Kedir thesis(for publication)
Kedir thesis(for publication)
Kedir thesis(for publication)
In this paper, the Radial basis functions based differential quadrature method has been
presented for solving the one-dimensional heat equation. First, the given solution domain
is discretized and the derivative involving the spatial variable is replaced by the sum of
the weighting coefficients times functional values at each grid point by Multiquadratic
radial basis function. Then, the resulting first-order linear ordinary differential equation
proposed method, one model example is considered and solved for different values of the
shape parameter ‘c’ and mesh sizes in the direction of the temporal variable, t.
Numerical results are presented in tables in terms of root mean square , maximum
absolute error , and condition number of the system matrix. The numerical
results presented in tables and graphs confirm that the approximate solution is in good
Keywords: Heat equation, Shape parameter, Multiquadric radial basis functions,
Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) are mathematical equations that are significant in
modeling physical phenomena that occur in nature. Applications of PDEs can be found in
vibration, heat, sound vibration, elasticity, and fluid dynamics. Although PDEs have a
finite element method (FEM), and boundary element method (BEM) have been used to
solve PDEs [15]. Despite their great success in the past decades in many branches of
science and engineering, these mesh-based methods require meshes or grids as the
solution domain. The costs and difficulties in creating quality meshes, however,
constitute one of the major bottlenecks in these methods [16]. However, maybe the
But scientists in the field of computational mathematics have been trying to develop
numerical methods by using computers for further application. One of those numerical
(DQM) was introduced by Richard Bellman and his associates in the early 1970s
following the idea of integral quadrature [4]. The DQM can produce an accurate result
using only a small number of grid points. They are mesh-based methods. Furthermore,
the distribution of the nodes has limitations, and they must be clustered near the boundary
However, mesh-less approximation techniques using radial basis functions (RBFs) have
been developed over the last several decades. These methods are easy to implement,
highly accurate, and truly meshless, which avoids troublesome mesh generation for high-
dimensional problems [15]. These methods are called radial basis function-based
In recent decades, various RBFs-based methods have gained fast-growing attention from
scattered data processing, numerical solutions of PDEs, and machine learning [3].Franke
interpolation problems and ranked the Multi-quadric Radial Basis Function (MQ-RBF)
andThin Plate Spline Radial Basis Function (TPS-RBF) as two of the best candidates
based on the following criteria: timing, storage, accuracy, and ease of implementation.
Kansa develope the first multiduadric RBF collocation scheme for solving PDEs of
elliptic, parabolic, and hyperbolic types, in particular, using the MQ-RBFs [19]. The
methodology is now often called the Kansa method. The Kansa method is meshless and
has distinct advantages compared with the traditional methods: superior convergence,
methods used for solving partial differential equations. In these methods, mesh
generation on the spatial domain of the problem is not needed. This property is the main
advantage of these techniques over the mesh dependent methods. Due to the wide range
of the application of the one-dimensional linear parabolic equation, several numerical
together with the initial condition and Dirichlet boundary conditions of the form:
Finite difference, and Finite element methods. The finite element methods are
implemented by the Crank-Nicolson method. This method does not always converge to
the exact solutions for coarser step lengths. He got the accurate approximate solution with
the length of time-step k=0.001 on 0 < t <1. The method applied is not efficient as it
requires longer CPU time and large memory size. Hooshmandasl et al., in [9] used
heat equation. They applied different wavelet families and the wavelet coefficients were
Chebyshev wavelet method with operational matrices of integration for the solution of
the one-dimensional heat equation with Dirichlet boundary conditions which is fast,
mathematically simple, and guarantees the necessary accuracy for a relatively small
number of grid points. This confirms that the method is not accurate for a relatively large
number of grid points and is difficult to apply for high dimension geometric spaces.
Greengard and Li in [11] also developed an explicit method for solving inhomogeneous
heat equation in free space, following the time evolution of the solution in the Fourier
domain. The error in the solution is simply the quadrature error in evaluating the solution
and the solution is dependent on the full time-space history of the diffusion process with
the time-step k=0.0025 and they got the accurate solution for finer spatial step-length and
time step. So, the method has required high cost regarding storage capacity in the
computational domain.
