize on making students familiar with the rich tapestry of Indian life,
culture, arts, science and heritage which has historically drawn people from all over the world.
Students shall have to register for any two of the following courses, one each in the third and the fourth
semesters, which may be offered by the respective school during the concerned semester.
Courses offered under the framework of Amrita Values Programmes I and II
Message from Amma’s Life for the Modern World
Amma‘s messages can be put to action in our life through pragmatism and attuning of our thought process
in a positive and creative manner. Every single word Amma speaks and the guidance received in on
matters which we consider as trivial are rich in content and touches the very inner being of our
personality. Life gets enriched by Amma‘s guidance and She teaches us the art of exemplary life skills
where we become witness to all the happenings around us still keeping the balance of the mind.
Lessons from the Ramayana
Introduction to Ramayana, the first Epic in the world – Influence of Ramayana on Indian values and
culture – Storyline of Ramayana – Study of leading characters in Ramayana – Influence of Ramayana
outside India – Relevance of Ramayana for modern times.
Lessons from the Mahabharata
Introduction to Mahabharata, the largest Epic in the world – Influence of Mahabharata on Indian values
and culture – Storyline of Mahabharata – Study of leading characters in Mahabharata – Kurukshetra War
and its significance - Relevance of Mahabharata for modern times.
Lessons from the Upanishads
Introduction to the Upanishads: Sruti versus Smrti - Overview of the four Vedas and the ten Principal
Upanishads - The central problems of the Upanishads – The Upanishads and Indian Culture – Relevance
of Upanishads for modern times – A few Upanishad Personalities: Nachiketas, SatyakamaJabala, Aruni,
Message of the Bhagavad Gita
Introduction to Bhagavad Gita – Brief storyline of Mahabharata - Context of Kurukshetra War – The
anguish of Arjuna – Counsel by Sri. Krishna – Key teachings of the Bhagavad Gita – Karma Yoga, Jnana
Yoga and Bhakti Yoga - Theory of Karma and Reincarnation – Concept of Dharma – Concept of Avatar -
Relevance of Mahabharata for modern times.
Life and Message of Swami Vivekananda
Brief Sketch of Swami Vivekananda‘s Life – Meeting with Guru – Disciplining of Narendra - Travel
across India - Inspiring Life incidents – Address at the Parliament of Religions – Travel in United States
and Europe – Return and reception India – Message from Swamiji‘s life.
Life and Teachings of Spiritual Masters India
Sri Rama, Sri Krishna, Sri Buddha, Adi Shankaracharya, Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Swami
Vivekananda, Sri Ramana Maharshi, Mata Amritanandamayi Devi.
Insights into Indian Arts and Literature
The aim of this course is to present the rich literature and culture of Ancient India and help students
appreciate their deep influence on Indian Life - Vedic culture, primary source of Indian Culture – Brief
introduction and appreciation of a few of the art forms of India - Arts, Music, Dance, Theatre.
Yoga and Meditation
The objective of the course is to provide practical training in YOGA ASANAS with a sound theoretical
base and theory classes on selected verses of Patanjali‘s Yoga Sutra and Ashtanga Yoga. The coverage
also includes the effect of yoga on integrated personality development.
Kerala Mural Art and Painting
Mural painting is an offshoot of the devotional tradition of Kerala. A mural is any piece of artwork
painted or applied directly on a wall, ceiling or other large permanent surface. In the contemporary
scenario Mural painting is not restricted to the permanent structures and are being done even on canvas.
Kerala mural paintings are the frescos depicting mythology and legends, which are drawn on the walls of
temples and churches in South India, principally in Kerala. Ancient temples, churches and places in
Kerala, South India, display an abounding tradition of mural paintings mostly dating back between the 9th
to 12th centuries when this form of art enjoyed Royal patronage. Learning Mural painting through the
theory and practice workshop is the objective of this course.
Course on Organic Farming and Sustainability
Organic farming is emerging as an important segment of human sustainability and healthy life.
Haritamritam‘ is an attempt to empower the youth with basic skills in tradition of organic farming and to
revive the culture of growing vegetables that one consumes, without using chemicals and pesticides.
Growth of Agriculture through such positive initiatives will go a long way in nation development. In
Amma‘s words ―it is a big step in restoring the lost harmony of nature―.
Benefits of Indian Medicinal Systems
Indian medicinal systems are one of the most ancient in the world. Even today society continues to derive
enormous benefits from the wealth of knowledge in Ayurveda of which is recognised as a viable and
sustainable medicinal tradition. This course will expose students to the fundamental principles and
philosophy of Ayurveda and other Indian medicinal traditions.
Traditional Fine Arts of India
India is home to one of the most diverse Art forms world over. The underlying philosophy of Indian life
is ‗Únity in Diversity‖ and it has led to the most diverse expressions of culture in India. Most art forms of
India are an expression of devotion by the devotee towards the Lord and its influence in Indian life is very
pervasive. This course will introduce students to the deeper philosophical basis of Indian Art forms and
attempt to provide a practical demonstration of the continuing relevance of the Art.
Science of Worship in India
Indian mode of worship is unique among the world civilisations. Nowhere in the world has the
philosophical idea of reverence and worshipfulness for everything in this universe found universal
acceptance as it in India. Indian religious life even today is a practical demonstration of the potential for
realisation of this profound truth. To see the all-pervading consciousness in everything, including animate
and inanimate, and constituting society to realise this truth can be seen as the epitome of civilizational
excellence. This course will discuss the principles and rationale behind different modes of worship
prevalent in India.
Temple Mural Arts in Kerala
The traditional percussion ensembles in the Temples of Kerala have enthralled millions over the years.
The splendor of our temples makes art enthusiast spellbound, warmth and grandeur of color combination
sumptuousness of the outline, crowding of space by divine or heroic figures often with in vigorous
movement are the characteristics of murals.
The mural painting specially area visual counterpart of myth, legend, gods, dirties, and demons of the
theatrical world, Identical myths are popular the birth of Rama, the story of Bhīma and Hanuman, Shiva,
as Kirata, and the Jealousy of Uma and ganga the mural painting in Kerala appear to be closely related to,
and influenced by this theatrical activity the art historians on temple planes, wood carving and painting
the architectural plane of the Kerala temples are built largely on the pan-Indians almost universal model
of the Vasthupurusha.
Organic Farming in Practice
Organic agriculture is the application of a set of cultural, biological, and mechanical practices that
support the cycling of farm resources, promote ecological balance, and conserve biodiversity. These
include maintaining and enhancing soil and water quality; conserving wetlands, woodlands, and wildlife;
and avoiding use of synthetic fertilizers, sewage sludge, irradiation, and genetic engineering. This
factsheet provides an overview of some common farming practices that ensure organic integrity and
operation sustainability.
Ayurveda for Lifestyle Modification:
Ayurveda aims to integrate and balance the body, mind, and spirit which will ultimately leads to human
happiness and health. Ayurveda offers methods for finding out early stages of diseases that are still
undetectable by modern medical investigation. Ayurveda understands that health is a reflection of when a
person is living in harmony with nature and disease arises when a person is out of harmony with the
cycles of nature. All things in the universe (both living and nonliving) are joined together in Ayurveda.
This leaflet endow with some practical knowledge to rediscover our pre- industrial herbal heritage.
Life Style and Therapy using Yoga
Yoga therapy is the adaptation of yogic principles, methods, and techniques to specific human ailments.
In its ideal application, Yoga therapy is preventive in nature, as is Yoga itself, but it is also restorative in
many instances, palliative in others, and curative in many others. The therapeutic effect comes to force
when we practice daily and the body starts removing toxins and the rest is done by nature.
Insights into Indian Classical Music
The course introduces the students into the various terminologies used in Indian musicology and their
explanations, like Nadam, Sruti, Svaram – svara nomenclature, Stayi, Graha, Nyasa, Amsa, Thala,-
Saptatalas and their angas, Shadangas, Vadi, Samavadi, Anuvadi. The course takes the students through
Carnatic as well as Hindustani classical styles.
Insights into Traditional Indian Painting
The course introduces traditional Indian paintings in the light of ancient Indian wisdom in the fields of
aesthetics, the Shadanga (Sixs limbs of Indian paintings) and the contextual stories from ancient texts
from where the paintings originated. The course introduces the painting styles such as Madhubani, Kerala
Mural, Pahari, Cheriyal, Rajput, Tanjore etc.
Insights into Indian Classical Dance
The course takes the students through the ancient Indian text on aesthetics the Natyasastra and its
commentary the AbhinavaBharati. The course introduces various styles of Indian classical dance such as
Bharatanatyan, Mohiniyatton, Kuchipudi, Odissy, Katak etc. The course takes the students through both
contextual theory as well as practice time.
Indian Martial Arts and Self Defense
The course introduces the students to the ancient Indian system of self-defense and the combat through
various martial art forms and focuses more on traditional Kerala‘s traditional KalariPayattu. The course
introduces the various exercise technique to make the body supple and flexible before going into the steps
and techniques of the martial art. The advanced level of this course introduces the technique of weaponry.
Social Awareness Campaign
The course introduces the students into the concept of public social awareness and how to transmit the
messages of social awareness through various media, both traditional and modern. The course goes
through the theoretical aspects of campaign planning and execution.
Temple Mural Arts in Kerala
The traditional percussion ensembles in the Temples of Kerala have enthralled millions over the years.
The splendor of our temples makes art enthusiast spellbound, warmth and grandeur of color combination
sumptuousness of the outline, crowding of space by divine or heroic figures often with in vigorous
movement are the characteristics of murals.
The mural painting specially area visual counterpart of myth, legend, gods, dirties, and demons of the
theatrical world, Identical myths are popular the birth of Rama, the story of Bhīma and Hanuman, Shiva,
as Kirata, and the Jealousy of Uma and ganga the mural painting in Kerala appear to be closely related to,
and influenced by this theatrical activity the art historians on temple planes, wood carving and painting
the architectural plane of the Kerala temples are built largely on the pan-Indians almost universal model
of the vasthupurusha.
Organic Farming in Practice
Organic agriculture is the application of a set of cultural, biological, and mechanical practices that
support the cycling of farm resources, promote ecological balance, and conserve biodiversity. These
include maintaining and enhancing soil and water quality; conserving wetlands, woodlands, and wildlife;
and avoiding use of synthetic fertilizers, sewage sludge, irradiation, and genetic engineering. This
factsheet provides an overview of some common farming practices that ensure organic integrity and
operation sustainability.
Ayurveda for Lifestyle Modification:
Ayurveda aims to integrate and balance the body, mind, and spirit which will ultimately leads to human
happiness and health. Ayurveda offers methods for finding out early stages of diseases that are still
undetectable by modern medical investigation. Ayurveda understands that health is a reflection of when a
person is living in harmony with nature and disease arises when a person is out of harmony with the
cycles of nature. All things in the universe (both living and non-living) are joined together in Ayurveda.
This leaflet endow with some practical knowledge to rediscover our pre- industrial herbal heritage.
Life Style and Therapy using Yoga
Yoga therapy is the adaptation of yogic principles, methods, and techniques to specific human ailments.
In its ideal application, Yoga therapy is preventive in nature, as is Yoga itself, but it is also restorative in
many instances, palliative in others, and curative in many others. The therapeutic effect comes to force
when we practice daily and the body starts removing toxins and the rest is done by nature.
Course Outcomes
CO1: Understanding the impact of itihasas on Indian civilization with reference to Mahabharata
CO2: Enabling students to appreciate the relevance of Mahabharata and Bhagavad-Gita in the modern
CO3: Understanding the four goals of life (Purusharthas) as presented in the Mahabharata
CO4: Assimilating the positive qualities of the characters depicted in the itihasa.
CO5: Analysis of the critical events and turning points in the Mahabharata with emphasis on the
underlying values and principles.
Course Outcomes
CO1 Understand the science of surface reactions and colloids for practical applications.
CO2 Develop deep knowledge in determine the rate of chemical reactions and assessing the suitable
experimental conditions for better yield in reactions.
CO3 Understand the theory behind the working of catalysis and explore its applications
CO4 Develop sound understanding of electrochemistry principles and apply for industrial applications
Unit 3 Catalysis
Catalysis – homogeneous and heterogeneous – homogeneous catalysis – kinetic of acid – ase reaction and
mechanism - theory of homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis. Heterogeneous catalysis – adsorption –
types – chemical and physical, characteristics of adsorption. Different types of adsorption isotherms –
Freundlich and Langmuir - enzyme catalysis, difference between enzyme catalysis and general
heterogeneous catalysis, factors affecting the rate of enzyme catalyzed reactions.
Unit 4 Electrochemistry I
Electrolysis, Faraday‘s laws of electrolysis, strong and weak electrolytes specific, equivalent and molar
conductance, equivalent conductance at infinite dilution and their measurement - Kohlrausch‘s law and its
applications - calculation of equivalent conductance at infinite dilution for weak electrolytes, degree of
dissociation of weak electrolytes - solubility of sparingly soluble salts - applications of conductivity
measurement - conductometric titrations - acid-base precipitation and complexometric titrations,
Ostwald‘s dilution law and its limitations, common ion effect and its application, concept of pH,
indicators, theories of indicators – buffers and their pH - Henderson equation, hydrolysis and example of
hydrolysis - relation between Kh, Kb and Kw, transport number (Hittorf number) and its experimental
determination - Hittorf‘s method and moving boundary method.
Unit 5 Electrochemistry II
Potential and its origin – electrical double layer and equilibrium – single electrode potential, standard
hydrogen electrode - EMF series and its significance – Galvanic cells, IUPAC notation - reversible and
irreversible cells, electrodes, calomel and Ag/AgCl reference electrodes - indicator and ion selective
(pungor) electrodes and their applications, Computation of cell EMF, Calculation of thermodynamic
quantities of cell reactions (ΔG, ΔH and K) Concentration cells -variation of potential with concentration,
Nernst equation and its applications, potentiometric titrations - acid-base, redox and precipitation
titrations..Corrosion –basic concept - electrochemical corrosion and its mechanism - Cathodic and anocic
3. Puri, Sharma &Pathania, „Priniciples of Physical Chemistry‟, 42nd edition, Vishal Publishing Co,
4. Gurdeep Raj, „Advanced Physical Chemistry‟, 35th edition, Goel Publishing House, 2009.
1. Glasstone and Lewis, „Elements of Physical Chemistry‟, 2nd edition, Macmillan, 1982.
2. P. C.Rakhit, „Physical Chemistry‟, 7th edition, Sarat Book House, 2001.
3. R. Stephen Berry, Stuart A. Rice & John Ross, „Physical Chemistry‟, 2nd edition, Oxford
University press, 2000.
Course Outcomes
1. Organic Chemistry, T. W. Graham Solomons, Craig B. Fryhle, John Wiley & Sons; 10th edition
(December, 2009)
2. Morrison and R. N. Boyd, „Organic Chemistry‟, 6th Edition, Prentice Hall, 1992.
3. D. Nasipuri „Stereochemistry of Organic Compounds‟, 2nd Edition, New Age International (P)
Ltd., Publishers, 1994.
1. Peter Sykes, „A Guide book to Mechanism in Organic Chemistry‟, 6th Edition, Pearson Education,
2. P. S. Kalsi‟ „Organic Reactions and their Mechanisms‟‟, New Age International Publishers, 2009.
3. J. Clayden, N. Greeves, S. Warren and P. Wothers, „Organic Chemistry‟, 2nd edition, Oxford
University Press, 2012.
4. K. S. Tewari and N. K. Vishnoi „Organic Chemistry‟, 3rd Edition, Vikas Publishing House, 2005.
18MAT219 Integral Transforms 3 1 0 4
Course Outcome :
CO1: Understand the concepts of Laplace and Fourier transforms and its properties to transform a
function from time domain to the frequency domain.
CO2: Obtain the Laplace and Fourier transform and its inverse transform of impulsive,
discontinuous and some complicated periodic signals.
CO3: Solve the initial value problems‘ using Laplace and Fourier transforms on signals arising by
changing over to frequency domain.
CO4: Define the Fourier series for periodic functions and determine the Fourier coefficients.
CO5:Understand the formation of partial differential equations and apply some standard methods
to obtain its solutions.
CO6: Apply Fourier series technique to solve the heat, wave and Laplace equations.
Laplace Transform:
Laplace Transforms, Inverse Transforms, Linearity, Shifting, Transforms of Derivatives and Integrals,
Differential Equations, Unit Step Function, Second Shifting Theorem, Dirac‘s Delta Function.
Differentiation and Integration of Transforms. Convolution, Integral Equations, Partial Fractions,
Differential Equations, Systems of Differential Equations. (Sections: 6.1 to 6.7)
Fourier series, Half range Expansions, Parseval‘s Identity, Fourier Integrals, Fourier integral theorem.
Sine and Cosine Integrals. Fourier Transforms, Sine and Cosine Transforms, Properties, Convolution
theorem. (Text book-1, Sections: 11.1 -11.3, 11.7-11.9)
Text Book:
16. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, E Kreyszig, John Wiley and Sons, Tenth Edition, 2015.
Reference Books:
4. George Turrell, Mathematics for Chemistry and Physics, Academic Press, 2002.
5. Donald Allan McQuarrie, Mathematics for Physical Chemistry, University Science books, 2008.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will have knowledge and skills to:
CO1 Understand the basics of reflection, refraction, image formation with mirrors, spherical refracting
surfaces, lens systems and aberrations using ray theory of light and describe working of optical
CO2 Understand the Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM) and explain the nature of wave motion,
superposition of waves and working real systems.
CO3 Comprehend optical phenomena such as interference, diffraction and polarization, birefringence in
terms of the wave model.
CO5 Understand the operation of optical devices, including, polarizers, retarders, modulators and
Skills acquired: Students will be exposed to geometrical and wave optics. Acquire knowledge on
propagation of light through matter, image formation with optical elements and optical instruments.
Unit 1
Review of Geometrical Optics: Fermat‘s principle, laws of reflection and refraction from Fermat‘s
principle. Refraction at a spherical surface, Linear and lateral magnifications, Refraction through a thick
lens. Focal lengths of thick and thin lenses. Combination of two lenses. Cardinal points.
Unit 2
Wavemotion: Simple Harmonic Oscillation (SHO), differential equation for SHO and its general solution,
super position of two or more SHOs, Damped and forced oscillators, resonance. Wave equation,
travelling and standing waves in one dimension, energy density and energy transmission in waves, Group
velocity and phase velocity.
Unit 3
Interference: Wave nature of light, Spatial and temporal coherence, coherent sources, interference of light
by division of wave front: Fresnel‘s biprism, interference of light by division of amplitude: interference in
thin films, fringes of equal inclination, airwedge, Newton‘s rings and Michelson‘s interferometer.
Multiple beam Interference -Fabry-Perot interferometer, multilayer thinfilms: AR and HR coatings.
Unit 4
Diffraction: Fresnel and fraunhoffer diffraction, diffraction grating, Rayleigh criterionand resolving
power. Polarisation: linear, circular and Elliptic polarization, double refraction and optical rotation.
Propagation of light through matter, dispersion and absorption, Nonlinear optics, second harmonic
generation, integrated optics (qualitative only).
Unit 5
Fiber optics: Introduction to optical fiber, the numerical aperture, coherent bundle, pulse dispersion in
step index fiber, graded index fiber, single mode fiber, multimode fiber, fiber optic sensors - examples -
fiber optic communication (qualitative), Advantages of fiber optic communication system.
Course Outcomes
CO1: Capability in engaging in safe laboratory practices of handling laboratory glassware, equipment,
and chemical reagents.
CO2: Ability to analyse systematically the functional group of a simple organic compound and
characterization with a derivative.
