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91. If an unicellular microrganism LAB is fed with glucose in laboratory, which of
the following products will be appeared in their respiratory process
1) adenylic acid and absisicacid 2) succinic acid and oxloacetic acid
3) 3-phospho glyceric acid and citricacid
4) 2-phospho glyceric acid and Phosphoenol pyruvic acid
92. Consider the given statements w.r.t to TCA cycle
i) TCA cycle occurs in Escherichia coli
ii) TCA cycle begins with oxidative decarboxylation
iii) PEP is not a product of TCA cycle.
Choose correct one.
1) i and iii only incorrect 2) i and ii only correct
3) iii only correct 4) i, ii, and iii, all are incorrect
93. Match the List I with List II.
List I list II
A. EMP pathway I. Lactic acid
B. TCA Cycle II. Phosphoenolpruvic acid
C. Electron transport chain III. Malic acid
D. Anaerobic respiration IV. NADH dehydrogenase
Choose the correct option from option given below
(A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D)
94. Observe the given DNA.

How many DNA fragments are generated, if the DNA which appears in the above
diagram is digested with a restriction enzyme having 3 recognition sites.
1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 4
95. Which of the following is correct ascending order of products w.r.t to carbon
number in E.coli respiration
a) Glucose – 6 – phosphate b) Succinic acid
c) Pyruvic acid d) Carbon dioxide
e) ethanol
1) d → e → c → b → a 2) d → e → c → a
3) a → b → c → e → d 4) e → d → c → b → a
96 Read the statements given below and state TRUE or FALSE.
A) the first condensed product of TCA cycle commercially produced by plant.
B) For Commercial production of ethanol, Saccharomyces is used
C) Anaerobic respiration process yields ethanol in bacteria.
State true or false
1) TTT 2) TFT 3) FTT 4) FTF
97. Which of the following plant growth regulator is a derivative of one of the
accessory pigments in photosynthesis.
1) kinetin 2) zeatin 3) 2, 4 – D 4) ABA
98. Assertion: Ethylene hormone helps the plants to increase the absorption
Reason: root hair formation and root growth is promoted by Ethylene.
1) Both Assertion and Reason are true and the Reason is the correct explanation
of the Assertion
2) Both Assertion and Reason are true, but the Reason is not correct explanation
of the Assertion
3) Assertion is true, but Reason is false
4) Assertion is false and Reason is true
99. PGR X accelerates abscission in fruits and flowers of cherry plants
PGR Y promotes the abscission of older, mature fruits and leaves of plants.
1) X and Y are ethylene and gibberillic acid respectively
2) X and Y are auxin and ethylene respectively
3) X and Y are auxin and absisic acid respectively
4) X and Y are ethylene and auxin respectively
100. Assertion: One of the necessary conditions for plant growth is nutrients besides
oxygen and water.
Reason: Nutrients are required for the synthesis of protoplasm and source of
energy in plants
1) Both Assertion and Reason are true and the Reason is the correct explanation
of the Assertion
2) Both Assertion and Reason are true, but the Reason is not correct explanation
of the Assertion
3) Assertion is true, but Reason is false
4) Assertion is false and Reason is true
101. Select the correct plant in which internode elongation takes place due to simple
gaseous PGR.
1) beet 2) Deep water rice plants
3) Cabbage 4) All of the above
102. Observe the given figure with labelling A,B,C and D.