Kalyanil and Rao in [10] solved the one-dimensional heat equation by using double
interpolation. They used the finite difference method for double interpolation method to
solve the one-dimensional heat equation, but the method gives better accuracy only for
small step length and is difficult to compute the solution in a complex computational
domain. Even though the accuracy of the aforementioned methods is promising, they
require large memory and long computational time. Besides, the methods are not suitable
for higher-dimensional and problems involving complex geometries. So, the treatment of
the mesh-size presents severe difficulties that have to be addressed to ensure the accuracy
Tatari and Dehghan in [14] solved the heat equation using radial basis functions. They
applied the Gaussian radial basis functions for obtaining the solution of the heat equation.
The solution diverges when shape parameters are: 0.5,1, and 2.As compared to the exact
solution, the approximate solution needs further improvement. To this end, this paper
aims to construct an efficient and accurate numerical method for solving a one-
2. Preliminaries
The differential quadrature method is one of the most efficient numerical methods to
developed by Bellman R. and Castiin 1971 as cited in [17]. A variety of methods have
quadrature (PDQ) and the Fourier-expansion-based differential quadrature methods
(FDQ) [17]. The basic idea behind the DQ method is to determine the weighting
coefficients for any order derivatives by using a weighted sum of functional values at a
set of selected grid points [4]. PDQ and FDQM are highly efficient methods by using a
small number of grid points, they are not efficient when the number of grid points is large
and they are also sensitive to grid point distribution. While the PDQ and FDQ methods
can obtain accurate results using only a small number of grid points, they are mesh-based
To overcome the limitations for the applications of the DQ method, a new class of
methods called mesh-free methods has surfaced. Each class of methods offers numerous
and, in many ways, complementary benefits. In the ideal case, we seek a method defined
on arbitrary geometries that behaves regularly in any dimension and avoids the cost of
mesh generation. The ability to locally refine areas of interest in a practical fashion is also
desirable. Fortunately, mesh-free methods provide all of these properties: based wholly
on a set of independent points in n-dimensional space, there is a minimal cost for mesh
generation, and refinement is as simple as adding new points where they are needed. A
today revolves around Radial Basis Functions (RBFs). This method is called the radial
basis function differential quadrature method (RDQM). RBF methods are based on a
space [2]..
2.2. Radial Basis Function
has been radicalized by composition with the Euclidean norm on . RBFs may have a
free parameter, called the shape parameter, denoted by c. RBFs are a class of radially
Here, the value of the univariate function is a function of the Euclidean distance from
i. Multiquadric RBF:
These radial basis functions (except TPS) are parametric functions with shape (control)
parameter c. They are smooth and continuously differentiable functions. Except for
theMultiquadraic RBF, interpolation matrices of these radial basis functions are positive
definite, but the interpolation matrices for Multiquadraic is conditional positive definite
[18]. The RBFs are usually divided into global and local support RBFs. It is said to be
global approach uses information from every center in the domain to approximate a
function value or derivative at a single point. In contrast, the local method only uses a
Therefore, for any scattered set of point N with center the radial basis interpolation
from the matrix for . The choice of the basic functions will determine
which methods are available for solving system of interpolation and whether such
a solution even exists. If the interpolation matrix is symmetric positive definite, then the
3. Description of the Method, Results, and Discussion
, (3.1)
, (3.2)
, (3.3)
Multiquadric RBF was proposed by Hardy as cited by Ding et al. in [5] for the
, where are a shape parameter and >0. For time-dependent problems, the
, (3.4)
, where is the number of grid points in the direction of the spatial variable , is the
temporal variable.
where and
positive definite.
definite function.