1. Basic idea on the preparation of reagents used in organic analysis. (Borshes reagent, Schiff‘s reagent,
phenolphthalein, Neutral FeCl3, Tollens reagent, Fehlings solution),
2. Determination of boiling point and melting point – capillary method,
3. Methods of re-crystallisation,
4. Tests for elements: Nitrogen, Halogens and Sulphur
5. Tests for unsaturation. Tests for aromatic character.
6. Study of the reactions of the following functional groups: alcohol, aldehyde, ketone, carboxylic acid,
1,2 dicarboxylic acid, ester, primary and secondary amines,
7. Systematic analysis of the following organic compounds containing one functional group and
characterization with a derivative - alcohol, aldehyde, ketone, carboxylic acid, 1,2 dicarboxylic acid,
ester, primary and secondary amines.
1. F. G.Mann and B. C.Saunders, ‗Practical Organic Chemistry‘ 4th edition, Pearson Education, 2009.
2. V. K.Ahluwalia and S. Dhingra ‗Comprehensive Practical Organic Chemistry‘ Universities Press,
3. B. S.Furnis, A. J.Hannaford, P. W. G. Smith and T. R.Tatchell, ‗Vogel‘s Text book of Practical
Organic Chemistry‘, ELBS/Longman, 1989.
4. S. P. Bhettani&ArunaChhikara, ‗Practical organic chemistry (qualitative analysis)‘, Ane books
(India) Pvt Ltd, 2008.
5. O. P. Pandey, D.N Bajpai, S. Gini, ‗Practical Chemistry, for I, II & III BSc. Students‘, S. Chand &
Company Ltd reprint, 2009.
6. V. K.Ahluwalia, SunithaDhingra, AdarshGulate, ‗College Practical Chemistry‘, Universities Press
(India) Pvt Ltd, 2008.
Professional Grooming and Practices: Basics of Corporate culture, Key pillars of Business Etiquette.
Basics of Etiquette: Etiquette – Socially acceptable ways of behaviour, Personal hygiene, Professional
attire, Cultural Adaptability. Introductions and Greetings: Rules of the handshake, Earning respect,
Business manners. Telephone Etiquette: activities during the conversation, Conclude the call, To take a
message. Body Language: Components, Undesirable body language, Desirable body language. Adapting
to Corporate life: Dealing with people.
Listening Comprehension advanced: Exercise on improving listening skills, Grammar basics: Topics like
clauses, punctuation, capitalization, number agreement, pronouns, tenses etc.
Reading Comprehension advanced: A course on how to approach middle level reading comprehension
Problem solving – Money Related problems; Mixtures; Symbol Based problems; Clocks and Calendars;
Simple, Linear, Quadratic and Polynomial Equations; Special Equations; Inequalities; Functions and
Graphs; Sequence and Series; Set Theory; Permutations and Combinations; Probability; Statistics.
Data Sufficiency: Concepts and Problem Solving.
Non-Verbal Reasoning and Simple Engineering Aptitude: Mirror Image; Water Image; Paper Folding;
Paper Cutting; Grouping Of Figures; Figure Formation and Analysis; Completion of Incomplete Pattern;
Figure Matrix; Miscellaneous.
Special Aptitude: Cloth, Leather, 2D and 3D Objects, Coin, Match Sticks, Stubs, Chalk, Chess Board,
Land and geodesic problems etc., Related Problems
Course Outcomes:
CO1: Soft Skills: At the end of the course, the students will have the ability to communicate
convincingly and negotiate diplomatically while working in a team to arrive at a win-win
situation. They would further develop their inter-personal and leadership skills.
CO2: Soft Skills: At the end of the course, the students shall learn to examine the context of a Group
Discussion topic and develop new perspectives and ideas through brainstorming and arrive at a
CO3: Aptitude: At the end of the course, students will be able to identify, recall and arrive at
appropriate strategies to solve questions on geometry. They will be able to investigate, interpret
and select suitable methods to solve questions on arithmetic, probability and combinatorics.
CO4: Verbal: At the end of the course, the students will have the ability to relate, choose, conclude and
CO5: Verbal: At the end of the course, the students will have the ability to utilise prior knowledge of
grammar to recognise structural instabilities and modify them.
CO6: VerbalAt the end of the course, the students will have the ability to comprehend, interpret, deduce
and logically categorise words, phrases and sentences. They will also have the ability to theorise,
discuss, elaborate, criticise and defend their ideas.
1. A Communicative Grammar of English: Geoffrey Leech and Jan Svartvik. Longman, London.
2. Adair J (1986) - "Effective Team Building: How to make a winning team", London, U.K: Pan
3. Gulati S (2006) - "Corporate Soft Skills", New Delhi, India: Rupa& Co.
4. The Hard Truth about Soft Skills, by Amazone Publication.
Course Outcomes
CO1: Understand the dual nature of electron, significance of the Schrodinger equation and its
CO2: Obtain knowledge about the symmetry of molecules, point groups and formation of Group
multiplication table.
CO3: Acquire the knowledge of different statistical methods to derive the thermodynamic properties.
CO4: To understand and apply the concept of photophysical, photochemical reactions, photosensitized
reaction and chemi-luminescence.
CO5: To acquire a sound knowledge about adsorption- types and mechanism and derivation of
adsorption isotherms, colloids – types, preparation, properties and applications.
Unit 4 Photochemistry
Photochemistry - Consequences of light absorption - The Jablonski diagram – non-radiative transitions -
radiative transitions – laws of photochemistry - Lambert‘s law, Beer‘s law and Beer-Lambert law,
deviation from Beer‘s law, Grotthus - Draper law - The Stark Einstein law of photochemical equivalence
- Quantum efficiency (quantum yield). Energy transfer in photochemical reactions – photosensitisaiton -
Photosynthesis in plants - Chemiluminescence - fluorescence and phosphorescence – lasers - uses of
lasers. Photochemical reactions -Kinetics of hydrogen-bromine reaction - decomposition of HI -
photoelectric cells, photosensitization and photosensitiser, photosynthesis.
Course Outcomes
CO1: Understanding the salient features of coordination compounds, this includes coordination number,
oxidation number, electronic configuration, nomenclature, ligands, structure and bonding.
CO2: Acquiring the knowledge of spectral and magnetic properties of complexes through CFT and MOT.
CO3: Describing the stability of metal complexes by the use of formation constants and to calculate the
thermodynamic parameters from them.
CO4: Gaining the knowledge of organometallic compounds and to apply the concept of isomerisation in
the above compounds.
CO5: Imparting the basic knowledge of catalytic cycle of organometallic compounds and bio-inorganic
elements and metal toxicity.
Skill: The students will acquire knowledge in coordination compounds, its spectral and magnetic
properties, isomerism, bio-inorganic elements and organometallic compounds.
Course Outcomes
CO1: To attain a firm foundation in the basic concepts of organic chemistry and become fluent in writing
appropriate mechanisms for reactions
CO2: To acquire understanding on properties, synthesis and chemical behavior of organic halogen
compounds, alcohols, ethers and phenols
CO3: To learn synthetic methodologies, properties and reactivity of carbonyl compounds, carboxylic
acids and carboxylic acid derivatives
CO4: To be able to design synthetic methodologies and to understand properties and reactivity of amines,
nitro compounds and nitriles
1. Morrison and R. N. Boyd, „Organic Chemistry‟, 6th Edition, Prentice Hall, 1992.
2. K.S. Tewari and N.K. Vishnoi „Organic Chemistry‟, 3rd Edition, Vikas Publishing House, 2005.
3. T.H.Lowry, K.S.Richardson, „Mechanism and Theory in Organic Chemistry‟, 3rd edition, Harper
Colins, New York, 1987.
1. L.G. Wade, J.R., „Organic Chemistry‟, 5th edition, Pearson Education, Singapore, 2004.
2. Solomons & Fryhle, „Organic Chemistry‟, 7th edition, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd., 2004.
3. John McMurry, „Fundamental of Organic Chemistry‟, 7th edition, Brook and Cole, 2011
Course Outcomes
Course Outcomes
CO1: Able to calculate limiting reagent, theoretical yield, and percent yield of simple organic reactions.
CO2: Able to perform common laboratory techniques including reflux, distillation, recrystallization,
vacuum filtration, and thin-layer chromatography
1. Basic concepts on theoretical yield, practical yield, samples % conversion etc, Organic
preparations including recrystallisation,
2. Synthesis of a) Acetanilide to p-nitroacetanilide b) Acetanilide to p-bromoacetanilide c) Benzyl
chloride to Benzoic acid,
d) Nitrobenzene to dinitrobenzene e) Ester hydrolysis f) Benzoylation (phenol to phenyl benzoate);
3. Separation Techniques: Thin Layer Chromatography, Column chromatography
Team Work: Value of Team work in organisations, Definition of a Team, Why Team, Elements of
leadership, Disadvantages of a team, Stages of Team formation. Group Development Activities:
Orientation, Internal Problem Solving, Growth and Productivity, Evaluation and Control. Effective Team
Building: Basics of Team Building, Teamwork Parameters, Roles, Empowerment, Communication,
Effective Team working, Team Effectiveness Criteria, Common characteristics of Effective Teams,
Factors affecting Team Effectiveness, Personal characteristics of members, Team Structure, Team
Process, Team Outcomes.
Facing an Interview: Foundation in core subject, Industry Orientation/ Knowledge about the company,
Professional Personality, Communication Skills, activities before interview, upon entering interview
room, during the interview and at the end. Mock interviews.
Advanced Grammar: Topics like parallel construction, dangling modifiers, active and passive voices, etc.
Course Outcomes:
CO1: Soft Skills: At the end of the course, the students will have the ability to prepare a suitable resume
(including video resume). They would also have acquired the necessary skills, abilities and
knowledge to present themselves confidently. They would be sure-footed in introducing
themselves and facing interviews.
CO2: -Soft Skills: At the end of the course, the students will have the ability to analyse every question
asked by the interviewer, compose correct responses and respond in the right manner to justify
and convince the interviewer of one‘s right candidature through displaying etiquette, positive
attitude and courteous communication.
CO3: Aptitude: At the end of the course, students will be able to interpret, critically analyze and solve
logical reasoning questions. They will have acquired the skills to manage time while applying
methods to solve questions on arithmetic, algebra, logical reasoning, and statistics and data
analysis and arrive at appropriate conclusions.
CO4: Verbal: At the end of the course, the students will have the ability to understand and use words,
idioms and phrases, interpret the meaning of standard expressions and compose sentences using
the same.
CO5: Verbal: At the end of the course, the students will have the ability to decide, conclude, identify
and choose the right grammatical construction.
CO6: Verbal: At the end of the course, the students will have the ability to examine, interpret and
investigate arguments, use inductive and deductive reasoning to support, defend, prove or
disprove them. They will also have the ability to create, generate and relate facts / ideas / opinions
and share / express the same convincingly to the audience / recipient using their communication
skills in English.
1. A Communicative Grammar of English: Geoffrey Leech and Jan Svartvik. Longman, London.
2. Adair J (1986) - "Effective Team Building: How to make a winning team", London, U.K: Pan
3. Gulati S (2006) - "Corporate Soft Skills", New Delhi, India: Rupa& Co.
4. The Hard Truth about Soft Skills, by Amazon Publication.
1. Speed Mathematics, Secrets of Lightning Mental Calculations, by Bill Handley, Master Mind
2. The Trachtenberg Speed System of Basic Mathematics, Rupa& Co., Publishers;
3. Vedic Mathematics, by Jagadguru Swami Sri BharatiKrsnaTirthayi Maharaja,
MotilalBanarsidass Publ.;
4. How to Ace the Brainteaser Interview, by John Kador, Mc Graw Hill Publishers.
5. Quick Arithmetics, by Ashish Agarwal, S Chand Publ.;
6. Quicker Maths, by M tyra& K Kundan, BSC Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., Delhi;
7. More Games Teams Play, by Leslie Bendaly, McGraw-Hill Ryerson.
8. The BBC and British Council online resources
9. Owl Purdue University online teaching resources
Course Outcomes
CO1- Understanding of principle and working of the range of instrumental methods in analytical
CO2- Developing skills in contemporary methods of separation and appropriate selection of instruments
for the successful analysis of chemical compounds
CO3-Imparting skills in the scientific method of planning, conducting, reviewing, reporting experiments
and problem solving in chemical analysis.
Unit 1 Theoretical principles of qualitative and quantitative analysis Types of analytical methods -
Importance of analytical methods in qualitative and quantitative analysis - chemical and instrumental
methods - advantages and limitations of chemical and instrumental methods. Data Analysis - Types of
errors, minimization of errors, propagation of errors, accuracy and precision, least square analysis,
average standard deviation, coefficient of variance, significant figures.
Unit 3 Thermal Analysis Principle of thermo gravimetry (TGA), differential thermal analysis (DTA),
differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) - Instrumentation and Characteristics of TGA and DTA curves,
factors affecting TGA and DTA curves. Applications - TGA of calcium oxalate monohydrate, DTA of
calcium acetatemonohydrate - determination of purity of pharmaceuticals by DSC, Thermometric
Unit 4 Electroanalytical Techniques Conductometry - ion selective electrodes. Potentiometry,
Amperometry, coulometry, polarography, voltametry - cyclic voltametry and anodic stripping voltametry
- Principle and analysis of samples.
Unit 5 Crystallographic and Microscopic Techniques XRD, X-ray crystallography, SAXD Optical
microscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy, Transmission Electron Microscopy, Scanning Transmission
Electron Microscopy, Atomic Force Microscopy.
1. Douglas A. Skoog and Donald M. West, F.J. Holler, ‗Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry‘, 7th
edition, 7th edition, Suanders College publishers, 1995.
2. Usharani S., Analytical Chemistry, Macmillan, 2001.
1. Mendham J., Denney R.C., Barnes J.D., Thomas M., ‗Vogel‘s Text book of Quantitative
Chemical analysis‘, 7th edition, Pearson education, 2008.
2. Sharma, B.K., ‗Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis‘, Goel Publishing House, Merrut,
3. Gopalan. R., Subramaniam P.S. and Rengarajan K., ‗Elements of Analytical Chemistry‘, Sultan
Chand and Sons, 2004.
Course Outcomes
CO1: Ability to get an idea of the chemistry behind aromatic polycyclic and heterocyclic compounds
CO2: Capacity to provide an overview on synthesis, properties and reactions of pivotal biomolecules
CO3: Capability to gain insight into source, properties and applications of alkaloids, terpenoids,
polymers, fats, oils and detergents
CO4: To obtain a brief idea on the basics of organic photochemistry
β, γ - amino acids. Essential and non-essential amino acids, zwitter ion, isoelectric point. Peptides:
structure and synthesis (Carbo benzoxy method, Sheehan method only). Proteins: - Structure of proteins,
denaturation and colour reactions. Biosynthesis of protein. Nucleic acids: Classification and structure of
DNA and RNA. Replication of DNA, Genetic Codes. Vitamins – Classification and important sources,
physiological action and deficiency symptoms of vitamin A, B1, B2, and B12. C, D, E and K
Unit 4 Alkaloids, terpenes, enzymes and Photochemistry
Alkaloids – General properties and classification – Quinine – nicotine. Terpenes – isoprene rule –
classification – examples – citral – geraniol. Enzymes: General nature and classification, specificity of
enzymes. Photochemistry - Basic principles of photochemistry – Jablonskii diagram, photochemical
reactions of carbonyl compounds.
1. Morrison and R. N. Boyd, „Organic Chemistry‟, 6th Edition, Prentice Hall, 1992.
2. I.L. Finar, “Organic Chemistry”, 7th edition Vol I & II, Longmann, 2009.
3. S M Mukherji & S P Singh, “Reactions, Mechanisms of Organic Chemistry”, 3rd edition,
Macmillan Publishers India Ltd., 2009.
1. L.G. Wade, J.R., „Organic Chemistry‟, 5th edition, Pearson Education, Singapore, 2004.
2. Solomons and Fryhle, Organic Chemistry, 7th edition, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd., 2004.
3. John McMurry, „Fundamental of Organic Chemistry‟, 7th edition, Brook and Cole, 2011.
Course Outcomes
CO1: Capacity to describe the chemistry of inorganic polymers and its commercial applications
CO2: Ability to understand the inorganic nanomaterials of gold, rhodium, palladium, platinum, iron and
silver and their chemical synthesis
CO3: Capability to depict chemistry beyond the molecules through weak interaction and its application in
supramolecular chemistry and molecular recognitions
CO4: Capacity to describe the basics of chemical aspects of soil
1. Jonathan W. Stead, David R. Turner andkarl. J. Wallace., ‗Core concepts in Supramolecular
Chemistry and Nanochemistry‘, John Wiley sons Ltd, 2007.
2. R. W. Hay, ‗Bioinorganic chemistry‘, Halsted Press, 1984.
3. Tisdale, S.L., Nelson, W.L. and Beaton, J. D, ‗Soil Fertility and Fertilizers‘, Macmillian
Publishing Company, New York, 1990.
CO1: Capacity to understand and imply the knowledge of electromagnetic radiation in spectroscopy
CO2: Ability to demonstrate the functional group analysis, both quantitative and qualitative analysis of
small organic molecules and coordination compounds.
CO3: Capability to interpret the structure of small organic molecules using 1H and 13C NMR and mass
Unit 2 - Electronic Spectroscopy Principle - Absorption laws. Calculations involving Beer Lambert‘s law
-instrumentation - photo colorimeter and spectrophotometer - block diagrams with description of
components - theory - types of electronic transitions - chromophore and auxochromes - Absorption bands
and intensity - factors governing absorption maximum and intensity. Calculation of ?max using
Woodward fischer rule for simple molecules.
Unit 4 - NMR Spectroscopy Principle of nuclear magnetic resonance – basic instrumentation - number of
signals - chemical shift - shielding and deshielding. Spin-spin coupling and coupling constants. TMS as
NMR standard. Introduction to H1 and C13 NMR spectrum. Interpretation of Proton NMR spectra of
simple organic compounds such as Acetone, Anisole, Benzaldehyde, Ethyl acetate, Ethylamine, Ethyl
Bromide, Toluene and Isopropyl phenyl ketone.
Unit 5 - Mass spectrometry Basic principles - instrumentation - molecular ion peak, base peak, metastable
peak, isotopic peak their uses. Fragmentation pattern – Nitrogen rule - determination of molecular
formulae – Types of mass analysis. Interpretation of mass spectra of simple organic compounds such as
Acetone, Anisole, Benzaldehyde, Ethyl acetate, Ethylamine, Ethyl Bromide, Toluene and Isopropyl
phenyl ketone. Mc-Lefferty Rearrangement.
1. P.S.Kalsi, ‗Spectroscopy of Organic Compounds‘, 6th edition, New age international publishers,
2. W. Kemp, ‗Organic Spectroscopy, Macmillan, 1987
CO1: Ability to gain skill in estimating the given unknown substance by simple precipitation method
CO2: Develop skills in preparing, collecting, treating, and weighing a precipitate
CO3: Develop skills for producing accurate and reliable results
1. G.H.Jeffery, J.Bassett, J.Mendham and R.C.Denny „Vogel‟s Text Book of Quantitative Chemical Analysis‟,
5th Edition, ELBS, 1989.
2. D.A.Skoog and D.M.West „Analytical Chemistry-An Introduction‟, 4th Edition, CBS Publishing Japan Ltd.,
1. E.J.Meehan, S.Bruckenstein and I.M.Kolthoff and E.B.Sandell, „Quantitative Chemical Analysis‟, 4th
Edition, The Macmillan Company, 1969.
2. R.A.Day (Jr) and A.L.Underwood, ‟Quantitative Analysis‟, 6th Edition, Prentice Hall of India, 1991.
Course Outcomes
CO1: Develop skills in working with analytical instruments and understanding its working principle and
different applications in analytical chemistry.