Which of the following structures are involved in the formation of megaspore

mother cell?
1) A only 2) C only 3) D only 4) A and C
103. Given below are two statements
Statement I : Humidity and temperature has no impact on pollen viability in
the member of plants.
Statement II : Liquid nitrogen facilitates to maintain pollenbanks in crop
breeding programmes.
1) Only Statement-II is correct 2) Only Statement-I is correct
3) Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct
4) Both Statement-I and Statement-II are incorrect
104. Select the suitable option w.r.t to favourable for insect pollination
1) Small flowers but clustered into inflorescence 2) Small and nectarless flowers
3) Large flowers and fragrant 4) both 1 and 3
105. Assertion : Grasses are perfect example for Apomixis.
Reason : Fruits are formed without fertilization in grasses.
1) Both Assertion and Reason are true and the Reason is the correct explanation
of the Assertion
2) Both Assertion and Reason are true, but the Reason is not correct explanation
of the Assertion
3) Assertion is true, but Reason is false
4) Assertion is false and Reason is true
106. Select the incorrect match.
1) Nectar is a usual floral reward → Insect pollination
2) Observed in mostly monocots → Wind pollination
3) Observed in water lily → Pollination by water
4) observed in many flowering plants → Pollination by Butterflies
107. Identify from the given below characters studied by Gregor mendel which is not
a post fertilisation structure related character.
1) colour of seed 2) colour of pod
3) height of stem 4) shape of seed
108. Which of the following allele will not be expressed in heterozygous condition.
1) Dominant allele 2) recessive allele
3) modified allele 4) more than one option
109. Which of the following is correctly matched?
1) Mendels experiments in true breeding pea   Self pollination
2) Green pod colour   Recessive trait
3) Second principle of inheritance 
 Law of seggregation
4) Example of codominance 
 Antirrhinum species
110. In a monohybrid cross between Red pureline ( dominant ) and white pureline
( recessive ) produced 220 plants in its F2 generation.
Choose the correct option w.r.t its genotypes
RR rr Rr
1) 55 110 55
2) 65 65 100
3) 55 65 100
4) 55 55 110
111. Choose the correct option with respect to ploidy by considering given below.
Megaspore mother cell, nucellus, Endosperm, Synergid
1) n, 2n, 3n, 2n 2) 2n, 2n, 3n, 2n 3) 2n, 2n, 3n, n 4) n, 2n, 3n, n
112. Read the statements. State True or False.
A) By observing many monohybrid crosses in pea plants mendel proposed first
law that is Law of Dominance.
B) Morgan conducted many dihybrid crosses to study sex linked genes in
1) T F 2) T T 3) F T 4) F F
113. Mark the odd one w.r.t to monohybrid cross in F2 generation. Consider
character shape of seed (R).
Genotype Frequency Genotype Frequency
1) rr 25% 2) Rr 25%
3) RR 25% 4) Rr 50%
114. The sequence of genes on chromosomes is ABC. What would be the cross over
frequency between A and B, A and C and C and B.
1) A & B → 20% A & C → 10% C & B → 10%
2) A & B → 20% A & C → 30% C & B → 10%
3) A & B → 30% A & C → 20% C & B → 10%
4) A & B → 10% A & C → 10% C & B → 30%
115. Match the List – I with List – II
List – I List - II
(I) Rediscovering mendels (A) 1972
results on the inheritance
of characters
(II) Experimental proof for (B) 1958
semiconservative DNA
(III) Construction of first (C) 1900
recombinant DNA
(I) (II) (III) (I) (II) (III)
1) C B A 2) A B C
3) B C A 4) C A B
116. Consider given below w.r.t DNA
(i) predominant genetic material (ii) double helical structure
(iii) hydrophilic molecule (iv) negatively charged
(v) does not undergo mutation.
How many are true for DNA?
1) 5 2) 4 3) 3 4) 2
117. Due to an unexpected mutation takes place in the bacterial genome, it produced
DNA dependent DNA polymerase whose polymerisation rate is 500 bps/sec
which is unusual. How does this mutation affect the replication time?
Choose the appropriate option from given below w.r.t. replication time.
1) Replication time is as usual 2) Replication takes less than 1 hour
3) Replication is arrested 4) replication takes more than 1 hour
118. Statement I : The order and sequence of amino acids are defined by sequence of
bases in the messenger RNA.
Statement II : Each and every amino acid have structural specialities to read
the code uniquely.
1) Statement-I is true, but Statement-II is false
2) Statement-I is false, but Statement-II is true
3) Both Statement-I and Statement-II are true
4) Both Statement-I and Statement-II are false
119. How many meiotic divisions are involved to produce 32 embryosacs ( female
gametophytes) in the flower, the fascinating organ of angiosperms?
1) 4 (four) 2) 16 (Sixteen) 3) 32 (thirty two) 4) 64 (sixty four)
120. Identify the image given below

Choose the correct option.

Codon Amino acid Codon Amino acid
1) TTC Leu 2) TTG Glycine
3) UUG Leu 4) UUG Glycine
121. Which of the following is correct soluble RNA and enzymatic RNA pair in given
1) r-RNA and t-RNA 2) t-RNA and mRNA
3) t-RNA and 5sr RNA 4) t-RNA and 23 srRNA
122. Match the List – I with List – II
Column – I Column - II
(A) Swiss cheese (I) CH4
(B) Anaerobic sludge (II) Enriching N2 content in soil
(C) BOD (III) Large amount of CO2
(D) Azospirillum (IV) Amount of O2 consumption
(V) Absorption of Phosphorous (P)
(A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D)
123. Which of the following microbe involves in the production of cyclosporin - A
bioactive molecule?
1) Staphylococcus 2) Saccharomyces cerevisiae
3) Trichoderma polysporum 4) Propionobacterium sharmanii
124. W.r.t to sewage water treatment
A) untreated sewage causes waterborne diseases due to direct discharge into
B) increasing urbanisation causes more sewage production
C) sewage contains large organic matter & microbes
1) Only A is correct 2) Only A and B are correct
3) Only A and C are correct 4) A,B,C all are correct
125. Observe the image given below:

Select the correct description about the given figure.

