Final Intro

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The researchers would like to express their gratitude to the following

individuals for their guidance in conducting the study.

All thanks to God for guiding us in conducting the study. Also, to our family

and friends for the moral and financial support, encouragement, and advices.

Mr. Teodoro Bautista, President of Center for Positive Futures, for his

support in improving the campus.

Mrs. Maria Zenaida Bautista, Vice President of Center for Positive

Futures, for great support in improving the campus.

Mrs. Cunegunda C. Hubo, Principal, for her support to finish our


Mr. Leozaldy C. Hubo, our Research Teacher, for supports, advices,

encouragement, and moral support until we succesfully finished the study.



Quarrying is any such working in the surface of the earth where minerals

are extracted. It is the process of digging the ground in order to get rocks, sands,

construction aggregates, gravel, riprap, slate, or other minerals.

This study focuses In the perceived impacts of quarrying on the residents

of Sitio Anginan, San Isidro, Montalban, Rizal. This aims to understand the

perceptions of the residents about the quarrying in their community. The scope of

this study will focus on the residents of Sitio Anginan who lives there for 5 years

and above. The theory underlying this study is the Utilitarianism , an ethical theory

that asserts that right and wrong are best determine

d by focusing on outcomes of actions and choices. Additionally, this study

used the IPO (Input, Process, Output) model for conceptual framework.

For this study, the researchers used local and foreign literatures. Based

on the study of Hugo (2024), the majority of the respondents in her study within

Davao City acknowledged the immense effect of quarrying on their supply of

groundwater. Additional effects, such as dust, water, and noise pollution, are

recorded to have minor impacts on the environment and residents. Additionally,

Tamayo (2023) investigation in Province of Isabela in Northern Philippines

yielded that among the five quarry sites, the social and environmental effects of

the gravel and sand quarrying operations which the respondents strongly agree

with their mean values were dust, and noise pollution, unproductive wastelands,

property damage, diversion of rivers stream and farming areas, soil erosion and

sedimentation and surface water dust deposition. On the other hand, the most

common reported health-related problems experienced by the respondents was

respiratory problems such as cough and cold and asthma.

Qualitative research is the method used in this study. This involves

analyzing and collecting non-numerical concepts, experiences and opinions

which can be used to generate ideas and gather in depth insights into a problem.

The researchers decided to conduct this study in Sitio Anginan, San Isidro,

Montalban, Rizal. The subject of this study was the 30 (thirty) residents that have

5 and above years of residency in Sitio Anginan. This research used purposive

sampling. The researchers created a questionnaire that was validated by their

research teacher before conducting an interview and gathering information from

the primary source regarding their perceived impact of quarrying. After the survey

is the gathering of the data or the information from the respondents. Then the

interpretation of the datas or information that are gathered. Lastly, the

researchers will formulate the conclusion and recommendations.

The researchers concluded that some of the residents perceives quarrying

as the reason for the murky or blurry water, bumpy road, flood, dust, landslide,

and damage in the land and mountain. On the other hand, the others

experiences positive impacts of quarrying such as chances to work and

producing materials that can be used to build buildings and houses. While others

does not feel too much impact yet.

The researchers provided recommendations for the future readers. For the

residents, collaborate with others to control quarrying activities in the area and

mitigate their impacts. For the policy makers, address illegal quarrying operations

and regulate those in Sitio Anginan, San Isidro, Montalban, Rizal. For the future

researchers, the findings in this study can be useful for their future research

about the perceived impacts of quarrying.



This study is dedicated to the parents and

families of the researchers because they are the

ones who gave us moral and financial support, help,

and understanding while we are in the process of

creating this research.

To the teachers, friends, classmates and

mentors who gave us words of encouragement and

advices to be able to finish this research.

To Almighty God, for giving us knowledge,

understanding, and safety throughout the process.


Title Page

Approval Sheet

Acknowledgement…………………………………………….. i



Chapter 1: The Problem and it’s Background


Background of the Study………………………………………3

Theoretical Framework………………………………………..7

Conceptual Framework……………………………………….9

Scope and Limitation…………………………………………11

Statement of the Problem……………………………………12

Assumption of the Study……………………………………..13

Significance of the Study…………………………………….14

Definition of Terms……………………………………………15

Chapter 2: Review of Related Literatures and Studies

Local Literature……………………………………………….17

Foreign Literature…………………………………………....18

Local Study……………………………………………………20

Foreign Study………………………………………………...22

Chapter 3: Research Method and Procedure

Research Design…………………………………………………25

Settings of the Study……………………………………….........25

Subject of the Study……………………………………………...28


Procedure of the Study…………………………………………..28

Construction of Instrument………………………………………29

Validation of Instruments………………………………………..29

Administration of Instruments…………………………………..30

Data Gathering Procedure……………………………………...30

Source of Data…………………………………………………...31

Chapter 4: Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data…………..32

Chapter 5 : Summary of Findings, Conclusion, and Recommendations

Summary of Findings…………………………………………...39





Table 1. Demographic profile…………………………………….34
Table 1.1. Years of residency……………………………………34
Table 1.2. Occupation…………………………………………….34

Table 1.3. Income…………………………………………………35

Table 2.1. The effect of quarrying operation in their lives…….35
Table 2.2. Positive impacts of quarrying………………………..36
Table 2.3. Negative impacts of quarrying……………………….37
Table 2.4. Feelings of the residents regarding the quarrying
Table 2.5. Effects on health and safety…………………………38
Table 2.6. Perception of the residents about stopping the quarrying
Table 2.7. Recommendations of the residents to the government and quarry


Figure 1. Paradigm of the Study on the Perceived Impact of Quarrying on the

Residents of Sitio Anginan, San Isidro, Montalban Rizal…..

Figure 2. Satellite Map of Sitio Anginan, San Isidro, Montalban,


Appendix A. Questionnaire used in conducting the interview…………….47

Appendix B. Photo taken during the conduction of interviews…………..49

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