CO2: Analyze the effect of different electrochemical parameters for industrial anodization and learning
the selection of proper reaction conditions.
CO3: Apply the principles of electrolyte conductance and electrode potential for analytical applications.
CO4: Evaluate the optical properties of chemical species for analytical applications.
CO5: Understand the rate of electrochemical reactions and apply it for minimizing industrial corrosion.
1. R.C. Das and B.Behara, „Experiments in Physical Chemistry‟, Tata McGraw-Hill, 1983.
2. Alexander Findly,‟ Practical Physical Chemistry‟, 9th edition, Wiley, 1972.
Course Outcomes
Calculations of molecular properties like atomic charges, dipole moments, electronic distributions,
vibration frequencies, NMR chemical shift etc using Gaussian program, specification of molecular
geometry using Cartesian coordinates and internal coordinates, Z-matrix, Z-matrix of some simple
molecules, structure of a Gaussian input file
1. Andrew R Leech,‟ Molecular Modeling – Principles and Applications‟, 2nd Edition, Pearson
2. Donald A. McQuarrie, „Quantum Chemistry‟, Viva Books
Course Outcomes
Reducible and irreducible representations, Great Orthogonality Theorem and its consequences, character
tables, reduction formula, construction of character tables for point groups with order 6, interpretation of
character tables.
Infrared and Raman activity of molecular vibrations in H2O, N2F2, BF3, AB4type molecules (Td and D4h)
and AB6 type (Oh) of molecules; selection rules; Electronic structure of free atoms and ions, splitting of
terms in a chemical environment, construction of energy level diagrams, estimations of orbital energies,
selection rules and polarizations, double groups, a brief idea on electronic spectra of transition metal
complexes – selection rules, Orgel diagrams, Tanabe Sugano diagrams.
Unit IV: Applications of Group theory (Chemical bonding - Hybridization and molecular orbital
Group theory to explain hybridization - wave functions as bases for irreducible representations,
construction of hybrid orbitals for AB3 (planar), AB4 (Td), AB5 (D3h) and AB6 (Oh) type of molecules,
symmetry adapted linear combinations, projection operators, application of projection operators to pi-
bonding in ethylene, cyclopropenyl systems and benzene, application of symmetry to predict polar and
chiral compounds;
Unit V: Symmetry in solid state
Symmetry elements and operations in solid state – proper axis of rotation, mirror planes of symmetry,
roto- reflection and roto-inversion axes of symmetry, screw axes of symmetry, glide planes; a brief
introduction to the crystallographic point groups and space groups
1. F.Albert Cotton, „Chemical Applications of Group Theory‟, 3rd Edition, John Wiley, 1990.
2. A Salahuddin Kunju, G Krishnan ; „Group theory and its application in chemistry‟, second
edition, PHI Learning private limited-2015
1. Robert L Carter, „Molecular symmetry and Group theory‟, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
2. V.Ramakrishnan and M.S.Gopinathan, „Group Theory in Chemistry‟, 2nd reprint edition, Vishal
Publications, 1996.
3. P.H.Walton, “Beginning Group Theory for Chemistry”, Oxford University Press Inc., New York,
Course Outcomes
CO1: Capacity to describe the structure of nucleus, stable and unstable atomic nuclei, nuclear reactions
and different modes of radioactive decay, kinetics of nuclear reactions
CO2: Ability to understand the fundamentals of radiochemistry, isotopic chemistry, radiation chemistry
and the applications of these in measuring technology, kinetics, radical chemistry, biotechnology and
methods for measurements of radioactivity.
CO3: Capacity to distinguish the structure, bonding and reactivity of clusters, cages and simple
organometallic compounds of alkali, alkaline earth elements, boron and carbon.
CO4: Impeccable understanding in structure and reactivity of inorganic chains, rings and cages of sulfur,
nitrogen and phosphorus compounds
CO5: Capability to demonstrate the basic knowledge of chemistry of the f-block elements. Both chemical
and physical properties of these elements and their compounds, with an emphasis on the relationship
between properties and underlying electronic structure
1. H J Arnikar, Essentials of Nuclear Chemistry, 4th revised edition, New Age International (P)
Limited publishers, 2015.
2. H J Arnikar, Nuclear Chemistry through Problems, New Age International Publishers.
3. J. Huheey, Inorganic Chemistry: Principles of Structure and Reactivity, 4th edition, 2006.
4. F.A. Cotton, Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, Wiley; 6th Edition edition (22 April 1999)
5. J.D. Lee Concise Inorganic Chemistry, Oxford University Press, 5th edition, 2008
1. Gregory R. Choppin, Jan-Olov Liljenzin and Jan Rydberg, Radiochemistry and Nuclear
Chemistry (Third Edition), Elsevier, 2002
2. Walter D. Loveland, David J. Morrissey, Glenn T. Seaborg, Modern nuclear chemistry, A JOHN
3. Shriver and Atkins' Inorganic Chemistry, Oxford; 5 edition, 2009
Course Outcomes
CO1: Be able to understand the concepts of aromaticity and field effects
CO2: Understand and reproduce accepted mechanisms of organic reactions including all intermediates,
arrows, charges, and resonance structures.
CO3: Be able to draw all the stereoisomers of organic compound and recognize enantiomers,
diastereomers, mesocompounds
CO4: Discuss the relative stability of conformational isomers of cyclohexanes and related compounds
CO5: Predict the major and minor products of a variety of organic reactions with appropriate
stereochemistry and regiochemistry.
Unit 1 Aromaticity: Review of inductive and field effects – Resonance effects. Criteria for aromaticity –
structural and electronic. Types – Huckel and Craig‘s rule, homo (Five, Six, seven and eight, membered
rings), hetero (furan, thiophene and pyrrole) and nonbenzenoid aromatic systems. Aromaticity of fused
rings, annulenes, catenanes, rotaxanes, mesoionic compounds, metallocenes, cyclic carbocations and
Unit 3 Mechanism and methods to determining them: Thermodynamic and kinetic requirement,
Baldwin rules for ring closure – Kinetic and thermodynamic control – Hammond postulates, microscopic
reversibility, Marcus theory, methods of determining reaction mechanisms - solvents and their effect on
course of a reaction.
Acids and Bases: Bronsted and Lewis acids - HSAB concept and bases, pH and pKa, effect of structure
on acidity and basicity, effect of medium.
Unit 4 Stereochemistry
Optical and geometrical isomerism, absolute and relative configuration, Cahn-Ingold-Prelog system,
prochirality, prochiral centre, atoms, groups and faces, designations. Atropisomerism, optical isomerism
in biphenyls, allenes, spirans and ―ansa‖ compounds, compounds containing chiral nitrogen and sulfur
atom, geometrical isomerism of cyclic compounds, cumulenes and oximes. Asymmetric synthesis,
stereospecific and stereoselective synthesis, regioselective and regiospecific reactions.
Course Outcomes
CO2: Acquiring wide knowledge of reaction mechanism, stereochemistry, thermodynamic and kinetic
stability of the octahedral and square planar complexes
CO3: Indispensable knowledge about the coordination behavior, shape, geometry, oxidation state,
stereochemistry and reaction mechanism of f-block elements.
CO4: Developing the skill in analyzing the electronic spectra of transition metal complexes.
CO5: Acquiring the knowledge of magnetic properties of metal complexes and the recent advancement in
the coordination complex based magnets.
1. F. A. Cotton and G. Wilkinson, ‗Advanced Inorganic Chemistry‘, John Wiley & Sons, 2009.
2. James E. Huheey, Ellen A. Keiter and Richard L.Keiter, ‗Inorganic Chemistry, Principles of
Structure and Reactivity‘, Pearson education, 5th edition, 2009.
3. J. D. Lee, ‗Concise Inorganic Chemistry‘, 5th edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2009.
4. P Atkins, T. Overton, J. Rourke, M.Weller, F. Armstrong, ―Shriver & Atkins Inorganic
chemistry‖, 4th Edition, Oxford University Press, 2008.
1. B. Douglas, D. McDaniel and J. Alexander ―Concepts and Models in Inorganic Chemistry‖, 3rd
Edition, Wiley, 2006.
2. SushantaDattagupta, ‗A Paradigm Called Magnetism‘, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd.,
3. Helen C. Aspinall, ‗Chemistry of the f-Block Elements‘, Volume 5 of Advanced chemistry texts,
CRC Press, 2001.
4. N. N. Greenwood and A. Earnshaw, ‗Chemistry of Elements‘, Butterworth and Heinemann, 2nd
Edition, 2002
5. J. E. House, ―Inorganic Chemistry‖, Academic Press, 2008.
6. T. Shinjo (Editor), ‗Nanomagnetism and Spintronics‘, Elsevier, USA, 2nd Ed., 2014.
7. R. A. Layfield and M. Murugesu (Editors), ‗Lanthanides and Actinides in Molecular Magnetism‘,
Wiley-VCH Verlag& Co., 2015.
Course Outcomes
CO2: Development of adequate knowledge of the chemistry involved in the cation analysis.
CO3: Attainment of knowledge and skill in activities related with effective and safe functioning
of a chemistry lab.
1. A.I.Vogel, „A text book of Qualitative Analyses‟, 4th edition, Longmans publications, 1985.
2. V.V. Ramanujam, „Inorganic Semi-Micro Qualitative Analysis‟, 3rd edition, The National
Publishing Company, 1974.
1. G.H.Jeffery, J.Bassett, J.Mendham and R. C. Denney, „Vogel‟s Text Book of Qualitative
Chemical Analysis‟, 5th edition, John Wiley & Sons Inc, 1989.
2. G.W. Parshall, „Inorganic Synthesis‟, Vol. 15, Tata McGraw-Hill Education, 1974.
Course Outcomes
CO1: Understanding in calculation of limiting reagent, yield, and percent yield. Also, ability to
summarize findings in a clear and concise manner.
CO2: Actively engage in safe laboratory practices handling laboratory glassware, equipment, and
chemical reagents including how to perform common laboratory techniques, including reflux, distillation,
steam distillation, recrystallization, vacuum filtration, aqueous extraction, thin layer chromatography,
column chromatography.
CO3: Wide knowledge in prediction of outcome and mechanism of some simple organic reactions, using
a basic understanding of the relative reactivity of functional groups.
CO4: Basic knowledge in basic characterization of organic molecules by physical and spectroscopic
means, including melting point, boiling point, Infrared red spectroscopy and NMR.
Name Reactions (a) Benzil-Benzilic acid rearrangement (b) Cannizaro reaction (c) Claisen condensation
For all preparations 1. TLC to be done and Rf values of each compound to be reported 2. Melting point of
pure compounds to be found 3. A small portion should be recrystallised from suitable solvent 4. Purified
products to be displayed 5. Mechanisms for each preparation should be suggested
1. P.W.G. Smith, A.J.Hannaford, B.S.Furnis and A.R. Tatchell, ―Vogel‘s Textbook of Practical Organic
Chemistry‖, ELBS/Logman, 1989.
2. Ralph L. Shriner, Christine K. F. Hermann, Terence C. Morrill, David Y. Curtin, Reynold C. Fuson,
‗Systematic Identification of Organic Compounds‘, John Wiley & Sons, 2003.
3. Mann and Saunders, ‗Practical Organic Chemistry‘, Pearson edition, 2009
Course Outcome
Unit 4 Equilibrium
Gibb‘s free energy, direction of spontaneous change of a reaction, chemical potential, chemical potential
and equilibrium, ΔG in terms of K, equilibrium constants – real gases and real reactions, equilibrium
respond to catalyst, temperature, pressure and PH, application of ΔG and K – extraction of metals from
their oxides, Ellingham diagram, and thermodynamics of ATP & respiration, biological energy
1. Robert J. Silbey, Robert A. Alberty, Moungi G. Bawendi, Physical Chemistry 4th Edition, Wiley,
2. Samuel H. Maron, Carl F. Prutton Principles of Physical Chemistry, The Macmillan Company;
4th edition (1970)
3. Samuel Glasstone, „Thermodynamics for Chemists‟, Lightning Source Incorporated, 2007.
1. Francis Weston Sears and Gerhard L.Salinger, ‗Thermodynamics, kinetic theory and statistical
thermodynamics‘ 3rd edition, Addison-Wesley Publications, 1975.
2. Prigogine, ‗Introduction to Thermodynamic Irreversible Processes‘, Interscience Publishers, 3 rd
edition, 1968.
3. R.P.Rastogi and R.R.Misra, ‗An Introduction to Chemical Thermodynamics‘, 6th Revised edition,
Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 2006.
4. F.W.Sears, ‗Introductions to Thermodynamics, Kinetic Theory of Gases and Statistical
Mechanics‘, Addison Wesley Pub., Cambridge, 1972.
Course Outcomes
CO3: Development of capability to apply the knowledge spectroscopy to provide analytical solutions for
problems of chemical interest.
1. Hollas, J.M., Modern Spectroscopy, John Wiley & Sons, Fourth Edition, 2004
2. J. Keeler, Understanding NMR spectroscopy, Wiley, 2009
3. D. A. Skoog, F. J. Holler and S. R. Crouch, „Principles of Instrumental Analysis‟, 6th Edition,
Thomson Brooks/Cole, 2007.
4. W. Kemp, NMR in Chemistry, McMillan, 1988
5. J. E. Wertz and J. R. Bolton Electron Spin Resonance, Springer Science
Course Outcomes
CO1: Capacity to understand nuclephile and electrophile groups and their properties
CO2: Ability to describe and demonstrate the importance of molecular rearrangements in organic
compound synthesis and understand the basics of photochemistry and pericyclic reactions
CO3: Ability to describe the interaction of excited states with their surroundings and analyse photo-
induced electron transfer/excitation energy transfer reactions.
Course Outcome
CO1: able to explain on mechanistic level reactions and synthesis of important nitrogen/oxygen/Sulphur
containing heterocycles; pyrroles, pyridines, diazoles, diazines, benzo-condensed analogs, furan and
CO2: Understand the fundamentals of carbohydrate chemistry
CO3: Provide an overview of field of biochemistry and natural product chemistry, their occurrence,
structure, total synthesis, biosynthesis and properties.
Unit 4 Steroids
Steroids - classification, structure of cholesterol, conversion of cholesterol to progesterone, androsterone
and testosterone, classification, structure and synthesis of prostaglandins, biosynthesis of fatty acids,
prostaglandins, and steroids.
1. I.L. Finar Organic Chemistry vol 2 ( 3rd.ed.) Longmans Green & Co. 1964
2. Sujata V. Bhat, Bhimsen A. Nagasampagi, Meenakshi Sivakumar, Chemistry of Natural
Products, Springer 2005
Course Outcomes
CO1: Ability to describe the chemistry of metal carbonyls, their synthesis and nature of bonding.
CO2: Capability to understand the fundamentals of types of organometallic compounds, their structure,
CO3: Ability to demonstrate the stereochemistry of organometallic compounds using multinuclear
magnetic resonance spectroscopy and important chemical transformation using organometallic reagents.
1. J.E. Huheey, R.A. Keiter, R.L. Keiter, ‗Inorganic Chemistry-Principles of Structure and
Reactivity‘, 4thEdn., Prentice Hall, 1997.
2. P. Atkins, T. Overton, J. Rourke, M. Weller, F. Armstrong,‘ Shriver and Atkins Inorganic
Chemistry‘, 4thEdn., Oxford University Press, 2006.
3. F.A. Cotton, G. Wilkinson, C.A. Murillo, M. Bochmann, ‗Advanced Inorganic Chemistry‘,
6thEdn.,Wiley-Interscience, 1999.
4. Anil Elias, Gupta B.D., ―Basic Organometallic Chemistry‖, Universities Press; 2ndEdition 2013
5. J.D. Atwood, ‗Inorganic and Organometallic Reaction Mechanism‘, 2nd Edn., Wiley-
1. R. H. Crabtree, ‗Organometallic Chemistry of the Transition Metals‘, John Wiley & Sons, 6th Ed.
2. VCH, 1997.
3. J. Tsuji, ‗Transition metal reagents and catalyst innovations in organic synthesis‘, John-Wiley- &
Sons, Ltd, New York, 2000
4. B.E. Douglas, D.H. McDaniel, J. J. Alexander, Concepts and Models of Inorganic Chemistry,
3rdEdn., Wiley-India, 2007.
5. M. Bochmann, Orgaonometallics: Complexes with Transition Metal-Carbon Sigma Bonds,
Oxford University Press, 1994.
6. J. P. Collman, R G Finke and and J R Norton ―Principles and Applications of Organo-transition
metal Chemistry‖ University Science Books, 1987.
7. W.K. Li, G.D. Zhou, T. Mak, Advanced Structural Inorganic Chemistry, Oxford University Press,
8. K. C. Nicolaou, ‗Classics in Total Synthesis‘, Vols I-III, Wiley-VCH, 1996; 2003; 2011
Course Outcomes
CO1: Development of skill to evaluate the kinetics of different chemical reactions and to
determine the activation energy for reactions.
CO2: Ability to analyse the thermodynamic parameters in phase equilibrium
CO3: Learn the optical properties of materials and apply this for analytical applications
CO4: Acquire knowledge to create experiments to evaluate physical chemistry concepts.
1. Construction of phase diagram for three component system.
2. Determination of equivalent conductance at infinite dilution of weak electrolytes.
3. Determination of order of reaction for ion exchange reaction.
4. Extraction efficiency of solute from a solution by immiscible solvent method.
5. Determination of calorific value using Bomb calorimeter.
6. Kinematic viscosity of lubricants using Bomb calorimeter.
7. Determination of the formation constant of silver-ammonia complex and stoichiometry
of the complex potentiometerically.
8. Determination of flash point, fire point of a lubricant.
9. Determination of cloud point and pour point of a lubricant.
1. Alexander Findly, „Practical physical chemistry‟, 9th edition, Wiley, 1972.
2. R.C.Das and B.Behera, „Experimental Physical Chemistry‟, Tata McGraw-Hill, 1983.
1. J.B.Yadav, „Advanced Practical Physical Chemistry‟, Krishna Prakashan Media, 29th edition,
2. Francis William Gray, „A Manual of Practical Physical Chemistry‟ Macmillan and Co., Limited,
Course Outcomes
1. G. Svehla, „Vogel‟s Qualitative Inorganic Analysis‟, 7th Edition‟, Prentice Hall, 1996.
2. D.A.Skoog and D.M.West ,‟Analytical Chemistry - An Introduction‟, 4th Edition, CBS Publishing
Japan Ltd., 1986.
Course Outcomes
CO1: Attainment of sound theoretical knowledge in the science, applications and characterization of
surfaces and colloidal state.
CO2: Development of sound theoretical and analytical knowledge in electrochemical principles (both in
ionics and electrodics)
CO3: Ability to apply the electrochemical principles for solving problems and fabrication of energy
storage devices and electrolysis processes.
CO4: Development of analytical skills to predict the speed of chemical reactions and the conditions for
reactions with high yield.
CO5: Sound theoretical knowledge in catalysis and photochemical reactions and exploring its
applications in improving the product yield.
Unit 2 Electrochemistry I
Faraday‘s law, conductivity of electrolytes, applications of conductivity measurements, ionic mobility,
transference number, Debye-Huckel-Onsagar equation of conductivity and its validity for aqueous and
nonaqueous solutions, deviations from the Onsagar equation, activity and activity coefficients in
electrolytic solution, Debye-Huckel theory and its tests and improvements, Onsager equation,
electrochemical potential, electric potential at interfaces,
Course Outcomes
CO1: Understand the principles, concept and application of reterosynthesis
CO2: Utilise organometallic chemistry and protecting group strategy in planning the synthesis of
complex target compounds.
