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1. Insurance type & Insured’s I.D. Number
a. Completely present on electronic claim
Insurance type: BCBS Gold Plus
Id: 000547819
b. Partially present or not clear on electronic claim
c. Not present on electronic claim
2. Patient’s name
a. Completely present on electronic claim
Answer: Liu Huang
b. Partially present or not clear on electronic claim
c. Not present on electronic claim
4. Insured’s name
a. Completely present on electronic claim
Answer: Huang, Liu
b. Partially present or not clear on electronic claim
c. Not present on electronic claim
5. Patient’s address
a. Completely present on electronic claim
Answer: 15168 Main Street, New York, NY,12345
b. Partially present or not clear on electronic claim
c. Not present on electronic claim
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7. Insured’s address
a. Completely present on electronic claim
b. Partially present or not clear on electronic claim
c. Not present on electronic claim
8. Patient status
a. Completely present on electronic claim
Answer: marital status: Married
Employment status: Employed
b. Partially present or not clear on electronic claim
c. Not present on electronic claim
11. Insured’s policy group or FECA number, date of birth, employer, plan name, benefit
plan name (if applicable)
a. Completely present on electronic claim
b. Partially present or not clear on electronic claim
Answer: Only partial information is provided
Date of birth: 04/10/1961
Plan name: BCBS Gold plus
Employer: Neil, Huang, and Simshich
c. Not present on electronic claim
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b. Partially present or not clear on electronic claim
c. Not present on electronic claim
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a. Completely present on electronic claim
b. Partially present or not clear on electronic claim
c. Not present on electronic claim
24. Procedural codes for services rendered and related diagnostic code pointer
a. Completely present on electronic claim
Answer : M 75.51
b. Partially present or not clear on electronic claim
c. Not present on electronic claim
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27. Accept assignment? Yes or No
a. Completely present on electronic claim
b. Partially present or not clear on electronic claim
Answer: It is not clear about the acceptance
c. Not present on electronic claim
For 28-30, see the Ledger Tab. Keep in mind that you are auditing the availability of the fields
themselves, and not the patient data, or lack thereof, entered in the fields.
32. Name and address of facility where the services were rendered
a. Completely present on electronic claim
b. Partially present or not clear on electronic claim
Answer: Only central clinic is mentioned
c. Not present on electronic claim
33. Physicians, suppliers billing name, address, zip code, and phone number
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a. Completely present on electronic claim
b. Partially present or not clear on electronic claim
c. Not present on electronic claim
34. List the items that were not completely present or were missing from the electronic
Answer: Following items were completely or partially missing from the electronic claim,
Insured’s address
Other insured name
Insured’s policy group or FECA number
Authorization release
Insured signature
First date of insurance
Dates patient was unable to work due to current condition
Name of referring physician
I.D number of physicians
Outside lab charges
Medicaid resubmission code
Federal tax ID number
Signature of physician to be reimbursed
Address of the facility where services were provided
Supplier’s billing name, address, and phone number
35. Of the missing or incomplete items, which do you think would be most likely to cause
this electronic claim to be rejected?
I think name and id of providing physician, facility name and address, Signature of
physician to be reimbursed, Authorization release and Insured signature are very
important. If these items are missing or incomplete the electronic claim can be rejected.
36. Do you think paper submission or electronic submission of the CMS 1500 billing form
would result in less errors? Explain your answer.
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Answer: In my view, electronic submission of the CMS 1500 billing form would result in
less errors. When we do the fill the paper, many errors such as spelling, numbers can
occur unintentionally. When we do electronic submission system is more likely to detect
those errors. paper submission may causes misinterpretation due to handwriting, on the
receiving end, which may cause error in claim, but electronic submission will not have
those issues. Also, I it easy to read and understand electronic fillings than paper fillings.
Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield. (2003, June). Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield. Retrieved from Empire Blue
Cross Blue Shield Claim Form:
Medicare Learning Network. (2011). CMS 1500 At a Glance. Washington D.C.: CMS.
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