Therefore, by the above definition and theorems, the interpolation matrix resulting from
MQ-RBFs is invertible, smooth, and continuously differentiable on its domain. Thus, the
first and second-order derivatives of multiquadric radial basis functions are given by:
From the primary idea of the differential quadrature method, Eq. (3.1) can be
expressed as a linear combination of functional values at each grid point. It is given as:
, (3.7)
Here, are the weighting coefficients. Since is a basis function for one-
a linear combination of these basis functions using the properties of linear independence
of vector in vector space. Now for any constant and at least one of such that
, (3.8)
, (3.9)
, (3.10)
, and
Since is global support of RBFs it produces a dense matrix A. By theorems 3.2.1 and
3.2.2 the matrix A is conditional positive definite and non-singular. Therefore, the system
For a large number of , the system in Eq. (3.13) is ill-conditioned. This is because of
the presence of shape parameter “ ” that affects both the condition number of the
interpolation matrices and the accuracy of the method. For a fixed number of
interpolation points N, the condition number depends on the shape parameter and
support of the RBFs. Also, the condition number grows with for fixed value of the
Now the weighting coefficients (w) can be obtained from the linear system of the
equation given in Eq. (3.13) by using the Gaussian-Elimination method. In this case, the
By row operation, the augmented matrix is changed to the upper triangular matrix.
Then, the coefficient vector can be used to approximate the second-order derivative
in the x-direction for unknown smooth function at nodes. From the procedure of DQ
approximation of derivatives, it can be observed that the weighting coefficients are only
dependent on the selected RBFs and the distribution of the supporting points in the local
support [5].
From Eqs. (3.1-3.3), (3.8), (3.10), and (3.12), the resulting system of initial-boundary
, (3.20)
, (3.21)
The Root Mean Square (RMS) error ( ), maximum absolute error ( ) are used to
measure the accuracy of the method. The RMS error and maximum absolute error are
, (3.23)
Here, and are the exact and approximation solutions of Eqs. (3.1),
, , ,
, ,
The numerical results are presented in tables in terms of and as the means
Table 1.Point wise absolute error, root mean square error, and Condition Number of
Our Method
Shape parameter c
1 6.2787E-02 6.3100E-01 1.0457E+12
Shape parameter c
Table 2. Pointwise absolute error, root mean square error, and Condition number of
Our Method
Shape parameter c
1 3.3389E-01 3.3556E-00 1.0457E+12
Table 3. Pointwise absolute error, root mean square error, and Condition number of
Our Method
Shape parameter c
Figure 1: Graph of the Approximate and Exact solution at &
1 1
0.9 0.9
0.8 0.8
0.7 0.7
0.6 0.6
0.5 0.5
0.4 0.4
0.3 0.3
0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1
0 0
12 12
10 10
120 120
8 100 8 100
6 80 6 80
4 60 4 60
40 40
2 2
20 20
x 0 0
t x 0 0
Figure 2: Surface graphs of example 1 showing the physical behavior of the one-
3.6.1. Discussion
As depicted in Table 1, the present method can generate a convergent numerical solution
when c = 0.5, 1, and 2 at which the method presented by Tatari and Dehghan, 2010 fails
to produce a convergent solution. The condition number of the system matrix of the
1.9676E+19. Thus, the effect of the condition number on the accuracy of the numerical
solution is more significant on the method presented by Tatari and Dehghan, 2010 than
on the numerical solution of the present method. The value in Table 1 confirms this
issue. That is the smaller the value of the less the effect of the condition number on
the accuracy of the approximate solution. As it can also be seen from Tables 1-Table 3,
the condition number of the system matrix is kept constant for the same values of the
shape parameter c in each table. This is because the condition number depends only on
the step length the spatial variable and the shape parameter c. Comparison among Table
1-Table 3 shows that a more accurate result is generated when 0.001. This indicates
that the present method is suitable for problems that require a long time interval.
The simulations presented in Figures 1 and 2 show that the approximate solution obtained
3.6.2. Conclusion
In this thesis, RBFS-DQM is used to solve the one-dimensional Heat equation. First, the
domain is discretized using the uniform step length, and the derivative involving the
spatial variable ’x’ is replaced by the sum of weighting coefficient times the functional
value at each grid point via Multiquadraic radial basis functions. Then the resulting first-
To validate the applicability of the method, one model example is considered and solved
by varying the value of shape parameter c and time-step k and keeping the step-length h
fixed. As can be seen from the numerical results presented in tables and graphs, the
present method is superior to the method developed by Tatari and Dehghan (2010) and
approximates the exact solution very well. In a nutshell, the present method is
conceptually simple, easy to use, and readily adaptable for computer implementation for
The authors are grateful to Jimma University for fully funding the project work so that it
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