CO3: Understand the functional group interconversions and the formation of carbon-carbon, C-
N, C-O bonds by using various reagents and protecting groups.
CO4: Appreciate the role of the synthetic organic chemist in pharmaceutical and agricultural
research and development.
Unit 3 Organometallic reagents: Preparation, properties and reactions of organo lithium, organosilicon,
organozinc (Reformatsky reaction) and organomagnesium reagents (Barbier and Grignard),
organocadmium, organo mercury reagents based organometallic reactions involving C-C bond formation.
Selected functional group transformations in organic synthesis. Preparation and reactions of Organo
copper, organopalladium,- Wacker process – Heck reaction, cross coupling, carbonylation reaction,
organonickel, organo cobalt and organo rhodium reagents – Olefin metathesis reaction. Reactions and
applications of Organoboron, organo silicon and organotin compounds.
1. Modern Organic Synthesis, Dale L. Boger, The Scripps Research Institute, Rush Press, San
Diego, California, 2001
2. Francis A.Carey and Richard J. Sundberg, ―Advanced Organic Chemistry - Part B: Reactions
and Synthesis‖, 5th Edition, Springer, 2008.
3. R.O.C. Norman and J.M. Coxon, ―Principles of organic synthesis‖, CRC press, 2014
Course Outcomes
CO1: Ability to understand the various modes of arrangement of atoms in a crystal system
CO2: Apply basic rules of electron orbitals to predict molecular structure and properties
CO3: Understand the various methods involved in the synthesis of solid state materials
CO4: Apply various analytical techniques for the characterization of solid state materials.
1. D. Jiles, ―Magnetism and Magnetic Materials‖, Chapman and Hall, London, 1991.
2. R. E. Hummel, ―Electronic Properties of Materials‖, 3rd ed., Springer-Verlag, New York, 2001.
3. Schubert, U. and Hüsing, N, Synthesis of Inorganic Materials, 3rd edn, VCH-Wiley Verlag
GmbH, Weinheim, 2012
4. W.D. Kingery, H.K. Dowen and R.D. Uhlman, Introduction to Ceramics, John Wiley.
5. F.H. Norton, Elements of Ceramics,.
6. M.W. Barsoum, Fundamentals of Ceramics, McGraw Hill.
7. Material Science and Engineering, S.K. Hajra Choudhury, Indian Book Dist.
8. B D Fahlman, Materials Chemistry, 2nd Edition, Springer, 2011
9. Stefan Kaskel, The Chemistry of Metal–Organic Frameworks: Synthesis, Characterization, and
Applications, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH, 2016
18CHY604 Bio-inorganic Chemistry 3 0 0 3
Course Outcomes:
CO1 Skill to apply the principles of coordination chemistry in understanding functions of
biological systems.
CO2 Sound knowledge in the interaction of metal ions with biological environments.
CO3 Able to explain how the nature adapts certain properties of metal centres for specific
applications and the role of metal ions in metalloenzymes for catalysing reactions that are
energetically and stereo selectively very difficult.
CO4 Skill in understanding the mechanism of metalloenzymes by applying the suitable
spectroscopic and other techniques
CO5 Understanding the role of metal ions as diagnostic and therapeutic agent. Also have the
ability to explain the mechanism of metal toxicity.
Unit 1:
Basics in bio-inorganic chemistry
Essential elements in biological systems, transport of ions across biological membranes, active
and passive transport, metal transport and metallochaperons, Na+/K+ pump and active transport.
Metal complexation with biological molecules. Electron transport in biology, electron transport
chain (ETC), role of ETC in biological systems. Amino acids, peptides and proteins, primary
and secondary structure of proteins, α-helix and β-sheets forms of proteins and their special
features; tertiary and quaternary structures of proteins the type of molecular interactions
involved in them. Reactive oxygen species (ROS), generation and function of organic free
radicals, action of ROS in biological systems, oxidative stress, antioxidants. Photosynthesis,
PS-I and PS–II.
Unit 2:
Oxygen take-up, transport and storage proteins
Porphine, corrin, corrole, chlorin and bacteriochlorin. Myoglobin (Mb) and hemoglobin (Hb),
their prosthetic groups and functions, mechanism for reversible binding of O2 in Mb and Hb.
Cooperative effect in Hb and its consequence. Behaviour of bound O2 to Fe(II). Difference
between O2 and CO binding to Hb and Mb, CN‒ poisoning. Structure and functions of
haemerythrin (Hr) and haemocyanin (Hc), O2 binding nature in Hr and Hc, electron transfer
processes in them. Cytochromes and their role in biology, cytochrome P-450, cytochrome Coxidase
and oxygen transfer from O2 to non-activated substrates, monooxygenases, methane
monooxygenase (MMO). Fe-S and other non-heme iron proteins, ferredoxins-their structure and
special properties, transferrin, ferritin, siderophores, enterobactin, uptake, transport and storage
of iron. Sickle-cell anemia
Unit 3:
Catalases – structure and properties reaction mechanism. Peroxidases- glutathione peroxidase,
HRP, structure and properties and enzyme reaction mechanism. Cytochrome c peroxidase and
lignin peroxidase. Copper enzymes-structure and function, azurin, plastocyanin. Type I, II and
III copper proteins. Superoxide dismutase (SOD) - structure and enzymatic reaction
mechanisms. Tyrosinase, reaction mechanism. Zn-containing enzymes, carbonic anhydrase and
carboxy-peptidases-structure and enzymatic reactions. N2 fixation, nitrogenase enzyme, Fe-S
clusters, Fe-protein structure, Mo-Fe protein structure, P-cluster and M-centre, their model
Unit 4:
Other functional roles of metal ions
Zn in biological systems, Zn-finger proteins – structural features and properties, classifications
and their roles in biological systems. Ca2+ binding proteins, calmodulins. Metal ion based (Pt, V,
Au) drugs, anticancer agents. Cis-platin and its properties. Chelation therapy, macrocyclic
antibiotics. Role of Mn, Ni, Mo and Cr in biological systems, metal toxicity and homeostasis,
therapeutic complexes. Diseases caused by both excess and deficiency of metal ions,
thalassaemia, Wilson disease. DNA intercalators, diagnostic agents, MRI imaging and contrast
agents, the role of Gd3+ and other metal ions as contrast agents.
Unit 5:
Biomimetic compounds, metals in medicine
Porphyrins (H2P) and metalloporphyrins (MP), spectral, fluorescence and redox properties of
H2P and MP. Biomimetic compounds. Fe(II), Co(II) and Cu(II) based model compounds model
compounds of Mb and Hc –. ‗picket-fence‘ porphyrin and its special features. Photodynamic
therapy (PDT), principles and applications. Natural and synthetic ionophores, crown ethers,
interaction and uptake of alkali metal and alkaline earth metal ions with crown ethers, cryptands
and cryptates, calixarenes and their special properties, cyclo-dextrins and their special
1. J.E. Huheey, R.A. Keiter, R.L. Keiter, Inorganic Chemistry-Principles of Structure and
Reactivity, 4th Edn., Prentice Hall, 1997.
2. F.A. Cotton, G. Wilkinson, C.A. Murillo, M. Bochmann, Advanced Inorganic Chemistry,
6th Edn., Wiley-Interscience, 1999.
3. P. Atkins, T. Overton, J. Rourke, M. Weller, F. Armstrong, Shriver and Atkins Inorganic
Chemistry, 4th Edn., Oxford University Press, 2006.
1. S. J. Lippard, J. M. Berg, Principles of Bioinorganic Chemistry, University Science
Books, 1994.
2. J. D. Atwood, Inorganic and Organometallic Reaction Mechanism, 2nd Edn., Wiley-VCH,
3. B.E. Douglas, D.H. McDaniel, J. J. Alexander, Concepts and Models of Inorganic
Chemistry, 3rd Edn., Wiley-India, 2007.
4. W. Kaim, B. Schwederski, Bioinorganic Chemistry: Inorganic Elements in the Chemistry
of Life, John Wiley & Sons, 1994.
5. M. N. Hughes, The Inorganic Chemistry in Biological Processes, Wiley (1981
CO1: Ability to engage in safe laboratory practices handling laboratory glassware, equipments, and
chemical reagents
CO2: Capacity in predicting the outcome of some simple organic reactions, using a basic understanding
of the relative reactivity of functional groups.
1. P.W.G. Smith, A.J.Hannaford, B.S.Furnis and A.R. Tatchell, ―Vogel‘s Textbook of Practical
Organic Chemistry‖, ELBS/Longman, 1989.
2. Ralph L.Shriner, Christine K.F.Hermann, Terence C.Morrill, David Y.Curtin, Reynold C.Fuson,
‗Systematic Identification of Organic Compounds‘, John Wiley & Sons, 2003.
3. Mann and Saunders, ‗Practical Organic Chemistry‘, Pearson edition, 2009
5. Determination of stoichiometry and stability constant of inorganic (ferric-salicylic
1. Alexander Findly, „Practical physical chemistry‟, 9 edition, Wiley, 1972.
2. R.C. Das and B.Behera, „Experimental Physical Chemistry‟, Tata McGraw-Hill, 1983.
1. J.B.Yadav, „Advanced Practical Physical Chemisty‟, Krishna Prakashan Media, 29 edition, 2010.
2. Francis William Gray, „A Manual of Practical Physical Chemistry‟ Macmillan and Co., Limited,
18CHY696 Dissertation Cr 14
Course Outcomes
CO1: Capacity to demonstrate the chemical experiments related to chemical industries in the field of
research and development, production unit.
CO2: Ability to analyze the structural features of chemical compound and their properties and to apply in
quality control area
Employability: An ability to conduct appropriate experimentations, analyse, interpret data and apply
scientific judgements to draw conclusions. Finally this work should lead to good quality publication.
Course Outcomes
CO1: Understand the fundamental concepts of electrochemistry through electrode potential and reaction
CO2: Learn the application of the electrochemical principles for the functioning and fabrication industrial
batteries and fuel cells
CO3: Analysis of practical problem solving in fabricating batteries and fuel cells
Origin of potential - electrical double layer - reversible electrode potential - standard hydrogen electrode -
emf series - measurement of potential - reference electrodes (calomel and silver/silver chloride) indicator
and ion selective electrodes - Nernst equation - irreversible processes - kinetic treatment - Butler-Volmer
equation - Overpotential, activation, concentration and IR overpotential - its practical significance - Tafel
equation and Tafel plots - exchange current density and transfer coefficients.
1. Dell, Ronald M Rand, David AJ, „Understanding Batteries‟, Royal Society of Chemistry, (2001).
2. M. Aulice Scibioh and B. Viswanathan „Fuel Cells – principles and applications‟, University
Press, India (2006).
1. Kanani N, „Electroplating and electroless plating of copper and its alloy‟, ASM International,
Metals Park, OH and Metal Finishing Publications, Stevenage, UK (2003).
2. Curtis, „Electroforming', London, (2004).
3. F. Barbir, „PEM fuel cells: theory and practice‟, Elsevier, Burlington, MA, (2005).
4. G. Hoogers, „Fuel cell handbook‟, CRC, Boca Raton, FL, (2003).
Course Outcomes
1. Mars G.Fontana, „Corrosion Engineering‟, 3rd edition, Tata Mcgraw-Hill, 2005.
2. P.E.Philip A.Schieitzer, „Corrosion Engineering Handbook‟, 2nd edition, Inco alloys Internaional,
1. R.Winston Revie and Herbert H Uhlig, „Corrosion and Corrosion Control‟, 4th edition, John
Wiley & Sons, 2008.
2. Zaki Ahmad, „Principles of Corrosion Engineering and corrosion‟, 3rd edition John Wiley &
Sons, 2006.
3. Raj Narayana, “An introduction to metallic corrosion and its prevention, 1981.
4. Fontana and Mars,G, “Corrosion Engineering”, Mc Graw Hill Publications, 3rd edition, 1987.
5. H.H Uhlig and R.W. Reviees, 'Corrosion and its Control', Wiley, 1985.
Course Outcomes
CO1 Develop fundamental understanding of the principles of Green Chemistry and a quantitative
estimation of greenness of a chemical reaction through sustainability metrices.
CO2 Understand the alternate solvents systems and green solvents available for application in industrial
CO3 Analyze industrial catalytic processes regarding sustainability.
1. Mukesh Doble and AnilkumarKruthiventi, „Green Chemistry and Processes‟, reprint, Science
Press, 2007.
2. Paul T. Anastas and Tracy C. Williamson, „Green chemistry: frontiers in benign chemical
syntheses and processes‟, Oxford University Press, 1998.
1. V. K.Ahluwallia, „Green Chemistry - Environmentally Benign Reactions‟, 1st edition, Ane books
Pvt Ltd, 2009.
2. M. M. Srivastava, Rashmi Sanghi, „Green Chemistry - Environment Friendly Alternatives‟, 2nd
edition, Narosa Publishing House, 2005.
Course Outcomes
CO2: Understand the structure, composition, method of preparation and properties of supports used in
catalytic systems
Text books
Unit 1
Unit 2
Lipids and mineralsLipids -Nomenclature and structures of fatty acids, classifications of lipids,
physical and chemical characteristics of different fats, relationship between chemical structure
and fat melting properties, analytical methods for determining different physical and
chemical characteristics of fat, lipid oxidation mechanisms, principles and applications of
analytical methods for the determination of fat content and fatty acid composotions of foods. Minerals
-Ash determination methods, principles and applications of different methods for
determining individual minerals –atomic absorption and flame spectrometry‘s, and chemical methods.
Unit 4
VitaminsVitamins -Water soluble and fat soluble vitamins, chemical reactions and losses of vitamins
during processing and storage. Principles and techniques for the determination.
Unit 5
Pigments in food flavours, browing reaction in foods, Enzymes in foods, and food industry, bio-
deterioration of foods, food contaminants, Food additives and toxin.
Fennema‘s Food Chemistry fourth edition,edited by S. Damodaran, K.L. Parkin, and O.R
Fennema, 2007 published by CRC Press .SUGGESTED READINGS1.Aurand, L.W. and Woods,
A.E. 1973. Food Chemistry. AVI, Westport2.Birch, G.G., Cameron, A.G. and Spencer, M.1986.
Food Science, 3rdED.Pergamon Press, New york.3.Fennema O.R. Ed. 1976. Principles of Food
Science: Part –I Food Chemistry. Marcel Dekker, New york.4.Meyer, L.H. 1973. Food Chemistry.
East –West Press Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.5.Potter, N.N. 1978. Food Science. 3rdEd. AVI, Westport
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 4
Unit 5
1.F.W. Billmayer, ‗Textbook of Polymer Science‘, 3rdEdition, Wiley. N.Y. 1991. 2.J.M.G Cowie,
‗Polymers: Physics and Chemistry of Modern Materials‘, 2ndedition, Blackie Academic and
professional, 1991. 3.P.J. Flory, ‗Principles of polymer chemistry‘, reprint, Cornell University Press,
1953. REFERENCES: 1.F. Ullrich, ‗Industrial Polymers‘, Kluwer, N.Y. 1993. 2.H.G.Elias,
‗Macromolecules, Vol. I & II‘, Academic, 1991. 3.Harry A Allcock, Frederick W Lampe and
James E Mark, ‗Contemporary Polymer Chemistry‘, 3rdedition, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2003.
Unit 1
Introduction to Paints and Paint Technology General introduction to paint industry -definition of
paints, varnishes and lacquers their con-stitution and functions, general classification of surface
coatings -decorative and protective coatings -paint industries in India.
Unit 2
Pigments Dyes and Extenders Definition and classification of pigments and dyes -properties and
evaluation of pigments such as crystal structure particle size and shape, refractive index and
Hiding power, oil ab-sorption, colour, specific gravity and bulking value, UV and IR
absorption, light fastness, resistance to heat water, alkali and acid, corrosion inhibition,
toxicity, reducing power, tint-ing strength, flooding and floating, settling, volatile and water
soluble matter, residue on sieve, bleeding -white pigments and colored pigments -organic and
inorganic pigments -industrial manufacture of pigments -special effect pigments -Extenders -use and
functions of extenders -examples for extenders.
Unit 3
Binding media, solvents and additives in paintsFundamentals of film formers, chemical structure
of monomers, functionality and its deter-mination, degree of polymerization and molecular
weight, non-convertible and convertible film formers, linear, branched and cross linked film
formers, homopolymers and copolymers -Manufacture, chemistry and applications of alkyd resins,
Polyester resins, Phenolic Resins, amino resins, epoxy resins, polyamide resins, polyurethanes,
silicone resins, vinyl and acrylic resins -emulsions -polystyrene and styrene-acrylic emulsions.
Solvents, dryers, surfactants and other additives in paints.
Unit 4
Colour Technology, Paint properties and Quality Control in Paint Industries
Colour science and technology -light spectrum, primary and complemenary colours, colour mixing,
dimensions of colour and colour systems, colour measurements, computer colour matching -
colour coding system -General properties of paints, classification of paint prop-erties -adhesion and
cohesion properties, factors affecting adhesion wetting power, optical properties; colour, gloss,
hiding, etc, physical, chemical and mechanical properties of paint films -factors affecting
coating properties -rheological properties -Newtonian and non-Newtonian liquids, thixo-tropy,
factors affecting viscosity, objectives of paint testing -Quali-ty control procedures, standard
specifications and test methods -tests on liquid paints densi-ty, dispersion, viscosity and consistency,
wet opacity and dry hiding, spreading capacity and spreading rim, wet and dry rim thickness, drying
time, etc. -Tests of dried coatings, colour and colour fastness, light fastness, gloss, flexibility,
adhesion impact test, hardness mar re-sistance, abrasion resistance water and moisture resistance;
water vapour transmission, PAC and salt spray test resistance, resistance to chemicals and solvents,
resistance to heat and fire, air permeability -evaluation of water based paints, biological effects on
paint films. Analysis of paints and varnishes; volatile and nonvolatile matter pigment content, binder
or solid vehi-cle content, water content, ash content, pigment binder and solvent analysis -Ageing
proper-ties of coatings, weatherometery, natural outdoor durability test accelerated outdoor weather-
ing, artificial weathering tests, defects observed in paint film on exposure.
1. Australian OCCA, ‗Surface Coating Technology Volume 1‘, Chapman and Hall,
2. W.M.Morgan, ‗Outline of Paint Technology‘, John Wiley sons, 1990.
Origin of forensic science, need for forensic science, trace and contact evidence, marks and
impression, examination of documents, blood stain analysis, microscope in analysis, explo-
sives, chemical analysis of explosives, forensic laboratories and courses in India.
Introduction to Toxicology, alcohol and human body, testing of blood alcohol concentration, Toxins
& Biological Poisons, Measuring Toxicity as LD50, sample and analysis, inorganic poisons,
nerve agents, radioactive toxins, Pharmacokinetics and Toxicokinetics, tests for tox-ins, reported
case studies.
Introduction, tissue and fluid specimens, specimen collection and storage, extraction proce-
dure, analytical techniques, interpretation, case studies
Reference Books:
1.Lawrence Kobilinsky, Forensic Chemistry Handbook, John Wiley & Sons, New Jer-sey, 2012
2.David E. Newton, Forensic Chemistry, Facts On File, Inc, New York, 2007
3.Jay A. Siegel, Forensic Chemistry fundamentals and applications, Wiley Balckwell.
4.Suzanne Bell, Drugs, Poisons, and Chemistry, Facts On File, Inc. New York, 2009.
Course Outcomes
CO1: Understand the role of aminoacids, proteins and peptides in biology along with their application.
CO2: Able to describe the basic properties, mechanisms of action and applications of enzymes
CO3: Gain knowledge in nucleic acids, antibodies, recombtinant DNAand gene analyses.