1) It is a rod shaped Tobacco mosaic virus
2) It is involved in the production of Swiss cheese
3) It is used in the experiment of Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase.
4) It shows motility with numerous flagella.
126. Assertion : Heterotrophic microbes play major role in treatment of sewage water.
Reason : There were many man made technologies which are much better than
microbial treatment of sewage water.
1) Both Assertion and Reason are true and the Reason is the correct explanation
of the Assertion
2) Both Assertion and Reason are true, but the Reason is not correct explanation
of the Assertion
3) Assertion is true, but Reason is false
4) Assertion is false and Reason is true
127. Assertion: Although genetic code is universal some organisms are exception for
Reason: UUU triplet does not code for Phenylalanine amino acid in protozoans.
1) Both Assertion and Reason are true and the Reason is the correct explanation
of the Assertion
2) Both Assertion and Reason are true, but the Reason is not correct explanation
of the Assertion
3) Assertion is true, but Reason is false
4) Assertion is false and Reason is true
128 Statement A : Bacteriophage function as a cloning vector.
Statement B : Normal E.coli cells carry resistance against many of the
antibiotics such as Amphicillin, tetracyclin etc.,
1) Only Statement-II is correct 2) Only Statement-I is correct
3) Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct
4) Both Statement-I and Statement-II are incorrect
129. Which of the following are not necessarily essential for separation and isolation
of DNA fragments in biotechnology?
a) electric field b) selectable marker c) matrix d) chilled ethanol
1) a & c 2) b only 3) d only 4) b and d only
130. A recombinant DNA technology expert noticed 20 blue colour colonies and 10
colourless colonies in presence of chromogenic substrate on Bacterial plate
while in the search of desired bacterial colonies in his laboratory
Choose the appropriate option.
1) 20 bacterias have plasmid with insert are the blue colour colonies.
2) 10 bacterias have plasmid without insert are the colourless colony.
3) 10 bacterias have plasmid with insert are the colourless colonies.
4) All of the above
131. Select the total number of correct matching.
i) PCR → polymerase chain rection
ii) Ti plasmid → Tumour inducing plasmid
iii) IPM → Integrated Pollution Management
iv) sn RNAs→ small nuclear RNA
v) NHC → Non histone protiens
vi) IARI → Indian Association of Recombinant Institute
1) 5 2) 6 3) 4 4) 2
132. One of the microbial biocontrol agent’s toxin gene is introduced into a plant by a
twentieth century off-shoot of modern biology.
Choose the appropriate option.
Bio-controlling agent Plant
(1) Agrobacterium Tobacco plant
(2) Trichoderma Cotton plant
(3) Bacillus thuringenesis Cotton
(4) NPV Leguminous plant
133. One of the important tools of recombinant DNA technology namely molecular
scissor may not be found in
A) Snapdragon B) Thermas aquaticus C) Vicia faba D) Zostera
1) B 2) A and C 3) A,B and C 4) A,C and D
134. Consider A and B.
A : Recombinant DNA is directly injected into nucleus of Animal cell.
B : It has the ability to transform normal cells into tumours in plants.
A and B here are
1) genegun and Retrovirus 2) micro injection and T-DNA
3) micro injection and Retrovirus 4) heatshock method and Retrovirus
135. An unicellular eukaryotic organism, euglena synthesizes its protein by
translation mechanism and its protein sequence revealed that it is made of 8
glycines. The probable mRNA sequence of the protein could be
4) either 1 (or) 2 (or) 3


Q.No Key Q.No Key Q.No Key Q.No Key Q.No Key
91 4 101 2 111 3 121 4 131 3
92 3 102 3 112 2 122 2 132 3
93 3 103 1 113 2 123 3 133 4
94 3 104 4 114 2 124 4 134 2
95 2 105 3 115 1 125 3 135 4
96 3 106 3 116 2 126 3
97 4 107 3 117 4 127 1
98 1 108 4 118 1 128 2
99 4 109 3 119 3 129 4
100 1 110 4 120 3 130 3

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