1. Hermann Dugas, „Bioorganic Chemistry - A Chemical Approach to Enzyme Action‟, 3rd edition,
2. Keith Wilson and John Walker, „Principles and Techniques of Biochemistry and Molecular
Biology‟, 6th edition, Cambridge University Press.
Course Outcomes
CO1: To gain knowledge about various water treatment processes adopted in industries
CO2: To provide in-depth overview on production, refining and processing of various types of fuels
CO3: To understand the importance and preparative methods of explosives and chemical weapons
CO4: To learn the manufacturing process of paints and pigments and to develop ability to scale up the
products prepared in the laboratory to the industrial level
CO5: To obtain a comprehensive knowledge of various energy resources used commercially
CO6: To calculate, analyse and execute different types of industrial processes
Softening of water, Ion exchange process, Lime soda process, Modified Lime soda process, Zeolite
process, Chemical and physical method of sterilization, Desalination, Boiler problems. Corrosion of
boiler units, industrial water treatment, water analysis.
Unit 2 Fuels
Calorific value, determination of Calorific value, classification of fuels, Solid fuels, Properties of fuels,
classification of coal, coking and non-coking coals, advantages and disadvantages of solid fuels. Liquid
fuels, gaseous fuels, analysis of fuel gases, Distillation of petroleum. Processing & purification of
petroleum and petroleum products, Flash point, Fire point, Knocking, antiknocking, Cetane number,
octane number, natural gasoline, cracking, polymerization, alkylation, isomerisation, rocket fuels, fossil
fuel, nuclear fuels.
White pigment, blue, green, yellow, black and red pigments - manufacture, physical properties,
characteristics, Manufacture of paints, setting of paints, requirement for good paints, emulsion paint, latex
paint, luminescent paint, fire retardant paints, heat resistant paints, varnishes, manufacture of varnishes,
enamels, lacquers.
1. Alan Heaton, „An Introduction to Industrial chemistry‟, 3rd edition, Blackie Academic and
professional, 1996.
2. Chris A Clausen and Guy Mattson, „Principles of industrial chemistry‟, 2nd edition Wiley, 1978.
3. Jonathan Steed, „Core Concepts on supramolecular chemistry and nanochemistry‟, Wiley Eastern
Publishers, 2006.
Course Outcomes
CO1: To understand the physicochemical properties of drug and its metabolic pathways, adverse effect
and therapeutic value of drugs.
CO2: To know the role of enzymes and vitamins in biological action.
CO3: To understand the chemistry of various drugs with respect to their pharmacological activity
Unit 1 Medicinal chemistry: Introduction, drugs – classification of drugs – mechanism of drug action.
Drug-receptor complex, nomenclature – agonist,
Unit 2 Physicochemical properties of drugs in relation to biological action: solubility, Partition
coefficient, dissociation constant, hydrogen bonding, ionization, drug shape, surface activity,
complexation, protein binding, molar refractivity, bioisosterism – stereo chemical aspects of drug action.
Unit 2: Enzymes, hormones and Vitamins - representative cases, nomenclature, classification and
characteristics of enzymes, mechanism of enzyme action, factors affecting enzyme action, co-factors and
co-enzymes, enzymes in organic synthesis, mechanism of enzyme catalysis, enzyme inhibition.
Hormones and vitamins – representative cases.
1. John M beak and John H Block, „T Wilson, O. Gisvold and R. F. Deorge - Text book of Organic,
Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry‟, 7th edition, J.B. Lippincott Williams and Wilkons
Company, 1977.
2. A.Burger, „Medicinal Chemistry‟, 3rd edition, Wiley Interscience, 1970.
3. V.K.Ahluwalia and Madhu Chopra, „Medicinal Chemistry‟, Ane Books pvt Ltd, 2008.
Course Outcomes
CO1: Understand the Criteria for modeling the different methods available in computation.
CO2: Understand Quantum mechanical approach and to apply the mathematical skill and knowledge
along with quantum mechanical approach to find the characteristics- reactivity, stability, etc., of the
molecule and to calculate the energy of a system.
CO3: Ability to get a brief idea about molecular mechanics based calculations.
CO4: Capacity to get an idea about general methodology of molecular modeling.
CO5: Capability to get the basic idea of Density functional theory for the computation.
Unit 1 - Introduction
Introduction to molecular mechanics, forcefield, developing a force field - expression for potential energy
of a molecule, bond stretching term, angle bending term, torsional term and nonbonded interaction
term,parameterizing a forcefield -parameterizingbond stretching term, angle bending term, torsional term
and nonbonded interaction term, calculation using forcefield - compare the energies of two 2, 2, 3, 3-
tetramethylbutane geometries, illustration of application (use) ofmolecular mechanics - calculation of
geometries and energies of small-sized and medium-sized molecules, polymers and transition states
(transition state for the Diels-Alder reaction of butadiene with ethene to form cyclohexene), in organic
synthesis for predicting the more suitable path for carrying out the synthesis and calculation of normal-
mode vibrational frequencies for characterizing a species as a minimum or a transition state or higher-
order saddle point, for obtaining zero-point energies to correct frozen-nuclei energies and for interpreting
or predicting IR spectra, strength (merit) and weakness (demerit) of molecular mechanics.
Introduction to semiempirical (SE) methods, Simple Huckel Method (SHM) - theory - expression for
calculating energy of a molecular species, expression for molecular wave function based on LCAO
approximation, secular equations and the single matrix equation, H, C, S and ε matrices and their
interpretation, the values of Hij as zero, coulomb integral α and bond integral β and their physical
significance, the H matrix in terms of α, β and zero for ethene system(ethene neutral molecule, ethene
radical cation and ethene radical anion), propenyl system (propenyl cation, propenyl neutral radical and
propenyl anion) and cyclobutadiene system (square cyclobutadiene dication, square cyclobutadiene
neutral molecule and square cyclobutadiene dianion), the H matrix in terms of zero, α = 0 and β =− 1for
ethene systems (ethene neutral molecule, ethene radical cation and ethene radical anion), propenyl system
(propenyl cation, propenyl neutral radical and propenyl anion) and cyclobutadiene system (square
cyclobutadiene dication, square cyclobutadiene neutral molecule and square cyclobutadiene dianion),
result of diagonalization of the H matrices written for ethene system, propenyl system and cyclobutadiene
system, molecular orbital energy level diagrams and expressions for energy and molecular wave
functionsfor ethene system, propenyl system and cyclobutadiene system based on the result of
diagonalization of the H matrices, and molecular orbital energy level diagrams for ethene system,
propenyl system and cyclobutadiene system showing ground state and excited state electronic
Application of SHM - nodal properties of molecular orbitals and Woodward-Hoffmann orbital symmetry
rule, stability towards oxidation and reduction of various species in ethene system, propenyl system and
cyclobutadiene system, geometry of cyclobutadiene molecule as predicted by SHM and its Jahn-Teller
distortion, aromaticity and Huckel‘s (4n + 2) π electron rule,and calculation of resonance (stabilizing)
energy, bond order and atomic charges of various species in ethene system, propenyl system and
cyclobutadiene system, strength of SHM, weakness of SHM (detailed explanation) - basis set is limited to
p orbitals (pz orbitals), it treats only π electrons, and the overlap integrals, Fock matrix elements, electron
spin and electron-electron repulsion are not calculated/accounted properly, Extended Huckel Method
(EHM) - minimal valence basis set, calculation of Fock matrix elements, and calculation of overlap
integrals by Lowdin orthogonalization, EHM procedure, EHM calculation on protonated helium
molecule, application of EHM - an overall idea, strength and weakness of EHM, SCF SE methods -
Pariser-Parr-Pople (PPP) method and Complete Neglect of Differential Overlap (CNDO) method - basic
principle (an exhaustive treatment is not expected).
Introduction to Density Functional theory and calculations, Kohn-Sham approach - the first and the
second Hohenberg-Kohn theorems, introduction to ab initio method and calculation, basis sets for H, He
and first, second and third row elements used in ab initio calculations - STO-3G, 3-21G, 3-21G(*) and 6-
31G*, these basis sets for a few molecular species (water, methane and carbene), basic principles of ab
initio method (an idea only).
Text Book
Unit 1
Green Chemistry and SustainabilityHistory of green chemistry, Chemical composition of the,
environment (Air, water & soil-Role of organic and inorganic molecules in pollution), the twelve
principles of green chemistry (detailed description with examples), green chemistry as an expression of
envi-ronmental ethics (Thrift Chemistry),the concept of sustainability, from green to sustainable
chemistry, sustainable use of chemical feedstock, water and energy, quantifying greenness of a chemical
reaction, green chemistry metrics-mass based, energy and environmental metrics,designing greener
process, life cycle assessment (introduction and scope),Green toxicology-the need, principles of
toxicology, Disposition of Toxicants in Organisms, Non-Organ Sys-tem Toxicity, Mechanistic
Toxicology, Quantitative Structure–Activity Relationships, (Envi-ronmental Toxicology-Persistence and
bioaccumulation), Non-Cancer risk assessment, Can-cer risk assessment, stakeholders in sustainable
policy implementation.
Unit 2
Chemistry in waterDefinition and attributes of a green solvent, the principle and reasons for use of water
in green chemistry-hydrophobicity-cyclodextrin chemistry, Lewis acids in aqueous media, Michael
addition in water using triflates, green processes with base in water, green oxida-tions and reduction in
water, on water conditions, use of water in microwave and ultrasonic technology.
Unit 3
Unit 4
Green Chemistry and CatalysisImportance of catalysis, turn over number and frequency, the basis of
catalysis-kinetic phenomenon, basics of homogeneous, heterogeneous and biocatalysis, sabatier‘s
principle, catalyst -deactivation, sintering, thermal degradation, inhibition and poisoning, cat- alyst
promoters, modifiers, supported catalysts and reagents for green chemistry-heterogen-ized reactions for
green chemistry, preparation of solid catalyst-slurry and co-precipitation, impregnation, hydrothermal
synthesis-drying, calcination, activation and forming, selecting the right support, catalyst characterization-
surface characterization methods, temperature programmed techniques, spectroscopyand
microscopy.Common mechanism in enzyme ca-talysis immobilized enzymes, developing biocatalyst-
rational design and directed evolution, non-enzymatic biocatalysts.
Unit 5
Green Chemistry Technologies and Alternate Energy SourcesDesign for Energy Efficiency,
Photochemical Reactions Advantages of and Challenges Faced by Photochemical Processes
(Examples)Microwaves as energy source in chemistry-properties of microwaves, microwave heating
(Effects), Approaches to Microwave-assisted Organic Chemistry-solvent free meth-ods, MORE
chemistry, continuous microwave reactor (CMR)-microwave batch reactor (MBR), examples of organic
transformations.Sonochemistry and Green Chemistry-Theoretical Basis-Cavitation Inception, Nu-
cleation-Bubble Dynamics-examples of organic transformations, Sono-chemical synthesis of nano-
structured materials, Electrochemical Synthesis-materials manufactured using the process, organic elec-
trosynthesis-3-bromothiophen from thiopheneRenewable Sources of Energy, Solar Energy, Wind Power,
Geothermal Solution, Hy-dropower (Sources, Merits and Difficulties in widespread applications), Indian
Energy sce-nario-Energy Conservation act (2001)-features.
1.Green chemistry and engineering A Pathway to Sustainability, Anne E. Marteel-Parrish, Martin A.
Abraham, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Inc, John Wiley & Sons, Inc 2014.
2.Synthetic organic Sonochemistry, Jean-Louis luche, Springer Science+Business Me-dia New York,
3.New Methodologies and Techniques for a Sustainable Organic Chemistry, Ales-sandro Mordini and
FerencFaigl, Springer, 2008.
4.Green chemistry, Fundamentals and Applications, Suresh C. Ameta and RakshitAme-ta, CRC press,
Taylor & Francis Group, 2013
5.Handbook of Green Chemistry, Vol5 Green Solvents-Reactions in Water, PualT An-astas, Chao Jun Li
6.Sonochemistry: theory, reactions, syntheses, and applications, Filip M. Nowak, Nova Science
Publishers, Inc, 2010.
7.Green Chemistry Metrics, A Guide to Determining and Evaluating Process Green-ness, Dicks, Andrew,
Hent,Andrei, SpringerBriefs in Green Chemistry for Sustaina-bility, 2015
8.Catalysis: concepts and applications, Gadi Rothenberg,Wiley-VCH Verlag& Co. KGaA, Weinheim,
Germany, 2008
18CHY644 Sustainable Techniques in Chemical Sciences 3003
Homogeneous catalysis: The Shell higher olefin process (SHOP) and Du Pont synthe-sis of
AdiponitrileHeterogeneous catalysis: The BP AVADA ethyl acetate process
1.Management Principles of Sustainable Industrial Chemistry, Genserik L.L. Reniers, Kenneth Sorensen,
and Karl Vrancken (Eds), Wiley-VCHVerlag& Co. KGaA, Boschstr. 12, 69469 Weinheim, Germany,
2.Sustainable Development in Practice, Azapagic, A., Perdan, S. (eds.), Wiley-VCH Verlag& Co. KGaA,
Boschstr. 12, 69469 Weinheim, Germany, 2011
3.The Art of Process Chemistry, Yasuda, N. (ed.), Wiley-VCH Verlag& Co. KGaA, Boschstr. 12, 69469
Weinheim, Germany, 2011
4.Sustainable Industrial Chemistry, Centi, G., Trifiro, F., Perathoner, S., Cavani, F. (eds.), Wiley-VCH
Verlag& Co. KGaA, Boschstr. 12, 69469 Weinheim, Germany, 2009
5.Green chemistry, Fundamentals and Applications, Suresh C. Ameta and RakshitAme-ta, CRC Press,
Apple Academic Press, Inc, Taylor & Francis Group, 2013
6.Catalysis: concepts and applications, Gadi Rothenberg,Wiley-VCH Verlag& Co. KGaA, Weinheim,
Germany, 2008
Unit 1
Evolution of advertising; Social and economic effects of advertising; Advertising agency system;
advertising budget; Legal and ethical aspects of advertising;
Unit 2
Marketing; Market segmentation; Social marketing; Consumer behaviour; Factors influencing consumer
behaviour, buying behaviour, buying decision process;
Unit 3
Planning advertising campaigns; Advertising copy, visualization, illustration, layout, headline, body,
colour, trademarks, slogans; Television and Radio commercials; Media selection, newspaper, magazines,
radio, television, Internet, outdoor, direct mail;
Unit 4
Unit 5
1. B.S. Rathor; Advertising management
2. Chunnawala: Advertising theory and Practice
3. Sandage and others: Advertising: Theory and Practice
4. Thomas Russell and Glenn Verrill: Otto cleppner‟s advertising Procedure
5. Manendra Mohan: Advertising Management: Concepts and cases
6. Philip Kotler: Marketing Management
7. David Aaker and George day: Marketing Research
8. Mahendra Mohan: Advertising Management; Concepts and Cases
9. Frank Jefkins: Advertising Made Simple
Introduction to Statistics: Meaning and scope of statistics, limitations of statistics, purpose and scope of
Unit 2
Methods of collecting data - primary and secondary data, classification of data, tabulation of data,
frequency table.
Unit 3
Presenting data by diagrams and graphs - bar diagram - simple, multiple, component and percentage bar
diagram, pie diagram, histogram, frequency polygon and frequency curve, less than ogive and greater
than ogive.
Unit 4
Unit 5
Objective: The course is aimed at encouraging young educated rural men and women tohighlight local
issues and imparting the required skills to articulate them in the media.
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Lack of potable water – women having to trek distances to fetch drinking water for the family.
Unit 4
The story of electrification of villages – Official claims and reality, Schools without teachers, primary
health centres without doctors.
Unit 5
Farmers caught in between labour shortage, high wages, rising cost of inputs and
indebtedness due to crop failure and middlemen taking the profit from farm products.
1. Allan, S. (2009). Citizen journalism: Global perspectives (Vol. 1). Peter Lang.
2. Thorsen, E., & Allan, S. (2014). Citizen Journalism: Global Perspectives - Volume 2. Peter Lang
International Academic Publishers.
3. Wall, M. (2012). Citizen Journalism: Valuable, Useless, Or Dangerous?. International Debate
Education Association.
4. Allan, S. (2013). Citizen witnessing: Revisioning journalism in times of crisis. John Wiley & Sons.
Overview of the Course: The course focuses on those elements of writing that enhances thevivid and
effective writing skill among students across genres like fiction, poetry, essay and drama drawing their
attention to significant details, lyrical language and memorable images; inventive metaphor and simile;
authentic voice, dialogue and characterization.
Objectives: To develop students talent for creative writing in English in order to enable them touse
language effectively; to introduce the concept of creative writing; to acquaint students with the basic
principles and techniques involved in writing poetry, fiction and drama.
Unit 1
Introduction to Creative Writing – meaning and context of using creative writing, Difference between
creative writing and functional writing.
Importance of reading – Reading practice for closer observation of the elements of creative writing.
Unit 2
Imaginative writing – idiomatic expression, use of imagery, figurative language, playing with words.
Reading from poetry and short stories – illustration of the use of imagery, allusion, figures of speech,
allegory and fables.
Unit 3
Unit 4
Short story writing – Narration and description – setting the plot, rising action, climax,
falling action, resolution.
Unit 5
Poetry writing – rhythm and rhyme, Types of poems – Narrative, Dramatic, Lyric.
6. Janet Burroway, Imaginative Writing: The Elements of Craft, Longman, 1st Ed. ISBN: 0321081919
7. Anjana Neira Dev, Anuradha Marwah Swati Pal, Creative writing : A Beginner‟s Manual, Delhi,
Pearson Longman, 2009
8. Robert Scholes, Nancy R Comely, Carl H. Klaus, Michael Silverman, Elements of Literature : Essay,
Fiction, Poetry, Drama Film, Delhi, OUP, 2007
9. Write from the Heart: Unkenling the power of your creativity, Hal Zina Bennet, California Wew
World Library, 2001
Unit 1
Fundamentals of computers
Data & Information, Computer Architecture, CPU & Memory Organization, History of Computer,
Generation of Computer, I/O Devices, Number System, Logic Gates.
Unit 2
Internal devices - Study of PC ATATX System Pentium Core, Core 2 Cord, Core2 Duo, I3, I5, I7
Processor, Mother Board, MB Types, Expansion Slots, Processor, Memory, Hard Disk, CD-R, RW,
Unit 3
External Devices - Dot Matrix Printer, Inkjet Printer, Laser Printer, Modem, Portsand Connectors,
Batteries, Power supply, Pen Drives. Scanner: Photo Scanner, Documents Scanner, Bar Cord Scanner
Introduction of Expansion Card, Assembling of Personal Computer.
Unit 4
Operating System
Basics & Installation - Introduction to OS, Types of Operating systems, System files FAT and NTFS,
Dos 6.22, Windows, XP, Windows Vista, Windows7 and Windows 8and RedHat Linux and Multi Boot
Operating System.
Unit 5
LAB Requirements
Unit 1
Large-scale migration from rural to urban areas: causes and consequences. Statistics,
unemployment, education, health, insurgency (lack of security), lack of infrastructure.
Unit 2
‗Pull‘ and ‗Push‘ factors: Urban centres provide better scope for earning livelihood through
employment in industries, transport, construction, trade, services etc. They act as magnets by
offering modern facilities and ‗pull‘ people from the rural areas, while unemployment,
hunger and starvation and lack of means of livelihood ―push‖ people out of villages into
towns and cities.
Unit 3
Migration from rural areas and their impact on agricultural production due to shortage of labour in those
Unit 4
Mass migration into metropolitan cities – Delhi, Kolkatta, Mumbai and Chennai – and their impact on
civic amenities in the cities – increasing slums, decline in standard of living and environmental
Unit 5
Nuclear family - A side effect of urbanization - Changes in family system brought about by urbanization.
Effects of internal Migration and Net Emigration on a City – Smriti Chand 4 Major
causes of Migration in India – Smriti Chand Human Migration (Cause, Kinds and
Theories) - Negi Mohita
UN state of the World Population Report - 2007
Unit 1
Introduction to photography, role of photographer, Types of cameras - Film camera, Digital Camera,
image file types.
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Unit 5
1. The Basic Book of Photography by Tom Grimm and Michele Grimm, 4th Edition
2. The Manual of Photography: Photographic and Digital Imaging by Ralph E Jacobson, Sidney
3. F Ray, Geoffrey G Attridge, Norman R Axford, 9th Edition
Unit 1
Unit 2
Models of Emotional Intelligence: The Ability-based Model, The Trait Model ofEmotional
Intelligence, Mixed Models of Emotional Intelligence.
Unit 4
Emotional Intelligence at Work place: Importance of Emotional Intelligence atWork place Cost –
savings of Emotional Intelligence, Emotionally Intelligent Leaders, Case Studies
Unit 5
1. Daniel Goleman (1996). Emotional Intelligence - Why it can Matter More than IQ.
Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group
2. Geetu Bharwaney ( 2008 ) . Increase your Emotional Intelligence - Strategies for EI
Living, Jaico Publishing House
3. Jyotsna Codaty ( 2012 ) . Understanding Emotional Intelligence - Pustak Mahal.
Unit 1
Indian Spirituality - Bhagvath Gita: Chapter 10; Upanishad – Isavasyopanishad; Vedic Hymns.
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Unit 5
Yoga and Meditation - The Power of Meditative practices - How to Practise the power of transcendental
awareness - Revising Negative trends into positive - Scientific nature of Sadhana - Spiritual Psychology
- Human energy systems – Chakras.
Objective: The objective of this paper is to help student to have basic understanding ofcinema, study
different aspects of cinema world thereby enabling him to develop the analyzing skill in visual world.
Unit 1
Unit 2
Indian Cinema - Early Indian cinema, History of Malayalam cinema, Key directors in Malayalam
cinema, Key technicians in Malayalam cinema
Unit 3
Unit 4
Different Genres in Cinema and its Features - westerns, musicals horror, fictions, historical,
Unit 5
Film Screening - Citizen Kane, Nanook of the north, Children of heaven, Modern times,
Psycho, Dreams, Home (Documentary), Samsara (Documentary).
Objectives: To understand the basic networking components and installations; to have anindepth
knowledge on network topologies; to understand the network layers and protocols implementation.
Unit 1
Network Components:
Introduction of Network Cable like UTP, STP, Fiber Optics, Hub, Unmanageable Switch, Manageable
Switch, Router, Modem, Wi-Fi, Access Point, PCI Wireless Card, USB Wireless Device, Print Server,
USB Network Sharer, Backup Device, Server Hardware etc.
Unit 2
Basic Network Introduction & Installation - Introduction About Network, Installing Network Operating
System - Windows Server versions, Cable Crimping, Network Sharing and user Permission, Internet
Connection, E-Mail, Google Drive, Dropbox etc.
Unit 3
Transmission Media and Topologies - Media types: STP cable, UTP cable, Coaxial cable, Fiber cable,
Base band and Broadband transmission, Cables and Connectors, Physical and logical topologies, Bus,
Star, Ring and Mesh topologies.
Unit 4
Network protocols - HTTP, FTP and other Different types of protocols, OSI Model, Media Access
Method, DNS services, DHCP services, web services, Proxy Services etc.
Unit 5
IP addressing - Introduction to TCP/IP and Sub-netting, configuring IP address and Network, Routing
protocol basics.
Objective: To sensitize students with the contemporary discourses on gender with specialemphasis on
Unit 1
Women Writing in India 600 B.C. to the Present: Volume I: 600 B.C. to the Early Twentieth Century
(Introduction) - Susie Tharu and K Lalitha
Unit 2 Fiction
Othappu: The Scent of the Other Side - Sara Joseph and Valsan Thampu.
Unit 3 Fiction
Unit 4 Drama
Unit 1
General Introduction, Primitive Man and his modes of exchange – barter system, Prehistoric and proto-
historic polity and social organization. Early India – the Vedic society – the Varnashramadharma –
socio-political structure of the various institutions based on the four purusarthas.
Unit 2
The structure of ancient Indian polity – Rajamandala and Cakravartins – Prajamandala Socio-economic
elements from the two great Epics – Ramayana and Mahabharata Sarasvati - Sindhu Civilization and
India‘s trade links with other ancient civilizations - states and cities of the Indo-Gangetic plain
Unit 3
The rise of Magadha, emergence of new religions – Buddhism and Jainism – and the resultant socio-
economic impact. The emergence of the empire – the Mauryan Economy and Kautilya‘s Arthasastra. Of
Politics and trade – the rise of the Mercantile Community. Elements from the age of the Kushanas and
the Great Guptas. India‘s maritime trade. Dharma at the bedrock of Indian polity – the concept of
Digvijaya: dharma-vijaya, lobha-vijaya and asura-vijaya. Glimpses into the South Indian Economies:
political economies of the peninsula – Chalukyas, Rashtrakutas and Cholas. Medieval India – agrarian
economy, non-agricultural production and urban economy, currency system.
Unit 4
The Indian Market and Economy before the arrival of the European traders. Colonisation – British
attitude towards Indian trade, commerce and economy and the resultant ruining ofIndian economy and
business – man-made famines – the signs of renaissance – the evolution of themodern banking system.
Glimpses into British administration of India and administrative models. The National Movement and
nationalist undertakings in business and industry. Modern India: the growth of large-scale industry –
Irrigation and Railways – Money and Credit – Foreign Trade. Towards Partition – birth of two new
nations – division of property.
Unit 5
The writing of the Indian Constitution – India becomes a democratic republic – a new polity is in place.
India since Independence – the saga of socio-political movements. Indian Economy since Independence
– the Fiscal System – the Five Year Plans – Liberalisation – the GATT and after Globalisation and
Indian Economy. Impact of science and (new/ emerging) technology on Indian economy. Histories of
select Indian business houses and business entrepreneurship.
To understand the basics of computer graphics; to understand the aspects ofimages and sound; to gain
knowledge on designing aspects and to design web pages; to implement the web design using various
tools and to learn about hosting websites.
Unit 1
Introduction to Computer Graphics Definition, Application, Pixel, Frame Buer, Raster and Random Scan
Unit 2
Images – Bitmaps and Grey Scale Images, Image Types – Color Graphics – Color Schemes – Palette
Unit 3
Sound – Analog and Digital Sound – Quantization – Sampling – Sampling Rate – Sound Types.
Unit 4
Introduction to Adobe Photoshop – Image editing tools, Tracing, Static web page template designs
creation – slicing – Various aspects of a static webpage.
Unit 5
Introduction to Dream viewer - tables and tools – Dynamic web page template design creation -
Animations – 2D, 21/2 D and 3D perceptions with examples.
1. Donald Hearn and M. Pauline Baker, Computer Graphics, PHI, New Delhi.
2. Tay Vaughan, Multimedia: Making it Work, Ninth Edition. Tata McGraw-Hill, 2014.
3. Edward Angel, Interactive Computer Graphics: A top-down approach with OpenGL, Fifth Edition.
Addison Wesley, 2008.
4. Alan Watt, 3D Computer Graphics, Third Edition, Addison-Wesley, 2000.
5. Foley, van Dam, Feiner, Hughes. Computer Graphics Principles and Practice, Second Edition in C.
Addison Wesley, 1996.
Objectives: This course shall examine the core principles required to create competitive advantagein
the marketplace by implementing innovative green marketing strategies.
Meaning - Definition - Evolution of green marketing - Assumptions of green marketing - Reasons for
adopting green marketing and benefits of green marketing.
Meaning - concept of GMM – Strategies - Challenges. The concept of Sustainability and Green
Marketing/ Consumers and pioneering efforts in India - Guiding principles of Sustainability and Green
Marketing/ Consumers - Common assumptions and myths of green marketing.
Functions within the market, Role of Wholesalers and Retailers, Role of banking institutions, funders
and donors. Difference between general marketing and green marketing.
To provide students with a detailed understanding about technological applications inthe healthcare
sector with an objective to promote better management of information regarding identification of
biomedical and hospital technology planning, procurement and operation requirements.
Unit 1
Health information technology, Types of technology: Electronic Health Record, Personal health records
(PHRs) Computerized provider order entry (CPOE), Application of HIT – case studies, Visualization of
Medical Data.
Unit 2
Unit 3
Introduction to medical informatics, necessity of standards for e-health, security and cyber laws, ethical
and medico legal issues in patient information exchange; Introduction to medical databases, electronic
medical records, Decision Support Systems, Artificial Intelligence.
Unit 5
Integrated Health information systems, cost effectiveness; Networks, PSTN, ISDN, VSAT, TI,
information compression, storage and transmission standards, wireless telemetry, e-health and
telemedicine and applications.
4. Shortlife E. H. and Cimino J J, Biomedical Informatics: Computer Applications in Health Care and
Biomedicine, Third Edition, Springer-Verlag, 2006.
5. Norris A C, Essentials of Telemedicine and Telecare, John Wiley & Sons, 2002.
6. Diffusion and Value of Healthcare Information Technology, Bower, Anthony G. RAND Corporation
7. Healthcare Analytics for Quality and Performance Improvement. Strome, T.L., John Wiley & Sons,
To Introduce the evolution of English as a language and culture; to acclimatize thestudents with the
history of English Literature; to make students aware of different movements and their effects on the
society and literature.
Unit 1
The Social and Literary context: Medieval and Renaissance (Evolution of English Language and
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
To trace the rise, growth and development of Indian poetry, fiction and drama in English; to provide an
overview of the various phases of the evolution of Indian writing in English, to introduce the students to
the rich and varied literature available in regional languages; to expose them to the Indian mind both
ancient and modern; to inculcate a sense of appreciation for the literary genius; to understand the
fabric of Indian society and the cultural unity of its people.
Unit 1
Introduction to Indian writing in English - development and growth of poetry, fiction and drama - trends
of Indian writing in English.
Unit 2 Poetry
A.K.Ramanujan: A River
Unit 4 Fiction
Unit 5 Drama
On successful completion of this course, the students should have understood theLegislations relating to
Industrial Disputes and Labour welfare.
Unit 1
Industrial relations - industrial disputes - causes - handling and settling disputes - employee grievances -
steps in grievance handling - causes for poor industrial relations - remedies.
Unit 2
Collective Bargaining: - Concept - Principles and forms of collective bargaining - Procedure - conditions
for effective collective bargaining - worker's Participation in management.
Unit 3
Unit 4
The Industrial Disputes Act 1947 - The Trade Union Act, 1926.
Unit 5
The Payment of Wages Act, 1936 - The Employee's State Insurance Act, 1948
Unit 1
Ayurvedic, Yogic and Vedic Lifestyle: Introduction to Ayurveda, Yoga and Veda, life and lifestyle,
daily routine according to Ayurveda, Yoga and Veda like ablution and food system.
Unit 2
Over view of Indian Philosophy: Introduction to Indian Philosophies, difference between Indian
Philosophies and western Philosophies, Basic idea on various Indian Philosophies.
Unit 3
Human mind: States of mind, virtues & vice, causes for distraction, ways to gain one pointed mind.
Unit 4
Eight Limbs of Yoga: Introduction to Yoga Philosophy, benefits of Yoga, goal of yoga, explanation on
Eight Limbs of Yoga.
Unit 5
The course aims to give a general understanding of the basic parts of computer andhow a
computer works.
Unit 1
Hardware Basics – Generation of computers, Types of computers, Parts of a computer, and Functions of
System Modules, Front and rear panel view of system, Safety information while disassembling PC –
Internal structure of PC.
Unit 2
Motherboards: Components and Architecture, features, components, form factor, processor support,
BIOS, IDE and SATA Connectors, External interfaces and connectors, troubleshooting and maintenance
of Mother Boards.
Unit 3
Popular CPU Chips and their Characteristics, Processor Architecture - Processor specifications -
installing and uninstalling processor - CPU Overheating issues – common problems and solutions.
Unit 4
Memory and Storage: Memory features – Types of memory – working - Installing and uninstalling
memory modules – maintenance and troubleshooting – common problems and solutions.
Storage devices – Hard disk details – Working and parts of hard disks – Installing hard disks –
maintenance and troubleshooting.
Unit 5
Power supply – SMPS – features – types – installing SMPS – Specification for SMPS.
Unit 1
Why Event Management, Requirement of Event Manager, Analyzing the events, Scope of the Event,
Decision-makers, Technical Staff, Developing Record-Keeping Systems, Establishing Policies &
Unit 2
Preparing a Planning Schedule, Organizing Tasks, Assigning Responsibility, and Communicating, Using
the Schedule Properly, The Budget, Overall Planning tips, Checklists, Expert Resources, Computer
Software Required.
Unit 3
Who are the people on the Event, Locating People, Clarifying Roles, Developing content Guidelines,
Participant Tips, Reference Checks, Requirement Forms, Introduction, Fees & Honorariums, Expense
Reimbursement, Travel Arrangements, Worksheets.
Unit 4
Types of Events, Roles & Responsibilities of Event Management in Different Events, Scope of the
Work, Approach towards Events.
Unit 5
1. Devesh Kishore, Ganga Sagar Singh - Event Management: A Blooming Industry and an Eventful
Career, Har-anand Publications Pvt. Ltd.
2. Swarup K. Goyal - Event Management, Adhyayan Publisher - 2009
Unit 1
Introduction – Media Business - Media Classification - Mass Media – Niche Media - Addressable
Media and Interactive Media - Media-Intrusiveness.
Unit 2
Print – Media – Newspaper - Principles of Newspaper Business - Classified Ads, Display Ad‘s Display
Ad‘s – Coverage and Audience Measurement - Sales and Pricing – magazines. Directories.
Unit 3
Broadcast Media – Radio – Television - out of Home Media - out door Advertising - Cinema and Video
Non-Traditional Media.
Unit 4
An overview of Media planning - problems of media planning – Developing media plan – Market
Analysis and Target - Interactive and Digital Media.
Unit 5
Establishing media objectives - Developing and Implementing – Evaluation and Follow up - Computers
in Media Planning - Characteristics of Media.
Unit 1
The evolution of the Right to Information in India - the important terms and concepts used in the Act -
the salient features of the Act.
Unit 2
Role of Public Information Officers: PIOs and APIOs - Accepting Information Request, Processing and
The requirement for designation of Information Officers - PIOs / APIOs - in public authorities
Unit 3
Exemptions from Disclosure of Information, Partial Disclosure and ―Third Party‖ Information
1. Specific provisions of the Act which exempt certain kinds of information – the
of such exempted information.
2. Application of public interest test with respect to exempted information.
3. Grounds that allow for partial disclosure of information.
The concept of ‗Third Party' and the issues and considerations revolving around its
Unit 4
Unit 5
Unit 1
Unit 2
Translation and Communication - Information and message; Communication channel - The
sender and the receiver of the message Forms and types of translation.
Unit 3
Translating for the Media: print media – electronic media - Translating various News
reports – Advertisements – editing – interviews – writing Screen Plays and Scripts for radio
and T.V. – spoken media - symposia, conference, platform speech etc.
Unit 4
Unit 5
Introducing various types of translation - Machine Translation - Computer aided translation etc. –
Revising and rewriting – Proof reading – editing – submitting manuscript for publication – summary.
1. Bassnett, Susan - Translation Studies, London and New York, 1980 (revised edition 1991),
2. Routledge Bell, Roger T. - Translation and Translating, Theory and Practice, Longman, 1991
3. Callow, Kathleen - Man and Message: A Guide to Meaning-Based Text Analysis, 1998,
4. Cumulative Index of United Nations Legal Materials Produced and Applied in Kosovo 1999-2004,
5. Central European and Euroasian Law Institute, USAID Duff, Alan, Translation, OUP, 1997
6. Gërmizaj, Shykrane - Translation Theory in the Classroom, Prishtina, 2005
Unit 1
Listening – Importance of listening - Types of listening - Basic skills of listening - Barriers of listening –
Activities - listening to radio, TV or Internet - Transcript.
Unit 2
Speaking - body language – Pronunciation - Introducing yourself – storytelling - speak on any topic -
social etiquette.
Unit 3
Unit 4
Writing – structure – letter – circular – memo - Note making - Paragraph Writing précis - Writing –
Unit 5
To introduce basic theories of literary and cultural criticism, with emphasis on interdisciplinary. Target
students: Students with no background in literary studies.
Unit 1
Unit 2
Cultural studies: Bacon‘s ‗Of Travel‘ - Indian context - Travel Culture ofKerala -
Introducing seminal texts - forms of travel narratives - Road movies.
Unit 3
Unit 4
Comparative Indian Literature: Methodology - Literature and other disciplines - G. Arunima. ‗Who is a
Malayali Anyway? Language, Community and Identity in Precolonial Kerala‘ - A.K. Ramanujan. ‗Three
Hundred Ramayanas: Five Examples and Three Thoughts on Translation‘.
Unit 5
‗The Mind and the Book: A Long Look at Psychoanalytic Literary Criticism‘.
1. Trilling, Lionel - “Freud and Literature”. The Liberal Imagination: Essays on Literature and
Society. London: Martin Secker and Warburg,
2. Richman, Paula. Ed. - Many Ramayanas: The Diversity of a Narrative Tradition in South
Asia. University of California Press
3. Satish Saberwal, Mushirul Hasan - Assertive Religious Identities: India and Europe.
4. Bassnett, Susan - Comparative Literature: A Critical Introduction. Oxford: Blackwell, 1993.
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Unit 5
Public Finance
Meaning - Scope of Public Finance - Role and Types of Direct and Indirect Taxes in India - Role of
Monetary and Fiscal Policies in maintaining real economic growth with stability – International Trade.
To prepare the individual/ student to face challenges of life; to impart insights forunderstanding the self
and adjusting with work scenario in organizations so as to become a responsible global citizen.
Unit 1
Understanding the self - self awareness - Individual psychological processes - sculpting a unique socially
desirable personality - spiritual/ ethical orientation.
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Unit 5
Managing failures: Envisioning the future - managing change - unleashing creative and
intuitive skills to meet failures - Remodeling individuals and organizations - Indian ethos
for managing self and organizations ethically.
The paper is aimed at giving an understanding of the media industry with the waythe
organization functions. This course is an introductory course aimed at students of varied
Unit 1
Introduction to principles and practice of management - Business Models and Function -
Mass Media Industry Structure Media Markets - Ownership - Monopolies, Oligopolies,
Conglomerates, Mergers, and Acquisitions - Media Sales Promotion and Marketing Mix.
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Unit 5
Unit 1
Introduction to Microeconomics
Definition of economics – Scope – Scarce and End resource – Welfare Definition - Differences between
Micro and Macro economics – Basic Economic Concepts and Problems – Economic Systems.
Unit 2
Unit 3
Theory of Production
Production – Production function – Law of Production – Return to Scale – Economics and Diseconomies
of Scale - Classifications – Short-run production function – Long-run production function – Isoquant
Unit 4
Cost Function
Cost and Revenue – Short run costs – Total cost – Total Fixed Cost – Variable Cost – Average Fixed –
Average Variable cost and Marginal Cost – Meaning and their relationship – Average and Marginal
Unit 5
Objective: Self Help Group and other micro-level innovative credit systems contributed significantlyin
Empowering underprivileged in India and abroad in recent times. Paper has two purposes—
(a) to acquaint students with the various institutional arrangements as well as recent contribution of
various innovative credit systems at the micro-level for financing rural development sector;
(b) management of small groups involved in micro-finance for social and economic empowerment of
their group members in particular and the society in general.
Unit 1
Financial institutions for rural development - Basic understanding of rural and development
credit. Institutional structure for rural financing in India: policy and schemes of NABARD,
recent financing scheme of the Government.
Unit 2
Development of cooperative banks in India with special reference to PACS, CCBs, LDBs.
Rural financing through commercial banks - Policies and objectives before and after
nationalization of banks, Branch expansion policy and programmes.
Unit 3
Unit 4
Management of small groups, cluster and federation from credit and trade perspectives.
Role of facilitating agencies. Linkages between small group and Banks.
Unit 5
The objective of this course is to provide knowledge of concepts and issues ofnegotiation and counseling
such that to equip the students with valuable skills, techniques and strategies in counseling.
Unit 1
Negotiation: Nature, Characteristics, Strategy and Tactics of Distributive Bargaining, Strategy and
Tactics of Integrative Negotiation; Strategy and Planning for Negotiation.
Unit 2
Negotiation Sub processes: Perception, Cognition and Emotion Communication: What is communicated
during negotiation and how people communicate in Negotiation.
Unit 3
Best Practices in Negotiation – Fundamental Structure of negotiation and BATNA. Case I - Role
Negotiation at Bokaro Steel Plant (Understanding Organizational Behaviour. By Udai Pareek, Oxford,
Second Edition Page 410-415).
Unit 4
International and Cross Cultural Negotiation: Context and Concept, Influence of Culture on Negotiation:
Case II - The Dabhol Debacle (Negotiation Made Simple, SL Rao, Excel Books pp.30-35 and pp. 196-
Unit 5
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3 Poetry
Unit 4 Drama
Unit 5
To introduce the students to NGO Sector; to provide an overview of NGOs; tointroduce the Basic
Concepts; to provide basic managerial skills for NGO personnel.
Unit 1
NGOs – An Introduction, Concepts and Functions, evolution in India, Types of non-profits, Issues in
NGO Management, challenges of NGO Management.
Unit 2
Legal procedures for establishment of NGOs – Trust and Society and their differences. Formation of
Trust and Society. Registration procedure for NGO.
Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Marketing.
Unit 3
Unit 4
Strategy and planning for NGOs – Elements of Strategy, SWOT analysis, Process of Management –
Planning, Organization, Delegation, Co-ordination, Core-Competency and Capacity Building
Unit 5
NGOs and changing trends of development. State, market and third sector, Self-Help Group (SHG) and
Empowerment of Women, Role of NGOs in Civil Society.
Unit 1
Personal growth - Meaning and concepts, Self-awareness and self-esteem, Life Roles, Social roles and
Organizational roles. Nature and scope of personal growth. Feeling, thinking and behaviours, Personality
theories, Carl Jung's theory of personality types and Myers Briggs Type Indicator test (MBTI), Trait
theories - Guilford Peogut, Emotional intelligence.
Unit 2
Pedagogy and Androgogy. Adult Learning Process; learning styles and its relatedness to personality
Unit 3
Attitudes, beliefs, Values and their impact on behaviour. Personal change - meaning, nature and
requisites. Social adjustments and habit formation. Habits of personal effectiveness. Seven habits of
highly effective people.
Unit 4
Basic functions of mind - Creativity and innovation. Blocks to creativity. Creativity processes and tools
- convergent and divergent thinking. Neuro Linguistic Programming - Interpersonal relations and
personal growth. Interpersonal needs, motivation and behavior - FIRO-B and Johari Window. Defense
Mechanism in groups.
Unit 5
Transactional Analysis - Ego states, types of transactions and time structuring. Life position, scripts and
game Experience learning methodologies - T-group, sensitivity training, encounter groups and human
process labs (students may go through three days personal growth lab for experiential learning)
Unit 1
Historical Introduction - Copernicus, Galileo - Solar system-Planets, Comets, meteorites, asteroids,
satellites, Constellations and Astrology. Olvers paradox.
Unit 2
Constellations, Distance scales and measurements - Parallax methods - Moving cluster, Statistical and
Spectroscopic and dynamic parallax methods.
Unit 3
Introduction to Celestial Mechanics – Kepler‘s laws. Black body temperature of stars Hertz-Sprung
Russel diagram - Stellar evolution - white dwarfs, red giants, neutron stars, pulsars, black holes.
Unit 4
Unit 5
Cosmology - Red shift – Galaxies - CMBR Big bang, Various cosmic models - Horizon and Flatness
problemDark matter and Energy. Anthropic Principle. Relation to Biology.
1. Arnab Rai Choudhuri, Astrophysics for Physicists, Cambridge University Press, 2010.
2. An Introduction to Astrophysics, BAIDYANATH BASU, TANUKA CHATTOPADHYAY, 2nd Edition,
PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.
3. The New Physics and Cosmology Zanjoc, Oxford 2004.
4. An Introduction to Modern Astrophysics, 2nd Ed. by Caroll Ostie, Pearson, Addison Wesley
To provide exposure to the students about principles of marketing and the knowledgeof E-business.
Unit 1
Unit 2
Marketing Research, market research and marketing research, marketing research and marketing
information system, procedure of marketing research.
Unit 3
Product, classification, product policies, product line, product mix, product life cycle, different stages in
product life cycle, Pricing, pricing objectives, factors affecting price decisions, price determination
procedure, types of pricing.
Unit 4
Promotion, objectives, forms of promotion, sales promotion, tools of sales promotion, advertising,
definition, kinds of advertising media, personal selling, features, personal selling process, channels of
Unit 5
1. R.S.N. Pillai and Bagavathi – Modern Marketing Principles and Practices, S. Chand.
2. Brahm Canzer – E-Business and Commerce: Strategic Thinking and Practice, Biztantra
Publishers, New Delhi
Unit 1
Purpose & Philosophy of PR, What PR Is, Objectives of Public Relations, the Primary Purpose of PR,
Hostility, Prejudice, Apathy, Ignorance, Emergence of Public Relations, Public Relations Today, Public
Relations and Propaganda, Defining Objectives and Planning a Programme.
Unit 2
Four Steps Public Relations Process, Defining PR Problems, Planning and Programming, Taking action
and Communicating, Evaluating the Program, Elements of Public Relations, Human Relations,
Empathy, Persuasion, Dialogue, Objectives of Public Relations.
Unit 3
Unit 4
Ethics and Challenges of Public Relations, International Public Relations Association (IPRA) Code of
Conduct, the European Code of Professional Conduct, All about Marketing, Advertising, Functions of
Advertising, PR as a Component of Communication and Strategies, Strategic Management, Theories of
Communication, Mass Communication Theory and Research. Functional Approach to Mass
Communication Theory, Human Action Approach.
Unit 5
1. Geroge E-Belch & Michael. A. Belch - “Advertising and Promotion”, Tata McGraw Hill – Sixth
2. Kruti shah and Alan D‟souza - “Advertising and Promotion”, Tata McGraw Hill
3. Tom Duncan - “Principles of Advertising and IMC”, Tata McGraw-Hill - Second Edition
Objectives: This introductory paper is intended to acquaint the students with sociology as asocial
science and the distinctiveness of its approach among the social science. It is to be organized in such a
way that even students without any previous exposure to sociology could acquire an interest in the
subject and follow it.
Unit 1
Basic concepts
Society, community, Institution, Association, Group, Social structure, status and role, Human and
Animal Society.
Unit 3
Family and kinship, religion, education, State.
Unit 4
Unit 5
To understand the concepts of statistical analysis and to apply the results in reallife
business problems.
Unit 1
Unit 2
Regression Analysis: introduction – uses of regression analysis – regression lines - the two regression
Unit 3
Time series Analysis: meaning – components of time series - methods of estimating trend – graphic
method – semi-average method – moving-average method.
Unit 4
Unit 5
Unit 1
Leadership – Meaning, Concepts and Myths about Leadership, Components of Leadership - Leader,
Followers and situation. Assessing Leadership & Measuring Its effects.
Unit 2
Focus on the Leader – Power and Influence; Leadership and Values. Leadership Traits; Leadership
Behaviour; Contingency Theories of Leadership; Leadership and Change.
Unit 3
Groups, Teams and Their Leadership. Groups – Nature, Group Size, Stages of Group Development,
Group Roles, Group Norms, Group Cohesion.
Unit 4
Teams – Effective Team Characteristics and Team Building, Ginnetts Team Effectiveness Leadership
Unit 5
Leadership Skills – Basic Leadership Skills, Building Technical Competency, Advanced Leadership
Skills, Team Building for Work Teams, Building High Performance Teams.
1. Hughes, Ginnett, Curphy - Leadership, Enhancing The Lessons of Experience, Tata McGraw Hill, 5th
2. Yukl G - Leadership in Organisations, Pearson, 6th Ed.
3. West Michael - Effective Team Work, Excel Books, 1st Ed.
4. Sadler Philip – Leadership, Crest Publishing House
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Karma Yoga: Yoga of Action – Living in the Present – Dedicated Action without Anxiety over Results -
Concept of Swadharma
Unit 4
Sthitaprajna: Qualities of a person established in wisdom. Dynamics of the Three Gunas: Tamas, Rajas,
Sattva – Going Beyond the Three Gunas – Description of a Gunatheetha.
Unit 5
Other topics: Tuning the Mind – Quantity, Quality and Direction of Thoughts – Reaching Inner Silence.
Yoga of Devotion – Form and Formless Aspects of the Divine – Inner Qualities of a True Devotee.
1. Swami Chinmayananda, “The Holy Geeta”, Central Chinmaya Mission Trust, 2002.
2. Eknath Easwaran, “The Bhagavad Gita”, Nilgiri Press, 2007.
To create a basic knowledge on the growth and development of tourism, to have anunderstanding of
various national and international tourism organizations.
Unit 1
Unit 2
Need for Organization - factors influencing types of organization - theNational tourist organization -
tourist organization in India - International organization of Tourism International Union on Official
Travel Organization (IUOTO) - World tourism Organization (WTO) – Pacific Area Travel Association
(PATA) – International Air Transport Association(IATA) – American Society of Travel Agents
Unit 3
Measurement of Tourism
Need for measuring tourism phenomenon - methods of measurement - importance of tourist statistics -
types of tourist statistics. Definition of the terms tourist, domestic tourism and international tourism -
tourism planning and development - planning for tourism. Assessment of tourist demand and supply -
basic infrastructure - financial planning - human resources planning - tourism marketing -
environmental and regional planning.
Unit 4
Unit 5
Unit 1
Unit 2
Lighting for television - types of lights, Three point and Multi-point lighting; Sound - Types of
microphones and characteristics of sound; Sound recording - tape and tapeless;
Unit 3
Stages of TV programmes - pre-production, rehearsal and set-up, actual production and post-production,
graphics-CG and VG, animation, ENG-DSNG and OB broadcasting.
Unit 4
Type of editing - Assemble and Insert; Modes of editing - Online, Offline, Linea and Non – linear type
software's and graphics early.
Unit 5
W riting for television - script writing - genres of TV programmes - news, documentary, talk shows,
panel discussion, quiz, current affairs and special audience programmes - women, children, youth - post
production, reviews, sports, musical and dance programmes, phone-in programmes.
Unit 1
1 Introduction – What literature is – enjoyment of literature – Holding a mirror to life
– Ages of literature – Different literatures
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Unit 5
Unit 1
Introduction to web technologies, How the website works?, Client and Server scripting languages,
Difference between a web designer and web developer, Types of websites (Static and Dynamic), Web
standards and W3C recommendations.
Unit 2
HTML: Introduction to Internet, Understanding Browsers, Starting with HTML, HTML Page Structure.
Defining Web Layout( Head & Body), Head Tags, BODY tag with Background color, Background with
image and text color. Text formatting, Text attributes. Importance of heading tags (H1–H6). Marquee
text with or without background, Blink the text attributes. Divide section using <HR> line with width,
align, size.
Knowing Images format for web: Working with images, Images attributes. Working with Tables: Table
attributes, Colspan, Rowspan, Table Border, Align, Valign, Table background image, color to cell,
Nesting tables.
Unit 3
Using list: Ordered list, Unordered list. Working with Links: Internal Links, External Links, Anchor
Link, Email Link, Linking with text, Links with images. Working with controls. Working with forms:
knowing get and post action.
Unit 4
CSS: Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets, Types of Style Sheets , Class Selector, ID Selector,
Absolute Relative Positioning, Inline menu, DIV + CSS Layout Design, PSD to CSS Conversion.
Unit 5
JavaScript: Introduction to JavaScript, Understanding variables & functions, Working with alert, confirm
and prompt, Understanding loop, arrays, Creating rollover image, Working with operators.
1. Ivan Bayross - Web Enabled Commercial Application Development Using HTML, JavaScript,
DHTML and PHP, BPB Publicationa
2. Dionysios Synodinos, Michael Bowers, Victor Sumner - Pro HTML 5 and CSS 3 Design Patterns,
Springer India Publication
3. Jennifer Niederst Robbins - Learning Web Design: A Beginner's Guide to HTML, CSS, JavaScript,
and Web Graphics, Shroff Publishers
4. David Pitt - Modern Web Essentials Using JavaScript and HTML5, InfoQ Publications
Unit I
Organic inputs:
Advantages of using organic inputs, Organic manures, Biofertilizers, Biopesticides, Organic growth
promoters, Biocontrol agents.
Unit II
Unit III
Unit IV
Unit V
Reference Books:
1. Palaniappan, Annadurai - Organic Farming: Theory and Practice, Scientific Publishers Journals
2. Amitava Rakshit, HB Singh – ABC of Organaic Farming, Jain Brothers Publication
3. B. Subrahmanyeswari Mahesh Chander – Organic Livestock Farming, ICAR Publication
4. Handbook of Fishers and Aquaculture – ICAR Publication
This course is intended to give the students a basic awareness on Women‟s rights and the legal frame
work for the protection of their rights.
Unit 1
Introduction/Overview: The meaning of law, social security legislations, free legal aid to the poor, Indian
Evidence Act, various modes of dispute settlement mechanisms- Lok Adalats, Family Courts, Mahila
Courts, Crime Against Women Cells, NCW, NHRC, State Commissions.
Women and the Constitution: Fundamental Rights, Constitutional Remedies (Writs), Electoral Law,
Voting Rights for Women, participation in Panchayats and governance.
Unit 2
Women & Family Laws: Marriage Law, Separation, Divorce, Maintenance, Adoption, Right to Property
and Succession, Guardianship, unmarried mother and the legitimacy of her children.
Unit 3
Criminal Law and Women: Major offences against women, Women in Custody- Arrest, grounds of arrest,
kinds of offences (bailable and non-bailable), arrest warrant, powers of police, rights of arrested persons
including the right to bail, the immediate procedure to be adopted in case of violation of rights.
Unit 4
Procedure in Action: Procedure for seeking redressal, Complaints to Police Station, Courts, Lok Adalat.
Unit 5
Rights under different laws: Rights at work place Equal Remuneration / Minimum Wages Act / Rights
under Factories Act, Maternity Benefit Act, Mines and Plantation Act, Rules of work - in such specific
areas, Sexual harassment at work place, Reproductive Health Rights - Foeticide, Infanticide,
Preconception and Prenatal Diagnostic Techniques (Prohibition of Sex Selection) Act 1994, The Medical
Termination of Pregnancy Act 1971.
To provide an overall view of Ritual Performances of Kerala in general and „Padayani‟, „Mudiyettu‟ and
„Theyyam‟ performances in particular. Land, people, social and political system and worldview are the
deciding factors of ritual performances. The course aims to give a clear understanding of these
performances and their unique features. The classes will be supported with PowerPoint and video
clippings of the respective ritual performances.
Unit 1
Kerala – Land and People – social structure – Agrarian society – Kerala society today. Meta Physical
World: mythology and religion and its relation to the festivals and rituals of Kerala – special reference to
Legend behind the dance ritual – description of performances – musical instruments and music of
Padayani – rhythm of Padayani songs. Main Kolams in Padayani: – its artistic features of making marks –
drawing on arecanut sheaths. Dance in Padayani: different Kolams and its dance features. Padayani as a
Performance, Devotional Aspects, Eminent artists of this dance form.
Unit 2
Geographical area of Mudiyettu – land and people – main centers of performances – a complete folk
drama – myth behind Mudiyettu – Kali – Darika fight – scenes in Mudiyettu and its contents. Characters
in Mudiyettu: Naradan, Darikan, Danavendran, Kali, Kooli, Koimbadaran. Abhinaya in Mudiyettu:
Aangikam, Vachikam, Aaharyam. Rituals in Mudiyettu: Mudiyettu itself is a ritual – ritual inside
Mudiyettu – drawing of Kolam, Kolam Pooja, uzhiyal, etc. Devotional aspects of Mudiyettu.
Unit 3
Kolathunad – land and people – folk religion of Kolathunad and its features. Deities in Teyyam: Hindu
Gods and Goddesses – heroine cult – deities defied after death – family deity – caste deity – local deity.
Teyyam as a Ritual Performance – principles of bringing down deities – appease – bringing down –
sending back. Ritual Acts: kodiyila vangal, kodiyila tottam, tottam/ vellattam, teyyam, mudiyazhikkal.
Features of Tottam Songs – varavili, tottam songs – mumbsthanam. Ornaments and Decorations of
Teyyam – thalachamayam kaikkaru, arachamayam kaikkaru. Mukhattezhuttu and Mekkezhuttu.
Devotional Aspects of Teyyam.
Comparative aspects of Padayani, Mudiyettu and Teyyam – theme, decorative elements and form, dance,
enactment, faith and other aspects.
Visual documentation of key social issues: The student will write the script and shoot a documentary film
of 5-10 minutes, highlighting a key issue.
Unit 1
Screening documentary films on various social issues – gender discrimination, women empowerment,
dowry, female infanticide and skewed sex ratios, maternal and child care, role of technology in
transforming societies, changing caste and class barriers etc. etc.,
Unit 2
Selecting the topic: Migration of labour from other regions to the southern states due to labour shortage
and their integration in the society as local youth turn away from traditional occupations of their families
and go in search of white-collar jobs, alcohol consumption and rising crime, drug addiction among
students etc. etc..
Unit 3
Unit 4
Pre-production, production and post-production processes with approval from the guide.
Unit 5
CO1: Develop critical thinking skills necessary to evaluate, organize and disseminate news
CO2: Identify problem of common man
CO3: Use data to create stories
CO4: Express themselves fluently and appropriately in social and professional contexts
CO5: Become able to produce documentaries using available data
Unit 1
The Solar Resource and types of solar energy converters, Requirements of an ideal photoconverter,
Principles of a solar cell design, material and design issues; Revisions of Semiconductor Physics, Physics
of semiconductor Junctions; p-n junction under dark and under illumination, effect on junction
characteristics, Other device structures. Photovoltaic cell and power generation, Characteristic of the
Photovoltaic Cell.
Unit 2
Silicon Solar cell, Mono -crystalline and poly–crystalline cells, Metallurgical Grade Si, Electronic Grade
Si, wafer production, Mono–crystalline Si Ingots, Poly–crystalline Si Ingots, Si–wafers, Si–sheets, Solar
grade Silicon, Si usage in solar PV, Commercial Si solar cells, process flow of commercial Si cell
technology, Process in solar cell technologies, Sawing and surface texturing, diffusion process, thin film
layers, Metal contact.
Unit 3
2nd generation solar cell, Thin film solar cell,Advantage of thin film, Thin film deposition techniques,
Evaporation, Sputtering, LPCVD and APCVD, Plasma Enhanced, Hot Wire CVD, closed space
sublimation, Ion Assisted Deposition, Substrate and Super-state configuration, Thin film module
manufacturing, Thin film and Amorphous Si Solar cell, Cadmium Telluride Solar Cell, CIGS solar Cell,
CZTS solar cell, New materials for thin film solar cell.
Optics in solar energy conversion: antireflection coatings, concentration of light: Light confinement,
photon recycling, multiple exciton generation.
Unit 4
3rd generation Solar cell; Advances in Photovoltaics, Photochemical and photosynthetic energy
conversion; DSSC,, Solution processed thin film, Organic Solar Cell, Hydride Perovskite solar cell and
multi junction tandem solar cells;
Solar PV modules:
Series and Parallel connections, Mismatch between cell and module, Design and structure, PV module
power output, PV system configuration, standalone system with DC / AC load with and without battery,
Hybrid system, Grid connected systems.
Unit 5
Hand on experience on solar cell fabrication, DSSC fabrication, Perovskite solar cell fabrication, Thin-
film solar cell fabrication.
Unit 1
Unit 2
The scattering of X-rays, Diffraction from a crystal
X-ray interaction with matter, X-ray sources, X-ray optics, X-ray detectors
Unit 3
Powder Diffractometers
Unit 4
Unit 5
1. Emil Zolotoyabko; Basic Concepts of X-Ray Diffraction; John Wiley & Sons, 21-Apr-2014 -
2. M. M. Woolfson; An Introduction to X-ray Crystallography; Cambridge University Press
3. Werner Massa; Crystal Structure Determination; (March 31, 2004) ISBN-10: 3540206442
Unit 1
Introduction to Computing, Basic Fortran, Data Types, Constants and Variables, Naming Convention.
Operation and Intrinsic Functions, Expressions and Assignment Statements, Logical Operators and
Logical Expression.
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Arrays and elements, Array properties, Array storage, Whole array assignment, Array section assignment,
Array Operations, Array Processing, Mask Array, Allocatable Arrays, Functions Return Arrays.
Unit 5
Introduction to gnuplot,function plot, data plot, analyse a function, various options in gnuplot, Scientific
Graphic Library, Linking Fortran Programs to gnuplot Graphic Library.
1. Stephen J. Chapman, “Fortran 95/2003 for Scientists and Engineers”, McGraw-Hill (3rd
1. Michael Metcalf and John Reid, “Fortran 90/95 Explained”, Oxford University Press (2007).
2. Jeanne C. Adams, Walter S. Brainerd, Richard A. Hendrickson, Richard E. Maine, Jeanne T.
Martin and Brian T. Smith, “The Fortran 2003 Handbook”, Springer (2009).
3. Michael Metcalf, John Reid and Malcolm Cohen, “Modern Fortran Explained”, Oxford
University Press (2011).
4. William H. Press, Saul A. Teukolsky, William T. Vetterling and Brian P. Flannery, “Numerical
Recipes in Fortran Vol. 1 & 2”, Cambridge University Press (1996).
5. Documentation given with gnuplot software (2015).
6. Lee Phillips, “gnuplot Cookbook”, Packt Publishing (2012).
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Unit 5
Applications of mesoporous materials in catalysis, gas adsorption and drug delivery; importance of
zeolites in petroleum industry, application of MOFs
1. Lowel, S., Shields, J. E., Thomas, M. A., Thommes, M., Characterization of Porous Solids and
Powders: Surface area, Pore size and Density; SpringerPublications, 2004.
2. Liu, P.S., Chen, G.F., Porous Materials: Processing and Applications, First Edition, Elsevier
Publications, 2014.
3. Ishizaki, K., Komarneni, S., Nanko, M., Porous Materials Processing Technology and
Applications, First Edition, Springer Publications, 1998.
4. Kickelbick, G., (editor) Hybrid Materials: Synthesis, Characterization and Applications; First
Edition, Wiley-VCH, 2007
5. Bruce, D.W., O‟Hare, D., Walton, R.I.,(editors) Porous Materials (Inorganic materials series)
First Edition, John Wiley and Sons, 2011
Unit 1
Origin of forensic science, need for forensic science, trace and contact evidence, marks and impression,
examination of documents, blood stain analysis, microscope in analysis, explosives, chemical analysis of
explosives, forensic laboratories and courses in India.
Unit 2
Narcotics, classification of drugs, specific drugs- Psychotropic drugs, chemical screening of drugs,
chemical extraction and sample preparation, chemical identification of drugs using analytical methods.
Unit 3
Unit 4
Introduction to Toxicology, alcohol and human body, testing of blood alcohol concentration, Toxins &
Biological Poisons, Measuring Toxicity as LD50, sample and analysis, inorganic poisons, nerve agents,
radioactive toxins, Pharmacokinetics and Toxicokinetics, tests for toxins, reported case studies.
Unit 5
Postmortem Toxicology
Introduction, tissue and fluid specimens, specimen collection and storage, extraction procedure, analytical
techniques, interpretation, case studies.
1. Lawrence Kobilinsky, Forensic Chemistry Handbook, John Wiley & Sons, New Jersey, 2012
2. David E. Newton, Forensic Chemistry, Facts On File, Inc, New York, 2007
3. Jay A. Siegel, Forensic Chemistry fundamentals and applications, Wiley Blackwell.
4. Suzanne Bell, Drugs, Poisons, and Chemistry, Facts On File, Inc. New York, 2009.
Unit 1
Solar parameters: Mass, Radius, Distance and Luminosity, Spectral energy distribution, Construction of a
Model, Conservation law, Equation of State, Nuclear Energy Source and Energy transport, Chemical
composition of the Sun.
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Unit 5
1. The Sun: An Introduction second edition by Michael Stix
Unit 1
Agrowaste - Biopesticide from solid waste, biomass to bioethanol, biowaste as carbon source, other
applications of agrowaste.
Animal waste – bio-digestor - generation of renewable energy, biogas from animal waste-daily
consumption, Equipment sizing and design.
Unit 2
Pyrolysis of plastics and rubber - Catalytic process of treatment- plastic waste to fuel, oil and wax.
Unit 3
Metals - Iron & steel, iron & steel remanufacturing, Aluminium remanufacturing
Unit 4
Electronic waste
Electronic wastes – printed circuit board, monitors and batteries, Processing - hydrometallurgical and
pyrometallurgical route. Recovery of heavy metals from electronic waste.
Unit 5
1. Thomas H. Christensen, Solid Waste Technology & Management, Vol.1, Blackwell Publishing
Ltd, 2011.
2. Elena Cristina Rada, Biological Treatment Of Solid Waste, CRC press, 2016.
3. Martin Forrest, Recycling and Re-use of Waste Rubber, Smithers Rapra Technology Ltd, 2014.
4. Jonathan W.-C. Wong, Rajeshwar D. Tyagi, Ashok Pandey, Current Developments in
Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Elsevier, 2017.
5. John scheirs and Walter kaminsky, Feedstock Recycling and Pyrolysis of Waste Plastics, John
Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2006.
6. Ramesha Chandrappa, Diganta Bhusan Das, Solid Waste Management: Principles and Practice,
Springer, 2012.
7. Shinya Nagasaki, Shinichi Nakayama, Radioactive Waste Engineering and Management,
springer, 2011.
8. Ronald E. Hester, Roy M. Harrison, Electronic Waste Management, RSC publishing, 2009.
9. Hugo Marcelo Veit, Andréa Moura, Electronic Waste: Recycling Techniques, springer, 2015.
10. Lifeng Zhang, Gregory K. Krumdick, Recycling of Electronic Waste II: Proceedings of the
Second Symposium, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2011.
To cultivate communication skills of students through teaching of theory and skills of theatre and
Unit 1
Unit 2
Greek drama and dramatic theories. Use of masks.
Unit 3
Shakespearean theatre.
Unit 4
Practical: Developing body and facial expressions in drama - Articulating narratives through body
movements - Building up a repertoire of gestures.
Unit 5
Practical: Building up units of action to create a Theatrical Ensemble - Plotting movements of different
characters within a scene.
1. Theatre as Sign System: A Semiotics of Text and Performance By Elaine Aston, George Savona
2. Theatre Semiotics: Text and Staging in Modern Theatre By Fernando de Toro
3. Acting For Real: Drama Therapy Process, Technique, And Performance By Renee Emunah
4. Natyasastra by sage Bharata.
The course will provide an understanding of the Accounting practices including the final accounts,
inventory keeping practices, financial reporting and printing. Tally is proposed to be used as the mail
Unit 1
Business, meaning, Book Keeping, Accounting – meaning, functions and importance and objectives –
users of accounting – branches of accounting – accounting terminologies – Accounting Concepts and
Conventions – Accounting Standards in India, Accounting Systems – Double Entry System and Single
Entry System – Account – types of accounts – Rules for Debit and Credit – Accounting Equation –
Journal – Journal entries – journalizing – compound entries – Banking transactions.
Unit 2
Sub Divisions of Journal or Subsidiary Books: Advantages of Subsidiary Books and limitations of
journal – Purchase Day Book – Purchase Returns Book – Sales Book – Sales Returns Book – Cash Book
– Petty Cash Book – Imprest System.
Ledger: Meaning and importance – preparation of ledger accounts or posting – balancing an account –
account balance – Trial Balance – objectives and functions of trial balance.
Unit 3
Final Accounts: Trading and Profit and Loss Accounts, Balance Sheet – simple adjustments like
outstanding expenses, prepaid expenses, bad debts, accrued income, unearned income.
Depreciation: Meaning and definition – causes of depreciation – need for depreciation – Fixed
Installment Method and Diminishing Balance Method.
Unit 4
Getting started with Tally – Company information - Tally accounting - Chart of accounts – Ledgers and
Groups - financial and trading vouchers – Voucher creation and entry.
Unit 5
Tally Inventory – inventory vouchers - Display and reporting – reporting and printing
Reference Books:
1. Goyal and Ruchi Goyal – Financial Accounting, Prentice Hall India
2. Jain and Narang – Advanced Accounts Volume 1, Kalyani Publishers
3. Tally for everyone – Roopa, Add to Cart Publishing
4. Nadhani – Tally ERP 9 Training Guide – BPB Publication
Mural painting is an offshoot of the devotional tradition of Kerala. In the contemporary scenario Mural
painting is not restricted to permanent structures and are being done even on canvas. Kerala Mural
painting are the frescos depicting mythology and legends. Learning Mural painting through the theory
and practical workshop is the objective of this course.
Unit 1
Introduction, history and evaluation, preparation method of pigments.
Unit 2
Technical details, methods and techniques of wall preparation, preparation of the colors and brushes.
Unit 3
Basics of mural drawing and traditional style, drawing anatomy and study of mural style.
Unit 4
Basics of mural painting.
Unit 5
Mural painting in acrylic colours, drawing and painting.
1. Chithrasoothram - Translated by K.K. Warrier.
2. Chithralakshanam - K.K Warrier.
18OEL292 PAINTING 2023
Painting and artistry has become an effective media to propagate the messages to the community. The
methodologies of imparting artistic skills have become highly scientific and technical. Our objective is to
cultivate the artistic skills of matured adults through teaching of theory and skills of painting using
different media, techniques and tools.
Unit 1
Introduction to Materials and Medium: Water colours, Oil colours, Acrylic colours, Gouache, Oil Pastels
and Dry Pastels, Additives and Solvents, Brushes, Paper-types and texture, Canvas types.
Basic sketching with charcoal, pencil and pen.
Unit 2
Watercolour and Gouache Painting - Styles and techniques - wet on wet, wet on dry, ink and pen
techniques, painting with water colour pencils, Wash techniques, Layer on Layer technique.
Unit 3
Oil Painting - stretching canvas, surface preparation with gesso; Styles and technique - Wet on wet, wet
on dry, impasto, finishing touches.
Unit 4
Acrylic Painting - Acrylic on Paper; Acrylic on canvas, using acrylic retarders and medium, Wet on wet,
wet on dry, impasto, finishing touches.
Unit 5
Oil and Dry Pastels, Pastels on Coloured Paper, Pre colouring, hatching and cross hatching, Blending
techniques, Fixing techniques.
1. Reader's Digest - Complete Guide to Drawing and Painting ISBN-10: 0895779560 ISBN-
13: 978-0895779564
News coverage of rural areas: Issues ranging from health, education and civic amenities to government
welfare schemes and the state of agriculture with farming losing its sheen among rural youth and
resultant urban migration. New trends like mechanization of farming due to shortage of labour, the
growth of self-help groups and mushrooming cottage industries, changes in the social and political life of
the rural communities, inter-caste and class dynamics and how technological penetration is changing
rural life and aspirations, success stories, best practices in farming, growing consumerism and its impact
on environment, rural businesses and innovations.
Unit 1
Reporting rural India - problems and prospects: Poor connectivity and infrastructure, electrification and
drinking water supply, state of primary healthcare centres, growing literacy and education breaking down
caste and class barriers
Unit 2
Role of women in rural areas, gender discrimination, female infanticide and patriarchy, women role
models who have asserted themselves in social, political and economic life of the society overcoming all
odds and helped breakdown social barriers.
Unit 3
Government development programmes for rural areas. Are they reaching the intended beneficiaries?
Success and failure stories, women empowerment and youth upliftment programs.
Unit 4
Agriculture – shrinking areas under cultivation, drying irrigation sources, high cost of inputs, labour
shortage and rising wages. Need to ensure fair prices for the farmers‘ produce by setting up agro-
industries and cold storage chains in rural areas and introducing appropriate technology.
Unit 5
Role of media in highlighting rural issues so that authorities in the cities take note and take remedial
CO1: Analyze and clarify the long term tendencies in the rural area and agricultural
development in Croatia
CO2: Participate in creating and implementing rural development and agricultural projects
CO3: Interpret measures of agricultural policy
CO4: Understand the Govt. projects and policies for the upliftment of Rural communities,
women and children
CO5: Develop communication skill and critical way of thinking
CO6: Contribute towards the society as a mediator by analyzing their problems and creating
1. Bang, R., Khorgade, S., and Chinai, R (2010) Putting Women First: Women and Health in a
Rural Community. New Delhi: Stree and Samya.
2. Fukuoka, M. (2009). The One-Straw Revolution: An Introduction to Natural Farming. New York:
Review of Books.
3. Patra, S.C., and Vachhani, A. (2012). Socio Economic Profile of Rural India: Series II, Volume
II: North East India (Assam, Manipur, Tripura and Nagaland). New Delhi: Concept Publishing.
4. Patil, D.A. (2010). Communication for Rural Development in India: From Green Revolution to
„E‟ Revolution. New Delhi: Serials Publications
5. Pokharapurkar, R. (1993). Rural Development Through Community Television (CISCED). New
Delhi: Concept Publishing
6. Islam, N. (2006). Reducing Rural Poverty in Asia: Challenges and Opportunities for
Microenterprises and Public Employment Schemes. New York, London, Oxford: Food Products
The Noer
Faces of Prestea
Hotville Alabama
a) Common errors and error corrections in Parts of Speech –with emphasis on use of pronouns, Adjective
and verb in different tenses –gender& number
b) Conversations, Interviews, Short speeches.
Unit -3
a) Letter writing –ParibhashaAurBhed, Avedanpatra (request letter) & Practice
b) Translation-ParibhashaAurBhed, English to Hindi
Unit- 4
Peom :
a) Maithilisharangupth: sakhivemujsekahakarjaate
b) Suryakanthtripatinirala :Priyatam
c) Mahadevivarma- adhikaar
d) Shiyaramsharangupth:ekphoolkichah
Unit- 5
a) Kafan - Premchand ,
b) Rajasthan ki Ek Gaav kee theerthyatra - Beeshmasahni
c) Raychandrabhai :By Mahathma Gandhi - Sathya ke prayog
d) Rajani - Mannu Bhandari
Course Outcomes
Unit -1
Unit -2
Unit -3
Film review,Audio –Visual-Media in Hindi – Movies appreciation and evaluation.News reading and
presentations in Radio and Tv channels in Hindi, samvaadhlekhan,
Unit -4
a) Harishankarparasaiyi- SadacharkaThavis
b) Jayashankarprasadh – Mamata
c) Mannubandari- Akeli
d) Habibtanvir- Karthus
Unit -5
Kavya Tarang
a) Himadri thung shrung se (poet- Jayasankar prasad)
b) Dhabba (poet- kedarnath sing) ,
c) Proxy (poet- Venugopal),
d) Machis(poet –Suneeta Jain) ,
e) Vakth. (poet – Arun kamal)
f) Fasal (poet- Sarveshwar Dayal Saxena)
Course Outcomes
UNIT – 1
Railway Nildanadalli – K. S. Narasimha Swamy
Amma, Aachara Mattu Naanu – K. S. Nisar Ahamad
Kerege Haara – Janapada
Simhaavalokana – H.S. Shivaprakash
UNIT – 2
Dhanwantri Chikitse - Kuvempu
Mouni - Sethuram
Meenakshi Maneya Mestru - Kuvempu
UNIT – 3
Sukha –H.G Sannaguddayya
Mobile Thenkara Jen Nonagala Jhenkara – Nagesh Hegade
Namma Yemmege Maatu Tiliyitu – Goruru Ramaswamy Iyangar
UNIT – 4
Language structure
Usage of punctuation marks
Introduction to words (right usage)
Reading skills
Sentence formation (simple & complex)
Translation- English to Kannada
1. Kannada Samskruti Kosha – Dr. Chi. C Linganna
2. Kannada Sanna Kathegalu – G H Nayak
3. Lekhana Kale – N. Prahlad Rao
4. Kannada Sahithya Charithre – R. Sri Mugali
UNIT – 1
Bettada Melondu Maneya Maadi – Akka Mahadevi
Thallanisadiru Kandya – Kanakadasa
Avva – P. Lankesh
Neevallave – K. S. Narasimha Swamy
UNIT – 2
Gunamukha – Drama by P. Lankesh
UNIT – 3
Karvalo – Novel by Poornachandra Thejaswi
UNIT – 4
Letter Writing –
Personal (congratulation, invitation, condolence etc.)
Official (To Principal, Officials of various departments, etc.,)
Report writing
Essay writing
Precise writing
Prescribed text:
1. Gunamukha by P. Lankesh (Lankesh Prakashana)
2. Karvalo by Poornachandra Thejaswi (Mehtha publishing house)
1. Saamanyanige Sahithya Charitre (chapter 1 to 10) – Bangalore University Publication
2. Hosa Kannada Saahithya Charithre – L.S Sheshagiri Rao
3. Kacheri Kaipidi – Kannada Adhyayana Samsthe (Mysuru University)
4. Kannada Sahithya Charithre – R. Sri Mugali
5. H.S.Krishna Swami Iyangar – Adalitha Kannada – Chetana Publication, Mysuru
Module III
New words and sentences for the communication, Slokas, moral stories(panchathanthra) Subhashithas,
riddles (Selected from the Pravesha Book) (5hrs)
Module IV
Introduction to classical literature, classification of Kavyas, classification of Dramas - Important five
Maha kavyas
Module V
Translation of paragraphs from Sanskrit to English and wise -verse
Module VI
Bhagavad - Geeta fourteenth chapter (all 27 Shlokas) (5hrs)
Essential Reading:
1, Praveshaha; Publisher : Samskrita bharati, Aksharam, 8th cross, 2nd phase, girinagar, Bangalore -560
2, Sanskrit Reader I, II and III, R.S. Vadhyar and Sons, Kalpathi, Palakkad
3, PrakriyaBhashyamwritten and published by Fr. John Kunnappally
4, Sanskrit Primer by Edward Delavan Perry, published by Ginn and Company Boston
5, Sabdamanjari, R.S. Vadyar and Sons, Kalpathi, Palakkad
6, Namalinganusasanam by Amarasimha published by Travancore Sanskrit series
7, SubhashitaRatnaBhandakara by Kashinath Sharma, published by Nirnayasagarpress